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METODO DE LECTURA VELOZ: SCANNING Ota de los métodos para una lecturaveloz_— es elscanning 0 escaneo, conocida también come ectura de exploracién. Un ejemplo de escanear un texto es cuando buscas un mimero en Ja gnia telefénica, que no lees todos los nombres sino que buseas uno especifico, o también cuando duseas una palabra en el diccionario. Esti claro que no leeris todo para encontrar la definicién que estés buscando. El scanner de un texto resulta muy dtil cuando necesitas encontrar informacién especifiea que ya conoces de antemano y no tienes tiempo de leerlo todo. Es decir que es un inétodo se utiliza cuando sabes previameute que estis buscando. Para escanear un texto lo que debes hacer es mover los ojos ripidamente en la pagina a fin de encontiar ese dato particular que se esta buscando. Se trata mas que nada de ia “ayuda de localizacién”para buscar cifras, fechas o frases clave Para localizar una respuesta mientras escaneas un texto debes identificar en que parrafos puede encontrarse esa respuesta. Por ejemplo, si lo que buscas es ma fecha y ves rapidamente que ea un pérrafo no hay niimeros, entonces esta claro que ahi no estara, Fijate también en lo que dicen los encabezados: las primeras oraciones te darn una idea de qué se est hablando, y es probable que si aplicas el skimming puedas determinar si abi estar ono la informacién que buseas. Como con todas las téenicas de lectura, tanto el scanner como el skimming te resultarin unis efectivas cuanto muds las practiqnes, Y recuerda que pueden resulta muy provechosas para el repaso de lo estudiado, pero no eximen de leer el material completo. READING 2 INTRODUCTION TO APP DEVELOPME! One of the more popular forms of coding in recent times is the creation of applications, or apps, that run on mobile devices like phones and tablets. You probably use a range of different apps in your everyday life. Wouldn't it be cool to create one of your own? There are many perks of being a developer in the booming app industry. Quite a few people make a good living developing and selling apps, and you have the opportunity to be one of them. You could even become the next Nick D’Aloisio, who famously sold his iPhone app, Summly, to Yahoo! for $30m. Plus, it’s the best way to get your work into people’s pockets! App Development Overview Mobile apps are developed for a certain platform, and the two most popular platforms today are iOS and Android The iOS platform powers apps built for Phone and iPad. To develop an app for iPhone o: iPad, you need to use the Objective-C coding language and the Cocoa framework. You also need to use an IDE (integrated development environment) called Xeode, Note that Xeode only runs on the Mae, so you will need a Mac to make an iOS app. Android apps are developed with the Java coding language and the Android Software Development Kit, which runs on Mac, PC or Linux. You also need to use an IDE such as Eclipse There are other mobile platforms such as Windows Phone, but iOS and Android are definitely the most popular. Most training focuses on these platforms. Ways to Learn App Development If you want to develop iPhone and iPad apps, one place where you can lea is the iOS Dev Center. This is a free online resource provided by Apple, which contains starter guides, tutorials, videos and documentation. For Android app development, the equivalent resource is the Android Developers Training. This training is a series of articles that walks you through how to make your first app, starting with the basics In addition to these official resources, you may also want to try other training. You may find that books and online taining are more digestible and understandable. Online Training ‘Aside fiom the official resourees, there is plenty of unofficial app development training on ‘the Intemet. If you are totally new to coding, mobile app development may not be the best place to start. It’s better to start by leaming web coding, which is much more beginner- friendly. Then, when you do graduate to app development, you'll have a solid understanding of coding basies Answer these questions as fast as you can: 1, What is the most common way to coding nowadays? What is the best form to reach the pockets of the people? 3. What are the most important platforms to develop mobile apps? 4, What is necessary to develop a mobile application on a platform iOS and Android? What is the suggested place to leam a development iPhone and iPad apps? 6. What is the equivalent resource for Android Developer Training? 7. What does the author recommend to begin learning to develop apps?

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