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Green Shiso (Kaori) 

(Perilla frutescens var. crispa - ​open-pollinated)  
Seed Overview 
Shiso is an easy to grow herb in the mint family that is usually planted in the spring and harvested in the summer and fall 
but can be grown year round in a greenhouse or in warmer states like California. Introduced to the US in the 1850s, shiso 
has quickly naturalized and become a common weed of pastures and roadsides in southeastern states and is found 
growing in open fields, roadsides, and woodlands. Shiso is a very attractive plant for the garden, and attracts butterflies 
and other pollinators. Green shiso is a slightly spicy herb leaning towards a cinnamon flavor profile. Green shiso leaves 
are rich in calcium and iron, and are used in Chinese medicine to treat asthma, colds, flu and other respiratory ailments. 
Green shiso leaves are commonly used to enhance flavors of various soups and broths, dishes, desserts, or eaten in 
salads or fried as tempura. The beautiful leaves are also used as a garnish. Perilla seeds form an essential part of the 
famous seven spices of Japan, which originated more than 300 years ago in Kyoto. 

Culture Information 
Direct seed (recommended): Store seed in the freezer for best germination. Sow in spring after the last frost, 1-2 seeds per 
inch, in rows 18" apart. Sow seeds shallowly or cover lightly, as light is required for germination. Can grow somewhat 
thickly, or thin to 6-12" apart. Germinates in 7-21 days. Prefers sun and medium rich sandy soils. Harvest leaves for fresh 
use once the plants have become established - this will also help stimulate branching and leaf growth. 

About Gaea’s Blessing 

We aim to promote sustainable growing methods, protect biodiversity, and to do our best to ensure the wellness of the 
environment. We understand that seeds and agriculture support the basis of our lives, and moreover, firmly believe that 
we must work towards protecting this foundation by ensuring a safe and genetically stable source for future generations 
to come. We pledge that we do not knowingly offer genetically modified seeds and furthermore, our seeds are consciously 
selected to ensure the highest quality and greatest integrity, informed by cultural, environmental, and seasonal cues. We’re 
more than a seed company, we’re a movement! 

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