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Dear Atty.


I’m Iane Mula, your former student in Admin Law for this recently concluded semester. I’m
writing to you today just to express my gratitude for being our professor even for just a brief period and
for me to be able get this out of my chest and move on. I struggled at the thought of writing to you
because obviously, who am I to do this? However, I felt even more terrible at the thought of not doing
anything about how I feel. So here it goes.

I honestly was very devastated to get a failing final grade for the subject (midterm: 74, finals:
59, digests, quiz: 68, attendance: not good, recit: equally bad). I still feel sad about it especially when I
remember how much time and effort you’ve put in to make sure that we understood every concept,
every case and everything in between. However, I’m equally grateful that I got a chance to be in your
class. It is very seldom that law professors would crack up jokes and make students laugh to break the
ice. Most importantly, it is very seldom that a professor would explain hard concepts of the law to
students, help them out or make the subject as fun as possible. I only know 4 professors who are as
passionate in what they do and you’re two of them. I wish I uttered more than a meek thank you when I
handed out my finals booklet. I was too shy to say anything else.

I stopped feeling sorry for myself today and realized that a failing grade was not the whole point
of why any law student feels that it is a setback 10 steps behind. It is to be reminded of a great quote by
someone who said that a person is unstoppable not because he/she did not have failures or doubts but
because he/she continued on despite them. Thank you very much Atty. All the best for you and your

So long,

Iane Mula.

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