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Apple was founded by Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniak and Ronald Wayne on
April 1 1976 to develop and sell personal computers. It was incorporated as
Apple Computer Inc on January 3, 1977 and was renamed as Apple Inc on
January 9 2007.Apple Inc headquarter is in California. Apple Inc has 9 products,
7 services and 378 retail stores worldwide. It is an American Multinational
corporation that designs, develops and sells consumer electronics, computer
softwares and personal computers. Apple is on the verge of becoming the first
American company to be worth $1 trillion. Apple is now worth about $945


1. Focus on customer and client experience: Apple innovated their

new products by learning from their customer’s complain and experience.
Before they plan to market their new product, first they study the errors on
their previous products first. Before they made iPhone 4, they made a
survey about the customer’s satisfaction of using iPhone 3Gs, and they
fixed the errors of iPhone 3Gs and as a result, four million units of iPhone
4 were sold in the first three days of launching, which was on October
2. Make a curiosity feeling among the customer: Before the product
was launched, there is lot of teaser of the new Apple products. The product
teasers make the customer’s feeling of curiosity getting obviously bigger
and bigger. With this planning strategy, they can make an amount of target
on how many will their new product will be launched in order to not wasting
the number of products in a period of productions. As an example, when
Steve Jobs wanted to launce iPad, he advertised the teaser of the iPad
with the feature that can replace the computer. From the teaser, they can
listen to the customer’s opinion about it. Therefore, they can predict the
amount of iPad produced in the first batch of production.

3. Build a strong vision: Apple, Inc. has a company vision: “To make a
contribution to the world by making tools for the mind that advance
humankind”. With this vision, they can set goals and track their progress
based on this vision. Also, when they manufacture a product, they
produced it based on this vision because when the customer knows their
vision, customers will think of Apple product when they want a gadget,
which are smart and reliable to do human’s job. As an example, MacBook.


After the death of Steve Jobs, Timothy Cook was appointed as new
CEO. According to Apple organization structure, the organization is headed by
CEO along with executive team. At the second level the authority is distributed to
CFO, COO, Legal, Retail, Software engineering etc. The executive team
comprises of all senior VPs and report directly to CEO. At 2nd level the functions
are further divided into sub departments and the senior VPs further distribute
authority to VPs in the 3rd level. All the important decision and actions are taken
by CEO’s intervention. The organizational operations are divided into a number
of subunits. In Apple the organization responsibility is headed by CEO while the
operations are divided into several sectors such as Control, Global Outsourcing,
Apple Online Store, Apple Care, Education, Internet services, Marketing,
Communication etc. This way the entire organizations is divided into several
functions and headed by the senior executives in each functions. All of these
operations reports to the CEO. All the employees are aware about their job
responsibilities, management expectations and they are specialized in their jobs.
The recruitment process is generally divided into four sub processes
which are; requisition, sourcing, selection, and closure. Apple Inc. Company
utilizes both internal and external recruitment and selection methods in an effort
to enhance its workforce. Some of the selection methods employed include
interviewing where the job applicants or the short listed candidates are subjected
to some tests in the form of questions with an aim of gathering adequate
information regarding the candidates such as things about their abilities that
could otherwise not be ascertained from applications and other documents, for
example, confidence.


Directing Function of Management. DIRECTING is said to be a

process in which the managers instruct, guide and oversee the performance
of the workers to achieve predetermined goals. Directing is said to be the
heart of management process.


1. Timothy Cook 58 CEO, Director

2. Luca Maestri 55 Chief Financial Officer,

Senior Vice President

3. Jeffrey Williams 55 Chief Operating Officer

4. Katherine Adams 53 Secretary

5.Art Levinson 68 Independent Chairman Of The

In controlling, the task of manager is to monitoring performance,
evaluate how well the organization has achieved its goals and to take corrective
actions as needed to maintain or improve performance. The ex-CEO of Apple
Inc., Steve Jobs monitors the performance of Tim Cook, the ex-COO of Apple
Inc. when he was still around. In Steve Job’s resignation letter, he has named
Tim Cook as the next CEO of Apple Inc. This backup plan makes Apple Inc. able
to cope with uncertainty. After the death of Steve Jobs, Apple Inc. hasn’t release
anything big and new. But it has built better iPhones and iPads. Apple Inc.
announced that pre-order of its iPhone 5 topped 2 million in just 24 hours, and
iPads sold 3 billion in 3 days. The quarterly profit of Apple Inc. climbed to $8.2
billion on revenue that rose to $36 billion on the backs of hot-selling iPhones and
iPads. Within one year, Apple Inc. share increased and the company’s value has
almost doubled since Steve Jobs death. Macbook Air, the thinnest laptop on the
market is the prime example of the product in the market. This idea introduced by
Apple introduced idea before their competition, so they able to accomplish these
feats in record time with streamline workflow processes and automation.

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