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Being fluent in two or more languages provide you the andvantage of monolingual applicants in work

interviews. As the world becomes more global, there is a increasing demand for people who can interact
in various languages. According to United States. Department of labor estimates that there will be a 42%
rise in demand for translator and interpreters over the next decade. Even if you don't wan to work as an
interpreters as long as you can able to interact professionally in another language it can be your best
asset. If the stu

Even you are not that fluent in speaking in other Foreign language you can still find a job, like
programmers, local call centers etc. Even you are not that good in english it doesnt mean that you will
never find job, and it is not only on how fluent you are in F.L its all about how good your work is, being a
productive Person. There are peoole that fluent, know well F.L fluent speaking of F.L but no sense at all,

Before promoting F.L the school must know or consider first the opinion, interests of the students
regarding this matter

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