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In the introduction they tell us about Sherlock Holmes, who is a great detective and Watson, his friend, who

writes these

They make a short summary of the stories in the book, then describe the life of the author who was born in an Irish
family, his father was an alcoholic and studied in a Catholic school then studied medicine and then began to write and
was very successful. especially Sherlock Holmes was the most famous character he wrote.

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Watson begins by telling that he lived with Sherlock Holmes on Barker Street. When this case begins of a girl who arrives
very early, and they received her in the room, Watson describes the young lady as dressed in black, with her face

she was trembling with fear.

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Then Sherlock Holmes starts talking to the lady, asking her if she had gone by train, and why was she so scared?

She tells him that he left early and took a train to Waterloo. and I got there because I needed Sherlock Holmes to help
her and Mrs. Farintosh. He told him that he could help him.


the young girl introduces herself by her name helen stoner and lives with her stepfather who was from a family that
used to be rich in surrey The roylotts of Stoke Moran. Helena had a twin sister, stepfather studied medicine and went to
Calcutta to work as a doctor. He was very successful but one day I killed an employee of him. He went to India and
married the lady's mother. Helena's mother had a lot of money and left a part of money for when they married.

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the stepfather was very antisocial, he only spoke with some travelers who left to camp in the forest, besides he likes the
dangerous animals of india. Helena's sister died 2 years ago shortly before she got married and that was the reason why
Helena was visiting Sherlock Holmes.

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Miss tells the details of the night of her sister's death. She said that the first room was that of the doctor after that of
her sister and the last one of hers. That night her sister told her that she heard whistles in the night and asked if she
heard them too.

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she told sherlock holmes that they locked their rooms, and that night she could not sleep, and then she heard a scream
from her sister she ran to her sister's room and heard the whistle and the blow of a metal, then She saw her sister and
arm as she fell before her die said the band was the spotted band.

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They tried to save her life but it was not like that. the police did not find the cause of death of her death, the police said
he was alone and had no marks of violence.

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so little was poison. the young lady says that the 2 years was very lonely but recently a young man proposed marriage
and she accepted. but 2 days ago I had to sleep in the room that belonged to her sister and I whistled the whistles she
was very scared she could not sleep and I hope the sun came out to go where Sherlock Holmes

Holmes found a blow to her wrist which was caused by her stepfather.

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Sherlock Holmes asks her if she can go and investigate his house without the doctor noticing. she says yes. and in the
afternoon they are seen.

Then Sherlock Holmes and Watson talk about what they think of the case.

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Sherlock Holmes believes that the doctor is guilty and at that moment the stepfather of the young lady enters the room
intimidating Holmes and Watson. I also ask what his daughter had said. holes did not answer any of your questions. *

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