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“Why are you at IUP and not off directing in New York or LA?

Abigail asks
“What made you want to become a director? When did you start? And what is your favorite project
you’ve worked on?”

Adam asks
“What are the auditions like when you are trying to get a role in performance ?”

Alicia asks
“Are your casting choices affected by how the actors/actresses previously handled their
schedules with the addition of the theatrical work they were involved in?

Amanda asks
“What is one of the worst things to happen to you as an actor while on stage?”

“We’ve been learning the different stages such as thrust and arena. What is your favorite type
of stage to perform on? What about your favorite genre? Does this change when you are

“What advice would you give to someone looking to get into acting?”

Brandon asks

“Acting seems to be one of those hobbies that is dying down due to more advancements in
technology and CGI, what do you have to say to those people that think the arts are dying or
have already passed?”

“Why did you make the decision to transition from acting into directing?”

Emily asks

“How do actors deal with triggering scenes?”

Jessica asks
“How do actors handle and overcome nerves before a performance?

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