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BU 2-1-19 :: ययय य यययययय ययय

BUBV 2-1-313-318.

SV Talk Ch 2, 22-5. Also last 5 minutes of 22-4.

SV Book pp 465-467

BUBV 313 ; यययययययययय ( jnAta/pramAta/karta ) is negated. Even

ययययययययययय is thus negated. Purvapakshi objection on this is also
rebutted. Refer Tika on pp 466 also.

ययययय ययययययय means always a seer (seeing not a यययययय). Meaning,

without him, functioning of seeing (which is a यययययय) is not

BUBV 2-1-313 Pashyannapi napashyati;; napashyati denotes nonduality.

Pashyan denotes nature of Consciousness. sAkshitvam is absent in

sAkshitvam is absent. Kasyachana ( shashti )---of anything (objects)

related to shabda etc, kinchana ( dvitIya )---anything whatever
(dRshya/drashta) including pramAtR, kEnachana ---by anything or

BUBV 2-1-382 to 390 :: Purpose of srishti vakyas :: Jiva Brahma aikya

thru jaganmithyatva

BUBV 2-1-392 to 398 :: Srushti from Kutastha :: Sushupta Chaitanyam

or Chaitanyam obtaining in sushupti is aJnata Brahman and not Atman
limited to the individual Jiva (verse 394). Text –Tika-page 478.

BUBV 2-3-63 to 65……ajnAta Atma is kAraNa-kArya for Creation.

PratyagAtman in respective forms (clay) is the kAraNam for all effects
(pot etc). Refer SV talk Ch 2, 24-15, 47th minute, book page 549, adobe
page 616. Mandala means gross body, linga means subtle body. Gross
body is the upAdhi for subtle body and subtle body is he upAdhi for
vijnAnAtma/kshetrajna. In verse 65, yasmAt means because, ajnAtarUpa
(ignorance of Atman) is the cause (kAraNa) and mithyArUpa
(misapprehension of Atman) is the effect. That is how causality is
superimposed on Atman. ( This set of verses 63-65 is the refutation of
the view of BhartRprapancha that the word purusha in the mantra reers
to Hiranyagarbha/Consciousness instead of the sidhanta that it refers
to the subtle body).
BSB 1-4-16 to 22 :: Same topic as above and also in BUB Brahman is
intended and not Jiva in Atmanastu kAmAya. Also Creation is from
Brahman and not Jiva.

Panchadashi, Ch 11, pp 182 of TMP Mahadevan book. Verses 64-74 in

Panchadashi. Specifically verse 74. Also verse 44. Verse 64 defines

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