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Assalamu Alaykum Dear Parents,

I will be serving as the principal of the Saturday school for this year. On

behalf of all the teachers and staff at Saturday school I'd like to

welcome you to our annual parent teacher conference.

To begin, I’d like to outline some of the goals that we InshAllah

would like to achieve this year. Our main goal this year is to work on

enhancing our students’ love for Allah, our Creator, and for the masjid

by focusing on the many blessings Allah has granted us, especially in

the light of the guidance and mercy that He has granted us through the

beautiful religion of Islam.

This year we also hope to continue to focus on the teaching of the

Arabic language especially in the areas of reading and writing, so that

our students can gain deeper understanding of the Quran.

We will of course also continue to focus on the recitation and

memorization of the Quran InshAllah.

However, we recognize that in order to be successful in achieving

these goals our students need support from both the home and school.

We know that a strong partnership with you will make a great

difference in your child's education. We ask that you support our

efforts by ensuring that your child attends school every Saturday and

arrives on time. We don't want them to miss any part of the learning

experience especially the morning assembly which starts at 9:30 sharp.

We also ask that you ensure that they complete all homework

assignments given by teachers and that you continue to practice

reading Arabic and memorizing Quran with them daily. Even just fifteen

minutes each day of reading and practicing Arabic and Quran at home

will help boost the lessons they learn at school. Finally, we would like to

ask you to stay updated with your child’s experiences at school and
please continue to communicate with us and voice any suggestions or

concerns so that we can continue to better their experience at the

Saturday school.

The teachers and I are truly privileged to be a part of such a great

program that is meant to benefit our community and children and we

are looking forward to spending another great year with you InshAllah.

Thank you and JazakAllahuma Khairan.

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