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I n Hinduism, traditionally known as Sanatana Dharma, there is only one

ultimate God known as Brahman. He was formed by the trinity of gods

comprises of Vishnu the preserver, Shiva the destroyer, and Brahma the
creator. Brahma created the universe and life which included the creation of

People fall into caste system which divides them and put them into a never ending
cycle of life, death, and rebirth called Samsara. The caste system was divided into
five groups- The Brahmins, the Kshatriyas, the Vaishyas, the Sudras, and the
Untouchables. Humans’ actions will dictate their situation in their next life by
gaining good karma or bad karma (moving upwards in the caste system as for the
good karma while downwards for bad karma). This was made possible because the
belief in Hinduism is that all souls are immortal. This means that souls are reborn
over and over again and migrate from one physical body to another through
transmigration. One will be able to achieve the highest part of caste system, which
is Brahmin, by gaining good karma upon living his/her life. Being on top, one will
not just stay there. He/she will now need to find his/her Atman to be able to release
from Samsara and achieve Moksha, total freedom and self-realization. His/her soul
will be finally merged with Brahman. This is the main goal of others- Find
Dharma, dictated by karma, to be free from Samsara to attain Moksha.

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