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This chapter describes and discusses how the researchers will gather the necessary
data and information that will be use in the entire study. This also shows the procedure
of data collection, instruments used, the type of research, research method, and the
research locale where the study will be conducted.

Research Design

The proponents have used a Qualitative Research approach through Case Study.
According to Sturman (1997), “[a] case study is a general term for the exploration of an
individual, group or phenomenon” (ibid., p. 61). Therefore, a case study is a
comprehensive description of an individual case and its analysis; i.e. the characterization
of the case and the events, as well as a description of the discovery process of these
features that is the process of research itself (Mesec 1998, p. 45) This is deemed
appropriate, since we intended to determine the cause and symptoms of Subdural
Hematoma on an certain individual.

Research Locale

The research was conducted in St. Paul University Manila.

Research Instrument

The researchers chose to conduct a semi-structured interview because it is best served to
answer the questions and the purposes of the study. According to Gill (2008) semi
structured interview allows the interviewer or interviewee to diverge in order to pursue an
idea or response in more detail. This interview format is used most frequently in
healthcare, as it provides participants with some guidance on what to talk about, which
many find helpful. The flexibility of this approach also allows for the discovery or
elaboration of information that is important to participants.


The study needed a patient or a person with any neurological disease, so the participant
was selected purposively. The researchers have found a female who was diagnosed with
Subdural Hematoma at the age of 21 without any signs of trauma or head injury.

Data Collection Procedure

The data was gathered by interviewing the participant provided with key questions
like “What are the signs or symptoms that you experienced before you were diagnosed
with Subdural Hematoma?” The year she was diagnosed was determined by asking,
“What was your age when you were diagnosed with SDH?” As for follow-up
questioning, some of the questions were “Is there any significant event that may have
triggered the said disease?”, “What were the factors that lead you to acquire SDH?” To
determine the root or what might be the cause of the disease, the participant was asked
“What is the medical history of your family?”, “Is there anyone in the family that had
experienced or experiencing any neurological disease?”

In determining the symptoms and signs that was experienced during and after acquiring
the disease, participant was asked “What was happening in your body when you were
diagnosed with SDH?”, “How did you treat it?”, “After treatment, what are the after
effects or symptoms?”

The whole interview was audio recorded for an easier and a better collection of data.
Data Analysis Procedure

For the purpose of analyzing the data, researchers will use past researches to relate to the
case of the participant.


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