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Pedia Quiz

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1. It is the inflammation of the pulmonary parenchyma and/or alveoli caused by a virus,

mycoplasmal agents, bacteria, or aspiration of foreign substances?

a. Bacterial pneumonia c. Emphysema

b. Asthma d. Pneumonia

2. Which data would the nurse expect to asses in a febrile client complaining of a hacking cough
and generalized malaise?
a. Conjunctivitis and nasal swelling
b. Tonsillar exudates and pain on swallowing
c. Bronchial breath sounds over lung fields with consolidation
d. Productive cough with excess mucus

3. A client hospitalized for acute bacterial pneumonia is recovering after a course of penicillin G.
Which outcome demonstrates the effectiveness of care?
a. The patient has partial arterial oxygen (PaO 2) of 85mmHg of higher
b. The patient has partial arterial carbon dioxide (PaCO2) of 80mmHg of higher
c. The patient has decreased breath sounds.
d. The client has signs of restlessness and confusion.

4. A client hospitalized for acute bacterial pneumonia is recovering after a course of penicillin G.
Which outcome demonstrates the effectiveness of care?
a. The patient has partial arterial oxygen (PaO 2) of 85mmHg of higher
b. The patient has partial arterial carbon dioxide (PaCO2) of 80mmHg of higher
c. The patient has decreased breath sounds.
d. The client has signs of restlessness and confusion.

5. Which discharge instruction is most appropriate to prevent or control respiratory infection or

control respiratory infection for the client diagnosed with respiratory insufficiency resulting from
long standing restrictive lung disease?
a. Taking penicillin prophylactically for life
b. Smoking low-tar (light) cigarettes
c. Receiving influenza injections
d. Having periodic studies to monitor partial pressure of oxygen

6. Which of the following complications would the nurse least expect to develop in a child with

A. Cerebral palsy C. Hydrocephalus

B. Disseminated intravascular D. Pneumonia
coagulation (DIC)

7. Which of the following would the nurse do first when a child has a sudden and unexpected

A. Clear the area of hazards to prevent harm.

B. Place a tongue blade in the child’s mouth to prevent aspiration.
C. Restrain the child to prevent injury.
D. Shake the child to ascertain level of consciousness (LOC).

8. Which of the following infection control precautions should the nurse initiate when a child is
admitted for possible meningococcal meningitis?

A. Airborne precautions C. Droplet precautions

B. Contact precautions D. Neutropenic precautions

9. Which of the following dietary measures would the nurse expect to institute for the child with
acute glomerulonephritis (AGN)?

A. Decreased calcium C. Increased nitrogen

B. Decreased sodium D. Increased protein

10. When monitoring the urine of a child with acute glomerulonephritis, which of the following
values would be the most important to monitor?

A. Blood C. Protein
B. pH D. Specific gravity
11. The mother of an 8-year-old child with a fluid restriction of 1000 mL/day is staying with the child
in the room. Which of the following would be most appropriate for the nurse to include in the
child’s plan of care?

A. Discussing the fluid restriction with the mother and child, allowing them to decide how to
allocate the fluids over the 24 hours
B. Explaining to the mother that hospital personnel will assume the responsibility for providing
fluids to the child.
C. Letting the child drink fluid until the limit is reached and then allowing the child to drink no
more fluids
D. Telling the mother exactly how much fluid the child can have each hour, showing her
examples of the amount

12. Which of the following methods for checking placement of a gavage feeding catheter would be
most appropriate after introducing the catheter into the neonate’s stomach?

A. Aspirating stomach contents through the catheter with a syringe

B. Auscultating clear breath sounds after instilling a small amount of air into the catheter
C. Aspirating water back into a syringe after introducing it into the catheter
D. Flushing the catheter with a small amount of water

13. The nurse will administer liquid medicine to a 9 month-old child. Which of the following
methods is appropriate?

A. Allow the infant to drink the liquid from a medicine cup

B. Administer the medication with a syringe next to the tongue
C. Mix the medication with the infant’s formula in the bottle
D. Hold the child upright and administer the medicine by spoon

14. Which of the following would be commonly assessed in early acute glomerulonephritis (AGN)?

A. Dysuria, pedal edema, decreased urinary output

B. Seizures, increased urinary output, pale-colored urine
C. Tea-colored urine, anorexia, facial puffiness
D. Vomiting, bright red urine, abdominal distention
15. Which of the following complications would the nurse least expect to develop in a child with

A. Cerebral palsy C. Hydrocephalus

B.  DIC D. Pneumonia




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