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A dog story

when I was little, I was afraid of dogs. once, I had to

go to my cousins on foot alone because they lived
not far from my home. the problem was that I had
forgotten something while the door was locked. so I
rang my mother's door, but at the wrong door. I
sounded at the door of my neighbor who had a dog
in his possession. He was very small but I was still
afraid of him. The owner opened the door and the
dog came out. I did not know what to do, so I
jumped down the small balcony. fortunately, he was
not so high. The man asked me if I was ok while the
dog came along to follow me half way, because I was
running. He stopped chasing me down the street.
Finally, when I came back he explained to me that
his dog was not mean. Since then, my relationship
with dogs has improved.

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