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There are many ways aspects of the president`s solution to violence and crime that i can understand and

even support. Placing curfews on teenagers, alcohol consumption, and more are smart preventive
measures. However, having said all that, I don’t believe that “SHOOT TO KILL” is the way to achieve the
goal of a safer country. When did fighting fire with fire ever actually work in the long run? There has to
be a better middle ground. If the president`s mandate of shoot to kill is followed what we would end up
with are even more vigilantes walking the streets with a convoluted sense of wild west justice. This is
not the way to make things safe again. In fact, things might get even more dangerous. We all want to
live in a safe society. We want to able to raise the children in a safer world. I commend the president on
his mission to stamp our crime, drugs and violence in the Philippines. On the note, we are all aligned in
wanting a better country. However, there has to be a way to do this while letting DUE PROCESS and the
rule of law prevail. I remember the Latin legal phrase-`Fiat iustitia ruat carlum` which translate into “let
justice be done though the heavens fall”. Fair justice should always prevail, especially when lives are at

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