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Fight Cancer And Premature Aging With This Spicy

Tomato Juice Recipe

There are two major issues that people tend to worry about when they reach a certain point in their life—the risk of
cancer and the signs of aging. The chances of having to deal with either of these issues increase with prolonged
exposure to UV radiation.

There is one common food that can help you reduce your risks of both cancer and common signs of aging. What is
this miracle food? Tomatoes.

Just one serving of tomatoes a day can have a large positive impact on your health. This powerful food can help
reduce the risk of heart disease, improve digestion, and boost your immune system. Though, the greatest benefits
come from the lycopene and antioxidants found in tomatoes.

Why You Should Make This Spicy Tomato Juice

Tomatoes: Lycopene And Antioxidants

Lycopene is a carotenoid that gives tomatoes their deep red color. There have been numerous studies that have looked
into the medicinal benefits of this compound. Lycopene may be able to reduce the risk of various types of cancer,
including breast cancer.

The other major benefit comes from the inclusion of a multitude of antioxidants in tomatoes. These antioxidants
neutralize free radicals that are known to increase the risk of cancer and the signs of aging.

UV radiation and free radicals promote premature wrinkles, sun spots, and other issues that most people would like to
avoid. Antioxidants are one of your best forms of protection against carcinogens, free radicals and UV radiation.

While adding some chopped tomatoes to your salad can provide some of these benefits, you will absorb more of the
nutrients found in the tomatoes if they are processed. This breaks down the tomato and allows you to more efficiently
utilize the lycopene. Juicing tomatoes is a processing method that enhances the nutrients to make them more
bio-available and absorbable.

Cayenne Pepper: Fights Cancer Cells

Studies show that capsaicin exhibits anti-inflammatory properties, making it a promising candidate for treating
inflammatory diseases and cancer. It inhibits the enzyme activity of specific proteins that may cause these illnesses.

When ingested, cayenne pepper activates the white blood cells to protect your body from microbial attack. When they
are needed, white blood cells are employed to remove dead or damaged tissue and regulate the immune response to
keep you healthy.

Read: Cayenne pepper destroys cancer cells, help rebuild the gut and prevent heart attacks.

If you want to fight cancer and aging caused by UV radiation, then you will want to make and drink this easy tomato
juice recipe.

Read more about the health benefits of tomatoes.

Spicy Tomato Juice

While you could simply process several tomatoes in a juicer, some people may find the taste to be a little strong. The
following tomato juice recipe is still simple to prepare, but it includes a few added ingredients to give it a bit more


 3 large tomatoes
 6 ribs of celery
 1-inch of ginger root, remove skin
 A dash of cayenne pepper

Cut up the tomatoes in sizes that can be put through the chute of your juicer. If you’re using a masticating juicer, you
may leave the seeds. Remove seeds if you’re using a centrifugal juicer or blending them.

Juice the first three ingredients above then add a dash of cayenne pepper. Serve chilled.

The next time you visit the grocery store or a farmer’s market, pick up some fresh tomatoes or consider growing your
own in your backyard. You do not need to have a green thumb to grow tomatoes, as they are fairly easy to grow.

Why Mucus is Actually Crucial For Your Body (And A

Juice To Ease Excessive Mucus)
It’s a conversation topic that most people don’t like to talk about. However, it’s a very important bodily function.
Mucus (also known as snot, phlegm and catarrh) works as a lubricant, so to speak, for the body.

The mouth, nose, sinuses, lungs, gastrointestinal (GI) tract and the throat all contain tissues that produce mucus. The
mucus that these tissues create work to protect the surfaces of these parts of the body, thus preventing the tissues
underneath them from becoming dried out.

Mucus also works to prevent the body from becoming infected with viruses, bacteria and other germs. When
something enters the body that shouldn’t, with the intention of making an individual sick, the mucus traps the foreign
pathogen, preventing it from entering the body and infiltrating the immune system. In other words, mucus prevents

Believe it or not, that gross, gooey and green stuff which seems to be produced by the boat load when you are sick is
actually working to help you. You see, mucus contains antibodies, enzymes, protein and cells, just to name a few

All of these are good things for the body, especially when it is sick. When you’re sick, you probably notice an
increased production of mucus, right? Well, that’s because the mucus is being produced at a greater rate in order to
help you fight off your illness. Though gross, it’s actually pretty cool, if you think about it.

Production Of Mucus

The human body constantly creates mucus; however, you don’t notice it most of the time because it is usually thin in
consistency and thus slides down the back of your throat and you never even know it was there.

However, there are times that your mucus will change in consistency, and it is these times that you notice the
production, and all you want to do is get rid of it.
As previously mentioned, mucus gets thicker and stickier when you are sick, which is why you constantly blow your
nose and hock back ‘loogies’ when you have a cold, a sinus infection or the flu.

It can also change consistency when your body is affected by an allergen and it is trying to protect your body from
the allergen. Believe it or not, there are also certain foods that can cause you to produce more mucus

Foods That Create Mucus

There are certain foods that cause gustatory rhinitis to go into effect, a reflex reaction that is set off by eating. As a
result, your body goes into overtime producing mucus.

Researchers have found that there are four foods, in particular, that cause the increased production of mucus. If you
want to minimize the amount of mucus your body creates, you’ll want to avoid these five foods:

 Milk and other dairy products

 Red meat that has a high fat content
 Alcohol
 Gluten
 Refined sugar

These foods are known to activate the gustatory rhinitis, which speed up the production of mucus and can make you
feel miserable.

Mucus-Reducing Juice

If after giving up the above mucus-causing food and you still have mucus in your throat, where you often feel the
need to have to clear the throat, it could be a sign of an allergy to some other foods that you’re eating.

This juice recipe helps to reduce excessive production of mucus and catarrh. Just clean, cut and put all these
ingredients through your juicer:

 8 carrots
 2 green apples
 1-inch ginger root

This simple juice is also excellent for reducing sinusitis. Also take a high-quality probiotics supplement or add
fermented foods in your diet for speedy healing from sinusitis.

Kill Sinus Infection Within Minutes, With What You

Have In Your Kitchen!
A sinus infection is an inflammation of the lining of the sinuses that in many cases lead to persistent headaches,
fevers and even facial pains. Fortunately, there are many natural remedies that are effective at cleaning the sinuses
and killing the bacteria and viruses responsible for these health problems.

Apple Cider Vinegar and Sinus Infection

Infections of the sinuses—the hollow air spaces within the bones in the cheek bones, forehead and between the
eyes—are usually caused by either viruses or bacteria. They cause thick mucus blockage and painful or extreme
discomfort in these cavities.

 How to tell if you have a viral or bacterial sinus infection?

Most sinus infections are viral. Symptoms of sinus infections are not reliable signs to tell the difference. Your doctor
may only look at the symptom duration to determine the source of your infection, which means you may have to
suffer through before nailing down the cause.

A viral sinus infection is shortlived and usually starts to get better after 5-7 days. A bacterial sinus infection may be
more stubborn, lasting for 7-10 days or longer, and it may get worse after the seventh day.

 What happens if a sinus infection is left untreated?

An acute sinusitis is a sinus infection that can last up to four weeks. While a chronic sinusitis can last 12 weeks or
longer if left untreated.

When left untreated, a sinus infection can sometimes spread beyond the sinuses and affect the eyes or the brain, due
to their proximity to the sinuses. Bacterial infection of the sinuses may also enter the blood stream and transport them
to other parts of the body, causing more complications.

 Can you cure a sinus infection without antibiotics?

Prescribed antibiotics are not the best remedy for sinusitis as they can cause a lot of dangerous side effects. Your
body should be given the right healing food to enable it to cure itself. In any case, antibiotics are not helpful if your
sinusitis is caused by a virus.

 Can you permanently cure sinusitis naturally?

Sinus infections show up when the immune system is low. There is a powerful connection between the immune
system and the bacteria living in the gut (called microbiome). An imbalance in the microbiome causes an explosion
of bad bacteria, which in time leads to infections in your sinuses.

Can you permanently cure sinusitis? Yes, by fixing your gut and getting rid of sinusitis for good. Here’s how.

Fastest Way To Get Rid Of A Sinus Infection

Using these ingredients is an excellent way to get rid of a sinus infection almost instantly, providing a much welcome
relief. However, sinus infection may recur if you don’t fix the underlying cause, that is an imbalanced gut flora.

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Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar has many practical uses. It is probably one of the top natural remedies for many ailments.

Apple cider vinegar contains vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and malic acids that are beneficial for killing bacteria. It
works by binding to pathogens and help the body get rid of them more effectively. It is also effective for fighting
viral, fungal and Candida infections.

Look for raw, unfiltered, unpasteurized, organic apple cider vinegar to get the medicinal benefits. How to tell the
genuine and “real” apple cider vinegar? The liquid is usually “murky”, not clear, and you can see sediment pieces at
the bottom of the bottle—that is the “mother”. If unsure, always buy only Bragg Organic Raw Apple Cider Vinegar.

When taken orally, ACV breaks up mucus and clear airways, while its antibacterial properties kill the infection-
causing bacteria.
When mucus and nasal congestion is broken down, ACV delivers its rich nutrients to the body to support and
strengthen the immune system, preventing the infection from getting worse.

Although acidic, ACV has all the necessary electrolytes to balance the body’s pH levels and effectively reduces body
acidity. Harmful microbes (bacteria or viruses) love an acidic environment and by alkalizing the body it will stop the
disease-causing microbes from multiplying. This is why consuming 1-2 tablespoons of ACV every day keeps the
viruses away!

Cayenne Pepper

The active component of cayenne pepper is a compound in its fruit called capsaicin that gives the pepper its hot fiery
taste. Capsaicin has long been used as a painkiller and for reducing nasal congestion.

There are a few ways you can take pepper to help clear a sinus infection. You can …

 Use a capsaicin nasal spray

 Add ½ teaspoon in a cup of hot water and drink for several days till you recover
 Sniffing a small amount on a spoon to clear airways

Cayenne pepper works because when ingested, it helps to dilate vessels and help to break down mucus for draining.
At the same time, this substance lessens your facial pain, reduces inflammation, stimulates circulation and acts as an
antibacterial agent. All of these—and many more benefits of cayenne pepper—are helpful in preventing and relieving
the symptoms of sinusitis.

Apple Cider Vinegar For Sinus Allergies


 1 glass of room temperature water

 2 tablespoons of Bragg apple cider vinegar
 1 teaspoon of raw honey (or manuka honey)
 Dashes of cayenne pepper (as much as you can tolerate)—this is a key ingredient
 Juice of 1 lemon wedge (optional but recommended)

Note: You can buy apple cider vinegar in powder form (capsules) that may be helpful for the many ailments that
apple cider vinegar can treat, although it won’t be in full strength as in its liquid form.


 Mix all these ingredients in a glass.

 Stir well and sip the mixture warm until the condition subsides.
 You may also use this mixture (without honey) to gargle to speed up your recovery.

For How Long To Drink?

Each portion you drink of the above recipe will relieve your sinus for several hours. It is safe to drink it once or twice
a day or as you see the need. You will feel a difference within seconds or minutes from drinking the concoction, that
is how potent it is!

Gradually increase the dose as you see fit, according to the degree of severity of your sinusitis.

This concoction not only relieves the congestion by breaking down the mucus, it also heals. As you drink it daily, you
may feel that your sinusitis may eventually stop. After that, you may omit cayenne pepper and drink 1 tablespoon of
ACV daily with a glass of water for maintenance.
Cayenne pepper is the key ingredient that makes this drink works powerfully. If you cannot tolerate the pepper heat,
use a smaller amount, it will still help.

Feedback From A Reader Whose Mother Has Tried This:

The following feedback is from a reader who wrote in to us. Her comment is also published at the bottom of this page
in the Comments section.

“This mixture is a great article. I have recommended this to my mom as she had a sinus surgery recently and was
bleeding a lot in surgery. Which is just crazy … they had to put in an artery line through the heel of her foot as they
called this “life saving” measures. It’s been almost 1 year since the surgery and she has been on Zurtech all this time,
per her doctor’s order. I guess there’s something in that medication that helps relieve the symptoms.

The concern was when she went into Walmart, she over-exceeded her limit from that over-the-counter medication
and now she can no longer take it. I have been getting my mom on this eating raw and organic this past year, when I
saw she started having a lot of inflammation in her body. Not just with the sinuses but she started having pain in her
body from eating the wrong foods.

I have been teaching her what foods to eat and just overall educating her about what’s in food, because this is another
way to help combat illness in the body. The first thing we had to do was get her off all the bad foods that caused the
inflammation, so we did. I have her on a high quality vitamin and mineral supplement that’s the best out there on the
market that she takes in a liquid form everyday.

While all this was going on she started having facial pain again, even though her doctor said she is still healing from
this sinus surgery. Last she went to the doctor with all this pain the doctor asked if there was any drainage. She said
none at all. I knew this was a problem because generally when the body gets sick, it gets a fever and the body starts
naturally wanting to expel mucus and any chronic sickness over the body overall. After all, you just need to give the
body what it needs to naturally heal itself.

Today she took this mixture … and she almost threw up because she is not used to drinking that ACV. But, now she
is seeing drainage coming out, right after she drank this mixture! Finally something normal her body is doing. NONE
was there before taking all her crazy meds the doctor prescribed her.

At this point, not even her medication is helping relieve the pain. So we are going to keep this up 2-3 times a day. My
mom says she noticed like something is “working behind the scenes”, like something is breaking things up. I will let
you know how she is doing.

This article has been really informative. I have also recommended this to my cousin who has the same issue.”

How To Fix Your Gut To Get Rid Of Sinus Infections

For Good
Sinus infections are nasty and they can put you out of commission for days! After all, who could be fully functional
when the head feels like it’s about to explode from the buildup pressure and you can’t breathe properly?

According to the latest data, sinusitis is one of the most common infections known to modern mankind. Stats show
there are about 40 million Americans who suffer from chronic sinusitis and, globally, about 12% of the population
shares the same problem.

The situation wouldn’t be so dire if we had a miracle cure at our disposal.

Sadly, the treatments that most doctors prescribe are not nearly as effective as we’d want them to be. Most doctors
will prescribe antibiotics or steroids, but it’s been long proven these are not effective in fighting sinus infections
(over 20% of patients are unresponsive). Not to mention, both treatments have negative side effects if taken for too

At the end of the day, sinus infections are debilitating and it’s easy to understand why if you consider the symptoms:
pain behind the eyes or in the face, tenderness of the face, fever, headache, fatigue, and the list could go on.

But is there really nothing that can be done?

We are just starting to understand that there is a powerful connection between the immune system (which can keep us
away from sinus infections) and the bacteria living in the gut (called microbiome). It seems that a healthy immune
system is connected in proportion of 80% with the microbiome’s health.

So, the only solution to get rid of sinus infections for good is to fix the gut first.

Gut Problems That May Lead To Sinus Infections

Sinus infections show up when the immune system is low. Of course, knowing that our body’s health defense falls
when the gut is in trouble, below are the situations that are most commonly known to be at the root of sinusitis.

Microbiome Bacterial Imbalance

The microbiome is made of trillions of good bacteria that live in fragile balance and keep other microorganisms’
growth in check (also known as bad bacteria). When the balance is disturbed, there’s an explosion of bad bacteria,
which in time, leads to infections in your sinuses.

According to recent studies, when you suffer from sinusitis, the microbiome of your nose lacks bacterial diversity.
This means there’s an imbalance in the microbiome, and the problem usually starts from the gut.

To fix this, it’s important to know what exactly is growing in your gut eco-flora, so run microbiome lab tests. Once
you know the cause of your imbalance, a specialist will be able to give you a well-targeted treatment.

Toxic Biofilm

Biofilm is a thin film of bacteria that line the gut, sinuses, and other mucous membranes. In terms of medicine, there
is no good or bad biofilm, but the composition is important for your health because it can shift from probiotic to

To reverse this, you have to make some lifestyle changes, eat healthier, and include natural remedies in your diet.

Sinus Infection Cure: Fix Your Gut To Rid Sinusitis For Good

We’re sure you’re convinced by now that a healthy gut means a healthy body in general. After all, if the immune
system is up and running it means your sinuses will stay clean as well. But that’s not all! Good balance in the gut
means good energy during the day, overall good health, and a happier life.

Below, we list some of the most well-known ways to make sure your microbiome stays in shape.

A Gastrointestinal Cleanse
One of the first important things to do to heal your gut, and your immune system, is to do a gastrointestinal cleanse. A
complete gastrointestinal cleanse is necessary to help “reset” your digestive system. Then, the other steps that follow
will be far more effective and efficient, to help you speed up your healing.

Check if you also have a leaky gut, in which case this protocol is important to be included.

Check Your Diet

It is a well-known fact that what’s in our diet influences what’s in our gut, right? Now, given that the microbiome is
so important for the rest of our body, it’s only natural to want to know which foods can help fix the damages.

The secret stands in diversity; the more diverse your microbiome is, the better chances you have at fighting any
possible parasites or other problems. Of course, it’s just as important to avoid foods that can lead to inflammation
such as sugar and processed foods.

Here is a list of top 10 foods recommended for a healthy gut:

 Homemade yogurt (unsweetened)

 Bananas
 Cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli, kale, cauliflower, or cabbage
 Beans
 Blueberries
 Kefir and/or kombucha
 Lacto-fermented pickles
 Traditional cured Greek olives
 Cereal grains (whole wheat, barley, rye)
 Garlic


While there may still be some work to a definitive treatment, it turns out that probiotics are quite effective in fighting
sinusitis symptoms. For instance, in some studies, probiotics managed to disrupt biofilms present in the case of
chronic sinusitis, which is impressive considering these are difficult to eradicate through other means.

Other studies show that probiotics help in reduce the pathogenic bacteria found in the nose or upper respiratory tract.

Carrot And Orange Juice

The carrot and orange juice combo is often my go-to when asked about a juice that helps to relieve sinusitis. This
combo is really miraculous in the healing of the sinuses. It just works!

The carotenoids in carrots are excellent for the breaking up of mucus for elimination, and strengthening the
respiratory health. The carotenoids (precursor vitamin A) keeps the epithelium healthy. The epithelium is the tissue
that lines the cavities in the bodies. Healthy tissues in the upper respiratory tract prevents sinus infections.

Drink a glass of carrot and orange juice every day and feel your sinuses heal. Simply juice: 1 pound of carrots + 2
oranges, and drink it every morning till your sinusitis subsides.

Supplements that Promote Repair

Given we don’t have the chance to get all the nutrients we need from food, supplements are extremely helpful. For
instance, specialists recommend supplements such as:

 Lactoferrin – it inhibits pathogens and helps biofilms stay healthy

 Digestive enzymes – great for breaking down biofilm
 Zinc, Omega-3, Vitamin E, A, and C
 Xylitol – natural anti-biofilm
 L-glutamine – an amino acid helpful in refreshing the gut lining
 EDTA – used to draw toxins out of the biofilm


It seems that food is not the only element to influence the health of our gut; exercise also has a positive effect!
According to a study done on mice, exercise leads to a significant increase in the production of short-chain fatty
acids, which are beneficial for the general state of health. Of course, there is still more work to be done in this
direction, but the first findings are promising.

So, if you’re looking for natural ways on how to have a healthy gut, you should consider developing a well-balanced
exercise routine.

Other Things You Can Do

Of course, there are other remedies to consider such as green juice or bone broth (highly recommended even by
medical specialists). Some find herbs like Aloe Vera and Slippery Elm to be useful, but one sure remedy stands out is
fermented foods. Foods like tempeh, kimchi, apple cider vinegar, sauerkraut and more, are amazing for your gut eco-
flora in there.

Here’s an almost-instant sinus infection remedy using apple cider vinegar that you can use the next time you get a
sinus infection. It is a great temporary remedy, yet you will need to fix your gut to be rid of sinusitis permanently.

Or, this various ways you can use garlic and other ingredients you have in your kitchen, to remedy this debilitating


Our body is a complex system and more often than not, infections like sinusitis can be the symptom of an imbalance
happening in one of the multiple sub-systems that keep us moving and functioning. Modern medicine is starting to
understand this aspect, but we should do everything in our power to prevent and repair any damage before it’s too

3 Juices And What To Eat To Soothe Tummy Troubles

Every one of us will experience a stomach upset of some kind, at one point or another. It would be handy to have a
natural remedy close at hand when we encounter nausea, vomiting, or just a slight stomach discomfort from eating
the wrong food.

Have you ever considered drinking freshly-extracted juices to ease the discomfort, instead of popping another pill?
Definitely AVOID taking these pills that will only help ease the discomfort temporarily, but cause long-term side
effects: Antacids, anti-diarrheal, laxatives, stimulants, etc.

Making your own juices with the right, fresh ingredients get to the root of the problem and reduce future
attacks. Some of the beneficial ingredients that you could use include:

 Ginger and turmeric are known to help with indigestion, nausea, bloating and vomiting. They are also beneficial for
relieving heartburn. If you believe that your tummy troubles are related to gas in the digestive tract, ginger or turmeric
may help remove the gas that could be trapped in your intestinal tract. Go here to make your own ginger-turmeric tea.
 Cabbage is a beneficial food for treating ulcers. The juice in cabbage contains an antioxidant called sulforaphane. This
antioxidant attacks a bacterium that is known as one of the root causes of peptic ulcers, which are a common source
of tummy troubles. It can also help protect the lining of your gastrointestinal tract and provide relief from acid reflux.
 Carrot is delicious yet mild and gentle on the stomach. When stomach is sore from various digestive disorders,
drinking pure carrot juice helps to calm and heal the stomach.
 Jicama is one of the few root vegetables that have medicinal properties that are healing for the digestive system.
Drinking jicama juice on its own, or mixing with carrot juice, helps ease most digestive discomforts.
 Fennel is a miracle herb, capable of helping you deal with a range of health problems. It can help your body maintain
its balance of electrolytes, which may correct mild stomach discomfort. It is also a great source of fiber that
helps improve digestion.
 Beetroot has medicinal properties that are beneficial for moving bowels in cases of constipation, and helpful for
healing stomach ulcers. Mix beetroot juice with carrot juice for a delicious drink that settles many stomach
 Banana and papaya can be eaten on its own (not juiced). This is helpful when you’re feeling weak from
repeated diarrhea and not feel up to juicing. Peel a banana or cut up a papaya and just eat.

Now that you know which ingredients to look for, here are 5 juice recipes that utilize these foods for a refreshing,
stomach soothing juice.

1. Beet Tummy Trouble

This juice recipe helps flush toxins from your digestive system and calms the stomach. To prepare this juice to “beet”
tummy trouble, put all the following ingredients through your juicer:

 2 beetroots
 5 carrots
 1 lemon, peeled
 1-inch of fresh ginger root

2. Fennel In The Sun

Fennel is one of the ingredients that could help deal with your stomach pains. Here’s a delicious juice combo that
may be helpful to ease that discomfort. Put all the ingredients through your juicer:

 1 jicama
 6 ribs of celery
 1 bulb of fennel
 1 lemon
 1-inch of fresh ginger root

3. Cabbage Delight

This juice recipe is excellent to soothe digestive troubles caused by stomach ulcers. Drink this juice daily for two
weeks and see a big improvement to your digestive troubles. Also suitable if you have acid reflux or heartburn. Get
the recipe here.

No one enjoys having to put up with an upset stomach. If you experienced bloating, acid reflux, nausea, vomiting, or
mild stomach discomfort, any of these juice recipes may be helpful. Always use organic produce for best results. If
the problem persists, seek help from your professional health provider.

How To Make This Vinegared Shrub, Alkalizing Tonic

To Help Reduce Your Body Acidity
On a hot, sunny day, everyone is looking for that satisfying tasty drink that quenches thirst. Well, this insane
alkalizing tonic recipe for a watermelon shrub will delight you to the very core. Not only does it quench your thirst
but it also provides a rag-tag group of all natural ingredients and nutrients to the mix.

What’s In It?

This delightful pink drink is made with ripe, organic watermelon, raw honey, and apple cider vinegar. All the
ingredients combined make a watermelon syrup that can be used to flavor soda water or cocktails. This recipe is
mainly comprised of something called a shrub. The shrub is a vinegared syrup that was popular during the American
Colonial Era.

It’s also called a drinking vinegar. It is infused with fruit, herbs, and spices and can be added to water, soda water or
spirits. However, if you want to stick to the healthier version, like me, then stick to sweetening with natural
sweetener like raw honey.

Health Benefits Of Watermelon

o Contains essential electrolytes and is hydrating
o Helps improve digestive health
o Promotes youthful skin and a vibrant, healthy body
o Works as a diuretic
o Contains a healthy dose of Vitamins A, B6 and C
o Fights cancer
o Clears kidneys
o Strengthens bones
o Produces energy
o Reduces blood sugar level
o Reduces risk of heart disease
o Reduces high blood pressure

Flavor Enhancers

If you want to add more flavor to this drink or perhaps just mix it up again you can add any number of your own
homemade vinegars. If that’s not enough you can also add lime, lemon or mint to the mix. Mmmmm … sounds
delightful, doesn’t it?

Perfect Summer Alkalizing Tonic: Watermelon And ACV Drink


 5 cups ripe watermelon

 2 tablespoons of raw honey (warm it up a little so that it dissolves easily in the watermelon juice).
 ½ cup raw apple cider vinegar


1. You can juice the watermelon using your juicer, or put the watermelon in a blender and puree until liquefied.
2. If blended, strain the puree through a fine mesh strainer.
3. Add the honey and vinegar to the watermelon juice and stir until the honey is dissolved.
4. Place in a glass container and store in the refrigerator for 1-2 days before using. The vinegar taste will disappear over
5. Add the shrub to bubbly water for a refreshing, hydrating drink like the one pictured here.
6. The fermented Perfect Summer Watermelon Shrub will last in the refrigerator for up to a month.
Spiced Watermelon Detox Juice To Relieve Pain And
Burn Fat
Let me introduce you to my absolute favorite and super addicting summer detox juice.

It’s super spicy. Enough to notice the heat, at least. Sweet enough to make you smile. And ultra refreshing. This juice
combines two foods that couldn’t be more opposite, yet go surprisingly well together: watermelon and cayenne

Nutritional And Health Benefits

Together, these ingredients work to enhance your health and refresh your body inside and out.

1. Watermelon

Besides quenching your thirst, watermelon is a nutrient-rich natural diuretic. It relieves bloating from the high-water
content and provides nourishing nutrients like Vitamin A and C. Vitamin C is a well-known antioxidant that
strengthens our immune system, allowing our bodies to fight off infections and diseases.

As well, watermelon contains cancer-fighting lycopene. Its lycopene content is even greater than that of tomatoes.

Juicing watermelon—as is done in this recipe—is a particularly great way of consuming this bright red fruit.
Watermelon juice contains citrulline, an amino acid that has been found to protect against muscle pain.

Furthermore, watermelons are known to be super cleansing and alkalizing. They help flush everything out!

Cayenne Pepper

Cayenne pepper revs up your metabolism and helps burn a few extra calories. This South American pepper is rich in
flavanoids and carotenoids, which contribute to eye health and slows the onset of age-related macular degeneration.

Cayenne also contains capsaicin, which has been proven to be effective in relieving pain, as well as improving joint
function and stiffness in muscles. Cayenne serves as a great remedy for those suffering from rheumatoid arthritis or

Moreover, due to its spicy kick, consuming cayenne peppers raises your body’s temperature and makes you
sweat. Though some of us are not too fond of sweating, this natural occurrence is quite beneficial to our health.
Sweating allows our bodies to detoxify by flushing out toxins and other unwanted substances. In addition, sweating
opens your pores and helps keep your skin looking fresh.

Maybe you prefer less spicy, so use less cayenne pepper, but the amount of each ingredient I listed out for you ends
up being PERFECT. I promise.

Watermelon Cayenne Detox Juice

Serves: 2 (4 cups)
Prep time: 5 minutes


 1/2 medium-sized watermelon, cut in squares

 1/8 teaspoon cayenne pepper, or to taste


1. Add all ingredients into a blender and blend until smooth.

2. Pour into jars and top with ice cubes.
3. Enjoy!

This Pineapple Smoothie Contains Cancer-

Obliterating And Anti-Inflammatory Ingredients
Turmeric is one of the most well-known natural remedies when it comes to overall health. Curcumin, a substance
found in turmeric, is effective at reducing inflammation. It has been shown to ease symptoms of osteoarthritis and
rheumatoid arthritis such as inflammation and pain.

In multiple lab tests, curcumin has also been shown to block the growth of certain types of tumors. One study showed
that a turmeric extract containing curcumin was able to stabilize colorectal cancer.

Other studies suggest that turmeric may be able to help protect against various skin diseases, Alzheimer’s disease,
colitis, stomach ulcers, high cholesterol levels and various other conditions.

Turmeric is commonly used as an ingredient in South Asian cooking and is added to various meals as a flavor
enhancer. Although it is mostly eaten with food, there are other ways to consume turmeric without having to cook up
an entire meal. One of these ways is a delicious turmeric smoothie.

Pineapple Smoothie

Although the key ingredient of this pineapple smoothie is turmeric, mainly due to it’s wide range of health benefits,
there are many other healthy ingredients included that make this smoothie one of the best recipes for strengthening
your immune system.

Pineapple for one, is a highly effective anti-inflammatory food, thanks to its bromelain enzyme.


 ½ teaspoon of turmeric
 1 cup of coconut milk—rich in fiber and vitamin C, E, B1, B3, B5 and B6
 ½ cup of pineapple or mango—good source of vitamin C which provides protection against immune system
deficiencies and various diseases
 1 fresh banana—good source of potassium which helps maintain fluid balance and keeps your brain, nerves, heart and
muscles functioning
 ½ teaspoon of cinnamon—effective at lowering blood sugar levels in people with diabetes
 ½ teaspoon of ginger—reduces premenstruation cramps, and pain caused by arthritis, also effective at reducing
nausea and dizziness
 1 teaspoon of chia seeds—good source of fiber, protein, calcium, antioxidants and omega-3 fatty acids
 1 teaspoon of maca powder—commonly used to treat anemia, chronic fatigue and to boost energy levels
 A pinch of freshly ground black pepper for optimal nutrient absorption of the turmeric’s healing properties (optional)

Now that you know all of the various health benefits of the ingredients to this smoothie, watch the video below for
step-by-step instructions on how to make one like it.
3-ingredient Juice Recipe To Flush Kidneys, Reduce
Bloating And Stop Joint Pains
This juice is a unique 3-ingredient combination of superfoods that does much for your heart, kidneys and relieve joint
pains caused by inflammation. It helps to flush out the kidneys, reduces bloating and swelling and stop arthritic pains

How often to drink? If you have any of the ailments mentioned below, drink about half a liter (half quart), at least 3-4
times a week for optimal results.

Briefly, this juice recipe when combined provide many health benefits:

 Good source of calcium in the right absorbable combination

 Cleanses your kidneys and help detoxify heavy metal toxicity
 Relieves joint inflammation and reduces silent inflammation
 Prevents other inflammatory ailments like gout and asthma
 Strengthens your immune system
 Highly nutritious to prevent many chronic diseases
 Lowers high blood pressure (reduce celery amount if you have low blood pressure)
 Helps ease headaches and migraines
 Has a calming and soothing effect on nerves, promotes quality sleep
 Increases red blood count
 Prevents the formation of calculi or kidney stones
 Relieves premenstruation symptoms such as water retention, bloating and cramps
 Improves eye health
 Many more!

Let’s look at each ingredient more closely.

1. Celery

Many people don’t consider celery a key part of their health regime. This is due to a popular misconception that
celery is just packed with water and no health benefits.

Celery has anti-inflammatory properties that protect against inflammation in the digestive tract. It contains unique
non-starch polysaccharides that are essential in protecting your body against inflammation. It is also rich in a few
known antioxidants, such as quercetin, phenolic acids and more.

One other key nutrient in celery is its natural sodium that helps counter the damages done by regular table salt. Where
table salt cause high blood pressure, the sodium in celery does the opposite.

Together with parsley, the diuretic effect of celery juice is beneficial for breaking up and eliminating kidney stones.

Read: The full health benefits of celery.

2. Parsley
Much like celery, parsley has natural health benefits that are often ignored. People tend to use this herb to garnish
dishes without realizing that it’s highly nutritious and can protect against joint pain, kidney/bladder cleansing,
promote optimal heart health.

One of the key benefits of parsley is its ability to bind with heavy metals and eliminating them for healthier liver and

In some animal studies, parsley has even been shown to contain compounds that inhibit tumor formation, especially
in the lungs. So really, parsley is more than just a pretty herb for garnish!

Read: The full health benefits of parsley.

3. Pineapple

Pineapple is a tropical fruit that is easily available in most parts of the world as it doesn’t ripen much more once it is
harvested, thus making it easy to be transported to neighboring countries.

When including pineapple for juicing, use fresh pineapples, not those canned ones that are soaked in sugar water.

The key ingredient in pineapple is bromelain, which is a powerful anti-inflammatory property that reduces joint
pains. Although it tastes acidic, pineapple juice has a special ability to help your body balance and neutralize fluids.
These qualities make pineapple unique.

Read: The full health benefits of pineapple.

Anti-Inflammatory Juice Recipe


 A whole stalk of celery (about 10-12 ribs)—cut off the base and wash each rib clean
 A whole bunch of parsley (as you purchase from the grocery)—best juiced using a masticating juicer
 A whole small pineapple—cut off crown and skin, leave in the core


Put all the ingredients through your masticating juicer.

If using a blender, add all the ingredients into your blender with a cup of fresh coconut water (or just pure drinking
water) and blend till smooth. You may also add kefir and nuts to enrich your smoothie.

3 Easy Juice Recipes To Rescue Your High Blood

Pressure And Cholesterol
If you are worried about your blood pressure and cholesterol levels, then the first place to start is with your diet. By
adding certain foods to your daily meals, you could naturally begin lowering your blood pressure without having to
use any medications.
Unfortunately, you may not have the time to create a balanced diet that includes proper nutrition. For help, many
people may turn to juicing. Using a juicer, you can quickly prepare a meal that incorporates a variety of beneficial
fruits and vegetables.

Which Fruits And Vegetables Are Helpful?

You do not need to drastically alter your diet in order to begin lowering your blood pressure and improving your
health. You just need to start including a few healthy options in your daily routine. Here are some heart-healthy fruits
and vegetables that you should consider adding to your diet:

 Any berries
 Beetroots
 Celery
 Green leafy vegetables
 Grapefruit
 Kiwifruits
 Lemon
 Ginger and turmeric
 And many more!

Blueberries have been found to help people cut their risk of high blood pressure. They contain natural compounds
called anthocyanins that help to protect against hypertension.

Kiwifruit contains valuable calcium, magnesium, and potassium, which can help to lower blood pressure levels. This
is especially helpful if you are currently lacking any of these nutrients that are responsible for the health of blood
cells. Other fruits such as peaches, nectarines, and bananas are also good sources of the same minerals.

While those foods are beneficial for your health and can help to lower your blood pressure, beetroots can provide
results almost instantly. Studies show that drinking beetroot juice can begin lowering blood pressure almost

Here are 3 easy juice recipes to rescue your blood pressure and cholesterol, using the foods mentioned.

1. Healthy Heartbeet Juice

This juice recipe includes a healthy dose of beetroot. To prepare this drink, simply process all of the ingredients in
your juicer and then shake or stir before serving. Here are the ingredients needed:

 1 green apple
 1 beetroot
 2 medium carrots
 3-4 radishes (optional)
 1 lemon
 1-inch ginger root

2. Minty Berry

This is a smoothie recipe that you can make using your blender. Always only use organic fruits and vegetables for
smoothies. This delicious glass of berries is very high in antioxidant content that is beneficial for lowering your blood
pressure and cholesterol levels.

 1 cup of frozen blueberries and raspberries mixed

 5-6 whole strawberries
 about 30 leaves of peppermint
 1 cup of kefir
 1 tablespoon of honey or to desired taste
 a pinch of cinnamon powder
 ½ cup of water or coconut water

3. Anti-Oxidation Juice

This final juice recipe includes a highly effective combination that is even better than any blood pressure medication.
It works as an anti-oxidation that renders cholesterol harmless. Use only organic and see an almost immediate
result. Not suitable for you if you’re on medication. Speak to your doctor about reducing your medication, or how
you can include these very beneficial foods in your diet.

 1 large grapefruit
 4 ribs of celery
 ½ bulb of fennel
 1 green apple
 1 lime
 1-inch ginger root

If you are concerned about your blood pressure and cholesterol levels, you may want to start making some simple
changes to your diet. Start by including more of the foods mentioned in your diet. These juice recipes are a great way
to ensure you receive nutrition and beneficial nutrients that could help to lower your blood pressure.

Simple Remedy To Get Rid Of Snoring And Sleep

Apnea Naturally
One of the most irritating ways to contribute to your partner’s health problems is by snoring. Getting the right amount
of sleep is essential for leading a healthy lifestyle, and if you’re constantly waking up in the middle of the night due
to your partner’s snoring it could have serious long-term effects on your health.

Not getting the recommended 6-8 hours of sleep per night can cause a variety of problems for your health including
weight gain, high blood pressure, diabetes, heart diseases and more. Lack of sleep has also been proven to negatively
affect critical thinking and cognitive function.

What Causes Snoring?

So, you now know that causing your partner to lose sleep can harm both their physical and mental well-being.
It’s time to get to the root of the problem. What exactly causes you to snore?

If you are a chronic snorer then there is a good chance that the main cause of your snoring comes from nasal
congestion. The build-up of mucus in your throat and nasal passage can be caused by a variety of factors ranging
from allergies to nasal infections and even the common cold. Clearing up this mucus is one of the ways that you can
reduce or even prevent further snoring.

How Drinking Juice Can Help

Drinking juices has quickly becoming a popular way to improve one’s nutrition and health. It is also a simple (and
tasty) method of keeping your airways clear and reducing congestion. This is because drinking freshly-extracted juice
is one of the most efficient ways of consuming vitamins and other nutrients required to have a healthy immune
Having a healthy immune system can prevent snoring by reducing your chances of contracting viruses that cause
nasal congestion. Having a well-functioning immune system will also help prevent you from developing allergies
which can seriously contribute to mucus build-up.

Get Your 5 Per Day

Many people find it difficult to get their 5 portions of fruits and vegetables a day, but juicing makes that an absolute
doddle. Rather than spend most of your day preparing various meals of fruits and vegetables to be eaten, juicing
allows you to get the same amount of nutrients condensed into a small glass of juice. This makes both the preparation
and consumption of immune system boosting foods easier and less time-consuming.

Drinking juices is an easy way to make sure you get all of the nutrients you need in order to have clear nasal passages
and a well-rested partner.

Foods To Avoid During The Day

You can avoid certain foods from the early evening hours to reduce mucus build-up that narrows your air passage.

Here are examples of some foods to avoid. These foods don’t do much good for your health anyway: Dairy products,
flour and sugar products, chocolate, fried foods, processed/refined foods.

Also avoid drinking alcohol and smoking. Eating a heavy meal before bedtime may make you snore louder than

Having avoided the above foods, drink a glass of this simple juice combo that helps reduce your nasal congestion.
Over time, by following this easy diet, your snoring will gradually reduce and your partner will thank you for a good
night’s sleep!

The Recipe

Here is a quick and simple recipe for an immune system-boosting juice:

 4 big carrots
 1 apple
 squeeze of lemon
 ½-inch of ginger root

Wash the ingredients, cut them into sizes that can fit through your juicer’s chute. Put them through your juicer. Serve
chilled, drink a couple of hours before going to sleep.

4 Juice Recipes To Remedy Common Sleep Disorders

That Keep You Up At Night
Dealing with a sleep disorder is annoying for a number of reasons. Without a good night’s rest, it is hard to get
through the day, you may have trouble concentrating, feel irritable and cranky, and not have the motivation to get
things done during the day.

While the mental fatigue that comes with a sleep disorder is difficult to deal with, the lack of sleep can also have an
impact on your physical health. You need to sleep to rest your brain and for your body to rejuvenate.
There are many different issues that can lead to difficulty sleeping, including a number of sleep disorders. Here are
four of the most common sleep disorders, along with juice recipes that could help you overcome your sleep
dysfunction. Drink daily till sleep comes and you’ll start feeling rested.

4 Juice Recipes To Remedy Sleep Disorders

1. Insomnia

Insomnia is perhaps the most common sleep disorder. It is estimated that about 30% of Americans claim to suffer
from this condition. Insomnia results in poor sleep due to difficulty falling and staying asleep. People with insomnia
may also wake up early have trouble getting back to sleep. This causes difficulty concentrating and general fatigue.

Leafy vegetables, such as spinach or cabbage, contain high content of magnesium. Magnesium is known to help relax
muscles and calm nerves, which may help you get to sleep. Try this juice recipe containing both spinach and cabbage:

 ¼ head of Savoy cabbage

 A handful of spinach
 3 heads of Romaine lettuce
 2 green apples
 1-inch of ginger root
 1 lemon

For this juice recipe, and the other three below, wash all of the ingredients and cut them to sizes that fit the chute of
your juicer. Put them through your juicer, starting with the smaller pieces.

2. Sleep Apnea

Sleep apnea is another fairly common sleep disorder. Sleep apnea causes you to stop breathing for several seconds, as
the result of blockage from the relaxing of the soft tissues in the back of your throat. This disruption in breathing can
cause you to wake up.

Eating more food containing fiber could help reduce an overproduction of mucus. Increasing mucus production may
increase the severity of your sleep apnea symptoms.

Try to eat more broccoli, apples, pears, artichokes, and this juice recipe that help reduce catarrh:

 4 ribs of celery
 2 Asian pears
 4 carrots
 1-inch of ginger root
 1 lemon

3. Restless Leg Syndrome

Restless leg syndrome is basically a neurological disorder that manifests itself as the need to move your legs while

You may experience an itching, aching, pulling, or throbbing sensation along your legs that increases with intensity
until you move your legs. This can make it difficult to fall asleep, leading to a bad night.
Consuming more iron and magnesium may help reduce the occurrence of symptoms related to restless leg syndrome,
allowing to get a better night’s rest. Try the following recipe, containing iron and magnesium-rich fruit and

 10-12 spears of asparagus

 2 cups of broccoli florets
 4 ribs of celery
 1 bulb of fennel
 A handful of parsley
 1 green apple
 1 lemon

4. Bruxism

Bruxism, also known as teeth grinding, is commonly believed to be the result of stress or anxiety. When you
constantly grind your teeth during the night, you may end up waking to a headache or a sore jaw. This pain can make
it hard to fall asleep again.

A lack of vitamin B5, magnesium, or calcium could be partially responsible for your teeth grinding. Studies have
found that drinking green juices is a good remedy for many individuals suffering from bruxism. Here is a simple
green drink that you can make at home:

 4 carrots
 6 ribs of celery
 A handful of spinach
 A handful of parsley
 ¼ of a pineapple
 1 lemon

If you are having trouble sleeping, you should try to determine if one of these sleep disorders could be responsible for
your problems. Get to the root of the cause and then try the corresponding juice recipe.

Eliminate from your diet: Processed foods, dairy products, flour and sugar foods that are high in fats and low in
fiber. Then, drink your juice on a daily basis and you will likely see some improvement.

Manage And Reduce Hypothyroidism Symptoms With

These 3 Juices
Hypothyroidism is a medical condition where your thyroid gland under-produces a hormone called thyroxine.
Hyperthyroidism is the opposite where your thyroid gland over-produces the thyroxine hormones.

Your thyroid gland helps to control your metabolism and the rate at which you burn calories. With an underactive
thyroid, you may experience fatigue, weight gain, PMS problems, infertility, low body temperature, low immunity
and poor concentration.

While mild symptoms can be relatively harmless, if this condition is left untreated it can have grave consequences. In
extreme cases, part of the thyroid gland may be removed surgically. For less severe situations, your doctor may
prescribe thyroid medications. Whenever you take a medication, you run the risk of experiencing side effects.
Foods To Avoid

There are some foods that you may want to limit eating when you have an under-active thyroid issue. Among them
are cruciferous vegetables, peaches, pears and radishes. For better result, totally avoid eating these: Foods that
contain gluten, soy products, processed foods that contain artificial food additives, artificial sugar and transfats,
stimulants like coffee, tea, nicotine and sodas.

Do not ignore a thyroid issue, but manage it, and probably even heal by eating totally clean. Here are 5 juices that
you can make for yourself, to reduce symptoms of a hypothyroidism issue.

1. Iodine-Rich Juice

Watercress has a high iodine content that helps reduce symptoms of an under-active thyroid. It is also very
detoxifying to the liver, further improving the immune system. This juice may not be suitable for an overactive

 A large handful of watercress

 A small handful of parsley
 2 green apples
 1 lime
 1-inch ginger root
 A sprinkle of chia seeds and sesame seeds for protein

2. Anti-inflammatory Juice

This juice recipe contains beetroot that is highly anti-inflammatory, helps to cleanse the liver and boost your immune

Drinking it regularly may help to restore hormone imbalances. Gather the following ingredients, wash, cut and put
them through your juicer:

 2 medium-sized beetroots
 4 carrots
 2 green apples
 1-inch fresh ginger root
 1 lemon

3. Sunburst Juice

Sunburst juice contains foods high in antioxidant vitamin C content, that help improve your immune system.

Peel the orange and lemon, cut up all the ingredients and put them through your juicer:

 1 large grapefruit
 2 yellow bell pepper
 4 carrots
 ½ a lemon

If you are experiencing signs of an under-active thyroid, try these juices by drinking one to two glasses a day and
begin to avoid those foods that aggravate. There are many “clean”, gluten-free food recipes you can start eating when
switching away from processed foods.

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Drinking these juices may help you deal with some of your symptoms and may even correct your thyroid issue.

Fight Cancer And Premature Aging With This Spicy

Tomato Juice Recipe
There are two major issues that people tend to worry about when they reach a certain point in their life—the risk of
cancer and the signs of aging. The chances of having to deal with either of these issues increase with prolonged
exposure to UV radiation.

There is one common food that can help you reduce your risks of both cancer and common signs of aging. What is
this miracle food? Tomatoes.

Just one serving of tomatoes a day can have a large positive impact on your health. This powerful food can help
reduce the risk of heart disease, improve digestion, and boost your immune system. Though, the greatest benefits
come from the lycopene and antioxidants found in tomatoes.

Why You Should Make This Spicy Tomato Juice

Tomatoes: Lycopene And Antioxidants

Lycopene is a carotenoid that gives tomatoes their deep red color. There have been numerous studies that have looked
into the medicinal benefits of this compound. Lycopene may be able to reduce the risk of various types of cancer,
including breast cancer.

The other major benefit comes from the inclusion of a multitude of antioxidants in tomatoes. These antioxidants
neutralize free radicals that are known to increase the risk of cancer and the signs of aging.

UV radiation and free radicals promote premature wrinkles, sun spots, and other issues that most people would like to
avoid. Antioxidants are one of your best forms of protection against carcinogens, free radicals and UV radiation.

While adding some chopped tomatoes to your salad can provide some of these benefits, you will absorb more of the
nutrients found in the tomatoes if they are processed. This breaks down the tomato and allows you to more efficiently
utilize the lycopene. Juicing tomatoes is a processing method that enhances the nutrients to make them more
bio-available and absorbable.

Cayenne Pepper: Fights Cancer Cells

Studies show that capsaicin exhibits anti-inflammatory properties, making it a promising candidate for treating
inflammatory diseases and cancer. It inhibits the enzyme activity of specific proteins that may cause these illnesses.

When ingested, cayenne pepper activates the white blood cells to protect your body from microbial attack. When they
are needed, white blood cells are employed to remove dead or damaged tissue and regulate the immune response to
keep you healthy.

Read: Cayenne pepper destroys cancer cells, help rebuild the gut and prevent heart attacks.

If you want to fight cancer and aging caused by UV radiation, then you will want to make and drink this easy tomato
juice recipe.
Spicy Tomato Juice

While you could simply process several tomatoes in a juicer, some people may find the taste to be a little strong. The
following tomato juice recipe is still simple to prepare, but it includes a few added ingredients to give it a bit more


 3 large tomatoes
 6 ribs of celery
 1-inch of ginger root, remove skin
 A dash of cayenne pepper

Cut up the tomatoes in sizes that can be put through the chute of your juicer. If you’re using a masticating juicer, you
may leave the seeds. Remove seeds if you’re using a centrifugal juicer or blending them.

Juice the first three ingredients above then add a dash of cayenne pepper. Serve chilled.

The next time you visit the grocery store or a farmer’s market, pick up some fresh tomatoes or consider growing your
own in your backyard. You do not need to have a green thumb to grow tomatoes, as they are fairly easy to grow.

Know The Causes Of Uterine Fibroids And How To

Reduce/Shrink Them
A young lady in her late twenties, came to me asking me how she can shrink uterine fibroids. Her doctor confirmed
that she has a “family of fibroid tumors”. Although the tumors were benign, they had caused her a lot of PMS
cramps, painful intercourse, and heavy menstrual bleeding.

She had had some surgical procedures to have them removed but the fibroids kept returning! She was told that her
infertility was linked to the growth of these fibroids. She knew her diet had something to do with the growth of the
fibroids but was unsure, as she claimed to be a vegetarian.

Foods That Cause Uterine Fibroids

When I did an assessment on her diet, I found that although a vegetarian, her diet was not completely “clean” and a
few things that she ate regularly were contributing to the growth of the tumors. Some of the culprits:

 Soy products: Vegetarians tend to eat more soy products for protein. Eating some soy may be beneficial, but eating
them in excess may cause gout and fibroids growth. Soy products (except for fermented soy such as miso and tempeh)
have high content of phytoestrogens that are detrimental to women’s health.

 Soy milk: Soy milk has very high content of estrogen that causes hormonal imbalance. An estrogen dominance
condition may cause many other health problems, other than fibroids growth. Some of the symptoms of estrogen
dominance are:
— Endometriosis
— Blood clots in menstruation
— Fibroids in breasts
— Infertility
— Irregular menstruation cycles
— Weight gain
— Thyroid issues
— Low or no sex drive
 Birth control pills: Oral birth control pills may be prescribed to reduce heavy menstrual flow but it actually
may further contribute to the growth of the fibroids. Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) is another estrogen-
mimicking drug that encourages fibroids growth.

 Herbicides and pesticides: Residues from herbicides, pesticides and artificial fertilizers used on food crops mimic
estrogen and affects the hormones. Foods stored and/or cooked in plastic wares may also contribute to hormonal
imbalances and with that, a host of female health issues.

 Processed foods: Limit consumption of processed foods that are laden with artificial food additives such as colorings,
preservatives, flavorings, emulsifiers, transfats, salt and sugar. These are very toxic to the liver and only serve to
weaken your liver functions and detrimental to your health.

Read 10 Sources Of Endocrine-Disruptors And How To Avoid Them.

Other Non-Vegetarian Causes Of Uterine Fibroids

Stay away from dairy and meat products from commercially-raised animals that are injected with antibiotics, steroids
and hormones. These added hormones stay in the meat you eat that can feed the tumors. If you want to eat dairy and
meat products, opt for organic hormone-free animals.

Warning Signs That You May Have Fibroids

Bladder Issues: Fibroids that grow on the outside wall of the uterus near the bladder may press against it, causing
pressure that will require more frequent visits to the washroom. If you find yourself going to the toilet frequently in
the night, you may like to get it checked out.

Rectal Pressure: Fibroids that grow towards the back of the uterus may press on the rectum and make the
sufferer have an uncomfortable feeling of wanting to pass motion. Straining may further cause hemorrhoids.

Lower Back Pain: Fibroids that are located on the outer back wall of the uterus may press against spinal nerves and
cause intense pain. Problems may be more severe before and during menstruation.

Swelling of Lower Abdomen: Large fibroids may make a woman appear as if pregnant. There may not be a
presence of pain so many women don’t have it checked.

Infertility or Frequent Miscarriages: Although there are many reasons for infertility and miscarriages, presence of
uterine fibroids may also cause these issues. A simple ultrasound scan could reveal if there are presence of fibroids.

Prolonged and Heavy Menstruation: This is one of the first and common warning signs of uterine fibroids.
Excessive bleeding with blood clots are signs to look out for and should be treated as it could also lead to anemia
from heavy bleeding. Cramps and pain in lower abdomen or in the back of the legs are also common.

Painful Sexual Intercourse: Depending on the location and size of the fibroid, sexual intercourse can become
uncomfortable and painful. The pain may be more evident in certain positions.

How To Prevent And Shrink Uterine Fibroids

When you understand the causes of uterine fibroids, it only makes sense to remove the causes to stop feeding their
growth. Here are some other diet and lifestyle changes/additions you can make to shrink the fibroids:

 Vigorous exercise: Exercise and physical body movements, together with eating the right healing foods, will help
regulate your ovulation and gradually reduce/shrink the fibroids.
 Manage your stress: Women often underestimate the damages that stress can do to their bodies. Stress depletes the
body of important nutrients, weaken the adrenal glands and other organs, and contributes to hormonal imbalances.

 Eat legumes and beans: Avocados, eggs, quinoa, chia seeds, legumes and beans are examples of some excellent
sources of protein that you should consume, instead of going to soy products for protein. Eat a small portion of these
protein foods with every meal that will not only help reduce the size of your fibroids but may also offer protection
from breast and cervical cancers as well.

 Liver support foods: Strengthen your liver with foods that support your liver, such as beetroot, grapefruit, dandelion
and milk thistle. Try this very beneficial Healthy Liver Beetroot Juice.

 Beverages: Stay away from alcohol and caffeinated drinks such as sodas and coffee as they are diuretic and
dehydrating. Many sites recommend drinking green tea for this condition but I advise that you should avoid it. Green
tea inhibits the absorption of iron and in the case of fibroids, you may have lost a lot of menstrual blood and are
possibly anemic. You don’t need this further complication.

 Water: Do not drink tap water as it contains fluoride, chlorine and other heavy metals. Make sure you have a good
filtering system installed in your home to avoid taking in these toxins that may cause permanent damage. I drink
distilled water.

 Fruits and vegetables: Eat plenty of fresh organic fruits and vegetables. If you have recurring fibroids, juice
fasting/feasting on green juices may be very helpful to shrink the fibroids more rapidly. The chlorophyll content is very
cleansing, alkalizing and healing for the reproductive system.

 Helpful supplements: Some supplements that may be beneficial for shrinking fibroids (choose only from high quality
and reputable brands)—spirulina, chlorella, omega-3, L-arginine, L-lysine, vitamin C and zinc. I would also recommend
taking Essiac Tea that has 8 powerful herbs that are highly beneficial for detoxifying the reproductive system.

 Helpful herbs: Some of the herbs you may take to eliminate fibroids include: “Dong quai“, black cohosh, dandelion
root, chasteberry tincture, nettle tea, pau d’arco and turmeric. If you wish to take any of these herbs, check with the
herbal store how to use them.

While many conventional doctors will recommend more surgeries and ultimately hysterectomy to prevent regrowth,
fibroids really do respond well when you stop feeding them with the wrong foods, and start eating the healing foods.
Stop your exposure to excessive estrogens and put the above into practice to avoid surgery.

Lower Blood Pressure Safely And Naturally With

Simple Diet And Lifestyle Modifications
There are safer and effective options for lowering blood pressure naturally. Knowing what to eat
and what NOT to eat, is half the battle won!

Understanding High Blood Pressure

High blood pressure (hypertension) is a warning of more serious cardiovascular problems. Conventional medicine
usually suggests weight loss and drugs to lower high blood pressure and cholesterol, but little attention is given to
change dietary habits—the safe and natural way to really lower high blood pressure.

Our heart is primarily a muscle which main job is to pump blood throughout the body. Each time it beats/pumps, it
sends blood through the arteries. The peak reading of the pressure exerted by this contraction is called the systolic
Between beats, the heart muscle relaxes and the blood pressure drops. This lower reading is called the diastolic
pressure. A normal blood pressure reading for adults should be about 120 (systolic) / 80 (diastolic). Readings above
this level becomes a risk factor for heart diseases.

Uncontrolled high blood pressure increases the risks of aneurysm, heart failure, heart attack, kidney damage and

Symptoms of High Blood Pressure

Initially, mild or moderate hypertension may not give away any clue nor symptoms of the problem until a vital organ
is damaged. When this happens, blood pressure would have got to a severe stage (reading of 160+/115+).

Individuals with high blood pressure may begin to encounter either restlessness or drowsiness, fatigue, anxiety,
palpitations, excessive perspiration, tremor, shortness of breath, headache, nausea and may sometimes be in a state of

In individuals with severely high blood pressure, the brain may swell, resulting in worsening and severe headache,
nausea, vomiting and even coma

Causes of High Blood Pressure

The main factors responsible for high blood pressure are the formation of arterial deposits in arteries
(atherosclerosis), the thickening of blood or presence of blood clots, and the hardening of arteries (arteriosclerosis).

When the space in an artery is narrower, the same amount of blood passing through them increases the blood
pressure, causing high blood pressure.

Aging, dehydration, poor choices of foods and unhealthy lifestyles like smoking, alcohol abuse, stress, a sedentary
lifestyle are all contributing factors to any of the three main factors mentioned above.

Kidneys are important organs in controlling blood pressure. Many kidney disorders can also cause high blood
pressure. For example, damage to the kidneys may fail to remove salt and water from the body, causing blood
pressure to increase.

Diet/Lifestyle Suggestions

A healthy change in dietary and lifestyle plays a major role in lowering blood pressure naturally. Please also read
suggestions in atherosclerosis. Here are some suggestions which you can immediately adapt to a healthier new you:

In overweight people with high blood pressure, even by losing as little as 10 pounds can help lower blood pressure.
Incorporate moderate and regular aerobic exercise to help reduce blood pressure and improve the heart function.

A diet high in sodium and lacking in calcium, magnesium and potassium can increase blood pressure. To counter this
situation, it is recommended to reduce intake of refined salt (sodium chloride) and increase on the other essential
minerals. However, this step may or may not reduce blood pressure as not everyone’s blood pressure is salt-sensitive.
Test it yourself to know.

Fruits and vegetables are some of the best foods that will provide you proper hydration of your cells, rich with the
essential nutrients, antioxidants, phytonutrients and fiber that are anti-hypertension. Fruits and vegetables can have an
amazing effect in lowering blood pressure.

This website gives you all the information you need to get you started on a juicing lifestyle when you decide that you
want to start cleaning up your system. Freshly extracted juices are able to cleanse, repair, heal and nourish your body
at cellular level to reverse hypertension..
Avoid anything that can cause blood pressure to increase even temporarily, like alcohol, caffeine, smoking and stress.
It is during these brief moments when blood pressure increases that are thought to cause damage which eventually
results in permanent high blood pressure.

Increase your intake of healing foods: Plenty of oily fish, omega-3 fish oils, chlorophyll-rich greens, mushrooms,
bilberry, huckleberry, oat and rice bran, bananas, spirulina, chlorella and vitamin E (anti-coagulant). Don’t
underestimate this list of foods as they are really very helpful to bring down your blood pressure, naturally.

Recommended Healing Foods to Lower Blood Pressure Naturally

There are many fruits and vegetables that are important and effective in lowering blood pressure naturally (also see
recommended recipes in the atherosclerosis page). Below are a mention of just a few. Eat/juice plenty fruits and
vegetables, especially green vegetables. You can’t go wrong.

Carrot has high antioxidant values. Drink carrot juice with chlorophyll in all green vegetables for their remarkable
ability in cleaning out blood impurities. Sodium chloride (refined salt) increases blood pressure but the natural
sodium in celery does not the opposite by decreasing blood pressure. Drink celery juice alone or mix it with other
green vegetables. Beetroot juice is helpful for lowering and normalizing blood pressure.

Capsicum is very high in vitamin C, a form of antioxidant. Include one capsicum a day in your juice recipe. Garlic,
cilantro and leeks are not very palatable foods but have anti-coagulant virtues which also help to lower blood
pressure. Add small amounts of them (1 clove garlic or 3 inches leeks) into your juices with some lemon to blunt the
taste, or simply add them in all your cooking.

Some Suggested Combos (Measurements Are For One Portion):

 2 green apples + 6-8 ribs of celery + 1 cucumber + ½ lemon + 1 thumb-sized ginger

 2 green apples + 1 bunch of spinach (or 6-8 leaves of kale) + a bunch of cilantro +½ lemon
 2 carrots + 1 medium-sized beetroot + 1 fennel +½ slice lemon + 1 thumb-size ginger
 2 green apples + 8 leaves of Collard greens (or Swiss chard) + 1 cucumber + ½ lemon
 2 green apples + 6 ribs of celery + 1 fennel + a bunch of cilantro +½ lemon

3 Easy Juice Recipes To Rescue Your High Blood

Pressure And Cholesterol
If you are worried about your blood pressure and cholesterol levels, then the first place to start is with your diet. By
adding certain foods to your daily meals, you could naturally begin lowering your blood pressure without having to
use any medications.

Unfortunately, you may not have the time to create a balanced diet that includes proper nutrition. For help, many
people may turn to juicing. Using a juicer, you can quickly prepare a meal that incorporates a variety of beneficial
fruits and vegetables.

Which Fruits And Vegetables Are Helpful?

You do not need to drastically alter your diet in order to begin lowering your blood pressure and improving your
health. You just need to start including a few healthy options in your daily routine. Here are some heart-healthy fruits
and vegetables that you should consider adding to your diet:

 Any berries
 Beetroots
 Celery
 Green leafy vegetables
 Grapefruit
 Kiwifruits
 Lemon
 Ginger and turmeric
 And many more!

Blueberries have been found to help people cut their risk of high blood pressure. They contain natural compounds
called anthocyanins that help to protect against hypertension.

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Kiwifruit contains valuable calcium, magnesium, and potassium, which can help to lower blood pressure levels. This
is especially helpful if you are currently lacking any of these nutrients that are responsible for the health of blood
cells. Other fruits such as peaches, nectarines, and bananas are also good sources of the same minerals.

While those foods are beneficial for your health and can help to lower your blood pressure, beetroots can provide
results almost instantly. Studies show that drinking beetroot juice can begin lowering blood pressure almost

Here are 3 easy juice recipes to rescue your blood pressure and cholesterol, using the foods mentioned.

1. Healthy Heartbeet Juice

This juice recipe includes a healthy dose of beetroot. To prepare this drink, simply process all of the ingredients in
your juicer and then shake or stir before serving. Here are the ingredients needed:

 1 green apple
 1 beetroot
 2 medium carrots
 3-4 radishes (optional)
 1 lemon
 1-inch ginger root

2. Minty Berry

This is a smoothie recipe that you can make using your blender. Always only use organic fruits and vegetables for
smoothies. This delicious glass of berries is very high in antioxidant content that is beneficial for lowering your blood
pressure and cholesterol levels.

 1 cup of frozen blueberries and raspberries mixed

 5-6 whole strawberries
 about 30 leaves of peppermint
 1 cup of kefir
 1 tablespoon of honey or to desired taste
 a pinch of cinnamon powder
 ½ cup of water or coconut water

3. Anti-Oxidation Juice
This final juice recipe includes a highly effective combination that is even better than any blood pressure medication.
It works as an anti-oxidation that renders cholesterol harmless. Use only organic and see an almost immediate
result. Not suitable for you if you’re on medication. Speak to your doctor about reducing your medication, or how
you can include these very beneficial foods in your diet.

 1 large grapefruit
 4 ribs of celery
 ½ bulb of fennel
 1 green apple
 1 lime
 1-inch ginger root

If you are concerned about your blood pressure and cholesterol levels, you may want to start making some simple
changes to your diet. Start by including more of the foods mentioned in your diet. These juice recipes are a great way
to ensure you receive nutrition and beneficial nutrients that could help to lower your blood pressure.

Lower Your Blood Pressure Naturally With These

Simple Dietary Secrets
High blood pressure (hypertension) is a warning of more serious cardiovascular problems. Conventional medicine
usually suggests weight loss and drugs to lower high blood pressure and cholesterol, but little attention is given to
change dietary habits—the safe and natural way to really lower high blood pressure.

Knowing what to eat, and what NOT to eat, is half the battle won. Read more about what little changes you can make
to naturally lower and reduce hypertension.

Juices from celery and green leafy vegetables are some of the best foods to melt away those plaques that thicken and
harden the arteries. How about starting with a simple green juice that helps to lower your high blood pressure?

Each of these ingredients have their unique medicinal properties that are blood-cleansing and naturally lowers high
blood pressure.

Along with drinking green juices, it will help to observe some diet modifications to help with your healing. Avoid
eating highly processed/refined foods, flour and sugar products, foods with high fats and salt content. Drink lots of
water, and drink this juice daily to see an improvement in your blood pressure*.

Results may vary for individuals. Do not stop medication without your doctor’s advice.

Lowering High Blood Pressure Naturally

Juice Recipe:

 2 green apples
 8-10 ribs of celery
 A bunch of spinach
 A handful of cilantro (coriander leaves)
 1 lime or ¼ lemon
Beet The Cold With These 3 Body-Warming Drinks
That Improve Blood Circulation
Do your feet and fingers feel cold even during warm days? Do you feel chilled easily even when others around you
are feeling just comfortable? These could be signs of poor blood circulation. Bad circulation can affect various parts
of the body and cause your extremities to feel cold. Try these body-warming drinks to improve blood circulation.

Most of the time, poor blood circulation is due to an overacidity in the body from poor diet choices, or from
accumulation of toxins that are not being eliminated properly, again due to poor food choices and environmental
pollution. Poor circulation along the legs and feet are most common. Some other causes or reasons for poor
circulation or feeling of cold, include:

 Hypothyroidism
 Raynaud’s syndrome
 Blood clots
 Varicose veins
 Obesity
 Diabetes
 Candida infections
 Heavy metal poisoning

Blood circulation is an important part of your health. Blood is responsible for transporting essential nutrients and
oxygen through your entire body. By keeping your heart healthy, you could begin improving circulation problems.

Here are 5 alkalizing juices to help boost circulation. They are also “body-warming” foods that are suitable for
drinking, during the cold weather.

3 Body-Warming Drinks That Improve Blood Circulation

1. Beet The Cold

This drink has the combination of all the right ingredients that help dilate the blood vessels for better blood flow and
circulation. The three main ingredients are roots or ground vegetable that make them “warming food”. Simply put all
these ingredients through your juicer:

 2 beetroots
 4 carrots
 1 bulb of fennel
 1-inch of fresh ginger root (up to 2-inch if you dare!)
 1 lemon

2. Spicy Hot Booster

This juice recipe boosts your immunity, is “body-warming” and boosts blood circulation. Drink this juice alternately
with the other juices recommended here.

 4 carrots
 2 red or yellow bell peppers
 1 jalapeno
 1 green apple
 ½ lemon
 1-inch of fresh ginger root
3. Lemongrass-Ginger Tea

This Lemongrass-Ginger Tea is not a juice recipe but it’s one of my favorite drinks for a cold day. just to warm up
the body. One of the reasons for feeling cold could also be due to Candida infections. If this is your condition, then
this drink not only helps to gradually kill the Candida but also helps warm you up.

If you have Candida, make a pot of this drink (about 1 liter/quart) and drink daily for 2 weeks, or more days if
necessary. But be sure to omit the raw honey and drink it warm.

If you tend to feel cold all of the time or notice any other signs of poor circulation, such as numbness or a tingling
sensation, then try drinking these juice recipes. They include a variety of ingredients that are known to promote heart
health and improve blood circulation.

Besides drinking these recipes, you may like to consider what you’re eating. What you’re NOT eating also plays an
important role in your overall health.

Harmful Acid-Forming Foods That Make Your Blood

Back when I did my own research to understand my serious health problems, I was shocked by the harmful foods I
had been consuming in my first thirty years of life. Awareness of the damage these acid-forming foods were doing to
my body, gave me the motivation to change my diet and eating habits.

What Exactly Are You Eating?

Today’s modern diet is often desperately lacking in nutrients compared to that of our ancestors. With advancements
in technology, many foods are manufactured, genetically re-engineered, and processed.

Manufactured and processed foods are harmful and create an acidic environment in the body ideal for diseases to

Our busy lifestyle means that we often rely on instant meals and cheap snacks. We spend less time preparing and
eating the fresh whole foods the human body was designed for.

Each time you consume any of the harmful acid-forming foods listed below, you slash a few hours off your life.

What Are Acid-Forming Foods And Why Are They Bad?

The pH scale measures acidity: pH 0 is a highly acidic, pH 14 is a strong alkaline, whilst pH 7 is neutral. To operate
effectively and remain disease free, the optimum pH of human blood is 7.4 (slightly alkaline).

The food we eat changes the acidity of our blood. Once in the body food can be either acid-forming or alkaline-
forming. Note that acidic foods are not necessarily acid-forming in the blood, for example, lemons are very acidic
(pH 2-3), yet have an alkalizing effect in the blood.

When we eat acid-forming foods, they cause our blood to become acidic and vice-versa.

What causes an acidic environment in the body?

Eating too many acid-forming foods, build up of toxins, stress, lack of exercise all contribute to acidic environment in
the body.
Why are acid-forming foods bad for you?

The body works to neutralize the acidic state caused by acid-forming foods by using alkaline minerals, this is known
as pH buffering.

If the diet does not contain enough alkalizing minerals, acid builds up. An acidic environment in the body causes a
myriad of serious, and in extreme cases, life threatening health problems:

 Tumor cells, many bacteria and virus’s thrive in an acidic environment.

 One of the ways the body neutralizes or “buffers” acid-forming foods is by taking calcium and magnesium from your
bones, teeth and muscle, which can eventually lead to osteoporosis.
 Poor absorption. An acidic environment decreases the body’s ability to absorb vitamins and minerals.
 Energy production in our cells is less reduced in an acidic environment causing fatigue.
 An acidic environment decreases the body’s ability to repair damaged cells.
 Detoxification is less efficient in an acidic body results in a build up of toxins.
 Acidic blood is thicker and slower moving, so less effective at taking nutrients and oxygen to cells, and removing
toxins. Thick blood “hosts” a myriad of harmful organisms (bacteria, virus, parasites and yeast). Over time, it begins to
clog up the detox organs.

Examples Of Acid-Forming Foods

Here are some common acid-forming foods (click to scroll to the relevant section):
dairy products, carbonated drinks, medication, sugary products, table salt, refined flour, red meat, refined
vegetable oils, deep-fried foods, artificial food additives.

1. Pasteurization, UHT and Dairy Products

The problems with Pasteurization and UHT

Pasteurization is a process invented in 1864 where food is heated to a high temperature to kill microbes and allow it
to keep for longer without going off. Similarly ultra-high temperature (UHT) heats food to an even higher
temperature (160°) but for a shorter period of time.

However, both pasteurization and UHT of dairy products denatures proteins, destroys enzymes and beneficial
bacteria, reduces vitamin content, destroys vitamins B6 and B12 and promotes pathogens so the milk or food has lost
its beneficial properties and cannot be assimilated by the body.

Why are pasteurized dairy products bad for you?

 If you are turning to cow’s milk for calcium, you are mistaken. Cow’s milk is not a good source of this calcium. Milk
(and dairy products) are acid-forming in our body. The body tries to balance the pH by drawing more calcium (alkaline)
from our bones, which eventually leads to osteoporosis.
 During pasteurization dairy proteins are denatured and cannot be assimilated by the body. Consumption weakens the
immune system, causing allergies and many other problems, like asthma, nasal congestion, skin rash, chest infections,
higher blood cholesterol, increased risk of heart disease and stroke.
 Crib or cot death has even been attributed to cow’s milk allergy.
 When you consume cow’s milk, it causes excessive mucus to be formed in the lungs, sinus and intestine, which
hardens to form a coating on the inner wall of the intestines, leading to poor absorption of nutrients, constipation and
endless potential health issues.
Imagine the havoc cow’s milk can do to an infant. No wonder asthma and bronchitis are so rampant in our young
Healthier alternatives to pasteurized milk and dairy

Seeds, nuts and crunchy vegetables like broccoli, cabbage, carrots and cauliflower are all great sources of calcium.

God has designed mothers to feed babies with breast milk. But in these modern days, mothers are too busy that we
have resorted to cow’s milk, bringing up a generation of sickly children who have weak immune systems. If breast
milk is not available, use goat’s milk, rice milk or almond milk.

2. Soda and Carbonated Drinks

If you drink soda and carbonated drinks regularly, you would do yourself a great favor to gradually eliminate them
from your diet.

The problems with soda and carbonated drinks

A can of fizzy drink contains up to 15 teaspoons of sugar, 150 empty calories, 30 to 55 mg of caffeine, is loaded with
harmful artificial food colors, flavorings and preservatives, and contains zero nutritional value.

Some soda drinks are “disguised” as “diet soda” where dangerous sweeteners like aspartame are added.

Some are marketed as “energy drinks” and give an instant but short-term energy boost. Once the initial kick wears
off, energy levels dwindle and you may crave another can. This can eventually lead some people to get hooked.

Why are soda and carbonated drinks bad for you?

 Fizzy drinks are acid-creating.

 Numerous health side effects are associated with aspartame ingestion, including brain damage, diabetes, emotional
disorders, decreased vision, ringing in the ears, memory loss, heart palpitations and shortness of breath.
 The high sugar content level in sodas leads to many health problems and suppress the appetite for nutritious foods.
This results in nutritional deficiency.
 Regularly drinking high sugar drinks leads to tooth decay.

Healthier alternatives to soda

As part of a healthy, holistic lifestyle you should drink the correct amount of water each day to quench your thirst.

For an instant energy boost, fresh fruit juices are a healthy and nutritious alternative.

Read: Soft Drinks: What You Don’t Know Can Kill You.

3. Prescription Drugs

The problem with prescription drugs

If you are on any medication, it is acid-forming and causes your blood to thicken. You may even be prescribed
another medication to “thin” your blood but this can cause stomach ulcers.

A third drug may be prescribed to “counter” your ulcer, but may cause you constipation. Constipation will cause you
a many other health problems and so the downward spiral continues.

The upshot: your immune system is compromised and other diseases may surface, such as, diabetes, high blood
pressure, poor circulation, high cholesterol and yeast infection. You keep getting prescribed more and more
medication for each problem. Do you see the vicious cycle?
Avoiding prescription drugs where possible

Find a physician who understands holistic health and discuss how to reduce your medication. Begin by eating more
alkaline-forming foods. Take control of your own body and your own health!

4. Refined Sugars

The problems with refined sugars

The human body is designed to run primarily on complex carbohydrates from whole grains, vegetables, beans and
pulses. Complex carbohydrates are broken down by the body throughout the day, providing a steady supply of energy
to the body.

We also get a second type of simpler sugar, fructose from fruits, though this only gives short-term energy.

However, technology has allowed us to extracted the sweetness in the form of refined sugar, but leaving behind all of
the nutrients. Refined sugar is lethal for human consumption because it has been depleted of its life forces, vitamins
and minerals.

Why is refined sugar bad for you?

Sources of simple sugars such as white sugar, brown sugar and glucose, release glucose almost immediately into the
blood stream causing a rapid increase in our blood sugar levels. If this sugar is not required by the body, it is stored as

When the blood sugar level rises, the pancreas releases insulin into the blood stream. Insulin is a hormone that helps
regulate the level of blood sugar.

When we consume food that releases sugar fast (high glycemic index), our body over-reacts to the increase in blood
glucose by producing more insulin than necessary.

As a result, blood glucose falls too much within a short time, causing you to feel hungry again. When you respond to
that hunger by eating another high glycemic meal, it sets off another up-down cycle in the insulin level.

Over time, these exaggerated rise and falls in the insulin level will lead to a reduction in the body’s ability to respond
to insulin and the development of a condition called insulin resistance.

When this happens, the glucose level in the blood system remains constantly high. The pancreas responds by
producing more and more insulin to try to maintain the sugar blood level, until it can no longer keep up.

This condition is directly damaging to the cells and can cause severe long-term damage to the body.

Common health problems that are related to this condition are insomnia, obesity, type-II diabetes, polycystic ovary
disease, cardiovascular disease, high blood pressure, and hormone related cancers.

Do not be deceived and use artificial sweetener. They mostly contain aspartame that are more damaging than refined

Healthier alternatives to refined sugar

The best way is to not actually consume refined sugars at all. You can ween yourself off by cutting down on sweet
foods such as cakes and pop, and avoid adding too much refined sugar to your cooking, tea and coffee.

Stevia is a much healthier plant-based alternative to sugar.

Read: Early Warning Signs That Your Body Is Overloaded With Sugar.

5. Manufactured Table Salt

The salt I’m referring to here is manufactures table salt (sodium chloride), as opposed to far healthier alternatives
such as sea salt, which is packed with other minerals.

The problems with manufactured table salt

Although the body needs sodium, it must be in an organic form to be useful. Refined table salt, sodium chloride, is an
inorganic sodium compound that is toxic and causes the body to retain fluid.

Why is table salt bad for you?

 Refined salt is highly acidic in the body.

 High intake of sodium chloride thickens and stiffens arteries and increases the risks of strokes, and heart attack.
 Table salt accelerates the rate of renal functional deterioration.
 Sodium chloride draws calcium from your bones, which is excreted in the urine. This leads to early and painful
osteoporosis, or the thinning and fracturing of your bones.

Healthy alternatives to manufactured salt

Sea salt and rock salts are 100% natural; alkalizing on the body; and packed with other essential minerals such as
iron, magnesium, potassium, iodine and zinc. Here is a comprehensive list of healthy alternative salts.

6. White Flour Products

What is white flour and how is it produced?

White flour is manufactured from whole grain wheat. The bran and germ (which contain almost all of the nutrition)
are removed and discarded, before the flour is bleached with a deadly chemical called “alloxan“, which also destroys
the beta-cells of the pancreas, a cause of type 2 diabetes.

Finally, coal-tar-derived, carcinogenic vitamins are added and sold to the unsuspecting public as “enriched” flour.

Why is white flour bad for you?

 White flour has little to no nutritional value

 White flour makes your blood sugar rise more than refined sugar.
 It is hard to chew and very low in fiber, putting pressure on the digestive system. Intestinal infections are a direct
outcome of white flour consumption.
 Used to bleach white flour, alloxan destroys the beta-cells of the pancreas, a cause of type 2 diabetes.

Wheat bread has recently been introduced as the “healthier option”. Do not be deceived. Studies have shown that
wheat is contaminated with a germ called mycotoxin. Consumed in high amounts, mycotoxin can be lethal and has
been reported to cause rheumatoid arthritis, miscarriage, headaches, infertility, slow growth development in children
and irritable bowel.

Moreover, wheat converts to sugar rapidly and accelerates aging in people with low metabolic rate.
Foods that contain white flour

Be wary of things made from flour, e.g. bread, cakes, pancakes, pasta, etc. If you must eat them, eat them sparingly.
“Foods” made of flour has no nutritional value at all, and cause more harm to your body than good. Combine this
with sugar and high heat baking, you have the perfect combination to all kinds of degenerative diseases.

Healthy alternatives to white flour

A balanced diet should contains a variety of wholegrain cereals such as barley, rice, millet, spelt and quinoa.

Read: The shocking truth why bread is bad for you. But, if you really must eat bread, choose Ezekiel bread.

7. Meat Products

The problems with modern meat

We are taught that meat is high in protein and iron so is good for you. Unless you choose organic there are a number
of problems with eating too much meat:

 Most commercially produced meat today, whether chicken, beef, pork or lamb, has received multiple hormone
treatments: to make the animal grow quicker, to increase milk production and to make the meat more tender.
 Antibiotics are also used widely on animals to prevent infection and to enhance growth — to produce cheaper meat
and higher profits.
 I will mention but not go into the health and ethical issues of eating battery farmed animals over free range or wild
animal in this article.

Why is eating too much red meat bad for you?

 Meat proteins are acid-forming in the body.

 Most of us are in danger of too much protein intake than too little. Excess protein is a contributor to osteoporosis,
acidity overload of the kidneys and increased risk of kidney stone formation.
 The hormones found in meat are estrogen-dominant and have been linked to breast cancer, fibroids, endometriosis as
well as ovarian and cervical cancer in women.
In men, the common symptoms are prostate and testicular cancer, loss of libido, impotence and breast enlargement.
 Meat has been linked to diseases of the digestive system, heart disease and cancer of the stomach and colon.
 Antibiotics found in non-organic meat can enter the body.
 Eating lots of meat puts stress on the digestive system.

Plant proteins are also acid-forming but are more easily assimilated when compared to animal proteins.

Healthier alternatives to meat

Healthier protein rich foods are small or fresh water fish, beans, lentils, bean curd and whole grains. Try to eat
organic where possible.

If you must eat meat, try to avoid beef and pork, or consume no more than three portions a week. Aim for natural
organically produced meat from mountain animals left out to pasture. Such animals have a diet of fresh grass and
medicinal mountain flowers!

Read: Why You Should Eat Only Grass-Fed Meat.

8. Refined Vegetable Cooking Oils

Our body needs essential fats. However, not all oils are created equal. This article explains in more detail about the
various types of fats—those that are healing, and those that are harmful.

Why are some oils bad for you?

For a long time now, these all vegetable cooking oils have been mistakenly regarded as the “healthier” choice, but
experts now recognize this fatal mistake.

Vegetable oils are heavily refined and processed when making them into cooking oils, rendering them toxic. After
processing the oils oxidize resulting in the formation of transfats and damaging free radicals (this is a process called

The best alternative cooking oils

The truth is, coconut oil which have been regarded as unhealthy is the better choice for cooking. Unlike most
unsaturated oils, coconut oil does not turn toxic when cooked.

Extra virgin olive oil (preferably cold-pressed) is great for light cooking and sauteing; but for high heat cooking,
these oils are recommended: avocado oil, coconut oil and ghee.

Also Read: A Critical Look At Vegetable And Seed Oils: Good or Bad?

9. Fried Foods

While many of us know that fast foods are bad, we don’t know just “how bad” they are, to stop eating them. We
spend our hard-earned money on the very things that are killing us, then our lifetime savings on medical bills.

Why are fried foods bad for you?

 Heated oils are acid-forming in the body.

 Frying at high temperatures produce oxidants that cause cancer.
 Scientific research has found a cancer-causing substance called acrylamide in foods cooked at high temperatures.
While the safe limit set for acrylamide in food is ten parts per billion (ppb), French fries and potato chips are found to
contain more than a hundred times this amount!
Acrylamide is produced when foods are browned or burnt, or cooked or processed using high heat. These methods
include frying, barbecuing, baking, and even by microwaving.

Healthy alternatives to frying

Steaming, quick stir-fry or blanching are all healthier ways to cook foods, ensuring they do not contain oxidants as
the food is not burnt.

Conclusion – how to maintain a healthy pH balance in the body

I’m not saying don’t eat acid-forming foods: just eat them in smaller amounts whilst eating more alkaline-forming

As a rule of thumb to avoid an acidic state within your body, cut down on foods that contain refined grains, refined
sugar and artificial sweeteners, red meats, gluten, dairy and fried foods.

Alkaline forming foods are generally raw, whole foods such as fresh fruit, vegetables, greens, seeds, nuts, beans,
pulses, lentils, herbs and spices.
Remember, a healthy stress-free lifestyle with plenty of exercise is also key to creating the right alkaline balance
within the body to keep your illness and disease-free.
Find out more from the alkaline food list.

Alkaline Foods List: The Most Effective Alkalizing

Foods To Reset pH Balance
The human diet must consist of a variety of different foods from this alkaline foods list, in order to have a balanced
vitamin-to-mineral status.

Due to the fast-pace of modern life, and the fact that today’s fruits and vegetables are not grown the same way as they
were 40 years ago, many of us tend to use dietary supplements.

The Acid-Alkaline Balance

Before we go into why we need to eat more alkaline-forming foods, let’s first understand what is our body pH and
what happens when our body is acidic.

What does pH stand for?

pH stands for “potential of Hydrogen”. Technically, pH reflects the concentration of hydrogen ions (positively
charged molecules) in any given solution.

A pH value is a number from 1 to 14, with 7 being at the middle point (neutral). Values below 7 indicate the acidity
level, with 0 being the most acidic.

Values above 7 indicate the alkalinity level, with 14 being the most alkaline.

What is normal human body pH?

The pH levels vary throughout a human body.

For example, your stomach produces acid for food digestion, thus it needs to be a pH of 3.5 or below.

Urine tests usually measure at an average of pH 6.0. If it’s a smaller number than this, it may indicate an acidic
environment that is conducive to kidney stones and other diseases.

Urine tests can provide the best estimate of what’s happening in the body’s tissues, but it is not always accurate.
Blood pH is more reliable and a better indicator of internal health conditions.

Generally, your blood is slightly alkaline at a pH of between 7.35 and 7.45. But, ideally, it should be maintained
tightly at a pH of 7.365.

Your body will always try to maintain the blood at this pH level, but what happens when there is an imbalance?

What happens if your body is too acidic?

Your body will go to great lengths to maintain appropriate, slightly alkaline blood. However, when you consume too
much acid-forming foods in the long term, it cannot cope up.
Our bodies cannot tolerate extended acid imbalances. In the early stages of the imbalance, symptoms may be mild,
such as skin eruptions, headaches, allergies, low immunity, sinusitis and so forth. But, in the long run, organs in the
body become weakened and start to give way, resulting in diseases.

In its effort to stay neutral for as long as possible, calcium (an alkaline mineral) may be leached from the bones in
your body’s effort to maintain homeostasis blood pH, leading to osteoporosis.

Other alkaline minerals will also be drawn out from tissues to compensate, such as magnesium from muscles, leading
to muscle cramps.

Overacidification of blood pH sets the perfect environment for sickness and diseases to take a foothold. This includes
overgrowth of yeasts, bacteria, viruses and parasites that can cause a whole set of other health problems.

The more acidic the blood, the more oxygen levels will decrease and cellular metabolism will stop and die
prematurely. This is a state of acidosis.

In fact, Dr Otto Heinrich Warburg said that “Cancer grows in oxygen deprived acidic tissue”.

What happens if your body is too alkaline?

While your body can become acidic with a poor diet, overdoing alkaline foods, juices and supplements may also
cause alkalosis. Other underlying health issues such as low potassium or hypokalemia may also contribute to an
overalkaline condition.

In a state of alkalosis, your body may experience involuntary muscle twitchings or spasms, numbness, cramping, or
even go into a state of shock.

One of the biggest mistakes I often see in cases of alkalosis is of people drinking excessive alkaline water. This is the
reason why alkaline water is not a good idea in trying to make your body alkaline.

How to know if your body is too acidic or too alkaline?

One of the ways that you can know if your blood is too acidic is when your blood is thick. Unfortunately, there is no
way to know whether your blood is thick unless you do a blood test.

So, another way to check is by knowing your symptoms. This doesn’t require pricking with a needle.

Dr Eric Berg explains it well in this video:

What Foods Are Highly Alkaline?

What’s an easy way to understand which foods are alkaline and which are acidic? We discuss this below.

Alkaline-forming Foods

Foods that are rich in the alkaline minerals are often alkaline-forming. And I’m talking about the nutrient contents,
not the taste.

Vegetables and some fruits fall into this category of alkaline-forming foods. A majority of your foods (80%) should
ideally be alkaline-forming foods.

Not only are vegetables and fruits alkaline-forming, they are also very low in calories and rich in nutrients. They
contain vitamins, minerals, fiber, enzymes, phytonutrients and are excellent foods for cell hydration.
Acid-forming Foods

Acid-forming foods should form about 20% of your diet to have that right balance. However, it is important to choose
your 20% from the “healthier” items in this list:

Eat: Animal protein (grass fed or wild is preferred), fish, eggs, fermented foods, some fruits, lentils and legumes,
most seeds and nuts.

Eat less or avoid: Processed and refined foods, dairy, grains, alcohol, flour and sugar products (pastries and bread),
soda and carbonated drinks, refined vegetable cooking oils. Read more >>

Food Groups That Are Alkalizing

1. All Green Vegetables

Green vegetables have all the right nutrients the body needs. They are alkaline-forming foods that also have very high
antioxidant contents, making them the ideal foods to help reset the body pH levels.

The following is a list of vegetables that are most alkaline:

 Artichokes
 Asparagus
 Aubergine
 Barley grass
 Beetroot
 Beetgreens
 Bell pepper (capsicum)
 Broccoli
 Brussels sprouts
 Cabbage
 Cauliflower
 Celery
 Chicory
 Collard greens
 Cucumber
 Daikon
 Endive
 Ginger
 Kale
 Kohlrabi
 Leek
 Lettuce
 Lotus root
 Mustard greens
 Okra
 Romaine lettuce
 Rutabaga
 Spinach
 Sprouts
 Turnip greens
 Watercress
 Wheatgrass
 Zucchini

2. Fresh Fruits

 Avocado
 Coconut, young
 Lemon
 Lime
 Papaya
 Tomato
 Watermelon


 All berries
 Cherries
 Grapefruit
 Guava
 Kiwifruit
 Olive
 Persimmon
 Plum
 Pomegranate
 Tangerine


This list of mildly acidic fruits is added here as the healthier choices of foods that should be included in your diet to
form the 20% acidic foods.

 Apple
 Apricot
 Banana
 Currants
 Dates
 Fig
 Grapes
 Mandarin
 Mango
 Orange
 Peach
 Pear
 Pineapple

3. Herbs

All herbs are alkaline-forming, especially the bitter herbs. As herbs are often used for medicinal purposes, it is best to
consult your herbalist who can advise you on best herbs to take for your specific health needs.

4. Miscellaneous

Other alkaline-forming foods that you can include in your alkaline diet, also for their rich nutrient contents:

 Seaweeds: kelp, wakame, nori, dulse

 Algae: spirulina and chlorella
 Medicinal mushrooms: shiitake, maitake, reishi, chaga
 Oils: almond oil, coconut oil, flaxseed oil
 Goat milk
 Herbal teas
 Baking soda

9 Safe, Natural Blood Thinners To Reduce Blood Clots

(Thrombosis) And Risk of Stroke
Have you ever gone for a blood test, and when the needle is inserted into your veins to draw out blood, the blood
doesn’t flow out smoothly? If that happened, you know you have thick, coagulated blood.

Before you start taking a blood thinning tablet, you need to understand WHY you have thick blood and what you can
do about it. I believe in always treating the root cause of a problem, instead of taking a pill to try to dissolve or
suppress a symptom.

What Is Thick Blood?

Thick blood, or hypercoagulability, is a condition where your blood is thicker and stickier than what it should be.
With hypercoagulability, you will be more susceptible to excessive blood clots (thrombosis) that can lead to a stroke
or tissue and organ damage.

Blood clots can form in both arteries and veins. When these clots travel to your heart or lungs, they can get stuck in
your blood vessels and cause problems.

Deep vein thrombosis (DVT) occurs when a blood clot forms in a deep vein, usually in your legs, or sometimes in
your arms. When a blood clot occurs in your brain, it can cause stroke or an aneurysm. When it forms in your heart, it
causes a heart attack.

Health Consequences of Thick Blood

Having thick blood also means that you have a poor blood flow. Poor blood circulation may result in:

 Oxygen hunger of the tissues and organs

 Decreased energy
 Impaired immunity
 Hormonal disruption
 Slow metabolism

Symptoms of Thick Blood and Poor Blood Flow

With poor functioning of the above processes in the body, you may experience various symptoms:

 High blood pressure

 Fatigue and constant sleepiness
 Shortness of breath
 Brain fog
 Blurred vision
 Lightheadedness
 Headaches
 Cold hands, feet, ears and nose
 Numbing or tingling sensation in the hands and feet
 Slow healing of wounds and bruises
 Impaired immune system
 Digestive disorders
 Dry and itchy skin
 Hair loss

Causes of Thick Blood

There are a number of factors that can cause thick blood and poor blood circulation:

 Certain medical conditions

 Being on long-term medications
 Chronic dehydration
 Poor diet
 Stressful lifestyle

The issues we want to address here that are within our control, is our lifestyle and diet.

Poor Lifestyle And Diet Habits

Chronic Dehydration

Chronic dehydration is a major contributor to thick blood. Drinking insufficient water for an extended period is one
cause. Drinking the wrong types of beverages is another cause.

Drinks such as alcohol, sodas, sports drinks, sweetened beverages, and boxed drinks will only worsen your
dehydration issue.

A dehydrated blood is simply not-so-fluid, thus is unable to even perform its basic function that is to carry
oxygenated blood and nutrients to be distributed throughout the body. So, you can imagine the damage that it can
cause to your tissues and organs, when left untreated.

Poor Diet — Foods That Thicken Blood

A poor diet that is low in fiber, high in the wrong types of fats, processed foods and sugar is one of the major
problems most Americans have, diet-wise.

This kind of diet (a.k.a. SAD—Standard American Diet) first of all, causes chronic constipation and eventually leads
to a sluggish or fatty liver, resulting in thick blood and many other health issues.

Processed foods have no nutrition that your body needs. Eating a diet that is high in processed foods means that your
body has to expend its own nutrients to digest these foods, gradually depleting your own supply of nutrients that is
not being replenished sufficiently.

Other than not having any nutrition and depleting your body’s nutrients, processed foods also contain artificial food
additives that act as toxins in your body that contribute to blood thickening. Toxins in the blood lowers your blood
pH to become acidic.

To put it simply:


Stressful Lifestyle

Chronic stress is a threat to your body’s homeostasis and detrimental to the functions of your gut.
When you’re stressed, your adrenals produce adrenaline that increases your blood pressure and energy supplies. The
primary stress hormone cortisol, curbs non-essential functions in a flight-or-flight situation.

In extended periods of stress, your immune system responses will be altered, digestive system suppressed,
reproductive and growth processes will be affected.

When you’re constantly stressed, the long-term activation of the stress-response system is activated and eventually
cause disruption in all your body’s processes, including your blood quality, putting you at risk of many health

Blood Thinning Medications

As discussed above, thick blood can cause blood clotting (thrombosis) and other health conditions, increasing the
likelihood of various medical concerns, including strokes, heart attacks, and even death.

While blood thinning medications such as Warfarin (or Coumadin, the brand name) and aspirin may help prevent
blood clots and stroke, it shouldn’t be taken for long-term.

Dangerous Side Effects of Blood Thinning Medications

These medications have been known to cause a host of side effects. Warfarin and other blood thinners could cause
any of these bleeding issues:

 Profuse bleeding from a minor wound

 Bleeding in the stomach or intestines
 Stomach or peptic ulcers
 Bleeding in the eye
 Easy bruising, including in the brain
 Blood in the urine
 Allergic reations
 Any abnormal bleeding

Complications of Atrial Fibrillation (AFib) and Blood Clots

The most common cause of stroke is a blood clot. AFib puts patients at an increased risk for stroke
because blood may not be properly pumped out of the heart, which may cause it to pool and form a clot. This clot can
then travel to the brain and block the flow of blood to part of the brain which can result in a stroke.

When it comes to treating AFib there are two primary treatment goals:

 Reducing the risk of blood clots and stroke

 Managing abnormal heart rate or rhythm

Natural Blood Thinners for Atrial Fibrillation (Afib)

With atrial fibrillation, blood thinners which include Aspirin, Warfarin and Plavix are often prescribed. But, if you
are a low-stroke risk AFib patient, the medications may actually increase both bleeding and stroke risk!

Instead of taking these medications that have dangerous side effects, start to include alkaline-forming foods into your
diet. The following suggestions for natural blood thinners are excellent foods to reduce the risks of bleeding and
stroke, in patients of atrial fibrillation.
Natural Blood Thinners To Reduce Blood Clots And Risk Of Stroke

As with most medical conditions, the healthy solution is to make some changes to your diet.

By including foods that are natural blood thinners, you can enjoy the same benefits as a pharmaceutical blood thinner
without the risks of adverse effects.

Natural healing takes time, as opposed to taking pills that provide an instant effect. Natural foods bring healing,
whereas pills only suppress the symptoms.

Natural Blood Thinning Foods And Drinks

What are the best natural blood thinners that won’t cause side effects? Basically, almost all plant-based whole foods
are alkaline-forming. Alkaline-forming foods help reverse an acidic blood.

Remember this:


The opposite is true:


Human blood pH is slightly alkaline at about 7.35 to 7.45. With high consumption of acid-forming foods, blood pH
becomes acidic, thus is susceptible to diseases and hosts harmful microbes and pathogens.

Studies show that an acidic environment helps cancer cells to grow. In order to reverse diseases, we need to eat more
of alkaline-forming foods (80%) and less of acid-forming foods (20%).

1. Water And Hydration

This may not sound like a blood thinner but it absolutely works, and is free! Dehydration can lead to thickening of
your blood, which increases your risk of developing a blood clot, along with other medical concerns related to

Make sure that you drink plenty of water throughout the day, every day, to keep your cardiovascular system healthy.
The type of water you drink also plays a part.

Drinking alkaline water as some “experts” suggest may be beneficial for a period, but alkaline water is not the best
long-term solution.

The best hydration fluids are freshly-extracted juices as they are also alkalizing. See item 7 below.

2. Garlic

Eating raw garlic can significantly lower blood cholesterol and triglyceride levels and thereby, reducing the risk of
plaque formation and heart disease, and preventing the formation of blood clots in the body.

Apart from preventing blood clots, garlic has significant antioxidant activities that protect the blood vessels and heart
from the harmful effects of free radicals.

Several human studies have found that garlic may be beneficial in the prevention of thrombosis. Garlic is shown to
inhibit platelet adhesion or aggregation.
3. Turmeric

If you have spent any time researching natural remedies for various ailments, you have most likely come across
turmeric as a “miracle spice”.

Turmeric is commonly used in curry dishes and Indian cuisine, along with providing a wide assortment of medical
benefits. Curcumin, the polyphenol derived from the plant has been used extensively in complementary and
alternative medicine for its various therapeutic properties.

It helps prevent blood clotting, acting as an antiplatelet. You can add freshly ground turmeric powder to water, tea,
curry, salads, and other meals. Taking a curcumin supplement daily might be a better alternative to a pharmaceutical
drug. Find out how to grow turmeric at home.

4. Ginger

Ginger is almost as powerful as turmeric in terms of its anti-coagulating properties.

Case studies reported ginger’s most significant effect on platelet aggregation, making it useful for blood thinning

Ginger contains a natural acid called salicylate that is an anti-inflammatory and anti-coagulating compound. The
pharmaceutical lab imitates Nature by creating Aspirin (acetylsalicylic acid) — a synthetic derivative of salicylate
and a blood thinner. However, a dangerous side effect of Aspirin as a blood thinner is stomach ulcer.

Add ginger in any of your juices, teas, broths or cooking to enjoy its immense health benefits.

5. Cayenne Pepper

Another spice that is great to be included as a natural blood thinner is cayenne pepper. This actually may be one of
the fastest-acting blood thinners on this list.

Cayenne pepper helps to facilitate better blood circulation, improving blood flow to the brain, strengthening heart
beat and preventing adhesion of platelets that can cause blood clots. Blood clots are deadly in individuals with high
blood pressure as it can lead to stroke or aneurysm.

Consuming large amounts of cayenne pepper can help break apart blood clots and provide some blood thinning
benefits. But, a word of caution, this is spicy hot and not for the faint hearted!

Add a small amount of cayenne pepper to your tea, and your meals throughout the day to help promote better heart

6. Pineapple

Pineapple contains an enzyme called bromelain. This enzyme helps to protect against the formation of uric acid
crystals. These crystals are known to cause gout and kidney stones.

Bromelain is also a natural blood thinner, as it can help reduce the excessive adhesiveness of blood platelets. These
benefits are increased if you combine pineapple with turmeric and ginger. Make a pineapple smoothie like this.

7. High Water Content Fruits and Vegetables

High water content fruits and vegetables are some of the best foods you can add to your daily diet to naturally thin
your blood. (High water content = alkalizing).
These fruits and vegetables work threefold in reducing blood clots fast — they are highly cleansing, alkalizing and
mineralizing in hydrating your body. This means that they are able to cleanse your blood of toxins, they are alkaline-
forming and provide the minerals that your body needs to function better.

Not only are these foods alkalizing, they are also rich in enzymes and phytonutrients that are protective of your health
in many ways, thus may reverse many of your health symptoms at the same time.

Some examples of high water content fruits and vegetables (in no particular order):

Fruits: Apple, cantaloupe, citrus fruits (especially lemon and grapefruit), coconut water, cranberries,
honeymelon, rose apple, strawberries, tomato, watermelon.

Vegetables: Sweet peppers, bokchoy, celery, cucumber, iceberg lettuce, radish, watercress, zucchini.

Natural Blood Thinning Supplements

8. Vitamin B3

There are eight different B vitamins, including vitamin B3—also referred to as niacin. The B vitamins are responsible
for converting carbohydrates into glucose, which your body uses for energy.

The B vitamins help your body use protein, and fats are needed to maintain healthy skin, hair, liver, and nervous
system function.

Niacin has been used as a natural blood thinning supplement to lower bad cholesterol for decades, and could help
reduce the risk of heart disease or stroke. If you decide to take niacin to prevent blood clotting, start with a very low
amount of about 50mg. Read up about vitamin B3 and understand the flushing effect before you start on it.

9. Vitamin E

Vitamin E has a variety of medical benefits, from helping to heal wounds to promoting better skin.

While these are great reasons to consume more vitamin E, it can also be used to prevent blood clots and the hardening
of arteries.

Vitamin E dissolves in fat and is found in eggs, meat, cereal and various fresh fruits and vegetables. Vitamin E
capsules are also a good option to ensure you get your daily supply.

If you have been searching for an alternative to prescription blood thinners such as warfarin, then consider including
the above foods in your daily diet.

Grounding: Walking Barefoot To Reduce Blood Clots

Our constant contact with electronic devices/gadgets like computers, tablets, smart phones, etc. expose our body to
electromagnetic fields that can be detrimental to our health.

When you walk barefoot on earth, your sole’s contact with earth soaks up millions of electrons into your body that
detoxifies. It has an alkalizing effect on your body that “thins blood” and helps reduce blood viscosity
that is a common cause of insomnia, fatigue, blood clots, stroke, heart attack, diabetes and other diseases.
Caution on Using Natural Blood Thinners:

If you’re on any medication, make sure that you check with your health practitioner before using any of the above
suggestions to help thin your blood.

Serious Memory Problems That Are Not Dementia,

That Can Be Reversed
According to a recent survey conducted by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), 1 in every 9
adults aged over 45 years experiences memory problems, which often are the earliest symptoms of Alzheimer’s
disease and other forms of dementia.

What’s even worse is that more than half of these adults (who experienced memory problems over the last 12
months) didn’t visit a doctor to discuss the issue. Most of them thought that this memory decline was just a normal
thing for their age group.

It’s not. Memory decline is NOT a normal part of aging.

If you noticed your memory isn’t as sharp as it used to be, or if you know someone who’s currently dealing with
memory problems, remember that this is an issue that can often be reversed quite easily.

Common Causes Of Memory Problems That Are Not Dementia

Let’s take a good look at the most common causes of reversible memory problems.

Researchers now know, and call our gut the “second brain”. If you noticed below, all the causes of memory problems
start in the gut.

Nutritional imbalances, ingestion of chemicals and drugs, stress (that causes issues in the gut)—they all begin in the
gut. So, it makes sense to reverse the problem, also through the gut!

1. Nutritional Imbalances And Deficiencies

Your diet has a tremendous impact on your memory, attention, focus, and all other functions of your brain.

 Eating too much fat and sugar may impair different forms of memory
 Memory loss is present in 84.2% of patients with vitamin B12 deficiency
 Vitamin D deficiency was linked to visual memory loss
 Omega-3 deficiency was associated with cognitive decline

In other words, to keep your memory sharp throughout the years, it’s important to follow a well-balanced diet rich in
all the essential micro and macronutrients.

2. Consumption of Artificial Food Additives

There are hundreds of commonly used artificial food additives out there—preservatives, food colorings, flavor
enhancers, sweeteners, and many more. Although the general opinion is that they are relatively safe for human health,
studies suggest that things aren’t that simple.

For example, animal studies indicate that exposing female rats to a mixture of common food dyes results in impaired
learning and memory in their offspring.
A similar effect, although milder, was observed when adult rats and mice were given tartrazine, a common yellow
food colorant.

The point here is that we can’t be 100% sure that artificial food additives are safe in terms of memory, but we do
know that they don’t provide any benefits at all.

So isn’t it better to avoid them? Natural is always better, as far as nutrition goes!

3. Side Effects of Medications

Many conventional drugs can cause memory problems, both short- and long-term. However, most of these changes
are reversible over the course of several months after you stop taking the medications in question.

According to the American Association of Retired Persons (AARP), the most common pharmacological culprits of
memory problems are:

 Benzodiazepines (anti-anxiety and sedative drugs)

 Statins (cholesterol-lowering drugs)
 Antiseizure drugs
 Opioid painkillers
 Medications for Parkinson’s disease
 Beta-blockers (antihypertensive drugs)
 Some sleeping aids
 Anticholinergic drugs (often used to treat incontinence and overactive bladder)
 First-generation antihistamines (anti-allergy drugs)

Of course, this doesn’t mean you should stop taking any of these meds before discussing the matter with your doctor.

The best step-by-step process would look like this:

 Tell your doctor you have been dealing with memory problems lately, and that you suspect this may have something
to do with the medications you’re currently taking
 Discuss available alternatives—other meds, smaller doses, etc.
 Agree on a solution to try out and on a term after which you will evaluate the effectiveness of the new approach

Rinse and repeat, while also correcting your diet. Some of these medications may cause depletion of certain nutrients
in your body, so it makes sense to also take these supplements, until you see improvements!

4. Stress and Physical Inactivity

Stress, especially chronic stress, is a well-known risk factor for Alzheimer’s disease and other memory problems.
Being physically inactive and leading a sedentary lifestyle are other risk factors for cognitive decline.

And here’s the punchline: studies indicate that stress makes people less likely to be physically active, even though
exercising significantly reduces perceived stress. It’s a vicious cycle: being stressed drives you away from one of the
most effective ways of being less stressed.

In other words, by engaging in physical activity you can basically kill two birds with one stone and get rid of two
possible reasons for memory problems!

Working out improves the blood flow throughout your body, meaning your brain will receive more oxygen and
nutrients, which directly leads to better memory.
5. Mercury and Other Heavy Metal Poisoning

Heavy metal poisoning is another fairly common reason of memory problems in any age group. Mercury is known to
head straight to the brain, once ingested, causing many brain issues.

Contaminated crops, water, air pollution—all of these can be sources of heavy metals that get deposited in the tissues
of your body and gradually decline their functions. Brain functions are no exception:

 Mercury toxicity is often characterized by memory problems, depression, and chronic fatigue
 Cadmium toxicity was linked to problems in olfactory memory and general cognitive decline in animal studies
 Cobalt and chromium toxicity has been linked to depression and short-term memory as well

Although we can’t really change the global ecology, we can support the natural resources of our bodies to combat the
heavy metals we interact with.

 Eat more fresh vegetables and fruit for antioxidative support

 From time to time, engage in a heavy metal detox using natural chelating foods like wheatgrass, garlic, cilantro, and
green tea

Gastrointestinal Disorders

Before diving into eating brain-boosting foods and taking the targeted supplements, doing a gastrointestinal cleanse
can help clear up a lot of old feces that are causing your gut to be sluggish. With a good gut cleanse, your body will
be able to absorb these nutrients way better.

The following groups of individuals with memory problems or brain fog, most likely also have gastrointestinal
disorders and infestations of harmful microbes—bacterial, yeasts (Candida) and/or parasitical:

 Being on long-term medications

 Eating a diet that is mainly processed foods that contain high amounts of artificial food additives
 Suffering from extended periods of stress
 Having heavy metal poisoning

If you fall into any of these groups, you may have the following symptoms, other than memory problems:

 Irritable bowel syndrome

 Chronic constipation
 Ulcerative colitis
 Diverticulosis
 Gas and bloating
 Abdominal distension
 Crohn’s disease

Alongside the gastrointestinal cleanse, doing a parasite cleanse is also essential in “cleaning up” the body for better
function. Once the gut is healed, chances are high that your memory problems will be reversed.

Natural Brain Boosters

Of all the natural ways to boost your brain power (on top of doing the proper cleanses) in general and memory
specifically, these foods are the most effective ones—and they’re backed by scientific studies!

Try out these natural remedies:

 Green juices are one of the first things that you must include in your daily routine, to help improve your brain health.
Green juices heal your gut, purify your blood, and improve blood flow that carries more oxygen and nutrients to your
brain. The more oxygen and nutrients you get into your brain, the better your brain function will be. The healthier
your gut is, the healthier your brain will be. Cilantro and parsley are two best greens to use for this purpose.
 Virgin coconut oil improves memory by supporting the brain’s signaling molecules, reducing oxidative stress, and
enhancing antioxidative efficiency. Clinical studies reported that Alzheimer’s patients fed 2.7 tablespoons of coconut
oil daily, to have improvements in cognitive status.
 Curcumin, the main polyphenol of turmeric, has anti-inflammatory and neuroprotective action, improves memory and
 Ginkgo biloba improves blood flow in the brain, has antioxidative and anti-inflammatory features, and is effective in
improving cognitive function and even treating diagnosed dementia.


Memory problems shouldn’t be taken lightly, no matter the age group: they are never a normal part of aging.
Moreover, memory problems aren’t necessarily signs of something terrible and irreversible.

In many cases, memory problems can be reversed if you know where to look for the reason. Conventional
medications, dietary deficiencies, physical inactivity, and even just chronic stress—all of these can lead to memory

The good news is that all of these causes can be alleviated or even fully reversed if you take action and approach the
matter with care.

Tiny Difference Between A1 and A2 Milk, But HUGE

Impact On Your Health
Did you know that not all milk is equally healthy for you? And it’s not even a matter of lactose intolerance, by the

As the latest studies suggest, the health impact of the milk you drink depends a lot on the breed of cow that produced
the milk.

Specifically, the two types of milk you should be aware of are A1 and A2 milk, as the latter option (A2) seems to be
much better for the human body.

Let’s understand more about the type or breed of cows that produce not only healthy milk, but milk that seems to be
able to reverse health conditions!

Milk Composition: What Is Milk Made Up Of?

According to the USDA food composition database, cow milk consists of about:

Water – 88.13%
Protein – 3.15%
Fat – 3.25%
Carbohydrate – 4.8%

So, there are about 3 grams of protein in each 100 g (about 3 ounces) of milk you drink. About 80% of this protein is
casein, the primary milk protein.
The catch here is that casein comes in several different forms, the most important of which are A1 and A2 beta-

This may sound like no big deal, but milk rich in A1 casein seems to be much quite detrimental to human health
compared to its A2 counterpart.

Difference Between A1 And A2 Milk

The difference between A1 and A2 beta-casein is as tiny as can be—a single amino acid in the long chain that makes
this protein. A1 casein contains the histidine amino acid as the 67th link in its chain, while A2 casein contains proline

Tiny Difference With Huge Consequences

However, this microscopic difference has huge consequences in the long run.

The human body’s digestive enzymes process A1 and A2 beta-casein differently. When A1 casein is processed, a
substance known as beta-casomorphin-7 (BCM-7) is formed. The digestion of A2 casein doesn’t form this

What is Beta-casomorphin-7 (BCM-7)?

Proteins in bovine milk are a common source of bioactive peptides that inhibit some enzyme activities. The term
“opioid” is used for substances having morphine-like activity that act by binding to opioid receptors.

Opioid substances are found in the center nervous system and the gastrointestinal tract. These peptides play a crucial
role in the response to pain and stress.

Epidemiological evidence has indicated that consumption of milk containing the A1 variant is linked to increased
risk of developing cardiovascular disease, type 1 diabetes, sudden infant death syndrome, autism and schizophrenia.

BCM-7 was found in milk, cheese, yogurt and some biological samples such as infant’s blood, urine from autistic
children and human milk.

Cows That Produce A1 Milk

The worst thing about this whole story is that whether a cow produces milk with A1 or A2 casein depends purely on
the cow’s species.

 A1 beta-casein is predominant in the Holstein Friesian, Ayrshire, and British Shorthorn breeds of dairy cows.
Geographically, these breeds of cows are most common in the United States, Europe (besides France), New Zealand,
and Australia.

Cows And Other Animals That Produce A2 Milk

 A2 beta-casein, on the other hand, is a major component of the milk of Guernsey and Jersey cows, Charolais and
Limousin (Southern French breeds), Channel Island, and Zebu cows (Africa, South Asia).
 Cows are sacred in India, and they have 37 pure cattle breeds. Some of the pure breeds that produce A2 milk are
Shahiwal, Gir, Red Sindhi, Tharpakar, Rathi, Kankrej and Ongole, just to name a few. Interestingly, every one of these
pure breed cows have a hump on their back. Unfortunately, some of these cows are being cross-bred with the
European species such as the Holstein Friesian, resulting in production of A1 milk.
 A2 beta-casein is also found in milk from goats, sheep, camels, yaks, donkeys and buffalos.
In other words, it has nothing to do with pollution, toxins, antibiotics used in the breeding process, or anything else.
It’s just some types of cow make A1 casein, and some cows produce the A2 type. Although those factors are also

What’s So Bad About A1 Milk?

Typical milk in the U.S. has a mix of A1 and A2 beta casein.

When previously we believed that cow’s milk was so bad for human health, due to the hormone growth and
antibiotics injected into the animal. Now we know that the source of harm is really deeper than that! It’s because they
are cows that produce A1 milk!

1. A1 milk may increase the risk of diabetes

Statistical studies have reported that type 1 diabetes is relatively rare in those populations where A2 is the main type
of milk, like in African tribes who drink milk from Zebu cows.

Some other studies reported that BCM-7, the compound that’s produced during the digestion of A1 milk, is able to
suppress the immune system, and this could be a contributing factor to the increased diabetes risk. This idea has been
confirmed in studies on mice, but data in humans is limited.

2. A1 milk may cause, or worsen milk intolerance

Here are some good news for the lactose-intolerant folks: maybe A1 beta-casein is the real culprit, not lactose.

Studies indicate that drinking A1 milk was linked to increased food transit time, inflammatory markers, abdominal
pain, and poor stool consistency.

In other words, it seems that the matter of milk intolerance isn’t as straightforward as we thought.

Yes, in many people it’s all about lactose, but then why some poor fellows suffer from abdominal pain and bloating
even drinking lactose-free milk? There is a good chance that A1 beta-casein could be the substance to blame.

3. A1 milk causes digestive disorders

I know of Asian families who after moving to the U.S. were charmed with the abundance of milk and dairy products
and began to include these in their daily diet.

Soon, these Asians begin to experience various digestive disorders. Although there could be any other factors that
contribute to digestive disorders, they were largely experiencing lactose intolerance and symptoms after drinking
milk for some time.

A1 milk may contribute to digestive inflammatory disorders such as IBS, Crohn’s, ulcerative colitis, leaky gut,
allergies, eczema and autoimmune diseases. Being overweight is another result of consuming A1 dairy products.

4. A1 milk may contribute to heart disease and cardiovascular death

Preliminary data points out that A1 milk consumption is linked to a higher incidence of ischemic heart disease (IHD)
and death from the condition. For example, a 2001 study reported that about 86% of deaths from IHD could have
something to do with A1 beta-casein consumption.

So, it doesn’t mean that drinking A1 milk will destroy your heart, but there seems to be a correlation between the
consumption of this protein and IHD mortality at the population scale.
Some animal studies reported that rabbits fed with A1 beta-casein developed more prominent atherosclerosis than
animals fed with A2 beta-casein.

5. A1 milk may contribute to sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS)

Also known as crib death, sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) is defined as the death of an apparently healthy baby
during his or her first year of life, usually during sleep.

In developed countries, SIDS is one of the 5 most common causes of infant death.

Although this dreadful condition is still shrouded in mystery and we don’t know exactly what causes it, we know that
sleep apnea is considered to be one of the main risk factors.

A 2011 study reported that a high level of BCM-7 (the peptide that’s produced from A1 milk) is found in some babies
with sleep apnea. Although more studies are needed to confirm the link, some scientists believe that BCM-7 could
suppress the respiratory center in the infant’s brain, leading to apnea and, in some cases, death.

As you see, there’s quite a growing concern regarding A1 milk and how it could impact human health. But what’s the
alternative? The short answer: A2 milk.

What’s So Good About A2 Milk?

Interestingly, human breast milk contains only A2 protein. If you know how good human breast milk is for a child,
then you will understand how good A2 milk really is, also how safe it is for human consumption.

1. A2 milk reduces inflammation

One of the biggest benefits of drinking A2 milk is because it helps to reduce inflammation.

Where A1 milk causes inflammation, A2 actually reduces inflammation that is already in your body, helping it to
gradually remove inflammation.

2. A2 milk is suitable for people with lactose intolerance

If you think you are lactose intolerant, most likely it is because you have been drinking the wrong milk!

A1 milk simply can cause inflammation in your digestive system and other health issues.

In 2016, a study reported that drinking A2 milk wasn’t linked to higher post-dairy discomfort symptoms—and this
was true both for lactose-tolerant AND lactose-intolerant people.

3. A2 milk supports a healthy digestive and immune system

A2 milk also contains powerful anti-inflammatory molecules called oligosaccharides that act as prebiotics in the
gastrointestines. Some of the benefits, as a result, include:

 preventing inflammation-causing bacteria from staying in the stomach and causing digestive disorders
 naturally lowering “bad” cholesterol and increasing “good” cholesterol levels
 lowering triglycerides
 improving insulin sensitivity and glucose metabolism
 improving and strengthening immune system
 promoting the growth of beneficial bacteria that are crucial for a healthy digestive and immune system

4. A2 milk has more bioavailable nutrients that feed the body

As mentioned above, a human mother’s breast milk is A2 milk. Likewise, milk from A2 cows and goat have
molecule and chemical compositions that are easily assimilated in the human body.

Where A1 milk may cause excessive mucus and asthma in young children, A2 milk can actually reverse this

Due to the better absorbability of A2 milk, the rich nutrients are more easily digested and used by the body. This is
important as drinking A2 milk helps to eliminate nutritional deficiencies, thus treating many ailments caused by

For example, drinking A1 milk may cause osteoporosis due to its imbalanced calcium-magnesium ratio that results in
calcium deficiency. You are not faced with this issue when consuming A2 milk.

Nutrients bioavailability means that your bones are able to absorb and use more of the calcium for better bone-
building, minus the inflammation.

Where Can You Find A2 Milk?

Where can you find the A2 milk that seems to be safer, in fact healthier, to drink?

Unless you live in France, some Asian countries, and Africa, most of the milk products you see all around contain A1
and A2 beta-casein in equal amounts.

At the time being, the only company that produces and sells A2 milk is ”The a2 Milk Company”. Their products are
sold mostly in the US, UK, New Zealand, Australia, and China.

More countries and companies are expected to embrace this trend in the near future.

On the other hand, there is another way out—goat milk. Goat milk contains only the A2 protein, which is why goat
milk is so widely promoted as the anti-inflammatory milk.

Choose Your Dairy Wisely

If there is no A2 milk in your country or area, it wouldn’t be wise to waste a fortune trying to get it somehow. Don’t
think of this matter as a life or death kind of problem.

However, if you have easy access to A2 milk—consider trying it out. Many people report feeling better after drinking
A2 milk compared to A1 milk, especially if they suffer from dairy intolerance, and A2 generally seems to be healthier
in all aspects.

Why Cow’s Milk Can Be Bad For Your Health, And

Healthy Alternatives
It can be scary to realize that the nutritional advice you’ve gotten for your whole life had been based on lies.
However, that is the reality of the world you are living in. What the government recommends as healthy can actually
make you very sick, and much of what it tells you to avoid provides optimal health.

Cow’s milk is a perfect example of this. Cow’s milk has long been heralded as a great beverage for children and
something that you should be drinking every day. In fact, cow’s milk comes with plenty of side effects and it can
destroy your digestive health. Keep reading to learn more about why you shouldn’t consume cow’s milk and what
alternatives you have.
Cow’s Milk Destroys Your Bones And Causes Inflammation

There are dozens of reasons to lower your dairy intake. Here are a few of the most important:

 Dairy may actually increase risk of breast cancer in women. Troubling research indicates that an increased
consumption of dairy products also put men at greater risk for prostate cancer.

 Cow’s milk is not a good source of calcium. Milk (and dairy products) are acid-forming in our body. When it gets acidic,
our bodies try to balance the pH by drawing more calcium (alkaline) from our bones. Over time, more and more
calcium are actually drawn out from your bones and eventually lead to osteoporosis. Also read, how excess calcium
can cause inflammation in your body.

 Cow’s milk contains allergenic proteins, such as casein, which may cause allergies in many people, causing likelihood of
inflammation, autoimmune diseases and even diabetes.

 Cow’s milk contains a sugar called lactose that may be difficult for many peopled to digest, resulting in lactose
intolerance symptoms, such as diarrhea, nausea, cramps, gas and bloating.

 Drinking cow’s milk regularly has been linked to inflammatory ailments such as acne, asthma and gout. Just by
stopping dairy consumption, most people find relief in these symptoms.

 Studies showed that drinking cow’s milk leads to weight gain. Skimmed milk and 1% milk is not any better than the
full-cream milk. Totally eliminate cow’s milk from your diet, if you want to lose fats and weight.

Read more about the many causes of osteoporosis and how you can reverse it before it’s too late!

Healthy Alternatives To Try

The good news is that, there are tons of healthier alternatives to dairy milk. Depending on the diet you are following
and what your nutritional needs are, try out some of these dairy milk alternatives to find the right beverage for your

1. Goat’s Milk

Goat’s milk is less allergenic, compared to cow’s milk. It has smaller fat globules that are easier on the digestive

It contains very low lactose content, therefore, rarely cause lactose intolerance.

Goat’s milk has a greater amount of the right kind of fatty acids that are healing compared to cow’s milk, and is

It is really a superior alternative to cow’s milk, in fact the molecules are the closest match to that of a human mother’s
breast milk.

Read more about the rich benefits of goat’s milk.

2. Almond Milk

Almond milk is another popular alternative to cow’s milk.

It is a little bit sweet and creamy, so it can be used in just about any recipe that uses milk.
Keep in mind, however, that almond milk lacks many of the nutrients found in goat’s milk, so infants cannot depend
on this milk to provide all the nutrients they require.

3. Flax Milk

Flax milk derives from flaxseeds, is extremely nutritionally dense, making it a great choice for those trying to switch
from cow’s milk. It has high content of omega-3 fatty acids, and its calcium level rivals that of cow’s milk.

4. Coconut Milk

Coconut milk has grown in popularity recently.

It is similar in taste and texture to cow’s milk, and it is a great fat source for babies and young children. On top of
that, it is gluten-free and soy-free.

If you choose this route, you may need to get more calcium and protein elsewhere in your diet.

5. Hemp Milk

Hemp milk is known for having a fairly strong earthy taste, so may take some adjusting. However, once you
acclimate to the taste of this milk, you’ll love it. It has 10 amino acids, so it is especially beneficial for those who are
trying to build muscle or fight off disease.

Warning Signs You Need A Kidney Detox And How To

Do It
The kidneys are a pair of bean-shaped organs located in the back of the abdominal cavity, one on each side,
somewhat above the navel. They are essential for optimal human health due to the massive amount of functions they

 Excretion of waste products and toxins

 Control of water and salt balance (and thus, blood pressure)
 Synthesis of vital hormones (erythropoietin boosts red blood cell production; renin regulates blood pressure; calcitriol
(active vitamin D) controls calcium absorption)
 Regulate acid-base balance, preventing excessive acidity in the body

A severe disruption in even one of these functions can lead to a drastic worsening in one’s general health or any
concurrent chronic conditions. Last but not least, kidney problems can eventually manifest in adrenal issues, as these
glands are seated just above the kidneys.

The first function in the list above (excretion of waste products and toxins) is the primary reason why doing a kidney
detox regularly is absolutely essential for optimal health. It’s perfectly natural that part of the toxins your kidneys
excrete get ”lost” or ”trapped” in these organs, and while this isn’t exactly life-threatening in most cases, your
kidneys will surely benefit from some extra help to cleanse themselves.

That’s where the kidney detox enters the stage. But how do you know if you need a kidney cleanse in the first place?

Warning Signs You Need A Kidney Detox

Let’s start with the basic point that if you are in your mid-twenties or up, and have never done it before, a kidney
cleanse is highly recommended regardless of any other factors.
The other indications for a kidney cleanse are a bit more medical, including:

 Chronic kidney conditions. In this case, cleansing the kidneys from any residual toxins could significantly improve their
function—and the chronic condition they fight.
 Persistent acne or skin rashes. All skin breakouts are your body’s attempts to get rid of some inner waste products or
toxins, part of which could be located in the kidneys. That’s why cleansing them could improve the general health and
beauty of your skin.
 Any kind of unclear pain in the back, including lower back pain. Unpleasant sensations in the back aren’t always
caused by spine problems: in many cases, the kidneys are the real reason. Liberate them from residual waste, improve
their function, and there’s a chance the back pain will improve!
 Kidney stones. Essentially, kidney stones are conglomerates of waste products, minerals, and toxins. By doing a kidney
cleanse you can both help your kidneys wash out existing stones AND prevent the formation of new deposits.
 Recent sessions of antibiotics, chemotherapy, or other conventional medication treatments. End products of the
metabolization of drugs in your body can also get trapped in the kidneys, so doing a good cleanse is likely to support
these organs and improve their function.
 One of the most common complications of diabetes is known as diabetic nephropathy, which is basically kidney
damage caused by excessive blood sugar. If you have diabetes, doing a kidney cleanse regularly is likely to reduce the
risk of getting diabetic nephropathy, which is currently one of the leading causes of kidney failure.
 Changes in urine color. The normal urine color is light-yellow. A more intense shade is a sign of overly concentrated
urine, a much paler shade indicates an overly diluted urine, and any pathologic color (green, reddish, etc.) is an
evident sign of kidney conditions. In such cases, doing a kidney cleanse could significantly improve the condition or
prevent it from progressing in the first place.

Now, if after reading the list above you decide that a kidney cleanse could be beneficial for you, the next (and most
important) step is learning how to do it right.

Essential Components Of Kidney Detox

To do an effective kidney cleanse the natural way, it’s important to include three essential principles into it, namely:

1. Avoid Kidney-Damaging Foods

The first thing to do in any detox program is to take a good look at what you’re eating. Some foods are quite literally
toxic to the kidneys, others are just stressful, although not necessarily unhealthy. In any case, there are certain foods
you should avoid as much as possible during your kidney detox, and we’ll get into that in a moment.

2. Eat Kidney-Healing Herbs And Foods

Some foods and herbs have what is medically known as a ”nephroprotective” effect, which literally means that they
protect the kidneys. By preventing further damage to the kidneys (by toxins, waste products, and free radicals), you
will be simultaneously enhancing the effectiveness of your body’s healing efforts.

Some of these herbs also have a diuretic effect, meaning that they increase the production and excretion of urine. This
will allow you to literally flush out all toxins and waste from the kidneys.

3. Include A Lot Of Antioxidants In Your Diet

Antioxidants prevent the formation of free radicals in your body, which are highly reactive ”stray particles”
(molecules, atoms) that can severely damage the cells and tissues in your body. Antioxidants also scavenge existing
free radicals, reducing their impact on your health. By increasing your intake of antioxidants, you will be helping
your body to heal existing damage, and that’s why this principle is important for a proper kidney cleanse.

Now, let’s take a closer look at each of these components.

Foods To Avoid During A Kidney Detox

Before starting a kidney cleanse, it is important to read about the correct order of detoxifying your whole body for a
more efficient toxin-flushing.

The main goal of this part of the cleanse is to give your kidneys some time to rest by avoiding foods that require a lot
of excretion from their part.

For example, the end products of protein metabolism are nitrogenous waste substances (ammonia, urea, uric acid)—
and guess how your body gets rid of it? That’s right, it excretes it through the kidneys. Eating a lot of protein during
your kidney cleanse, regardless of whether it is from animal or plant sources, will give your kidneys much more work
to do, which means that they will have less energy for the healing and detox.

As such, it’s recommended to limit your intake of the following foods:

 Animal sources of protein: poultry, fish, meat, dairy, eggs.

 Plant sources of protein: beans, grains, nuts, seeds.

Proteins are still important for your health, so it won’t be wise to exclude them from your diet for good. Instead,
adopt a low-protein diet during your kidney cleanse, meaning a daily intake of about 0.6 to 0.8 g of protein per kg of
body weight (this is the recommended amount during chronic kidney conditions, but it also works for healthy people
during kidney detox). Whenever possible, don’t eat all your daily protein in one seating; opt for small doses
throughout the day instead.

It is also recommended to limit your intake of added sugar (or better, drop it for good) since it also has an impact on
kidney function. Alcohol in any form is also out of the question, as part of the end products formed during its
metabolism are also excreted through the kidneys.

Foods To Eat During A Kidney Detox

Food is the primary medicine when it comes to natural healing, and these are the plants and herbs that are considered
to be the most beneficial for kidney cleansing and support.

1. Burdock Root (Arctium Lappa)

Burdock root is a classic herb in traditional liver and kidney cleanse programs, and even modern science indicates
that this is a great choice. Studies report that burdock root has significant antioxidative and anti-inflammatory
properties, and animal models speak in favor of its nephroprotective action as well, especially when it comes to
preventing heavy metal toxicity (such as cadmium).

2. Stinging Nettle (Urtica Dioica)

In terms of kidney healing, stinging nettle is one of the most versatile herbs ever. It attenuates the damage caused by
fluctuations in kidney blood flow (which can be caused by drastic changes in blood pressure), helps in flushing out
kidney stones and prevents their formation. Like burdock, stinging nettle is especially beneficial for cleansing the
kidneys from heavy metals (especially mercury). Some other studies also highlight that taking stinging nettle is
extremely beneficial for diabetics, as it helps to control blood glucose, and thus prevent the development or
progression of sugar-related kidney damage (diabetic nephropathy).

3. Turmeric (Curcuma Longa)

The main active ingredient in turmeric, curcumin, is especially beneficial for people suffering from chronic kidney
disease and diabetes. It also has powerful antioxidative and anti-inflammatory action, and even a mild diuretic action
that helps flush out kidney toxins.
4. Dandelion (Taraxacum Officinale)

Dandelion is a powerful natural diuretic with a fast onset of action (first 5 hours). The roots and leaves of this plant
also show significant antioxidative action and help to control blood lipids (remember that unhealthy blood cholesterol
is a major risk factor for developing kidney stones).

5. Citrus Fruits

I have found that citrus fruits are some of the best foods you can eat that can quickly help to detoxify the kidneys.
Many of my clients have reported almost immediate improvements (about a week) from drinking this lemon-ginger
honey tea. Lemon juice helps to reduce the urge to pee in the night, and possibly reduce the symptoms that indicate
that there is a problem in the kidneys.

6. Hydration, Hydration, Hydration!

I can’t stress enough, how important it is to drink plenty of water daily to help your kidneys continually flushing out
toxins. Find out here, how much water you need to drink daily. Drinking any less that your body requires daily on a
long-term basis is just asking for trouble.

Freshly extracted juices are also some of the best foods to be added to your daily routine, when detoxifying your
kidneys. There are many juice suggestions on this juicing site, on juices that work extremely well for cleansing the

 Watermelon
 Watermelon rind
 Carrot
 Parsley
 Cranberries (especially for urinary tract infections)

Adopt A Diet Rich In Antioxidants

In 2010, a huge study revealed the antioxidant content of thousands of foods, spices, and herbs was published in the
Nutrition Journal. And although that’s impressive, some of the items are way too … exotic.

So we’ve browsed through the whole list and made a little compilation of the richest AND most accessible natural
sources of antioxidants that are allowed (and recommended) during a kidney cleanse.

All numbers are for mmol of antioxidants per 100 g of the item.

 Dried green mint leaves – 142.58

 Ceylon cinnamon – 120.18
 Dried oregano – 96.64
 Dried rosemary – 66.92
 Ground bell pepper – 50.96
 Dried basil – 18-28
 Dried ground ginger – 24.37
 Licorice root – 11.58
 Curry powder – 10.47
 Whole pomegranate – 6.54
 Boiled artichoke – 4.54
 Fresh ginger – 3.93
 Black olives, with stone – 3.25
 Dried plums – 3.24
 Dried apricots – 3.23
 Whole red chili pepper – 2.92
 Dried mango – 2.82
 Curly kale – 2.68
 Freshly squeezed pomegranate juice from whole pomegranate – 2.57
 Blue grapes – 2.42
 Green olives, with stone – 2.26
 Dill, fresh – 2.18
 Dried ground garlic – 2.13

Please note that ALL other fruits and vegetables also have a certain amount of antioxidants in them. You should
focus on just stuffing yourself up with as much plant-based foods as possible. Just eat real food, eat naturally and

The list mentioned above should serve just as a reference: add these foods to your diet whenever possible, but all in
all just have fun, relax, and let the healing flow. Simple as that. �

How Long Should A Proper Kidney Detox Be?

Natural healing always takes time, when compared to popping pills. Eating real food will feed and nourish your body
with the nutrients that it needs for healing. It takes time, but when healing comes, it stays, and best of all without side

Depending on how severe your kidney problem is, time may be different for every individual. Most people with a
mild issue of the kidneys will see some improvements within a week. Don’t stop for at least another two weeks once
you see improvements, or until you feel that you’re completely good.


A lot of people have heard of the liver cleanse or colon cleanse, but the kidney cleanse is somewhat less popular. And
that’s a terrible thing!

Without properly functioning kidneys, all other organs and systems in your body will be extremely vulnerable to
ANY kind of toxins that come your way. Which makes all other cleanses utterly pointless. That’s not how you do it!

Consider all of these cleanses like pieces of the same puzzle: only when combined together, they provide the ultimate
healing experience, bringing you closer to the state of optimal health that we all dream about. Go here to learn more
about the correct order of detoxifying your whole body for a more efficient flushing.

Gastrointestinal Cleanse: A Complete Guide To Flush

Out Pounds Of Old Fecal Encrustrations
A gastrointestinal cleanse is beneficial for anybody. After doing this program, you can expect speedier healing,
reverse chronic diseases, inflammation and feel your energy soar!

Signs That You Need A Gastrointestinal Cleanse

Human nature is such that we love to eat. Many of us eat without thinking about the consequences. And even when a
disease has developed, most people cannot associate their health problems with what they have been eating or the
way they have been eating.

One of the first signs that there are intestinal issues is when bowel movements become irregular and difficult. There
are many other symptoms and conditions when the gastrointestines are intoxicated.
If you have any symptoms and conditions as listed on this page, a gastrointestinal cleanse will be beneficial for

The gastrointestinal, or digestive system cleanse that I’m going to show you on this page below, when done
diligently, will yield fantastic results, giving your body a new lease of vitality.

How Does Poor Intestinal Health Affect Your Overall Being?

To understand how poor intestinal health can affect your overall being, it is important to understand the functions of
the intestines:

 As first line of defence against disease-causing organisms that enter the body through your food and water
 Absorption of water, nutrients and minerals
 Synthesize vitamins to be distributed throughout the body
 Breakdown of food eaten via the beneficial bacteria
 Formation of feces for elimination of toxins and waste products

The health of the entire body depends on how efficiently the intestinal tract is able to carry out all the above
functions. Poor eating habits through the years, slowly but surely contribute to the sluggishness of the intestinal
functions, thus causing poor bowel movements.

When bowel movements are irregular and compacted, toxins and wastes in the tract are constantly in contact with
the intestinal walls, exposing them to higher risks of colon diseases and leaky gut.

Not to mention also that harmful bacteria are on a feeding frenzy and multiplying by the millions, soon overtaking the
number of beneficial bacteria, causing many other diseases while at the same time, weakening the immune system.

Bacterial, Yeast And Parasite Overgrowth

The above condition is more recently known as SIBO (small intestines bacterial overgrowth). It’s a condition
resulting from the imbalance of the microbes in our gut, referred to as dysbiosis.

When you include foods that are rich in fiber, nutrients and enzymes, your bowel movements will be regular and
complete. In which case, bacteria, yeast and parasites will not cause any issues in your system. But, when your
intestines are clogged up, the harmful microbes love that kind of environment. They stay and cause havoc to your

Full Digestive System Cleanse

Many people want to know how to clean out intestines fast but there is no fast way of doing it. Your intestines is
about 23 feet long and it will take time to do a proper and thorough job.

There are two recommended ways of doing an effective digestive system cleanse. You can go on an extended juice
fast, or perform the psyllium husk and apple cider vinegar colon cleanse fiber drink that I will discuss below, or a
combination of both methods will work excellently.

Option 1: Extended Juice Fasting

In earlier days when I started this juicing site, juice fasting was commonly used to have a total clean-up of the
gastrointestines. Don’t get me wrong, it still works very well, except one has to be diligent in drinking many glasses
of juices every day and not eat any solid food.

A 21 to 28-day juice fast is very good for this purpose. Juice fasting allows all the detox organs in the body to rest
and detoxify. This ensures that no more artificial food additives and the wrong types of food are allowed to intoxicate
the body. At the same time, juices can reach the cells almost immediately to repair damage, heal and nourish them
back to health.

During an extended fast, old fecal matters are softened and broken up, ready to be swept out at the time of breaking
fast when solid foods are gradually reintroduced.

Extended juice fasting is a very safe and effective method for gastrointestinal cleanse, and you will really see old
wastes and encrustrations being eliminated. Many have reported healing, diseases reversed and boosted energy after
an extended juice fast.

Option 2: With Fiber Drink

There are many “colon cleanse formula” out there claiming to flush out pounds of waste matter. Some may work,
some not. Some even claim to be able to clean out bowels in a day, please don’t fall for it. Below, I share my favorite
formula that works very well to set the foundation for further full body detox, effectively and efficiently.

Please read all the instructions before you start the program. It is not difficult to do. You can use only 3 items, or
you can use all of the recommended items. It all depends on the state of your health and how much you want to clean
up. The more diligent you are, the better result you will see.

I have had very successful results using this program for all my clients, and it is the first thing I do with them before
we can talk about more healing. Some amazing results were with my clients who have eczema, acid reflux, diabetes,
high blood pressure, overweight. But, I believe anybody will benefit from it as our health begins in the gut.

If you have any questions, feel free to ask below, and I will try to respond the best I can.

There is more information that you can read here, about complete detoxification.

Gastrointestinal Cleanse Fiber Drink

When And How Long To Take

I recommend taking this drink for at least 28 days to see real results. For more serious health issues, you can safely
take it for up to 3 months. For some of my clients, I even recommend to continue having the drink at least 1x a day
beyond the three months for maintenance of healthy fiber. There is no harm to it.

Drink it at least 10-15 minutes before meal.

 Day 1: Drink 1x a day

 Day 2: Drink 2x a day
 Day 3 onwards: Drink 3x a day
 If you are having good bowel movements as a result from taking this drink (at least 2-3 times every day), you may
increase to take the drink up to 4x a day. This is especially beneficial if you’re big in body size, otherwise stay at 3x a

When doing any detox program, it is very IMPORTANT to drink plenty of water. Please go to this page and
understand how much water you need to drink daily according to your body weight. During your gastrointestinal
cleanse days, drink at least 1½ times of your basic daily water requirement.

Fiber Drink Formula

 In a glass of 250 ml (about 8 oz) room temperature water, add: 1 teaspoon of raw honey + 1 teaspoon of apple cider
vinegar + 1 teaspoon of good quality psyllium husk powder. Stir well till all ingredients dissolve. The drink would have
thickened, as psyllium husk powder expands. Drink immediately but making sure not to choke yourself.
 Immediately follow by another glass of 250 ml (about 8 oz) room temperature water, add: 1 teaspoon of raw honey +
1 teaspoon of apple cider vinegar.

 I can’t emphasize enough, it is very important to drink plenty of water throughout the day. If you cannot drink plenty
of water, it is better not to do this program.

The Ingredients

 Raw honey: It is very important to use only raw organic honey or manuka honey. Never use commercially-prepared
honey as they don’t have the benefits that raw honey provides. Find out at this page, if your honey is genuine.

 Apple cider vinegar: Use only raw organic, unfiltered apple cider vinegar, not just any vinegar. If unsure, always buy
only Bragg’s apple cider vinegar that has its “mother”. Go to this page to learn the differences between unfiltered and
filtered apple cider vinegar.

 Psyllium husk powder: Buy only high quality organic psyllium husk. You can find it at your local health foodstore. If
not, you could also buy it from—I have a link below where you can buy it. Psyllium husk will expand up to
20x its weight when you take it in a drink. It moves like a broom to sweep your intestines as it goes down.

If you have a Candida infection, please also read the Candida protocol.

Related reading: Why you must never buy your supplements from Walmart or Walgreens.

Supplements To Take During The Cleanse

These supplements are optional but if you chose to take them, they will give you far more excellent results in a
shorter time. Take your supplements 15 minutes after the fiber drink.

1. Oregano oil

To have a complete cleanse, I suggest that you add 2 or 3 drops of oregano oil (not more!) in your second drink
(honey and apple cider vinegar water) after the fiber. You can take this as many times as the number of your fiber
drinks, starting from the day you start this cleanse.

When taking this fiber drink, there will be a lot of microbial activities going on in your intestines. While stirring up
old fecal matters to be eliminated, it will also stir up the habitats of the harmful microbes.

Taking a few drops of oregano oil is helpful for killing yeast, parasites and other harmful micro-organisms. Oregano
oil may sting your mouth a little but it is not harmful. You may also opt for oregano in capsule form. See my
recommendations below.

2. Vitamin C complex

Drink at least one glass of freshly-extracted juice every day that is high in antioxidants. There are many suggestions
of juices on this page. Antioxidants help to neutralize the effects of toxins that are being eliminated during the
cleanse, and prevent any damages done to your cells.

An easier alternative is to take a 1000mg vitamin C complex, the same number of times that you’re taking the drink.
If you have acid reflux or stomach ulcer, drink this juice twice a day. It is very soothing while healing the ulcers.

3. High quality probiotics

Probiotics is one of the most important supplements when doing any kind of detox, and even when not doing a detox.
Here’s a guide on how to pick a probiotic supplement for your specific needs, or eat any kind of fermented foods.
4. Food-grade diatomaceous earth

Food grade diatomaceous earth (DE) is very helpful for killing parasites and yeast. Add 1 teaspoon to your fiber
drink, especially if you want to eliminate yeast infection (Candida). Go to this page to learn how to use diatomaceous
earth. DE is very safe to be taken for long term.

Bacterial And Parasitical Cleanse

Some of the common, stubborn parasites that affect human are helicobactor pylori (h.pylori), blastocystis hominis
and dientamoeba fragilis (d.fragilis). These parasites cling on to the wall lining of your gastrointestinal tract and lay
eggs and multiply.

Once you get your bowel movements regulated (at least once or twice daily), and have your gastrointestinal wall
cleansed, you can introduce a parasite cleanse on the second week. The herbs used in parasite cleanse can now be in
contact with the parasites to strip them off the wall lining and gradually kill them.

Prescription antibiotics can only kill the parasites generally but not get all of them. There are some recommended
herbs here that will get at the parasites at every stage—eggs, larvae and adults. This is important to prevent the
parasites to continue multiplying.

What To Expect When Taking The Gastrointestinal Cleanse Fiber Drink

 Some people may encounter bloating and a little discomfort during the first week of taking this drink. This is because
your diet has been very low in fiber. This drink does a good gentle scrub in your intestines and while doing this, it is
also releasing little air-pockets in the very long intestinal tract, accumulating the gas and causing bloating. There will
be bloating, belching and passing out gas in the rear end—all good signs that the drink is working for you. By the
second week, these symptoms should be gone.

 If you develop a low-grade or mild fever, it is a healing reaction. Nothing to worry about. Reduce the number of times
that you drink the psyllium husk drink and drink more water instead. As soon as the fever subsides, you can gradually
increase the drink again. Remember to drink more water! If you develop a high fever though, it is not because of the
fiber drink—it is something else. Seek help.

 On the second or third day, you will feel that bowel movement comes easily. You should be able to feel that your stool
comes out in a “long form” (see image above). The more days into the cleanse, you will find that the stools may be
black and very smelly—that is your old fecal encrustation from deeper in your intestines that are being eliminated.
They have been in your gut for many years!! You don’t want them. These are all good signs. BUT, if you still don’t have
a bowel movement by the third day, something is very wrong in your system, stop the drink immediately and drink
only juices with no solid food until you have relief. Try this one.

Related reading: Doing a colonics prior to a digestive system cleanse can be extremely helpful if you suffer from
chronic constipation.

Here’s another colon-cleansing mixture that works too. You may choose to use either mixture to achieve
excellent result.

Buying The Ingredients

I can’t stress enough, that when doing a cleanse, it is always advisable to invest in high quality products. You may be
able to buy these from your local health foodstore. I have some recommendations here, for your convenience to buy
them online. They are also somewhat cheaper if you can get them with free delivery.

A proper and complete gastrointestinal cleanse (GI cleanse) program will help to clean out not only the colon, but the
entire digestive tract that is about 21 feet long. Once your digestive tract is cleansed out, absorption of nutrients is
optimized. With a clean digestive tract, healing takes place more rapidly as you continue to drink healthy fresh juices.
You will soon see your energy soar! Really, it’s that effective and efficient!

If you want an easy way out, you can also get easy colon cleansing packs. I find Dr Natura’s colonix range to be very
gentle, safe and effective to do. For best results, you may want to get the entire range, although a bit pricey and the
result may be a little slower than the formula above. These work if you follow through.

5 At Home Tests You Can Do To Tell If You Have

Bought The Real Or Fake Honey
The next time you find yourself in the honey aisle of your favorite grocery store, thinking about which honey to buy;
the pricey, premium, artisanal honey or the store-brand nectar contained in a plastic bear, you might want to think
twice before choosing based on price.

Whether you’re glazing a ham, sweetening some tea, or just drizzling some on some toast or strawberries—honey is
very versatile. Honey has been touted for its amazing effects outside of the kitchen, too, such as being an antibacterial
and antifungal, being able to reduce ulcers, and help to improve one’s mood.

The Egyptians were particularly fond of it and archaeologists found 3,000 year old honey in a tomb that was still
edible! Real honey never expires. However, not all honey is created equal and next time you find yourself reaching
for that golden plastic bear, you may want to think twice.

A USDA Label Doesn’t Mean Your Honey Is Pure

Steer clear of substances given different names like “honey products” or “honey blends”. Just because it’s expensive,
doesn’t mean it’s authentic, quality honey.

A recent investigation of the honey market discovered that over 75% of all grocery-store honey was “ultra-filtrated,”
which removes not only impurities such as wax and bee parts, but also all traces of pollen. It’s expensive and doesn’t
significantly improve shelf-life, despite what manufacturers would like you to believe. What’s the big idea?
Basically, honey laundering.

Pollen is the only sure-fire way to trace a honey straight to its source and ultra-filtering honey can mask its shady
origins. Most likely, it’s been imported from China, where honey is cheap and heavily subsidized.

However, Chinese honey is also subject to heavy import tariffs on account of its propensity for being contaminated
by illegal antibiotics and heavy metals. Thus, Chinese manufacturers will ultra-filter their honey, then sneak their
products into a US territory where it will then get slapped with a “Made in the USA” sticker and onto our shelves.

All of this funny honey is no laughing matter. It’s putting everyone who enjoys honey, either as a health benefit or
simply as an alternative sweetener, at risk. So, how do you protect yourself?

 Don’t eat the pre-packaged honey from KFC or McDonald’s, nor the “Winnie the Pooh” kind from Wal-Mart as 100% of
these samples had no traces of pollen.
 77% of honey from stores like Sam’s Club, Target, and Costco had no traces of pollen.
 Know the source. Buy locally, whenever possible. Not only will this ensure your honey is legitimate, it’ll also help
reduce your seasonal allergies by acclimating your body to the local flora through the ingesting of pollen.

If you can afford it, Manuka honey from New Zealand is the only honey that has been approved by the FDA to treat
wounds and burns and thus is most likely to be legitimate and good for you on several levels.
How To Tell If Your Honey Is Pure Or Fake


Real and pure honey is thick and doesn’t move from one side of the jar to another when the jar is tilted (not very
fluid). Easiest way of assuring that you buy the right type of honey, is to find those that are crystallized and you can
be sure they are pure honey.

Crystallized honey has an opaque texture (not transparent/clear)—see picture on the right below. Crystallization is the
process of the honey sugar separating. If you bought pure honey, it may take any time from a few weeks to months
before you see it crystallizing.

Here are some simple tests you can do right at home to check whether your honey is real or fake. One thing to keep in
mind is that fake honey is basically water (moisture) and manmade sugar, whereas pure honey is thick, concentrated
with natural sugar.

1. Bee’s Hexagonal Shape Test

Nature is just amazing. Put a drop of honey on a white saucer. Add a few drops of water on the honey and shake the
plate in a circular motion. Leave it for a while and pure honey will begin to form a hexagon shape of the honeycomb.

2. Put It In The Fridge.

Fake honey that is full of manmade sugar will harden. Pure honey will not harden and is easy to scoop even after it is
left it in the fridge for some time, although it doesn’t need refrigeration.

3. The Thumb Test

Put a small drop of the honey on your thumbnail. If the honey spills or spreads around, that’s an indication that it
isn’t pure. Pure honey will stay intact on your thumb.

4. The Water Test

Pour some water into a glass. Then, add a tablespoon of honey to the glass and see if it dissolves or sinks to the
bottom. If it sinks and settle at the bottom, you have a winner. Artificial honey will dissolve immediately.

5. The Match Test.

Pure honey is flammable. Dip a matchstick with honey and try lighting it. If it’s pure honey, it should light with ease
as it has no water content, unlike the fake honey.

Complete Guide To Doing A Liver Cleanse And

Resetting Your Internal Health Button
The liver plays a key role in many of your body’s functions. It is the largest internal organ and is located beneath the
ribs on the right side of your abdomen.

Your liver is your body’s main detox powerhouse with hundreds of functions in the body—from filtering the blood,
to ridding your body of waste, metabolizing hormones, assisting in digestion, breaking down old and damaged cells,
stores nutrients that the body requires for building blocks, and many more!
Through all these processing and filtering, when your body is not able to eliminate toxins as fast as they are being
ingested in your food, the liver becomes overwhelmed and sluggish.

Recognizing early signs of a liver problem is vital to nipping the problem in the bud and nourishing it back to health.

Warning Signs Of An Impaired Liver

If you’ve taken a blood test and your liver enzymes are high, or if you have a fatty liver, chances are these strategies
will be beneficial for healing your liver.

Below are just a few of the warning signs that your liver gives out. Take heed to nourish your liver back to health
before it is too late!

 A pronounced potbelly
 Fluid retention and swelling of the abdomen, leg and ankle
 Pain in upper abdomen on the right side
 Unexplained bruising
 Unexplained weight gain
 Chronic fatigue
 High blood pressure
 Excessive sweating
 Bad breath, body and feet odor
 Poor appetite
 Persistent acne
 Breakouts such as allergies, hives, eczema
 Headache over the eyes
 Unexplained nausea, motion sickness
 Dark circles under the eyes
 Yellowish skin and/or eyes
 Liver spots or blotchy skin
 Mood swings or depression
 Sleep apnea or snoring

If you have a handful or more of the above signs, you really should start taking action to detoxify, and make the
necessary changes to alter your diet and lifestyle, to heal your liver. We share with you here, how to cleanse your

Complete Guide To A Liver Cleanse

The earlier an impaired liver is given attention to treatment, the easier it is to reverse, cure, or prevent its progression.

Here are my recommended seven steps that you can/should take to heal your liver. When you heal your liver, many
symptoms will just gradually go away.

1. Reduce exposure to toxins

2. Do a gastrointestinal cleanse
3. Do coffee enemas
4. Drink fresh juices every day
5. Eat liver-healing foods
6. Take liver-healing supplements
7. Do a gallbladder/liver cleanse

1. Reduce Exposure To Toxins

Due to many years of eating highly processed foods that are laden in artificial chemicals, your liver is finally taking
its toll for being unable to detoxify and eliminate the toxins efficiently.

Give your liver a break and remove such toxic foods from your diet.

Processed foods are high in unhealthy fats, sugar and very low in nutrients. Every step of processing in these foods
eliminates more nutrients; then artificial additives are added—colorings, flavors, emulsifiers, preservatives—to make
the food look and taste good, but void of nutrients.

When you eat highly processed foods, these artificial additives are left behind in your body to cause future health
problems. At the same time, your body needs to expend its own nutrients to process these foods, causing deficiency
issues when not properly replenished.

Exposure to chemicals in personal care products and household products also contribute to the intoxication of your
liver. Find ways to gradually move to using organic, non-toxic and safer alternatives.

Excessive alcohol-drinking is another contributor to an impaired liver, leading to fatty liver.

2. Do A Gastrointestinal Cleanse

Before you start a liver cleanse, it is very important that you do a gastrointestinal cleanse for two reasons:

 To clean out the gastrointestinal tract, making way for easy elimination when you start with liver cleanse.
 With a clean gastrointestinal tract, you increase absorption of nutrients when you start your healthy regime of liver
cleansing, making your detox efforts work much better and more effectively.

Do a gastrointestinal cleanse, and parasite cleanse if you suspect that you have parasites (people with an impaired
liver most likely have parasites!). Then on the second or third week, start introducing these strategies to begin healing
your liver.

3. Do Coffee Enemas

Coffee enemas are one of the best things to do, to detoxify the liver efficiently and effectively. It is an especially
powerful tool, if you have serious health issues with your liver.

Coffee enema has a long history of use that was made popular by Dr Max Gerson in 1930s for treating cancer
patients, in what is now known as the Gerson Therapy.

Today, natural healers and alternative medical practitioners use coffee enemas widely as part of natural treatment
protocols for fighting cancer—a far safer and less invasive method than surgery, radiation and chemotherapy.

When done correctly, detoxifying with a coffee enema protocol works beautifully. It is effective for healing most
health conditions because of the healing benefits, among which:

 Washing out the colon to remove toxic substances, colonies of parasites, bacteria and yeasts
 Increasing bile production for proper digestion and excretion
 Powerful antioxidant effect to neutralize oxidative damages
 The palmitic acids in enema coffee enhance glutathione S-transferase, which is responsible for the removal of many
toxins from the liver to purify the blood
 Reducing congestion in the liver and rebuilding damaged and weak liver

4. Drink Fresh Juices Every Day

Drinking freshly-extracted juices every day is one of the best things you can do for your body. Many people have
weak immune system and fall sick because they are not feeding their body with the right food.

Fresh fruits and vegetables have all the right nutrients that your body needs. They are rich in vitamins, minerals,
enzymes, phytonutrients, antioxidants—drinking freshly-extracted juices flood your system with these precious
nutrients to detoxify, repair and heal damaged cells.

Some of the best recommended vegetables (and fruits) for healing and supporting the liver are:

 Beetroot and beet greens

 All green vegetables for their rich chlorophyll content
 Cilantro and parsley
 Celery
 Cucumber
 Cabbage
 Fennel
 Grapefruit
 Carrot
 Green apple
 Lemon
 Ginger and turmeric

Use any of the above in your juices daily. Or, get more juice recipes using beetroot, for healing of the liver.

5. Eat Liver-Healing Foods

When your liver becomes overloaded with toxins, it can no longer filter and process the toxins efficiently. All the
above steps are helpful for healing your liver.

When you eliminate from your diet—highly processed foods, foods high in fats and sugar, it gives your liver a break
from continuously filtering toxins. Detoxification STARTS when you STOP putting toxins into your body.

Eating the right foods, on the other hand, will help your liver to “dislodge” the toxins for elimination.

Some of the best foods for healing the liver are bitter foods such as arugula, artichoke, beet greens, bittergourd,
chicory, dandelion greens, spinach, purslane, radicchio, radish, endive, Swiss chards, watercress and vegetables from
the cruciferous family. Read more about bitter foods here.

Other liver-healing foods that you should add to your daily diet are all the foods mentioned in #4 above. Not only are
these foods great to be included in juicing, eat them frequently for their liver-healing properties.

6. Take Liver-Healing Supplements

Some of the best remedial foods for the liver are herbs that are often taken in supplement forms. The herbs
recommended below can be taken in the form of supplements, or as liver-cleansing detox teas:

 Milk thistle helps to detoxify the liver of toxins, heavy metals, environmental pollutants and damaging alcohol. Read
about milk thistle | Buy milk thistle supplement.
 Dandelion root is known for its liver-cleansing properties that help the liver to eliminate toxins. Read about dandelion
root | Buy dandelion root supplement.
 Burdock root is a fabulous liver protector. It effectively calms liver enzymes, reduces inflammation, and improves liver
functions. Read about burdock root | Buy burdock root supplement.

7. Do A Gallbladder/Liver Cleanse
Liver and gallbladder congestion may be one of the causes of an impaired liver. Stones can form in the liver and/or
gallbladder from eating a diet that is high in processed foods, fat and sugar.

Although last on this list, a liver and gallbladder cleanse is one of the most important things you can do for your liver
health. A successful cleanse can restore your health and vitality, reversing diseases that would astound both
conventional and alternative methods of treatment.

Go to this page to find out how to do a gallbladder/liver cleanse. You can start doing this cleanse at least two weeks
after you start the gastrointestinal cleanse. The timing is very important as you need to have regular bowel
movements before you to the liver flush.

If you decide to also do the coffee enema, you can expect to experience very good results to healing your liver from
liver diseases, and fatty liver.

Chronic Liver Disease Symptoms And What You Can

Do To Naturally Reverse It
There is an epidemic in the United States, and no one is talking about it. While heart health is bright in the public eye
(as it should be!), another crucial organ and its illness is almost completely neglected, even as more and more people
are dying from it every year.

Chronic Liver Disease Symptoms

These may be symptoms of a severely impaired liver, but do you:

 Feel tired or fatigued even after waking up from a long sleep?

 Feel weak or exhausted?
 Feel nauseous for no reason?
 Feel as though you’ve lost your appetite?
 Feel abdominal pain?
 Bruise easily or have spider-like veins in the skin?
 Have yellowing of the skin and eyes?
 Have gallstones?
 Itch often?
 Ever vomit blood?
 Feel moody, anxious, or depressed?
 Have brown-colored urine?
 Sweat excessively?

This disease is a silent killer, with almost 70 percent of those diagnosed reporting that they were unaware of having
it. And, once diagnosed, the patients’ chances of dying within the next two years skyrocket by over 300 percent!

The disease is chronic liver disease, or cirrhosis, and almost 650,000 Americans are already affected by it, with
many more still undiagnosed. In fact, it’s one of the leading causes of death for American women.

Left untreated, as it currently often is, it can lead to increased bleeding and bruising, itching, and, as it eventually
becomes end-stage liver disease, liver cancer, or even liver failure.

And the worst thing is, it’s largely preventable through proactive health and simple at-home treatment by eating the
right foods!

The problem is people don’t know so they can’t act. Make sure you share this article once you’re done, to spread the
word, so we can put an end to this avoidable suffering and death!
Read more about 7 Early Signs of an Impaired Liver.

What Does The Liver Do?

The liver plays a key role in many of your body’s processes. It’s the largest internal organ and is located beneath the
ribs on the right side of your abdomen.

Your liver is a filter for your blood, and so much more. As blood passes through it, the liver removes wastes—like
toxins and medicines—stores sugar for your body to use as energy, produces crucial proteins for your body, and
creates bile to make digesting food easier.

Cirrhosis, in which the liver tissue becomes scarred and less effective, slows the flow of blood through the liver,
preventing it from functioning as it should.

Causes For Cirrhosis And Chronic Liver Disease

The most common causes for chronic liver disease, by far, are:

1. Hepatitis A, B And C Viruses

It is estimated that up to 8 million Americans may be infected with chronic Hepatitis C Virus, with 80% of those
cases still undiagnosed. And that’s excluding Hepatitis A and B!

This family of viruses leads to inflammation of the liver, and often does not result in noticeable symptoms until many
years later. It is one of the biggest causes of end-stage liver disease, liver cancer, and death.

2. Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD)

A condition in which lipid accumulation is so large that it distorts the nucleus of liver cells, NAFLD is closely linked
to America’s obesity problem.

Obesity, high cholesterol and blood triglycerides, and poor cardiovascular health are all contributing factors for

According to the American Liver Foundation, up to 25 percent of Americans are likely living with NAFLD, and that
number will only grow as obesity rates continue to rise, up to 60% in some states by 2030.

Even though non-alcoholic fatty liver disease is one of the largest causes for other chronic liver conditions (and the
number of people affected continues to rise), it is also probably one of the most preventable ones as well.

Maintaining a proper diet and regular physical activity, among other things, can greatly reduce your risk.

3. Chronic Alcoholism And Binge Drinking

The link between alcohol consumption and liver damage is well understood. Despite this, alcohol remains one of the
largest contributors to chronic liver disease in the United States.

Alcohol poisons living cells, and causes liver cells to become inflamed and eventually die. As this occurs, scar tissue
forms around the veins of your liver (cirrhosis), pressing on them and slowing blood flow.
Other Causes Of Liver Disease

There are various other possible causes for chronic liver disease, though they are much less common. A significant
portion of cirrhosis cases also remain of an unknown cause. Some other possible causes include:

 Autoimmune disorders
 Blocked or damaged bile ducts
 Use of certain medications
 Exposure to some toxic chemicals
 Intravenous drug use
 Overuse of prescription medications (including acetaminopohen)
 Repeated heart failures, during which blood builds up in the liver
 Parasite infections

Alternative Treatments For Chronic Liver Disease

Though end-stage liver disease eventually requires liver transplant surgery, there are many things you can do before
complications arise to prevent any further liver damage.

Early discovery will ensure you start treating and caring for it, before it’s too late.

If you have affirmed that your liver issues are not hepatitis, begin incorporating these simple lifestyle changes where
you can; your liver, and the rest of your body, will thank you!

7 Early Signs Of An Impaired Liver And What You

Can Do
The liver plays a key role in many of your body’s processes. It’s the largest internal organ and is located beneath the
ribs on the right side of your abdomen.

Your liver is a filter for your blood, and so much more. As blood passes through it, the liver removes wastes—like
toxins and medicines—stores sugar for your body to use as energy, produces crucial proteins for your body, and
creates bile to make digesting food easier.

When your body is not able to eliminate toxins as fast as they are being ingested in your food, the liver becomes
overwhelmed and sluggish. Recognizing early signs of a liver problem is vital to nipping the problem in the bud and
nourishing it back to health.

Early Signs Of An Impaired Liver

1. A Pronounced Potbelly And Fluid Retention

One of the main symptoms of an impaired liver is a swollen abdomen that appears as a very pronounced belly. The
liver is malfunctioned, leading to fluid build-up in the tissues. More often, this may signal cirrhosis. Sometimes,
swelling may also occur in the hands, feet and ankles. They are usually more pronounced at the end of the day as
gravity draws excess fluids to the feet

2. Unexplained Bruising

An impaired liver prevents proper blood clotting. If you have bruises on your body that you cannot explain, it could
be a liver issue. Although there may be other conditions that can cause bruising, be sure to have a check with your
doctor to rule out any serious underlying condition.
3. Unexplained Weight Gain

If you think you’re eating and exercising properly but still putting on weight that cannot be shed easily, there is a high
chance that your liver is impaired as it can no longer filter toxins properly. Your body will tend to store away toxins
in its fat cells.

4. Chronic Fatigue

One of the most common symptoms of liver toxicity is chronic fatigue that doesn’t go away even with long hours of
sleep. Toxins circulating in the body will lodge in joints, causing aches, pains and physical fatigue. Excessive toxins
in the body will eventually wear down your immune system and even cause moodiness and depression.

5. Bad Breath, Body And Feet Odor

When your liver is sluggish, most likely your gut health is also in the dumps. You are likely to also have some kind of
digestive disorder. Foul-smelling toxins from rotting old fecal matters that accumulates in the gut will produce bad
breath. Excessive sweating is also the order of the day, causing strong body and feet odor as bacteria are mixed with

6. Feeling Nauseous And Loss Of Appetite

In situations when your body is overloaded with toxins, you may experience nausea without knowing why. You may
have a loss of appetite as food will be last on your mind when you feel like throwing up. There may be flu-like
symptoms and digestive discomfort.

7. Skin Problems

During the early stages of a liver problem, you may notice a yellowing of your skin as the yellow pigment in bile
(bilirubin) begins to accumulate under the skin. Persistent acne that doesn’t go away with external treatments are very
likely a sign of an impaired liver. Skin conditions and break-outs, such as allergies, hives, eczema are all signs of
toxins overload that the liver can no longer filter efficiently.

The Dark Side Of Vitamin D Supplement—Are You

Doing It Right?
Chances are you already know that having enough of vitamin D, the “sunshine vitamin”, is crucial for your health. It
plays a huge role in the process of bone mineralization and calcium metabolism in general, so it’s not a surprise that a
lot of people start taking supplements to get more of it.

However, you should know that supplementing with vitamin D, if done the wrong way, may be dangerous to your

What is the right way, then? Funny enough, but the vitamin K is the key to this puzzle.

Vitamins D and K: What Are They And What Do They Do?

Both vitamin D and vitamin K are part of the so-called group of fat-soluble vitamins (A, D, E, K), meaning that they
are absorbed better in your body in the presence of foods with the right kind of fats.
Vitamin D

Vitamin D is actually a collective name for 5 similar substances, the major of which are vitamins D2 and D3. Among
them, vitamin D3 is the most important one as it’s found in foods AND produced by the human skin.

Its main function is to regulate calcium levels in your body through 2 simple mechanisms:

 First, it increases the absorption of calcium from dietary sources.

 Second, if there’s not enough calcium in the food you eat and your blood calcium levels go down, vitamin D starts
taking calcium from the bones to bring your blood calcium level back to normal.

So, to wrap it up, the goal of vitamin D is to keep blood calcium levels normal at all costs, even if it takes breaking
down a bit of your bones.

The real problem here is that vitamin D has NOTHING to do with where this calcium goes. It’s free or “stray”
calcium. We’ll get to that in a moment, so keep reading …

Vitamin K

Now, Vitamin K is a small family of similar vitamins (K2 and K3) that are essential for the production of blood-
clotting proteins (the K itself is derived from the word Koagulat, the German word for, well, coagulate). Without it,
even small injuries can lead to rather nasty bleeding.

Another important function of vitamin K is activating osteocalcin, a calcium-binding protein in the bones. In other
words, this vitamin pumps calcium into the bony tissue, making it stronger and denser.

And this is where stuff gets really interesting.

The WRONG (And Dangerous) Way of Taking Vitamin D Supplement

Sadly, it’s also the most widely adopted way. Here’s how it goes.

When a person starts taking a vitamin D supplement, it boosts the absorption of calcium from foods, as said above.
Blood levels of this mineral gradually go up in a dose-dependent manner and can even go way higher than the upper
acceptable limit (this is called hypercalcemia).

Without proper bone absorption, this “stray” calcium circulates through the body uncontrolled, ends up pretty much
everywhere, and causes many health problems:

 In joints, causing joint pains and inflammation

 In the blood vessels, causing calcification and blockages
 Calcification of the heart arteries increases cardiovascular risk
 Stray calcium can also cause stones in gallbladder, kidneys and even damage the brain cells
 Excess or stray calcium causes bone spurs
 High blood calcium levels are linked to elevated blood pressure

NOTE: It is different when vitamin D is obtained from sunshine, as it does not cause the side effects as a vitamin D
supplement does.

Long story short, taking vitamin D the WRONG way leads to the calcification of blood vessels, and thus, systemic

So how should you take vitamin D, then?

The RIGHT Way of Taking Vitamin D: With Vitamin K or Magnesium!

Besides its role in blood-clotting regulation, Vitamin K is the nutrient that puts your blood calcium to good use,
thanks to the activation of osteocalcin. The latter is a protein that captures calcium and incorporates it into building
your bones and teeth.

Vitamins D and K work synergistically: Vitamin D ensures a steady calcium supply while vitamin K pumps it into
the tissues where it is needed, and protects the rest of them.

Scientific studies speak in favor of this fact. For instance, it has been confirmed that vitamin K deficiency contributes
to blood vessel calcification. The opposite is also true: taking vitamin K prevents this detrimental condition.

Role Of Magnesium Against Stray Calcium

Magnesium is a key cofactor in more than 300 enzyme-driven biochemical reactions, and a key mineral in hundreds
of functions in the body. The tasks that magnesium is needed in, are too complex, but you can imagine that the
deficiency of this mineral could easily cause many functions in your body to spiral out of control.

Most of the factors that contribute to calcium toxicity contribute to a depletion and deficiency of magnesium. One of
the main functions of magnesium is to help your body absorb calcium and make it available for bone-building.

In the absence of magnesium (or vitamin K), calcium is malabsorbed and “runs loose” to be deposited elsewhere in
the body, but the bones. This is another factor for calcification to take place. Read more here.

Vitamins D and K: How Much Should You Take Each?

To recap: the only right way of taking vitamin D is to couple it with vitamin K.

Specifically, look for a healthy dose of vitamin D3 and K2, as those specific subtypes have better bioavailability in

Now, as to how much of these two vitamins you should take, there is no universal rule at the moment.

When it comes to supplements, things get a little trickier because it’s hard to calculate how much of these nutrients a
person is getting in total (from the supplements plus dietary sources).

Most independent experts, however, recommend taking about 150 to 200 mcg of K2 for every 5,000 to 10,000 IU of
vitamin D3.

If you wish to take a vitamin D supplement, getting vitamin D3 + vitamin K2 together in the right ratio is helpful.
Either of these combo supplements come highly recommended:

 Sports Research 100% Plant-Based Vitamin K2 + D3 with Organic Coconut Oil

 Zhou Nutrition Vitamin D & K Complex Bone and Heart Health Formula

Dietary Sources of Vitamin K

Besides considering supplements of vitamin K to ensure an optimal calcium balance when taking D3, don’t forget
that you can get it from foods as well.

There are two main forms of vitamin K:

 K1, phylloquinone; found in dark leafy greens

 K2, menaquinone; found in animal products, fermented foods, and produced by the intestinal bacteria from vitamin

They are very similar in structure, functions, and effects. Basically, the only difference is that K1 has low
bioavailability, meaning that it’s poorly absorbed from dietary sources. K2 is absorbed better, is more effective, and
circulates longer in your body.

Foods rich in vitamin K1 (mcg/100g): collards (440), spinach (380), soybean oil (193), broccoli (180), cabbage
(145), canola oil (127), iceberg lettuce (35).

Foods rich in vitamin K2 (mcg per 100 g): natty (1034), goose liver (369), emu oil (360), hard cheeses (76), soft
cheeses (56), egg yolk (32), grass-fed ghee (29), butter (15).


The human body is an incredibly delicate thing. You can’t expect to come across a magical super-pill (or food, or
nutrient, or mineral) that will be universally healthy for you—there are just too many interactions to consider.

Vitamin D is one of such things. It’s absolutely important, it plays a crucial role in dozens of processes in your
body—but take it the wrong way, and it will do you more harm than good.

Step-by-Step Guide To Healing Anemia Naturally

Anemia is a medical condition characterized by a lack of healthy red blood cells and/or hemoglobin inside them.
Hemoglobin, a major part of the human red blood cells, is a protein that binds oxygen and transports it throughout the
tissues in your body.

So, generally speaking, if you don’t have enough red blood cells and/or hemoglobin, the organs and tissues in your
body don’t get enough oxygen—and that’s what’s anemia is all about.

To determine if you’re anemic, you’ll need a complete blood count test to check your hemoglobin level. The normal
threshold is considered to be 120 g/L (12 g/dl or 7.4 mmol/l) for adult non-pregnant women and 130 g/L (13 g/dL or
8.1 mmol/l) for adult men, according to WHO reference values.

Everything below that threshold suggests current or approaching anemia, with several severity stages:

 Mild – 110 g/L to normal

 Moderate – 80 to 109 g/L
 Severe – Lower than 80 g/L

Technically, any number in between the normal threshold and 110 g/L (115, for example) is not considered to be
anemia yet, but it’s a huge red flag to look into.

In 2015, about 2.36 billion people worldwide (roughly a third of the world’s population at that time) were living
with some degree of anemia. So, all in all, the condition is extremely common—but that doesn’t mean it’s a harmless
and minor one. When left untreated, it can cause severe irreversible damage to each and every structure in the human

Causes Of Anemia

There are dozens, if not hundreds, of conditions and factors that can result in anemia, but all of them are based upon
at least one of the following mechanisms:
 Impaired production of red blood cells / hemoglobin
 Increased destruction of red blood cells (hemolytic anemia)
 Blood loss (hemorrhagic anemia)

1. Impaired Production Of Red Blood Cells/Hemoglobin

If your body can’t produce red blood cells and/or hemoglobin, anemia is inevitable. These are the most common
reasons for that:

 Lack of crucial nutrients: For example, iron, folate, and vitamin B12 are components that are absolutely necessary for
the proper synthesis of red blood cells and hemoglobin.
 Toxic damage: Some drugs (medications) can severely inhibit the production red blood cells. Methotrexate, for
example, is a medication that is widely used for the conventional treatment of autoimmune diseases. Heavy metal
toxicity is another toxic cause of anemia. Eating highly processed foods or foods with artificial additives on a regular
basis will also contribute to impaired production of red blood cells.
 Congenital disorders: Some hereditary conditions, like thalassemia or aplastic anemias, also lead to hemoglobin
deficiency. At the time being, there is no confirmed and failproof treatment to most of these illnesses, as they are
“encrypted” in one’s genes. But it is in our power to support the blood system as much as possible to prevent
complications and improve quality of life!

2. Increased Destruction Of Red Blood Cells (Hemolytic Anemia)

There are factors and conditions that trigger the destruction of red blood cells in the body, thus causing anemia. The
most common ones are:

 Blood-destroying toxins: This includes such conventional medications as cephalosporins, diclofenac, oxaliplatin,
fludarabin, and dozens of others! (ALWAYS make sure to carefully read the list of side effects of what you decide to
take). Some animals, fishes, and plants also produce hemolytic toxins.
 Autoimmune and congenital disorders: There are many health conditions in which your body starts triggering its own
red blood cells and destroying them by the score. Just to mention a few: autoimmune diseases (like autoimmune
hemolytic anemia), others are congenital (like hereditary spherocytosis), but all of them need your full support and
careful attention. Restore the balance in your body to alleviate the course of these diseases as much as possible.
 Infections and medical procedures: For example, malaria is an infection of the blood during which a bug from the
Plasmodium family starts infecting the red blood cells directly and ripping them from the inside. Some medical
procedures such as hemodialysis are also accompanied by a certain degree of red blood cell destruction. In some
cases, the impact of this can be truly life-threatening.

3. Blood Loss

Severe bleeding of any kind instantly results in anemia. Women who menstruate are more prone to blood loss. If iron
intake and absorption does not replace the iron lost during your periods, you can end up with iron deficiency anemia.

As a rule, a blood loss of up to 15% (about 750 ml) of a person’s total blood volume does not result in any anemic
symptoms and does not require urgent treatment (unless the person has already had anemia before the bleeding), but
every human body is unique—so it’s important to stay alert and double-check everything in case of doubt.

Symptoms Of Anemia

All kinds of anemia, being conditions characterized by impaired oxygen delivery to the body’s organs and tissues, are
accompanied by the following symptoms:

 Lethargy, fatigue, low energy levels

 Impaired motivation, focus, concentration
 Shortness of breath or abnormally rapid heartbeat, especially during physical activity or overcome by strong emotions
 Headaches
 Tinnitus (ringing in the ears) in severe anemia
 Pale skin
 Dizziness spells

However, specific types of anemia have a few other symptoms to look out for:

 Iron deficiency anemia: Mouth sores, spoon-shaped nails (koilonychias), an inexplicable hunger for strange and
inedible substances such as chalk, wood, dirt, ice (this is known as pica).
 B12 and/or folate deficiency anemia: A sensation of tickling or numbness in the extremities (paresthesia), easy
bruising and bleeding, inflammation and soreness of the tongue, gastrointestinal symptoms.

What Happens When Anemia Goes Untreated?

Every single cell in your body needs oxygen to live, thrive, and carry out its functions. When the delivery of oxygen
is impaired, all of your organs and systems will be affected:

 Central nervous system: Among all organs in your body, the brain is among the most sensitive to hypoxia (decreased
oxygen delivery) that’s caused by anemia. As a result, it starts working much less effectively—impaired memory, focus,
and learning potential are the most common signs. If the anemic state persists for a few years, the cognitive damage
might even be irreversible.
 Cardiovascular system: To compensate for the lack of oxygen, the heart starts beating much faster and stronger,
often increasing the blood pressure. After a few months of working in such a fashion, the heart starts to enlarge,
which is an irreversible process that makes this organ much more likely to be affected by all sorts of diseases including
coronary heart disease.
 Endocrine system: When the endocrine glands in your body receive less oxygen than is needed for their proper
function, virtually any kind of hormonal imbalance becomes much more likely.
 Immune system: People with anemia are much more likely to catch any kind of infection because their immune
system is weakened by the chronic lack of oxygen. Their wounds and traumas heal much slower as well.
 Pregnancy complications: Severe anemia during pregnancy is associated with poor development of the baby and puts
under great risk, both the baby’s and the mother’s life during labor.

Anemia In Different Situations

Anemia And High Blood Pressure

As a rule, anemia is tolerated better by people with high blood pressure, at least in the short run. This is because the
hypertension becomes a compensating factor: If there’s not much oxygen in 1 ml of blood, let’s pump MORE
MILILITERS per minute thanks to an increased heart rate and blood pressure!

This approach works for a certain period of time, but is eventually deadly if both of the conditions persist:

 Living with high blood pressure leads to the enlargement of the heart
 A bigger heart needs more oxygen to work, which is impossible during anemia
 Ischemic heart disease starts, drastically decreasing life expectancy

The good news is that the whole process of heart enlargement takes months, even years—so there is a lot of time to
alleviate both conditions or even cure them for good before it’s too late.

Anemia And Low Blood Pressure

This combination is extremely dangerous for life. There isn’t enough oxygen in the blood due to anemia—and no
compensation coming from the cardiovascular system, leaving the body with no means to nourish its tissues.

As a result, a serious infection or trauma can easily be lethal for the person suffering from both of these conditions.
Anemia And Cancer

Cancer often results in progressive anemia through the following mechanisms:

 The tumor uses up the body’s iron, leaving less of it to be used for the synthesis of hemoglobin
 Cancer can infiltrate the bone marrow, disrupting its function of producing blood cells
 Some immune factors that are produced by the body to fight the cancer can suppress blood production

The vicious cycle is really nasty: Cancer causes anemia ⇒ anemia weakens the body ⇒ the body has less energy to
fight the cancer ⇒ cancer progresses and worsens the anemia.

Addressing a single part of this problem won’t be enough. You have to treat BOTH sides of the equation to overcome
the challenge and achieve a truly vibrant state of health.

7 Steps To Healing Anemia Naturally

If you have a confirmed anemia diagnosis, here’s a short list of steps that will significantly speed up your recovery to
bliss, the natural way!

1. Improve digestive health and stomach acid

A poor digestive health is the beginning of many health conditions due to malabsorption of many nutrients. Most
likely, you also have low stomach acid that prevents proper absorption of nutrients such as iron and the B vitamins
that lead to your low/poor production of red blood cells.

A good place to start healing anemia is to give your body a “reset” by doing a gastrointestinal cleanse that will help
your small intestines to start being able to absorb nutrients again. A parasite cleanse may also be necessary as parasite
and fungal infections often cause anemia.

 How to do a gastrointestinal cleanse

 How to do a parasite cleanse

These two cleanses should really always go hand-in-hand. If you also have candida, read this candida protocol. On
the second week after you start the gastrointestinal cleanse, also add digestive enzymes into your routine to help you
improve your digestion.

Eating fermented foods such as sauerkraut, kimchi and coconut kefir provides natural probiotics for a healthy gut.
These microbes help heal the gut lining, absorb nutrients much better, reduce inflammation and strengthen your
immune system.

2. Limit medications, eliminate all processed foods, added sugar, alcohol and green tea

When you’re on long-term medications, eat highly processed foods that are high in the wrong fats and sugar, chances
are you’re deficient in many nutrients. Not only are these nutrients depleted in nutrients, your body also expend
nutrients to digest them, causing further nutrient deficiencies.

Some medications will also lower your stomach acid (see #1 above) thus it impedes your digestion and reduce
nutrient absorption. When your body is not absorbing nutrients that it needs for synthesis of red blood
cells/hemoglobin, you become anemic—simply due to poor choices of food.

While drinking alcohol in moderation is fine, drinking excessively may lead to deadly health consequences.
Excessive drinking can lead to suppression of red blood cells synthesis.
In heavy drinkers, alcohol anemia can occur in various ways, often as a side effect of liver cirrhosis. With alcohol in
the blood system, it prevents folate from functioning in blood-building as it should, putting the drinker at risk for
alcohol anemia.

Avoid drinking green tea if you are anemic. Drinking green tea in large amount can interfere with iron absorption.
The polyphenols in green tea can bind with iron, inhibiting its intestinal absorption, and also prevent assimilation of
vitamin B12—two very important components for blood-building.

3. Start exercising

This one might sound counter-intuitive but it works when you do it right. Studies indicate that moderate aerobic
exercise is quite beneficial even for severe states of anemia, so start moving!

Do it bit by bit, step by step, gradually increasing the level of physical activity. Don’t strain yourself: your goal is
NOT to build muscle or lose weight but to stimulate your body into speeding up its processes—hemoglobin synthesis

4. Eat a lot of foods rich in iron, protein, and B12 (folate)

Iron deficiency anemia is among the most common types of the disease. Luckily, it’s part of the so-called group of
nutritional anemias—conditions that are caused by (and healed through) the things you eat. Here’s a short breakdown
of what you should look for to reverse your specific anemia:

 Iron deficiency anemia: Liver, grass-fed beef, spinach, seafood, nuts, beans, fortified grains. Combine these foods
with vitamin C to improve iron absorption.
 B12 deficiency anemia: Fish, poultry, dairy products, fortified cereals, algae (spirulina, chlorella, kelp).
 Great for all types of anemia: Aim to get enough proteins so that your body would have enough “building blocks” to
produce hemoglobin, a protein itself.

But don’t stop on just those 3 nutrients (iron, B12, proteins)—aim for a well-balanced and nutrient-dense diet based
on all-natural products. Your body is a delicate machine carrying out hundreds of intertwined processes at the same
time—and you never know for sure which one of them will affect the other.

5. Drink a glass of blood-building juice daily

Flood your system with what it needs and allow your body to use all the right foods you’re feeding it, to correct itself,
restoring your blood count to its optimal level. Green juices and smoothies are one of the easiest way to do that.

Green vegetables are rich in chlorophyll and that our body can easily use to convert into hemoglobin. Read more
about vegetable juicing here.

This juice combo is great for blood-building if you are experiencing iron deficiency anemia. Beetroots and carrots
have blood-building properties, and the presence of vitamin C and bioflavonoids (peel) will enhance the absorption,
making the nutrients more bioavailable for your body to use them efficiently.

5. Iron supplements

If you’re severely anemic, it makes sense to supplement with iron to help restore the iron depletion back to normal as
quickly as you safely can.

If eating foods and drinking juices high in iron is an issue for you, for whatever reasons, supplementing with iron
may be a good option.
However, most iron supplements prescribed by the doctor or at the pharmacy may cause side effects such as an upset
stomach, or constipation.

We recommend this supplement which is derived from natural beetroot (a blood-builder), orange (vitamin C required
for blood-building), folate and vitamin B12. All the right ingredients for efficient blood-building.

6. Eliminate stress and start sleeping more

Synthesizing new blood takes a whole lot of resources and energy, so make sure you get enough of both. The
previous steps focused on the resources part, this one takes care of the energy.

 Sleep at least 7 hours each day. 8 is even better. No exclusions.

 Avoid toxic relationships, tasks, and places at all costs. They aren’t worth it, especially now.

7. Don’t forget to treat concurrent diseases

There are some conditions that are heavily associated with anemia, so you won’t be able to heal the latter without
treating the former. Get yourself checked for underlying conditions and address them immediately. This website has a
wealth of information that you can use to remedy almost any ailments.


There isn’t a single living cell in your body that does not need oxygen, so it’s absolutely understandable why anemia
can have such serious consequences. Even though it doesn’t have any symptoms on its mild stage, never
underestimate this condition and address it as soon as possible!

Eat Noni Fruit To Fight Infections, Protect Your Liver

And Relieve Arthritic Joint Pains
Noni fruit (scientific name: morinda citrifolia) is also known as nunaakai (Tamil Nadu, India), great morinda, Indian
mulberry, dog dumpling (Barbados), apatot (Philippines), mengkudu (Indonesia and Malaysia), pace (Java), kumudu
(Bali), cheese fruit, beach mulberry, or noni (Hawaii).

The noni fruit is native to Australasia and Southeast Asia. It belongs to the family of Rubiaceae, the coffee family. It
is considered the “Queen of the Morinda”, thanks to its versatile nature, important attributes, and the distinctive
ability to spread itself on the beaches without requiring much human intervention.

This fruit is green when unripe, and turns yellow when it ripens. It is oval in shape and measures an average of 10 to
18 cm (about 4 to 7 inches). When ripening on the tree, the noni fruit gives out a pungent odor, hence it’s also known
as cheese fruit or even vomit fruit. Needless to say, the smell of the fruit attracts fruit bats and fruit flies that feed
exclusively on these fruits.

The noni fruit is commonly used to make juice as well as other preparations such as powders, tablets, capsules, and
teas in order for consumers to enjoy of its rich health benefits without having to deal with the odor.

Nutritional Benefits Of Noni Fruit

Noni fruit is rich in minerals, vitamins and many phytonutrients. Minerals content of noni fruit include potassium,
calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, and iron.
It contains almost the entire range of vitamins: A C, E, and of the B vitamins: B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B9 (folate) B12
and beta-carotene. Along with that, it also contains many known phytonutrients that are antioxidants: vanillin,
quercetin, pinoresinol, kaempferol, proxeronine, isoscopoletin, and bisdemethylpinoresinol.

Health Benefits Of Noni Fruit

Noni fruit is excellent for treating various health ailments. Below are some outstanding benefits of this fruit for
human health:

Antidepressant/Sedative: Noni is useful in facilitating two critical hormones—serotonin and melatonin respectively.
Melatonin helps to regulate the circadian rhythm, thus helping you to sleep. Keeping this regular helps you get
quality sleep and improve your mood. Serotonin, on the other hand, affects mood, sleep, and emotion. Imbalanced
levels of serotonin can cause depression.

Antipsychotic Agent: Noni fruit may be beneficial for various disorders and ailments related to the central nervous
system. It can treat psychiatric disorders because it owns anti-psychotic properties. Besides, the therapeutic properties
present in it work well to deal with brain damage.

Cardiovascular Ailments: Noni fruit has vasodilator properties that help to regulate blood pressure and maintain
heart health. It additionally supports the cardiovascular health and regulate the overall cholesterol levels in the body.

Diarrhea Treatment: Salmonella and E. Coli are two bacteria that can cause diarrhea. Noni fruit composes of
antibacterial agents, which can combat these bacteria in the body. This fruit is far more effective for curing diarrhea
caused by bacteria, than prescribed antibiotics or drugs.

Fight Infections: Fungus and bacteria can infect the body from the outside or inside. Regular consumption of noni
fruit can fight against bacteria inside the body. Also, it is helpful for treating skin conditions caused by bacteria and

Immune System Booster: Noni fruit is useful in activating macrophages and strengthening the immunity, which then
helps to produce more lymphocytes. It is also rich in antibacterial agents that combat infectious bacteria, including E.
Coli and Staphylococcus aureus.

Liver Protection: Noni fruit aids in protecting the liver from diseases. According to a study, noni fruit contains
hepatoprotective agents on the liver, which gives the organ protection from the harmful chemicals and deals with
liver damage.

Reduce Arthritis: Noni provides relief from the problem of arthritis, as it comes with anti-inflammatory properties.
Apart from that, it also contains analgesic properties that are effective at eradicating pain and reducing joint
destruction from conditions such as arthritis.

Skin Care: Noni is an excellent ingredient commonly used in skin care and beauty products. It contains protective
chemical constituents that help stimulate collagen and inhibit the formation of wrinkles. Besides, it also possesses
antibacterial and anti-inflammatory abilities, all of which are useful in combating various skin problems such as
burns, acne, hives, and allergic skin reactions. It also helps to restore healthy and young skin.

Toothache Reliever: Noni works to treat a toothache efficiently because it possesses antibacterial agents. The
antibacterial substances directly eliminate the bacteria causing the swelling while the analgesic acts as a painkiller.

Treat Diabetes: According to a research, eating noni fruit can reduce symptoms of type 2 diabetes. It shows that this
fruit is useful in reducing the level of serum triglycerides, LDL cholesterol, and glycosylated hemoglobin in the body.
Apart from that, it also encourages the glucose uptake and sensitivity of insulin.
Consumption Tips

Noni is commonly sold in the form of juice and has a slightly bitter taste. They are sometimes made sweetened,
unsweetened, diluted with grape juice or noni powder mixed with juice or water. It is most commonly marketed as a
health tonic.

Raw noni fruit is rich in antioxidants, potassium, and fiber, making it a healthy and beneficial addition to your regular
diet. You can consume it raw or pre-prepared noni juice. If you have access to fresh noni fruit, you can prepare a noni
juice at home as follows:

What You Need:

 A noni fruit
 A blender
 5 oz of water
 A strainer


 Leave an unripened noni fruit on your kitchen countertop for several days until it feels soft. Use it before it turns white
 Add the cold water to the blender and place the noni in it.
 Blend it and then strain the juice, to remove the seeds.
 You can mix it with a little water to drink.
 You can add some honey, if desired, or add a few slices of pineapple or orange to it.
 Enjoy!

Cautionary Note

Noni fruit is very nutrient-dense and potent. In rare cases, it may cause problems for individuals with history of liver
ailments and kidney issues. Also, it may not be safe for pregnant women.

Noni is known to be used to cause abortions. If you are pregnant, please avoid consuming noni fruit. Avoid it even if
you are breastfeeding.

If you are on any medication, please consult your doctor before using any noni health tonic.

8 To 14-Day Detox/Juice Cleanse (The Second Week)

So, you’ve been juicing for quite some time now, done a few short cleanses, enjoyed their fabulous effects on your
health, and now are feeling ready to take a step further, for some deeper detox.

This 8 to 14-day detox/juice cleanse might be the perfect next step for you! It provides a substantially deeper
cleansing than short detox plans but is still easier to do than embarking on monumental juicing journeys such as that
beyond 21 days.

Medium-duration juice cleanses are great to do on vacations but that’s not necessarily required: by now, you’re most
likely seasoned enough to do juice cleanses without disrupting your routine life flow. Now let’s check out the
interesting details of your 8 to 14-day juice cleanse!
8 To 14-Day Detox/Juice Cleanse

WHY You Should Do An 8 To 14-Day Juice Cleanse

An 8 to 14-day juice cleanse is perfect to flush out most of the toxins from your body AND start healing minor to
moderate health issues. Most likely, if you suffer from some chronic diseases you will start noticing significant
improvements in your condition—but a full-blown reversal of the pathology would still require a longer detox plan.

As a rule, autoimmune conditions such as psoriasis and certain types of arthritis start to soothe down after 2 full
weeks of juice cleansing, often leading to a quite long period of remission. For most people, however, such a cleanse
won’t be enough to reverse the process itself—just to provide a solid yet temporary improvement.

BEFORE You Start On The Detox/Juice Cleanse

Before you get started, below are a few pointers to keep in mind:

 This 8 to 14-day juice cleanse is NOT for beginners. If you are new to juicing, start slow. Start with drinking fresh juices
regularly for a few weeks, then try out with 1 or 2-day fasts, building yourself up to 7-day juice fasts. Once you have
enough experience at these stages, and have accustomed your body to juice cleanses, then you are ready for a two-
week juice cleanse!
 The second week of detox, although generally easier on the body, might evoke long-forgotten sensations and
emotions related to old injuries, traumas, operations, and diseases. Be ready for this, and remember that any
unpleasant health reactions are temporary.
 Please read the 7-day detox/juice cleanse that will lead you up to this 14-day cleanse. Particularly note, that you
should start with a gastrointestinal cleanse. Also go on a parasite cleanse that will enhance your detox efforts,
superboosting your healing.
 Make sure to have at least 8 hours of sleep every night as this is when detox processes are most effective in the body.
During the second week you may occasionally feel more tired on some days: try to get some extra sleep—these are
signs that your body is detoxifying some deep, old damage. Don’t fight these feelings of tiredness, let it rest.
 It is generally recommended to take a break from any supplements during your detox program except for 30-50 billion
count probiotics and omega-3 fish oil or flaxseed oil. If you’re doing the gastrointestinal cleanse and/or the parasite
cleanse, then follow those protocols where supplements are concerned.

What You Can Expect AFTER Completing This Juice Cleanse

Every person is unique so there is no universal and detailed prediction as to what you can expect from your 8 to 14-
day juice cleanse. These are, however, the most commonly experienced health improvements:

 Slow and steady weight loss (fats start melting down)

 Significant decrease of sugar cravings
 Significant increase in energy levels
 Improved digestion and bowel movement
 Soothed chronic processes
 Clearer thoughts and improved focus
 Deeper sleep and enhanced rest effectiveness
 Skin starts clearing up

Possible Healing Reactions DURING The Second Week

Most of the toxins from your body will be flushed out during the first week of detox, so the second week will be
marked by far less intense healing reactions and much higher energy levels. If you are overweight, however, some of
the healing reactions might persist during the second week as a lot of toxins are deposited in body fat and would
require more time to be flushed out.
Here’s a brief list of the most common reactions that you may have experienced during the first week. Some people
experienced these symptoms even into the second week:

 Hunger pangs and hunger in general

 Nausea, rarely vomiting
 Coated tongue
 Unpleasant breath and body odor
 Dizziness, headaches
 Muscle aches
 Skin pimples, acne, rashes

The second week is also the time when your body starts “digging deeper” into its organs and tissues, repairing old
damage (from traumas, operations, and diseases) that had not been properly healed before.

Toxins that have been previously deposited in scar tissue and bone fractures (if any) are gradually released into the
bloodstream, ready to be eliminated once and for all. A common sign of this process is experiencing the same pain
and other symptoms that you had when the original trauma or disease took place. Keep juicing and drink plenty of
water to speed up the cleansing. For most people, enemas prove to bring relief as well.

What To Drink And How Much

As with any detox you do, the main piece of advice I always say, is to listen to your body. The second week of your
juice cleanse is likely to be much easier on your body than the first one, but for many people it still remains a
challenge not to be underestimated (especially if this is your first two-week cleanse).

 In general, aim to get yourself a good portion (about 17-27 ounces or 500 to 800 ml) of freshly made juices three times
a day for traditional “meal times” (breakfast, lunch, dinner) with occasional sips of juice or broth in between meals
whenever you feel like it. This amount is not a hard and fast rule, it is a guide. Drink as much as your body can
comfortably handle.
 In between your meals, feel free to drink more juices, broths and caffeine-free herbal teas whenever you feel like it.
The idea is to continue to flood your body with the good stuff, and not get hungry. Here are some ideas of what you
can drink, on top of your juices.

At this stage of your juice cleanse, the detox processes will be taking place at a much deeper level, so it will be
extremely important to ensure optimal hydration and aid the cleansing process as much as possible. Aim for at least
70 ounces (2 liters) of water on top of your juices and broth.

Juice Plan For An 8 To 14-Day Detox/Juice Cleanse

Slow and steady, that’s how you do an 8 to 14-day juice detox. There’s less need for metabolism-boosting ingredients
now (ginger, turmeric, etc.) as you’ll have more time for the cleansing to be carried out—so get creative!

Two weeks is a whole lot of time to indulge in your wildest juicing experiments and try something new, unexpected,
and radiating with health.

By this time, you may be able to include beetroots into most of your juices for a good cleansing and support of your
liver. However, still keep a focus most of the time on green juices that are most healing for your digestive system,
and for healing and repair of diseased and damaged tissues/cells.

Suggested Juice Recipes

Below you’ll find some juice recipe ideas for your juice cleanse, but never hesitate to blaze your own path and
combine the ingredients the way you want. After all, the worst thing you can do with your 2-week detox program is
to make it dull and boring. �
Always use organic, if possible, unless you’re using a slow juicer that can help minimize the inclusion of artificial
chemicals in your juice.

Juice Recipe #1

 1 bunch of kale
 1 bunch of celery (about 12-14 ribs)
 2 cucumbers
 4 green apples
 1 lemon with peel
 A piece of ginger root (about 1-inch thick)

Juice Recipe #2

 2 cucumbers
 1 medium-sized jicama
 Half a pineapple
 1 large grapefruit
 1 lemon with peel
 A piece of ginger root (about 1-inch thick)

Juice Recipe #3

 1 bunch of celery (about 12-14 ribs)

 One bunch of spinach
 2 cucumbers
 4 green apples
 A piece of ginger root (about 1-inch thick)
 One lemon with peel

Juice Recipe #4

 6-8 medium-sized beetroot

 2 cucumbers
 1 lemon with peel
 A piece of ginger root (about 1-inch thick)

Juice Recipe #5

 2 fennel bulbs
 4 Asian pears
 ½ lb of carrots
 2 large grapefruits
 1 lemon with peel
 A piece of ginger root (about 1-inch thick)

You may notice that I often include lemon and ginger root in all my juices. These are my staple.

The lemon is a wonderful citrus fruit that does a few things when added to any juice. It enhances nutrient absorption
in your body by up to 5x, making your juices go a longer way to feed your cells. Lemon superboosts your immune
system, and improve the taste of your juices. Always use organic lemons, and include the peel (cut off both ends). It
is the bioflavonoids in the peel that do these miraculous healing.
Ginger root on the other hand, gives the juice an extra “kick” in the taste, improves blood flow and strengthens your
guy and immune system. You may use more than the recommended one-inch, if you like a little spiciness in your

In general, aim to get as much of greens as you can (while still feeling comfortable and healthy), but feel free to spice
them up with a dose of fruits. Pineapples, apples, and carrots are usually the best ones when it comes to combining
them with greens. Get more tips on making great-tasting green juices.

What Juices And How Much To Drink During A Juice

When you juice fast, you have to make a conscious effort to drink enough fluid throughout the day. The key to juice
fasting is hydration with all the natural vitamins, minerals and enzymes. So, what helps with hydration, and how
much is enough?

Hydration Is KEY

For “meal times” (breakfast, lunch and dinner) during a juice fast, it is very normal to drink about 17-27 oz (approx.
500ml to 800ml) each time in place of a solid food meal, and it can be quite filling. Drink your juice slowly and enjoy
the taste, don’t gulp it down. Drink only as much as your body can take at any one time, comfortably. Listen to your
body, it will tell you when it wants more, or if it’s got enough.

As a general rule, most juice fasters drink somewhere between one and three quarts of juices a day (approximately
one to three liters a day). This is in addition to other fluids—water, broths and herbal teas.

Vary the types of juices you drink throughout your fast especially during extended juice fasts, so that you receive a
wide range of nutrients that your body needs. But tend to take more vegetable (green) juices than fruit juices.

What To Drink During A Juice Fast


In between meals, continue to drink juices alternating with pure drinking water. It is fine if you keep going to the
washroom as this allows your body to flush out the unwanted wastes from your body. Juice fasting is also about
keeping your body alkaline. You achieve this by drinking fresh juices. Don’t make the mistake of going the “artificial
way” of drinking alkaline water. Alkaline water may help in the short-term but can be harmful in the long run. Read
more about what type of water to drink.

When you are experiencing healing reactions (lethargy, headaches, light-headedness, joint pains, etc.), these are signs
that your body is detoxifying, expelling old toxins, dumping them temporarily into the bloodstream for it to be
eliminated. This is what fresh juices do.

You need to drink water to flush these toxins out. How much water do you need when doing a juice cleanse?

When detox reactions are getting too severe, it means you’re drinking TOO MUCH juices and TOO LITTLE water.
What you need to do then, is to REDUCE juices and INCREASE water.

On a normal day when you DON’T do a cleanse, here’s how much water you need:
Take your body weight in pounds, divide it into two and that’s the number of ounces you will need in a day.
Example: Your body weight = 160 pounds. Divide into two = 80 pounds. Your requirement = 80 ounces / 8-oz a
glass = TEN 8-oz glasses.
When you’re doing a juice cleanse, take this as a GUIDE, so that you don’t stray too far away from your body’s daily
water requirement. You should be drinking about that much water, not much more nor much less, just about there.

Always drink water at room temperature or warm. Never drink cold water when juice fasting, to avoid troubling your
digestive system. It is important while juice fasting, to drink plenty of water on top of the juices. However, do not
overdo it. When your urine has turned very lightly yellow, you know you’re on the right track. If it becomes clear
then you know you can reduce the water a little.

Fruit Juices

When juice fasting/feasting drink only freshly extracted juices. Avoid canned or boxed juices that are sold on the
shelves—those are loaded with harmful sugar, additives and preservatives. You can buy freshly-extracted juices from
juice bars if you personally see them juice them for you. If the juice bar uses a slow juicer, even better!

You want to drink as much moisture-rich fruits as possible for proper hydration of vitamins/minerals and
phytonutrients. Some common fruits that you can use during a juice fast: green apples, cantaloupe, carrot (not fruit),
cranberries, grapefruit, grapes, guava, orange, pear, strawberries, watermelon and whatever else is seasonal and
available at your local market.

Even though citrus fruits taste acidic, when consumed they are alkaline-forming and do not make the stomach acidic.
Remember to rinse your mouth after drinking juices to prevent teeth decay.

Vegetable/Green Juices

Fresh vegetable juices are the best foods for melting away fats and they are very healing/detoxifying for cleansing the
blood/organs. No juice fast/feast is complete without drinking green juices.

It may be hard to extract green leafy vegetables if you’re using a centrifugal juicer, but a slow/masticating juicer can
give you a very high juice yield. If you don’t have a slow juicer, choose whatever produce that are suitable for your
type of juicer.

Almost any greens can be used to make green juices and should be included in your juice fast. Buy vegetables that
are in season where you are. Mix and match your greens. You’re only limited by your imagination. Here are some
tips on how to make great-tasting green juices.

Include a medium-sized beetroot every other day for liver support. Throw in a quarter, half a lemon, or even a full
lemon in all your fresh juices to enhance the juice taste and increase the nutrients absorption. And if you dare/like,
add a little cilantro, garlic, ginger, onion, etc. for healing of the digestive system.

See more healing vegetables here.

Homemade Broths

Boil a simple vegetable broth with any green vegetables. Watercress juice is bitter but it’s suitable for making a broth
for its many health benefits.

Other vegetables that are suitable for making broth are amaranth leaves, broccoli, cabbage, celery, kale, bok choy,
any squashes, and any other vegetable you fancy. You can make a big pot and store them away in one-serving mason
jars that you can use any time.

When making vegetable broth, the minerals and phytonutrients from the vegetables do not get destroyed but will
leach into the soup. That’s what we want, discard the fiber when juice fasting. Overcooked vegetables become a
burden to the digestive system when you’re fasting.
Here are a few of my favorite broth recipes that I often use:

 A modified Hippocrates vegetable broth that is kidney and liver-cleansing.

 This is another kidney-cleansing broth.
 Bone broth if you want to fix a leaky gut and heal a digestive issue.
 A very high antioxidant mushroom broth.
 A modified cabbage soup that helps to boost your metabolism. Make this if you also want to lose weight. (You may eat
of the vegetables if you’re juice feasting.)
 An anticancer creamy broccoli soup.

Herbal Teas

Store up on caffeine/tannin-free herbal teas to be sipped between “meals”. Peppermint and chamomile teas are
excellent in reducing the feeling of bloating.

Oolong tea is good for those who want to lose weight. Rooibos may also be an excellent source of antioxidant. Here
are suggestions of 10 herbal teas that you may like to stock up in your pantry.

If you are doing an extended juice fast, you may even consider adding Essiac tea to your regime. Essiac tea is
fantastic for helping your body detox, support your liver and strengthen your immune system.


You can get creative and add other liquids to your juice fasting. Some examples are liquid chlorophyll, or mix
spirulina/chlorella powder into your juice/water and drink. If available, you may also boil Chinese or Korean ginseng
that helps filter toxins from your system. Not to be taken every day or excessively, as these are highly potent.

The reason that you should not add any pulp into your beverages is to prevent your digestive system working. This
will keep your body burning the low-grade stored fat, so that you will not feel hungry. Any protein, fat or pulp taken
when you’re juice fasting will cause your digestion to restart, causing you to feel hunger pangs and a little discomfort.

15 To 21-Day Detox/Juice Cleanse (The Third Week

And Beyond)
If you’re looking to do anything from a 15 to 21-day detox/juice cleanse, chances are that you’re a seasoned juice
faster. Or you have probably heard of all the benefits of doing a 21-day (or beyond) juice cleanse! Maybe you have a
health condition you want to get rid of by juice fasting! Whatever your reason, you’ve come to the right place.

The ultimate healing challenge: A 15 to 21-day detox/juice cleanse!

The health benefits you can get from this 3-week detox plan will be just incredible—but they come at a price, too.
This cleanse requires experience, dedication, and a great dose of genuine creativity to be carried out the right way, so
make sure you are ready for the journey.

Why You Should Do A 15 to 21-Day Juice Cleanse

As you may remember from your first few juice fasts, the first two days are essentially a period of rough adaptation
and prominent “withdrawal symptoms” from all the unhealthy food we’ve been previously having that brought us to
the stage where we need to detoxify.
In the first seven days (the first week) of juice fasting, you would experience superficial detox during which, most of
the toxins from your body are effectively metabolized and flushed out, simultaneously healing minor health issues
and acute conditions.

If you had continued into the second week of juice fasting, it would be a period of deep cleansing during which, your
body took care of old injuries and traumas that weren’t healed properly before. Throughout the second week of juice
fasting, your body flushed out toxins stored deep inside your scar tissues (from operations, traumas, etc.) and treated
chronic conditions. However but a solid reversal of the disease usually requires much more time.

So now you’ve decided to do a 21-day detox/juice cleanse, and that’s an excellent decision! 21 days are the minimum
effective period your body needs to effectively reach the organs and systems that are troubled by chronic pathologies
of all sorts. For some people, going beyond 21 days may also be helpful, depending on the degree of chronic issues
that need to be addressed.

This 15 to 21-day detox/juice cleanse aims to restore the balance in your current physiology as well as heal injuries
and damage that you’ve suffered from your younger days (even from your childhood years). Read on to understand
what this means.

BEFORE You Start On The Detox/Juice Cleanse

Before you get started, below are a few pointers to keep in mind:

 This 15 to 21-day detox/juice cleanse is NOT for beginners. If you don’t have at least a couple months of experience in
juicing and at least a few short (1-7 days juice fasts) and medium (8-14 days juice fasts) cleanses under your belt—
don’t attempt a three-week one, unless you’re doing it under the supervision of a qualified and experienced natural
 Most likely you want to heal a chronic issue that has been bothering you for a long time. To supercharge your detox
effort, always start by doing a proper gastrointestinal cleanse, and a parasite cleanse. Both of these cleanses were
introduced during the first week.
 Always make sleep a priority and have at least 8 hours of it every single night. This is crucial for the success of your
cleanse: don’t underestimate the impact that a good night of rest can have on your healing. Learn to respect your
body’s biological clock and you will get the most out of your detox efforts.
 It is generally recommended to take a break from any supplements during your detox program except for 30-50 billion
count probiotics and omega-3 fish oil or flaxseed oil. Eating 1 tablespoon of coconut oil daily during an extended fast is
also encouraged. If you’re doing the gastrointestinal cleanse and/or the parasite cleanse, then follow those protocols
where supplements are concerned.

What You Can Expect AFTER Completing This Juice Cleanse

Every person is unique so there is no universal and detailed prediction as to what you can expect from your 15 to 21-
day juice cleanse. These are, however, the most commonly experienced health improvements:

 Mental clarity, improved focus, alertness and mindfulness

 Somewhat improved vision
 Clear skin
 Healthier hair
 Steady weight loss
 A significant increase in energy levels
 Improved digestion and bowel movement
 Soothed chronic processes, up to long periods of remission

Many juice fasters reported that long cleanses (21 days and beyond) help to calm down autoimmune processes and
relieve systemic inflammation, such as arthritis.

Possible Healing Reactions DURING The Third Week And Beyond

Even those who regularly embark on juice cleanses usually affirm that the first week is the hardest one, during which
the healing reactions are most felt. They include:

 Hunger pangs and hunger in general

 Nausea, rarely vomiting
 Coated tongue
 Unpleasant breath and body odor
 Dizziness, headaches
 Muscle aches
 Skin pimples, acne, rashes

The second week will be marked by far less intense healing reactions and much higher energy levels. Overweight
people, however, might experience some of these reactions during the second week as well because as a lot of toxins
are deposited in their body fat and require more time to be flushed out.

The third week is usually the calmest as most of the healing reactions should have subsided by now. This period is
usually accompanied by mental clarity and mindfulness, but energy levels tend to fluctuate a bit. Some days will be
energetic and vibrant while others will make you feel sleepy and tired for no apparent reason: don’t worry and
remember your body is working at healing deep and old injuries, so keep juicing and give your body some time to

Some people might experience the fecal encrustations being released through their bowel movements, some might
experience them later, some not. If you do, take a course of quality probiotics and add 2 teaspoons of apple cider
vinegar in your juices to help rebalance the intestinal flora and the electrolytes for about 1-2 weeks from the time you
noticed purging of the encrustations.

Be Aware of Possible EMOTIONAL Healing Reactions

When you enter into the third week of a juice cleanse, you may experience not only deep tissue cleansing, but also
deep emotional cleansing. During this time, you may experience a bout of emotional mood swings that may be
unpleasant and make you feel restless.

It is wise that you be aware and welcome these possible emotional healing reactions. When you are prepared, you
will recognize and know how to deal with it when it happens.

Read more about emotional healing reactions here.

What To Drink And How Much

Just as you did on your previous cleanses, listen to your body—especially on the third week, when the deepest detox
will be taking place.

During the third week, you would already be familiar with what you need to do. Continue to drink your 17-27
ounces or 500 to 800 ml of freshly made juices three times a day for traditional “meal times” (breakfast, lunch,
dinner) with occasional sips of juices or broths in between meals whenever you feel like it.

Herbal teas are also great to support the healing process, so make sure to drink them at least once or twice per day
between your juicing meals. Get more ideas of what you can drink, on top of your juices.

Remember to pay great attention to your water intake at all times, especially on the second and third weeks of your
juice cleanse. Make sure to drink at least 70 ounces (2 liters) of fresh water on top of your juices, broths, and herbal
Juice Plan For A 15 To 21-Day Detox/Juice Cleanse

The 21-day juice cleanse aims to reach the deepest layers of your organism and alleviate even the most persistent
chronic issues. To do so, make sure to focus a lot of attention on juice diversity and provide your body with all the
vitamins it needs for proper healing.

From the second week, you would have included beetroots into your daily juicing regime. To this, you may add a few
other fruits as you like, as we suggest in juice recipes below.

Suggested Juice Recipes

Below you’ll find a some juice recipe ideas that you can add to your third week juice cleanse for more variety.
During the third week and beyond, your body is much more prepared to take in more fruits. You may use a variety of
fruits for about 30% of your juices. These recipes are just suggestions and need not be followed too strictly—get wild
and creative, mix whatever your body asks for!

Juice Recipe #1

This recipe is beneficial for healing of the digestive system:

 1 small head of cabbage

 ½ stalk of celery (about 6-8 ribs)
 ½ lb of carrots
 A piece of ginger root (about 1-inch thick)

Juice Recipe #2

This recipe is beneficial for cleansing and supporting the liver:

 6-8 medium-large beetroots

 1 fennel bulb
 A handful of dandelion leaves (if available)
 1 lemon with peel (cut off both ends)
 A piece of ginger root (about 1-inch thick)

Juice Recipe #3

This recipe is beneficial for cleansing the kidneys:

 Watermelon juice including the rind

 1 stalk of celery (12-14 ribs)
 ½ lemon with peel

Juice Recipe #4

This recipe is beneficial for healing of the respiratory system:

 1 lb of carrots
 4-6 oranges
 4-6 green apples
 A piece of ginger root (about 1-inch thick)
 A pinch of cayenne pepper (optional)

Juice Recipe #5
This recipe is beneficial for healing arthritic inflammation:

 2 cucumbers
 1 stalk of celery (12-14 ribs)
 1 green apple
 ½ pineapple
 A handful of fresh mint

Juice Recipe # 6

This recipe is beneficial for increasing metabolism:

 2 large grapefruits
 3-4 yellow/orange bell peppers
 ½ lemon with peel

The third week of your juice cleanse is a delicate period during which you should focus exceptional attention to what
your body tries to communicate with you. Deep healing might require a certain nutrient—and that’s why you may
experience a sudden craving for carrots, let’s say, or blueberries. Go for it, juice ‘em up! This is your body’s gentle
way of giving you a hint on what you should give it, to accelerate the healing process.

Parasites Could Be The Reason You’re Sick! How To

Do A Parasite Cleanse
Most people never associate their health problems with having parasites in their body, but if you have any symptoms
at all in your body, read on. Find out why it is so important to do a parasite cleanse on a regular basis.

Parasites in humans are more common than you think. Although it is quite normal for most humans to have some
parasites in their bodies, over 50% of people in developed countries have parasite problems that get out of control,
causing chronic parasitic infections.

Dr Hulda Clark (1928-2009), a Canadian naturopath, who wrote the book “Cure For All Diseases” said that no matter
what your health symptoms are, they are caused only by TWO things:

 Parasites—which can be removed by electronic and herbal treatment

 Pollution (or toxins)—which can be avoided

Dr Hulda recognized that cleansing the body of parasites always had a profound effect on restoring health

What Are Parasites In Humans?

Parasites are unwanted organism that live in the gastrointestinal system that has the potential to cause damage to their
human host. Parasites get their nutrients from the foods we eat and they puncture holes in the intestinal membrane.

Parasites can range from tiny amoeba that are not visible to your naked eyes, up to 35-foot long tapeworms! They lay
eggs in the body and given the right environment, each one can lay hundreds of thousands or millions of eggs daily!!

Their eggs can enter into blood circulation, travel to various organs in the body and cause diseases. Chronic parasitic
infections are linked with intestinal permeability, leaky gut syndrome, irritable bowel syndrome and many other
digestive disorders. If you have any digestive disorders, parasites are most likely the cause.
What Are The Types Of Parasites That Inhabit The Human Body?

There are hundreds of known parasites that inhabit the human body. They are classified into two main groups of
parasites that can cause diseases: protozoa and helminths.

Protozoa are single-celled microorganisms that may not be visible to the naked eye. The most common protozoans
that infect a human body are: Giardia intestinalis, entaboeba hystolytica, cyclospora cayetanenensis,
cryptosporidium spp, and blastocystis hominis. The disorders caused by these parasites are often named after them.

Helminths are larger and typically big enough and can be seen with the human eye in their adult stage. The most
common helminths that inhabit the human gut, briefly, are:

 Roundworms: This parasite can lay up to over 200,000 eggs a day and can grow up to 15 feet long. Because of their
size, this type of parasite can cause blockages in the intestinal tract, penetrate the intestinal wall, cause hemorrhages,
appendicitis, peritonitis, abscesses in the liver and pancreatitis.
 Hookworms: The larvae of this parasite can penetrate the skin. Young worms can burrow through intestinal wall and
feed on your blood, causing iron deficiency and other nutrient deficiencies. Adult hookworms can sap the host’s
strength and energy and destroy their overall wellbeing.
 Tapeworms: This parasite can grow up to 35 feet long and live more than 10 years inside a person’s intestines. They
can lay up to one million eggs per day!
 Pinworms: A female pinworm often crawls out of the anus and lays about 15,000 eggs a day. The eggs can survive
outside the body and once airborne, they can survive for about two days in its surrounding. Hosts may often
experience itchiness in the anus or vagina, suffer from digestive disorders, insomnia and irritability.
 Whipworms: This 1-2 inches long worm can penetrate the intestinal wall and cause bacterial infections, blood in
stools, pain in lower abdomen, rectal prolapse, anemia and hemorrhages.
 Flatworms: Flatworms (a.k.a. fluke) can grow up to 3 inches long. They deplete nutrients from an organ, and then
move on to other organs in the body via the blood stream and lymphatic system. They can cause severe diseases in
the gastrointestinal tract, lungs, bladder, liver and the blood.

What Are The Causes Of Parasite Infections?

Parasites can enter your body through contaminated food and water: From eating uncooked or undercooked meat
(stop eating sashimi!), contaminated fruits and vegetables, from unclean washroom habits, dirty toilets, handling
animals, from swimming or even through the bottom of your feet!

But, the condition is only made worse if you also have an unhealthy diet lifestyle. A weakened immune system
caused by a poor eating habit weakens the immune system to a state where it attracts a parasitic infection. A
weakened body is a breeding ground for parasites and other microorganisms and they thrive in it!

Poor eating habits, a stressful lifestyle, being on long-term medications all contribute to poor gut health and immune
system. With chronic constipation and irregular bowel movements, undigested foods in the digestive tract remains
longer than it should, staying stagnant and they ferment.

Fermentation produces sugars that feed yeasts and parasites and further weakens gut health and immune system. As
the food rots, it also produces gas that causes bloating and flatulence. This, is the perfect environment for parasites to
breed and multiply, and soon cause an infestation … just as rats and various pests live off city landfills and industrial-
waste sites.

Signs That You May Have A Parasite Infection

These organisms can cause HUGE problems when left untreated. People commonly think that parasites only exist in
underdeveloped countries. This is far from the truth, and the reason why people often don’t pay attention to their
symptoms, nor associate their problems with parasite infections!
Although some people may have parasites in the body and have no sign of their presence, parasites that grow out of
control may cause some persistent issues such as:

 Chronic digestive issues despite eating a healthy diet

 Persistent cramps, flatulence, bloating, gas
 Chronic exhaustion that cannot be resolved by sleep
 Sexual dysfunction and menstruation problems in women
 Mental issues including forgetfulness, anxiety, depression, restlessness, behavioral changes, cognitive disorders,
 Anemia or iron deficiency—worms can cause blood loss
 Feeling hungry all the time, or have strong cravings for processed foods and sugary foods
 Autoimmune disorders often accompanied with other symptoms such as IBS, arthritis, joint pains and inflammation
 Recurring yeast infections such as Candida
 Food allergies and sensitivities
 Feeling of something crawling under the skin!

What Do Parasites Do In The Human Body?

Because parasites are often “unseen”, they can cause “mysterious” diseases and get away with it. Prescription
antibiotics can probably kill a few types of parasites, but they don’t kill the really stubborn parasites.

Once parasites are established in a body and are dominant, they can literally eat holes through organs. Even the
microscopic amoeba are known to eat through brains! They multiply so fast that they need more food all the time.
This is why people who are infected often have cravings for the wrong types of food, to feed the parasites, and often
feel hungry.

Worms can become so big that they perforate the intestines (as in the case of leaky gut), the circulatory system, the
lungs and the liver. They rob your body of the nutrients you eat, causing severe nutrient deficiencies that lead to
diseases. They eat blood cells, causing people to lose blood and be anemic.

On the whole, parasites depress the immune system by making your entire system toxic. They eat and poop in the
body (they are not potty-trained!), causing more wastes in the body that lead to toxicity. All these going-ons in the
body degenerates your health, causing fatigue and illness.

Natural Parasite Cleanse

When a body is infested with parasites, there needs to be a complete clean-up of the entire system. Doing a
gastrointestinal cleanse first, is very important to prepare the body for eliminating dead parasites and organisms
efficiently, without affecting the other organs.

If you have not done a gastrointestinal cleanse, start immediately and follow with a liver cleanse. This page will
explain how you can do entire body detox in the right sequence to minimize healing reactions (massive parasites die-
off) and to eliminate them efficiently.

Most often, your doctor may prescribe antibiotics to kill parasites and other organisms. Antibiotics are the cause of
your gut problem in the first place. Taking them will cause further problems. In any case, they don’t even kill all of
the parasites!

Related reading: SIBO (Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth) And What This One Food Helps
Supplements For Parasite Cleanse

When the gastrointestinal tract is cleaned up, it will expose the parasites. Ingesting the herbal parasiticides will get
the potent herbs to be in contact with the parasites and strip them off your intestinal wall lining. This is why the
protocol works powerfully, effectively and safely to eradicate the parasites.

I particularly like these two sets of Parasite Cleanse formula that are outstanding with their ingredients, and that work
effectively to get rid of the parasites at every stage, without any side effects.

Option 1: Teraputics’ Intestine Support Formula

This Intestine Support Formula contains 18 important natural ingredients:

Black walnut hull powder, cranberry fruit, garlic bulb extract, apple pectin fruit powder, carrot root powder, papaya
fruit powder, pau d’arco bark powder, pumpkin seed powder, wood betony powder, butternut bark powder, cloves
seed powder, wormwood herb powder, oregon grape root powder, blueberry leave, coptis chinensis root, goldenseal
root, echinacea angustifolia root powder and zinc.

Many of these herbs have anti-parasitic properties, and combined, they can get rid of over a hundred types of
parasites, at every stage, without any side effects.

According to Dr Hulda Clark:

Dying parasites release their toxins such as ammonia. Ornithine and arginine are two natural amino acids that
detox ammonia. It is important to take ornithine and arginine together when doing a parasite cleanse. They help the
body free itself from excessive nitrogen.

Further, they protect the liver from damage caused by medications and chemicals and stimulate the regeneration of
the liver. They strengthen the immune defense by stimulating the production of more active and more effective white
blood cells (your body’s defence system).

You can buy recommended supplements here.

These products are powerful yet gentle on your intestines. There won’t be an urgent need to run to the washroom
when doing the detox.

However, when initially taking them, you may encounter a few symptoms, such as minor headaches, constipation,
gas and bloating, minor skin breakouts. These are signs that you need to drink more water. Find out here, how much
water you need to drink daily to stay hydrated, and at least 25-50% more when doing a detox program.

Option 2: Erik Bakker’s CanXida Remove

Although this product is named CanXida for removing Candida yeasts, it is also powerful for getting rid of fungi,
harmful bacteria and parasites. I have used this product with a few clients and am satisfied with the results, in
removing the Blastocystis hominis and H.pylori bacteria. Make sure to use it according to the protocol I have
discussed above.

CanXida Remove contains 12 powerful and potent antifungal ingredients, yet gentle on the digestive tract and does
not cause any reactions nor side effects:

Garlic, caprylic acid, undecyclenic acid, betaine HCL, grapefruit seed extract, black walnut hull, pau d’arco, neem
extract, berberine HCL, clove extract, biotin, oregano oil.

Serving size: 1 tablet up to 3x/day. Servings per container: 60 tablets.

I highly recommend this product for its potency, convenience and reasonable price for what it does. Go here to read
more about CanXida Remove’s 12 ingredients.

Also purchase the L-Ornithine and L-Arginine recommended above to go along with CanXida Remove.

How Long To Take These Parasiticides?

Follow this protocol:

Step 1:

Gastrointestinal cleanse for 45-90 days, depending on the severity of your condition.

Step 2:

If you choose to take Teraputics IntestinePro: I suggest that you take 1 capsule 3 times a day for up to 30 days
(instead of taking 2 capsules 3 times a day for 10 days.) It is important to take it 3 times a day for best result. Start
taking this parasitical herbs on the second week after you have started gastro cleanse.

If you choose to take Canxida Remove: I suggest that you take 1 capsule 3 times a day for up to 30 days from the
second week after you have started the gastrointestinal cleanse. At the end of 30 days, take the parasite or bacterial
test again. If still positive—most likely much reduced—continue for another 30 days. If it tested negative, good—
continue for another 10 days for good measure. The recommended parasitical herbs are gentle and safe to be taken for
the period. (Note, do not stop taking the parasiticides while waiting for your test results.)

Step 3:

Liver cleanse for as long as you’re doing the parasite cleanse. Milk thistle is a good supplement for liver cleansing
and support. Add a beetroot juice 2-3 times a week, if you’re not diabetic.

For more cleansing, please check this page on Detox.

Support Your System With An Anti-Parasite Diet

In order to help support your system during this time of cleansing, it is recommended to avoid foods that continue to
feed the parasites: processed and sugary foods, wheat and pork.

Here are some foods you can add to your diet that will help to support your organs for a more effective cleanse. Click
on the links to read more about each of these items:

 Pumpkin seeds
 Garlic and onions
 Papaya leaf juice
 Papaya seeds
 Coconut oil
 Fermented foods

Other powerful herbs that you can use:

 Oregano oil
 Oregano tea
 Essiac tea
 Thyme
When there is a parasite infection, most likely there are yeasts as well. This article on Candida infection will be
applicable. Adding diatomaceous earth to your detox program takes you a long way.

3 To 7-Day Detox/Juice Cleanse—What To Expect

Before, During And After
Looks like you’ve finally made your mind and decided to embark on a short juice cleanse.

A FABULOUS decision, congratulations!

The 3 to 7-day juice cleanse is the most popular juice detox program out there: quite effective, but not as difficult as a
10 to 14 or even a 21-day course. It’s also the favorite pick of busy people and constant travelers, as it allows
transforming a work trip or a long weekend into a rejuvenating retreat to better health!

Let’s dive right into the juicy details of your juice cleanse: the duration, the effects, the possible health reactions …
and some fabulous juice recipe ideas, of course. �

WHY You Should Do A 3 to 7-Day Juice Cleanse

A 3 to 7-day juice cleanse is just enough to start flushing out the numerous toxins that routinely enter the body in the
form of unhealthy food choices, environmental pollutants, or as a result of some hidden health issues.

A shorter cleanse (1-2 days) usually isn’t enough to ignite this process as it’s basically an adaptation period during
which your body will be super busy dealing with the so-called “withdrawal symptoms” from the toxins we are all oh-
so used to.

While opposing the change and coping with the abstinence, the body won’t be too effective at relaxing and letting the
nasty stuff out—that’s why 3 days is the minimum recommended duration.

However, extra-short juice cleanses are great for getting used to juicing in general and prepare yourself for the real
detox duration!

Last but not least, keep in mind that this program won’t be enough to fully cure a chronic illness but it could become
a confident first step in the right direction.

BEFORE You Start On The Detox/Juice Cleanse

Ready to get started? Below are just a few pointers to keep in mind:

 If you are new to juicing, consider starting with a few 1 to 2-day juice fasts just to get used to the process. Embark on
your 3 to 7-day juice cleanse only when you feel comfortable enough with being on a juice regimen.
 2 to 3 days before beginning the detox program, start gradually eliminating the following foods from your menu:
processed foods, flour products and pastry, dairy and meat, any stimulants (caffeine-containing), sugars, carbonated
drinks. Read how to prepare yourself for a juice fast.
 If you want to address a health issue, it is important to first start on a gastrointestinal cleanse. Read here, how you can
do a proper gastrointestinal cleanse. A parasite cleanse will also take you a long way, especially if you have issues of
excessive cleanse and bloating. Juice fasts can be done in conjunction with both these prep cleanses that will
superboost your healing efforts.
 Make sure to have at least 8 hours of sleep every night as this is when detox processes are most effective in the body.
Learn to respect your body’s biological clock and you will get the most out of your detox efforts.
 It is generally recommended to take a break from any supplements during your detox program except for 30-50 billion
count probiotics and omega-3 fish oil or flaxseed oil. If you’re doing the gastrointestinal cleanse and/or the parasite
cleanse, then follow those protocols where supplements are concerned.
What You Can Expect AFTER Completing This Juice Cleanse

Every person is unique, so there is no universal and detailed prediction as to what you can expect from your 3 to 7-
day juice detox/cleanse. These are, however, the most commonly experienced health improvements:

 Decreased cravings for sugar and processed foods

 Steadier, better digestion and bowel movement
 Improved energy levels and mood
 Deeper sleep and enhanced rest effectiveness
 Significant weight loss (mostly water)

These are all direct effects of toxins being flushed out. Just think about it: the amount of energy in your body is finite,
so if this energy is invested into ONE thing, something ELSE gets less of it. If your detox organs put a ton of energy
into fighting toxic effects, you are automatically left with less energy for your everyday activities and life in general.

That’s why when the harmful stuff starts leaving your body—your energy levels are very likely to spike and your rest
will be enhanced. But, once again, this won’t be enough to fully heal a chronic illness—aim towards an extended
juice fast for a more complete healing. It is also about a diet and lifestyle change beyond juice fasts.

Keep in mind that juice cleanses can be carried out either as a fast (when you don’t eat anything, just drink plenty of
juices, water, and broth) or as a feast (raw fruits and veggies are allowed in addition to everything from the fast
option). The latter is easier to do but provides slower healing. Read more about the differences between a juice fast
and a juice feast.

Possible Healing Reactions DURING This Juice Cleanse

The first week of juicing is marked by significant healing reactions that are basically a form of “withdrawal
symptoms.” Some of them are caused by a temporary imbalance in the adaptive systems in your body (headache,
hunger pangs) while others are just a manifestation of the previously deposited toxins leaving your body (diarrhea,
acne, coated tongue).

Here’s a list of the most common healing reactions:

 Hunger pangs and hunger in general

 Nausea, rarely vomiting
 Coated tongue
 Unpleasant breath and body odor
 Dizziness, headaches
 Muscle aches
 Skin pimples, acne, rashes

In addition to all the signs mentioned above, women may experience various changes in their menstrual cycle and
womanly discharge. For example, there may be a delay in menstruations, a change in their volume or features (color,
thickness, smell). You shouldn’t worry about this much: it just means your body is “recalibrating” its systems and

Read more about physical healing reactions and emotional healing reactions.

What To Drink And How Much

Let’s start with the essential principle: listen to your body. There’s no universal set of rules when it comes to juice
cleansing because everyone is unique—and so are our little health imperfections.
Some people will need about 32 ounces (roughly a liter or one quart) of juice daily while others will need thrice that
volume and that’s perfectly normal! Relax, keep it easy, and start out with the following principles:

 During your “meal times” (breakfast, lunch, and dinner) it’s recommended to drink a solid portion of juice (about 17-
27 ounces or 500 to 800 ml) as this will allow maintaining your body’s usual digestive rhythms. Don’t drink it all at
once—instead, sit down and sip it bit by bit just as you would have eaten a regular meal—bite by bite.
 In between your meals, feel free to drink more juices, broths, and caffeine-free herbal teas, whenever you feel like it.
The idea is not to get hungry.
 On top of your juices and broths, make sure to drink at least 70 ounces (about 2 liters) of water daily to ensure proper
 Whenever you feel that the healing reactions are getting too intense, consider this a sign that you are having a bit too
much of juice and somewhat less water than recommended. Slow down with the juicing and restore water balance.

Juice Plan For A 3 To 7-Day Detox/Juice Cleanse

As this cleanse program is very brief (at least compared to 14 and 21-day juice cleanses), our primary goal is to
provide as much detox potential as possible in a comfortable and safe manner. This can be done by including enough
metabolism-boosting ingredients such as ginger, turmeric, and lemon (by the way, lemon also slows down
oxidation—thus keeping your juices fresh for longer!) along with an abundance of greens.

Also, don’t forget to drink at least one beetroot juice during your 3 to 7-day juice cleanse for some powerful detox
of the liver!

Below, you will find some great juice recipes for short cleanses, but remember that you’re limited only by your
imagination! Mix and match different greens, veggies, and fruits to find what works best for your body.

Suggested Juice Recipes

You can make a few liters of juices at one go if you like to save time. In which case, read how you can store your
juices for maximum nutrient retention. When I juice fast, I like to make it easy and juice 4 liters at one go, using my
favorite juice cleanse recipe.

But, here are some other juice recipes you can use. Just multiply the amount accordingly if you wish to make more.
Always use organic, if possible, unless you’re using a slow juicer that can help minimize the inclusion of artificial
chemicals in your juice.

Juice Recipe #1

 1 bunch of kale
 1 bunch of celery (about 12-14 ribs)
 ½ pineapple
 1 lemon with peel
 A piece of ginger root (about 1-inch thick)

Juice Recipe #2

 1 bunch of spinach
 1 bunch of cilantro
 1 bunch of celery (about 12-14 ribs)
 2-4 green apples
 1 lemon with peel
 A piece of ginger root (about 1-inch thick)

Juice Recipe #3
 6-8 medium-large beetroots
 1 medium jicama
 1 fennel bulb
 1 lemon with peel
 A piece of ginger root (about 1-inch thick)

You can also make up your own juice recipe, depending on what’s seasonal and available at your market. If you’re
not used to making green juices, here’s a guide that you can refer to that may be helpful.

In general, just cultivate a curious mind and read plenty of information about every vegetable, and fruit. All of them
have unique properties and health benefits, so make sure to tailor your juice cleanse to better meet the needs and
peculiarities of your body.

Honoring Your Internal Meridian Clock Can

Superboost Your Healing
If you have been doing everything you can about eating and living healthy, consider one of the most important things
you need to do, that is to have quality, deep sleep. We often focus on nutrition and exercise but the timing and hours
(our built-in meridian clock) that we sleep are really crucial as they do more for our body than just rest.

Rejuvenation And Restoration While You Sleep

A few important things happen to your body when you sleep:

 Your brain organizes and sorts data collected during the day, putting away “useless and unpleasant” information,
whilst helping you to recall important information that you want to remember. With lack of sleep, recalling
information becomes difficult.
 Your body continues to burn fats from the exercises/physical movements you do during the day.
 Your body is relaxed and many functions are slowed down, allowing energy to be used for repairing tissues instead.
Healing and regeneration take place, using the nutrition you consumed during your waking hours.
 Your digestive system and peristaltic movements are slowed down during sleep, so it is always advisable not to have a
heavy meal after 7PM. This is necessary to “save energy” for the “more important” work of restoration.
 When sleeping at the right times according to your body’s Meridian Clock, hormone production is regulated to keep
your body functioning smoothly, improve your immune system, and to keep you feeling wakeful and alert during the
 During deep sleep, the skin’s metabolic rate speeds up cells production for the repair of damage from UV rays and
other environmental toxic factors, improving skin appearance in the morning. That’s your beauty sleep for you!
 Your detoxification organs take turns during the night to process and filter out toxins for elimination. This is why you
will need to visit the washroom in the morning when you are awake.

There are many more functions and processes that go on in the body when we sleep that we may never know
about. Our wonderfully-designed body is very intelligent and complex. When we give it the adequate sleep and rest
that it requires, together with the right nutrition, it can heal itself.

As you can see, there are many rejuvenation and restoration that take place while you sleep. Depriving your body of
sleep will retard most of these processes, making your body “sluggish”.

Circadian Rhythm And The Meridian Clock

Circadian rhythms are biochemical, physiological and behavioral cycles in our bodies, which period is approximately
24 hours. Most of our body’s major physiological functions work in conjunction with the time of day.
Day And Night

For example, during day time according to our internal biological clock, that is between 6AM and 6PM (“Yang” in
TCM) activities include working, exercising and eating.

During night time, that is between 6PM and 6AM (“Yin” in TCM) activities include relaxing, sleeping and healing.

Ideal Time To Sleep

Although people who work night shifts and those who sleep late don’t like to hear this, in an ideal world, falling
asleep by 11PM will do wonders for your health, according to the Circadian Rhythm and TCM’s (Traditional Chinese
Medicine) Meridian Clock. In the long run, your health suffers when your body is not getting the rest it requires in the
right amount, and at the right timing.

The Meridian Clock

According to the Meridian Clock—which is a reliable tool used by ancient TCM to guide people back to health—
each meridian comes into its highest action at a certain time of the day, in blocks of about two hours. Understanding
these timings and honoring them, will support your body’s optimal healing ability.

The study of the Meridian Clock is a very complex but interesting concept. Here’s just a brief overview of what the
timings mean and what you need to do in response:

1AM to 3AM Liver: Our liver is one of the most important detox organs and it is crucial for us to be in bed by 11PM
in order to get to deep sleep phase by this time. Not honoring this time in the long-term may cause premature aging
and hormonal imbalance. Other symptoms affect the reproductive system, liver diseases and depression.

3AM to 5AM Lungs: This is when the meridian that services the lungs is strongest. Of course, we are always
breathing but during these hours the lungs are given a boost of energy and are replenished for the day ahead.

In order to breathe, the body has to be relaxed, so waking up during this time could indicate a blockage or inability to
go with the flow and relax into the direction that life is taking you.

If you have a cough or respiratory problem, you may often wake up about this time as your lungs are expelling toxins.

The lungs also symbolise where we process grief and sadness, so if you have been feeling emotional you may also
wake around this time. In order to ease any emotional feelings at this time, try to release control over events and have
more faith and trust in the flow of the Universe. You may also benefit from taking deep, conscious breaths.

5AM to 7AM Large Intestine: A normal healthy person would have the first bowel movement of the day following
this detoxification time. It is not a good time to drink coffee as it is diuretic and may hinder evacuation. Drink a glass
of warm lemon water (or just warm water) to help the bowels to move along. Not honoring these may cause problems
like sinus, weight gain and skin allergies.

7AM to 9AM Stomach: Stomach energy is highest during this time, so eat the most important and quality meal of the
day to optimize digestion and energy for the day. See some breakfast ideas.

9AM to 11AM Spleen: The spleen supports metabolism of food and is responsible for converting nutrients into
energy. When you skip breakfast, then there is no new energy converted, putting the body into a “stress” mode.
Insulin levels will fall, adrenaline levels rise and more glucose is released from the liver. This leads to weight gain for
eating the wrong things at the wrong time, and a host of other health issues.

11AM to 1PM Heart: This meridian is not only about the organ that circulates and maintains blood pressure, but it is
also about your mood and mental wellbeing. It’s a time to connect with people, your loved ones, and doing something
you’re passionate about. On the opposite end, at 11PM to 1AM is when the heart is at its weakest. Most heart-related
incidents occur during this reversed energy time, so take things easy.

1PM to 3PM Small Intestine: The protein foods you ate in the morning will be fully digested by this time, with all
the other nutrients being assimilated and distributed as appropriate. If you did not eat a healthy breakfast, this is about
the time that you would experience an energy crash and may reach out for caffeine or sugar.

3PM to 5PM Bladder: Tea time! You might wonder why we have tea time just about this time. It is what your body
calls for. Metabolic wastes from the day’s food intake will be cleared. Have a drink of quality herbal tea, or just
plenty of water to help your bladder move along. These fluids are also beneficial for kidney cleansing in the next
phase. People working sedentary jobs may feel fatigue and lower back pain at this time.

5PM to 7PM Kidneys: If you have an impaired kidney, some symptoms might show at this time—fatigue, poor
circulation, cold limbs, water retention, dizziness and lower back pain. This is the best time to have a light meal
before preparing for bed.

7PM to 9PM Pericardium: The pericardium is not just about the heart, but also about the brain and the reproductive
organs, a feel-good time. This is not a good time to have a heavy meal but instead it is advisable to commune with
family, friends and loved ones. It’s also a great time for making love!

9PM to 11PM Triple Warmer/Burner: This meridian relates to your functional energy system that is largely
the endocrine glands and hormonal distribution systems. It is responsible for fighting off illnesses in your body. If
balanced, you will experience a stable and contented mind that is at peace. If you are not able to relax by this hour,
then you know that your triple burner is overloaded and you may feel some anxiety. Avoid eating after 9PM as your
intestinal peristalsis is slowing down to shut down digestion.

11PM to 1AM Gallbladder: This is a time of cleansing of all tissues to process cholesterol (burning of fats) and
preparing for liver detox at 1AM. It’s a cycle! If you have gallbladder stones, you may experience some discomfort
around this time.

1AM to 3 AM Back to the Liver!

Our natural environment is filled with cyclical patterns and rhythms that ultimately originate from the configuration
of our solar system. Just as the earth rotates around the sun, and the moon around the earth, our human brain also has
its own cyclical behaviors.

By understanding how our Circadian Rhythm and Meridian Clock work, we can take advantage of doing the right
thing at the right time, instead of working against our body’s rhythm. Every day or night that we do not honor this
rhythm, little health issues are accumulated and causing us problems and we don’t realize that we are really inflicting
sickness upon our own body.

14 Warning Signs Of Poor Blood Circulation And

Natural Remedies
Let’s do this without any sugarcoating: there’s a good chance you have poor blood circulation.

It’s not even your fault (well, at least not 100% your fault)—it’s just how modern life is.

Most of us lead a sedentary lifestyle, follow a questionable eating regime, are regularly stressed out or in a state of
chronic fatigue, and let’s not forget about environmental pollutants and other planetary-scale threats … When
coupled with genetics and concurrent health issues, all of these factors contribute to poor blood circulation and result
 Oxygen hunger of the tissues and organs
 Decreased energy
 Impaired immunity
 Hormonal disruption
 Slow metabolism

We’ve prepared a comprehensive list of possible signs of poor blood circulation, and a collection of easy ways to
start improving the situation today. Check it out!

14 Warning Signs of Poor Blood Circulation

Excess weight: Blood circulation directly defines your metabolism rate. The more blood flows through a given
tissue, the faster its chemical reactions are, so poor blood flow instantly slows down the exchange processes in your
body. Instead of being burned for energy, dietary carbs and fats get deposited into excess weight.

Increased fatigability: If your muscles get easily tired after just a bit of activity, this could be due to poor blood
flow. Physical exercise quickly drains the muscular energy resources, and they won’t be replenished without proper

Constant sleepiness: Decreased blood supply to the brain instantly leads to a subjective feeling of tiredness and
evokes the need to have some extra rest—even if you’ve just slept for some 10 hours straight. This is why waking up
tired and sleepy could be a sign of poor blood circulation.

Cold hands, feet, ears, nose: In case of poor blood circulation, your body’s extremities are the first ones to suffer—
and I don’t mean just the hands and feet. The ears and nose are sometimes even more sensitive and should be
considered a valuable and early sign of circulatory issues. The Raynaud’s syndrome is a typical condition caused by
poor blood circulation.

A numbing or tingling sensation in the hands and feet: Impaired blood circulation in the upper and/or lower
extremities goes hand in hand with poor oxygen supply to the local nerves. This state is known as tissue hypoxia and
often manifests with an unpleasant sensation of local tingling or numbing.

Slow regeneration of wounds and bruises: It’s impossible to heal any kind of physical damage without delivering
enough “building blocks” to the place of injury, so if your blood flow is impaired, be aware that this could
significantly slow down the healing processes in your body. This is exactly what diabetics suffer from, when their
blood vessels are damaged by years of elevated blood sugar, resulting in poor blood supply to the limbs.

Dry skin: Poor blood circulation leads to impaired nourishment of the skin. Some visible signs of this state include
skin dryness, decreased skin elasticity, and deeper skin wrinkles.

Hair loss: Your hair and nails are derivatives of the skin, so the health of the latter inevitably affects the health and
beauty of the former. Thin and brittle hair and nails, hair loss—all of these could suggest a blood flow problem.

Brain fog: In terms of energy and oxygen supply, the human brain is one of the most demanding organs (second
only to the heart, perhaps). When systemic blood flow gets impaired, the first warning sign is a phenomenon known
as “brain fog”—a state of mental confusion and “thought numbness,” as if the mind was surrounded by a thick fog.

Decreased cognitive performance (memory, attention): Contrary to the previous point, this one is a fairly
measurable aspect of your brain’s function. Have you been having trouble keeping your focus, memorizing even
simple stuff, or paying attention to what’s happening around you? Consider improving the blood flow to your brain!

Dizziness (or fainting) after changes in position: Also known as postural or orthostatic hypotension—a sudden
drop in blood pressure seen after a person suddenly stands up after sitting or lying for a while. This can be caused by
various reasons (dehydration, medications, blood vessel diseases), but is always a sign of poor blood circulation to
the brain.

Impaired immune response, frequent infections: Besides transporting oxygen throughout your body, the blood is
also a universal delivery system of immune cells and protective factors. Impaired blood circulation essentially means
less immunity spread throughout the tissues of your body, making them more prone to all sorts of infections.

Strange digestive symptoms: Having an upset stomach for no apparent reason could be a sign of impaired blood
flow in the guts. The human intestines are highly sensitive to oxygen and nutrients delivery, so when one of those
goes down, the guts start to sound the alarm in the form of digestive symptoms.

Increased Capillary Refill Time

To wrap everything up, here’s a fancy technique that doctors use to reveal poor blood circulation in the extremities:
the capillary refill test.

To perform it, first, raise a hand so that it would be just a bit above the level of your heart. After that, apply some
pressure on any of your fingernails (or on the soft pad of your finger) on the raised hand, until it turns white—then
stop pressing and measure the time it takes for the white spot’s color to return. It shouldn’t take longer than 2
seconds, otherwise, it’s a guaranteed sign of poor blood circulation.

What To Do?

Well, now that you know the major signs of poor blood circulation, it’s time to learn of some definite ways to
improve the condition, and the best way to kick off such a list is the use of certain foods, herbs and plants that are
proven benefits for your blood vessels, heart, and circulation in general.

10 Natural Remedies To Improve Your Blood Circulation

The three core components of good blood circulation are:

 A strong heart
 Healthy vessels
 Blood with an optimal level of thickness

All of the points in this list address at least one of the abovementioned factors:

1. Freshly-Extracted Juices

Freshly-extracted juices are some of the best foods that help improve blood circulation. Fresh juices work because of
their alkalizing and blood-cleansing properties that neutralize oxidative stress in the body.

Within minutes of drinking a glass of freshly-extracted juice, enzymes are activated, and blood vessels are dilated to
significantly increase blood circulation. Green juices and beetroot juice are among the best recommended for daily
consumption, if you have an issue with blood circulation—they are natural, fresh and effective.

2. Broccoli Sprout Juice

One of my favorite go-to juices is the broccoli sprout juice that has a high amount of glucoraphanin that converts to
sulforaphane. Sulforaphane works magically in the human body, in many ways—in protecting the lining of arteries,
boost a natural defence mechanism to protect arteries from diseases, undoing damages to heart blood vessels caused
by diabetes—which all in turn contribute to better and much improved blood circulation.
In the process, and with regular consumption of broccoli sprouts, it helps reverse many chronic diseases caused by
inflammation. Again, inflammation is often due to poor blood circulation over many years.

3. Citrus Fruits

Citrus fruits such as lemon, lime, grapefruit and orange are some of the best food sources for vitamin C and their
bioflavonoids. Although they may taste acidic, they are really alkaline-forming and detoxifying when ingested.
Alkalized blood means reduced acidity in the blood = better blood circulation.

Add a few slices of lemon or lime in your water daily to take advantage of their potent blood-circulation properties,
while purifying your blood at the same time!

4. Matcha Green Tea

Matcha is 100% green tea leaves that have been ground into fine powder and is more concentrated than green tea.
The health benefits of matcha green tea are significant as it helps to improve blood flow.

An essential factor that influences your blood circulation is the function of your blood vessels’ inner lining,
scientifically referred to as endothelium. It produces nitric oxide (your body’s natural, powerful vessel-relaxing
substance), fights back arterial plaque, even controls the formation of blood clots—and green tea is known to improve
endothelial function almost instantly. Moreover, thanks to its great antioxidative potential, green tea can even reverse
endothelial damage in smokers, improving their blood flow as well.

5. Ginkgo Biloba

Ginkgo Biloba is extremely beneficial for a lot of health aspects, and one of them is the blood supply to the heart
(coronary blood circulation). By the way, studies indicate that this plant works especially well in patients with
coronary disease and in healthy elderly adults.

6. Vitamin B3 (Niacin)

A lot of folks take aspirin (acetylsalicylic acid) daily as a blood-thinning medication but a more natural and safer
alternative that works better is vitamin 3 (niacin)? Within 20 to 30 minutes after taking niacin, your blood vessels
dilate, causing a warming sensation in your body—that’s the magical effect of niacin, known as the ‘niacin flush’—
the true power of niacin.

Niacin has a long list of uses, since improving your blood circulation means reversing many symptoms. While
reducing blood pressure, it improves circulation to the legs and feet in diabetics and the elderly.

It increases blood supply to the ear in cases of near-deafness, vertigo and tinnitus (ringing in the ear). Some even take
it at the first sign of migraine, and instantly stop the pain, as niacin supplies blood directly to the brain.

7. Hot Peppers

The substance that’s responsible for the delicious hot flavor of spicy peppers is called capsaicin, and it has quite a
few fancy benefits for your blood circulation. For example, it prevents arterial plaque by elevating the level of “good
cholesterol” (high-density lipoprotein), helps the blood vessels relax by improving nitric oxide synthesis, and boosts
your metabolism in general. More reason to spice up your meals for a better circulation!

8. Hawthorn (Crataegus) Extract

In terms of improving circulation, hawthorn extract is pretty much a miracle thing with a long list of benefits: It
protects the inner lining of the blood vessels, helps them to dilate and relax, strengthens the heart, prevents blood
clotting, improves cholesterol levels, and even normalizes blood pressure. What’s also important, hawthorn is one of
the safest plants recommended for cardiovascular support, with no side effects or known herb-drug interactions.

9. Turmeric (Curcumin)

One of the most popular spices worldwide and an essential component of curry, turmeric is rich in curcumin—a
natural phenol with a powerful vessel-protective action. Curcumin improves endothelial function by alleviating
damage from free radicals, and helping the blood vessels relax—thus letting more blood flow through them.

10. Near Infrared Light Therapy

One of the key reasons why near infrared light therapy is so effective in assisting the body to heal from inflammation,
aches, pains, wound, injuries and various diseases/infections is that it improves and enhances blood flow. Better
blood flow means that your blood vessels are able to carry more oxygen and nutrients to the injured tissues to
stimulate and accelerate healing.

After just 15-20 minutes of treatment with NIR light, blood circulation is increased to injured nerves and tissues to
boost local circulation. Production of nitric oxide is improved, thus promotes healing and relieves pain.

Circulation-Boosting Lifestyle Changes

Stay Hydrated

I can almost hear you sigh “There goes hydration again…” but hey—about 50% of your blood volume is water. The
equation is simple: poor hydration = thicker blood = poor blood circulation. In terms of blood circulation, however,
remember that freshly-extracted juices are even better than water as they are rich in natural antioxidants to provide
some extra protection to your arteries and veins. Still, it is so important that you drink sufficient water daily to stay

Stop Eating Processed Foods

Processed foods are foods that have been processed many times over with chemicals and artificial food additives—
flavors, colors, taste and preservatives. The more processed a food is from its original state, the less nutrients it has,
and the more harmful it becomes.

Eating a diet that is heavy on processed foods is the fastest way to deteriorate your health, get sick and fat. These
“foods” often contain high amounts of sodium, fats, sugar and artificial chemicals—compounds that your body
cannot absorb, that eventually lead to contamination of the blood. Contaminated blood = thick blood = acidic blood =
poor blood circulation= disease-prone.

Exercise Regularly

Your heart is a muscle, the walls of your blood vessels have a muscular layer, and what do we do with muscles to
improve their function? That’s right, we exercise. Whenever you move, you’re training the muscles involved in
ensuring a healthy blood circulation.

Take Care Of Your Posture

In order to ensure a good blood circulation, maintaining a healthy posture at all times is extremely important. Bad
posture results in constant tension in the muscles of your neck and back, limiting blood flow and decreasing blood
supply to the brain (that’s a common cause of headache, by the way).

Quit Smoking, If You Smoke

Tobacco is terrible for your cardiovascular system, so quitting is guaranteed to skyrocket the quality of your
circulation in just a few weeks. Vaping is no better—it creates vapor that has ultrafine particles, artificial flavors,
chemicals, carcinogens and heavy metals—all contribute to the thickening of blood thus decreases blood circulation.

Wear Clothes And Shoes Of Your Size

Smaller sizes instantly result in a local compression of the tissues, limiting the blood flow through them.


Now you know some fabulous (and REALLY effective) ways to improve your blood flow, but there’s one more
important thing to remember:

These are NOT some kind of magical one-time long-term solutions.

For a solid and consistent effect, the principles and recommendations described in this article should be adopted as a
habit, otherwise, they’ll just provide some short-term relief. Which isn’t bad at all, but we’re sure you want more than
that. �

What Happens To Your Insides When You Ingest

Artificial Chemicals In Food
Make it a habit to read the ingredient labels and see for yourself what is in your food and if there are harmful
chemicals in foods.

Is Your Food Safe For Your Family?

If you dine out often or your larder is mostly stocked with instant or processed foods, then it’s time for you to take a
closer look at what you’re eating. Is your food safe for you and your family’s consumption?

In the name of convenience, very often your meals may come in packages that you pop into the microwave oven and
then served on your dining table. Or you could be using tasty sauces in most of your cooking. Or what about the
snacks that your children eat between meals?

Do you know what’s in your food?

Chemicals in Foods

There are thousands of chemicals that are found in the foods that we buy off the shelves. If they come processed, it is
highly possible that they contain hydrogenated fats, preservatives, starches, sugars, salt, artificial flavoring and
coloring, bulking agent, emulsifiers, etc.

These may not sound harmful to you but read on to find out what they really are. These chemicals are the culprits that
are slowly robbing us of our health. If you value your health, and I know you do, it’s time that you take a hard look at
this list.

Preservatives In Food

Preservatives are used by the food industry to extend the shelf life of foods, in some cases for many years! The
chemical characteristics that are supposed to kill bacteria and other organisms are also killing us.
These are some names of preservatives used to preserve canned and dried fruits and vegetables from yeast and
bacterial growth.

 Sulphur dioxide
 Sodium sulphite
 Sodium bisulphite
 Potassium metabisulphite
 Calcium sulphite
 Calcium hydrogen sulphite

Sulphur dioxide has been linked to mutations of cells that cause cancer.

And the various sulphites above can cause asthma, blurred vision, dizziness, irregular breathing, stomach problems,
nervous irritability, etc.

Sodium nitrites are found in cured meat products like sausage, bacon, ham, frankfurters, hot dogs, luncheon meat,
etc. These are highly toxic and affect the red blood cells, cause breathing difficulties and headaches. When combined
with certain chemicals in the digestive system, it forms nitrosamine which is a very potent cause of cancer.

Benzoic acid and sodium benzoate are used in pickles, sauces, margarine, packaged juices and carbonated drinks.
These substances provoke allergies, cause asthma, skin reactions, hyperactivity in children, gastric problems,
migraines and activates carcinogens in the body.

Watch this video:

Artificial Flavorings in Foods

On their own, these chemicals have no taste. But when combined with other foods, they become flavor enhancers.

Monosodium glutamate (MSG) is present in most packet soups, instant noodles, gravy mixes, sauces, canned foods,
frozen foods, soy sauce, etc. Some of the health effects associated with MSG are asthma attacks, headaches, heart
palpitations, muscle tightness, nausea, numbness in the back of the neck, depression and mood swings.

Don’t be deceived with food flavorings like “orange flavor”, “peppermint flavor”, “strawberry flavor”, “sour plum
flavor” and the likes. Technology is so advanced that the cheaper alternative, synthetic chemicals, can be used to
mimic this flavoring to be like the real thing. Most of the time, the ingredients do not include any of these mentioned
fruits at all.

Some of these chemicals: benzyl acetate, ethyl acetate and amyl acetate are used as industrial cleaning agents. How
do they end up in our “food”?

Read: These food additives cause Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD).

Artificial Colorings in Food

Colors are added to “food” to make them look appealing and attractive, especially to children. They give the illusion
of fresh ingredients which are in fact artificial.

Colorings are used widely in commercially prepared foods like cereals, canned or packet drinks, biscuits, cakes, ice
creams, candies, pasta, desserts, chips, etc.

Check the ingredient labels and you will often see these:

 Tartrazine (Yellow No. 5)

 Carmoisine or Azorubine (Red)
 Erythrosine (Red No. 3)
 Amaranth (Red)
 Sunset Yellow (Yellow No. 6)
 Ponceau 4R or Chochineal Red A (Red)
 Allura Red (Red No. 40)
 Indigo Carmine or Indigotine (Blue)
 Brilliant Blue (Blue No. 1)
 Brilliant Black

Most of these artificial colorings are coal-tar dye or synthetic dye that are registered as pesticides, or used in the
textile industry. Do we really want these in our bodies?

These can trigger asthma, cause hyperactivity in children, cause skin rashes, migraine, headaches, blurred vision,
reduce digestive enzymes leading to a host of digestive problems, thyroid tumors, mood swings, defects in embryos,
reduce white blood cells count, damage kidneys and adrenal glands, damage genes and many many more !!

Watch this video:

Artificial Sweeteners

These were initially aimed at reaching the diabetics but are now widely used in a lot of products. They are now sold
as “sugar free”, or “zero calories” for the weight conscious.

As these artificial sweeteners are sweeter than normal sugar, very little is used thus providing more profit to the food

Saccharin is a synthetic coal tar which is 300 times sweeter than sugar but 20 times cheaper. It is used freely in diet
soft drinks, chewing gums, sugar-free jams, yogurts, jellies and sweets.

Cyclamate is 30 times sweeter than sugar and is often used together with saccharin.

Aspartame is 200 times sweeter than sugar and is commonly used in carbonated drinks, sweets, chewing gums,
sugar-free jams, cough drops, lozenges, etc.

Acesulphame K is 200 times sweeter than sugar and is often used together with aspartame and other sweeteners.
Commonly used in diet soft drinks, table-top sweeteners, chewing gum, breath mints, puddings, non-dairy creamers
and the like.

Artificial sweeteners are deadly and carcinogenic. They can cause damage to eyes, brain, liver and other body organs,
birth defects, tumors, leukemia, chronic respiratory diseases, joint pains, vertigo, insomnia, slurred speech,
depression, anxiety attacks, fatigue, hyperactivity, stomach disorders, rashes, ringing in the ears, and my goodness …
it’s a long list !!

Bleaches in Food Products

Chlorine is used as a bleaching agent in food, much like Chlorox. These agents destroy whatever vitamins that may
be left in the food. After which, some coal-tar-derived (carcinogenic—cancer causing) vitamins are added and sold to
the unsuspecting public as “enriched”.

Commonly found in commercially-prepared flour products like biscuits, bread, cakes, etc.

Chlorine, when ingested frequently, can corrode the skin and mucous membranes. It has also been linked to bladder
cancer, birth defects and increased risk of cardiovascular diseases.
Effects of Food Additives on Children

If you have always wondered why your child is hyperactive, and why he always throws a tantrum, check the food he
eats. Is he exposed to artificial chemicals in foods? What about when he was in your womb? Were you heavily
exposed to these additives?

These chemicals upset a child’s biochemistry. He may have difficulty concentrating (ADD), settling down to sleep or
may have disruptive behavior. And he doesn’t need more drugs to calm him down!

When these artificial foods are removed from his dietary and is given healthy, wholesome food instead, you most
likely will see his behavior improve. Even though your child may not suffer from disruptive behavior, keeping him
away from these food chemicals will also help him grow healthily.

Why Are Chemicals Allowed In Foods?

The food industry is big business and helps with the country’s economy. They are cheap to produce and bring in
mega profit that goes back into the economy.

Like prescription drugs or tobacco—we know that they are outright harmful for our health. Why does the government
allow them to be sold? These are big businesses and they contribute hugely to the economy, but at whose expense?
Yours and mine! The consumers! So we need to learn to be wise and make the right choices.

STUDY: Aspartame Is Linked To Leukemia,

Lymphoma And Epileptic Seizures!
As few as one diet soda daily may increase the risk for leukemia in men and women, and for multiple myeloma and
non-Hodgkin lymphoma in men, according to new results from the longest-ever running study on aspartame as a
carcinogen in humans.

Importantly, this is the most comprehensive, long-term study ever completed on this topic, so it holds more weight
than other past studies which appeared to show no risk. And disturbingly, it may also open the door for further similar
findings on other cancers in future studies.

The Most Thorough Study On Aspartame

For this study, researchers prospectively analyzed data from the Nurses’ Health Study and the Health Professionals
Follow-Up Study for a 22-year period.

A total of 77,218 women and 47,810 men were included in the analysis, for a total of 2,278,396 person-years of data.
Apart from sheer size, what makes this study superior to other past studies is the thoroughness with which aspartame
intake was assessed.

Every two years, participants were given a detailed dietary questionnaire, and their diets were reassessed every four
years. Previous studies which found no link to cancer only ever assessed participants’ aspartame intake at one point in
time, which could be a major weakness affecting their accuracy.

One diet soda a day increases risk of leukemia,

multiple myeloma and non-Hodgkin lymphomas
The combined results of this new study showed that just one 12-fl oz. can (355 ml) of diet soda daily leads to:

 42 percent higher leukemia risk in men and women (pooled analysis)

 102 percent higher multiple myeloma risk (in men only)
 31 percent higher non-Hodgkin lymphoma risk (in men only)

These results were based on multi-variable relative risk models, all in comparison to participants who drank no diet

It is unknown why only men drinking higher amounts of diet soda showed increased risk for multiple myeloma and
non-Hodgkin lymphoma. Note that diet soda is the largest dietary source of aspartame (by far) in the U.S.

Every year, Americans consume about 5,250 tons of aspartame in total, of which about 86 percent (4,500 tons) is
found in diet sodas.

Study: Aspartame Linked To Leukemia, Lymphoma And Other Diseases

This new study shows the importance of the quality of research.

Most of the past studies showing no link between aspartame and cancer have been criticized for being too short in
duration and too inaccurate in assessing long-term aspartame intake. This new study solves both of those issues.

The fact that it also shows a positive link to cancer should come as no surprise, because a previous best-in-class
research study done on animals (900 rats over their entire natural lifetimes) showed strikingly similar results back in
2006: aspartame significantly increased the risk for lymphomas and leukemia in both males and females.

More worrying is the follow-on mega-study, which started aspartame exposure of the rats at the fetal stage. Increased
lymphoma and leukemia risks were confirmed, and this time the female rats also showed significantly increased
breast (mammary) cancer rates. This raises a critical question: Will future, high-quality studies uncover links to the
other cancers in which aspartame has been implicated (brain, breast, prostate, etc.)?

There is now more reason than ever to completely avoid aspartame in our daily diet. For those who are tempted to go
back to sugary sodas as a “healthy” alternative, this study had a surprise finding: Men consuming one or more sugar-
sweetened sodas daily saw a 66% increase in non-Hodgkin lymphoma (even worse than for diet soda). Perhaps the
healthiest soda is no soda at all.

Shocking Examples Of Aspartame-Laden Products

Today, aspartame can be found in over 6,000 products, frequently in diet foods and those labeled “sugar-free.”

Here are some shocking examples:

 Breath mints
 Cereals and other instant breakfast meals
 Chewing gum
 Coffee
 Laxatives
 Pasteurized milk
 Soft drinks
 Yogurt
 Pharmaceuticals and supplements, including over-the-counter drugs

Adverse Reactions To Aspartame You May Not Think About

The US Food and Drug Administration has given the green light for aspartame’s safe consumption, disregarding the
fact that 85 percent of the overall complaints reported through their agency are adverse reactions to aspartame,
including five accounts of death.

Other well-documented side effects of aspartame include:

 Headaches/Migraines
 Muscle spasms
 Dizziness
 Seizures
 Nausea
 Numbness
 Irritability
 Heart palpitations
 Tinnitus, or ringing in the ears
 Vertigo
 Breathing difficulties
 Tachycardia, or an abnormally fast resting heart rate
 Vertigo, or the unusual feeling of a spinning or whirling environment
 Anxiety or panic attacks
 Memory loss
 Slurred speech
 Joint pains
 Insomnia
 Vision problems
 Depression

Because of these painful side effects of aspartame, several doctors and researchers conclude that chronic ailments
such as brain tumors, diabetes, multiple sclerosis, cancer, Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, epilepsy, and
fibromyalgia can be prompted, or worse, further aggravated when you consume this notorious artificial sweetener.

The components of aspartame—aspartic acid, methanol, and phenylalanine—are to blame. The latter has been
synthetically altered to carry a methyl group, which is responsible for aspartame’s sweet taste. The phenylalanine
methyl bond, called methyl ester, allows the methyl group on the phenylalanine to easily break off and form

In fruits and vegetables, methanol is bonded to a fiber called pectin that allows it to be safely passed through your
digestive tract. However, in aspartame, methanol is not bonded into anything that can help eliminate it from your
body. Once inside your body, the methanol is converted by alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH) enzyme into
formaldehyde, which can wreak havoc on your DNA and sensitive proteins. All animals, except humans, possess the
ability to break down methanol into formic acid.

Food Additives Linked To Inflammatory Bowel

Disease (IBD) And Natural Solutions
If given a choice, virtually everyone would choose to be healthier or, if you’re healthy, to maintain that disease-free
state. Yet when you go about it in practice it might seem overwhelming. Where do you begin to “get healthy”?
An excellent starting point is this: cut back, with the goal of eliminating, processed foods in your diet. If you’re at all
health-conscious you’re probably already aware of many of their downfalls … excess sugar, often high fructose corn
syrup, refined grains, genetically engineered ingredients, soybean oil, and more.

Yet, these are not the only problems. Most processed foods also contain any number of additives, like artificial
flavors, colors, and preservatives. They also contain another less talked-about additive called emulsifiers.

Each of these has the potential to disrupt your health and in many cases researchers are only beginning to understand
how and why.

In the case of emulsifiers, for instance, which are ubiquitous in processed foods like margarine, mayonnaise, baked
goods, and ice cream, they’ve been linked to serious inflammatory diseases in your gut along with metabolic

Use butter instead of margarine, and make your own mayonnaise.

Emulsifiers Promote Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD)

More than 1.5 million Americans suffer from inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), which is an autoimmune condition
that involves inflammation in your digestive tract and includes both Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis.

IBD sufferers have severely disrupted gut biota with different dominant species than healthy people, and those with
Crohn’s and ulcerative colitis suffer from a breakdown in the mucosal lining of their gut. As reported in the journal

The intestinal tract is inhabited by a large and diverse community of microbes collectively referred to as the gut

While the gut microbiota provides important benefits to its host, especially in metabolism and immune development,
disturbance of the microbiota-host relationship is associated with numerous chronic inflammatory diseases, including
inflammatory bowel disease and the group of obesity-associated diseases collectively referred to as metabolic

A primary means by which the intestine is protected from its microbiota is via multi-layered mucus structures that
cover the intestinal surface, thereby allowing the vast majority of gut bacteria to be kept at a safe distance from
epithelial cells that line the intestine.

Thus, agents that disrupt mucus-bacterial interactions might have the potential to promote diseases associated with
gut inflammation.

Indeed, a new animal study revealed that emulsifiers, which are “detergent-like molecules,” impact mouse gut
microbiota, induce low-grade inflammation and metabolic syndrome and promote “robust” colitis in mice
predisposed to the disorder.

The researchers concluded:2 “… the broad use of emulsifying agents might be contributing to an increased societal
incidence of obesity/metabolic syndrome and other chronic inflammatory diseases.”

Food Additives Might Be Impacting Your Health

The emulsifiers used in the study were carboxymethylcellulose and polysorbate-80. Similar emulsifiers include
lecithin, carrageenan, polyglycerols, and xanthan gum.

These additives keep oils and fats from separating, helping to improve the texture and shelf-life of salad dressing,
non-dairy milk, and even foods like veggie burgers and hamburger patties.3
The emulsifiers caused chronic colitis in mice with already abnormal immune systems. In mice with healthy immune
function, they resulted in mild intestinal inflammation and subsequent metabolic dysfunction that led to obesity,
hyperglycemia, and insulin resistance.

Most notably, the emulsifiers were fed at levels that an average person would be exposed to if eating a lot of
processed foods, suggesting these additives may indeed affect the health of many Americans.

Food additives such as these are all approved by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA), again highlighting the
severe limitation of our current regulatory system.

A 2013 study published in the journal Reproductive Toxicology found that nearly 80 percent of the food additives
approved by the FDA lack testing information that would help the agency estimate the amount people can safely
consume before suffering health consequences…4

Nourish Your Microbiome To Prevent Disease

It’s becoming clear that the microbes in your body may very well make or break your health. In the case of Crohn’s
disease and ulcerative colitis, for instance, there is evidence that there may be a breakdown in your body’s “phage-
based” defense system.5

Bacteriophages, or phages, are a group of viruses that help you stay healthy by destroying harmful bacteria and
encouraging beneficial bacteria to flourish in and on your body.

Scientists found that mucus-dwelling phages (which coat the inside of your mouth, nose, eyelids, lungs, and your
digestive tract) have symbiotic relationships with their host (you) and help control the delicate microbial balance in
your body, giving you “smart mucus.”

However, as mentioned, in people with Crohn’s and ulcerative colitis there is a breakdown in the mucosal lining of
their gut. It’s now known that food additives may be one culprit in this breakdown, but there are others as well, like
air pollution. As reported in Scientific American:6

Many of the 160 gene regions implicated in the development of bowel diseases also regulate how the immune system
recognizes and interacts with the trillions of bacteria that exist in the human gut.

‘In the gut, you have a barrier between the immune system and the bacteria that live there. It’s important that barrier
gets maintained,’ [Karen] Madsen [a gastroenterological scientist from the University of Alberta in Edmonton] said.

Air pollution particles may disrupt the barrier by making the gut more permeable to bacteria and possibly altering the
composition of the bacteria. Studies with mice show that pollution particles make the gut more permeable.

‘Those changes can lead to inflammation and may set up someone who is genetically predisposed to inflammatory
bowel diseases,’ [Dr. Gilaad] Kaplan [a gastroenterologist at the University of Calgary in Alberta], said.

The Road To Healing IBD May Be Through Bacteria

If you have IBD, tending to your gut health is crucial, and a key way to do this is by getting plenty of beneficial
bacteria. You can do this by regularly consuming traditionally fermented foods that are not pasteurized or taking a
high-quality probiotic supplement, along with limited added sugars and fructose (another reason processed foods
should be avoided).

Research presented at the American College of Gastroenterology annual meeting by researchers at the University
College Cork in Ireland showed that people with inflammatory conditions such as ulcerative colitis who took the
probiotic bacteria Bifidobacterium infantis for eight weeks had lower levels of inflammation than those taking a
Fermented foods are ideal for this, however, because if properly fermented can contain 100 times more probiotics
than a supplement. Another option to improve the makeup of bacteria in your gut,the fecal transplant, is also proving
to be quite effective. A fecal microbiota transplant (FMT) involves taking donor feces (the donor is typically a spouse
or relative) and basically transferring it to the patient during a colonoscopy.

The benefit? The patient receives a transplanted population of healthy flora that can go to work correcting any
number of gastrointestinal and other health problems. Research has found the transplants showed promise in the
treatment of ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s disease, with symptoms improving in days to weeks.

Natural Remedies for Inflammatory Bowel Disease

IBD can cause cramps, bloody diarrhea, weight loss, and other potentially serious complications in your intestines,
along with increasing your risk of colon cancer. Because IBD can be extremely painful, debilitating, and even life
threatening, many IBD patients wind up having extensive sections of their colon removed to address the problem
when conventional therapies fail—and this can result in devastating and life-threatening complications.

The goal of most IBD treatment, whether conventional or holistic, is to suppress the inflammation that is leading to
the damaging symptoms, and exposure to environmental pollutants is only one contributing factor.

Some of the greatest contributors to chronic inflammation are lifestyle factors like smoking, a diet high in sugar, fried
foods, and synthetic transfats, inadequate exercise, stress, and vitamin D deficiency. So, if you have IBD the first
place to start getting the disease under control lies in addressing these underlying factors. If you have IBD, I urge you

1. Take a high-quality, animal-based omega-3 fat supplement like krill oil for the anti-inflammatory benefits. If you’re
already taking a plant-based omega-3 such as flax, know that it will not work as well, as your body needs the
preformed omega-3 fat DHA to have a serious impact on this disease — not the omega-3 ALA found in flax.

1. Avoid all types of sugars and processed foods, particularly fructose, as these will increase inflammation by increasing
your insulin levels.

1. Also avoid grains until your symptoms are under control. Many with inflammatory bowel disease have gluten
sensitivities. Additionally, the grains tend to increase insulin levels, promoting inflammation.

1. Avoid artificial sweeteners. Inflammatory bowel disease may be caused or exacerbated by the regular consumption of
the popular artificial sweetener Splenda, as it inactivates digestive enzymes and alters gut barrier function.

1. Optimize your vitamin D levels. Vitamin D appears to be nearly as effective as animal-based omega-3 fats in
countering IBD. One of the reasons that vitamin D may work is that it helps your body produce over 200 antimicrobial
peptides that help fight all sorts of infections, and there are many experts who believe inflammatory bowel disease
has an infectious component.

1. Get plenty of beneficial bacteria either through fermented foods or probiotics in your diet, as this will help to heal
your intestinal tract.
2. Consider using an herbal anti-inflammatory. A solid body of clinical research indicates that the spice turmeric, and its
primary golden-hued polyphenol known as curcumin, as well as the Ayurvedic herb boswellia, may provide far
superior therapeutic outcomes and safety profiles, as compared to conventional drugs, in the treatment of IBD.8

How To Ditch Processed Foods

Getting back to my original suggestion of ditching processed foods to get healthier, this becomes all the more
important if you’re struggling with a serious condition like IBD. I have long stated that if you want to be optimally
healthy, you should spend 90 percent of your food budget on whole foods, and only 10 percent on processed foods.
Unfortunately, most Americans currently do the opposite, and their health suffers as a result.
Ditching processed foods requires that you plan your meals in advance, but if you take it step-by-step as described in
my nutrition plan, it’s quite possible, and manageable, to painlessly remove processed foods from your diet. You can
try scouting out your local farmer’s markets for in-season produce that is priced to sell, and planning your meals
accordingly, but you can also use this same premise with supermarket sales.

You can generally plan a week of meals at a time, making sure you have all ingredients necessary on hand, and then
do any prep work you can, ahead of time so that dinner is easy to prepare if you’re short on time in the evenings (and
you can use leftovers for lunches the next day).

As you remove processed foods from your diet, it’s important to replace these foods with healthy fats, not protein or
grain carbs—a fact that’s often not addressed. I believe most people may need between 50 and 70 percent of their
daily calories in the form of healthy fats, so as you remove processed foods from your meals be sure you’re eating
more of the following:

 Olives and olive oil

 Coconuts and coconut oil
 Butter made from raw grass-fed organic milk
 Organic raw nuts, especially macadamia nuts, which are low in protein and omega-6 fat
 Organic pastured egg yolks and pastured meats
 Avocados

Medical Errors The THIRD Leading Cause Of Death

In The US
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the three leading causes of death in the United
States in 2015 were:

 Heart disease – almost 634,000 cases

 Cancer – almost 596,000 cases
 Chronic lower respiratory diseases – roughly 155,000 deaths

However, it turns out that the third item in this list could be something much more terrifying than the stated. A recent
2016 study published in The British Medical Journal points out that hospital medical errors could have resulted in
251,000 deaths in 2013: way ahead of lower respiratory diseases, but still behind cancer. The REAL top third cause.

What Is A Medical Error?

Medical error has been defined as an unintended act (whether of commission or omission) or one that does not
achieve its intended outcome. Any preventable event, whether or not it is evident or harmful to the patient, that may
lead to inappropriate medication use, while the medication or treatment is in the control of the health care
professional, patient or consumer.

Medical errors are not just confined to surgery blotch-up. Medical errors include mistakes in medication
administration (too much, too little, wrong prescription, given to the wrong patient), wrong diagnosis, physician’s
error, medical actions that did not produce the intended benefit for the patients, and the list goes on.

A Look At The Numbers: How Big Is The Problem?

Truth is, we don’t know how great is the real death toll. 251,000 in 2013 is just an estimate based on retrospective
analysis. The real numbers could be even higher! Shocking? Definitely! Surprising? Not really!
251,000 people died from causes that are completely preventable and that may have nothing to do with their diseases.
A bigger number may not even be reported—fatal errors that lead to injury, permanent damage but not death. This is
just one simple case of a life destroyed by medical error.

The root of this sad situation is that medical errors aren’t included in any rankings of death causes, leaving little to no
chance for precise statistics. To a great extent, this is because the death certificate requires an ICD (International
Classification of Diseases) code to be stated as the cause of death, and the ICD has no code for medical errors, lack of
skill, or communication breakdown.

In other words, if the patient is accidentally administered a drug that causes heart failure, the cause of death would be
listed as “I50 – Heart Failure”, and not “medical error and accidental administration of medication.”

John James, PhD, became involved in the movement to bring greater attention to patient safety and rampant medical
errors by way of tragedy. In 2002, Dr. James lost his 19-year-old son as a result of problematic care provided by
cardiologists at a hospital in central Texas.

Dr James highlighted that many of the deaths resulting from non-evidence-based care in hospitals do not occur while
the patient is hospitalized. In fact, lives are shortened long after discharge and go unrecognized. His published
literature estimated 440,000 preventable adverse events that contribute to patient death due to preventable adverse
events each year.

Are You Safe In The Hands Of The Medical System?

It’s frightening to think that it may no longer be safe to trust your body and health in the hands of the medical system.
This even violates the good intention of the dedicated people who spent many years studying to enter the system to
save lives, in order to become someone that patients can trust. It is a very different world.

Gone are the days when doctors had genuine relationships with their patients and their families. They used to know
about their patients’ family events—good or bad. They talked to their patients about their diet and their lifestyle.
They advise and comfort family members.

Sadly, medical errors are not something that you can completely avoid when you entrust your health to the system.
Don’t get me wrong, there are times when lives are saved. I’m not saying that it’s all bad, just that the risks are too

At the end of the day, the only thing that is within your control in this situation, is to protect yourself as much as you

What Can YOU Do To Protect Yourself?

In order to protect yourself from medical errors, aim at improving the following three aspects of healing:

 Learn as much as possible about your condition or concern, as well as the approaches (conventional and alternative)
that are used to treat it.
 When you reach out to a doctor for help, make sure that you both hear and understand each other clearly. Treatment
is no place for misunderstanding and secrets: be open and honest, and demand the same from your physician.
 Potential safety. Whenever a procedure, medication, or manipulation is offered for the treatment of your condition,
make sure to dig into the smallest details and check all of them for safety and potential alternatives. For example,
what is the point of going for surgery if you can opt for spinal manipulation? Or take heavy medications when an herb
could do the trick? Learn first, then make a well-informed choice.

For starters, a great approach would be to adopt the SPEAK UP approach to patient safety. It was introduced back in
2002 by The Joint Commission. It is an acronym formed from the following principles:
Speak up if you have questions or concerns.
Pay attention to the care you get.
Educate yourself about your illness.
Ask a trusted family member or friend to be your advocate (advisor or supporter).
Know what medicines you take and why you take them.

Use a healthcare organization that has been carefully checked out.

Participate in all decisions about your treatment.

The fundamentals listed above are aimed at providing the patient with as much information and support as possible,
making him or her universally aware of everything that would be going throughout the treatment. Regardless of
whether you choose to go for conventional treatment or seek relief from holistic treatment, the SPEAK UP algorithm
will undoubtedly help you in achieving the best results possible.

Holistic Treatment—A Valid And Safer Alternative?

Throughout the last years, all sorts of alternative and holistic treatment doctrines have been gaining huge popularity
worldwide for a good reason—they are safer. Chiropractic care, spinal manipulation, herbal remedies, plant-based
food healing, instead of synthetic drugs

Yes, in most cases they are safer. Here’s why:

 Holistic therapy takes care of your body as a whole, aiming to heal all of its aspects. By supporting all systems and
organs, holistic treatment minimizes the chances of a drastic breakdown that could result in death or serious injury,
even when a medical error is committed.
 Holistic healing rarely resorts to drastic moves, unlike conventional medicine with all of its invasive surgeries,
radioactive treatment, and heavy synthetic drugs. Most of the procedures, although highly effective, are still gentle
and mild, and that’s why medical errors are significantly alleviated in holistic treatment. Incidences of overdose are
rare. Blunders are almost non-existent as it is almost impossible to go wrong with natural healing that targets to aid
your body in self-healing.
 Holistic therapy experts devote a lot of time and effort in learning as much as possible about their patients, their
medical history, and even the smallest details of their current state. Prescription of herbs, supplements often are
helpful for the entire body, excess are often purged out by the body or stored for future use. Unlike medications and
drugs that get lodged in the liver causing other side effects.

Of course, not all conditions can be healed with alternative and safe methods. For example, an open bone fracture can
be helped and healed with medical intervention. This is just one example, but the point here is that you have to
actually get in touch with a professional to discuss which therapy approaches are valid in your specific case.

Final Thoughts

Medical errors are a terrible thing, and no one can expect to be 100% safe from them. What you CAN do, however, is
to learn as much as possible about everything related to your condition, symptoms, possible treatments, and most
probable outcomes.

Even though holistic treatment is generally much more sparing and safer than conventional therapies, this is still
something essential for the success of your healing: learn, communicate, and apply the best option.

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