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On July 20, 1969, the North American Apollo 11 mission, choice or placed the first men on
the Moon: Commander Neil Armstrong and pilot Edwin F. Aldrin. When the Eagle module
lands on the Sea of Tranquility, live images are followed on television by 600 million people.
The figure was an absolute audience record for 12 years.
The missión begins with the human exploration of the moon. Astronauts travel the ground
for two hours collecting 22 kilograms of soil samples and lunar rocks and installing scientific
instruments to detect earthquakes, so that is the objetive for the mission and explore if
there was a strange presence or aliens.


Armstrong requests permission to make preparations for the first extravehicular activity ,
So Houston authorizes it. However, The only possibility of danger to the mission was the
Soviet automatic probe Luna 15, which, launched on July 13 and scrash hours after than the
Armstrong step of the moon for the first time.
So the tripulation was already and the first man to do is Armstrong, who as he descends the
stairs and activates the television camerain in live for everyone people in the world. When
the commander gets down , he describes to Houston what he saw, and as he steps on the
ground at 2:56 on July 21, 1969 (UTC international time), he says the famous phrase: "A
small step for a man, a great leap for the humanity".


The tripulation prepare to pick up the Apollo 11. And go back to the earht, so the apollo 11
was traveling to the earth and a few minutes after the loss of communications, the first
signals from the apollo 11 are received in Houston. At eight kilometers maybe 8000 meters
from the soil, two parachutes open to stabilize the descent. At Three kilometers away, these
are replaced by three pilot parachutes. They finally get to land at 6:50 p.m. on July 24,
exactly eight days, three hours, 18 minutes and 35 seconds.

So finally, 600 million people across the planet saw the Apollo 11 moon landing and in the
consecutive months the political, media and social impact was very big. The Apollo 11 crew
was subjected to a busy schedule of receptions, parades, interviews and protocol of State.

Parade in Manhattan, New York, of the astronauts in August 1969.

Parade in Chicago in August 1969.
Reception of the kings of Belgium on October 9, 1970.
Reception of Papa Paul VI on October 16, 1969.

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