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1 Ruang Persiapan :
1. Oximeter
2. Aspirator
3. Tensi Aneroid
4. Tensi Digital
5. Brankart
6. Bed-side

2 Ruang Recovery / Pemulihan :

1. Blanket
2. Defiblilator
3. Emergency Trolly
4. Laringus Kop
5. Magil Forcep
6. Brankar

3 Ruang Bedah Minor / Endoscopy :

1. Bronchoscope & Accessories
2. Colonoscopy
3. Emergency Trolly / Resusitation Chrash cart
4. Endoscope Washer
5. Endoscope Vidio Monitor
6. Grastroscopy
7. Hospital Endoscope Cabinet
8. Light Source for Endoscopy
9. Bed-side Monitor
10. Mesin Anastesi Ventilator
11. Lampu Operasi
12. Rectosigmoidoscopy
13. Aspirator / Vakum / Suction Pump Portable
14. Tensimeter Digital

4 Ruangan Bedah Besar :

1. Amputation Set
2. Pesawat Sinar-X, C-Arm
3. Casper Carvical Retractor
4. Caspar Microlumbar Discectomy
5. Cervical Kerisson
6. Dryogenic Surgical Device
7. Crysurgical Unit and Accessories
8. CUSA (Cavitron Ultra Sonic Aspiration)
9. Damage Screw Set
10. Embriotomi Set
11. Defibrillator
12. General Instrument Bone Surgery
13. Hate Orbita
14. Peralatan Bedah Skalpel
15. Implant Orbita
16. Instrument Set for Intramedullary Pine extraction
17. Intraoperatif Neurofisiology Monitoring
18. Kerrison Set
19. Lampu Kepala / Heat Lamp
20. Large Fragment Lop & Standart Instrument Set
21. Lumbar Subcutaneus Retractor
22. Major Surgery Instrument Set untuk Abdomen Dewasa
23. Major Surgery Instrument Set untuk Abdomen Pediatric
24. Major Surgery Instrument Set untuk Bedah Plastik
25. Major Surgery Instrument Set untuk Kepala (dewasa & pediatric)
26. Major Surgery Instrument Set untuk Vaskuler
27. Mastektomi Set
28. Meja Mayo
29. Medical Saw
30. Microsurgical Instrument
31. Mini Instrument Set In Graphic Care
32. Minimal Invasive Surgery Set
33. Monitor for Laparoscopy
34. Operating Table, electric
35. Operating table with orthopedic set
36. Operating lamp with cctv
37. Mikroskop operasi
38. Periosteal elevator
39. Periostel elevator iga
40. Plaster bending instrument
41. Plaster cast cutter set
42. Printer video
43. Probe lakrimal
44. Rounger
45. Thoracolumbar posterior stabilization instrument
46. Set dilator punk tum
47. Set instrument bedah mikro
48. Set instrument bedah safar fungsional
49. Set instrument bedah saraf miniman invasive
50. Set instrument skulhase
51. Set instrument bedah safar spinal
52. Silicon lacrimal tube
53. Small fragment lap instrument set
54. Spine enduscopi instrument
55. Suction pump / pompa vakum
56. Syringe pump
57. Tomiket / tourniquet
58. USG untuk regional anastesi & pemasangan CVP
59. UV sterilizator
60. Video laryngoscope set
61. Wire instrument set
62. Spine electric motor

5 Ruangan Bedah Umum :

1. Fakoemulsifikasi unit
2. Stabismur diagnostic set
3. Artroscope
4. Autorefraktometer
5. Bedah retraktif set
6. Bed-side monitor
7. Blanket warmer
8. Beleharostat bayi
9. Chart projector
10. Cryophthalmic unit
11. Cry surgical unit & accessories
12. Opthalmoscope direct
13. ESU / Electrosurgical unit
14. Elekroretinogram (ERG)
15. Embriotomi set
16. Endoloser unit
17. X-ray film viewer
18. Glaucoma set
19. Hertel oftalmometer
20. Dakriosistorhinostomi (DCR)
21. Captriton untra sonic aspiration
22. Opthalmoscope indirek
23. Infusion pump
24. Katarak & bedah refraktif
25. Keratoplasti
26. Operating head lamp
27. Laparoscopi
28. Video laryngoscope set
29. Laser fotocogulasi glaucoma
30. Laser fotocogulasi retina set
31. Lateral set
32. Lansmeter / lensometer
33. Major surgery instrument set untuk abdomen dewasa
34. Major surgery instrument set untuk pediatric
35. Major surgery instrument untuk kepala
36. Major surgery instrument untuk leher
37. Major surgery instrument untuk thoraks & cardiac baby
38. Major surgery instrument set untuk thorak & cardiac dewasa
39. Major surgery instrument set untuk urologi dewasa
40. Major surgery

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