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Jasmine 8 January 2016

Advanced English Language Programme Essay 1


Nowadays, Malaysia is facing a significant problem which is an increase in the level

of crimes. For example, robbery, kidnapping, child abuse as well as sexual abuse. The reasons of this
social issue is because of the high level of unemployment, alcohol and drug abuse, and family

The main reason I agree with high rate of unemployment level occurs in Malaysia
now. There are many people who less educated may feel hopeless for finding job as they will received
low wage due to low education background. Meanwhile, the people who have the high level of
education faced a serious problem also because an increase of competitiveness in the labour market.
As a result the people cannot get the job so they force to commit in a crime.

In addition, one of the cause is the overconsumption of alcohol and drug. A person
who addicted to drugs or alcohol is unable to affort their addiction because they cannot do a job
properly. Hence, they choose to commit in crime such as robbery rather than go to work. If a person
consumption too much of alcohol it can cause in serious mental disorders. Consequently, the person is
in a confused state of mind will do the crime instinctively.

Furthermore, family condition can be one of the main reason that lead to increase of
crime level. Nowadays society has more divorce cases, therefore the child will feel discriminated as
neglected by their parent. There could be some problem that the parent is concentrate on their own job
so they will ignore their children. Thus, the children just do what they want as they lack of parental
control, supervision and monitoring.

To conclude that the causes of more crimes occur is because bad family condition,
high level of unemployment and overconsumption of alcohol and drug. The solution that government
should be take is enhance law enforcement give more punishment to the offender. Alternatively,
government may hold campaign to improve and advocate the moral awareness of the people.

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