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D/ Good morning Claudia I had the first week of classes

C/ Oh great, how is it? Do you already have a best friend in the class?

D/ No really, I´m very shy.

C/ What kind of friends do you like?

D/ Well, I think with supportive person, someone who I can work easily, and I don´t like people
egotistical, it is bother me when someone just talk about himself.

C/ Why don´t you talk with____? He/she is my best friend and is in the same class as you.

D/ Really? Do He/she annoyed?

C/ Of course not, he/she is a modest person and sociable

D/ Great, I Will talk with him/her.

C/ Wait Ayrton is coming, hey what’s up!

A/ Hey guys!

D/ Hey bro, nice to meet you! We are talking about you, she told me that you are a modest and
sociable person; Do you think you are easygoing?

A/ Definitely, are you new here? When you want, we go out and have fun for a while.

D/ Thanks! Does it bother you when someone is unpunctual?

A/ Absolutely, I'm very impatient and I don't like to wait, by the way What personality type are you?

D/ I think I’m an Investigative person, I imagine in the future working as a researcher at a university,
how about you Claudia, what kind of job is the best for you?

C/ eehmm, working as an engineer sounds exiting for me, I would like to study chemical engineering.
Ayrton, what’s your opinion about chemical engineering?

A/ I think, being a chemical engineer seems fantastic. It’s better paid than other careers, in fact, I
have a friend that’s currently working as a process engineer and he says it’s awesome, oh wait, he
just arrived

R/ Hey guys, how you doing

A/ Hey Rob, what’s up, I was with Claudia and Diego talking about careers, I told them you are
working as process engineer.

R/ Yeah, it’s great, but regarding about life careers and things like that, I think its more important
identify what would be good at… have you thought about that, Ayrton?

A/ Yes, I’m good at rational and logic thinking, so I guess I can have a successful career as researcher;
What about you Robert, have you thought about what you wouldn’t be good at?

R/ I think I wouldn’t be good at politics, as I find difficult to speak in public

A/ Yeah, it must be hard. But talking about other things, I need to call my mom ASAP, but my phone
is not working, would you mind if I use yours?

R/ Sure friend, no problem I like to help people

A/ Really? What are the most common favors people ask you for?

R/ Mostly, when they need to be heard.

A/ I’m getting hungry. Could you ask Claudia where was the restaurant she told me last time?

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