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oS 4 aa) 2B itd Da "Ex 6/1 UJIAN MASUK POLITEKNiK NEGERI (UMPN) SERI TAHUN AKADEMIK 2018/2019 BIDANG TATA NIAGA A WAKTU: 150 Menit @ + > 6 2. Nil dat “ogi log¢ lala. 2 ® + © 1 ® 2 ® 3 3. Mulai ari og (UB) + 70 (1/9) + "og (1 og (UB) + log (1/9) "hog (1/125) (A) v5~2V7 B) Veet © -vE - (D) 2v2-vE (E) 2vz42v5 3. Dalaen suat kontes kejuaraan “Dura Kampus’ terdapat 10 finalis yang akan mernperebutian juar: 1,0, den tL, Benyakoya susunan juara yang mungkin terjadi adalah (Ay 24 -3- @) 30 © 3 @) 720 , €) 510 6 Sebags| kets Kelas, Dilan mendapat tga Imembencul tm, yong terdiri dar} Tmahaatew, acon Selly 3 mahasiewe wna neni kul deta beings gar wna banyak phan yang han dents z 2g bE es i = 210. {20 6 7. Terapat 39 mahaninas elas, masing- olny er corre temparz Oa Gekaen harspan yang mruneul ca dad berjumlah 7 ada. (A) Sikall > Ghat €C) 1 kal D) 12katt ©) 36 kal 4. Diswnal mamas = [Z* 3] risk ahs 28 ah. 9, Dikzahul mage du baju merck A daamah mem ad R000 dan har i ere A dnb dan cela meek B tees bute adalah f-1 -3 -3] a : 5 of - HI ee es etd (5 2 ok 2 i vo of). i) 4 wf? il 9 satan se TM Jika mutriks C= 4 ~ 8, maka invers dari mati pri S82. : way (re 3) 424 = I} ¢ “14 \ Zs "yp ety wo ely 14, Suary barlan Arfimetika diketabul! mulca ke-3 adalah 12 dan suku ke-10 adalah 47. Suku ke-12 berisan teneboretaemrens YN, atae 12 iad tay 2 2 Viova+g (35 B38 -9b I 1b=3] 15, Tipp aku ptame dar unt bron geomet 8 20. Tereuban allan dart beri hy, aen-iyb 1b 2 3 13 © 3 S? i Paps ‘ka ula peli 906 orang dan dak mecllh 8_ orang. maka jumiab suarn pernenang adalah ... woe SI G= bet LOMA EA (B) 200 =33 (C) 204 q 4 ©) 207 vu (©) 203 17, tka nifaix dan y memenunl peajumlahan matriks fends +f 2)-O4 nl 1B. Wks diketshus sajion data: 7, Mataniin medion det ed ea ee wss 2— \ . 3. z wy ct — 3 d m5 wre © 95 _ 3 3 fe 1 @? 19, Nilai median pada tabel di baveah ini adalah = = B= ‘ opm Maken nnn y ‘ i 33° = rg ET ee oie ee sat ee ee ei (©) H2don-3 ( TAWPIE) EW -Z x ywal ini — aspen nmi mans (rte) d PY Wdan- 9} {e 3 | (EL ‘= J, pv vial guruman Keun dat reread adalah — veg T= 50 G @) 300 4 ray @ 00 oa @ 3 } y PEER poet 7D 000,000.00 den 2 = ) hol deposte bejangka Rp1_000.000.00 den ee 70> pact apo gem 45 sx set en pnts ecm! “ip enti ORE) ert 4 L FSF WP z on i mT Z wR 190,000,001. + 0,03)" . = yo 6x2 Poste BEY gory YP. prsnosonno (1 +23 » Eee ? £€) Rpt.c0e.00e.00(1 + 52 » 6x1 “4 b “25 oo a) Rpt.000.800,00(1 + 222) VAs eK , ae &)_p1.c00.000,00(1 + 0,03)*% ©) 1564 Hsloman 3dari 12 halaman SERIA ~ sh 28. Tuan Adi telat menabung 48 bulan,jumtah fabungannya menjadi Rp 172 iy 4A 72.000.000,00, Jia bangs tunggal 18.5% per tah, Trak Jomtah {tnbungan avai Tuan Adi sebesar (A) Rp30.960.000,00, '." @) 177 Goo C4 Rp72,000.000,00. 7, V =P T. tila jamish uang: yang beredar (M4) ikkan 7 kalt semua dan jemfah barang CT) juga dinetkkan 2 kal ipa, sedanpken kecepatan uang. bberedar (¥) tecap, maka mengakibaikan hargn (P) .... wy mp nik SO% turin $06 ‘valk 2 kal ura 2 kali ‘Halaman 6 cei 12 halaman SERIA 50, st ‘Pethatikan matriks cistciri sistem ekonomi berkut: Derdasaréan matrik di atas, yang merupaken clri- Apskal soa! yang dimuncutkan ak sesual Aeogan mate yang dipelajan!? (CO) Bagaimana meringhatkan nilai min pelajaran Matereatka aipwa di SMA negeri? © ‘Asn menycbablan rena il mata hj ematika siswa wien siswa di SMA oegeri Kapan diketahai penyebab rendahnya nila ‘mals pelajarin Matematika siswa di SMA negeriterseburt 68, Kalimat berikut yang 77D4K mabaie adalah (A) Dengan pertimbangan tersebut, ra kam menyetayut. DF, Dela lay rere wendahuslian ngenal senlegi pemyusunan paragra (CP Dosen sedang menjelaskan tentang kalimat febiif 7 wD) © [Bahasa eda merupatan alut komuniker--—~ ‘Bayw bdang suenjelankan Kaidah penullsas 69. Kallmat berks yong mubasic adalah w co} © 7 7D. Klima: berikut yang logis adaish (A) Wekesden temp, ows pertokan, >< (0), Ramtmerpersikan wok dun erat Naguk Andy, nl peraban anu perslstan Hapak Dirck waka can Dalian sktipaltersebut dijelaskan srukewr tek ekaporich. Eksposisi adalah ergurmensasl ie ssi, Teknik penullan Kutipan akin wv temp, = (©) Waktu kari benim; tmpar kom sediakan. 71, Kealimot i bawab ini diulis dengan kata-kata Esk ECUAL... w ® © ©) © i ide boleh monet ntasan. ‘Merela tidak memedomani araran ita Setiap hari la mempel lal kemarnya {aaclats memosisikan dis! sebagai bawahan, a mengomuiaasikan hal ta kepada paaltia. Cermat! kalimat herikut Semis gt rita plforan Blo hore etapa hari ni recara kofekrif. ‘st ‘Kata dofetf data Kalionat di atns Dermakma ... « @) c D>) «© bersama Bershep bergantion berpsangan berkelompeke 7. PenulsanKelompok unsurserapan yang besar adalah... a (A) sthutrural, system, rset (B)metods, rset, fotckoph {O), phovwkopi, srukwural, metode >< 1(5)~ sistem, rset, fotocepy HE) rset, metode, sistim Halon 9 ert #2 halaman SERV A (A) Gibran sa i bern dtr os a iy hata indi jempur KP ket a bray ‘kekantor, i (C)_ Din terjaa ketengah kancah poiikstelan om Makmeniearts, a pera Kesanac mci me sagan Diane neal perlind (©) Gubermur jeu borasal ari Pula Sumatra 75. Kalimat bert yang Jitlis sexual dengan PUEBE terdepat pads, (A) Berita ita tidak boleh kien sebartuaskan, (2). Im bolum menandatangan| surat perjayian ios” (C) Ln sudan siop mengujicabs mobil formule sane yang terbani. (D) _Keiket sertaznnya dalac kegistan in tidak disetujul oleh pimpinan. (E) Kami berserimakatih kepads pihak yg ret ‘meayukseshan kegiatan kami 76, Penggunsan tanda baca berikut benar, KECUALL (A) tamembet! ala tli: spida! dan pulpen. (B) Olah fare ia, kita rus berpiki pos (©) Dia bukan slswa SMA, melainiay saws SMK- (D) _Kegiaten ira berlangsong mulal ranges! 24 Jul dd Aguscus 2017, (E) Tabu tale MTQ pergurun ting! s9-Indonesia dileksanakan pada bulaa Juli. 77. Pentlisan horuf kapical yang seowal dengan PUEDI ‘erdspat paca kalimat (A) a bere onan Peseta S) Greg reany Senin Pang Ambon. (©) Upeten Hartces dc ich tema Sow {B) Semorhatabnye ergela SARAANA Stooom Dalam pameranprsbangan han ° ‘Kementerian Agama RJ {kt berpartisipasi. 78. Penulisan baruf kapha! di beoah ini yang bear ‘erdapar pad kali (A) Pemerinah Indonesia menyumbang gandum Kepade peaduduk Palestins yang mengalarni (®) Pemertazah Indonesia teres menioglatan ‘ernananreajolang Pelaksaaaan PILKADA Serial. (©) Peamericiah indonesia Menctapkan Hari Raya ‘da! Fit jacuh paca anggad 15 Juni 201 (©) Pemaintah indonesia terus memban gun Sofrasmvicr di selursh wilryah ager JPR Pemerinah Indonesia tembeotu Komlst Perberanias Keropst unk menjerat para Korupar a 79 Bacalah teks bertkut dengan seksamna. 4a taber bai teanggeraton itera! dsampaitan eh beberapa komuriee Keats omnis dh berdaeldosrohsealinbergtrah selam menyebarion "vis" gemur montana Merehasangt pec tnt etoihen general emer membace. Dero txloton memo metyuraat nad ein cord Pemyataan berikut yang cdot sezuol dengan teks dt tas adalah (A) Caran tera akan diakuag ole beberapa Komenian 7 * emesis mepdcrog hegemasan oe JOY" Kecerdasan dlmilki Soh anak-anak yang meriliki Kebiauaan berlangganan keran. (D) Masyarakat menjadi lebih cerdas Je germar rmewbaca \ (E)_ Para Komunitas sangat pedull erhadap eyemaran memmbacs. 80. Paha ua kalimat berths (1) Pemerjenahan iatilah ehonerni belsm pernah eta, (@) Permasaishan terschoa penting untuk diteli. ‘Kara penghubug yang benar untuk ‘menyembunghaa dum kallmat tersebut adalah A) (arena {B) schingsn (C) sein ies (3) san tetapi (E) oleh karen itu 81, Man: “Excuse ma..." You: “Yes, sur. Turn lef at the end of this sueet. Man: “At the tafe lights ‘You: “Yes. Then go at far a the roundabout.” Maz: “Thank yo ‘You: “My pleasure.” (A) Can you tell me where you are going? (B) Will you show me where you mre going? {C) Can you come with me 10 the nearest bank? ©) Can you tell me the way to the nearest bank? (/ ©) Coutd 1 tet! you the way to the nearest bank? 32. Jordon: “Hi Mays, how we you? Long tne no see." Amalia, “i Jordan, Wn doing alight: You're doing ‘ay, t007 Jordan: "I'm good, t60. 1 wos just wondering you ‘Would ike to come over fora drink thls Friday night” Amel Jordan “Perfect. S00 you thea.” (A) Lam sorry, [ will be busy then, (B) Would you come ta my house? (©) Thmtsounds lovely. Thank you. v (D) , Yes, I don't like tea and coffee. Thank you, YH agree. On Friday algh I wil be out of town. ‘ats 10 ce 12 Paar SERY A 13, Study the following job vacancy advertisement, 1 He me T shawon yen 3. baa dep aacetg WA CRAS AE pare 4 Goatewemaea el roi ental Mest offerte Poe Poke {hin pervert etn ert lt ety ow aabecneg vate 1 tpebemeeh N25 re pte eye nea ture cy sent: IAKARTA gagesersmenagiomaanecom =e Spplcants should beater operets MS Omice well (©) rewhy-graduated fiom a polytechnic ean opply (is vacerey ©) moplicats (©) Diploma IMT graduates with 9 GPA of 3.5 a0 allowed to apply. v TES peed compete Fe cenmand en gah 2/8 Ud wiheaiorkrghs neeaitepn abiomanr ee] Ee? pied} reno Morisiey nd, preference expend rood English [ASS Computer and Preschoot Teacher! (B} Basie Level English and Computer (©) Adminirative S:affané Computer {D) Preschool Teacher and Administrative Staff (E) Adminkseaiive Senff and Basic Level English 5, Each ofthe suenty.. responsible Gor doing his ar ber own work in the library, We 8) ore (fasta SOF tebe {E) would have to 86. a7. “ay 29. Sonia. ,,, in Purwokerto?” ‘aldo: *1 sarted to study at a university In Puarwokerto in 2017." {A} Why dit you study (B) Now did you study {€) When do you stare your study {D) When did you stan your shady XE) Which university did you take Do you think inflation ofthis year will... the sales sfthe product next year? affeet bring reall produce outcome «ay © (0) e) Study the following groph carefully. Figures by Make of ‘car POLL LOE A ‘Which were the two nethermos: estes? (A) Toyo nd Nissan () Peugeot end BMW (Q) Jaguar and Survki (D) Surski and Honda {E) BROW and Jaguar Army °1 went to Bromo last Sunday. It's 59 beaut Hilda “Realty? eony ¥, 1 0, (A) Do! ga there often? (B)_Do they go to Bromo? (2) De yoy olen gs there? "(D) How often do yout go there? (E) Bo they tke to go to Bromo? The now shopping center il under constuction, ‘built by PY Wika and will finish by the end of ‘yeas, W * Bt 1p © were Amel: “Emma, which do you like better, coffee oF te Enum. “Well, n this drovesy condition, 1, 10 tet” w @) @) e prefer coffee ike coftee more like cotfee better prefer coffee than peefer coffee rather Hitoman 1 dart 12 hela SERIA a ”. ©) | defintely disagree. 93. My sister shawe a great hasred of crowds, whereas amy lite brother loves co be the center of attention, The pypanym of hatred Ib... love dlisice Dadiness pottestive ‘mnentiveness Bayw “Wea So you supgest?™ Securiy, "leave it over there near the tee." (A) 1d bene (B) Haw ean you {C) Where do you (D)_ Think you doa’ SBRY Hinlnk is Bener you 95, Lise: — | borrow your pencil for » minute™ ‘dint. “Sere, 00 problem. Actually, you can keep iif ‘you want ta.” isa: “Thank you" (A) De (8) May ( wil () Shall (©) Stood 96, Jakarta climate is generally bot end humid, with ‘wet acd dry seasons dividing the year in twa. If you «ae planning to live in Jakarta, be for the temperatures above 30°C. Be aware that the rainy seasco is long, beginviing in November until March. The text informs that (A) the rainy and dry seasons are long. B) , raining it fom November to March BR ee ete be reed tort Boos ¥ 5) the weather i Jakarta always changes V (E) the weather in Jakarta is rletively cold a PR bent 100, ‘Sterty: “Tomorrow, I'm going 1 tke you to 8 ‘beautiful beach.” Tika: "That sounds great. What does It look lke?” Sher "Waa beach” (4) delicious, sey acd not expat (B) ja aroura iy estes fom her (C), fects with bos wale and wl tr, le ht eh (8) very cheap and there are lous of tropical weey on itself In this modern era, x bask commonly has a special machine by which the custorners oan withdraw their ‘moasy anyting. ln every dry ie, that machine Is popula called ATM. it stand fer. ‘Aceaunt Telling Machine ‘Auomatic Teller Machine ‘Automatic Telling Machine ‘Automatic Telling Machinery ‘Aecountable Teller Machine Reed thls ext carefully. Then answer Questions No, ‘99 end No. 100. 1) The Powpaalty industry ia. broad category of eis itt fe sors Incusty that (routes losgng, want planieg, hema parts, sanaporaion, crise ine, sad acdlonal Seles wd ths tourom indy. The hosplallyindusty i a mulbARon dtr Indusay mat depends onthe vatanty of eke ‘ne and isposablo income. A hospitality url much asa taurant, hota or an arwsement park comists of tila groups nc lacy Imabnienance and direct operctons (cavers, housekeepers, pores, chen \workars, artorders, managemin, marking, and human resoureoe et) ‘The text discusses about... (A) Transportation lodustry GE) Hospitality indusery (©) Restaurant business (D) Amusement park (E) Tourism industry "Disposable" (line 8) in the ext can be used correctly nthe following sentence. (A) Ths income was dispossbled last week (B) We decided to disposable som= employees. (©) I disposabled the sentence in the paragraph, (D) Wo bought n disposable camern for the event. (E) To disposable them we orust work hard together. alam 2 dnt 12 linn SERIA

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