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Unit 1 and 2 .

Task 2 - Writing production Writing assignment

Presentado por:
Diego Alexander Arenas Codigo: 80903460
Lady Katherine Flores A Codigo: 1053793252
Susana Munera Codigo: 1087549960
Yerily Daned Álvarez Codigo: 1094926372

Grupo 900003_283

Tutor: Javier Vera

Fecha: 31 marzo

Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia UNAD

CEAD – Dosquebradas Risaralda
Programa de Psicología
Writing practices from the Knowledge Environment

Diego A Arenas L

unit 1.1
It is very important that drivers has in acount the folowing
Drivers should change the oil in their cars every 3000 miles
Drivers should be alert to any cars approaching them
We should rotate the tires now before we go on vacation
She should keep alert to any cars approaching them
bus drivers shouldn't allow people walk on their busses while are in motion
unit 1.2
things that you should make
I belive that you should make a reservation before a leave to other town
I think that you should all close the doors of his house, before leave of house.
You should have money for buy something that you like
things that you shouldn´t make
He shouldn´t put his foot in this bag, it has something delicate.
we had better walk for other roads, these has warnings of danger
we had better not walk for other roads, those has warnings of danger

Lady Katherine Flores A

Unit 1: 1.3
In Manizales, the climate is very varied and can be accompanied by strong gusts of wind, rain

and cloudy skies. However, the most striking feature of the climate in Manizales is the cold

accompanied by fog. It is important that people wear warm clothes during rainy and cloudy days

Susana Munera

Unit 2 2.2
My name is Susana munera Ospina. I live in Pereira, Colombia, I am a administrative assistent. I
am 30, I don’t like to work late or on Sundays. I like to walk an swim on Sunday.
1 what is your name? My name is Susana Munera Ospina
2. Where do you live? I live in Pereira, Colombia.

3. How old you and you on addministrative assistent? I am 30 and I am an addministrative


4. Do yo like to work late? Or do you like to work on Sundays? I don´t like to work late or work
on Sundays.

5. So you like soop operas? And you like the shopping mal in Pereira? I don´t like soap operas
and I like the shopping malls.
Unit 3. 3.2
Good afternoon Mrs. Angela
Please indicate me in which hall and stand you will find vegetables an fruits?
Good afternoon Juan
They ar in hall 3 the 3 stands next to the cold meats.
Miss, you please tell me where I get the milk?
Young the cookies are in holl 2 or 3?

Yerily Daned Álvarez

Exercise 1.2

You should travel and know the Canary Islands beaches in Spain, they are really beautiful.
Usted deberia viajar y conocer las playas canarias de ESpaña, son realmente hermosas.
Unit 2.
Exercise 2.1

John and I are having a wonderful time here in Ireland. Every day we got up early and go for a
long walk in the country. When we returned we usually had a very big Irish breakfast which
normally consisted of two eggs, three slices of bacon, toast and jam. We usually ordered a cup of
coffee after breakfast: Colombian coffee, of course.

After breakfast we sometimes gone swimming in the river. We often met children who like to
swim there. They been very nice. At night we nearly always drank a few pints of Guinness in the
pub�s bar before we gone to bed. We always slept well after that, I can assure you.

Hi, Mom
John and I had a wonderful time in Ireland.Every day we went very early to a long walk around
the country.

Back, there was usually very large Irish breakfast that usually consisted of two eggs, three slices
of bacon, toast and jam. Then we asked for a cup of coffee: Colombian coffee, of course.

After breakfast, we sometimes swam in the river. We often met children who like to swim there.
They were very kind. At night we almost always drank a few pints of Guinness in the bar before
going to bed. I always podiámos to sleep well after that, I can assure you.
Videos And Examples Of Grammatical Topics.

Diego A Arenas L
I can write in my book with her pencil
When she was a girl, she could playa all day
It may rain this afternoon
they might wash her car in my house, but you can bring soap.
You should stop smoking
You ought to stop smoking

Yerily Daned Álvarez
Regular verbs
needed to speak English to get a good job
Carlos and Yerily worked together for many years
I painted my house last weekend and He worked in his garden yesterday
Irregular verbs
lizeth y sofia they wrote a letter to her mother
Santiago did his biology homework three days ago

Susana Munera
Adjectives with short superlatives:
Carlos is the thinnest of the school.
Russia is the biggest country in the world
The Cristobal peak is the highest mountain in Colombia
Adjectives with long superlative:
The dog is the most friendly animal in the world
Miss Colombia is the most elegant of the reign

Lady Katherine Florez
1 She persisted IN asking questions
2 Thank you FOR coming
3 Think twice BEFORE speaking
4 You should rest AFTER woeking
5 Please, close the door ON leaving
Letter with all paragraphs

Paragraph one by Diego A Arenas

I go to make the first paragraph of the letter

Hello dear friend Dear friend, first I want to

greet you and from the heart I hope you find

yourself very good, do you remember I was in

the university studying psychology, I tell you

that I tell you that I finished the university six

month ago, I was search work for three month Thank you to God, I found, now I'm working in

the pablo tobon university hospital, I working in the psychiatry área, the psychiatry área is

located in the floor ninth the university hospital pablo Tobón, is located in the third race with

fifth Street in front of the Olympic shopping center, crossing the road velalcazar is a white

building Of fifteen floors

Paragraph two by Susana Munera

As I said the university hospital of

pablo tobon is located in front of the

Olympic shopping center, it is very

large and has excellent professionals

in the area of psychiatry and clinical

psychology. there many patients are

attended with differente types of disorders and mental illnesses, approximately I attende abut 20

patients a day, bur I feel vey happy in my work since every day I learn more and serve the


Paragraph three by Yerily Daned Alvarez

I really like working here, I like my

schedules, I really like the relationship

with my colleagues, I love working for

the benefit of society and help them

overcome their difficulties.

What I like most is the gratitude and

affection that patients express to me

when they feel better.... I really like my work because I like to help!

And I love to see happy people!

Paragraph Four: Lady Katherine Florez A

In Manizales, the climate is very varied and can

be accompanied by strong gusts of wind, rain and

cloudy skies. However, the most striking feature

of the climate in Manizales is the cold

accompanied by fog. It is important that people

wear warm clothes during rainy and cloudy days.

Paragraph three by Yerily Daned Alvarez

You'll Think you work here is boring, but I'm sure you'd love to meet these wonderful and special

people, I think Arias very good friends here, patients see you as a friend, and I love that! I know

you'd like to work here, because your big dream has always been helping people.

I hope to see us soon, I wish everything in your life is very well a strong hug.
Your friend: Diego

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