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Continuedfrom page 29

The babies were D.N.A. sexed as

three females and one male. Two fe-
males were put into second generation
breeding programs with tame wild
caught males, the other two were sold as
Common Breeding
Each owner has kept an accurate
journal for me and the results have been
quite interesting. The offspring without
exception have proven to be gentle
Problems in
birds. When provoked they will cry and
scream, but have never bitten anyone
including young children. The pairs set
up for breeding have bonded but are
Amazon Parrots
still friendly to their human families al- by Rick Jordan
though they could not be considered Kutztown, Pennsylvania
pets. Nest boxes will be put up in April
as there is mutual feeding and attempts
at copulation.
The two offspring kept as pets are
adored by their families. They have
proven to be good talkers and mimics.
M embers of the genus Ama-
zona are not among the easi-
est parrots to breed in a captive situation.
until approximately six years of age.
There is also little data of the maximum
breeding age of this genus of parrots.
One pet had the neighbors rush over by This is not to imply that Amazon parrots Captive Amazons, upward ofthirtyyears
yelling for help and then laughed saying are not bred in captivity as this is far from of age, have laid eggs. This is encourag-
''I'm a Brat" leaving everyone in stitches. the truth. Each year, many, many Ama- ing and could indicate a very long repro-
The other pet calls to her owner's five zons are bred in captivity in the United ductive lifetime in captivity as well as in
year old child every morning "Dustin! States. However, for every pair that pro- the wild.
Get your book bag!" duces live young, there are two or three In addition to age, there are other
It appears that the babies have about other pairs that have not. more controllable problems that can
a twenty word vocabulary and although Successful husbandry practices are contribute to non-productivity. Birds
their talkng ability can't rival that of the A being recorded as well as a list of"com- that are overweight, overly aggressive,
ochrocephala, the gentleness of these mon causes" associated with non-pro- nutritionally deficient, improperly
birds is a consideration when looking ductive pairs. These observations will be housed, or improperly socialized may
for a family pet. The only complaint that dis<2ussed in this article but are not meant not breed. Most ofthese situations can be
has caused problems is mimicry. They to be taken as the "rJle of thumb" or the corrected or controlled by the avicultur-
appear to imitate everything including only way to breed a pair of Amazon par- ist and fi-equently these non-productive
the microwave. One baby picked up the rots. Due to the nature and intelligence pairs will begin to breed.
cry of the family cockatiel. You can of these birds, many have adapted to
imagine that sound from an Amazon! their new set-ups and surroundings and Weight Problems
The cockatiel was placed in another have begun to produce young. There is Fat breeder stock is one of the most
home but Elliot is still letting loose with no reason to change a pair's set-up if commonly occurring problems when
those screams. chicks are being produced. dealing with Amazon parrots. This is
I hope this information will interest Many Amazons that are currently due, in part, to the fact that captive Ama-
Aviculturists in breeding this delightful available as breeder stock are either zon parrots relish the flavor of velY fatty
little Amazon. They appear to make a older wild caught birds that were im- foods. Many of the higher fat content
very stable pet for families with children. ported prior to the "Wild Bird Conserva- seeds and nuts that are fed in captivity are
tion Act of 1992" or captive bred young not available to the wild Amazon. If they
produced right here in America. Both were, wild production would probably
wild caught and captive bred birds are double.
capable of breeding although the breed- In captivity there is no harm in feeding
"Aviculturally Speaking" ing biology for these two groups has these foods as long as the birds can get
"The qualities required of an some distinct differences. Older wild plenty of exercise and are supplied with
aviculturist working with large caught birds mayor may not be of the other healthier foods to round out the
parrots include super-human so- proper age to breed when purchased. diet. At no time should a pair of Amazon
licitude; extreme vigilance in The exact age required for wild birds to parrots be fed exclusively on seeds and
watching over eggs; tirelessness in breed is not precisely known as there has nuts. In most cases this will cause obe-
spoon-feeding babies every few been very little field research done on sity, laziness, and non-productivity.
hours; a heart hardened to the in- parrots. Once again, diet plays an important role
evitable death of many fledglings; When dealing with captive bred sub- in the production of young in captive
and plenty of good luck. It also jects, the "average" breeding age of most parrots.
helps to have money... " medium sized Amazons is about four There is a defined breeding season for
JaneandMichaelStern years. Larger species, such as the ochro- Amazons in the wild and, in most cases,
cephala group, usually will not breed in captivity. Once defined, the avicultur-
30 May/June 1995
ist can manipulate the diet to assure that aggression is partially dependent on the breeding parrots for some 12 years now,
breeder stock is supplied with the foods observations of the aviculturist. Non- I have had few occasions where it would
that are "right for the season." During productive pairs where one mate is bick- be possible to produce second and third
non-productive times of the year, the ering or attacking the other should prob- generation offspring from my Amazon
aviculturist should gear the diet to main- ably be separated. Afew months in cages parrots. Therefore, I felt it necessary to
tenance of the birds. This is the season adjacent to each other and the birds may consult with a few of the more "sea--
when the higher fat content foods display signs that they prefer to be to- soned" breeders in this country and
should be fed in very limited amounts. gether again. If this is not the case, and abroad to find out if captive bred Ama-
Lower fat diets are especially important if the attacks continue, the aviculturist Zons will breed. Of course the answer
the breeder stock is already overweight must seek out a new mate to replace the was yes in all cases, but the situations
and inactive. aggressive partner. Although this sounds were all different.
In cases of weight problems, feed harsh, it is often the only way to solve the Some of the most successful multiple
plenty offresh vegetables and try a lower problems of infertility or non-productiv- generation breeders, Howard and Kathy
fat pelleted diet as a supplement to re- ity. Voren of Florida, gave me some interest-
place the seed in the diet. There is also a Husbandry, Caging, and Diet ing pointers. They have one system of
product now available from Phoenix Once a compatible pair is formed, rearing for Amazon parrots that are to be
Unlimited that can be sprinkled on the they are both of breeding age, and the sold as pets and another system for those
vegetables or fruits designed specifically diet is sufficient, breeding should take that are to be maintained or sold as
for "fat birds." This product, called place. As discussed above, the diet is im- breeders. This is very logical and it awak-
"Flight Plan", is designed to assist in the ened me to just how social and intelli-
portant both during and after the breed-
utilization of body fat while supplying gent this genus must be.
ing season. Amazons, more than most
the needed Vitamins, minerals, and During the handrearing and weaning
other types of parrots, need to have two
amino acids to the bird.
diets supplied during the year. One diet process, young Amazons destined for
Sprouted beans, seeds, or grain foods
for the non-breeding season, and an- the pet trade are maintained separately
can also be a help when dealing with an
other, high fat diet, during the breeding and have more access to humans than to
overweight bird. In addition to dietary
season. These dietary changes are given each other. Those that are to be used as
requirements, it is often helpful to putthe
a great deal of credit for stimulating pro- breeders are grouped in weaning cages
overweight birds into a larger non-
duction in all successful Amazon breed- with each other and with other Amazon
breeding set-up during the off season to species, allowing them to socialize and
ing programs.
encourage Hight and additional exer-
The breeding cage is another impor- learn from others of their own kind. This
cise. If the food bowl is placed on an ele-
tant aspect of husbandry. Cages should has resulted in a slightly younger age of
vated pedestal in the middle ofthe cage,
be as large as possible, within reason. successful breeding from a pair of sec-
the bird will be forced to Hy to the bowl to
The larger species of Amazon parrots ond generation birds. In cases where a
eat. Design the system where the bird
need to exercise and Hy if successful young bird is paired with an older, expe-
cannot get to the food by climbing, make
nesting is the goal. The smaller Amazon rienced bird, breeding often takes place
it Hy to the food source.
parrots need socialization with other at an even younger age.
I must caution you that the Amazon This example demonstrates how im-
Amazons to stimulate breeding. On this
parrots require fat in the diet during portant socialization is to young Amazon
point, it is often wise to set Amazon cages
breeding. For this reason it is not wise to parrots. It could also be a key factor in the
in line with each other to provide normal
limit the diet during the actual breeding future success of any release programs
interaction with other pairs. Nesting ar-
season or while chicks are in the nest that may be attempted using South or
eas should be private. This privacy can
box. A reduced f~lt diet should only be of- Central American species. I hope that the
be provided by hanging barriers ofsome
fered during the non-breeding season.
type near the nesting end of the cage. designers of these release programs will
Mate Aggression This should be the only area where the take this into consideration before the
The propensity for Amazon parrots to birds cannot see another pair of Ama- next attempt is made at releasing cap-
be aggressive to their potential mates is zons from their cage. tive-bred birds.
velY high. This aggressionleads to a fear- Husbandry is dependent on many In Conclusion
ful situation experienced by one mate or factors of the collection. How long have The breeding of South and Central
the other. Often this fear oftheir mate will the birds been set-up? How compatible American Amazon parrots requires
prevent normal copulation from taking are the species that have verbal and vis- some knowledge of their habits in the
place and, if eggs are laid, they will prob- ual access to each other? And, probably wild as well as their behavior in captivity.
ably be infertile. most important of all, are the pairs com- Problems associated with the breeding
Aggressive mates are not easy to deal patible with each other? The importance of this genus are being solved by close
with. More often than not, aggression is of these elements can be realized by re- observation and the recording of many
displayed during the time when the hu- locating a productive pair of birds into aspects of their successful husbandly.
man keeper must intervene to feed or another location within the same collec- We now know that diet, mate compati-
service the cage. If both mates show ag- tion. Often this will result in a year or two bility, socialization of the young, and
gression towards the keeper, this is fairly of non-productivity until the pair has es- many innovative husbandry techniques
normal. However, if only one mate tablished its "order" among the new are invaluable aspects of successful
shows the aggression and the attack is neighboring pairs. Amazon breeding in captivity. Through
staged on its mate, breeding problems the exchange of knowledge, aviculture
will most likely occur. Socializing the Young as a science has begun to record its con-
The answer as to how to deal with this Having only been involved with tributions to the future of many species..,.,.

afa W A TCHBIRD 31

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