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1. The Roman ruler of the sea, generally pictured with his three pronged sceptre of
2. The lover of Venus and Proserpine who was killed by a wild bear and whose blood
was transformed into a flower.
3. Jupiter’s son who killed Medusa the Gorgon and gave her head to Minerva.
4. The Roman counterpart of Hermes, the Greek messenger of the gods.
5. The beautiful nymph who pined away for the love of Narcissus until nothing of
her was left but her voice.
6. The Greek name of Cupid, the Roman god of love.
7. Roman goddess of dawn.
8. The Titan whom Zeus condemned to bear the world on his shoulders.
9. Roman god of wine.
10. The son of sleep and god of dreams from whose name the term of a narcotic is
Philippine Literature

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