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siuould haps and, as best you ea. to gon ud $ questions about world teas finshed! List among the and di only snarginally Better thas Mesiea, where edueation more hited, Che last ot abt the isos, Di. even 9 ’ thot of the sespomdents in a o a sihsantially lor, Jobsat als fost service imports through “omtsoureing Tring.” Once, most of those who answered calls wo the service help Hines of US ter companies We I ost ike got tele hel " probler " Ta diferent real ing some of their sedi credited foreiga hospitals and Iaketane, A few procedures and their comparative costs ate heart sale rep oot Use SIS3.00, Singapore: $15.00; hip replaetent, US 00. Ti meriats ate lsiig 90.000 business, prolessional, and technic FW Out os 07 th blfjon worth of clothes ad foobwear. What Americans px hie, sneakers and aie things they wear would be mul higher f te ite T f ntern pital and Your Finan Tie sla flow of international finaneealfeets you i ‘ prob 10 CHAPTER Think the flow of font of a country 10 ovied $12.7 trillion in US. assets, One way that you may be affected is if you receive financial ad from your callege. Schools generate part of their scholarship furs investing thee endowments in slocks and bonds, inching foreign holdings. $0 th s foreigh investors buy faltering U.S. companies and recente thom thus saving the jobs of thelr American workers. In other eases, foreign eam Defense Spending and Your Financ n curing fiscal year (FY) 2006, This amount was 20% of the US. budget aid equaled almost 1.800 p n the United States. 1 8 10 high, 100 low bout right, and that topic and other aspects of ni curity are examined i Jhapters 10 and 11. Whatever your position oa the fan i sible U.S, buadget prio the other tree coun He aware, hough, thar such 2 veallocation of defense spending, whi pethaps most, of thes ple worl ose the The would economically damage the towns and cities ese defense : Stuns —_Sorkts are located an the businesses thst serve them. 1 fo this 6 1 former Defense Department offcka explains, that 2 degre 3a vil the aluninistration and Ganges. view deems eral ok illustrates this pon he Ie the new number of infectious aiseases and thet ability ‘ “ Is nce “the 1970s with lent wn nssational uc their vietins, However tis lar moze elfetive t a ie falls the Workl Health Organization (WHO) to evondinate th ransnational Political Violence ways more the thaw ever ane. 2002), Un © ur 3 loath 1s Civian castles . Iasstcally as military operons incre r raans. Neat . " i D Marld War Hl. Now more civilians a katte th ans acgwunted for mone tha é Tied ing wats and 1900s. 8 ucTear wa 5 September 11, 2001, andeslined ericams hat they were vuluctable to terrorist soul at a nt an afit daly fives, We must also be said th rising te 4 more fre 4 nal errors (End gers © age iy ES sa special concern fo lsh suse they are of prime military evi — — raps killed during the Vi te ged 18t0 22, The ave OF US. soldiers killed the Iraq War beginning in 2003 4 higher than it was iv Vietnam, in part Because U.S, forces im faq are part of a all-volunteer military, whereas matty US. solliersn Vietnam went dafces Still ts Figure 16 shows, young adulis bear the brant of America castles in 34, 1 : Tris also te case that military combat isa mat | or that increasingly affects women ditectly 3 we mn, In the United States and elsewhere. th Types of combat units in which women are allowed serve are expanding. AS a result, many a seomien mua fight ad dei fatute was. Moe than 300.000 wou ate on active duty with US. frees, " andl as late 2006, of Amer icevwomen had ner lives in Tag You Can Mal suxl we ean rake king Direct Action fe way to inllucnce global relations # through various forms of ditect setion. 19 «United States. millions of individ! student actions, ranging from burwing dealt fonds, 0 tusnsive andl sometimes violent demonstrations, helped mente icolvement in Vietnam, Callege stuenns have also een a the forefront of deme sirations both for and h 1 ocenpation of Tag hex 5 (Faye, 20001), C lenis have also beet detive on muIMero dies telaned to foreign llairs, During 2006, far example, thousands of stdents the Unive Austin rallied on bell of dhe rights of immigrant rd students st the Univ Califoriis-Santa Crug forced ailitary recruiters H pus. At the University of Washing, University of Ver iv ty al California, and other ‘capits chapiers of the Stu oki Netion Now. Darfur and other sitaent groups petsuaded theit school al heir stocks and bonds of companies that do business with the government of Suulan, Students on U5, college campuses have ipa bring consumer pr panties that sell prowlucts manulact I Telsewhere, These factories pay litle, reqs ind have poor safely records, | i lege along with numerous human rial united the Fait Labor Assoe wont ganisation working to help proteet the rights of orkers ser He. The Ge ah rt with Scudent-Oriented PoliealCivie Drganization.” ol lerease your aetive presence

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