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Limb movement is limb movements with onset EMG increase >=8mikrovolt above the resting
EMG, the minimum duration is 0,5 seconds, the maximum duration is 10 seconds, the timing of
ending limb movement event is as the start of a period lasting at least 0,5 seconds during which the
EMG does not exceed 2 mikrovolt above resting EMG.

2. Periodic limb movement is minimum 4 consecutive limb movement events, the minimum period
length between limb movements to include them as part of a PLM series is 5 seconds, the maximum
period length between limb movements to include them as part of a PLM series is 90 seconds.

3. We measure duration between two limb movements : the minimum period length between limb
movements to include them as parts of a PLM series is 5 seconds. The maximum period length
between limb movements to include them as parts of a PLM series is 90 seconds.

4. We don't score isolated limb movement

5. We don't score limb movement in epochs scored as wake, only limb movements during sleep form
PLM series

6. The rule for scoring limb movements if an epoch of wakefulness is in between two sleep epochs:

When a period of wake >90 seconds separates a series of LMs, this does not prevent LMs preceding
the period of wake from being included with the subsequent LMs as part of a PLM series

7. The rule explaining scoring limb movements in relation to respiratory event:

0.5 s before the start to 0.5 s after the end of an apnea or hypopnea, respiratory effort related
arousal, or sleep disordered breathing event.

8. The rule regarding scoring arousals on association with limb movements:

When periodic limb movements occur with an interval or less than 10 second and each is associated
with a >= 3 second change in the EEG/Chin EMG meeting criteria for an arousal, only the first
EEG/Chin EMG change should be scored as an arousal (assuming it is preceded by at least 10 seconds
of sleep). Both limb movements may be scored, assuming the onsets are separated by 5 seconds or
more, but only one PLM associated with an arousal (and only one arousal) would be scored.

9. Periodic limb movement index (PLMI) is total number of limb movements part of PLM sequence
per hour of sleep

PLMI = total number of PLM / TST in hrs

10. Cut off value for PLMI in children: >5/hr

Cut off value for PLMI in adults: >15/hr

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