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·0 If dont write please choice 1st one

·1 use メイプルの手帳 can check pure (清純度), sexual desire (性欲) and hormone (フェ

·2 1st town upper left church, talk to priest pay $ can add pure

·3 pure low can learn new recover magic

·4 If use recover skill will up sexual desire (性欲)

·5 sexual desire over 51, some place will pop heart icon for masturbation

·6 masturbation in inn's bed has 4H (1st time > pure under 80 > pure under 80 and bought
adult toy > pure 20)

·7 masturbation outside has 2H (pure over 50 or not)

·8 If fight will up hormone (フェロモン), if hormone 100 has heart icon enemy pop, this
mob has GoR

·9 better dont down pure so fast, because some Hscene need high pure, some Other
hscene and normal enemy GoR can do before game clear

·10 bug? 3rd town guild has door can back to 1st town

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