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La U7 FOI NEW YORK Lf 1 1p2° nz gee [7b 90-1 ek T= i ihe Es is 8 5g Descriptions: ‘ } R Y g ppate etestitiee Olt r7 Nf . BL INICR POLAK ETARG CESS O*? NEWSLETTER" ie poy vine 4 3957 Luyaupnapy SESSToNS NEWST; Ro. 7 sg Dear Friends: INTERPLANETARY SESSION NEWSLETTER: : No have not iosued a Newsletter since May 1, 1956 because we had no Space news which we could consider authentic. However, now we have some good news to pass along to yous TECTURE ~ by George Van Tassel and Dan Fry, in Ballroom of Hotel Diplomat, 110 West 43rd Street, New York City, 8 pems Thursday, June 20, 1957. Donation $1.25+ feorge Van Tassel operates: the Gant Rock (California) Spaceport and {izport ana has been host at four annual Spacecraft Conventions, “He 48 {he author of two books: I Rode A Flying Saucer, and into Tits Woria 22d Out Again, He is also the publisher of Proceedings magazine, usually {ssued monthly. Back issues of Proceedings have been reprinted in qe {olimes Address George Van Tassel, P. 0, Box 419, Yucea Valley, California. : Dan Fry 4s the author of The White Sands Incident. In this book he tells the story of a trip which he made ina flying saucer from a desert eroe on the White Sands Proving Ground in New Mexico to New York City and return, in 32 minutes, Dan Fry and another gentleman are now enroute to New York by automobile. George Van Tassel and Art Aho will arrive in Mr. Aho's plane. They all -Plan to be in New York City at Hotel Diplomat on June 17. They will probably be heard next week on Long John's prograni on Radio Station WOR, from 12 midnight to 5:30 in the morning, nightly except Sunday. This letter will not reach you in time to sight flying saucers over New tol York on the night of June 13, from 10 p But there will again be {ult Seale overations of flying saucers over all American areas gh duly 1. This will be in three phases, as follows; ew Woot areas, July 1, 9 aome; Washington, DeC. American areas, after 9:25 s{Gentral American areas, 9:30 AeMe; South American areas, 9:35 “Second Same areas as above, beginning at 12 olclock midsday, July : patra phage: Full scale operations over all Americat argas belt 1g at 7 o'clock on the evening of duly 1. The above infortatiton hag, Ueén supplied by George King, editor of Cosmic Voice, 88, The-Drive; Maheions, Fulham Road, London 8sWe G- Also, please note that}itorge King had also published hace issues of Hortee-s1.60 Plus postagee This 1s beyond Cosmie Voice in one volumé’ doubt the finest "buy" of saucér messages that we know ofs George King 4s considered the best telepathic contact which ‘the space people have, although: George Van Tassel is the finest we have in American Margaret Storm has been assigned to cértain work with the Space People, Gs follows: She 1s. writing a book - Return of the Dove = s story of the iife of Nikola Tesla, scientist, and the part his inventions will play au the New Ages Much of the data for this book has bec supplied to Hrs. Storm through transeripte received on the Tesia set, a radio-type Tachine Anvented by Tesla in'1938 for Interplanetary Communications Tesla died in 1943 and his engineers did not build the Tesla set until etter hie deaths “It vas placed in operation in 1950 and Since that time: the Tesla engineers have been in close touch with Space ships. The Space copre have visited the Tesla engineers many times ave told us i Teese enustan, brought to this planet_as a baby, in 1s and left i i! , Plane eae Fs and Ws. Tesla Ih a Fenots mountain provine “Yogoslavia. : i A biography of Tesla was published in 1944. It can pres from your local library or bookstore. It is entitled Prou:. John J. O'Neill, then science editor of the New York Herald Mr. O'Neill has since died. This book gives no information av’ Tesla's connection with the Space People, a fact which was not reveated until 1950. The book also gives many wrong impressions of Tesla, because fir. O'Neill's occult knowledge was limited. However, 1t is well worth reading because it’ gives much technical information about electrical engineering which Mrs. Storm will be obliged to omit in her book because she has such. an abundance of material to present. It had not been intended to mention Mrs. Storm's work at this time, but the public will be offered a "sneak preview" in a small mimeographed resume of the book, according to publication arrangements now being mades This development came about’ unexpectedly because of the ex- trenely critical condition of world affairs, engendered by the con~ tinuance of nuclear tests, and the fact that Mrs. Storm could not possibly have the finished book ready for the publishers before July 30, even with the ald of a small miracle. This material is now being- presented as a paper before certain California groups where the announcement of the Tesla news was received with tremendous enthusiasm. ' Mrs. Storm will present the material to certain emall groups in the New York area within the next few weeks, and probably Space Groups in other sections will also co-operate by offering it to their members. Our world situation 1s not hopeless by any means, although the Space People bluntly inform us that as a race we are too "lazy"; spiritually we must become more potent if we are to hold this planet together against the efforts of the dark forces to blow it to bits. So let us look for the good news. Look.for good news from England where the messages of George King have at last reached the scientists, the press, and the Queen. Look for good news from Calvin Girvin of California, who 1s one of the best space. contacts in this country. i n Tassel-Dan Fry lecture on June The ballroom seats about 1200, to Bet behind these speakers and And look for more good nefg,at' the 20. We hope to see all of'you ther and we must put forward every, effoi support them. wot Then on July 1 jet us keebiiour eyes on the skies! The Space People are going to make every effoxt;to give all of us a chance to see the ships. However, if the military uses jetsin large numbers to chase the Space Ships, we may not see theme As citizens you can urge the government to be more cordial to our visitors. Now for sone unpleasant news. This:has been transmitted from Mars Sector 8, through George King in Lorldon. We have to begin paying off our karmic debts in the. form of disease, which cannot be abated unless we discontinue the nuclear experiments. However, to help all of us ‘through the coming period of epidemics the Space People have placed four space stations in orbit around the earth. They will start magne tizing the earth at midnight on July 21. Through meditation we can absorb these healing rays. The Martians have clearly indicated that they are just about "fed up" with our depravity on this planet; apparently even Space People can become impatient! 51 West 81 Street Sincerely, New York 24, No. TRafalger 7-2000 Margaret and John Storm Coloma He7E4. PUY PIROMIATION CONTATHED eo IS WNEASSIFIED oy Lata R19 SS pymanerwws fe ret Unknown Subjects, Equipment, Experiments . Research” of Nikola Tesla,“Deceased. Espidhage ~ i. . H, SPANEL, 1136 Fifth Avenue, New York City, in-a Aclephone conversation with the miter during the late evening of January;; 8, 19)3, stated that NIKOLA TESLA, who was one of the World's outstanding scienti¢gts particularly in the electrical field, and who had passed avay ‘on Janubty 7th, 19)3, at the Hotel New Yorker where he maintained his residence, during his lifetime had conducted many experiments in connection with the wireless transmission of electrical power and what is commonly called the'"death ray", Mir. SPANEL further stated that the notes and records of TESIA's experinents and formulae, together.with designs of the, machinery necessary to vitalize them, are among TESLA's personal. effects and that no steps have been taken to preserve them or to keep then from falling into the hands of people unfriendly to the war effort of the Allied Nations, SPANEL continued by saying that a distant relative of TELSA, a person who was intensely disliked by Telsa and who came to the United States from Czechoslovakia within the past year, by the name of SAVA KOSANOVICH is taking steps to get possession. of these important docuzents and plans.” ifr, SPMIEL believes that there is a strong likelihood of KOSANOVICH mgking this material available to the enemy in the event he is sucdessful, SPINEL advised that he is engaged in some kind of governmental work conhected with the war effort whiclrcauses him to spend about five days of each week in the-Nation's capitol; and because of the connections he has made in this capacity he has seen fit to telephonically notify G-2 headquarters in Washington, Ds C.j as Well as lr. BORKIN of the Department of Justice in Washington, SPANEL stated that Mr. BORKIN advised him that he, BORK, would imediately make the information available to the Director of the FBI and advised SPANEL to lose no time in taking steps to see to it that TEISA's personal possessions were not disturbed. A few ninutes after this conversation Mr. SPANEL again tele- phonically contacted the writer and advis#d that he had been in telephone commnication with Dr. D. LOZADO, one of the advisers to Vice sident WALLACE, After talking’with LOZADO he, LOZADO, called back + told hin that the government was vitally interested in the effécts of HESIS, |, particularly those dealing with the wireless transmission of electrical energy and the "death ray" and for SPANEL to lose no time in doing athrs =1943 could to preserve then. N. Y.C. In the last conversation with the writer SPANEL OF “Vy ¥ 9b, Fosrorth Yeno = ilo psa ~ Page 26 0 co a young man by the nane of BLOYCE FITZGEARED, an electrical engineer, had been quite close to TEISA during his lifetime and in fact was the protegy of TEISA. SPANEL said that FITZGEARLD was in New York City and would be 4 contact with hin shorty, at which tine he vould have FITZGEARED call the ter, ‘Ab 10:30 p. a, 1/8/43 Mir. FITZGEARLD telephoned the writer and stated that he had a great deal of information about TELSA and his personal effects and would like to call at the office and give the writer the benefit of his Inovledges At midnight, 1/8/43 FITZCEARLD came to the office and in a. personal interview with the writer gave the following information: Nikola Tesla, a native of Serbia, came to the United States late in the nineteenth century. hile liere he became famous for his electrical innovations, inventions and advanced idea’ in the engineering field, Tesla vas the designer of thé generators in the Niagra Falls power plant, anc in fact has his nane inscribed on the generators in recognition of the fact. To substantuate this FITZGEARLD displayed a great number of old newspaper clippings end an albun of letters written congratulating Telsa on his 75th anniversary; the letters were from world renomed people, principally those in the scientific field, Telsa, by reason of his aizardy becane a consultant to Marconi, Charles Edison, and many others. Telsa's induction electrical motor was sold by him to Westinghouse for 82,800,000. FITZGEARLD stated that of late years he had become a confident of TEISA and inen that TELSA had and was carrying on extensive experiments for transnitting electrical power by wireless and with propelling electttcal rays possessing sufficient pover to destroy implenents of warfare, such as airplanes and subaarines, Within the past month TEISA told FITZGEARLD that his experiments in this connection had been completed and perfected. FITZGEARLD also Inows that TELSA has conceived and designed a revolutionary type of torpedo thich is not presently in use by any of the nations; it is FINZOEARID's belief that this design has not been made available to any nation up to the present time. From statenents made to FITZGEARLD by “TRISA he knows that the complete plans, specifications and explanation of ‘the basic theories of these things are sone place in the personal effects of TSISA, FITZGEARLD stated that he knows that there is a working model of TBLSA's which cost more than $19,000 to build in a safety deposit box of TBISA!s at the Governor Clinton Hotel; and from statements made by TELSA FITZGEARLD believes it has to do with the so called "death ray" or the wireless transmission of electrical current. In past conversations TELSA has told FITZGEARLD that he has sone 80 trunks in different places containing manuscripts and plans having ‘to do with experiments conducted by him, © FITZCEARLD knows that TELSA : fi Foxworth exo - Nikola’psla - Page 3+ J has for several years stored sone of his possessions in a warehouse some place in New York City. of recent years TELSA became more or less destitute, and for ‘the past three or four years the governnent of Czechoslovalda has been paying hin a subsistance of $500 per month, a part of witich was used to pay the rental. for the warehouse accomodations, ‘TEISA residences in New York have been the Pennsylvannia Hotel, Governor Clinton Hotel, Waldorf-Astoria Hotel and the New Yorker where he Jed a secluded existence. So far as FITZGEARLD knows TELSA had no jr al intimates, nor does he know of pyjncint in whom he“confided. V4 3 on January 7, 19h2,/SAVA KOSANOVICH/GEORGE CLARK, who/is 4n charge of the Kuseun and laboratory for RCA, and KENNETH SWEZEL/of 363 idiiton street, Brooklyn, tl. Y, went to TEISA's rooms in the Newt Yorker — | and with the assistance of a lock smith broke into a safe which TEISA had 4n his rooms and in which he kept some of his valuable papers, including important electrical formilae, designs, etc. These papers were taken from the safe, t FITZGEARLD knons of but two relatives of TSISA, both nexphews. (ne is SAVA KOSANOVICH and the other is a man by the nane of TRBJEVICH, who is presently in a hospital in Chicago, Tllinois, The name of the hospital yas unimow to FITZGEARLD, KOSANOVICH's address is the Navarro Hotel, New York City. When asked if FITZGEARID was primarily interested in getting possession of TEISA's papers, he stated that he was not; what he wanted tas for then to be made available to the government of the United States for uso in the present war, Because, ‘he stated, the so'called Death Ray would be a deadly weapon in the hands of any power, and the use of the wireless transission of electrical power Would make possible the most efficient aizplanes conceivable, FITZGEARLD's concern was aroused, he stated, over the presence of the tvo nephews in whom he has no confidence as to their Joyalty and patrictisn to the Allied Natdons, .and also because of the pension TESTA received fron Czechoslovakia he feels that that governnent may feel that it is entitled to any revolutionary ideas TELSA may have had and indited on paper FITZGEARID stated that until three months ago he was working with the governnent in a research capacity at Massachusetts Institute of ‘Technology, and that presently he is working as a designing engineer with ‘the Ordinance Departyment of the U. S. Army, both in Washington, D. C. and New York City. | FITZGEARLD promised to relay to this office any further information he is able to obtain; but insisted that something must be done immediately, because he feels that it may mean a great deal in the war effort of the tinited States. Fomvorth vexo ~ NikolMjosta ~ Page hs 6 RIT2GEARLD indicated that it was his intention to contact KOSANOVICH on January 9th, 1942, and suggest to him that he make available to representatives of the U. 8. Governnent for inspection all of the personal and private papers and apparatus of TELSA. . FITZQEARLD expressed particular concern over the model now in the safety deposit box at the Governor Cleveland Hotel, and insisted | that steps be taken by the Governnent that not: only it, but the other technical papers and designs of TESLA, be safeguarded so that. they cannot be reaoved froa the country or nade. available. to the use of other nations, Bir ranean. was advised that this matter would receive the appropriate attention of the New York Field Division. Respectfully submitted Fred B. Cornels, Special. Agent. 5 Files ~ New York offi RAL EUREAU QF, INVESTIGATION” 9 Cpen Case No Case wo “ge Hh COELMINT FORM Nichole Teste Aeuluny’ Sei 2 ln th walacable Detective Hickey - Suiojeot' Nano and AMfases None of Cosplainant ‘owe ‘4th Squad - West 50 St. NE / a ae eT Room $327, Hotel New Yorker, Nye ws iddress of Subject \ Telephone Number of Conplainan Miscelluneous rallye a.m, 1/8/43 (Phone) 6 of Cox Pennsylvania 6-2888 Character of Cade Date and Tine Complaint Received 7 AD,O.A. (Death On Arrival) call at Room 3327, Hotel Se ee % be Nichola Tesla, noted scientist. It was revealed NPD detectives are going through books end writings in the room, and FBI Ta THVIvET bo Sen ogents Over to join the search 11 such action was desized. It seons Dr. Tesla was a Ozecho Slovakian. Nothing, it was stated, has been TOUT Fo THICate the UF. was engaged In Beplonage oF other subversive activity. x ‘h check of indicies revealed no case file on subject. TREND PAUSE. . (if additional space needed use reverse side) A _RECOM-SHDED BY ACENT No action SAG: Open How Caset Assign to Agent Assign to P. D. Defer Route to Agent Ya Action Nacessary: len —_»_ »¥_ 0 a) Bederal Bisreats of Investigation United States Department of Justis PRF:GU New York - New York January 8, 193. ~ MEMORANDUN FOR FILE RE: NIKOLA TESLA . Gonpon ies ‘This aftemoon Mr. OSCONNOR, of the NEW YORK THES,” yc celled to invite my attention to the death notice of NIKOLA-~TEShiys celobratad inventor, which appeared in the New York Timos this morning or last night. This article gives in detail which TESLA was working on at the time of his death. Mr.-@4gonner stated that TESLA has a néphew, whoutsa2! his heir, who is alleged to be friendly to the A¥is Powers: ~ It was Mr,-O4gonnon's opinion that if such papers exist they ought, from the standpoint of national safety, be impounded by the United states Government to prevent their being used by others. I advised Mr. ‘0!Gonnor that this matter would be properly handled. 6S 272290 5 P. BE. FOXWOR’ Assistant, Director F..B. |. JAN 9 194 N.Y... fiiics ~ Now York Offiing.3¢ FEDERAL BUREAU, OF INVESTIGATION “Ho Record UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICEeference: ‘AEOsHH 6 ‘NEW _XORK, NE YORK fe yor m/ si Pe Traneait the following Teletype mossage to: BUREAU yp. = /2I7 iiQOMI SUBJECTS; BQUIPERT, EXPERDENTS AND RESEARCH OF WIKOLA Sta, ‘DECEASED; ESPIONAGE - M. NIKOLA TESLA, ONE OF THE WORLD'S OUTSTANDING SCIENTISTS IN THE ELECTRICAL FIELD, DIED JANUARY SEVENTH, NINETEEN FORTY- {THREE AT THE HOTEL WEN YORKER, NEW YORK CITY. DURING HIS LIFETIME, HE con- |¢ DUCTED UANY EXPERDENTS IN CONNECTION WITH THE WIRELESS TRANSMISSION OF ELECTRICAL POTER AUD WHAT 1S COMMONLY CALLED THE "DEATH RAY". ACCORDING 70. INFORMATION FURNISHED BY A. N, SPANEL, ONE ONE THREE SIX FIFTH AVENUE, WENO KK xr « NBW YORK CITY, THE NOTES AND RECORDS OF TESLA'S EXPERIMENTS AND FORMULAE ‘TOGETHER WITH DESICNS OF MACHINERY NECESSARY TO VITALIZE THEM ARE AMONG ‘TESIA'S PERSOWAL EFFECTS, AND NO STEPS HAVE BEEN TAKEN TO PRESERVE THEN OR TO KEEP ‘THES FROM FALLING INTO HANDS OF PEOPLE UNFRIENDLY TO THE WAR EFFORT OF THE UWIETED NATIONS. ACCORDING TO SPANEL, A DISTANT RELATIVE OF TESLA, NAMED SAVA KOSANOVICH, WHO WAS INTENSELY DISLIKED BY TESLA, IS TAKING STEPS TO CET POSSESSION OF THESE IMPORTANT DOCUMENTS AND PLANS. SPANEL BELIEVES. ‘THAT THERE IS A STRONG LIKELIHOOD THAT KOSANOVICH WILL MAKE THIS MATERIAL AVATIABLE TO THE ENEHY. SPANEL ADVISED @ 70 HEADQUARTERS, TH WASHINGTON, AS VELL AS UR, BORKIN OF THE DEPARTHENT OF JUSTICE IN WASHINGTON, CONCERNING THE ABOVE. SPANEL WAS ALSO IN TELEPHOMIC COMMUNICATION WITH DOCTOR D. LOZADO, ONE OF THE ADVISORS 10 VIGE PRESIDENT WALLACE CONCERNING THIS MATTER, AND TOZADO TOLD SPANEL THAT THE GOVERNMENT WAS VITALLY INTERESTED IN THE EFFECTS OF TESLA AND REQUESTED SPANEL 10 LOSE NO TIME IN DOING ALL HE COULD TO it PRESERVE THO, BLOYCE FITZGEARLD, AN ELECTRICAL ENGINEER WHO HAD BEEN QUITE CLOSE 10 TESLA DURING HIS LIFETIME, ADVISED THE NEW YORK OFFICE THAT OM JANUARY SEVENTH, NDISTEEN FORTY-THREE, SAVA KOSANOVICH, GEORGE cue a SEN sent Ae. RL 7 Special Agent a ‘ ee Lb o- (a dGo- Hig 4 FD-36 Qe ‘BUREAU OF sno UNITED. STATES DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE NEW. YORK, NEW YORK JANUARY 9, 1913 P.2 ‘Transuit the following Teletype message to: BUREAU . WHO 1S IN CHARGE OF THE MUSEU AND LABORATORY FOR RCA, AND KENNETH SWEZEY OF owe SIX THREE MTLTOW STREET, BROOKLIM, NEW YORK, WENT 10 TESLA'S ROOMS IN THE NEW YORKER, AND WITH THE ASSISTANCE OF A LOCKSMITH BROKE INTO A SAFE WHICH TESTA HAD IN HIS ROOMS TH WHICH HE KEPT SOME OF HIS VALUABLE PAFERS, CLUDING THPORTANT ELECTRICAL FORKULAE, DESIGNS, ET CETERA. WITHIN THE PAST MONTH, TESTA TOLD FITZGEARLD THAT HIS EXPERDMENTS IN CONNECTION WITH THE WIRELESS TRMVSHISSION OF ELECTRICAL POWER HAD BEEN COMPLETED AND vznormy ranma AISO KilOWS THAT TESLA. HAS CONCEIVED AND DESIGNED A RGVOLUTIONARY TYPE OF TORPEDO WHICH IS NOT PRESENTLY IN USE BY ANY OF THE NATIONS, IT?) 1S FITZGEARLD'S BELIEF THAT THIS DESIGN HAS NOT BEEN MADE AVATIABIE 10 ANY NATION UP 10 THE PRESENT THE, FROM STATEMENTS MADE “TO FITZGRARLD BY TESIA, HE KNGHS THAT THE COMPLETE PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS AND EXPLANATION OF THE BASIC THEORIES OF THESE THINGS ARE SOME PLACE IN THE PERSOWAL EFFECTS OF TESIA, HE ALSO KNOWS THAT THERE IS A WORKING MODEL OF TESIA'S THICH-COST MORE THAN TEN THOUSAND DOLLARS 10 BUILD IN A SAFETY DEPOSI? EOX BELONGING TO TESLA AT THE GOVERNOR CLINTON HOTEL, AND FITZGEARLD BELIEVES THIS MODEL His 10 DO WITH THE SO-CALLED "DEATH RAY" OR THE WIRELESS ‘TRANSIESSIOY OF ELECTRICAL CURRENT. TESLA HAS AISO TOLD FITZGEARLD IN PAST CONVERSATIONS THAT HB HAS SOME EIGHTY TRUNKS IN DIFFERENT PLACES CONTAINING ‘TRANSCRIPTS AND PIANS HAVING TO DO WITH EXPERIMENTS CONDUCTED BY HIM. BUREAU IS REQUESTED 10 ADVISE DAGDIATELY WHAT, IF ANY, ACTION SHOULD BE TAKEN CONCERNING THIS MATTER ‘THE NEW YORK FIELD DIVISION. FONIORTH. * (Dictated 2:15 p.m.3 Completed 2:h5 p.m.) Approved: Sent, M Per, Special Agent in Charge om Bederal Buremy of Investigation Row ‘United States Department of Justice TD:ce .o New York, New York teaser ~2p Jamvary 11, 193 iy, Sd ad Uae Bale No ANC TYSON Ni Tato . “eter Ge Propet tsk MEMORANDUM FOR THE FILE: Ky Bes HosavowcH RE: fesanovicn Ur, LITTLE, of the Bureau, called me today and: inquired if we had done anything as yet in connection with obtaining the papers and éffects of NIKOLA TEES, a recently deceased inventor. TESLA I advised tir. LITTLE that we had not taken any action in the matter and Mr, LITTLE suggested that it might be well to take the matter up with the District Attorney inasmich as he felt that K@SANOVICH could be charged with burglary and should be: taken into custody. Mr. LITTLE advised that it vas important that we secure the material supposedly taken by A@SANOVICH because if it is as secret as it is reported to be,it is vital that none of it gets into the newspapers where the enemy will have easy access to it. In answer to his inquiry, I advised Mr. LITTLE it was. my opinion that the Surrogate would administer the estate of NIKOLA TEGSA.. Mr. LITTLE suggested following the same procedure in this matter as was taken in the LUDUIG case. He also recommended that a stop be placed on the lock box and any other box which the decedent possessed, as well as on any material in his premises. ws I advised Mr. LITTLE that 2 would speak to the District Attorney informally on the mat \e-perhay could be handled in this way, Mr. LITT! ested—that~-ht be advised of any developments in this matter, B. |. T. J§ DO Bll MBE Peed 65° /22-9- SG cc ~ Mp, KIMBALL wrest Queene BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION 6 FBC NEW YORK, NEW YORK Bi He — Now Your Peifa,, UNITED STATES-DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE Transmit the following Teletype message to: 5 J UWURUOM SUBJECTS; JEQUIFIENT, EXPERIMENTS AND RESEARCH OF NIKOLA TESLAy~ , - -_ DEOEASED; ESPIONAGE ~ Ml. TESIX REFERENCE IS MADE 70 THE TELETYPE UNDER. [- ABOVE HEADING 10 THE BUREAU FROM THIS OFFICE DATED JANUARY NINE LAST. ‘INQUIRY DEVELOPS THAT SMEMRE TESLA DIED JANUARY EIGHT, RATHER THAN ‘THURSDAY, JANUARY SEVEN, AS STATED IN REFERENCE sexonree,| ON THE | NIGHT OF JANUARY EIGHT, SAVA KOSANOVICH, GEORGE CLARK, AND KENWETH) ‘SWEBZEY VISITED TESLA'S HOTEL WITH AREPRESENTATIVE OF SHAH#WALKER fo Ef 1 ORDER 10 OPEN THE SAFE IN THE ROOM OF TESLA. KoSANOVICH LATER | REPORTED 10 2 WALTER GORSUCH, OFFICE OF ALIEN PROPERTY CUSTODIAN, NEW YORK CHTY, THAT HE WENT INTO THE ROOM} IN ORDER 70 SEARCH FOR A WILL TEPRESENTATIVES OF real rocostavzmt CONSULATE, IDENTITIES OF LATTER NOT YET KNOW, AFTER THE SAFE WAS OPENED, SHEEZEY TOOK FROM THE SAFE A BOOK CONTAINING TESTIMONIALS SENT TO TESLA ON THE OCCASION. OF HIS SEVENTY-~ © FIRTH BIRTHDAY, THIS BOOK WAS ARRANGED FOR TESLA BY SWEEZEY. KOSANOVICH Vv ‘TOOK FROM THE ROOM THREE PICTURES OF TESLA, TWO BEING ENLARGED NEWSPAPER PICTURES. ACCORDING TO MANAGERS OF HOTEL AND KOSANOVICH HIMSELF, NOTHING ‘ELSE WAS RELOVED FROM THE ROOM OR SAFE. THE SAFE WAS THEN CLOSED UNDER A NEW COMBINATION, WHICH COMBINATION IS NOW IN POSSESSION OF KOSANOVICH. OM SATURDAY: AFTERNOON, JANUARY NINE, GORSUCH AND FITZGERALD OF ALSEN PROPERTY CONTROL WENT 10 HOTEL AND. SEIZED ALL THE PROPERTY OF TESLA, CONSISEING OF ABOUT TH TROSKLPADS OF MATERIAL, SEALED ALL ARTIOPES, Approved: ] emf Ghig P, Special Agent in Charge b 3 8 [$ C5-1>rGo - FD-36 Odeo. BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION QO UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE -UBU_YOBK, NEWYORK JANUARY Qx 12, 193 ‘Transait the following Teletype message to: BUREAU AND TRANSFERRED THEA 10 THE MANHATTAN STORAGE AND WAREHOUSE CO, NEW YORK YHERE THEY ARE NOW LOCATED, AT THAT TIME THERE WERE ALSO IN THIS WAREHOUSE APPROXDIATELY THIRTY BARRELS AND BUNDLES BELONGING TO TESLA WHICH HAD BEEN ‘THERE SINCE ABOUT NINETEEN THIRTY FOUR. THESE HAVE ALSO BEEN SEALED AND ‘ave{ wow UWDER ORDERS OF ALIEN PROPERTY CUSTODIAN. IN VIEW OF FACT TESLA IS K UNITED STATES NATURALIZED CITIZEN, ALIEN BROPERTY CUSTODIAN FEELS ‘THAT ITS JURISDICTION OVER PROPERTY IS DOUBTFUL BUT FEELS THAT NO OTHER AGENCY WILL BE ABLE T0 GET T0 THIS PROPERTY FOR AT LEAST TWO oars / AFTER ‘THAT TIME If 1S POSSIBLE THAT A PUBLIC ADMINISTRATOR WIL BE APPOINTED FOR ‘THE PROPERTY WHO MAY TAKE THE PROPERTY INTG HIS-CUSTODY. TESLA ALSO HAD ‘SOME PROPERTY, ALLEGED BY INFORMANT FITZGERALD IN THIS CASE, TO BE A WORKING MODEL OF AN INVENTION IN A SAFE DEPOSIT BOX IN GOVERNOR CLINTON HOTEL IN NEW YORK, INQUIRY SHOWS THAT THIS JAS PLACED HERE BY TESLA IN NINETEEN ‘THIRTY THO AS SECURITY FOR FOUR HUNDRED DOLLARS OWED HOTEL. THIS BILL IS STILL OVED AND HOTEL "APPEARS UNVILLING 10 RELEASE THIS PROPERTY TO ANYONE ‘AT IBAST UNTIL DEBT IS PAID, BUT THIS OFFICE WILL BE ADVISED IF ANYONE ATTEYPTS 10 PAY BILL AND OBTAIN PROPERTY. CONCERNING TESLA, HOTEL MANAGERS REPORT HE WAS VERY ECBENTRIC IP NOT MENTALLY DERANGED DURING PAST TEN YEARS oi 1 15 Doubrrun 18 1 ‘HAS CREATED ANYTHING OF VALUE DURING THAT TIME, ALTHO PRIOR 10 THAT HE PROBABLY WAS A VERY BRILLIANT INVENTOR. ‘THEREFORE, ANY NOTES.OF VALUE WERE PROBABLY THOSE MADE PRIOR TO THAT TIME. KOSANOVICH JS A NEPHEW OF TESLA WHO DESCRIBES HIMSELF AS FORMERLY QUOTE YUGOSLAV MINISTER OF STATE UNQUOTE AND NOW QUOTE PRESIDENT OF EASTERN AND CENTRAL Sent, M Por, Approved:, Special Agent in Charge FD-36 Qos: BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION Q UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE NEWYORK, HEW.YORK JANUAPY 12,1943 ‘Transait the folloning Teletype message tO: apes PIANNTNG BOARD REPRESENTING YUGOSLAVIA, CZECHOSLOVAKIA, POLAND AND GREEGE.UNQUOTE, ATWRETER FOR POPULAR MECHANICS AND OTHER PUBLICATIONS WHO IS pues ae DESIROUS OF PUBLISHING A BIOGRAPHY.OF TESLA AND_THEREFORE WOULD LIi SE = OBTATY CONTROL OF HIS NOTES POR THIS WORK. CLARK IS EMPLOYED BY RCA AND TWOULD AISO PROVIDE STORAGE ROOM FOR TESLA'S EFFECTS IN ORDER 10 USE THEM TN WRITING A BIOGRAPHE, TESLA.AT-ONE-TDKE REPORTED 10 BE WORKING oH EXPERIMBITS FOR YUCOSLAVIAN GOVERNMENT IN-EXILE, TP IS DESIRED THAT BUREAU {ADVISE DUGDIATELY WHETHER IT IS INTERESTED FURGHER IN THIS PROPERTY FOR PURPOSES OF TAKTUG.CONTROL OF IT, SUGGEST THAT, IN VIEW OF FACT THAT THE NOTES AND OTHER AWTERIAL WOULD BE HIGHLY TECHNICAL IN CHARACTER AND FOR THAT ‘RASON COULD NOT BE REVIEVED EXCEPT BY A TRAINED PERSON THE OFFICE OF ScHTENTIFIC REAEARGH DEVELOPMENT MICH? BE INTERESTED, ‘FOXWORTH Sent, M Per. Approved: Special agent ‘p-phares Oo Federal Butea vf hivestigation + Duited States Bepartiment of Justice PID:0G . New York, New York January ih, 19h3 MEMORANDUM FOR THE FILE: RE: NIKOLA TESLA lr, LIPPLE, of the Bureau, called me on Janua: 13, 19h3 and advised that the above matter was now beihg. handled as on alien enemy custodian matter and therefobe we should take no further action on it. T advised lin, LIMILE that this office had sent out a teletype to: the Bureau in this case on January 13, in which the Buresu advised that this office was con- templating no further action.’ 6r~ rego ie \ Be] JAN 1 4 1943 N.Y.C. ROUTED TO T. J. Do} Special ¥ . DIRECTOR, . Federal Bureau of Investigation United States Department of Justice Washington, B. 6. gemuary 21, 1943 . | Vys-/2 290 pgrr? SAC, New York UNWIOWN SUBJECTS; Sava. xbsaNovICl|s EXPERIMENTS AND RESEARCH OF NEKOLA TESEA- J Dear Sirr » ESPIONAGE (#1) . Reference is nade to a teletype dated January 9, 1943, frdm-thero clerk. Var New York Field Office and to a phone conversation between Mr. J. B. [Little . of the Bureau and Assistant Special Agent in Charge Donegan on Jamuary-2t: . aoe 7 - 7 Tt was pointed out to'lir, Donegan that Sava Kosanovich, George Clark and Kenneth Snezey nay have committed a burglary violation by entering Tesla's roons after his death and particularly by using a locksmith to get into @ safe containing sone of Tesla's valuable papors. Mr. Donegan was advised this natter should be discreetly discussed ‘withthe State's Attorney, Yew York City, with a view to locating Kosanovich and apprehending him on a burglary charge, in onéer to ascertain the nature of the naterial taken fron the safe of Nikole Tesla, It was also suggested that the New York Office contact the Surrogate Court,. in ofder that Tesla's effects, as well as tho contents of his safety deposit boxes, might not be entered without the presence of an Agent, in order that the secrecy of any plans or itens essential to the conduct of the war or national security might. be preserved. It was stated 1, thet Kosenorich night: possibly neke certain material available to the eneay. Uv A review of the Bureau files reveals considerable information concern- iP ,b, ing Nikola Tesla ant his inventions and it should be noted that one Nicola P Tesla, who might have been identical with Nikola Tesla, mde a speech at the Grenge Hell, Springfield, Yassachusetts, on duno 4, 1922, under the auspices of the Frinds of Soviet Russia, 4s It further appears that Sava Kosanovich may be identical with an {individual of the sane name, who is a menber of the Yugoslavian Governnent in exile, An exanination of the files reveals that one Sava Kosanovich, described as the Minister of Supply, arrived with other Yugoslavian Government officials at Yorfolk, Virginia, on September: 4, 1941, on the SS City of ‘Broter, a British ship, from Cape Town en route to the United Kingdom via Washington and Canada. In another instance the name of Sava N. Kosajovich appears.on the _| stationéry of the Central and Eastern European Planning Board Reo, jon ie 55 leIe- Ft aE JAN 2 8° ‘SAC, New York -2- Greece, Poland, Yugoslavia). On this letterhead Kosanovich is described as Chairsan of the Board and jiinister of State for Yugoslavia. It is stated that this Board is. interested in "planning for postwar Europelt, In still another file it is disclosed that Sava Kosanovich, a Serbian, was a nenber of one of the Yugoslavian minority parties and when an energeney governient to overthrow an alliance with the Axis was formed, ho wes included as an official. He is alleged to be a Communist and is said to receive $1,250 a month salary from the exiled Yugoslavian Government. He and other exiled goverment officials are stated to use these large salaries to finance every Serbian paper in the United States except "Srbobran!! published at Pittsburgh, Yo record of Kenneth Swezey could be located in the Bureau files from the information available. ‘The foregoing information is being furnished for possible future reference in connection with this case and it is desired that the Bureau be kept prouptly.and currently inforned of all developments in this case. Very truly yours, fe. dhoonty Jqhn Edgar Hoover Director aaa ici inant Univers “feigyof Prague’ after prepa Se atthe Reateclese AiCatistadt, "He NiY.Cr > | ROUTED TO ier [ea ae lIEM YORK WORLD TELEGRAM JANUARY 8TH, 1943 t ~ getned anf te arrersiabiy eirrsine a a YGlaFretieas cue suena St Bi anagomint urea Ranges oie eis rd aie’ ade SEBEE2E BYE, on gh itbcding, eee slew Zather, @ Greek Orthodox Church Bntios Core giareay chart HSgath area poker iti iteal Siete Cats rem 0, : ran aaa ae" 2S nob. Ae SRS BG See te : NEW YORK WORLD TELEGRAM Snes Bee tie Beare Hey Bee ae CANUARY 8TH, 1945 development of the transtorming]|\ 4. ation, electrical osciliation, radt- Ant power and radioactive wate: | Communications and. wiley peter transmission occtpted soe Divs esearch “atter inst, "oie Forked “athe nboratories “ot ‘Thomtas Batson at Orange, Ne. St apeclalicing in motor design. ‘Fed Crumbs to Pigeons, «3 During recent. years ‘S. "fedia’ Biss on the pot Me PEaET “onthe saps-of Ste Patio rront.of ther Buble va bag OF cams ~ whe he-feavto the pigeons “hireTesie's only wii ion wasn Hea ae ‘an tmbeneizabie *“nal-of forsee {ould be neeoted apoutarnaases borders which would. render hols ess any ‘military attack He a® Siesta existened of ths ian al 1034," ahd gata fe tnterton fa preséni it fo ‘tue’ ceners tote ference, “He teldom Teferred Gold ailerwara’ 7p 2836, when che was’ 80, he aid hls diginal planta five 8 Be 195 had’ been” changed ‘with the repeal of prohibitions and’ ke ‘rout ge fo be iat sien fo was decorated by the Vugo- seta each overmens. | Bepe hen ho wet Hing Peer i ¥ugoslavia here fast duiye ORMATION CONTA, eS ‘yygLassaeD Disa Are SE TV DI WS er et le crete, ad they say pros luc‘ eftects at diferent slage seis edge a a Er pit ead a Saale ef ke nay ones alrely Sn isle Ta They ee ot| trom ould east no enor that"$2,000,00| onthe to coast ed to seyret re ee i see eles of; rat ald taking in eon tation of; Me, esl Or] inventor-=who-always:-waa=h a | rod nd cominitoss him: toe8 ahead with en ustlono Snvtatiabior nt tivey- a aaah faba truly etags| phssles.‘that na one bastucie Faring: Not ale wea aa lg ther eountey abseil ree gain ony “any aie atiaeis bgaave: any " Fedoral Buredit df Faiivstigation Aniten States Departinent of Justice New York, New York JIEIR . November B, 1940 RUORANDUM FOR THE SPECIAL, AGEND IN CHARGE'\NDEXED / o On Septenber 22, 1940,. Mr. ‘ROBIN VAN ROSEN, 33 West 8th Street, New York City, telephone: Gramercy 5-277, telephoned the flew York Office ‘and informed the writer ‘that he wished his attention to an article which was printed: in - the ‘Sunday Mew York Tines" of September 22, 1940 on Page D 7, 7 under the séction "Science and Patents ~ Education Wiens," tye/ article being isedence in thé News" by WILLIAM A. IAURENOE, Mir. VAN ROSEN stated that he particularly wished’ to call the- attention of’ the New York Office of the Federal Bureau or Investigation to that phase of the article relating to death ray for planes which refers: to an interview of the in- ventor NIKOIA TESIAOY He furtlier advised that he believed that sone governnent agents should. interview NIKOLA TESLA ‘relative to his death-ray invention ds no doubt sone agents of foreign governient would vontact Wir. TESLA. ‘the clipping referred to by Mir. VAN ROSEN is attached hereto. The indices of the Heir York Office were searched with negative results. Respectfully submitted, \ J, J. KEATING iwoexed. Special agent = OS /2269-)/ x} lamin) FBO. HV 29 404 N.Y. C. 0 _ eo Federal Buren of Investigation ‘United States Department of Justice N.Y, FILE #OS-/AAIN DATE: ofis s/Y¥5 HGLORANDUN FOR THE FILE re: Anish — Reference is nade to Bureau communication dated January 29, 1943 to all Special agents in Charge, To, 33, Series 1943, which instructs thet every case under the Espionage charrcter be reviewed for the purpose of determining’ whether the ceso should be contimed to be carried under tho Espionege character, and if there is not sufficient justification for this, case should be carried under another characters ‘In the reviewing of these cases, the Bureau desires that the following ideas be kept in rinds (2) What are the allegations thet the individual subject is an Eepionage digent? (2) that investigative stops have been tekon to prove or disprove these allegati: (3) that evidence has been obtained to substantiate the allegations? (@) Do the facts warrant that the case be continued under the Espionage characte: and if 50, hat investigative steps are contenplated to properly develop ‘the case? . . In the reviewing of these ceses, consideration should be given to the closing of those cases which eppear to justify such action, The instant cose hes’ been reviewed by the writel.and I wish to: state that st is im propor condition, such es to the renovsl of stop notices, proper serialization, etc,, etc. Tt is the conclisién of the writer that: 7 . (1) ‘he character of. this. case-should he .chenged. (or renain Espionagé) : _ because: MAR 2 71943. ROUTED TO PB, OX 65-lago~ /G and/or (2) This case should be closed because: Bo the facts require an innediate. assignnelit of” this cas IeGharacter is boing changed, are there leads outstanding in other sion +. 0, list ReldDivisionss Hf a closing snort has bean dictated as of this review, by what Agen vee ti-dictated @® fh Caldas slate of dictation Gy/3 Respectfully subnitted, ° Mago. iow Yor, Kow York aeirt Horch 29, 1045 G5-1E200 Director, HSI Bot UEXEOUT SURIDOTSS SAVA ROSATOVICH, EXPERDCUES sD PESO GP NIKOIA Tota . : (Doeers08) ESRICEAGH, MISGELIANIOTS Becr Sixt Eoforenco is nado td tho Duréait lotter’ in the cbovorecztisted fatter date’ Jemary 21, 1043, in Which dt is stated thot it 1s ceatrod thst ‘tho Duron be kept. prenptly ond currently inforsod of all developcents in thig easo. In: vhew of a toloptione call from tir, Wttle of the Drcci to kr, % d. Lonccen, Avsintont Cpoctal Agent in Oherge of the Key York” Uffico, dstéd Jomery 14, 1945, in which Kr, Little stoted that the eboro= coptioned matter wes toy being honAled ns in stien Inery Custodial Foteaticn rotter ent therefore no further ction should bo td:ca dn the matter ty to Key Yor: Fivld Liviskon, this caso 4s boing considorod closed in this Cffies,, walecs pivised to the controty ty the Fareas ct sone future tino, Yory truly yours, . ooo comer ff ‘, 5 Spoctal Agent in-charge | vk 0 0 FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION SYNOPSIS OF FACTS: Fussconwarsoar EV YCIR, Wak YOTK FE MEN. 922019 HB Dormer room | == 9 Ss, OK | fll gfae1o/ss/4h tata D, OSE TT ceamacrnor ene me peyere maensfeea (fof / Atk aT Vem qv"! 7 saccaaica Subjedt, who is the President of the Soydiem Nationel Cefenees Comnittes, nt a letter data 4/7/48 throach the WG mails to the vi-tin, woo is the Minister of State oa dleposal of the Covarntent of Yogoalayias A translation of this letter contains the following atatewentt "Ir I - see in the newspanérs any nore attacks on our Rartan Mhightly Chetatk Buth Titcsell, eeeI WALL break all your bénes, which Cerazaic Croats put into your body", Subject yas | erzested ty the KEP PD on 7/12/43 where hig ents vas ndjournea vattl 1/10/44, Foote presented to U8, AmUY, who has the case vader adviserent and will reader a dectston relative te prosecation in the Boar futarte Be Saye Sse i York telotyys fo tha Yareau tated caly 18, . Oise TaTATLSt ARM BIA Rr, SAVA KOANOWICS, 812 Fitth Aversa, New York City, telephone Ko. Btrent 7-4610, and his attorney, UASEAN C2LSIGZC7A, £9 Hast 4204 Street, New Yors City, tolerseze Ko. Mrray KAN 297087, poresaally dyzenred at tha Few Yors Oftica eat faraieced the following proparod atatenentt DONOT WANEIN THERE SPACES TERS FRR [TU = ad 90 = [A B= Invent AY 61019 “ASnANRUCUE BE ETE, SAC. KCTARSVECT, MINTATNE OF SoAtA OY DISPOTE OF FER CORE NP OF, SCH UAVIA AS TO SED PACTS IN OONEOUIAT WICH SAE ARPRST WATCH RE FAS (#50 0) Pe ANT OF PPILIE. PARFWICT, PRESIONT CF STS” Sa RRIAN MASICoAL TYPES CWMITTOS = ‘the polley of every nonter of the United Nations, wifiout: adoutt, firsh-iust te internal unity and unity asong the Al! the Tugoslays have to prowite unity aveng the Serbs, Croats end Slovengs, ‘vho constitute Jugselavia, aud to urze that any internal and jeri nel Mftorsnees ta Yarled in Zovor of a Concentrated strong and ynited action agatant, tho Axis, Hore in Anarica where there axe nora than one million persone of dugoslay extraction, this tintty te thetr first. duty tovarde duerica, Yor ths var effort end for repulaing onesy proporanta which is working for Geinity, the ost orlinary xeans of Axis propoganda ie ths treaking of aintty and oxplotting national, religious and racial differences. The great ugjority of Americans of Jugoslay extrattion ure good and conscientious Avarican efi reat fae. aaah group of Serbs, calling itgeif tho Serbian National Hofensp,, of Chicago, and tho SAESEAW paper, of Fittelurgh, began a carpaiga sgainst unity, # caspaignof ‘hate tovarde Jugoslevie, tovards ‘the Create ana Slovense, ofc. At their ceavontion recently, this grouy passed 5 resolutfon in which they proclained thomesives, aven though they are Anoricans, reprosontatives of Sorbdow and, broke #11 relations vith the Tugsslay- Government iy Exley appealed to King Peter to proclain hingel? ‘ing of Sertia, and accopting Hitler and Mussolini terminology, they called Sagtelavie "a syth end a sistake of the Versailles Pasce Treaty". Yt de not necossatyto remark how contrary this is to the interest of unity szong Americans, $o the wiobac of tho Serbe, Croats and Glorenns vho are. go travely fighting against tho Aris, and contrary to the officlal stend of the Unttod Staten, Creat Dritain, Fussia and all the Allies. Hise. Fath MitenoL2 40 honorary chairaan of this organization ‘nd the mst dstive spokeoran of its ideas, It is wy duty as a Serb, as a ‘Tugoslay, ae a nester' of tho Jugoslay Covernwont which overthrew the apptassnent govercuent in Jugoslavia, as on anti-fasclat, a8 the leader of ons. of the kost denocratic partics in Jugoslavia, to act sgainst this od AY 9-1019 Teind of preparenta, Aa to-yhat the United Stabs thinks of the situation, I hereby iote Hiner Davis, Tirgctor of the Office of War Information, as to his opinton.of SEEQXIAN, which 16 ths. zouthpioce for the Serbian National Defense Committees re Davis spectfically: accuses SAEIRXAN of alding the Mazi prova~ genda progrea nad daseging tho var ¢ffort, and the Departent of Justios, . the State Department and the Cffice of War Information have sll teen watching thts with conesra, ‘ Tolloying ta 9 direct quotation from g lotter written by Elmer Tavia.on June 10th to: Sanuel Yerlinich Prosident, of tha Yerb National FYedera~ ‘Heat "Yor goxg: tino, wovaral tranches of the United States Poyernient including tho Office of War Information, the Yepattuont of Justics, add the Dopartrent, of State, have watchsd with concern the polictes of ths 'Anerican Srbobren’, Its violent attacks uzon all peoples of Crontien extraction and their clergy, ite strong anti-Catholic articles, and ite ylolea, efforts to defend the Cnisling-Hedich vho supportd the Yazi ropiao 4n Serbia often have the effact of aiding the Mazi carpalgns of intolerance and rece hote, end ave darsging to the Adericen war effort, Avariceh waity 19 trporative for the successful prosecution of tha vor. The Hazis have toasted thot they would sot Anorlegng agatest Auoricans and they are striving to do ad. ; ‘They have sought for years. to set people of Sarbina, Sroatian and Slovonien extraction e¢ainst each others It 4s the old gane of divide ana congusr.,.Tha United Nations are atriving for the atrongest possible unity and all thoaé who are opposed to the Axis. tn Jugoslavia, and in th w United States, we andk to.unite all psople of Serbian, Croatian and Slovenfan herltagote When Migs Nitcholt tegen writing articles and Idtters: to the Sparicon ress walckverd zeainst the polloy just described ty Hlzer Davie as a United States goltcy, and which wore algo against the policy of tho Jugoslay Governnent for unity, I wrote a Totter to the Herald Tritune on April 6th in xeply to 8 particularly canaging article which sho haa proviouslywritten to the Eettine on April Spd. Yorlodts the appearence of wy letter in the Herald tritune, J vacoived a filthy and throatening Lotter from Philty Harkovich, who ig the ote WY 91029 Jiprepizont of the ew York branch of tho Serbian Matibial Fefence Comittss, whieh fe dngincoring these anti-Sugdelar and entieAcerican activities. In this letter Harkirich sovgnt, by Gestazo terrorist tactics, td prevent ne fron wilting or apeakirg to offaed the dimaging effects of the Serbian National Defense-Coestttes's policies and activitioa, f therefore danséd the arrest of Phtlip: Horkor ics and wild not te intinidated by iv any other nimber of any gous vio te condcicualy pr tactonectously following the Nasi line ond attexpting to prokobe any one Reotion of any one grouy at tha axponee of the wor effort as 8 whole. Hx ROVNOVICH wLeo uralehsd x photoutatic copy of the lotter anf envelovs. tn witch &¢ wns. recetved, togother with a translation of the Tettor. These are toing-tetairied in the How York file ‘of thin cana, Ko alviced that 16 wae necessary to totadh the original lettor tecavce ho kad hed the aubject arrested ty the How York City Police Departzest and that he would hava to préduce ths original letter in the City ourt, ‘he envelope boars tha printed return nidrots of the Serbian Fatlotal. Tefenso Conaittoa of Row Tork, 40 West 22rd Street, Xow York City, and was postwarked at 4109 PeXe April (date pbliterated) 1043 at How. York City, It ts addresesd in handwriting to Krs SAYA XOGAROVIGH of @lz Fitth Avenco, Nev. York City. Tha letter 49 ae et) Wow York City, April 7% 1943, aad Le handwettton and algast by PALLIP fARROTIGL, tr. ZOONKVEOH furnehed, ths following translation of ths Asttert . ; Yew Yorke ity April % 2043. Seva Rovanovicht - Goraen taatard, {ff sae in tha newspapers eny Hore attacks on our Serbian _ Ankghtly Cistaik Ruth kitchell, or if sonedae brings to Jo sone written oF grat attacks wilch 1 might Jae overlooked, will break all your tones, which the Ogrsenic Croate:put into your ‘tody,. You rotten dirt wno clains to have Yoon a derd end.a Kiniter ~ ve nov age what ind of trattors riled Jugoslaria and whore they hive provgat hex» J ea bara in Yow York, and we wil] mast easily if you sjeak sgeid on tehslf of our people. ‘Who gave, you the right to apeek for the people? You urea dirty titch assenbling crane for tho denefit of the Gersaaic Croate. You are sysnts of Mitler and Mussolini whe ducloce toovet inforastion, fron that House of Prostitates, tut walt the Fete nee WE ge1019 ; : . “ui11 take care of you soon, S§o.mich for your knowledge, I am warning you ¥o conse abtecking the National Defence ond Miss Hitchell, Do. you, you plesed ca can, expect to underaine Jugoslavia na beforet You are the Conspirators who killed. the King, tit you, acus, will pay for tt. E an watching your steps and vhat you do and with whom you cooperate, you Cexmen, a worse then a coward. You, your company and your eatellites ot ink, Philip Rarkovich . ‘by his on, hand.” ‘Hr, KOGAMOVICH advleed that thoré was no dondt Tat that it~was = > WRECVICA.who had! written, the Lotter as during hig drratzamont 4n the Hew York City Kegtstrates Court on July 12, 1943, HAEKOVICZ kad acted os though. ho-Wore proud of kaving written the letter, . Datective GAb3S E, KUT, aeatgnod to the Special Squad to. 1 of the New York Oty Police Departaont, ddvisod that ke had arrasted PHILIP KAREOVIGH, who retdées at 103 Fact 1Olst Straot, Hew Xork City, oa July 12, 1942, charging hin with violating Section Yo. 151 of thé Now York Deal Law, which prohthill the vending of thteatoning 1éttors Totactive RIOR? atated that eubjoct vas arvatgned before Kagi+ ‘strate Anna ‘Kross in Yorkville Court on July.12, 1943. and that Kaglatrate Kroas perolled MARKOVICH in custody-of hic: Livyar HYMAN JCISPES, and adjourned the urradganant until Friday, July 16, 1943. : . +. Thste facts were presehted to: Anaistent United Statee Attorney Heomas Fe Morphy of the Southern District of How York, who advised that he Would décling prosecution, penéag the rasulte of the notion faken in the New York Clty Courts GUALES EWGINIEG, Court Ortiert of the Yorkville Court, 163 Zest 57th Atreot, Hew York Clty, afvised that on duly 16, 1945 Hagtetrate dena Kross. adJoumed the cate newinet the sabjoct watil Jesucry 10, 1944, Upon teing arprainad of the oction taken. ty the Rew York City Court, Asstatent United States Attomey Murphy stated that he was taking tho case under. atvisouant and would render 4 decision relative to prosectuton inthe near fabures “PENDING b= a Wt 9-119. ‘ UNDIVEI SD BeAD ‘Way YOR FIELS-DIVESIOT At tow York, New York. = Wi21 Hoport, the dactoton éf tho Andietant aati States Attorneydn this casey bes ao ‘ } FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION Pome. PH eARomcmro mr vans yong, pos wn SYMEN Getsto eR NGRORT MAORAT cnrewnbeusct | pxmoe ron nprontnaceny Rov 220k ony vias | riffes hay RES FUELIP LAU SAYA ERDAS TAG! © VEERET SYNOPSIS OF FACTS: Aaabs CA STAD Fe MIN, 4 oallnes Freceeutlea by roasen of tha fact that thé Liew York auiuorities g70 handling this caso. 1 “t+ Raia feyort of Cpeofad Agent Hyred Le Crockery gated AuIE TSe 1943, ab Low Tore Gltye DUtatby Aéutabert Ghitoa Btatos Avtsrnéy TCI Pe cai, for the Gouthera Piatrhes ef Kort York telorsinteally eemimiocted ‘with fpeedel Apcut Clzer Pe Perich ec advice’ Bia thas he would deoline Fromacvticn by reason of thytacs Rad the Tow York authoritioa ure handling this tatse - cued = ae ee ‘DOROT WRITE THESE ACES [odes yee | vic (ICY Plo (42-377) iY Lilo $5122) en F110 Seis} ft {. DAL BeOgresy ey om P53 23 U. S. Court House Foley Square Now York, N. Ys Woyor F. H. LaGuardia city Halt, rar New York, N. Yo nt ae , o te Ve Ve ep Desr Mayor LaGuardia: =» ‘ <1 Anve™ Reference 1s made to - lettér dated February 17th, addressed to you & 9-1019 by Sava N. Kosanovichj7ti12 Central Park South, Now York 19, Ne Ys, regarding Philip Markovich}. _ 277 and enclosures which. were handed to me by yo 7? = ur seoretary, on February: 2)th. 105-622 7-3 OS PARI! A check of the records of this office reflected that this matter had been. callod to our attontion on July 15, 19h3, but that 1¢ had previously been reported to the New York City Police Department. The records further reflect that Markovich was arrested by - ‘the New York City Police Department on July 12, 1943, charged with violation of Seotion 551 of the Penal Law, sending threatening letters, which under the New York law is a misdemeanor. ‘Marko~ vich was arraigned before Magistrate Anna Kross, Yorkville Court, on duly 16, 1943. and the hearings have ‘been adjourned to date. Latest inquiry re~ fleots that Magistrate Kross has postponed the . proveadings in this case wntil- September 19) ‘Tol. Shortly after the receipt at this office of the material in connection with this case, the facts on hand were submitted to the office of the United States Attorney for tha Southern District of New York with a view td possible prosecution under the Federal Extortion Statutes. Prosecution was deolinod by readon of the fact that the looal authorities were herding the cases ye | i . 494, 1, tio ny 3 a 5 ‘ c 1 Meyor LaGuardia In viow-of the above, the letter of referende, rontioned above, and the enclosures are being returned herewith. : ‘Sincerely yours, B. E. CONROY Special Agent in Charge. Enclosures. Address writer at: Kons. Inst. of Tech. , Céxbridse, bass. demuery 30, 1943. x, Falter Goréuet, ae Hien Property Czstodten, ; 120 Droadney, Hew York, flew Yorke, Terr Siry At your request, and that of ir. Joseph T. King of the Weskington office of tho. Alien Property Custodian; I have ex c=ined the private papers, writings, und other property of tke ‘late Ie. Mrola Tesla with the view ta detormining both their possible ueef-Incos ta this country in its wer effort afd the oe heaetd attendent on their folling: into unfriensly ads, Thig exeainatioa wed natlé ot tho Konhatten Werehcuse, 52nd Streot, tien York Clty, on demuory 2v-27, and included alt of thé notes end rnteriel in Dr. festa's Amnediate pocucsaicn et the tine cf bis death ond now in the custody of your offico, Fer recgons indiested below, ro investigation wag mide of haterdal 4n trenta wich had recaine’ untozched in the basezent of the Wen Yorker ote for ten years price to fr. Tcclate death, és B Tes-lt.of this excninition, it is my considered - opinion thet there exist mong ‘wr, Tegla'a pepors and possessions. ne sclentifio notes, dceeripticns of hitherto unrovesled nothods gr doviees, cr actasl spparatus wich could be of eignifiernt volue to this country or mich would constitute a kazerd dv un= friendly hens. I can therefore cee no tochnic-1 ck nilitery rersca wy further custody of the preperty siculd be retained. Tor your ¥eecr2s, there hap been xeneved to your office 2 filo of various mitten notcriel by Tr. Tesla which covers typheelly and feirly eeapletely gerned during bis leter yeura. Thozd doounents tre en ind briefly cbstréeted in the abtcchnent: to this lett: cre January 30, 1943. ‘Tt should:bé no discredit tb. this distinguished engineer and scientist whose solid.contributicns to the electrical art were + nado at the beginning of the present century to report that his thoughts and efforts during at least the past fifteen years were prissrily of a speculative, philosoplifeal, und somewhat prono- ‘tHonsl-charuoter-often.concerried with the producation and wire- Jess trensaission of povér—but did not dnclude new gound, rork~ abla principles or nethoda for realizing such results. Very truly yours, . JOHN g. TRUE, ae : Rechnicel Aide, . Division 14,,NIRC. Bnclosute. sore” xX $ CF DR, NIXOLA TESEA'S WRITINGS. RETAINED AS EXETETTS TOR TES ALIEN PROPERTY CUSTOULAN On Jeruary 26 end 27, 1943, ‘an exeninxtion was made of the * technical papers of irs Nikola Zesla which, after his deceage, had betn stored in the Monhatton Warehouse in New York City.’ ‘This: éx- faination nas nada for' the purpose of determining 4f my ideas. of significont veine in the present United States-wer effort could be frnd enong bis peszessions. Participating in this excnination were i. dekn.C. Newington, New York C£fice of tho Alien Property Custodians Ly. Cherles Ja Hedotniend, Washington Gffice of the flien Property Custodien; "r, John.G. Tramp, Office of Scientific Resesrch snd De= velopment, Nossechsotts Institute of Technology, Canbridge, Kassacky— sebtsy Fillds George, OFfiGe of Navel Intelligenice, Third Naval Dis~ trigts Edvard:Pelner, Chief’ Yeouen, USNR} John.J. Corbett, Ghief Yeo Ren, USSR, , . 2 the {olloning popers, which ate regerded as typiesl, of Nikola Teslats writings and thoughts 4n the period of 1925 to 1942, were renoved for the purpose of record énd ere Liéted below in thr rendoa order in which thoy mere found; together with a brief individual abstract. Batibit A MPossibilities of Flectrostati¢ Generators" - cn yndated intdele probably written about 1934 discussing the possibili- ties, as a source of high-Voltaye D-C poner, of the Van de Great type of electrostatic belt-generator. The article states correctly the electrostatic principles exployed in this dovice end points aut that such genérators are not suitable + for conneroiel hiigh-poyer applications, though of undoubted scientific yale. Teslals wireless toner, erected in 1902 on long Islend, is stated in this: memorandum to have been charged to XD nillion yolts. Exhibit B - upesotive Forces of Olyce¥ine ani Pynenitet - an undated, menorandgr involying sone calculations of the cxzlosive power of certain conpounds and then deviating to. a discussion of the possibility of transaitting poner by mechanical vibrations plong tho. ecrth's crust. Exhibit ¢ - _ NProcess df De-Gassifying, Refining, and Parifying Metals - a Al-page menorandun probably written about 1930 dealing with the above subject and proposing new theories of cepiliarity ond surfece tension, This ccrrespondence indicated that this had heen subaitted to verdous industriel comptnies.- Exhibit p "Reply to Intorg 6 1thb genotaticn of high-voltage and the zeceleration of charged particles!" — This dactment, dated No- Yenber 8, 1935, ensvers questions raicod by Soviet. engineers and solentists regarding Teslats proposal of ay. 16, 1935. From this ansner, it fo deduced thst: the propossl concerned the gen— eration cf ‘high volteges by electrostatic nenns. These mecns consisted of a high-voltaze terminal présuncbly supported on an insulating column ‘end cherged by a gaseous charge conveying nediua. prseing betwen ground and terninal. The ideas contained in this monorandua ore fadrly aimtlor to the belt-conveyor elegtrostatio gonerator methods proposed by: Von de Grasff und do not opperr to offer ony unumual features. ‘Exhibit: & df Telezeodynenies, or srt Of Producing Terrestrial This docuzent, in the forn of a Letter ‘dated June 22, 1940, to the Westinghouse Plectrio % Sanfecturing Coxpeny,, proposes a nethod for the trarieniseion of large enounts of poner oyer vast distances by neans ‘of riechonical vibrations of the eorth's ofust. ‘The soured of poner ia a incchanical or electrozechanical device bolted to sone rocky protuberance and dnporting poner at.a resoriancé frequency of the ecrth’s crust. Tha proposed scheze appears to be completely visionary ond tn= _ vorksble, Westinghouse!s roply indicates their polite vejection eo ‘ “of thig dos, Bohibit-r ‘iNew trt of Projéctiig Concentrated Non-Tispersive Fnergy’ through Natural Media" - This undated document by Tesla describes.” ‘m electrostatic method of producing very high voltages end ca- psble of very groat power. This generator 4s used to cccelorate cherged perticles, presumably electrons. Such a béam of high- ~ energy electrons possing through air 4s the Veoncentrated non- dispersive peas by which energy is trensnitted through natural nedia, As a component of this a-paratus there is described an open-endéd vacuuh tubs within which thé electrons are first ac~ celerated, ; energy. a Fanibit F (cont) ‘The proposed sthtze beers some relation to present m ‘for producing High-energy cetkods rays vy the coopergtive vst of a high-voltage eledtrestatic gonensitor and sn evacuated electron eccoleraticn tuba. It is well know, howover, thot. such devices, while of scientific end rodicel interost,. are Aneapthls of te troncaiasicn of Lerge cxounts.of perer in nonedspetbed. bees oyer long distorices.. Tesla's. disclesures in this renovondun would hst énsble the constructicn cf workable Gctbinaticns of generator and tube even of Linited poner’, though ee generol elexents of such A tonbinaticn are. succinetly de~ gcribed. . ~ Bebit. a A edrovlas by Corol Fird, dated Qepterber 10, 1935, en~ titled "irenendaus Now Power Soon to He Tnlorshed", This Hor ‘tories in popular style sone biographical inferraticn ecncern- ~_ dng Wkola Tosa ond eons Adons for the trancrtenten of power cn-which he is stated to. be working.' It appcers that the: mothod of trerteniesion 1g by the mechanical rosonsnce nathod outlined in Exhibit P, otiove. Pettit He ‘ds. exhibit congists of a series of Lottérs ta represen— tatives of ‘the Iritich Gevernizent dated sumust 23, 1936; Coto~ ber 2iy 1937; Docosber 15, 19575 and april 5, 1933, Tt includes areply dated Jamer, 7, 1933, fron the Hritieh fovermont. ‘these lotters offer to the Lritish Goverment, for a fee, the, Misclosure of a for gccelerating to high energies ritute porticles, Such berms would constitute a desth ray copsble of the proteotion-of Great Eritain frou adr attack. . The nothod proposed is ensentiglly that deseribed in Kxhi- bit F thoves, Folloring the initial letter cated August 23, 1936, tha subseouent. letters attexpt to clear up the *micunder— sténdinze! of the Initich reprosentataves and to expedite thedr scceptince of ‘tho Tesla propotol. The Eritivh reply dated Jonu- my 7 a 2 polite exprossicn of disinterest in the proposal, Exhibit. In-tntoted menorsndua written after ‘Teslals 79th birthday describing reveral discoveries: which ho believed he had made. Tho Dirat related to a dynazic theory ef gravity which is co- scribed c9 rick yet coupleted. The second stated as a physical truth the belief thet there energy in natter other then that roceiyed from the environment". This seccnd statement, whichis discuesed at Length. in this ind other writings of Tosla,- indieatos he disbelief An the existence of ruclect a DB Pebibit gy ~ "h Vethod of Producing Powerful Radintions® - an undsbed nerorsndia in Tess handwriting describing "a nen process of generating ponersul rajs.or yadititions", The menorendun reviews, ‘the works of Lenard end Grookes, describes Tesla's work on the produestion of high voltoges, end finglly in tho last pergroph gives the. only description of the invention contained in the Rémorandua, ‘This deseription is as follows: "Driefly stated, By new simplified’ process of generating ponerful rays. consists 4n cresting through the nedium of 9 high-speed jet of suitable flyid a vacuous spice ground a ternindl of 2 circuit end sup- plying the sone with currents of the required ‘tension ond volume, ‘Fxhibit K A letter to. prospective Iiconsecs on. telegdodyrisniies dated: Decexber 27, 1941. This 4s a single-poge Letter with the type written signature of Dr. Nikola Tosli, in which he addresses himself to the prospettive Licensees. of telogeodynomics, states that over a half nillion dollars was spent on this development with funds contributed by the Korgans, Crenford, Js J. Astor, and-Fish, as well as: comercial organizations, und states this , to be a new aré with which “utivelieveble mondors con ba achtovod", ‘Exhibit. b Teslats Jhon Systen of Kivid Propyisient. This ds an un= acted éerendun of about20 typewritten poges describing a gyp- ten of fluid propulsion Sa-which the conversion fron hydraulic ” to rotary recknnical poner is achieved by pissing the fluid be~ tween flat srovler disks, shaft-nounted end énclosed, in a das= Ange This ncrorandu written sbout 1925 describos in goneral tems a'kind of hydrivlic turbine which seems practical. There 4s copious evidence chong the other of Toslats papers that thie idea was generally disclosed to: sppropiiate individuals and that it received favorable comont tnd possibly sone use. Sone of theso coments: are contained on the Last page of the exhibit. db "fio Povor of the Aiturel! ~ 2 menorendun apparently written by Tesla enc probably in respensé to a request from gcne popular seience graup for en opinion es to the source of future poxer. This nenoréndur roviews the gradual evolution of power sources. Tt discusses in sone detail the possibility of atomic power and states ag his opinion that atomic power is not feasible, The discussion of atomic energy 4s apparently confused to: same éxtont Fahibit it (cont.) vith planetary energy. ‘The erbicle further discusses the subject of wind, tides, lightning, and water power as & source of comercial energy. The lest-sentence of this menorencm states: "With my wireless systen, it is practiccblo to trans- nit electrical energy at u distance of trelve thousand niles ‘with 4 loss not éxeceding 5 pcr cent. I can conceive of no advences which would ‘be nore dodireble at this tind end nore denefiedal to the further progress of minkind." ‘This menorandua congtitutes on interesting generaliged discussion of the various sources of power. Tt 4s qualitatively correct for the rost pert exeept probably in thst portion which wecls with wtonie poner, Fxhibit W 'ohe Treneniesion of Fleotiie Fnergy Without Wires" — on article by N. Teale in the Flectric Forld, Narch. 5, 1904, pages 42-13Ls A genersl, sonewhat. blozraphical arbiclé on Tesla's ecrly work with some speculation on tha possibility of long- Astence wirelese tronsaission of lorge exounts of energy. Exhibit 0. Morld Systen of Fireless Trensnigsion of nergy" = an sut{cle by N. Tesla in. Telegraph and Telephone Age, Cotcber 16, 1927, pages 457 and 460. An article wiich traces tho ccrly work on the production ond transmission of electro:iegnetic ra intions, describés Teslats efforts to increase the anount of porer Which cen be transmitted without wires and concludes with a proposed "orld Systex" for the wireless trantnission . cf both poner and communications. Wo workable disclosure of a moans for ececapfohtng this ia included, and such*gencrali~ thes ds suggest the epproach which Tesla had in mind do not seen cepadle of accomplishing the desired result. tahibit P : “Interview nith Dr. Wikola Tesls" by Aldea, P. frragnag for Poplar SoLerce Lonthily, Lay 24, 1928. Arr W-pare memoron— dun written in popular conversational style doscrsbing en in- tervien mith ur. Tesla and reporting his present work. - This report, includés statements on a new airplane, on rockét ships, ‘on the wireless trancnigsien of power, on it world syaten plen for the trencmission of ppeoch and television, on the imarac~ tesbility of hameseing atomic energy, on radio, activity, and on. the acceleration ‘of charged particles, such oo cathode rays, by high voltages. Exhibit 9 4n agreement dated spril, 20, 1935, betveen Kikola Tesla and-the {ntorg ‘Trading Cotporatién, in which Tesla agreed to - supply plans, ‘specifications, end complete information on mothod aid apparatus for producing high voltages up to fifty: ,- wdlon volts, for producing very szall particles in a tube open to ir, for increasing the charge of the particles to ‘the full voltege of the higit potential terninal, end for pro~ Jeoting the particles to.distantes of o hundred niles oy toro, ‘Tho raximm speed of the-particles was spacified gs not less than 350. miles per second, ~The réceipt of $25,000 foe for _ this disclosur'6 way acknowledged in this ggrotment, which Was, signed by-Hikola Tesla and by Ay Bortanien of the imtorg Trad- . Ang Corporation, The.nothod referred ta inthis agreenent is « -gpparentl, ‘that described in Exhibit ,. above. It is: probable’ that Bunibit D, above, is pi effort by ‘Tesla to ‘clear up tha questicts raised: by Soviet engineers after the subject dis— closure had been mado., There is no evidence that the inven- , tohs and inforration refered to. in this agreement, are other than those described 4n a nunbor-‘of Teslats papers and’ pub- - Ushed-articlés., Tt Should thorefore he expented, and it io. rsubstentinted by Exhibit D, that this disclosure subsequently proved wmorkeblés * . ER E . - An oxonination of soveral itens of scientific, sppératus, cnong . ‘the Tesla efforts at the Konhatten Warehouse and-in a deposit box-at, the Goyerner Glinton fotel ‘showed those to be stgridard olactricel neasuring Anstrecents: in cbnuon use several dacadés. ayo, ~ 2 mat , gE a. anbuP, ' “echnical da, 7 . ~.Divieion Ly NRG, +, | Mass. Insts of Teche, : ; : - Combridge, oes., ; . - ‘ Samoey 30, 1943. 5 yor/a. . Ret UIKXON SUBJECTS; _ SAVA ROSINOVECHS * j , 0 Exporfnents ‘and reséarch of NIKOLA TESLA (deceased) Doar Sirt ESPTONAG? — It Reference ig made to tho Purcau Letter dated January 21) 1943y which bore a caption siniliar to that nontioned above. ‘Tho referenced Letter dealt. with the death, on January 7, 1943, of ‘the {enous dnventor, NIKOLA TFSLA, who as well as being the invontor of Alternating Current, perfected. many olectrical devices, He is also crodited with having developed the so called "death ray" which would safoguard any country fron attack by aire On Juno 9; 1945, a RALPH PORGSTRESSER of New York City furnished Ainforcation of a nonspacific nature indicating that it was his belief that poraons syapathetic to Russia wore making an effort to secure the effects of NIKOLA TESLA in order to calvage therefroa any uodels or designs of possible nilitary value, Ur. BEROSTRESSER clained ‘that he hoard that ABRAHAY N. SPAN, President of tha NATIONAL LATEX CORPORATION, of Dover, Delaware was ‘the notivating influence behind this attempt to obtain TESLA'S panerg which are presently ‘held in storage at the MANHATTAN STORACS WARTHOUSS in Now York Citys BTSSS"RESS7R pronised to return to the New York Field Division shortly after his initial visit and. furnish further and nore specific information to support his clain, He-was yot heard froa again, however, untdl Sopteaber 27, 1945, at ‘ich tine he furnished tho following additional informations Be said that a boyhood chia of his from Wichita, Kansas, BLOYGS FITZO"RALD, had ‘been TRSLA'S protege and one of the inventors few confident: Acconting to BEROSTRESSER, FITZGVRALD who is now an Army Private stationed . | at Wright Field, Dayton, Ohio, is a briluiant 29 year old scientist who spent endless houba with TESLA prior to the lattors death, during which tine TESLA cwplained to hin woot searet experinenta. B2NOSIRESSIR stated that FITZCIRALD not TESLA in Noverber 1942, but ho had boen corresponding with the latter eines 1935. According to the inforsant, FITZOZRALD had deyolopod soze sort of anti-tank gun, the details of witch he presvnted to TTSLA who nade certain corractions in design and specifications to further porfect thq weapon. BOROGIRESSER related that soxotine in December~ 1942, when FITZG™ALD was attending a.meoting of the AvSRICAN SOCIETY OF MECHANICAL FNOINEERS, ho made tha acquaintance os ADRAHAT SPANZL who baccze interested in FITZOTRALD'S SIAL EN Pte | Pap aaa Mm se 5 October 17; 1945 gum. SASL offered financial aid to PLTZOZRALD and the two wore in the closest, contact with each other for a‘ considerable period of time. EORGSIRTSS'R sald that FITZGZRALD hod Lined up a deal for the purchase of ‘the gun by the REMILOTON ARS COMPANY, but for sone reason SPANZL blocked this deal by reaching top mea in the REWINGTON OONPANY. SPANEL is then reported as having obtained a Job for FITZGTPALD with the HIGG7NS STIP BUILDIRG OOPANY in Hew Orloans and negotiated a contract with FITZGZRALD for ths purchase and manufacture of the gun in a manner which would retun £05 of tha profits derived. to S°MTL, WROSMESSER stated that in Kovenber-of 1943, for sone unknown reagon but which be believes to be attributable to SPANEL, FITZG“RALD was fired by tha HIGGS OUPANY. In Septeabor Of 19445. FITZOZRALD was inducted into the Asay and for a considerable period of tino was located at an ordinanca exporizontal station at Figin Field, Florida. BZ2GSTRESSTR stated that at ‘tha present tine FITZOSRALD is engaged in a highly socrot experinontal, Project at right Field in Dayton, Ohio. Tn spite of his rank of Private, FITZS72AID actually is the director of this reeearch and is working with ‘vany top young scientists who wore inducted into Army froa leading industrial posts. According to B°ROSTR"SS"R, FITZO“RALD is presently workdug on the perfection of TESLA'S °death ray" which in PIPZOTRALD'S opinion is the only possible defence against offensive use by another nation of tha Atoatc Bobb. In this connection, it is noted that the New York Tinos of Septeabor 22, 1940 in an article entitled *SCIENC3 IN TIS NEMS" by WELLIAY A. LAUISNCZ, Scionce Biltor states that THSLALdomulged to LATINCS the fact that he hed developed a death ray" or *teleforce which TESLA claiued would melt airplane notors at.a-distance of 250 uiles, so that actually an invisible Chinese Wall would be built around a country against attack by an eneny ait force: Accordirig to the article in the TIES, this electrical device would operate by the generation of poxor fron a plant, a nucbar of which night: be Located strategically along our coast lines and the boas fron which would belt any ongine within a redins: of 250 niles. EOSTTSSTR stated that during FITZOPRALD'S acquaintance with SPAUTL) FITCECRALD had told SPANTL of his assoclations with TTSLA and had apparently described to SPANZL. sexo of TESLA'S most secret work. BUNGSTRESSIR believes that SPAYEL, who he clains is definitely pro-Russian in attitude, is now attenpting through legal. procedure to secure custody of TESEA'S effects which ara now hold by TECLA'S only hoir, one SAVA KOSANOVICH!, who is preeontly 4m Yugoslavia occupying soe governmental post. Tt will be recalled that in an article published on March 15, 1945s, dy the ETRY FEATIRY SHIDICATS THORPOUT=D, WESTBROOK PEGLER’. charged SFANEL ‘with sproading pro-coazunist and pros Russian propaganda through his full page advortisonent in the nerspapers, which SPANEL characterized as boing published for the TUTSREATIONAL LATZX C'2PORATION,. as a public service featura. ‘It is also interesting to observe that in the New York Tines of October 2, 1945, an article appears which atatos that SPANSL is euing the KING FIATURS SMIDICATS THOMREORATED for six nillion dollare alleging the eplizn by PEGLER . to have been libelous. oa Bas - Latter- Director, a ‘ october O) 1945 AY 65-1290 . ‘ PRESMRESITR stated that through FITZGCRALD he too had ret SPANCL and fron this perconal acquaintance ho formed the opinion that SPAXEL was definitely a comuniot and is probably ono of the financial supporters of the Comunist Party in this country. BSROSTRISS=N stated that SPANEL was torn in Russla,, but 4s now an Azorican citizen. Ee aleo charged that SPAUEL exerted trecondous political inflvance in Washington, D. C.s and gaid that ono-of SPAIIL'S closest political. friends was EZERY WALLAGZ. ; ECROOTRENSER advised: that two agents froa Army Intelligence contacted, and stated that, in an investigation to doteraine tho qualifications of FITZCTALD for a cocaisston, thoy had developed information indicating that SPANEL yas dofinitely endeavoring to socare possession of TESLA'S effects. BIRACTR'SSTR indicated that Amy Intelligence was pursuing an investigation along these Lines iu an atteapt to. ascortain ths couplete story in this regard. For the Bureau's Lnforzation, PIRGSTRESS"R was born ov duly 3, 1912 ab Puoblo, Colorado, he is uiarried, end his fonily resides in Wichita, Keness. Ho 4g a graduate of Horthwestern University and until July 1945 had. been & aaployeo of tho’HI, wvereeas branch, fron March 1943 until Yanuary 1945. "Ho had beon stationed in. China, attached to General Stiliwell's Headquartora, ‘and was in charge of tho physiological Tarfare Departzent of the OWT. EGRSIREST at presents not eaployed, howsver, he aprears to ‘hava axple. furida cinco ke travels all ovor thé country and resides in reputable hotels. dust resently he stated that he had driven Gonoral Stillvell's car from Fashington to the Nest Coast as 2 perzonal favor to the General's wife. - Te advicod that it is his desire to cooperate with PITZOZRALD dn securing egal possession of TESLA'S effects in ordor ‘that a medorial foundation nay ‘bo established for the protection of TESLA'S.oxperinents and for the preserya- ‘tion of the inventors nenory. . . FOROSTRISSER stated that FITZOTRALD-had interested a group of young ‘Aray scientists now working with hin at Wright Ficld in this foundation, and their ultinate goal secire the support of a wealthy backer in order that a foundation might be established and that a sort of ‘idea factory" might result. [a said that they Antended, to, contact ISERY FORD, St., to aclicit: ‘his. aid in this regard. «* \ EROSTRESER related, that probably thegreatest idea of TESLA'S: yas that involwing the wiieleas trondission of electrical porers Ke clained that TESLA had parformed & succosoful experiment many years ago at Pikes Peak, at #hich tine he harassed local current frod. the sun's raye watch he built up into a huge poténtial of olectrical energy. ECRGSTRESSER said that according to FITZSPALD; Uf this idea, could be furthered, all electrical energy to operate the world's machinery might be gotten absolutely free rather than by the costly method with which electrical poxer is presently generated. ' He gaid-that his idea was to conduct furthor experiments along thie line jin China where the need £2" " @lectrl cal power ig Very great. badly oguiry mas nade At tho ANIATTAN STORAGE VANETOUSE in Now York City, aid it was determined that tho effocts of NIKOLA TCSLA are contained in somo > 7 De. 17, 1945 "5 patting cicgs ard trunks and are prosontly under seal by the New Yor‘ State Departaent of Taxation. It was learned that the rental for this storare, wich aprroxinatas $15 per conthy ig being paid by one CUURLOTTE ‘MUZIR, 134 East. 63rd Street, Kew Yor, Kew York, who is listed. ss the agont for SAVA KISS" V7TCH. latter, Mrectory 65-1220 Inquiry was eleo nado at the office of the Alien Proparty Custodian in Yow Yorks City, concerning an investigation conducted by this office at the tina of TELA'S death, and at which tine the latters provorty wae placed. under seal by the Mnited States Goverment. Mr. WALTHT 00%: Calor ( Investigator for the Alien Property cstodian, provided a coror otter snd 2 exxary of rsterials omed by TESLA at tho tea of his death which was excained by 771 0, 7RUP, of tho office of SCIFNTIFIC RESTARGH & DTVPLOPs XTH. a. OHSU aleo stated, that Hs file in this matter reflected that ‘on tho night TOSLA dicd his eafe xas forced opon by a ropresentative of the TALKS? CAPT AUPAY. Th was Wr. CORCUO'S bolief that a ltr. Sy73ZBY to bo ona of thd cditore of tho POPMGAR S°ITNC3 WACAZINS was present in T'SEA'S tom shortly after the cafe was oponed. Thées individuals . wore RITLIS (70202, EDARD PALICR, ond dO7.J. CORTE. ‘there, are enclosed: herosith two. typewritten copies of tho yoport by Mr. TRYP of the ALIEN FLOPTRTY CUSTODIAN raflecting the findings of Ur. ‘THUD, following his oxnination of T*SLA'S 6ffacts. There is algo enclosed herewith a photostatfe copy of a list of neraons associated with NIKOLA ‘THCUA. ‘This latter itea was furnfehed by Mr. BOROSTRTSS™R. end no investigation is being conducted by this office. Very “ye Ry Be MONROYy SAC | ‘The ova infordation is furnisted for tha fureau!s infomation, { 3 Taelosures. ‘PSEPL=382/REH/nie ‘BSEKG (FSEPL-3H2) . 19 October 1945, Fedoral Bureau, of Investigation: Federal Court House Building “Wow York;-Hew York . “ Attention: Kr, Hervey Hoth Gentlenen: sted that in the intoregt of Hatisnal, ‘Deféase, de. given. to fects.of Dr.. Hicola:#ésla.held in‘Menhat Worehouss at 57th Strést, Hew York City, Hew York. Wo ere desirous.of obtaining pertinent. infortation concerning Hrojects under consideration by'‘the Control Rquipront. Branch of" the Eatipsont laboratory, Engineering Division, Air Tdchnical Service | 4 ‘Command, “ . Tt 4s understdod that Dr. fesls. ves ‘voll versed in tho, ‘Particular field of dnyestigetionunder’ study by the. Army Air ‘Fort snd At 4 Belfoved that, tho data fron-his.estato may assiot tis further, . ‘Respectfully:-yours LC. CRAIGIE, gad General, U, S. A SOs ” Chief, Engineering 17 1905 | Gur HREM * Octobgr, 31, 1945 65~12290 a CONRTMATTAT, ‘| . Se i i 7 : t r : . Director, FBT 1 f . , : RS: UVR SUBIZCTS; a SAYA KOSANOVICITS, | Experinientsand research of NIKODA TESTA’ (deceased) rseronhog yr a \ : . Dear sire e Reference 4 tiade to a letter dated October 17, 1945, captioned as ° “above, which contains. a suimury of recojit: Information received by. this office relative to the effects of HIKOIA TESLA, deceased inventor. On Natiober 26, 1945,. Private BLOYCR FITZGDRALD, ASNT 36916920, who is nentioned in tho reference letter, called in person at tho ‘Now York office together with Private DAVID Wf. PRATT, ASN 39293663; Lt. rERIERT 0, SCHUTT, and Lt. R.B. KOULE, all of a research davalopscnt unit at JYright Field, Dayton, Ohio, These non carried a letter signed by BRIGADIER ORERAL 1.0. GRAIOER, Chief Bngincoring Division, Wright Field, requesting the assistance of this office in.allowing the bearers of the letter’ “ access to the effects of NIKOLA. THSLA.. _ib waa explained to ‘Private: FITZOCHALD-and. his associates that ‘Ue office hed no jurisdiction over TESEA's. effects, and FITZGTALD was referred ‘to the-office.of the Alion Property Custodian, which nade & Yery thorough Anveatigation of TSLAts belongings. folloring the inventor's deat For: the Bureau's information, Private FITZOERALD, and his associates, Stated that the aray bolieves ‘ISTA's "Death Ray": to be the only possible . defense against tho atonic bond, and they feel that. possibly the secret 4 of the "Death Ray ies axong TESLA's effects, which occupy several trunks | at the Wanhattan storage Tarehouso, Now York City. Xt-will be recalled that prio to TESIA's death, FITZGSRALD, who is reported to be @ brilliant young solentist, wag taken by TGiLA as-his protege. ‘This office is- conducting no investigation on this natters ‘ery ve . Bu. Bs. COMOX, Shg'z j (XD | reIne BO EL? | March 29th, 195d}, MEMO SAC: RB; NICOLAT FES SAVA N. KOSANOVIC ena w n this date Thop. A. Belnont advised that one > SAVA N,, ROSANOVIC’ RB contacted. the Burdau and > advised that he vas foraerly Yugoslav Minister 9 \¥ in W2.C.,t. te further stated that he was = nade adninistrator of the Estated of a relative NICOLAT PESLA who died 1-7-3, Pesla had left all of his teclnical papers to be given to the institute of Belgrade. PESLASS papers were left in the Manhattan Storage Co, and the Honhattan Storage Co. advised hin that the F.B.I, had made MIGRO~ FILS of all these papers, KOSANOVIG requested that if the F.B.I. had: done 80, would it. be‘possitle for ‘hini to get.a copy of sancaa27eng? oF Neg ‘ISP BEWMONT advised UR. KOSANOVIC that he , doubted very mich;if the F, ‘had done this: but he cotild check and find out. ‘Insp. BELT requests that. at-chedk be made on this matter’ and.if this is. the case, was anything’ }, FBI - NEW YORK |. MAR 3 0 1950 Li % a Biiector, FI. : pri. 27, 2950 SAC, Kew York SAYA He KOGRIOTIG TRSENNAL SECIRITY-TU (Batile 65-47953) Febulet, dated april 3. laste Of April, 7,.1950 agents of this office intervioned kr. J.Vs POTS, Vico President of the Karhattan Warehouse and Storaca Company, 52nd Street ‘& 7h Averuo, Kew York City, arid at that timo 1. POTS advised that the niles of his fir required that, oll, persons gaining access to foods stored ‘by Kenbattan first bad to $412 out an appropriate form sotting forth thoir anes, date of visit, end reason for requesting access to the cots. In @ rovlor of tho-Tile pertaining to the storage of the effacts of NILA TESLA, Ki» POTTS revealed that, only ona such visit. had been made by Persons outsida of the nanagenent of Uanhattan Storage: itself. ‘This one Secession took place on yamary 26 and 27, 1943, at which tixe representatives of the Alien Property Custodian nado @. thorough review of the entire effects of the TESLA estate. Tho TESIA-effecta are stored in reons 57 and 51, of Kanhatten Storace's warehouse ob 52nd Strodt & 7th Avenue, iM, WICHAEL KING, who stated he had-been Ploor Supervisor for approxinately 10 years on the floor in question, stated that he could recall only thé.one occassion in early 1943 yoo ay ekazination fas nada of the TESIA effects. Ho stated that at that. tine nzaerous.photographa wore taken ‘by tho oxattiners. Dis description of the edjsipaont used would tend ta show that a nierefiln reproduction was made of acne of the papery of the deceased scientist. ff. KING added that several of-the greup raking the exaxtnaticn wore U.S. Navy uniforss,and daring the ‘two daya required to complete the exariination the civilian essistanta in the group wore identified to hin only o> "ZEDETAL AUTIORITIES". According to If. KING, no other instance of microfilming of the records of tha TOLA estate has taken place since that tines It should be noted that the fireew was infomed-of the exonination mere tioned above by Now York letter (mith attachments) dated Cctoter 17, 1945, ‘entitled UNIMON SURIECT; SAYA IOSMEVICHS Exporinerts & Research of NIEOLA TECIA (Reezesed),, Esplonaze-ile : ws: ase / fo ERR UaG 105-1391. letter to Direcor, FBI HY 105-1392. am, Toms dngulxy iad been received by anbattos frcia SATA Ns WSMOVICH, nor had Manhattan informed hin, in any way, that an ex- anitation of tho TESLA effects: had been-nade iy anyone. In fact, added IR. POTS, the only correspondence relating to the TESLA estate has ceen in tho form of bills for storage. IR. POMS stated that any personal inquixes reparding the estate mould of necessity be directed to hin, and ‘to date no. suc nquizies have ‘been made. ‘Intervioning agents eipiaizied'to Rs POTTS that the exsnination nade, a8 mentioned above, was not. instigated by the Baroau,, nor had the Bureau taken part in that exanination. Unless advised to the contrary, this investigation is being placéd ah a closed status, and no. further Anvestigative action is contemplated by this offices CIOSED. ‘Wew York, W. ¥, >. afsfsr . Re? UNKNOWN SUBJECTS; . - SAVA KOSANOVICH; . ‘Experitients, and Research of NIKOLA ESPIONAGE -M. > At 1OrH0 A. M.; 2/5/51, Mr. Carl Henrich, Bureau, called réla- ‘ive tothe following individuals:-~ ABRAIAN SPAT; RALPH BRUSIRESEER; NIKO! Sic ' Mr. Hleumrich ‘said NIKOLA FESLA fied ied soxe years Yack; ‘that he had been quite ‘a scientist; and-vas supposed to have been, prior to - hig death, working on death rays: After he aiéd ‘there were allegations made.that anong his papers. vere imiterial frou vhich a death ray could be developed, we-é-xesuit—of-vhich Pie Alden Eneny Custodian seized all his documents. | ,_ ABRAHAM SPANEL used to be with International Latex Uorp. Dir- Ang the ‘years, there have been a number’ of nonspecific couplaints received xe SPANEL's alleged CP sympathies, One of these couplaints cane fon RALPH BERGSTRESSER. . RALPH BERGSTRESSER, tir 1945, visited the NiO and talked with SA Harvey Rath. Mr. Rath reported this to the Bureau in neuo dated -10/17/45 ynder the title, UNKNOWN SUBJECTS; SAVA KOSANOVICH, EXPERDEENTS AND RESEARCH OF NIKOLA KESLA (Deceased); ESPIONAGE =f, That meno re~ Flects an interview with RALPH BERGSIRESSER in which BERGSIRESSR fur= nished information regarding SPANEL and also regarding’ FESLA pafers, The inference was SPANEL vas trying to get hold of fESIA papers for sone sinister purpose, As a result of that coritact, MYO,contécted the Alien Enemy Custodian and found they had subuitted the’ ‘papers in Joly to N.I.T. and a representative of M,I.T, had furnished then with information that they found nd information that would be helpful af to an unfriendly nation, WMS 2 / WMW:MEB 5 [- Noy, BERGSTRESSER, the early part.of last yeér, wrote to Senator Joseph. McCartly and the Sénator turned his. letters over to: the Bureau, One of the letters to Senator McCarthy was regarding PANEL. ‘In that icttet he advised NéCarthy. ‘that he had taken tvo days in about April, 1995, to explain the entire story to-te FBI in New York City: He sdid they started ah investigation against SPANEL and after @ fev weeks indigated that their hands veré tiéa; Gt thet there was. nothing the FBI could do as they had been stopped: froma higher level. They did not séy yes or no in-reference: to SPANEL;-in ‘other words, they ‘would not comit thenselvés too-tiuch; However, they later indicated that apparently ny suspicions were true. HARVEY RATH, “the FBI agent. who I dealt with most, resiged ; his job and requested that I never discuss this matter vith hin < again; ‘that he had a wife and family to. donsider. I ‘asked him if there Wasn't some Hiope left and he stated that the "Iwt hope wad Congress." Z have never seen or contacted him again as per his (aie : Mr. Henrich said ‘Senator McCatthy. turned this material ~ over to the Bureau last June: or July, bib nothing was doné about. it. The other day Westbrook Pegler was in ‘town and stopped in to , gee Asst. Dir. L. B. Nichols, at vinich tine ‘he. spoke: alot-atout. SPANEL. Sometime ego SPANEL sued Pegler for libel and now it ap- pears PEGLER is out to gét him, One of Pegler‘s.contacts~is’ BERG: SIRESSER. When Mr. Nichols reviewed the Bureau files in this mat- er, he inquired about the réason why former SA Harvey Rath had not ‘been interviewed in this matter, . . _ dirs Hennrich requested that forsier SA Harvey Rath te interviewed and that we find oub what he has to say in addition to the infornation ‘reported by him in NY létter to the Bure =~ 10/17/45 mentioned above. WILLIAM M. WHELAN, ASAC ” New. York, W.-Y. ee SAVA KOSANOVICH; Experizents atid Research of NTKOLA kes, (asceaséa) ESPIONAGE, ~ M At 20:80 Ay M, te oly Mr. Carl Eentirich, ‘Pures, called elas - ‘tive to the following indi ARI SEAL 1 RALPH BERGSTRESSER} MIKOLA KESLA.. : Mr, Henrich, gata NIKOLA KRSLA had died some years. back; that he hod teen quite o scientist; and was supposed to.have been, prior to ‘his death, vorking on death rays. After-he died there yeré allegations, nade that anong his papers vere material from which a death ray could be - Aeveloped, as.aresult-of which ‘the. Aten, Enony Custodian seized ali lis documents, ABRAHAM SPAREL uséd to: be with International tate Corp, Dur- ing the year's, tere haye been a uumber.Of nonspecific complaints received ze SPAIEL's alleged CP. syupathies.. One of ‘these complaint cane fron. RALPH BERGSIRESSER, : o RALPH BERGSIRESSER, ini 1945, wisitea the NYO and vere with BA Harvey Rath, Mr, Rath rérorted this to the Bureau in meno’ dated: Boils under the title, UNKNOWN. SUIJECTS; BAVA KOSAKOVICH, EXPERIMENTS “AND RESEARCH OF NIKOLA KESLA (Déceased); ESPIONAGE - M. ‘That meno re- flects on interview with, RALPH BERGSTAESSER: in which BERGSTRESSRR fur- ‘ished information regarding SPANEL and also regarding KESLA papers. The inference vas. SPAHEL was trying to: get hold of’ KESEA papera for. : sone sinister purpose, ‘As a result of, thatcontact, NYO contacted the. Alien Eneny Custodin and found. they ‘had submitted the KESLA papers in 1933 to H.I.2, and a representative of M.1/s ‘had furnished thea with 4nforzation that they found no Unférmation that would be helpful dt to an-tnfriendly fation, ae - . ow, BERGSSRESSER, the early part of last year, wrote to Senator Joseph Necarthy and the Senstor turned Wis letters. over to ‘thé Bureau, ‘One of the Itters to Senator iéCarthy was regarding SPANEL, In that letter-he advised NeCarthy that bé had taken tio days in-obout April, 1945, to explain the entire story to the FBE in-New York City. He sald they dterted an investigation against BPANEL and after a fev yeeks {ndteated that their hands were tiéd, ‘but that there was nothing the FBI could fo ds they tad been stopped fron a higher Jeyel. They did not cay yes or to in reference to SPANEL; dn.otker words, they would not commit themselves too much. “Towoyer, they later' indicated that epparently ny suspicions vere, true, HARVEY RATH, the FRI agent who. I dealt with most, resigned his Job and requested that I meyer digenss this matter with hin agein; that he had a. wife vind feiily to consider, I asked hint 1° there vagn't etna hope left and he stated ‘that, the “dot hope nis Congress," Ihave never’ ecdn.or contacted hiv-again 26 per his request, Mr, Eenmich said-fenator MéCabthy turned this material over to the Burean last June or July, but nothing was done about ‘Ut, The otter day Westbrook Pegler was in tay and Stopped in to see.Asst. Dir, 1. B..tidchols, at which tin he spoke alot. about: SPANEL, Sonetine, ajo SPANEL sued Peglex for libel and now it ap- Pears FEGLER is out. to get-him. One of Pegler‘s contacts is BERG« SIRESSR, When Mx, JUchols raviewed the Bureau files in this uat- ter, he inquired about the reason why former SA Harvey Rath had not been interyieved 4n, this natter. Mira Henmich requaétea that forkor Sk Harvey Rath: be Interviewed ani that:we fini-out what he has to say dn addition to, the information xeported by hin in NY letter to the Bureau 10/17/45: tientoned aboves. WELDIAN 11, WESLAN, ASAC OGRE Director, FBI 2/o/su Att: ‘Inspector Carl Henmrich iC, Tew York 7 UCKNOW QUBJECTS; # SAVA KOSAROVICH; Experinests and Research of NIKOLA TESLA (Deceascd) ESPIONAGE = 1 Reference 18 sade to telephone cali frou dnsptetor Carl Eounrich, Tureau, to AGAGW. M Whelan, 2/5/51. ‘Fe Eurcan pointed out they wore in receipt of a letter written, ‘by RALPH BINGCIRESSER to Ccnator Jonoph McCarthy relative to one AEQAHAM SPATEL in which he rakes certain allécatdois about conversations which be bad vith forner SA Farvey B. Rath, 0n.2/8/51, Mr. Rath cone to this office and furnished the following dnforagtion? After doviewitg RY letter to Burcau 10/17/45 vaicli tad beea Btew tated by RATA, he recalled that on 6/9/5 BENGSTRISSR cane to the. Kew York Office and furnished sexe nonspecific information-end ke acain eppeared at the Kew York Office and spcke to Ir. Rath 9/27/45. All of the informtion furnished by DENGSMESOR was reported in the above referenced letter,. These are the cnly two visits Mr. Rath recalls EMGSIEIGR ever having made to this office. . For the Durcau's informtion, a cearch of HY files reflect, TONGOMESSER cane to this office on-erother matter and. furnished a ccne Plaint 8/10/42, which ratter bas ne rolatioa whatooever to tke above captioned matter. It should be pointed out aleo that the inforcstion furnished by: PRGSMESSM in 1942 was also of a nonspecific nature, This inforcation vas set forth in report of SA Jom 7, Kurphy, MY, 10/22/43, in the cace entitled JOSEPH MODE WALK, was.) ESP, G. 5 Mr, Rath recalls that lie left. the Dureau dn tay, 1955, to + enter private industry; that souetine after his resigration IIGoMES=t contacted hin telephonieally at hig place of business. Ee eculi offer no explanation es to how EXXGSINESGI keew where he wos exployed. Poo. Sm, o€ thot tine, asked hin if the FBI vas doing anything about the rat- ter he bad previously regorted and fr. Rath recalls baving told hia that that was something about which he could offer ro dnformtion since ke ind officially resigned his coznection with that ageney, Ir, Ratt renexbers specifically informing EERGSIRESSIR that, if Ke bod any further inforras. tion to provide, be skould take sane to the Tew York Office viere sonccne fully quilitied vould be cozaizant of all fects rreviously furatehed, Ye. Rath bas not heard from DIGOIECSM since that rhone-eall, Le has Wane ~ 65-12290° oO tated surest Anat gust atter ue left the Bureau, ho xecedved cslls froa ‘several persons, particularly confidential sources hé bad developed, ith whoa he had Left his hove phone: to make inquiries of hin or to give hin information and he, in.all shatancos, rade dt a practice fo refer thea to the Mev Yorke Office just ef he dla BIRGSMESSRR, The files of the: New York Office définitely indicate. that BERGSIRESSER did nob furnish any, intornstton to this office in ‘April, 1955, o8 he bins alleged, but that he cane to this office on ‘two separate occdsions,. nanely Gaits and 9/27/45. ‘ With regard, to BEROSTRESSER's allegation that the FBI star= ‘tod an investigation against SPANEL and-tfter a fev weeks iniicsted their hands were tied, the Buréau is advised that there 1s no-record: in this office bf ow ever starting an investigation of SPAEL ani, as 4 tatter of fact SPANEL resides in Délayare abd such an in stone tion vould not be widertakén by this. offices RATH ddviced that ke at no tne adviécd BERGSIRESSER that. the Bureau was undertaking any. dnvestipation-of SPANEL ond neither dia he ever" indicat that the Bureau vas not investipating. him because its hanis-vere ted, He never indicated to BERGSIRESSER that hits (BERGSTRESSE"S) suspicions relative to SPANEL vere either true or falee. Relative to BERGSMESSER's Imovledce thot RAT vas mirried abd hod a fently, Mr. Rath advised this ktovledge iy have been given t6 BERGSIRESSER in the following way. The interviews-betveen RATE and BERGSIRESGIR hed ‘been friendly. When BENGSIRESGM called RAM = after he bed left the Bureally scnttine in 19h6, RAT believes EEG. STRESSER asked hin why he Left the Bureau and RATH cays he may have” roplied that he had a wife aiid fantly and bed reccutly purchased. hone in New Jersey ana found ‘the: needs of FBI service to travel around , aieficult for hin under the efrcunstances, Mx. Rath saia ke definitely ia not ask TERGSIRESSR not to call hin or ever discuss this matter with hin becouse he bad @ wife and fently, Ee did request BERGOTESSER not to call hin 4n this matter eny nore since he ves'nd longer comected ‘with the FBI end such matters shduld be discussed vith a representative of that. organization. | “20 ‘NED. " 12290 Hey Rath furthor-states. that he.dtd not distuss the merits of tlie case dn any-way dieing bis Jast telephong donverr. sation with BERGS! wand, hence, he 4d positive that he: snéver. rade Any ‘that ‘there’was no: hope left-or thst, "the last hope: was Congress"; . Since the ‘bne phone ealL above lr, Rath has hod no contact vhatsotver with EXRGSTRESSER and He-has nover heard atiything frod.hin or about him, \ DIREGWA, FOE T/25/5T AA . NG, NEU ort (erase) ee NIKOLA GEA (oéeased) Met . SA me ‘yh iy 13 “wi PETER SAVO, 138 ie ‘ost oth Strock, Not’ York : , Sy Now York,-a United States citizen of Yugoslav: - + a gréraction, ¥ho on ocession, voluntarily furnishes. o the Now Offies With Andoma sion J Bo, , considans to +> be. in the interostsof te sstourkty of he nck States Governzont, furnished Spacial gene NICHOLAS TatksmovnoL the fonloning Anforration on - DY 3, 1957: . Savo btated that a certain Houpa mad eed Mes. MARGATE? GROL uto Lives seth hoe hus TOL, at the Colonial Kotel, 51 Vest Slat tivest, Yow. - wore 2H, Now Yous, hao been igsuing nowglettors Which : ontain information. pepeatnng, to flying saucers _ . - ae Anterplanctary ratte ~ . SAVO-ntated. thatin his opinion tir, and Tira. STONY are explolting the reputation and genius _ .of NIKOLA SLA; coeeased,inyentor of Yugodlav. — - ae Seergetton whg atideyod Nordd ‘wide Lame at a result of s 6 inventions in the United Staten. Soe v8 bora in Suttjan, wsolavia dn? July, 1859 anda come to, the United States im 160 eet see ee iS adem are~Light and to. | ‘odes Jator he invented the Sesla rotor and: Gontencd = > & plan for the teantiatchton of alternating current ‘Tn cubsoquent years, TOSLAIs discoverics Sad ave Inventions - Andhded Buch fields and appldances as wireless comunication, clestrical oaperabion, xpdtant powcr. and’. . cep cetive mtter, After 1900, cozmunicationa. 058. franelonton doeuadcd most. of 7 his rocoarch, . . BoP 8) cesta) om)" Tee Ae Be) (Emon) (os) 7) ea : ‘ . =f s . b5+12496 3 “+. and yould also. Jentte oxplosives aboard any. bombers Wy 65-12090 - Pomos io. ° S TESLA's only military invention tias:a method, to Yhich he once eluded but now fully doseribed, ‘hig invehtion was @ Koons uheroby an inperetrable, "Wall of force" can bo orccted around the United ‘. . States! orders yWileh would render helpless any _. — nilitary-attack, SSLA disclosed the oxigtence . of his pian in 193} and stated he intended to present, # fo a Geneva Conference but ‘seldom referred to it riord, a woe The "Now Youle Times" dated 9, 22/40, *Death Ray". This article Inéluded Information to: * ; -"tho effect that TESLA, on his, 84th birthday, guy 20, 1940, advised New ‘York Tinos reporter’ Yur A.. LAWRENCE, that he was ready to divulge to United States - Governzont thé gceret of his "téleforee'l, with which he aid airplane rotors would be melted at n distance ~ of 250 niles so invisible Chinese wall of . defense vould be built around the colintry againot-any attcepted attack by an cnony airforce no-fatter hoy large, According to TZCLA, this “teleforée" was .- baced.on an entirely now prindiple of Phyoigs that . - = "no one, has evo? droancd about" and was different from tearinedple enbodied in his invehtions xelating to thy transniesiond¢ elegtridal porter fron a distance, - = fop- whieh; he recofyed a numbor of bani¢ patonts;- - TESLA stated that this new type of force woul - ofgrate through a toan one hundredth militjonth of a. ‘aguare © centimeter in diameter and vould bo ao genorated fron & soccial plant that sould cost: no. more ‘then tyo million dollars and would take only about ‘three - ronths to castruct, “ZUSLA stated that a-dzon such Plants located at stratogic points along the coast, acdording to TESLA, nould be enough to defind. the Widted States acainst all possible acrtal attacks, - TIGbt stated that thig boom would molt any ongine ~~. TESLA stated that no possible defense against 1¢ coulda‘ - be devised and he asserted that the beam would be. all » penetrating, carried an article Eotting forth “iad of TASEA's plan for .a at and that yas ‘that should the United Stats doyornnont 7. docide to. take up his offer, he would go to work at ~ ghee but that the United States Government. vould haye tS trust hin, TEsnA ftated that. ho vould suffer * “ng interferences from oxports." ae sca ttt "Now Yorks Bios" arbicle Hie, LAWRENGS. ° ‘tomontod that With conditions as thoy vere tn 19405 a dna with tho United states rotting ready. to ppond

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