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Changes in Cervical Nitric Oxide Concentration

Correlate With Bishop Score and Cervical

Length Modifications in Prostaglandin
E2-Mediated Induction of Labor
Giuseppe Chiossi, MD, Gianluca Verocchi, MD, Paolo Venturini, MD, and
Fabjo Facchinetti, MD

OBJECTIVE: Nitric oxide (NO) plays afundamental role in cervical ripening and it is synthesized in the
human cervix. We studied the effect 9/f the dinoprostone on cervical NO release in pregnant women, and we
investigated the relationship between cervical NO metabolites, cervical length, and Bishop score.
METHODS: Seventy-seven women underwent induction of labor at .37 weeks of gestation, due to
post-terin pregnancy (23. 8%o), oligohydramnios (36.3) or preeclampsia (29.9%). Cervicalfluid samples for
NO metabolites (NOx), Bishop score, and cervical length were assessed immediately before (time 0 LTOJ)

and 6 hours qfter (T6) the local application qf dinoprostone, a commercially available prostaglandin E2
(PGE2) analog.
RESULTS: Thie mean patients' age was 34 3.2 years, mean gestational age at enrollment uwas 284
+ 9.2 days, and nulliparous represented 31.2% of the study population. At time 0, Bishop score was less
than 4 iu 74% (57/77) of the subjects, mean cervical length 28.6 5.8 mm, mean NOx

concentration was 208.6 + 103.8 pRiV/mL; 6 hours later, at T6, tile mean cervical length decreased to
19.5 + 8.8 mnm, and the mean NOx concentration increased up to 3 16. 7 240.9 [L.7M/mL. Data were
uniafected by parity or by regular uterine contraction patterns. A statistically significant positive correlation
wasfound bcetveen changes in cervical NOX levels and Bishop score modifiaction (P <.0 1; r = .494), as
well as between the modification of NO metabolites concentration and cervical shortening (P <.01; r
= .3 07).

CONCLUSIONS: Prostaglandin (PG)-induced cervical ripening is associated with local NO release. NO

plays an active role in cervical remodeling since it positively correlates with both cervical shortening and Bishop
score increase. NO oxide and PG are the two pathways that, cross activating each other, trigger the cascade
of events responsible of cervical ripening. UJ Soc Gynecol Investig 2006; 13:203- 8) Copyright (© 2006
by the Societyfor Gynecologic Investigation.

KEY WORDS: Induction of labor, dinoprostone, prostaglandin E2, nitric oxide, nitric oxide
metabolites, cervical ripening.
ervical ripening is the process that allows the cervix to Recently, nitric oxide (NO), a free radical gas, was ascribed
change from a tightly closed structure designed to a role as a mediator of cervical remodeling.9 The local appli-
maintain an intrauterine pregnancy, to a compliant cation of the NO donor sodium nitroprusside produced effec-
organ that dilates accommodating the passage ofthe fetus. Such tive maturation of the guinea pig cervix.10 An endogenous
changes have been likened to an apyretic inflammatory reac- NO system is present within the human uterine cervix, and
tion1 and are accompanied by extensive neutrophilic granulo- human cervical ripening at term is associated with an increased
cytes invasion in the cervical tissue.'-1 Cervical remodeling is expression of the inducible form of NO synthase (iNOS)." 13
a multifactorial process involving prostaglandins (PGs), in par- NO donors have been proved to be fundamental in cervical
ticular Prostaglandin E-2 (PGE2)," inflammatory cytokines remodeling also in humans. Ultrastructural analysis revealed
such as interleukin (IL)-1, IL-8, tumor necrosis factor-ot that both isosorbide mononitrate (IMN)14 and sodium nitro-
(TNF-u),6 and steroid hormones.7'8 prusside (SNP) when applied locally" destroy the organization
Fronm the Mother-Infant Department, Section of Obstetrics, Modena Policlinico
of cervical connective tissue. Moreover, IMN and SNP have
Hospital, University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Modena, Italy. been demonstrated to be effective and safe to facilitate first
Address correspondence and reprint requests to: Professor Facchinetti Fabio, MD, trimester termination of pregnancy when administered before
Mother-Infant Department, Section of Obstetnics, Modena Polichnico Hospital, Univer-
sity of Modena and Reggio Emilia, via del Pozzo 71, 41100, Modena, Italy. E-mail: dilatation and curettage.14 16-19 In humans, cervical fluid NO metabolite level nises after NO donor admiinistration, produc-
Copyright ©O 2006 by the Society for Gynecologic Investigation. 1071 -5576/0)6/$32.(0)0
Published by Elsevier Inc. doi:10. 1016/j jsgi.2006.01 .001

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204 J Soc Gynecol Investig Vol. 13, No. 3, April 2006 Chiossi et al
Chiossi et al

ing cervical maturation.2-) Furthermore, reduced NO release in dinoprostone was applied according to the Bishop score. In
the uterine cervix is associated with prolonged pregnancy1 clinical practice, oxytocin infusion is administered indepen-
while the opposite findings have been found in case ofpreterm dently of the Bishop score if active labor has not been reached
labor.22 after three dinoprostone applications, or when the Bishop
The highly complex process of cervical ripening involves score is greater than 7. According to the study protocol,
considerable interactions between NO, PGs, and inflammatory women requiring oxytocin for induction were not included in
cytokines, 23,24 suggesting that self-regulatory paracrine the study population. For study purposes, amniotomy was
mechanisms are important in inducing cervical modifications. performed only in laboring women with at least 5 cm dilata-
As NO plays a pivotal role in the process of cervical remod- tion. As previously described, the beginning of active labor was
eling, we investigated the possibility that PGE2-operated cer- considered when the cervix reached 3 to 4 cm ofdilatation due
vical ripening could be associated with a local activation of NO to effective uterine contractions, corresponding to an abrupt
release. change in the slope of the curve that results when cervical
dilatation is plotted against time.26
Nitric Oxide Metabolites Assessment
Subjects Under speculum visualization, a preweighted Dacron swab
This prospective observational study, which was approved by (DuPont, Wilmington, DE) was introduced under visual con-
the Institutional Review Board of the University of Modena trol into the distal portion ofthe cervix, at the external cervical
and Reggio Emilia, was performed between May 2004 and os. As previously described, the swab was kept in place for
April 2005 on women undergoing induction of labor due to precisely 20 seconds avoiding shear, and then flushed in 1.5 mL
prolonged pregnancy (ie, greater than or equal to 291 days of of saline solution for 2 minutes. The saline samples were
gestation), oligohydramnios (amniotic fluid index less than 5), immediately centrifuged at 800 X g for 15 minutes, kept frozen
or preeclampsia. Inclusion criteria consisted in singleton preg- at -20C, and assayed for nitrites/nitrates (NOx).20 Each swab
nancy, gestational age greater than 259 days (ie, 37 gestational was weighted before and after sample collection to assess the
weeks) previously ascertained through a first trimester ultra- volume of cervical fluid that had been soaked up by the
sound examination, and a Bishop score less than 6. Exclusion Dacron swab. The weight increase represented the volume of
criteria were rupture of membranes, previous uterine surgery, cervical fluid that was obtained. The mean raise in weight after
presence of uterine activity (more than one contraction in 30 cervical sampling at time 0 (TO) was 91 + 7 gug, corresponding
minutes), known hypersensitivity to PGs, any contraindication to 91 ± 7 pL; similarly, the mean weight increment at T6 was
to vaginal delivery, and any drug assumption except folic acid. 85 ± 8 fig, equal to 85 ± 8 4L. Samples weighting +3 SD
Furthermore, oxytocin was not to be required for induction of were discarded, as were all of the macroscopically bloody
labor. Seventy-seven women met the inclusion criteria and cervical fluid samples. NO was evaluated spectrophotometri-
were enrolled in the study population. cally using the Griess reagent, as the accumulation of its
metabolites (NOx). ?0
Women were admitted to the Labor and Delivery ward, Statistical Analysis
Modena Policlinico Hospital, early in the morning, and un- Continuous variables were evaluated by Student t test, both for
derwent a nonstress test (NST) for 60 minutes. Patients were paired and unpaired observations. Categorical variables were
subsequently enrolled in the study as they signed the informed evaluated by x2 analysis and Fisher exact test where appropri-
consent form. After cervical fluid collection for NO metabo- ate. Pearson correlation was also used. Nonparametric Wil-
lites (NOx) measurement, subjects underwent Bishop score coxon pairs t test was used for values with non normal
evaluation and cervical length assessment by ultrasound, ac- distributions. All statistical analysis were performed with SPSS
cording to Berghella et al.i' Induction of labor was performed for Windows Release 11.0 (SPSS Inc, Cary, NC).
using dinoprostone, a commercially available PGE2 analog. Six
hours after induction of labor was started (T6), cervical fluid RESULTS
was recollected for NOx determination, and Bishop score and Clinical features of the population are reported in Table 1.
cervical length were reassessed. Induction of labor was due to prolonged pregnancy in 23.8%
If the Bishop score was less than 4 at enrollment, cervical of the cases, oligohydramnios in 36.3%, and preeclampsia in
ripening was operated by either a single application of slow- 29.9%. Neither cervical length nor cervical NOx differed
release dinoprostone vaginal insert (Propess, Ferring, Den- according to the indication of labor induction (Table 1) or
mark) or two applications of 0.5 mg dinoprostone intracervical parity (Table 2).
gel (Prepidil 0.5 mg, Upjohn, Kalamazoo, MI), 6 hours apart. At baseline (TO), Bishop score was less tharf 4 in 74%
In case the Bishop score was 4 to 5, dinoprostone 2 mg vaginal (57/77) of the study population, mean cervical length assessed
gel (Prepidil 2 mng) was used, and a second dose was adminis- by ultrasound was 28.6 + 5.8 mm, and mean concentration of
tered after 6 hours ifBishop score remained less than 6. On the cervical NO metabolites was 208.6 + 103.8 [iM/mL. Six
following morning, 24 hours apart, intracervical or vaginal hours after dinoprostone was applied (T6), Bishop score was

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Cervical Nitric Oxide in PGE2-Mediated Induction of Labor J Soc Gynecol Investig Vol. 13, No. 3, April 2006 205

Table 1. Clinical Features of the Study Population According to Reason for Induction of Labor
Pregnancy Oligo Preeclampsia P Total
Gestational age (d) 294 + 1.5* 280.5 + 12 277.5 + 14.1 <.01 284 + 9.2
Nulliparity 8/26 9/28 7/23 NS 24/77
CL TO (mm) 28.7 6 29.1 6.1 28 + 5.3 NS 28.6 + 5.8
CL T6 (mm) 18.9 + 8.6 19.7 8.7 19.9 + 9.1 NS 19.5 + 8.8
NOx TO (p.M/mL) 199.8 + 96.2 215.6 + 115.6 210.4 + 99.6 NS 208.6 + 103.8
NOx T6 (p.M/mL) 310.2 + 232.5t 318.7 + 239.1t 321.2 ± 251.1t NS 316.7 + 240.9
CL = cervical length; NOx NO netabolites; Oligo = oligohydramnios; NS = not significant.
* Mean + SD.
P < 0.05 vs TO.

less than 4 in only 31.2% (24/77) of the subjects enrolled,

still of the cervical modifications induced by the PGE2 analog
mean cervical length was significantly reduced to 19.5 ± 8.8 dinoprostone. Moreover, among nulliparous women, the
mm (P <.01), and mean concentration of cervical NOx sig- higher was the cervical NOx increase, the shorter was the time
nificantly increased to 316.7 ± 240.9 ,uM/mL (P <.01). Both interval from PG administration to labor.
cervical shortening and increased cervical NOx were observed Cervical ripening is an active biochemical process, similar to
irrespective of parity (Table 2). an apyretic inflammatory reaction6 controlled by multiple fac-
Time from induction to active labor was 20.8 ± 10.3 hours tors: progesterone,27 PGs,5 62829 NO,629 and inflammat
for nulliparous, and 18.5 ± 8.9 hours for multiparous women. cytokines, such as IL-1, IL-8, and TNF-ot.24,30,31 In inflam-
No further PG analog was administered to eight women matory processes, PGE2 is thought to act principally as a
(10.4%) presenting with regular uterine contractions 6 hours vasoactive agent that facilitates inflammatory cell infiltration,
from the initial dinoprostone application. In this subgroup of promotes secretion of inflammatory cytokines such as IL-8,32
patients, both cervical shortening and cervical NOx increase increases neutrophil chemotaxis,33 and stimulates the release of
did not differ from the remaining study population; further- metalloproteinases (MMP) by monocytes.34 NO induces local
more, the diagnostic criteria for active labor were not met at vasodilatation, leukocytes infiltration, extracellular matrix re-
T6. modeling, and MMP activation.6 8 9'3 36 This metabolite also
A statistically significant positive correlation was found be- stimulates apoptosis of smooth muscle cells and fibroblast, an
tween Bishop score modification (A Bishop TO Bishop - =
important process in cervical remodeling,3738 promotes IL-8
T6 Bishop) and changes in cervical NOx (A NOx = T6 Nox and elastase secretion from cervical explants,34 and has the
- TO NOx) (P <.01; r = .494). A direct association was also capacity of altering the composition of proteoglycas and gly-
detected between A NOx and cervical shortening (A cervical coproteins in the cervix.9'39'4t)
length [CL] = TO CL - T6 CL) (P <.01; r = .307) (Figure A considerable "cross talk" exists between NO and PG
1). The correlations among A Bishop, A CL, and A NOx were biosynthetic pathways, as these molecules act in concert. Mul-
not affected by parity (P = not significant). tiple experimental studies demonstrated both in vitro and in
Finally, in nulliparous women, cervical NOx values reached vivo that NO directly stimulates cyclooxygenase (COX) II,
at T6 were inversely correlated with the time interval from PG increasing PG production during inflammation. Sim

application to delivery (r = .421, P <.05). ilarly, abundant evidence also showed that PGs can stimulate
NO synthesis.4346 Vaisanen-Tommiska et al studied the effect
DISCUSSION of misoprostol on cervical NO release in non-pregnant and
This study demonstrates that PGE2 application produces an pregnant women.47 Fifteen non-pregnant women, 26 women
increase in local NO release along with cervical ripening in in early pregnancy, and 31 in late pregnancy were administered
term pregnant women. The positive correlation between de- either vaginal misoprostol or vaginal placebo. Cervical fluid
crease in cervical length, augmentation in Bishop score, and samples were collected up to 3 hours after misoprostol/placebo
cervical NO secretion suggests that NO is a fundamental index administration and were assessed for NOx by means of the

Table 2. Cervical Features of the Study Population According to Parity

Nulliparous Multiparous P Total
Gestational age (d) 287 + 6.3* 281 + 12.1 NS 284 + 9.2
CL TO (mm) 29.4 + 7.6 27.8 + 4 NS 28.6 + 5.8
CL T6 (mm) 20 68 19 9.6 NS 19.5 8.8
NOx TO (p.M/mL) 201 + 94 215.2 + 113.6 NS 208.6 + 103.8
NOx T6 (p.M/mL) 311 + 230t 322.4 + 251.8t NS 316.7 + 240.9
CL = cernical length; NOx
= NO netabolites, NS = not significant.
Mean ± SD.
t p < .05 vs TO.

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206~~~ ~ ~Investig
206 J SocJSoGynecol
Gynco Inesi Vol. 13, No. 3, April 2006
Vol 13 No 3, Api 200 Chiossi et al

Griess reaction. Placebo had no effect on cervical NOx level

and misoprostol did not affect cervical fluid metabolites in
non-pregnant women. Instead, misoprostol induced 4.3- to
5.20-fold elevations in cervical fluid NOx concentration in
early pregnancy and 4.4- to 18.2-fold elevations in late preg- IL-1 IL-8 TNFa i
nancy (P <.01). In the late pregnancy, group elevation of Chemotaxis
NOx level following mi'soprostol was not related to changes ill
Bishop score, although the median cervical fluid NOx con-
centration per 1 Bishop score rose fourfold after misoprostol. iNOS COX II
Our data confirm that PGE analogs stimulate cervical NO
release in pregnancy, as previously proved by Vaisanen-Tom-
miska et a.47 Furthermore, a statistically significant correlation
NO Amplification
was demonstrated between decrease in cervical length, aug-
mentation of Bishop score, and NOx levels. Thus, dinopros-
tone could possibly activate a chain reaction in the cervix of
pregnant women, as the initial NO stimulation caused by the
PGE2 analog is followed by a local secretion of PGs triggered Glycosaminoglycan Apoptosis MMPs Vascular
by NO. Both responses account for cervical ripening in the synthesis Permeability
pregnant patient. Cervical remodeling seems to be sustained by
two parallel systems that can cross activate each other and
trigger the cascade of events that ultimately modifies the bio-
chemical structure of the cervical tissue. ECM degradation
Multiple factors are involved in the process of cervical Figure 2. Proposed model of cervical ripening also according to the
ripening (Figure 2). Evidence exists that progesterone acts as an data of the actual study. ECM = extracellular rnatnx.
immunosuppressor in the cervix blocking that inflammatory
reaction that causes cervical softening, effacement, and dilata-
tion. In fact, progesterone stops IL-8 release from cervical
explants and stimulates the production of a potent neutrophil proteins, and they contain COX II and iNOS, capable of
inhibitor (secretory leukocyte protease inhibitor [SLPI]).4 producing substantial amounts of PGE2 and NO.48
Furthermore, such hormone inhibits cytokine release, sup- Moreover, iNOS has been demonstrated to be expressed
presses iNOS and the inducible form of COX II, and blocks after stimulation with lipopolysaccharide, IL-1, and TNF-
some MMPs.9'29 A local decrease in progesterone availability 09,5°;
the same inflammatory stimuli are also capable of pro-
moting the transcription of COX II.1(.29 31 This is the reason
or interference with its action would stimulate IL-8 release and
inhibit SLPI production, triggering neutrophil and macro- why IL-1, IL-8, IL-6, and TNF-ox have been shown to be
phage chemotaxis, immigration, and activation, as previously released in the cervix and to induce cervical remodeling in
suggested by Denison et al.34 These cells are well-known vivo.23'24'52 Therefore, inflammatory cytokines contribute to
sources of MMPs capable of digesting extracellular matrix promote both NO and PG synthesis, the effectors of cervical
ripening. As demonstrated by the present study, local applica-
tion of a PG analog represents one of the different ways to
activate a self-maintaining process that is ultimately responsible
30 of cervical maturation.
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