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A Reaction Paper on the “War on Drugs”

by Group 1

Philippines has been on a state of dilemma as the country is battling to win over
crisis and most specially, illegal trade and use of drugs. A UN World Drug Report also
tagged the Philippines as the country having the highest rate of ‘shabu’ use in the whole
East of Asia. This matter outraged President Duterte and pins this as one of his top priority
for the betterment of the country.

Throughout the campaign of President Duterte, he stated that this war is going to
be ‘bloody’ and impend that the ‘drug lords’, drug users and pushers should surrender
their selves to the cops. As his administration started, 600,000 people have turned in their
selves; and for us, it’s remarkable that the current administration is doing well than that
of the recent one in addressing this rampant issue.

Inevitable critics have paved way to stop the President on this war since for them,
his method is ‘inhumane’ as the number of people killed on police operations have slightly
increased. In our view on this, his method is the same as what the past admin has been
doing, only that the President is just being belligerent to stop this war as soon as possible.

These Filipinos who resort on drugs are either curious, poor, or well-off—the poor’s
last resort to gain money, the rich’s resort to gain MORE money. Is being on the illegal
drug trade the only thing to gain money? How about getting a more decent job? The
money flow in illegal drugs may be fast, but you’re only putting yourself atop a swinging
blade waiting to fall on you.

Crystal Methamphetamine widely known in the Philippines as ‘shabu’ have highly

dangerous effects on humans when abused—includes insomnia, confusion,
hallucinations, anxiety and paranoia. In some cases, use can cause convulsions that lead
to death. Now, is it worth the take on this? Is it worth to trade drugs and your life?

We are bothered and saddened at the same time that there are people who thinks
those packs with different comprising grams of crystal meth can improve their way of
living. We are hopeful that this war we have yet won will finally end and win against the
dangers of ‘illegal drugs’; for our nation, our families, and for ourselves.

Libres, PA
Abergido, AM
Betualia, CM
Hormillosa, KC
Asunto, AR
Taburada, CJ

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