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Having a business, whether it be a neighborhood or a large company, generates

satisfaction and improves the quality of life of the person, it is important to know the
benefits, advantages and disadvantages; One of the benefits would be to satisfy
the clients' needs, meet their expectations and have the full satisfaction of the duty
fulfilled, an advantage is to provide new job opportunities, the income that can be
generated with this and meet new horizons that this is represented in trips to open
new franchises or points nationwide.
Taking into account the desire to expand the product in the national market it is
important to know in detail the type of transport that benefits the process and for
this it is necessary to investigate which is the most profitable, in which of them the
specific time is met for each type of product to be marketed, that is, if the products
are perishable, the appropriate type of transport must be used and for this you
must have the time at a distance if it is by road so that in this way the product does
not arrive in poor condition destination, if it is desired to carry out by other means
of transport it is necessary to validate if the destination city or country has that
transport service, because otherwise the product would reach a certain destination
and then another means of transport would be used in breach of the time of the
Perishable product; If the product to be transported is highly dangerous material,
greater control must be taken, since if it is transported improperly it can cause fatal
damage to both the ecosystem and the other products with which it is transported,
for this reason its transport is in a way individually and safely according to the
standard norms for the transport of said material; If it corresponds to products that
can be transported as general cargo, package or among others, it must be stowed
safely, in this way the rules are met and the product arrives at its destination in
perfect condition and in the time required by the buyer or the client, keep in mind
that when choosing the type of transport, the aforementioned must be clear to
avoid irreparable loss and damage of merchandise and continue with the customer
since the latter is the main element within any company or store of neighborhood.

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