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Summary: A drama of the parable of the workers in the vineyard from Matthew 20 vs 1-16.
Style: Dramatic. Duration: 8min
Actors: 8-9M/F


NARRATOR – Kim Ligahon

LANDLORD- Vince Delostrico

FOREMAN - Avhegail Pandaan and Kaye Samson

PERSON1 – Justine Cataylo

PERSON2 – Neil Estoras

PERSON3 – Danmel Siquijor

PERSON4 – John Louie Delmo

PERSON5 – Vic Salvoro


Scene: Set in a market place with a vineyard off to the side.

NARRATOR(Kim): The kingdom of heaven is like a landowner who went out early in the morning to hire
workers for his vineyard.

LANDOWNER (Vince): [to person 1/ Justine] You there! Are you awake?

PERSON 1(Justine): Yes sir! Is there any to do today in your vineyard?

LANDOWNER(Vince): Yes, it is harvest time. I will pay you well - one denarius for the day - the normal
day’s wages.

PERSON 1(Justine): That is great, thank you. Shall I start now?

LANDOWNER(Vince): Of course - off you go into my vineyard and start picking the grapes.

NARRATOR(Kim): So off he went and spent all day working.

LANDOWNER(Vince): [to person 2/ Neil] You there! Do you have nothing to do? Are you just going to
stand here in the market-place?

PERSON 2(Neil): No sir, there are very few jobs around. Unless you have some work?

LANDOWNER(Vince): Of course. Come and pick grapes for me! I will pay you whatever is right

PERSON 2(Neil): Thank you.

NARRATOR(Kim): And off he went to join the other man working in the vineyard.
LANDOWNER(Vince): [to person 3/Danmel] Hey you! Why are you just standing there doing nothing?

PERSON 3(Danmel): Do you mean me?

LANDOWNER(Vince): Yes you - my grapes will be going mouldy on the vine. Can’t you help me get the
harvest in? I will make it worth

your while. One denarius to work till sunset.

PERSON 3(Danmel): Wow! Thanks - yes, I will help.

NARRATOR(Kim): So he went to help, too.

PERSON 4(Louie): [yawning] That was a nice sleep. Now what shall I do with the rest of my day?

LANDOWNER(Vince): [to person 4/Louie] Why were you sleeping? Has no-one hired you? Are you free
to do some work in my vineyard? I

will pay you.

PERSON 4(Louie): Happily. It’s only 5 hours before it gets dark, but I could do with a bit of extra cash.

NARRATOR(Vince): So he, too, went to pick grapes.

LANDOWNER(Vince): Anyone else want work? There is only 1 hour of daylight left!

PERSON 5(Vic): I will help if you think it’s worth it. I don’t expect to be paid much though.

LANDOWNER(Vince): I will pay you whatever I decide.

NARRATOR(Kim): So he went and joined the other 4 and worked for just one hour.

LANDOWNER(Vince): Foreman - please bring the money and come here.

FOREMAN(Avhegail/Kaye): Yes, sir. Here is the money for the workers.

LANDOWNER(Vince): You give it out. Call each worker and pay them their wages. Beginning with the
last ones hired - that’s person 5,

then 4, 3, 2 and ending with the first person that I hired early this morning.

FOREMAN(Avhegail): Person 5! You worked one hour. Here is your pay - one denarius. [gives him a

PERSON 5(Vic): Thanks very much.

FOREMAN(Kaye): Person 4! Here are your wages for 3 hours - one denarius. [gives him a coin]

PERSON 4(Louie): Thanks very much.

FOREMAN(Avhegail): Person 3! Here are your wages for 6 hours- one denarius. [gives him a coin]

PERSON 3(Danmel): Thanks very much.

FOREMAN(Kaye): Person 2! Here are your wages for 9 hours - one denarius. [gives him a coin]

PERSON 2(Neil): Thanks very much.

FOREMAN(Avhegail): Person 1! Here are your wages. Thank you for working all day - one denarius.
[gives him a coin]
PERSON 1(Justine): Thanks very much - umm. [to person 5/Vic] Surely the boss should have paid me
most! I worked all day. Why did you get the same money as me, yet I worked 11 hours longer than you?
That’s not fair!

PERSON 5(Vic): I don’t know. I guess he has his reasons. I am very happy with the situation!

PERSON 2(Neil): [to person 3/Danmel] I started work at 9 and you started at 12. So I should get more
money than you got for 3 more hour’swork. Why did that landowner pay you the same as me?

PERSON 3(Danmel): I don’t know. [to person 4/Louie] You worked less time than me, yet you got the
same pay. That’s not right. This landowner is not being fair.

PERSON 4(Louie): [to the other people] We all the got same pay - exactly the same, yet some of us
worked 3 hours and some of us worked 11 hours.

PERSON 1,2,3,4,5 [together] That’s not fair!

LANDOWNER(Vince): I am not being unfair, my friends. Didn’t each of you agree to work for a denarius?

PERSON 1,2,3,4,5 [together] Yes, we did.

LANDOWNER: Well, take your pay and go. I want to give the one who was hired last the same as the
first. Don’t I have the right to do what I want with my own money?

PERSON 1,2,3,4,5 [together] Yes, you do.

LANDOWNER(Vince): Or are you envious because I am generous?”

PERSON 1,2,3,4,5 [together] Er….. no.

LANDOWNER(Vince): So the last will be first, and the first will be last.

NARRATOR (Kim): So that is the parable that Jesus told - the parable of the workers in the vineyard.
Hope you enjoyed it. Give yourselves a clap!

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