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= 4.4. $1 “DEAR Town, ENCLOSED 1S THE CorersPoN DEMCE BETW EE W."Russeee AWD A GeovP oF PEOME Who Ruscece WAS Tey T? Work tocemen Aud INGreveT ON Burin Owe OF fuss Fea GEwEpaveRs. THis Whole Trotecr WEver REALLY Cane oF Since I AO THE ofPoRTUAITY IN Era tensa 41S COME SHAPED ElEtecAL Cores 7 IT BEAHE Cibae tone THAT THEY CAN Nor Work. THEY Do wor ActivarE Avs Abvocareo PRINGIMLE OF PowEe Mucri Piicanens, OBViousey IT HASTO BE Powe were INTER ACTIN Fiero: HEAUNG THAT APIRRATA LOBES Quite DitFER ENT, HIS PRINCIPLES CONCERNING WivE HEtdAKICS AS DUTLINED ON TUE SLIDES (CHARTS And More Beok) ARE IN Ht OnMiOr Riedl 2M « T coud’wT (CONCEIVE OF A More “EeEsvrtton, Denoares- Tin SF Natver’s Pemcimes , TAM Sew anle Te Sees INA SEPEaare Paclack. Since bo Russeue Does MoT want Tus MAtEmAL TO BE GWEN TO THIS WoRLO T MUST ASK you MoT To Discuss THis, OR Slow THe StrDES TO ANY OWE . LT Is FoR your RéteREKCE ONLY. you ATEO IF ov hie AMO Sewn HE BAck MY ser. IN Tus WAY You Wie HELP to CAREY EX PEwles L WOULD CEerhiney hike To Hese Moke ABOUT youre cee Mone RACING Upers, WihewevEe YoU AVE A Wee LP OR. BRotuves EME SEWDITON. TL woury EWJoY Guinwe 70GE IER Witte yee 4 OWE DAY AND ThRh OVER “Pemcimes oF watune” Aub How THEY CAN BE Tuewee INTO HaedwAee. T Wave StvEeAb THiN&s Conk UP HERE IV HY SHOP. COoNcERMMa TESLA IDEAS ¢ HACDWARE WHieH MAYBE OF i TEesr TO Yer. SINCERELY ’ Wy Q I wh. f- he eee WALTER P. Bavncakrace @ “ RAYTHEON COMPANY WAUTWAMEA MASSACHUSETTS Twmmmmoon 9.0400 resae seaneee Bars = asian nosooicoroar 13 February 19 112 MeMT HANCOCK STmEET coLenAee srmmas. CoLomAnO and Mrs. Walter Russell The Key Ambassador Key West, Florida Dear Walter and Lao: I should have written long before this to thank you for all the treasured gifts you have sent to me, and for the courtesy you extended to the delegation from NORAD and ADC. I did, however, want to be able to report some defi- nite progress before writing. I have been holding many conferences with General Chapman, Colonel Fry, and the others who attended the meeting at Swannanoa. Saturday afternoon, we held a meeting at Alpine Falls to listen to the tape recording. It has been the concensus of opinion of all concerned that in order to proceed, we should get some more definite specifications on. the optical dynamo. 2ieedless to say, I was.more than gratified when I received your lower thir morning giving some factual data, and indicating that you would be willing to furnish drawings and specifications. Immediately after receiving the letter, called Dr. Letaw at Raytheon's Wayland Lab and made him aware of this fact. In spite of a negative report, as I expected, from Dr. Nieman, Dr. Letaw indicated that he would be more than willing to look over your drawings and specifications, and give us a fair evaluation. He would look at your material with an open mind, and if favorably disposed, he would do all in his Power to initiate a development project such as you described in your letter in the Wayland Lab as soon as possible. He was very pleased with this reaction as was General Chapman and the others because they feel that this is the quickest and most direct route for accomplishing our objectives. If for any reason Raytheon should not agree te go along on the project, the people at NORAD would then take steps to see that it got into the hands of the proper government developing agency. or we would attempt to do it on our own right here. If you will send to me, as soon as passible, a more complete description of the equipment including the coils and discs, I will take it with me to Raytheon at Wayland on the 2lst of February as I am scheduled to be there for a Marketing Meeting on that date. Just as goon as it is possible for you to furnish specific drawings, Dr. Letaw will examine them and take whatever action is necessary to set up a project under your supervision at the Wayland Lab, There is no question about the enthusiasm here at NORAD but we must have something specific to start with and then all of our future objectives will fall into place Tam enclosing a note from Major Sargent whom I discussed the matter with this afternoon. Thanks again for your many kindnesse Sincerely, Ameri 9 H. C. Mulberger HCM:jw Enel. ~N kay NaN A v \ Qeac 7 e 2 apenas Yo Ligain _ ae tebe fet ee bn Fan¥ ye hanes (ier an Zhy BO & BGT, v7 a a Pie oy ee &. tnteeP evil, 9. fet Ee tad Ane Mee sau 7" peg Matilda Ce att DThen kl het wietil Keay Then Siig fle ae A C. Je A, hg sem phan Dogg aes a oe pew gfe Bivecez if Vaccl foAtterr Liss fyen ea VY oaoe 7 CL He gag Lae Hi To RAEN | 2 saibin tae of saa saat teh ccatzots: thet ry he : V/= Ee “from cach other sla extends slong ware mets ant tha exis of of all” srg ota pacity shin nthe an tt 0 safe recoils of vaiete ast poet a Se oe Gee he we eel et eno oe Tiley ae eee Se See Ke, Henry Mulberger { Rathein 2422 North Hancock Street Colorado Springs, Colorado, Te anything on drawing or manuscript you ¢o net understand call tbe Honday before noon or after six for clarfication. In restudying then since sending I can see two things which night be confusinge On the drawing the three quarter inch hole bored through amature for water passage to cores ni-ht be interpreted as naling the armature a separate Piece. The armature and Z6LI5 corefs for mmber four coils on cach side of it are all ons aboccccia solii pisces On pag: four of manuseript my new first low of thermodyn:ntes is socetines questioned. Tp avoid this I will bereatter write that lax to read as follces; First Law, Cold generates energy+ Heat radiates energye Cold wultiplies. It cannot divids. Heat divides. it cannot multiply. Together their pulsing interchangings constitute the 1ite—death, gronthadecay principle of Creations gravity cycles. Walter Fussell, en Thee Henny Pirselhang or Ca . ie oi a Ghrirde Spreng Rise are = Thin a lemprec tan ray arolen Ee Ao Ete eo ay aa ha Loe ff Lh ~ AA c? enna, af tn They , “4 pork ca Phan. Ofaw b § int een ne ark efifersritt, one me eer a pata Prore “sy seed nidar Bon eeth ont Ga temndl. xv greys WPRAtA et es Wuyi dae jot oe Fare fen, nF on BAe 2 OAK $C rof Eoghan jiu fren cn TE te greets ot FR Ppaeraree tints te th rr Ee 26 pee Pha Aun [Gann Thaw in prim ae et Phin a woth ney, Ptr, Beit eps or 7 a a IN) gl SS bol pons es Per \ [ mma. eto at VF ~~ 4 ! \Ar as frac ttag Fi f Ae 27/bs ro oh Aat ayfs THE KEY AMBASSADOR an On the Qtlantic Ocean KEY WEST. FLORIDA Phat Be ape ee Im 2Eu Dru : pow Bg Ae Be ee eh Beet on Hokinn — ths Ge Tey ere ene Mr. H.C. Mulberger Raytheon Company aye te ments BF PE 1422 North Hancock Strset Ihave yeviewed the file on Walter Russell's idea. It {s quite aieticult to IST analyze any new idea in the physical sciences. Walter Russell bas made thia process approximately impossible by establishing a full set of new physical laws (without proof) and neglecting to utilize a mathematical formalism for their expression. Thus, he carries out the perfect theo retical crime: there is no trail between bis restated laws and the ..- (presumably) resulting, machine. Now, what can wa do? ,A naw electric motor would not be built without an analysis of its design. If is all tha more unlikely that a macbiaa de- signed oa the basis of new principles would be built without analysia. ‘This would not ba pradest, I cannst recommend that Raytheon expend any effort in this undertaking. ‘The polnt that {a often misaad by people who wish to “reform. physical acience is that it exists only by changs.. Scientists are not stodgy. con~ _ ‘servative or blind, They learn to approach their problems systematically and to speak to each other in a commonly understood language, mathe matics, The "reformer", if he can belleve his theorios, must at least: ap ta 4. G. Mulberger LL 28 February 1961 Pagetwo. . . 1, Extract his theorfes (by use of whatever Process) from an examination of ob- servable phenomena. 2. Assure himself that the common facts of experience can be explained by use of the theory, 3. Draw inference from tha theory to pre- dict a new phenomenon (or explain an -old one-in more detail)... 4. Test the theory by experiment. om Walter Russell has neglected to carry out the first three steps. His machine is related in no understandable away (to me) to his theory, Each theoretical revolutioa, and thay occur with Alarming rapidity, tells us mora, rather than less. It not only points the way to new knowledge, but tells us more about the limitations of previous theory. Hence, the violent shock of Einstein's Special Theory resulted in our learning not - that Newton was wrong, but that Newton's theory was indeed correct within well defined limits, The quantum electrodynamics needed to de- scribe spectral hyperfine structure eshanced rather than decreased the electrodynamics.—. + _ Lat me ur; on you the theught that Walter Rus i isd otharawtes take ’ the lazy, ex cathedra approach to science do not succeed in leading man- Kind to greater heights. These men desire (unwittingly, I am certain) to destroy what we do have and offer us in return no treasure as worthy the "Song of the Jabberwocky". t srs a Tam returning the documenta which you seat to me, Please Walter Russell that bis rights are secure. I rake this as another stration that there js no sound substitute for hard work, poe So gil nea cee ; “+ +" Singerely, “ Hasry Letaw, Jr. Manager of Marketing }? RAYTHEON COMPANY WALTHAM 54, MASSACHUSETTS = —"THinenoox 8.0465, PLEASE Apontas REPLY To: 6 March 1961 MOUNTAIN RESIGN OFFICE 1422 NORTH HANCOCK STREET OLORABS SPmInGS. COLORADO HL Meson 3:3808 Dr. and Mrs. Walter Russell University of Science and Philosophy Swannanoa, ‘Waynesboro, Virginia Dear Walter and Lao: I thought I would wait until you got back to Swannanoa, and resettled from your vacation, before I wrote this letter. Unfortunately, it is discouraging in one sense, and somewhat encouraging in the other. As you know, from the be~ ginning, I was somewhat skeptical regarding an open minded reaction from Raytheon, This proved to be true (see enclosed letter), from Dr, Harry Letaw, Jr. Without having studied your books, and writings, over a period of time, itis difficult for these academically trained scientists te comprehend what you are driving at, The biggest difficulty is the language barrier, and they cannot understand your reference and definition of such things as gravity, light, and electricity. Although I did not have much time back there during our recent Marketing Meeting, I did my best to convince Dr. Letaw, Dr. Silberg, and several of our scientific and engineering types. My attempts met with ridicule, sarcasm, and lack of understandin, Contrary to the attitude at Raytheon, all of the Air Force and Army group from NORAD that visited Swannanoa are still very enthusiastic and are interested in either attempting te line you up with Naval Research Laboratories or oa of the Air Force Development Agencies. In fact, one of the officers has already written Dr. Page, Chief Scientist of the Naval Research Laboratory. In a much as he lives in the Washington area, you may hear from him shortly re~ garding a visit. . General Ghapman, Major Gripe, Major Sargent, and I, are interested in trying to construct one of your Optical Dynamos here. They have done a tremendous amount of thinking and analyzing and feel that we would be capable of con- structing it under your supervision. Unfortunately it is difficult for me to. cOnvince them that your Dynamo is not designed to Serate in accordance with our accepted Electro-Magnetic theory. We had a two hour meeting in my office last Friday and out of it came a list of questions, some of which I think I know the answer to, but if you would be patient enough to give us specific answers to the questions, be they either negative oz affirmative, I am sure that it would help greatly in the construction of the model Dynamo, and would help me hold the interest of this group. The questions are follows: 1 Gould a model Dynamo be constructed with dimensions considerably smaller than on your sketch, say one-half or one-quarter scale. 2. Why the same amount of wire around all coils? 3. De the diagonal lines through your drawing have any si, as their angle is concerned? 4. Why are holes incorporated in the center of each coil? Can we use a solid core? 5. What determines the amount of wire on the cores? 6. The high temperature at the center of the Armature seers to be our ‘iggest problem. The present state of the art would not permit ervicient cooling at a temperature of 5007'C. Steels would melt before they reached 1700° and the water would be instantly converted to steam. What is the lowest temperature at which the Dynamo would operate? 7. The wiring diagram for the coils, and its connection to the brushes, is not clear. 8. Could the cores be turned separately and bolted together except for Armature and adjacent coil? 9. Relationship of the speed of the turbine wheel to the electric power take- aff. Will it be AC or DC? 10. Could solid copper plates be utilized rather than wire? ll. Must turbine wheel touch Armature? 12, How many connections should there be between the wheel and the Armature? 13, Will generator furnish current at the first revolution of the wheel or must temperature of 5,000° G be reached before current is generated? 14. Would appreciate any suggestions you have for simplifying construction of the Dynamo as both our time and finances are limited, The NORAD people feel that they may be able to get an Optical Dynamo project up under a basic research contract with either an Air Force or Navy Laboratory, however, setting up such a contract inevitably results in considerable delay. . Tam sincerely greatful for all of your kindness and efforts, and I also want to thank you for the books you sent, which I value very highly. Ido hope that your vacation gave you the relaxation and rest you needed. Sincerely. i H. C{ siflberger HOM:jw Encl. Dr. Harry Letaw, Jz. H.C, Mulberger Walter Russell's idea, and March 6, 1961 your analysii Dear Harry: ‘Thank you very, much for, your letter of February 28, and your analysis of Dr. .Waltar Russell's ide It iola'very gel written lettex from an academic standpoiat; your logic is per= fect, but I can't say that I agree entirely with your philosopy- This can happen. T think you will agree that some of the greatest inventions and advascements cama through inventors without too exwnsive an academic background. There fs no question but what the sciestific approach ia sound, aud results in con~ siderable advancement. However, many times scientific thinking develops maay questionable theories based on ialae premises dus to erroneous sens perception. As you well now, most anything can be provea mathematically. Twill agree that without considerable study of Dr. Russell's bocks and papers, it ia very difficult to see just what be ia driving at. Here, we run into a diiG- cult sematic problem. “’' ” I bardly think’ Di, Rusaell can be referred to aa taking the lazy approach in vouch aa hia maay accomplishments in other ficids, as well ban most mea could hope to achieve ‘At laast I have done my part in bringing this to the attention of Raytheon Co, The NORAD and ADC people feel that an attempt should be made bere to con~ struct a model or that it should be referred to NRL, CRL, or some other Government Agecey interested in supporting basic research... ., Jam’ sorry that wa don't have more time to sit down and discuss this matter at greater length, preferrably up in the mountains where our thinking could be clear and undisturbed by interruptions. Anyway, thanks a lot for your time nd efforts, and I do hope that our differeace of opinion in this matter shall ia no way intarfer with our continuing respect acd {riendsbip. C. Mulbe: HOM:j~ a . . Match 9, 1961. Dear Henry: +2 me - ah We were very much pleased to receive yor letter just as we returned. We were not surprized at Dr. Letaw’s Feaction, for we have been accustened to thet sort of reaction from the conventional scientists ever since I-guve my first charts to the world. It has always been thus with. ‘what'Dr.,Letaw calls “reformers,” such as Galileo, Ccpernicus, Leonardo de Vinci and other great contrimmtors to our civili- gation richt up to the days of mach-persecuted Charles Goodyear and'even ny good friends Lee de Forrest, wo narrowly escaped prison for selling “worthless” stocks to finance his tubes, and Bikola Tesla. “ : . . : The miracle of this stage of procedure is in tha” > finding of open-minded nen of vision like you and your little group who have had sufficient vision te sea the possible saving of cur civilization by opening the deors ef nan’s minds to this new cnowledge. It is for the finding cf nen whe are ‘ dedicated to such a great purpose that ve are thankful; - It will be your group who will probably write the greatest page in history since the world began and, and you can do it, if your group will dedicate thenselves,to this purposeaas we have. Your of. to sake a small oodel promts ne to make it extremely simple and inexpensive for you to do so, The model I sade was to show the vast power that could be multiplis from cold if used in the full dinension of the cube and its consequant short-wave. In that nodel there would always have to be sufZicient vater to keep from melting the steel, but a model built upon the long-wave principle is all that is necessary to give a few pounds of stean, enough to keep a wheel in constant sotion by connecting the armature with the turbines To-morrow | will make such a drawing that should not cost in acees* of 5100.00 for raterial, and design it in such a way thé you can keep a perpetual 2 - 5 lbs, of steam pressure feeding the turbine. ‘That ought to ba sufficient to carry off 50 (or : current leads. 2 : I will also answer your questions fully. I am glad you asked them, for the answers vill gradually readjust your thinking to the optical natura of the universe. In the moan- time, Eenry, there is no reason why they ought not to continue to think electro-macnetically for the name of any process has no possible effact upon the results obtained by it. ¢ (hae Varch 12, 1961. Mr. Denry ‘ulberger, Alpine Falla, Colorndo. oF Dear Henry: : i * a | Ever sineo answering your letter of “arch 6th, I have been working wpon a very sisplified test rodel which could be quickly and inexpensively =ada. 1 agree with you thereuchly in regard to that sixplification, both ~ , for the tine elazent as well as for the emense. After all, it ig not necessary to harnegs an eleotant or a herse to a dogeart for all wa wish to prove in this case is the principla of power-aultiplication, sufficiently to bring cold watar to a high prasaure stesa power sufficiant to turn @ large wheal connected by a turbine. I have, thereforg cut cown the acount of coro and wire proportions as sucz as possible to arfoct this purrose. The only readjustsent you tay have to make ia that if the arcature does not becous as redot as a dlacksaith’s Lorsa- shoe, then acd tora wira to coils vi and +4. 1f it becoces too hot, recuice that wire. . x A verymuch further sizplifiestion in the xaking of the codel for test purposes could be achieved by net bothering at all at present asout the turbine eornection or even the wheel. You can test the efficacy of heat and powor- cultiplication by just putting a stean wnistle or pressure. gauge inte the water tank and also having a little window face inte it that you could open and close by bolting so tzat yeu could leer into it.without the water being tumed on,and gee tne hot arzature which of course you must not Qilow to becosge too hot, otherwise it would selt your copper. Ig yourstean whistle or pressure gauze shcved that dt was possible to cet a continuous hich proasure of atean from the azcaturo tane into the turbine, t:0. rpinciple will have been solved. a 4a the principle in nature wiich science |.as overlooked. It ig a stranse thing to me that science “as not observed this principle long aco in even the increase of celting polat in the octave series of tne elesents. ‘ake for exa=ple the heliua octave. oes Voliun has a low sub-zero nalting point. In other words it represents the cold of eraco. Lithiun is a soft lew-concity jow-celting point clenent. Ferilics is euch core conse and rag a acer selting point. en next step in censity and melting point is Doron and last step is “arbon, woich has reached @ pelting point of 3600° centigrade. ce has never seaced to wonder how that hich ing pe pest wes reached in four sterg, It socns to Lave pane t for granted lite the water in the vel. To oy knowledge, it has never compared such @ step-up process with the principls iavelved ia the cultiplied powar ef the crovbar. The principle is the sase, However. The eloctro-cagnstic explanation of the power which a man cam accumulate at the other end of Lis lever ia not satisfactory. “ho optical explens ation is in accord with mature, bowaver, and your-gretp could be given @ cocd lassen in helping thea to think optically, if . they would cive =e a full electro-caqnetic explanation,and then - (2) ist me gira then an cptical emlanation. That world halp thea cake the trensition fron olectric thinking to cptical thinking. the high price that ectence is paying for never having made that discovery of optical power pultiplication ig that it oe Rever acquire solar power bufficiont te cotivats ell of its ines without cosprenending the optical power-oultiplication P inciple, nor ‘all at ever solve the oystery of trensoutation; whereas, if I could have a sufficient tecnical staff and a woll- equipped laboratory, I aa certain that I cenld procuce Magearas of solar powor within a few sonths. Ye are thankful that you and your group have had sufficient snsisst into the new science for tosorrew to widen your vision and create a desire toocpen tha coors te the science of tocorrow, at least to a scfficiont extent at this tise to save uz froofear of Tussia in a such coro sizple and — ve wey than throuch the precuction ef “Nike Zeus” Tha inspired vision ar your grocp is the one hope we rave iat this mew knowledge will not dis with ee. atesee Coming back to the subject cf the enclosed drawing, there are a fow things wich I sust explain to sake cure that no exror ia nace. S 9 The first and prizary one of these is that each coil should be youd separately, ‘They can ba vound back and forth ia the uscal , bat theoretically tzey wold be sore affective if little partitican were cnco Zo that nat the back and forth winding could Eo liaited +: fi catzures., $2 other vores, to Savas the Pe bisited $8, Pa} Ee eETOs se tarouga te coll #4, then rewind backwards to coil #1 and a0 forth would be the wrong way of naturs thy eet “ea os Consider for exm=ple the cyclone, a s-all sketch: of which I tave caco en the drewing. ‘“wistisg is a ene-say continueus spiral tvistizy all the way fron its wide tcp to its apez witn no vevercal of winding. TLeresore, vind cach coil separately end carry the wire into tho next coo successi to isitats, es for as possible, the winding of Bature’s cent: petal vortices. - (3) In the larcer pocel, I let all of ths water cone in by way of the arcature becausa the steal would ba co bot that it would cal no digforenca,ut 1 cic allow for water coing into ccilz #3 asd 24, becausetey would Eeat too much. In this cali socel it is pueh better to follew Bature’s way end let the water come in through Coil Jl, for theercticelly all of the coils will gradually teat the water as the water approaches the armatures. (3) T bave cade & note on the right hand side of the drawing tellim why I need the acvice of an electrical cocineer in relatien te connecting cne side of the insulated couble wheel with a 74 current, ror each side of that copper vieel representa the “positive” and “necative’ poles or the sun, as such as the arsature itself coes, Zor ths equatorial plane divices beth in the line of thecentering plane of the wheel. Ny intuition tells ne that the cne circuit is the botter way if Gt can be accosplished, cthervise, sch sid of the vieel vould have to be in scce way conmnectea with the /4 cores and that, I think, would be necsanically cizficult. (4) My tectnical knowledge is not sufficient for se to give you the gauge of wires to ba used fez the coils, as this isa webject fer computation wich electricel enjinoars end enil rakers hive at their fingertips. : eteees I will now answer the questions that you Lave asked, + (1) has bean enswered by the-saking ef the drawing. (2) The best way to answer the questicn why the sane ezcum wire sust be used for each coil, I sefer egain te the @ initial accunt of enercy veich a can puts inte & tupper_end the croubar is the seco all the way to the end oF it. Eack coil reprosents that initial effort, the: re, the length of Tpreticaliy be te soso; bet as I’ said crower. wire should 7 berore, we iave no need to sultipiy heat to its sazisun, eo th length of wire can be chanced to weaken that powar to the Cesired beat. (4) Zo, wa cannot use a solid core fer we are impersorating ea eres acd Light-wavea a aro sorics cf cyclones weic: cost te croata scatter. ‘There is alvays a gr Saiueais =ele in every cyclone, and in overy cent. vortex, even in so scall a ons es the spiral vortex you see ven you lez the water ronoac of your Lathtsb. Science has less Qco established that thera is a holo in every @lectric current which zoang that thore is no powor in the center of the current-carrying ire. All of the power is projected teward the eer ef the wira. That ie why cany wires are uscd to sake a e=all cabl. ty ane ony wah ee Oe ee laser cablo, for oredg wire et not carry ens=tenth o: power that siny wires carzy. 195 to 197 ia ATC: Svuictee, sie dresisy copaye 157 X also aid you sn thewdring principle. : (S} Tee anount of wire doterctzed for the cotta 12 ts fused br the acount of heat or power you wish to obtain and adjusted 17. To add rere power, you carols & ma pore wire, but it id be pooper ceataly, acded to all cores to att the caxisun ef but a surficient edjustcent cen be ebtained by using Colla ¢3 | 73 aad #4 alone. (8) This question abot the beat hoes can be sattled by the ansver given to question » As all of the steea power needed for thig teat sccel wocld not exceed 10059 texperaturo, you can test the heat in the way I Lave described by Saking a window in the armature tank and watching it grow red. “se saxo can be said of the acount of water in tte arcarare tank for that can be cetersined by the steam prossure which can be generated by the arsatcre. (7) I have heretofore anaverod. (8) Tt would much sizplify sachine-lathe eperation to naka. ‘8 the coils italy even thoush if all oF one piece c& Steel would bo nore icsale 1 a= gure your soczanieal | passacse of cocide is wether thes jeiningtien together would be core of a job than nachine-lathing then all in ane piece. (9) Up until the last 30 years or so, all carrents were onerated [C and natzrally this carrent tould ba DC for it is Hature’s way and would Lave to bo transforced into AC in & canner sicilar to that tsed in any trensforcation process (19) Solid copper plates could not ba used. Every turn of coppar wire in a coil i-rerscnates the twister of a cyclone in the creation of 4 centrifuga. vortico. (21) This question bas boon answered in ralatica to the: wiring infor=arten requested on the drawing which ealy a srilied elactric engincer could answar. - (Q2) This question wes oncvered as questicn #1] has been answered, Sut the thing te roxccber is there cust En either @ metal connection sade by seens of roller boarincs with the #4 core, or with the coil itself by comms of @ Srush. (23) The xheol ig desicnsd to turn at enough revolutiens per ninute to cond eff ths cosirec carremt. To do ty powor sust be ganerated te rocéh that speed = ig ceterminod by @count of Lent neoced in the Qreature to kero a continucus oad ef stoaa which will Zeep that wieal continually tuming @t the séce rate cf sposd. Catureally the current cannot ba “> ¢ransaitted until it bas reached that spoed. i. . zones 5 to leok out into spaca surrounding you to cee that we are living in a curved universe and that all _ Light arriving em this planct fren the sen is poneireting a . caries of curves 6? viich ve are on the concave sics, and space >< ds ca the conver sida. age ‘The study of light is an optical principle and all pewr w multiplication or division is therefor eptical. ‘he sore you \ can understand Eature’s precess cf growth through ker posto- S gynthetic optical power multiplicatiaa principle, the Farther af anead of present ecientifie stancarcs you and your worcerrul - UV group Bay place celvea. I would love, therefcre, to cave \___#he opportunity,.i7 ve ever do got our nosced laboratory and staff, to gracually belp thea to acquire this Enculasge. Lot us know if there are any further questions and in : the eeantize we send you cur cratituce for your uncerstancing. “Ae ever foal God’a guiding bande 5s Sincerel7 yours, wids = ZA = z "5. Ye azo enclosing extra copies for Ceneral C:scan, Jajor Sazgent and jor Cripe to refer to at their leisure. As the crewing is =ece on tract per, it also can be duplicated by blusprist. inert oecisy of pouar-projeccion i based, Sines puriaiat ton of tha inert gases end th catiedes raza co the oes cod Sulzilicont ef catter is a pelos It -- etfMicult te-explain vtet I cean rey this short could give yoa a eizple carole. The iner: cases power anctho putes of all thincs ubich crew - Th 1 could axclaia to thes, thererora, way certain inert cases and alectrea relaticns see iiiuainates to be of help to one who has Very evidently, a Plessed with a touch of weenie consciousness which she is) magnifying to such an alarmig assumption that it could wreck hem, Tastead of exalting her- Tf she would read Ore Richard Bucke"s “* authorative pook on@cosaic ‘Gonsciousness*she would get a better auerstanding. He, hinseil, van far core vaarasegd tras Suet ene hi e was 2- = fulfilled the purpose £oF, whic od by eowcae ZF eed in respect & that h er quality in, san world eosing Skat he bad aay Ms she isgha did not even. experiencs that flash ©: c atce of conscinuaness £09 sensation know. God gives Little and big messas to those who are able to bear than, and such message3 given ‘should be fulzisied within the weasurs of the knowledge given, otherwise & ‘little knowlecge 15 2 jangerous thing. Up to a ‘certain point she has revealed her comprehension of great truths based upon her long study of erystology but beyond that she bas fallen into the usual pit of intensifying her deductive reasoning from observed effects and has built an entirely unnatural and falss cossogony which Teached into a long serier of utter apsurdities, sucl as saying the sun i5 not hot in a universe ef notion in waich ths creative peadulus Swings between cold and heat, or that she belives She is grewing diasonds from parafin simply because its o7 stals of that fact to claim that diszonds are under great pressures, which i5 ‘contrary to Hature’S - are acquired enly seroer pressures of varying intensit: ‘not becausa of their crystal forms, othemiwys € wailum chloride cube crystals 30 id have equal right to clain that they were diamonds as thr right of parafin cube crystals have Her glimpse into the invisible was sufficient to have her recognize the rt of the spectrua in ‘the caking of a dynamic universe ‘but EES Grident love of the tetrahedron rather than the cube caused her te conceive of it in an unnatural way, 23 evidenced by the pair of Elues crossing the equator of the sue whers the SeyLice parallel itd, then making the blues follow ooo half ef the equator and split off’ to right and lefy of it on. ‘conser waich does not even renotel otjenpie fature's division of,2 inte pairs which are at opposites Sides of the equator, the plus following the axis and the yellow?s following the equator at ninety degrees this as being the basis of Nature’s three dimension, woile, in fact their are other as one of the rare buzans who In cases of what we call "on ee = Pie = as dicferentiated from the Illusinates Sequential experiences, they usforsunately metarn to the accepted cosaogony of their period and build upon ite fallacies with a full belief in their validity. Thus sbe deals with "nagzetisa" and welectricp® with her intessified imagination, which accests even tha "iagnetic lines of force" berry, ‘of propulsion of "flying saucers" hich ske also accepts and buids impossible solar engine concepts with the aid of such forces. She goes even 50 far as vo clain that "gagnetisem™ can be Gnaulated from matter at cleavage planes of crystals. GRAVITY is the force which sha (and science also) attribues to casnetism and gravity cannot be insulated from any form of matter. for gravity brought /inte being and controls its return to its zeroes oe a ‘ ‘The same holds trus for her statements abottmatter returning to its baste hydrogen. Again she accepta the Uendeleef table as complete, where there are, in fact, three octaveswhich precedsit. In any caja matter of any octave doses not return to its first element if deszroyed by flame. It returns to its zero in the inert gases. Her reasoning is equivalent to saying that if a narp 4s destryed all of its sounds return to their lowest sound, rather than to the sero of silence out of which sound vibrations are born. In all candor and honesty we must say thav we sec only violent distortions im all of her principles of mechanical interpretaions Of Haturets power forces. The reading of all that typed matter on Ber photostat with a magnifying glass led into such mazes of fairy tale concepts that we gave up bezore half through. Sek eee Re The above criticisas are désinged to be helpful, not huttful, for tia balieve that God gave her a purpose to fulfil in her own measure of ability to fulf: dite All through her document one note staads. out fully and clearly - her lovey for, and her krowledge of erystolog) ds the basis upon which her message vas ivan to her to spplement her love for humanity and a surying civilization, as depicted on the last pages of Chapter one. Coupled with that is her concern for the suffering individual as evidenced in her notes upon self inflicte: cancer. We note that in one place she said that she believer her destiny lies in the direction of isolating the cancer crystal. THAR ds what we believe her tiny to be, coupled with the diedt and tensions of humans who create own cancers, Jor cancer vas not mown by tne aborigines If she could but realize that her glimpse into universal omniscience waa but a pin hole paep, but that She nad a very such enlarged pss Gnto that part of it which her life had propared her for, and becoae the head of a great institution for co-relating diet, including nicotine, alcohol and other na-foods which destroy the body, we oeli she would be fulfilling the massage God gave to her and perform a service of incalculable valua to a needy and sich human race. With the hope that thig letter will be taken in the spirit of helpful for which it wa written, and the assurance that it will be by both Mrs. Wi “ht % jalcher and You, andwith our best wishes, we remain Hay 2, 1961 Dear Peg: * Only great pressure here and cany visitors insisting wpon anf interview has prevented a letter to you for wo have been so sorry about your illness and then the accident te your leg. We trust that by now you are feeling much much better if not entirely well, The weather has not helped zach oither for wadowbtadiy you have hed it cold as we have here... Today the sun is beautiful and we are hoping that warn weather will soon-come to stay. In any case we have warner weather sooner than you do and some day soon we trust you will be near to share this with us« et “the dogwood is coming out and the sountain top begins to look like a veritable fairyland. Cur cultituce of birds that return each spring fill the air with joy and as they go about the business of building their nests and preparing for their babies ona wishes that all zankind could live as joyously together creating beauty instead of destruction Last night we watched the ‘lay Day celebrations in loscow = and to watch the faces of those nen viewing their sachines of death with their calevolent expressions made ona‘s_ soul recoil. One could not help but recail tha Hay Day celebration: of yore when children danced around their flewer becacked Yaypoles with their pretty ribbons flying in the breeze. Cae is ever rexinded tecay how short is the tise left for nen to regain balance in our world of greed and death, We MIOW that we have the answer and we feel that with the aid of your littl growp out thera we CAN save our beautiful worid IN TLE. ‘The deleys which have been occasioned by illness and such are. perhaps all part of the Great Plan for thera is alway: the 8IGaT time for a special event to take place end sonetines we husans want to rake it happen tco soon. Each day the news nakes the job of those at the top nore difficult and this in turn will prepare then for the great announcement of our plans However, a3 the General in charge of the running comsentary of the Moscow display said in closing last night [There is not a moment to lose if we are to catch tp with the Kussians” and we now feel that we sust not wait to prove one thing at a tine wi we get underway but have more man-power and get the three gre: steps going as soon as possibla. i wasted to add sone thought on this for jank so will write it in a little separate note wh I know you will give to him for us. Idic not iStend to go i all these things in this note to you for it was really to tell how sorry we are you have had such pain etce, Sat sy heart is full of grief for the world and that Mescow ‘lay Pay review fi . (hw) 2 ie se ny being with a sense of urgency. . I wish you could all be here for Dector’s 30th birthday. Cur Directors are coming and several other friends and students want to come, It will be quite a day and as you know the crowning happiness will be the news from Henry. . cs , We do hope that we shall soon meet you in person for you are already very real to us in Mind. When we sis hear froz you asain we trust you will ke able to say ~ you are BETTER and you know sz are looking forward to _ Seeing you im the very nearfuture. . With our combined good wishes for your health, P.5..Gince ay letter ran to two pages I will add the P.S. for Henryersesses Dector and I feel that because of tha urgency fer scientific achievement beyond that which is now known that when power multiplication is dencnsirated elactrically the presz== for the laboratory should be three-fold: (1) Demenstrate is~ 2 ronically to auliiply radar power.(2) Power caltiplicatic: SSA for uniiaived power without fuel - and (2) by. transmutati. so we cotld create Setter =etals and also to «~ fave a caneay for geld scarcity if our ecenonic stability is - threatened. As elaectrononic multiplication is the basis of power projection the developzent ef all three of these princip: will contribute to this final goal. aT May 26th, 1961. Dear Henry; In es of the impossibility of our being able to work with you from day to day in trying to make bungling casses of wire to to light what simple lenses do optically, the suggestion of Major Cripe that we both work on the problem and interchange our findings is a happy ones Lao and I have been working together on this with the same concentrativeness that wa give to all our books and course which have ripened our minds together into a oneness which allicreative thinkers would profit by if they emulate. Hy thinking, for example, has stressed the spectrum as suen, while Lao's thinking on that line has gone deeper into the roots of it by thinking the spectrum as male and female - and their relative balance or unbalance. We both have worried about carrying that one wire all through the whole four coils, and how it can possibly emulate the lenses of Nature which multiply their power jin the cube ratio from 1 to four, browing smaller as they approach No. 4, - while we are obliged to make orr solenoids, which emulate lenses,bigger and bigger. We re-studied our drawings and made many diagrams ofNature's way, such ag the two which are attached to this page. O1.s Shows the way converging light rays compress them aaah et es MORE power to SMALLER arcs of pressure gradiant which surrounds the earth. Then we studied the opposite effect where little brooks join together to make a BIGGER river and power then multiplies as the many bittle brooks added one by one, make the river_bigger and bizzer as it multiplies power. Suddenly Lao said; "Walter, we have to distribute our power Why can't we add our wires toguther as the brooks add together in order to multily power.” tt That caused us to re-open/our long closed little laboratory and dust off all the rheostats, voltmeters, transforsers and high-frequency apparatus preparatory to trying out that idea. That is way we telephoned you to suggest that we try May 26-2 - A that kind of wiring after first proving it on small scale with 26 K gauge wire and 12 volt dry cell batteries, for we dare not use high voltage for fear of accident, We have sinca found that one of our students who worked With us b&fore when we did use house current, gan come here for long enough to work on higher voltage~ fans oy? eee RRR fee We are carrying out Major Cripe's suggestion to tell you what we are intending to do so you can think it over and re-wire when we find out that it works - or perhaps you can work the same thing out in your own waye (1) Instead of one wire extending from the positive pole of a circuit Utena eight wires from it. As each brook gets its increasing voltage by an ever increasing gravity pressure, and assusing that pressure to berg) volts, all of the eight wires are equally charged with volts. (20 Make the first two wires 1, gauge, the secodd two 18 gauge. the third two of 22 and the fourth two 22 gauges (3) Now wind the first wire around coil lo. 1 clockwise, the way you would turn a right hand cork serew with your right hand. (4) When the coli is completed test it with rheostat for resistance ata check voltage. Then wind the second coil with TWO wires by adding the second to the first. Continue it until you have an amount of Fesistance equal to coil lic. 1 by checking it and adding or subtracting Until the two do check. This you also do with each added coil. (5) Now take the two 18 gauge wires and wind the four in the No. 3 coil, After checkingwind the in coil Noe 3 (which has four wires on it) then add the other four wires to then, and wind all eight wires on the number 4 coil until it equals the others dn resistance. By twisting the eight wites together at each end we now have a cable, within which we have stepped up power as brooks step it up in the river. (60, Now comect the Nos 4 NEGATIVE cable end to the copper tank if you have it pade. If you do not yet have the tank side.then attach the eight wire cable end to a larga bar of steel or coSpper, on the other end of which you can attach the FOSITIVS end of the other parallel series teaporarily. until the tank is made. You could not Bttach both ends of the cable together without that oig bar for they Would fuse. The big bar will absorb the heat long enough for your tests but if connected too long it would grow red hot, or evea melt. (7) Now repeat this series in reverse to create a FEMALE mate on the green side of the spectrum. Start with the negative pole at the Ko. 1 . oil and wind 4t anti-clockwise as your left hand would turn a laft =~ hand corkscrew. then you have completed the series the end of that cable will be negatives does RRR ES This is what we are trying and will let you know the results. We wou appreciate your thoughts on this matter. £ we have properly elated Nature optically, electrically and Bat sub2ta2F Pe STEAARSS RESTS Gouonscrate her power of multiplication the same way the brooks becose a Niagara, oF heliun and the four pairs of elements in the hi the great. density and high melting poiat of carbon. machine. eliun dynamo we will This means that dynazos like this can be made for sal give every hone, power plant of industry, or city all th they Reed for every purpose, including heat, and thus oil problem, Such a unit as the cne we are making can be extended in sertes, both ta right When we cad also apply th Nature ALWAYS makeruse of to electronics and radar, It will also Pemove the g; and left, with is principle use of war by Peoples all they need for Survival on e, The stakes are high. They first step is the hardest Looking forward to hearin, of that interchange of id. Messrs Chipman, Cripe and Ser a Pe. Ss. You once asked if and transmitted would be AC of De, armature afte; octave aultiply to emi ear as possible When we can then have a @ which will l¢ power Solve the indefinately — Tr armature, siving every nation ang all \ qual levels,” e ‘veryuhera, are well worth working hard for, and this of all. ig from you as sas as We prog Cordialyy y, you progress, e338, and with gent, we are ours. Walter and Lag the current produced is put inte it ac will come out of it, wit Rot need to be transformed, If ac end the pleasure our best regards Russell, . \ 5 ~ a ies power only id divides \ae CURVATURE \ COWTROL The phote-synthetic process of; Brg a tree is the =| i eiverse of the process A of growing a rivere The river (lows TOWARD gravity and the tre flows (grows) away from it —_—Re— a eal el 72s : + # Qe Erne § oot Byer’ ks oe a 5 es030q sn yi qn -pax.ron oy) awepne if 7. Mo FO suo 7241 HuNOT eAeY-am *equepFsOe Beer ep ere aa O80 sou esep' Sn soy,-"seqseaceq TT99.AGp ITOA.2T Puy eam eSnes 9% WITM eTeos-TTems to aT Sutaoad asapy saqie-Bupita. jo putz wey1 ~ May 27th, 1961. Dear Henry; a Page Ho. 2 on the letter we sent you yesterday de a bit confusing the way we have written it. We have rewritten it to make it sore clear and attached a simple diagram to add to the clarity. Please destrey the first Sos 2 and substitute this one. Sincerely yours, Walter and Lao Russell. aaoyaq ST YITH psyTOM ouM JWepNIs sme fo sue Toya pUNOJ BAB 9K **qUaPTIOe Jo Tees doy SFeITOA ary esn q0u szep aM JOT fsatzeaaeq TTe> AIP 3TOA ZT PUE STI OFne Oz ITA OTROS Trems uo at ZuTAoad ysxpy seAze TUPITA JO PUTA IPHT =2- gz AH Sy May 26 -2- that kind ef wiring after proving it on small scale with 26 gauge Mire and 12 volt dey coll batteries, for we dare rot use hizh voltage ourselves. We have a student who has weoked with u5 before and is faniliar with high voltages and he will cose with us long enouga to test our ecils on house current. ee ee We are carrying out Major Cripes suggestion to tell you what we are intending te do so you can think it over and apply it to your wiring Gf our tests prove out. The following describes our experiaent. (1) Instead of one wire extending from the positive and negative poles of a circuit (if you use ona circuit) extend eight wires from each pole. Make thd two wires 14 gauge, the next two 18 gauge, and the next four 22 gauge. We can twist tho tops of these wires together to sigulate a cable but they must then hang free for distribution over consecutive coils, as decribed by the following. (2) We will wind the first wire around coil No. 1 clockwise, the way you would turn a right hand corkscrew with the right hand. When coil is completed it must be checked with voltmeter and rheostat for resistances (39- The second coil will be wound with TWO wires oy adding the second wire to the first. Continue till resistance checks with coil No. 1. (4) We will then wind No. 3 coil with the two légauge wires added to the first two. We now have four wires, like four brooks joined together to give more gravity pressure to the rivers Check to make it equal to the others. (5) We will then add the our 22 gauge wires te the other four and complete coil No. 4 in same way, also chacking for balance. (€) We will thencennect the eight wires of the positive pole with a large bar of iron or coper, but you will have your tank sides to Soder them to. (7) We will then repeat the operation in reverse on the other parallel series by «inding them as one would wind a left hand corkscrew with the left hand. We will then connect the negative cable with the other end of the steel or copper bar, IF WE COWLECTED THE CABLES TO EACH OTHER THEY HOULD FUSE. THE BAR ITSELF WILL GRADUALLY HEAT To RED OR WHITE HOT. You will have the tank sides to connect them to and water will be in the tank. (8) If you use two circuits instead of one, then connect the opposite poles of each with a similar eight wire cable. See Ree wa have emulated Nature optically, hydraulically and electrically should be able to demonstrate her power of mitiplication the way that mary brooks become a mighty Niagara, or how heliuy se i May 31 / 61 Dear Henry and Associates. This is a further record of our work on the Russell's Optic dynamo and new thoughts arising frou same. L Regarding checking each coil for equalizing resistance. Wore mature thinking tells us that the error of doing that. These eight coils are not separate coils. They are two mates of one pair. Bach four coils are one and each of the two grouos of four shad shou be checked at the number four coll for equal resistance. We refer to Nature for reasons. Nature's every expression piles Up resistance if four cctava steps and focuses it maximum at the number five position between the cated pairs. THAT 1S THE VEAY ESSENCE OF RATURE'S POWER HULTIPLICATIUS PRINCIPLE. ~ERAAPLS NOI. THE HELEGROCTALE. Lerner Darren = raat HELIUM LITHIUM BERYLLIUA CARBON © UTHOGEW OXYGEN o 1 2 3 4-0-4 2 FLuoRI LTING POINTS ==(centigrade) 1 — 271 186 12ze0 2350 3600-210 -218 = -223 The helium octave is the central,-or fifth - of the nine octaves, Note that the red side of it accumulates compression rapidly until it jumps from -271 gas to plus 3600 degrees of solidity and density. The green side never reaches solityty for that octave is the turning point where genero-activity yields its maximus power to radioactivity. Take note also that resistance msans compression, and coapression means heat, and heat oultiplication means to generate. COMPARE THIS WITH THE SLITH OCTa’ er eee ——— NEOH SODIUM HAGHESIUM ALUMENUA SfLicos PHOSPHORUS SULPAUN OALOR °o i 2 3 3 2 i =253 98 651 659 470 725 ig 102 ~SPECTRUM red-violet orange green een= Blue-violet red orangs yellow - yellow blue; blue COLD: ——qeat-multiplies eo “STeav aulvipies ~~ couu it therefore follows that each nate pair should be 3 equal WHOLES and not as separate céils. EXAMPLE SO 2 GROWTH OF MAU Man starts at zero as a baby. He passes through four gene-ati stages of multiplying power - childhood = boytood = youth and matured machocd. lan represents the red side of the spectrum -2- Woman is the mate to man. She passes through the same stages of Becumlating power in the sane way. Woman represents the green side of the spectrum. At full maturity their united powers are maxim and their generative powers reverse toward radiative pomssm cold. RIVERS AND OCEANS EXAMPLE NO. $ 3 ALL the brooks and rivers multiply their power and give it to all the oceans. The oceans forever divide their power and give it back to the brooks and rivers. ‘The very essence of Nature's power multiplication principle is to generate heat and powor by coapressivs resistance in FOUR OCTAVE STEPS. Beyond that Nature does not allow further multiplication. NATURE'S PALRS OF FOUR BEET AND THE CYCLE REVERSES. If we call that meeting point No. 5 the ocean, or the matured man and wonan are that No. 5. | The sum in our heavens represents that No. 5 position. The fulcrum of the lever aiso represents that No. 5 position. Some day we would like to explain to you what that characteristic of Nature really 18, and why it is so basic. If that wave charac- terisc was known by present day science its mathematics would be more reliable and its axiucs would be truths instead of assumptions which prove to be not truths. RECARDING CONNECTING THE CABLE EiiDS. our last letter we drew a diagram showing the to. 4 cable ends fonnected by 2 bar of steel or copper. You will note that the bar Go'not on the core axis. That was done purposely to create a miniqua of heat. If the bar = especially of magnetic soft iron is placed on center = in the armature position, that would be the point of optical focus - or gravity centar, where heat would be maximum. EXAMPLES. A bieconvex lens like Figel The sage lens shown face view seer edgewise, would loox like would look like this. its hottest this. The arrows show the part (resistance) would be its direction of increasing resistance. outer rim. Warm rin - cool center Hot focus Paper would burn at this point. ! GD id =3- May 31-/61 When we inpersonate a lens with a solenoid the same effect takes place out in a less efficient sanner because of the impossibility to make wires do what lenses do. Fig. 3 is a solenoid coil with a leno superimposed on it to illustrate how heat resistance always multiplies FIRST by expansion toward the rim of a lens or solenoid, then SECOND, by compression toward a focal point. This it always does in four octave steps and ends in what is known as the opposite poles of a bar magnet. The above diagrac is sade to show why very little of the resistant heat will accumlate in the wires themselves. It is the diffraction Tings in leases end the turns of a coil what cause fccal centeus =--or GRAVITY POLES - te form the wave axis. NOTE the wave axis is a continually extending fulcrun. Every turn dm a coil is a wave lever. The fulcrum of a wave befins at its zero cathode and ends at its anode. The wave axis is always static for the fulcrum never moves - and the lens rings ani coil turns are always dynamic, for motion is continuous in itsextension3. 41D of this is necessary to comprehend for ore who desires to know the secret of how katter energes from space. We will continue our work ir thé laboratory on Friday. We are not working Thursday for Dr. Page is cowings With our best wishes we are Sincerely yours, Walter and “ao dussell. x ) ma June 3rd. 1961. Henry Dear Henry; weighty Or. Page's visit was of such xitx importance to what we are doing together that we thought we skouid tell you of it, ospecially as he sent you a nessage o% advice through us which should be transnisted to you. He came for Lunch and a few hours visit and talk, but after the first confusion of trying to grasp an entirely nei concept of the universs, ha began to see it and becate higziy interested. He then forgot about returning and eleven oclock cane and we were stll talking, and studying the wave-geonetry diagrans. These interested kin imsensely and he studied then with much interest. His constant reference to their application to radar, and our explanation about the true nature of the wave which caused us to wire ocr coils as we are doing, convinced us that he was tryin to see reder in the is @. That nade us feel that if we ever succeed in getting laboratory for furthering this work we should immediately add improvement of radar tecnifque to include it with the sc! dynano as cur 28358 part of aur progran. first Next. morning we took up that phase of it again and road aany pages of a manuscript he had written on radar for a took which he hopes to have printed within six months. Hs asked cany questic about the drawing we sent you, and how we would handle tha whole matter if it became a project, even going over to examine our chateau-liks stables which we would convert into a laboratory. The advice he wishes us to transmit to you 2s as follows; First bs fully prevered for first failure,if ‘t should way. Do net say "it does not work out" and give it up. * in his life he has seen great successes coxo obvious failures, and the issues here are too defeat if it does not coze right at firsrt. radio He told of a data exveriment in which the receiver and transcitte groups were om opposite sides of a river. Everything seemed to Mat be going fine when a sudden break, followed by a totally different and unexplainable eiiect, came into the recorder. Then it went well for another period, and again 2 break. Orer and over this happened and they were atout te conclude that their experinert had not succeeded when someone noticed that these breaks always occurred wher a ship passed cetweer their lines, or a plane passed overhead. Out of that failure came the accidental me that y_ tine of seemingly at to accept = -2- June jrd. 5 2 discovery of radar. In our case wa might meat with some siaple thing like that which deweived us into thinking we had failed. Even so oimple a thing aS using alternating current might make it seem a failure. Direct current is Nature'a way and if A.C had the saue effect upon the diffraction rings of optics as they do apan tie rings of wire in coils which izpersonate the diffraction Tings of Light in lenses the entire cause would be lost through such a littie thing as that. He also advised that when you found success there should be a summit conference regarding what to do WITH it and ABOUT it, for it would have such far reaching effect on world economy that it would do more to help establish our national prestige than sending man to the moon. This idea grew out of our belief, expressed to hin, that part of our work need not be kept secret, but giver to our governzent or the woord for the explicit purpose ofbeating iussia to her own gana. We explained taa% the parts which should be xapt secret ars trai and power projestious If tie world nad eolar and elactric multidlicotiua within the next two year ‘Should be reaoved and tha United States would prestige. smutation At one period he qucstioned whether we should not have at first tried out our multiplication of power idea on the solar dynam which had 2 purely optical technique, instead of the optical < Wa agreed with him that it would be easier technically bus would probably cost 350,000 which we do not haves He still insisted that if we did not make the optical dynamo work out as expected that a way sould be found to do the other. %e know, however, ti what we are deing will word, it would, perhaps, b3 Setter to sys use D. C. instead of A. Ce In a few days wa will write Or. Page and answer some q: about radar wiics as asaad us to consider. We will se of tunis Lecter for it will help to a better comprehen pature of light and the wave upon which the science of tozorrow aust ye Dasede With our sincere regards to you and your associates tux whe are sc us to open the door to the wirsless world of space and to bi a barrier whick will shet fear of kussia out of our thinking by rendering it helpless to hurt us, We are Sincerely yours, Walter und iae Russell, P. S. It micht please you to know that Dr. Page was first attracted to us 2 yeur ago by the work of Lao, and her picture, and a reading ef the purpose cf out Universivy. lie is an ardent searcher fcr Cod and the spiritual foundation of the universe, such as Lao so clearly pictured in COO WILL WORK WITH YOU BUT NOT FOR YOU. He falt that he must talk to ker about it but pressure of current affairs delayed bi until your lester, and another from Captain Bruning mado him resolve tc find time cose what will. ke is a very remakable man, a great scierti: and zan of sore tian extraordinary vision, deep humility and a very lovable nature. dune 22, 1961. Dear Henry and Associates; Your letter of the 19th indicated a wise desision to continue ~conmimews along the lines of our original drawings uatil you can make a test, for nothing would be gained by duplicating Gur efforts. We also fully realize the fast approaching day Of being swallowed up by communism., and, for that reason, Gre working with you to hasten the day of relief from fear of Russia. The prime reason for our working bere, however, is because it is so difficult a work of translating a wireless optical process to electric equipaent which requiressfo"do uh, ¢ light rays do. Completed drawings cannot, therefore, be made which are not subject to change as probless of that translation arise fron day to day. We should be right with you while you are working on our first model for that reason alone, out as we cannot be out there we ‘mm are working full tine ona suall scale aodel along the lines We described in our last letter to test our heat and the gravic) pull which indicates power sultiplication, without considering the tank or armature wheel. Our first teas showed an astonishing gravity pull which proved to us that wa had multiplied power as Nature does it in her octave spectrum, This was core astonishing because we used only 15 volts by reducing our 110 volt A. C. current by passing it through a 20 volt rectifier. Even with that small voltage it took a mighty hard pull to remove a steel bar from its two lio. 4 pole ends.. When we tried it on straight &. C. with full 110 volts we did not get any where near that result, which means that the full wave of Nature must be used as D. C. expresses it. Cur testa Showed us very much, and caused us to make a still more drastic change in our design. We also have used 40,000 feet and the additional change will take at least 20,000 more. We are at work on that change now. After our talk with Dr. Page we feel that a new radar is thefir nezassity, one which does not require turning the antecca to Sean the horizon and upper skies. We have full plana for that already and could produce a test model in a few weeks waich would see in all directions at once and record approaching missiles on five screens side by side instead of one. We hinves a3 much to Dr. Page, but we had an inate feeling that he would do nothing until we had proved this, for our science was so 2 oe se OURO» Within two weeks we will make another test and report to you. Ws agree with Dr. Page that the first thing to do when we prove our rv gultiplication principle ty making a working model, is to we a Summit eating and be advised as to the best procedure to take for national and world benefit, as well as for laofs and ay protection as inventors. We want, also, to be in the position of reimbursing those like you and your fellow workers and make it possiole for you to be with Us on our future scientific developnents. There is a trezendous job to be dons and not a oxen: to lose and so cany little things Prove to us that God is working with us. Again thanking you for your ever dedicated help and understanding” with our warn regards and test wishes to you and your associates, we are Sincerely yours, Walter and Lao Russell. vy \W duly 3rd. 1961. Dear leary; We have nade two test nodels now which have Fad such {22iwining resulta we are writing to eugzest that you suspend your efforts out there uri!l we carry Gur testa to a conclusion, for we have already found that the diagracs yeu have are not sufficient to interpret this purely optical principle to an electric process. Gur first step was to sultiply the power of gravity. With only a fifteen Volt current through our twenty volt rectifter we obtained an azazing gravity pull at our armature poles, euch core than the ordinary coils obtain fmon a 10 volt current. Cur second test on a larger seals sede) with 60,000 fest of 22 and 26 wirsa, absolutely ~out very dramtically — proved the nultiplication of heat principls. With 15 volts a hot spark leaped across @ scall gap between the poles in which we had placed a sal bit of caft tren to act as @ fuse to cut off the circuit or sam us against a greater fuse. That encouraged us to tura en 42 volts fren four Willard storage batteries. ‘Tha very instart our electrical helner tured it on 4 great flash fused the Tight hand Yo. L coil and incinerated the no. 26 wires which we had wound with four Wo. 22 to =ake eight strands. All ef that copper dre waa like black sarbon. Ib erbled to black powder upon trying to pick pieces of it ups We then sade an enlightening discovery, While the right section ves“dead and would not pick up even a tack, the left section was intact and ruled nignty hard at even 15 volts. Cur electrician thousnt it might te because we bed Wound more wire on the richt hand side than the left but further exainacion Fevealed that that tha real catse was because the right hard series was locke ‘tight by a mut which screwed on the steel red upon witch all the coils vere strung, but the left side wis free to siide on the rod tecouse the cther mt could not be found which would lock it. When the Flash caze these left coiig olid apart on that rod to find a balance upon the!: octave spectrem foci, OF spectre position. That accident led to the icportant discovery tint these fg ‘& way to locate the four pairs of foci ona tar amet witch wa thoug-t was Bot possible except for the polar enes. That i a great step in helsing to ‘translate this optical principle inte an electrical process. We tade one xistake in making the coils eo big that the cost was several tu mea iF dollars for the two tests and consumed several veeks cf tine. Ve sack will hereafter, cake scall coils of organ or refrigerator sizes which ean E quickly and cheaply xadee and keep you informed of progress. We feel confic of conquering the technique because of having proved the principla. ve fee! however that wa abould not have tricd to delezate werk yhich needed cur personal presence during every step, and, for that reason, we should not L you take tize and causa you expense wien we found that it is izpossible to tell every etep in advance of experinent. Keowing thet you will agree with our suggestion as being wise, and assuring yeu that the gravity if the tine elevent will mury us as fast 29 peesible we remain Tame etanen ter mass July 22. 1961. Dear Henrys" * ¢ We have not reported results to you before this, as wo expected to do, because each of the tests we hav made have proven to us that the result we are seoking cannot be quickly done. At best it is a leng pull, perhaps till fall, for delays in waiting for new bekbins sade to fit each procressive step, the work of* winding then, and other delays, slow us up. £ach new set, and each test, tell us that we mast get closer to the optical nature of light and r, and that means that if solenoids are sizulati _ Tenses they must do what lenses do, especially cust they be in true relative focus with each other. We are having. very convincing results and clearly see that success ahead, but we cannot escape the trials and errors which always accompany any great discovery. It is no task Which busy men like your group, who have to travel mush should undertake, and core especially because the early training of each of you nakes it icpossible to judges results. Instead of seeing progress you eight feel that you had struck a ‘end. We deeply regret the delay, for we well kmow thot we can be | no service to NORAD until we have proven this one power= multiplication principle. The newjof today in respect to Berl: suggests that ve ray be already tco late. That pass, however, and we say still be of service. It is in the lap of the Geds, so we will keep on. Did you try cat: your coils at all, and if so what did yeu fin We predict that your Ko. 4 coil ends fused, as ours did, and as they should do, That was our first great lesson which led us to the right trail. We will keep you informed at least non In the meantize we would be pleased to hear froz you and know your faith in ultimate success is unswerving, and will be until we, ourselves, tell you otherwise. With our sincere regards, we are -L Sincerely yours Walter and Lao Russell. RAYTHEON COMPANY WALTHAM 54, MASSACHUSETTS — * = Twinenoos 9.8400 Putast ADoness REPLY TO: 48a NORTH HancooK ETmEET COLORADO SPRINGS. COLORADO Ten Mesos 5.2808 7 September 1961 Dear Walter and Lao: I want to thank you for the warm hospitality that you extended to Peg and the children when they were back in Virginia. They were all very impressed with meeting you and Lao, and with the many beautiful art treasures in your home. I wish I could have been there with them but as you know, itis quite difficult for me to justify a trip outside of my territory. Iwas very much impressed with the description you gave me over the phone about the progress you are making on the generator. If itis possible for you to tell me at this time, it would be interesting to know what voltage and amperage you are putting into the generator and the level of the power out- put. Is it direct or alternating current? Peg tells me that you may be ready to affect a full scale demonstration in November or December. We certainly will be looking forward to this, and I know that we shall have no trouble in getting military support once the equipment is demonstrated. Peg and I attended a party at General Chapman's last night. There were about cighteen other Generals there along with two Canadian Air Vice Marshalls and two Admirals. General Chapman just received his second star, and being a M/General he can no longer serve in his position at NORAD, and will be transferred next month to Atlanta, Georgia. We all hate to see him go. He asks about you frequently. It certainly will be refreshing to be able to announce a startling advance on the constructive side of power generation at a time when the destructive forces of radiation are so rampant in the world. “fo H.C. Mulberger HOM:jw Septexber 10th, 1962. Dear Heary; We were very Lappy to hear that Peg and the children enjoyed their visit although we were assured that they did by their very happy attituds. We loved your adorable children. The ttle one gave us both a spontaneous hug and kiss when they departed. We do congratulate you upon havinz so wonderful a wife,and children. We were delighted to hear of Caneral Chapean's secod star but saddened because ha has to break up his home and leave a 2 where he so closely integrated. Do extend our eongratulations to hia and say that we hope he can ba a camber of that summit committee which we hope to have visit us very early in October, as Dr. Page indicated the wisdom of forming, When we told Peg that we would be ready for full scale eee in Novecber or December we seant that the whole assexply woul. then be completed and actually taking up our ten illowat ie hero, which is the amount used for light, heat, electric and sten power, including elevator, sotors and 220° current needed for stoves and elavator. waen we can then turn off the town supply and show that we can create our own supply of lizht, heat and power indefinitely without any fuel cost whatsoever, that is the “thing which will open up a new day in world pistory fend be the greatest contribution to science ever given in all BtOry « Is. wil also disprove for science icvs fundamental elaim that "eneray cannot run up hill," it can only run down hill, in accorance with the second law of therncdynamics. When we prove that we will. have proved that power can be multiplied ty multiplying hows cota, and not limited es being divided by the expansion of*zadiant energy.” We did not mean that we would not be Feagy for that sumit neeting until November, and we must not wait till the: secause of the fast aporoace of the seriia crisis whiaa an announcement by the Prevident of the United States of this discovery as early in Hevestar msupossibls is the only remedy for. Such am announcenent give to Anerica more prestige than sending a hundred men to the moon. We will be ready for that summit meeting in about three weeks when we inform you thut our completed commercial size working motel has given final proof that our vest models vere scale. The suxait meeting should then prepara Eoiaders hac erectiede Gr nis warvelisas opportunity to capture world attention, interest and admiration in such overvhelaing coe gad kava such an effact on world economy, prosperity and rane that patty quattels among Ben about nothing would be iy forgetven. Such a omait meeting should necessarily have members who are qualified to scientifically know that the of the assembly will work if the reactor works. Zoteactor merely heats water for its toiler, turbine fost tor. That is all our reactor does and if it does do gs°aese igs all the committee needs to know. wish tha pusisc, : peter, that has a different psychology. The public wants to we that it is actually working and producing. As it will take ng that trouble making treaty,the suzait committee must Think of the great jolt to the world of an announcement by its President. that a greater safegr power than atomic energy is now gives to the world of industry, transportation and every other activity of man waich demands heat, light and power in neasure or Niagara measure AT NO FUSL COST WHATSOEVER. Think of the greas joy and relief it would be to the willions of people in Western European nations to be forever freed from the necessity of obtaining oil from other nations. Think ef the thousands.of ships om the seas, planes in the air and autonobiles by millions on the streetsjunich could travel indefinitely oy E self geaerating power plants “nich would not,gn ships, take Tore 5 that fon percent of the space now neede for storage bins. Think of the millions of scuare miles of such arctic countries as Siberia and €anada, where food raising is impossible, rew made ssible by huge green houses, heated at ro fuel cost whatsoever, Tnvwhtch even tropical fuirs could be raised as woll as tenperata mote fruits and vegetables. Think also of winter crops ndjhade possible. And thin of the treneadous fortunes which could be made in real estate in such countries in which such vast acreage of valueless land would thea acquire ureat valus. Undoubtedly a new fora of architecture would be evolved in larga communities where geeat buildings would cover miles of continuous sections, all under ong recf and all heated from one reactor plant. * What a boon it would be to cities for their lighting plants, to - apartuents and dwellings in cities, and farms and homes in the country, where every individual could fulfiil bis Lizht, heat and power heeds at no cost other than giving needed service to the Gachine. But there remainjthe comercial angle of imense fortunes which await the powerful utility and oil companies all over the world which lies in the manufacture of the countless zillions of Teactor assenplies waich will take more tian a generation to even teuek the frings of demand for then. During this long interval- the_se commanies would have tine to readjust their atfairs fron the present status to the new without loss. In such a changed world where transzission Lines would ro longer Scar earth's forests, nor coal mines be burrowed for their heat resources, and great oi] tank-ships no longer plowed the seas with their thinble-full measures of heat, in conarison with this new supply of heat-power, the opportumities for all men to the abundance of their dreams would so occupy them that the great need of man for the services of r#2 would drive out all thought of killing hia by suicidal wars. And sow for answering your questions. We tegan with small scale models. the smallest weichicse but twenty vounds and using He 24 wire and D.G.' current of not zore than 48 volts. From there we worked up to No.22, then No. 16 into A.C. current, from which we are getting cur best results. The las: one, from which we got anazing results in heat, and in taking outs tors ame than fe cus in, weight about sixty pounds. We used our iid A.C. couse cuTente * : a The success we kad with chat decided’us to make a real"professioral”™ nodel, lathe wound, and sathenaticaliy calculated for turns, wire pourdige, curren: and rsistance which our dedicated engineer student Pad ona fechnically proficient asaistant has sade possible. That Sail weigh over five hundred pounds, of whieh over three hundred Ana be Gn fo, 12 wire and a 228 volt current. If that proves to work even as well as its predessor we will alert you at ences We mow it will work better however, but we would rot wish jou to coamit yoursld te the statecent made to your friends that it is sure until we nave this firal proof that, it is sure. We do, Lowever, wish you te go as far as yo can comatily go in making such preparazions as are needed to make that great day possibl before it becomes too late to rake the great effect it would nace vas-an advance statement instead of being an aftermata. Ye know you Yealize the-value of that tire 25 well as we de and nothing more can be said. We now, also, that you mst have a sufficient "sales talk" when you present your cass, and that is why we have painted the ‘picture we have painted in this letters Ia thus preseating it ta thes sake it clear that this is but the first step toward ., wich ig to rid ourselves of fear of Russia Ey powe> projection. This first step srould no be kept secret for its power lies in its full publicity, but the power projection principle sust be kept secret until we get it. That is what we need NORAD aid for, in helping us to acquire a sufficient staff for our laboratory, and an official government Shatus which we will need for protection, and even forthe acghisitic of needed extra land. z 4 ie As our discovery is worth hundreds of billions we see no need for having a grant given by the government. We mush prefer to finance it ourselves with cur om assets. Wwe believe we couid best serra the governnent that_way without lessening the advantage to the governnent of being able to control that final goal we are afters = With our very test wishes to all our friends out there, and our blessing upon you for tha responsible task you have taken upon yours for our country's survival as a fee nation, we are - zs : | Sincerely yours, Ps 8. Ke forgot to say th Walter and Lao Russell. s that wa are providing a twan 's = gexerator so ther wl - me man} eects eices needed for Sele i | = Sepe 24, 1961. “relieved our minds of the fear that you might . have sooken to others about it, even though we warned that not one word should be said about it until we had verified our principle by an actual working model. We are afraid our last letter was over optinistic asd regretted it as soon as we mailed ite It would be very humyating to us as well as to you if we could rot make good. We. regret also that we caused you and your friends to spend noney upon inadequate instructions, for one learns more by the doing than one can anticipate by drawings in which the unforseen cannot be seen until one does it. We have nade progress, but we have had expensive set-backs which wa can ‘afford, for after spending aporeximately 32,000 to date We Raye S0'reverpour last sodel and do it all over asain. je will not have the new one until after Oct. 23rd, so there would be nothing to show if you did come, anc i? this last one did not work adequately, even thouzh it showed sone gain, we might hava to stop for sheer expense which we can ill afford in these days of gradually lessening incones We-will not take up your time with letters until we have some! definite to say, and that could not be until sometime in Novemcer, Thanking you for your interest in us, and with our regards to.all ef you out there, we are ‘ ee Sincerely yours, Walter 8ndsbao Russell, . eee : Up Ge Oe pret AT eclie oh nein, ee ream rhe Tt ety FR Doty Aractntinwn Ncube apparel Ot tie Sat nes éveda orn os ve tile : OR gah oe roth pen ee BALANCE gg + MRO orniene re | agra . a . us % — (id psot—~ FA B- ry fprrrrr —f r BALANCE gg + MRO orniene re | agra . a . us % — (id psot—~ FA B- ry fprrrrr —f r satis, pane. PU aa FZ Att Feta « tye otal ch: om, ra ff ster to ee laurones of tie 7. 7 Novever, for I ave t ny new concept ters tat an rid concept of t @iliies Test Tho prasent concept 4o lly energised natter en in magnetically centr Sins and aarths sre y utnetia fields. wy practice of obteint traranit e2 vetion of matter. ‘ enargz pover tres and cables. wiat grvritation 4: yy both, and it believes t'at yravitataon in df a force of corpiscia, ms caused rreat heat. matter Sy frictton & otier natter is raquirel itracting power from dustified in luing, Gmnanie ones? “as science 3 + electricity as a force in it ratie: t'en @ process? 7 @ creater foree in th that qreater force : Given te re ts -} This veans that the enly pover of the universe sforring its statie condition into a vonarde grayity conszalind centerac ané spherés & Vaves aredapheres of gut a Light inte expanr of spheres both divide and sultt>! whieh the principle of fission is based, gentripetal spiral, upon which the principle of fusion és based. ull the seoz 9 amoret=o "o now the wave is to tnoy tose secrets because T pletely new ectence lop ts led me, curing these B q gin niatory, zevedls the tho first th of spare geonatry viiel, for nysterias of space,and ite bastmtan eurveture tha one power station neans of projecting ligt, Neat are o by the Creator for eac’. solar s} ore, based upon the oor Cd, is, ther + an? pover from ject ‘eat, matter, Waen ran focussing gravil -5- 49 a spherical wave center, 4ch is what a lens coes, it is tara of space Wiic’. sesomplict Tan (as long inom het “Lrestions of wave expingionrs, Sut 1 of expan: nterfeerence crodte/lonses +. has dwarte: of ¢: oo cinensionally his ability to conceive the syr: lenses whieh comprise all spave and all natier. The science of sptics is aware teat a lens is the base of tie cpposed cones. It is also fa lens is t tm avare of the virt e apex of a cone, but it | never Deer, aware of tie fact thet that firtual focus ia the first of for oft er optics veiel, nouledge gravity, wava, and of tre georetrisation of space. “he new seie..ce also reveals that there is n forse in lature whieh. attracts, or mulls inva: thin. It 0: eture cretes explosives on: and thet ell matter is reveiia that | explosive, and that all of it is slowly exploring continually, and ove tnetantly when fuged witt. a spark: 2 hundred or nore érawings in enko eta: colors as well as blac!: Sr OPTS Sr 1 brief synopois of +: Ip you Yecice wet ; to exanine the cata upon wich TI TE! GOTIIcS OF present and the new A comparision wi fulfill ¢ a pee i The present concept is facto cne, ieee Tee 1 ¢ upon electrically energised ratter . roves in magnetically contrslle? d's. @7 to be surrounded, %f anc Lhe, 2 wy practice of o>tei: motion of catter. To transrdt ele x matter is nace use esent day scie: acnits it coas not + or: witation is, imt it believes ‘at light is either vere or sorpiscle, or bot!, and it believes tat ¢ravitatton is ¢¥ a forea of attraction wil » pulls inward fron witlin and? tus caused creat heat. elact to proc nonsexi en? ineuction, and se-ctlledy: cting it by veves through other matter. process of rly define electricity as O Pn | : p=coens-ef eup this procennoraieds: Could ve not by intercteninging one form of oltainine 1 yough the division of their static condition patter inte other forms into pulsing, dynanic ones? “as science been fully fustified in A defining electricity as a force in itself, = hex than a process? answer to that when electric r sods are used to sultiply heat and power and its -predues: oz to bring invisible light into risibili heat is the sane an RS produces optically without #2 use of novine parts, or without the nea? of inte or wi various forms of matt = the need of producing heat and Plane to produce neat an: Glectric nettods are poverful, but there ; @ greater force in the universe than electricity, enc = greater force, otion is tre curvatura of whict transcends matter ar. net yet Ciscovard this force for Ss never Tnown te nature of gravity or of 11 vase tuo super-secrets of ail fine lave been given to re to Snowf in all their fullness, and that “nowledye is te besis for => ney se of optical, based x than electricall: 4 ~2tf This reans that the only pover of the universe is Li? 3 ranifestation oF in ansforming its static con gravity Waves areJspheres of li i centrifugal te expanding spirais, upon of spheres both divide and sultiply ligt waier th principle of fission is based, and upon the cospressing centripetal spirel, upon which the principle of fusion is based. the secrets To know the wave is % perrat=n of Creation, an“ I ow these secrets because I in wave. It is shat hes enthled na, curing these + eevelep the completely s of spece geometry which, for th story, reveals the rysteries of space,and ite bastofor curveture to hecom be the only means of projecting light, heat ani power frou the one power station or eae’. solar systen. , is, ore, based upon the power of the Licht of cravitr to ereject ‘cat, = an? power fren without the use cf the use of earths resourses, Put +o a spherical wave center, ch is what a lens cees, it is the curvature of space wiic’. accomplishes v anc nothing el tan has long imown that uve interferences co not alter the known that vave of interfeerence vortices. Man's habit of looking at the wave two 9 of three dinensionally, Has dvarfed his ability to conceive the myriads lenses which coxprise all spare and all navter. science of optics is avare that a lens ic the base of tye epposed It is also tm aware 2 the virtual focus of a lens is the apex of @ cone, but it he never been aware of tre fact t: at Firtual focus is the first cf fou foci culminates in a cen @ new science for tomorrow deals in er optics whic: ‘nouledce of the nature of light, and of cravity, and of ware, and of the eonetrisation of space. The new seit .ce @lso reveals that there is ni force in lature which attracts, or pulls iniarzs from within. It revelis that Meture cretes explosives only, and that all matter is explosive, and that all of it is slowly exploding co inually, and vinen fused witt. a spark of sufficient rst proving it on szall. scale Rage tive Ap2 Az volt dry “cell batterieas Tor ¥e dare not ‘use 7° High voltage ‘Tor fear aT accident... we-have found“that own a yawn 2 Verena we x a, - May 27th, 1961, Dear Henry; 22 Page Ho. 2 on the letter we sent you yesterday isa bit confusing the way we have written it. We have rewritten it to make 1¢ sore clear and attached a simple diagram to add to the clarity. Please destroy the first flow 2 and substitute this one. Sincerely yours, Walter and Lao Russell, Szoyeq sn yITA payzoM oyM quePNaS sno Jo aus teyy punoy Sheq ORs sauopyS0" Jo seey sop ees Ton ery e6N Jou suep om soz fsozseqaeq TT99 AIP ATCA ZT PUE ITM one’ 9% YITM STeos TTews uo qt FupAoad 4saTy Jeqse ZuyITM Jo puTy ey om few 2 May 26 -2- T that kind of wiring after proving it on small scale with 26 gauge wire and 12 volt dry cell batteries, for we dare rot use high voltage ourselves. Ws have a student who has weoxed with us oefora and is faniliar with high voltages and ha will cone with us long enough to test our coils on house current. % AOR RHR RE RS We are carrying out Major Cripes suggestion to tell you what we are intending to do so you ean think it over and apply 1% to your wiring if our tests prove out. The following describes our experiaent” (1) | Instead of one wire extending from the positive and negative poles of a circuit (if you use one circuit) extend eight wires from cach pole, Nake Sid two wires 14 gauze, the next tya le gauge, and the next four 22 gauges We can twist tho tops of theae mess together te sigulate a cable but they must then hang free for distribution over consecutive coils, as dscrited by the following. (2) We will wind the first wire around coil iio, 1 clockwise, the Wey, You would turn a right hand corkscrew with the right hafds then soil is completed it must be checked with voltmeter and rheostat for resistance, (39- The second coil will be wound with Two wires oy adding the second wira to the first, Continue till resistance cheess with coll Noe 1. (4) We will then wind No. 3 coil with the two lSgause wires added ko the first two. We now have four wires, like four breozs joined together to give more gravity pressure to the river. Check to make it equal to the others. (5) We will then add the four 22 gauga wires to the other four and complete coil No. 4 in same way, also chacking for balance. (6) We will thenconnect the eight wires of the positive pole with a large bar of iron or eoper, but you will have your tank sides to Soder them to. (7) We will then repeat the operation in reverse on the other Parallel efrigs by Winding then aa one would wid a left hand corkacrew mien the left hand. ie will then connect the negative cable with the Qther ent of the steel or copper bare IF WE COMMECTED THE CaBrng To BACH OTHER THEY WOULD FUSE. THE Bak ITSELF WILL GRADUALLY Heat 20 RED OR WHITE HOT. You will have the tank sides to connet thea to and water will be in the tank. (8) If you use two circuits instead of one, then connect the opposite poles of each with a similar eight wire cable, eS Ree eH if we have emilated Nature optically, hydraulically and electrically ME thould be able to denonstrate her’powar of mltiplication ine Sane way that mary brooks become a mighty tiagara, or Low helices May RL/6l |, To Dear Henry and Associates. Beis is a further record of our work on the Russell's Optic dynamo and new thoughts arising fros sazec 2 Regarding checking each coil for equalizing resistance. More mature thinking tells us that the error of doing that. The: eight coils are not separate coils. They are two mates of one pai: ch four coils are one and each of the two wes of four s: shor be checked at the nusber four coll For sansl resistance. —memmeeeasset eit tor equal resistance. We refer to Nature for reasons. Nature's every expression Piles up resistance i: four cctava steps and focuses it maxiaua at the number five position between the mated pairs. Thal 1S THE vERY ESSENCE OF NATURE'S PORER RULTIPLICATION PRISCIPLE. 7BRAAPLE NO.I. THES HELEGMOCTIVE. Dries = fDi aise as eta: HELIUM LITHIUM BSRYLLIUN BOXGH'*UaRsOu — ITHOCEH OLYGEU o z 2 3 dO, 5 2 Fluoai MELTING POINTS =-( centigrade) 1 — 27 186 1280 2350 3600-210 -21g — ~223 The helium octave is the central,-or fifth - of the nine octaves. i rapidly unvil ty and density, The green side nover reaches solitzty for that octave is the turing point where genero-activity yields its auximus pover te radioactivity. Take note also that resistance means compression, and coupression means heat, and heat nultiplication means to generate. COMPARE THIS WITH THE SLITa OCTAVE. iN ALDOR UM ALUMINUM SILICOx PHOSPHORUS SULPHUR CHLOR: 3 4 On a 2 a Meitisc eciets “25398 6s 659 4479725 us -102 SPECTRUM Muelle "red" orange yettoy ~ yell" nite; sucesso COLD: ——rearauntapites > *- “Sheat miltipies —~Gaip it therefore follows that each nate Pair should be consi 3 equal WHOLES and not as separate céils. ELAMPLE NO 2 GROWTH OF au Man starts at zero as a baby. He passes through four Rme.ative Stages of aultiplying power — chilihood ~ boyscod = youth an Batured aarhecd. ian represents the red Side of the spectrum & : ‘ Woean is the mate to man. She passes through the same stages of accusulating power in the saze way, Wenan represents the sreen side of the spectrum. At full naturity their united powers are maximum and their generative powers reverse toward radiative pouss= cold. RIVERS AND OCSANS EXAMPLE NO. J 3 All the brooks and rivers multiply their power and give it to all the oceans. The oceans forever divide their power and give it back to the brooks and rivers. The very essence of Nature's power gultiplication principle is to generate heat and powor by compressive resistance in FOua OCTAV STEPS. Beyond that hature does not allow further multiplication. MATURE"S PALRS OF FOUR THEN MET AND THE CYCLE REVERSES. If we call that neeting point Nos 5 the ocean, or the macured man and woman are that 5. The sun in our heavens represents that No. 5 position. The fulcrum of the lever aiso represents that No. 5 position. Some day we would like to explain to you what that charecteristic of Nature really is, and why it is so basic. If that wave charac- terisc was known by present day science its mathematics would be more reliable and its axiums would be truths instead of assuzptions which prove to be not truths. REGARDING CONNECTING THE. CABLE EuDS. our last letter we drew a diagram showing the ho. & cable ends Peanected by @ bar of ateel or copper. You will note that the tar is mot oz the core axis. That was done purposely to create a minioum of heat, If the tar - especially of magnetic soft iron is placed om center - in the armature position, that would be the point of optical focus - or gravity centar, wnere heat would be maxinum. ELAHPLES. 4A bi-convex lens like Fig.l The same lens shown facs view seer edgewise, would loox like would look like this. its hottest this. The arrows show the part (resistance) would be its direction of increasing resistance. cuter rim, Wara rim - cool center oo Hot focus Paper would burn “ at this point. - Cof7, Pram thog RAL 27/bj | THE KEY AMBASSADOR On the Qtlantic Ocean KEY WEST, PLORIDA - aewetorA bsp fi Den, arrz, 5 5 De ah etter + D Ram atermgs teal pe tricks , ox UU Be ay = Be Oe pk 4 a

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