Diminishing Reading Habits

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I’m Sv.Pethaa of class XII-K , it is indeed my great pleasure to present a speech in

front of the distinguished audience, and I thank our english teaher Mr.
for giving me this oppertinuity.

Now I’m going to speak on the topic ‘Diminishing reading habits among young

Reading is the most inexpensive hobby that contributes to the making of our
personality . In this electronic world of gadjets like computers, smartphones, and
other similar devices, teenagers , particularly those in urban areas , seem to have
lost interest in reading. The world of books is disappering fast from one’s life,
leaving no room for development of intelligence and skill in this area. We have
entered the new millenium without the power of books.

For teenagers life is an attraction, but book reading is seen as so dismal, that
school and college students hardly read books. However, they fail to realise the
advantages of reading. It not only improves writing skills, but also verbal
communication skills, which are absolutely necessary in this age of atomation.
Further, book reading instils a lot of moral and ethical values in a person. Those
People who don't read, lack intellectual skills and they are also unaware about
certain major issues of life.

So, I appeal to all to please acquire the reading habit as it would be highly
beneficial in the long run.

And now I would like to end my speech by saying, Books give a soul to the
universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination, and life to everything.

Thank you.

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