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Trophies: Wrecking Ball, Tourist, Around the World, Around and

Around We Go

Batman is a Hybrid of Agile and Gadget.

AGILE Characters Jump off stuff and bash faces on them
GADGET Characters can Jump off stuff and also leave bombs
POWER Characters Throw everything


(Trophy will ding after you exit practice and finish all interactibles)

1. Bat Bombs (Far Left perform HARD combo’s to expose)
2. Bat Computer
3. Batmobile Rockets
*Transition on Right to Lagoon*
1. Elevator (Agile/Bomb)
2. Machine in Air (Electric Cables Also)
3. Barrels (on far right past crates)
*Transition on Left to Crime Lab*
Gotham City
1. Bat Signal (Agile/Gadget/Power)
2. Air Conditioner (Agile/Gadget/Power)
3. Helicopter
4. Water Tower
*Transition on Right to Alley
1. Ace Chemicals Tanker (Agile/Power)
2. Dumpster
3. Fire Hydrant (Agile/Power)
4. Blue Hanging Parking Sign (Agile/Power)
*Transition on Left to Rooftops*
1. Flaming Brazier (Agile/Power)
2. Chains (Agile)
3. Lion Heads (Power)
4. Central Statue
5. Tree (Agile/Power)
*Transition on Left to Port*
1. Cannon (Agile/Power)
2. Rope (Agile)
3. Hanging Barrels (Agile/Power)
4. Stacked Barrels
*Transition on Right to Temple*
Arkham Asylum and Joker’s Asylum
1. Inmate Table (Agile/Power)
2. Poisonous Flower (Agile/Power)
3. TV’s
4. Frozen Pipe
*Transition on Right to Mess Hall*
1. Stove (Agile/Gadget/Power)
2. Pig
3. Stone Face’s
4. Chandelier
*Transition on Right to Cell Block*
1. Pipe in Air
2. Monitors (Agile/Power)
3. Pink Turbine
*Transition on Left to Luthor’s Lab*
1. Mech Suit (Agile/Gadget/Power)
2. Laser
3. Lights
4. Console (Agile/Power)
*Transition on Right to Command Center*
1. Spaceship Controls
2. Flying Robot
3. Center Console
4. Mini Moon (Agile/Gadget/Power)
5. Computer Terminal (Agile/Gadget/Power)
*Transition on Left to Reactor*
1. Exhaust Valve
2. Flying Robot
3. Center Console
4. Laser (Agile/Power)
*Transition on Right to Bridge*
Stryker’s Island
1. Robot Guard (Agile/Gadget/Power)
2. Turret (Agile/Power)
3. Metallo (Agile/Gadget/Power)
4. Cryo Pod (Agile/Gadget/Power)
*Transition on Left to Yard*
1. Weights (Agile/Gadget/Power)
2. Gorilla Grodd
3. Explosive Barrels
4. Giant Generator (Agile/Gadget/Power)
*Transition on Right to Cell Block*
Hall of Justice
1. Star Spangled Girl Statue (Agile/Power)
2. Bust Statue (Agile/Gadget/Power)
3. Patrol Drone (Agile/Power)
4. Fountain
5. Robot (Agile/Gadget/Power)
*Transition on Right to Great Hall*
1. Watchtower Replica (Agile/Gadget/Power)
2. Red Hanging Planet (Agile/Gadget/Power)
3. Hanging Ship (Agile/Power)
4. Teleporters on Ground
*Transition on Right to Plaza*
1. Left Water Tank (Agile/Power)
2. Glass Sphere (Agile/Gadget/Power)
3. Throne
4. Water Pipe (Agile Only)
5. Stone Tablet (Agile/Gadget/Power)
6. Right Water Tank (Agile/Power)
1. Jet Engine (Air)
2. Tool Box (Agile/Power)
3. Hanging Missile (Agile/Gadget/Power)
4. Green Tall Tanks (Agile/Power)
5. Rockets (Agile/Power)
1. Ship (Agile/Gadget/Power)
2. Doomsday
3. Hanging Crystal
4. Phantom Zone Laser (Upper Cut)
*Transition on Right to Menagerie*
1. Bug in Hanging Container (Agile/Gadget/Power)
2. Starfish (Agile/Gadget/Power)
3. Portals
*Transition on Left to Laboratory*
Metropolis (Tourist Trophy)
1. Yellow Car (Agile/Gadget/Power)
2. Security Truck (Upper Cut)
3. Hover Car (Agile/Gadget/Power)
*Transition on Right to Rooftops*
1. Power Conduit (Agile/Gadget/Power)
2. Security Bot (Agile/Power)
*Transition on Right to Museum*
1. RPG and Gas Canister (HEAVY Damage will knock both into
2. Helicopter (Power)
3. Tail Blade (Agile)
4. Hanging Car (Agile/Gadget/Power)
5. Display Case (Hold Back and Press X to juggle an enemy into it)
*Transition on Left to Street*
Wayne Manor (Day and Night)
1. Red Car (Agile/Gadget/Power)
2. Fountain
3. Motorcycle (Agile/Power)
4. Gargoyles (Agile/Gadget/Power)
*Transition on Right to the Great Room*
1. Suit of Armor (Agile/Gadget/Power)
2. Chair
3. Table
4. Chandelier (Agile/Power)
5. Piano (Agile/Power)
6. Samurai Armor (Agile/Gadget/Power)
*Transition on Left to Entrance*

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