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surface science

ELSEVIER Applied Surface Science 92 (1996) 589-597

Electroluminescence in thin films

Reiner H. M a u c h *
Heinrich-Hertz-lnstitut fiir Nachrichtentechnik Berlin GmbH, AG Elektrolumineszenz, Hausvogteiplatz 5-7, D-10117 Berlin, Germany
Received 12 December 1994; accepted for publication 4 March 1995


The three most important technologies for future display applications where electroluminescence (EL) in thin films is
used for light generation are discussed. These technologies are firstly, Alq- and PPV-based organic light emitting diodes
(LED); secondly, inorganic a-SiC LED and thirdly, at-driven thin film electroluminescent devices based on II-VI
compounds. The last of these is of the high-field EL-type whereas the first two utilise low-field injection type EL. The basic
principles and the current status of the respective technologies are summarised. Recent developments in ac thin film
electroluminescence for full colour display applications are emphasised.

1. Introduction must be formed, whereas in high-field EL a thin film

MISIM structure in which the light emitting layer (S)
Electroluminescence in solids can be generated by is embedded between insulator (I) and metal (M) is
one of two basically different physical principles. In utilised. For practical use as high information con-
the injection type electroluminescence (EL) like that taining displays, in particular for high-resolution flat
occurring in light emitting diodes (LED), electrons panel displays, only high-field inorganic thin film EL
and holes are injected by low electrical fields into n- is used at present since classical III-V LEDs are
and p-type doped regions. In the simplest situation, based on expensive single crystalline material. Such
direct band to band recombination of the carders LEDs are only found in low-resolution, low informa-
near the p - n junction generates the emission. By tion containing, small screen or low-resolution, very
contrast, in high-field EL electrons are accelerated in large screen displays.
electrical fields as high as 2 M V / c m gaining enough Recently, two new classes of thin film injection
energy to impact excite impurities. In the first case, type EL devices have been introduced. One is based
the bandgap of the host material determines the on a thin film p - i - n LED structure made from
emission spectrum; in the second, the impurities a-SiC. The other utilises various organic materials.
which act as luminescent centres determine the spec- Both have attracted attention because of improved
tral distribution. A further difference is found in the luminance and efficiency of as-fabricated devices.
device structure. In typical LEDs a p - n junction However, the main problem which hinders rapid
application is the limited stability under operation
* Tel.: +49 30 20377326; fax: +49 30 20377405; e-mail: Hence, this paper shall emphasise products using inorganic high-field EL for high-resolution mono-

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590 R.H. Mauch / Applied Surface Science 92 (1996) 589-597

chrome and full colour displays. The other types of trode as the low work function metal electrode for
thin film EL devices will be described briefly. electron injection. Typical device thicknesses are
about 200 nm implying that the thicknesses of the
single layers are only around 50 rim. Therefore,
2. Organic electroluminescence vacuum deposition techniques are necessary to con-
trol the film growth. Usually, even UHV deposition
Organic electroluminescence is a low-field injec- is used in order to avoid contamination of the layers.
tion type EL utilising a structure similar to that in Both, doped and undoped Alq and 9,10-bis-styry-
inorganic light emitting diodes. The advantage of lanthracene derivatives (BSAs) have been applied as
organic EL among all other types of solid state light efficient light emission layers [2,3]. These materials
emitters lies in the possibility of realising low-volt- make it possible to produce EL emission over a
age devices on large areas deposited at room temper- broad range of the visible spectrum. However, emis-
ature. Even low-cost flexible substrates can be used. sion with the high colour purity required in display
Furthermore, is has been demonstrated that structur- applications is difficult to obtain.
ing in the submicron range is possible in such de- Very recently, an efficiency level of 7.4%, the
vices. Many papers about this class of devices have highest observed so far, has been reported by Waki-
been published in the last few years. In this paper we moto et al. [4]. Despite the fact that such excellent
shall only summarise a few important issues. initial performance was realised with this type of
The invention of the double-layer organic EL organic EL device, it turned out that stability is the
structure by Tang and Van Slyke [1] initiated a new major problem for practical applications. For exam-
age of organic based EL research. The novel EL ple, the high-efficiency device described above driven
device consisted of a light emission layer (EML) of at an initial luminance of 300 c d / m 2 reached 150
8-quinolinol aluminum complex (Alq) and a hole c d / m 2 at end of life; i.e., after 400 h aging in
transporting layer (HTL). Higher luminance, higher vacuum. However, some progress has been reported
efficiency and lower drive voltage than those en- by Tang et al. [5]. They found that the degradation is
countered in earlier devices were obtained with this strongly dependent on the current flow through the
structure. Since that time, many investigations on device. If the device is driven at higher currents than
organic type EL have been conducted. They have led l0 m A / c m 2 even perfect sealing or aging in vacuum
to a variety of experimental structures. In Fig. 1, the result in lifetimes below 1000 h, whereas lower
three major types are displayed. As shown in this currents increase the device lifetime to more than
figure, even three or more layers are currently used 5000 h.
to improve transport and luminescent properties. Since 1990 a new class of organic EL materials
In structure (a), an electron transport layer (ETL) based on conjugated polymers (polypropylenviny-
is used in conjunction with the emission layer (EML) lene: PPV) is under investigations. The first report
whereas in structure (b) a hole transport layer (HTL) by Burroughes et al. [6] was the starting point of
acts as the emission layer. Finally, in (c) the emis- significant research activities. A major advantage of
sion takes place neither in the ETL nor in the HTL this type of organic EL is that in principle cheap
but in a dedicated emission layer. In all cases ITO is deposition techniques can be used to form the exper-
used as the transparent contact and a MgAg elec- imental structure. Even the doctor plate technique
results in reasonable devices [7]. Either a simple heat
treatment in vacuum or an UV treatment causes the

Ill Jim
I I irro
~w J

formation of the conjugated polymer. The experi-
mental structures under investigations are compara-
ble to those displayed in Fig. 1. Also other similari-
ties are found.
For instance, as is found for other types of or-
ganic EL almost all emission colours can be ob-
Fig. 1. Typical organic EL device structures [2]. tained, in this instance by chemical modification of
R.H. Mauch / Applied Surface Science 92 (1996) 589-597 591

3.2. Ac thin film EL

fjAL Ac-driven high-field thin film electroluminescent
--. 1300 (TFEL) displays based on inorganic light emitting
layers have reached a general acceptance in demand-
- - ~ ~-sic (250-1000~
ing display applications where excellent performance
I:~-':':I - - p a-SiC (150A) is required. It is believed that this type of display
g,o- . ". " ¢ ( . C - " '," rro/ o could be the ultimate flat panel display because of its
all solid state structure which is an advantage over
all competing technologies. This strong feature is
Fig. 2. Schematic structure of a p - i - n - T F L E D based on a-SiC:H accompanied by a robust construction, a wide opera-
[12l. tion temperature range, wide viewing angle, high
contrast ratio, video capability and high lifetime.
Additionally, the possibility of variable pixel sizes is
another major advantage of this technology. The
the PPV material [8-10]. The most recent work pixel resolution can range from a few /xm up to
resulted in a quantum efficiency of 4% for PPV-based several mm covering different display demands.
EL as reported by Bradley [11]. Since only rare data Moreover, thanks to thin film technology almost all
on the stability of PPV devices are available it has screen diagonals from a few inches up to TV or
not been possible to foresee whether these films will HDTV screen sizes are possible. During the past
be useful. several years, ac-driven monochrome TFEL displays
based on a yellow emitting ZnS:Mn phosphor layer
have increased their market share steadily. However,
3. Inorganic electroluminescence to open new markets for TFEL technology a pre-
requisite is full colour capability.
3.1. a-SiC light emitting diodes Hence, the research and development activities
nowadays are mainly concentrated on the realisation
of multi and full colour displays. Furthermore, while
Amorphous silicon carbide a-SiC can be fabri-
ZnS:Mn can play only a limited role in full colour
cated with bandgaps from 1.7 to 3 eV by adjusting
displays, new light emitting materials and new mate-
the deposition parameters, in particular, the ratio of
rial combinations as well as new device structures
Si and C precursors during the glow discharge depo-
are under investigation.
sition process. This property enables the fabrication
Presently, alkaline earth sulphides and alkaline
of p-i-n-type thin film light emitting diodes
earth thiogallates as SrS and (Sr,Ca)Ga2S 4 are very
(TFLED) with various emission coiours if an experi-
promising candidates. One reason is the high solubil-
mental structure as shown in Fig. 2 [12] is used.
ity for rare earth doping. Doping with rare earth ions
Even blue emitting TFLEDs have been fabricated by
makes it possible to cover the whole visible spec-
utilising a hydrogenated amorphous carbon [13].
trum. In particular, doping with Ce results in an
Under forward bias, electrons and holes are in-
efficient blue TFEL emitter.
jected from the n- or p-type a-SiC, respectively, into
We shall first introduce the basic principle of the
the i layer where they recombine. The emission can
high-field EL mechanisms exemplified in the case of
be enhanced by introducing quantum well structures
ZnS:Mn. Afterwards, recent achievements in devel-
for improved electron injection or to obtain a con-
oping new phosphor materials will be discussed.
finement in the i layer [14].
Emphasis will be given to the state of the art of both
Although attractive properties are expected for
major display concepts.
this type of devices, very little data on stability have
been published so far. Hence, it is not clear whether 3.2.1. Basic principles
this approach is a promising candidate for future Despite the fact that more than 20 years have
display applications. passed since the invention of thin film based electro-
592 R.H. Mauch /Applied Surface Science 92 (1996) 589-597

o. 100-200V
metal electrode ~ . . . ~ • insulatorl phosphor layer insula~ electrode
insulator ~ 5 0 0 n r n ~ . : : : ' : : - ' : ' - ' t i
phosphor layer luminescent
insulator ~ 3 0 0 n r ~ ~ ; . : : . - ' : : ' : ~
l f f f .l
~,,~,~o o *gioss,~

light cathode
Fig. 3. Experimental structureof a TFEL device after Inoguchi

Fig. 4. Simplified band structure of a TFEL device under opera-

luminescence, research on the physics of such kind tion.
of devices continues, which show, that a conclusive
model is still not available [15-18]. However, as a
basics for understanding the phenomenon, a crude Some parameters are decisive for high performing
model for the light production is discussed below. EL devices: The host material should allow high-field
The typical device structure proposed by Inoguchi conduction, the dopant should fit into the lattice of
et al. [19] is displayed in Fig. 3. The whole device the host material without severe distortion (high
consists of five sequentially deposited layers. The solubility); the cross section for impact excitation of
light emitting phosphor layer is embedded between the dopant (luminescent centre) should be large; the
two insulators and two electrodes where one of the emission spectrum of the luminescent centre has to
electrodes is transparent. Because of this structure, be located in the visible. In addition, the luminescent
the device is highly symmetrical and is of a capaci- centres must be stable in the high-field environment
tive nature. Therefore, the device requires an alter- associated with the EL phenomenon. Hence, donor-
nating driving voltage. If the external voltage is acceptor centres which are efficiently used in
below a certain value, the so-called threshold voltage cathodoluminescent phosphors are usually not useful
Vth, the device behaves like a capacitive divider in high-field EL. It turns out, that in particular II-VI
where the voltage is split according to the capaci- compounds doped with some transition metals or
tances of the insulators and the phosphor layer. rare earth ions satisfy these basic requirements best.
Voltage levels exceeding Vth result in a high-field The classical EL phosphor material is ZnS:Mn which
conduction of the phosphor layer (typically F > 1
MV/cm) accompanied by the onset of the light
emission. A simplified hand diagram sketched for 10 3
this case is shown in Fig. 4. Electrons which are able /
to move in this high fields can originate either at the 2
interface between the insulating and the phosphor
layers or from bulk states. These electrons are accel- E
1 1 v
erated in the electrical field and gain enough energy 10 10
r,- O
to impact excite luminescent centres which are incor-
porated into the host with doping levels below 1 at%. _= 10
0 100~
The electrons move further to the opposite interface
where they build up a polarisation field. When the
next pulse of the excitation voltage is applied, the 10"1 i ~ I I 10 -1
same process occurs but in the opposite direction. 100 200 3oo
The described mechanism leads to a typical lumi- voltage (V)
nance and efficiency versus voltage characteristic as Fig. 5. Typical luminance and efficiency versus voltage character-
shown in Fig. 5. istics of an ac-TFEL device.
R.H. Mauch/ Applied Surface Science 92 (1996)589-597 593


Lumi. : 200 cd/rnZt


Power 11 W |
Pixel 640x480 J
Pitch 0.33x0.33J

i II Pix=l (199o)
: 640x480
lI : ,7 inch
Power : 6W J LumL : 100 cd/m21 J Pixel : 640x480 I
LumL I00 ¢d/m 2 = Power : 18 W ] >l LumL : 170 =d/m2I
eixel 640x480 I
Pitch : o.~3x0.33 I
Groy'sco!a : 16 J ioo i
Pixel : 1280x1024
Pitch : 0.2x0.2
Size : 13 inch

Fig. 6. Recent progress of commercial monochrome EL displays [20].
The pixel is simply defined by the crossing area of
allows efficient electroluminescence with luminous the rectangular patterned top and bottom electrodes.
efficiencies as high as 8 lm/W. As already men- Hence, the technology leads to a high production
tioned, for full colour applications new phosphor yield, large display sizes and low power consump-
materials as SrS:Ce and (Ca,Sr)GazS4:Ce are under tion. This is demonstrated by the recent progress of
investigation. commercial ZnS:Mn-based monochrome EL (Fig. 6).
As a basis for comparison a standard display product
3.2.2. Monochrome thin film EL of 1990 is used. Various developments towards high
One of the major advantage of TFEL displays is luminance, high resolution, low power and finally
that no active thin film transistor matrix is required. large sizes have been summarised by Mikami [20].

Viewing Direction

Electrodes _ _ ~ ITO -- ,- r
RGB White __ J
Phosphors Phosphor
Metal __
Electr°de~ -''~(-~,(-'~ J / J
Subslrafe I ~ "~"

v iewing TDirection
Fig. 7. Structured and "colour by white" display approach.

still remarkable improvements can be obtained in

monochrome EL, in particular, by optimising the
driving electronics.

•~ 50
R.H. Mauch/ Applied Surface Science92 (1996)589-597

Although the ZnS:Mn material properties are well

understood and the thin film processes are optimised

3.2.3. Full colour thin film EL ~ o

In contrast to the monochrome case where the 370 442 514 586 658
greatest gain in performance can be achieved by Wavelength (nm)
adjusting the electronics, full colour EL requires new
Fig. 8. Emissionspectraof the CaGa2S4:CeEL device[25].
phosphor materials which need to be optimised, es-
pecially, in terms of stoichiometry and crystallinity
display, a double substrate solution has been intro-
Besides the new materials, different display struc-
duced by Planar America. The red and green pixels
tures and display concepts are also subject of the
are fabricated on the first transparent substrate
present investigation. The two concepts displayed in
whereas on the second substrate the whole pitch area
Fig. 7 turn out to be the most promising for future
is used for the blue pixel. This solution gives rise to
full colour TFEL displays. The first is the classical
luminance gain simply by geometry but also by
approach of structured phosphor layers where the
driving the blue display at higher frequencies [25].
three primary colours are achieved by three dedi-
Recently, the production of the first full colour EL
cated phosphor materials. A more recent idea is the
panel was announced for sale in 1995 by Planar
so-called "colour by white" concept, where the
America [27]. This 5" display will have 320 X 256
active layer is a broad band white emitter. The
colour pitches and is able to provide an areal white
different colours are substractively generated by re-
luminance of 30 c d / m 2.
spective colour filters. While structured phosphor
"Colour by white" EL display. For a number of
devices are characterised by high luminance levels
years alkaline earth sulphides (AES) like SrS and
the advantages of the latter solution are found in
CaS have been under investigation because of their
production, since in addition to a standard
cation radii are a good fit to the rare earth ions. If the
monochrome process only the colour filter matrix
"colour by white" concept is considered, SrS:Ce is
has to be developed. Both options show promise of
the most promising material because of its broad
realising high-quality information displays in the near
emission band in the blue-green. However, for a long
future. time the reported luminance and efficiency data were
Structured phosphor EL display. The basis for the
not high enough for application. Several reasons for
realisation of this type of display was the develop-
the substandard performance have been identified.
ment of an active layer is emitting in the deep blue.
First the purity of the material which is used for the
It has been demonstrated by Planar Systems, that
thin film deposition is low ( ~ 99.9%) compared to
Ce-doped Ca- and Sr-thiogallates are able to satisfy
typical semiconductor high-purity precursors. Sec-
these requirements. The researchers from Planar
America were also able to demonstrate a full colour
VGA-EL panel at the SID'93 conference [25].
Table 1
In Fig. 8 a typical spectrum of a CaGa2S4:Ce Luminancelevelsfor the structuredphosphorEL display [25]
TFEL device is shown. The corresponding CIE coor- Colour Material Luminance CIE coordinates
dinates are x = 0.15; y = 0.19. The replacement of at 60 Hz 60 Hz (cd/m 2)
Ca by Sr leads to a further shift into the blue (cd/m2) x y
resulting in coordinates x = 0.1; y = 0.1 [26].
Red FilteredZnS:Mn 68 0.65 0.34
Table 1 summarises the luminance data which Green ZnS:Tb 100 0.31 0.60
have been obtained for the structured phosphor con- Blue CaGa2S4:Ce 10 0.15 0.19
cept. To improve the blue luminance of the VGA
R.H. Mauch/ Applied Surface Science 92 (1996) 589-597 595

~ 0.6 at% Mn .~.

oo0 %
0 , 4 at% Mn rr ~.At

.__. 10 =

400 450 500 550 600 650 700
200 250 300 350 400 wavelength (rim)
Fig. 10. Emission spectra of various doped ZnS:Mn/SrS:Ce
Fig. 9. Luminance versus voltage characteristics of a nine multi-
multilayer EL devices [29].
layer and a conventional SrS:Ce EL device driven at 1 kHz [28].

Therefore, the task was and still is to develop new

ond, the alkaline earth sulphides require more com- processes allowing the fabrication of SrS:Ce phos-
plex deposition processes than the classical ZnS. phor layers of higher quality. The application to EL
Furthermore, since the physical processes leading to devices should result in an advanced performance
emission are not well understood, it seems that the even in the conventional EL structure.
conventional EL device structure is not best for As was already mentioned, stoichiometry and
reaching the highest performance of AES-type elec- crystallinity are decisive for EL performance. It is
troluminescence. well known that, besides an optimised substrate tem-
Thus, besides further optimisation of the fabrica- perature, the control of sulphur during or after the
tion processes also new device structures are under deposition is the key to successful SrS growth. In the
investigation. For the latter, a first approach has been case of reactive evaporation where pure elements
reported in 1992. The homogeneous SrS:Ce phos- (Sr, S) are used as sources, only low reactive S
phor layer was replaced by a multilayer package of molecules are observed in the flux. Hence, other
alternatingly deposited ZnS and SrS:Ce sublayers source materials which supply highly reactive atomic
[28]. In the case of undoped ZnS, a multilayer device S may improve the thin film growth. On the basis of
resulted in more than a twofold increase of lumi- these considerations a new process has been devel-
nance compared to a conventional SrS:Ce device as oped where a S source supplying atomic S was used.
shown in Fig. 9. The XRD spectra (Fig. 11) and the L - V character-
This development is the basis for a further step istics (Fig. 12) are compared for a SrS:Ce fabricated
towards "colour by white". The additional doping
of the ZnS layers with Mn leads to a superposition of 12000 m rtew pt'o~m

the emissions as demonstrated in Fig. 10 [29]. In this FWHM: 0.16"

10000 . . . . .F. I ~~ M :1 0.16"
case, three different Mn doped ZnS layers were
incorporated in a ZnS:Mn/SrS:Ce multilayer struc- 8O00
ture. The contribution of the Mn emission depends "E
strongly on the doping level as is known for conven- ~ 600o
tional ZnS:Mn EL devices.
The multilayer approach resulted in lab-sample
performance of SrS:Ce-based EL which has the pos- 2000
sibility of application. However, if the results have to
be transferred to a production process more stringent 0

29.5 30.0

requirements have to be fulfilled. Hence, further 20 (DEG)

improvements in luminance and efficiency and also Fig. I 1. Improvement in crystalline perfection for SrS:Ce,CI
in process simplicity are needed. fabricated with elemental S and the new process [24,30].
596 R.H. Mauch / Applied Surface Science 92 (1996) 589-597

mixed ~ j, have been reported for samples in which the share of
elemental IRJffur
.z. ,°
the ZnS:Mn emission is increased [34]. However, the
1500 colour coordinates are worse for green and blue and
hence, not comparable with the data given above.
While the colour coordinates in Table 2 for red and
" 1000
green are in perfect agreements with EBU standards,
those for blue (0.13, 0.26) still need some improve-
=, SO0 ment to satisfy the requirements of EBU. This can be
done by replacing S with Se [35]. Nevertheless, the
achieved performance allows immediate application
0 "
100 120 140 160 in various products where multi to full colour imag-
Voltage (V)
ing is required.
Fig. 12. Comparisonof the L - V characteristics of SrS:Ce,CI EL
devices fabricated according to the standard and the new process
4. S u m m a r y

with elemental S and for a sample produced accord- The basic principles and the status of various thin
ing to the new recipe. Since the FWHM of the (200) film light emitter technologies for future display
peak and the luminance are superior for the new applications have been summarised. Thin film elec-
process the close correlation between EL perfor- troluminescence in organic and a-SiC LEDs are of
mance and crystalline perfection is demonstrated. the low-field injection type. These approaches have
Furthermore, values of 1.6 l m / W measured at 1 interesting prospects. Organic EL is more advanced
p , C / c m 2 and 1 kHz driving frequency are the high- in terms of luminance and efficiency. In addition, in
est efficiency ever reported for SrS-based EL. The the case of organic EL the realisation of different
new process applied to the growth of a colours in more straightforward. Both technologies
ZnS:Mn/SrS:Ce multilayer phosphor resulted in lu- have reliability problems which are serious obstacles
minance levels at 60 Hz driving as high as: L = 340 to application.
c d / m 2, L r = 39 c d / m 2, Lg = 90 c d / m 2, L b = 18 In contrast, in the case of high-field thin film
c d / m 2. electroluminescence of the MISIM type stability is-
In Table 2 the state of the art for the "colour by sues have been successfully solved as demonstrated
white" concept is summarised. It shows the tremen- in a variety of products. The major problem of the
dous improvements obtained within the last seven past, the lack of reasonably good blue emitting mate-
years. In terms of luminance the gain is about seven- rials has been solved since several options have been
teen times. If the best data are considered for red, found. Further optimisation is the subject of present
green and blue, a full colour display with an areal investigations. Never the less, it is expected that the
white luminance of at least 40 c d / m 2 can be re- first full colour EL flat panel displays will be avail-
alised. Even higher luminance levels up to 470 c d / m 2 able in the very near future.

Table 2
History and state of the art for the "colour by white" EL display
Phosphor layer Technology Year Laboratory Luminance at 60 Hz (cd/m 2)
Unfiltered Red Green Blue
ZnS:Mn/SrS:Ce/ZnS:Mn E-beam 1987 Tottori [31] 20 - - -

ZnS:Mn/SrS:Ce/ZnS:Mn MSD 1992 Komatsu[32] - 23 37 6

ZnS:Mn/SrS:Ce 9 ML React. evap. 1993 HHI/IPE [29] 226 22 53 10
ZnS:Mn/SrS:Ce ALE 1993 Planar [33] 220 29 62 5.5/14
ZnS:Mn/SrS:Ce 9 ML React. evap. 1994 HHI [24] 340 39 90 18
R.H. Mauch / Applied Surface Science 92 (1996) 589-597 597

Acknowledgements [15] R. Mach and G.O. M~ller, Phys. Status Solidi (a) 69 (1982)
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AG Elektrolumineszenz of the Heinrich-Hertz-In- Int. Workshop on Electroluminescence, Eds. V.P. Singh and
J.C. McClure (Cinco Puntos, El Paso, 1992) p. 54.
stitut. This work has been supported by the Bun-
[18] E. Bringuier, J. Appl. Phys. 75 (1994) 4291.
desministerium f'tir Forschung und Technologie un- [19] T. Inoguchi and S. Mito, Topics Appl. Phys. 17 (1977) 222.
der contract 01 BK 202/7. [20] A. Mikami, Prec. Syrup. on Inorganic and Organic Electrolu-
minescence, Hamamatsu (1994) p. 7.
[21] Y. Chubachi and K. Aoyama, Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 31 (1992)
References [22] H. Yoshino, M. Ohura and H. Ohnishi, 1993 S1D Int. Symp.,
Digest of Technical Papers (SID, Seattle, 1993) p. 769.
[23] S. Tanaka, H. Morita, K. Yamada and H. Kobayashi, Prec.
[1] C.W. Tang and S.A. Van Slyke, Appl. Phys. LetL 51 (1987) l lth Int. Display Res. Conf. (SID, San Diego, 1991) p. 137.
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[2] T. Tsutsui, E. Aminaka, Y. Hamada, C. Adachi and S. Saito, Mauch, Conf. Rec. of 14th Int. Display Res. Conf., Monterey
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