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Banallow Choco-

Red-V Site, Lucena City

Charice A. Antonio
Danica H. Delmo
Freenzy S. Macasinag
Carl Kenneth Aguilar
Executive Summary or Statement of Purpose

Table of Contents

Section One: The Business

A. Description of Business
B. Products/Services
C. Market Analysis
D. Marketing Plan
E. Location
F. Competition
G. Management and Operations
H. Personnel

Section Two: Financial Data

A. Projected Financial Statements
Income Statements
Cash Flow Statements
Balance Sheets
Assumptions to Projected Financial Statements
B. Break Even Analysis
C. Sources and Uses of Funds

Section Three: Supporting Documents

Historical financial statements, tax returns, resumes, reference letters, personal financial
statements, facilities diagrams, letters of intent, purchase orders, contracts, etc.

Section One: The Business

The following pages describe in detail each part (A through I) of the previous
Business Plan Outline. Disregard any questions that do not apply to your business.

A. Description of the Business

Basic Questions:

1) What general type of business is this?

It is a service business which we provide work performed in an expert manner as a
team for the benefit of our customers.

2) What is the status of the business? Start-up, expansion or take-over?

It is a start-up because our business is newly emerged that aims to meet a marketplace
need by developing a viable business model around an innovative product, service,
process or a platform

3) What is the business form? Sole Proprietorship, Partnership, Corporation

or Limited Liability Company?

Our business forms a partnership, which is an arrangement where we agree to

cooperate to advance our mutual interests.

3) What are your products?

Bananas and marshmallows dip in chocolate

4) Who are (will be) your customers?

Everyone in the campus of Manuel S. Enverga University Foundation.

B. Products/Services

Basic Questions:

1) What products/services are you (will you be) selling?

Banana and marshmallow with chocolate coating

2) What are the features and benefits of what you sell?

Our product is a delicious treat that the people will enjoy, but not only that, it is also
good for our health because it includes a banana fruit. This fruit is a great dietary
source of potassium and not only that it has a lot more packed of health benefits.

3) What Position do you have (or want to have) in the market?

We want to have a business having lots of costumers that has our same status.

4) How do your products/services differ from the competition?

Our product is very much affordable and attractive. We also find it unique because
the banana is the main attraction of our product.

5) What makes your products unique and desirable?

Our product is unique from others because of its features. It has a sweet taste and yet
it is healthy.

6) Why do (will) customers buy from you?

We will exert effort like doing sales talk, and we will be asking for help from our
friends. Costumers will love the sweet-smelling appearance of our product.

C. Market Analysis

Questions for Existing Businesses:

1) Who are your current customers? (List largest customers or categories.)

Students and school staff

2) What do they buy from you?

Our sweet product; the banallow choco-dip

3) Why do they buy from you? (Quality, Price, Reputation, etc.?)

Because it is delicious, affordable, and has health benefits.

Basic Questions:

1) Who are the purchasers of your products or type of products? (Geographic,

Demographic and Psychographic characteristics)
Students from Manuel S. Enverga University Foundation

2) What is the size of the market? Is it growing?

A school; it depends on the students who study there.

3) What is (will be) your share? How will your share change over time?

A little money that we can share, because we’re just students we don’t have a lot
of money to sacrifice. But then it will have profit over time.

4) What is the industry outlook?

Our business will grow in the future if we will work hard and seek for improvement.

5) Are there segments of users who are under-served by competition?

None, because our business is not divided and we work equally as a whole.

6) Do any of these under-served segments present opportunities?

Our business gives opportunities to us and others to grow subjectively and may
benefit others by having side-line.

D. Marketing Plan

Product Strategies

1) How will products be packaged?

It’ll be impaled in barbeque sticks and will be packed in a container.

2) How broad will your product line be?

We will not make a stall; instead we’ll go for selling the products with us.

3) What new products will you introduce?

Maybe soon we’ll try another fruit to have a different taste.

4) What Position or Image will you try to develop or reinforce?

We would like to be a role model to our fellow students; having the characteristics of
being optimistic and hardworking.

Pricing Strategies

1) What will be your pricing strategies? (For example: Premium, Every Day
Low Price, Frequent Sale Prices, Meet Competitor Price, etc.)

Meet competitor price

2) How will you compare with competition and how will they respond?

We will be having a draft box, which can help us to know the side of our costumers,
and also we can conduct a survey to know something about our competitors.

3) Why will customers pay your price?

Because we have a healthy and unique product that is more importantly affordable.

4) What will be your credit policies?

We will seek for the improvement of our product and use the money for that

5) Is there anything about your business which insulates you from price

Maybe, the demand or the wants of the costumers may be a factor.

6) Can you add value and compete on issues other than price?

We always want what’s best for our costumers, so we will value our costumers’
wants and always go to improve for them.
Promotional Strategies

1) Who are your Target Markets?

Students from Manuel S. Enverga University Foundation.

2) How will you reach your Target Markets? (What Media will you use?)

We can use Facebook page in advertising our product.

3) How will you motivate them to buy? (What Message will you stress?)

We will reveal some of the health benefits of the banana fruit and the marshmallow as

4) What is the cost and timetable for implementation of the marketing plan?

We estimated the whole cost of our start-up business around 300-500 pesos that will
last for a week or more.

E. Location

Basic Questions:

1) What is the business address?

Red-V, Site of Lucena City

2) Is it owned or leased? If leased, what are the terms?


3) Are renovations or modifications needed, and what are the costs?

We have no renovation because we’re not planning to build a stall.

4) Describe the property and the surrounding area.

The location is owned by the Enverga University.

5) Why is this a good location for your business?

Because our target customers are students, so it is good to have our business in the

F. Competition
Basic Questions:

1) Who are (will be) your largest competitors? List them.

My fellow students who’re also having their own business and other business owners
who have same category.

2) How will your operation be better (and worse) than your competitors?

As we’ve said earlier we will always go for the improvement.

3) How are competitors doing? What are their sales and profits?

For now, they are doing fine since our business is just a start-up we need to work hard
to come up with the pressure.

4) (If Start-Up) How will competition respond to your market entry?

We will address our business by having an advertisement using social media and sales

G. Management and Operations

Basic Questions:

1) What is the business management experience of the management team?

The Business management experience of the manage team is it could be unpredictable

to be done because the legitimacy and endorsement of products are well to be known and
we will have more amazing experience that will be brought to the consumers and to the
whole team.

2) What are the functional areas of the business?

The functional areas of the business will be inside the campus; we would bring it with
us as we roam around the campus.

3) Who will be responsible for each functional area?

Each of us will be responsible for each functional area. We would provide an amazing
endorsement and helping out ourselves about the products that we will produce.

4) Who reports to whom?

The reports will be sent out to whom will need it. Reports that who will be assign on
the each task of contributing the products aside from the resources that will be sent out to
the main course men.

5) What will salaries be?

The salaries will be upon on our sales and will be calculated the overall cash that we
have made. Then, the money will be equally split to each of us. This is a partnership; the
money will be equally shared and no one is getting more or less.

6) What management resources outside the company are available?

There will be management resources that will be available so we will make plans with
them in order to have bigger sales and make more products. We will be brought in and
out of our target market, not just to have bigger sales but to share the legitimacy of the
products we’ve made.

7) How will your products/services be produced? (Describe manufacturing processes,

proprietary technology and key supplier relationships.)

Peel and cut each banana in half crosswise and insert a stick into each half. Add some
marshmallows and place it on a tray, cover with plastic wrap and place in the freezer until
frozen, about 3 hours. Melt the chocolate in the top of a double boiler over slightly
simmering water, over the lowest possible heat, stirring frequently. Make sure the water
is not touching the bottom of the top pan. Pour the melted chocolate into a tall glass. Dip
each frozen banana into the chocolate, turning it to coat, and we can add some sprinkles
for more design. Place on a tray covered in waxed paper. Serve immediately or wrap
individually in plastic wrap or waxed paper. Serve immediately in plastic wrap or waxed
paper and freeze for up to 2 weeks.

Our Banallow Choco-Dip can be alternative in a different dessert treat. All of our
Banallow Choco-Dip is dipped in a specially formulated semi-sweet dark chocolate that
delivers a burst of flavor as it melts in your mouth. When combined with the natural
goodness of premium bananas, the result is a savory dessert.

H. Personnel
Basic Questions:

1) What are the personnel needs now? In the future?

More time to spend in doing the business and money.

2) What skills must they have? What training will you provide?

Patience, optimism and hard work

3) Are the people you need available?

Yes, we already talked about the people around us

4) What is their compensation? What fringe benefits will be provided?

We can give promotions and reward to our dear customers as a thank you for them.
Giving them discounts can be served as

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