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(Organic and Inorganic Substances)
A mixture is a substance made by combining two or more different
materials in such a way that no chemical reaction occurs. A mixture can
usually be separated back into its original components. This can be done
through performing physical methods of separating components of a mixture
some of which used in this experiment are sublimation, adsorption, filtration
and evaporation. The chemicals used in this experiment were mixture of
food-color-sodium-naphthalene and activated charcoal.

Methods and Documentation


A mixture of food color-sodium chloride-

naphthalene was prepared and was placed
in an evaporating dish secured with an
inverted funnel that is taped and clamped
firmly. It is then heated. A piece of cotton was
used to block the naphthalene vapor from
going out the funnel. As seen in this picture,
we have successfully performed sublimation,
as solid naphthalene crystals were turned to a
naphthalene vapor.


For about 2-5 minutes in leaving the set,

various naphthalene crystals were seen. This is
obtained through process of deposition, in
which a gaseous phase substance returns
back to its solid phase. These naphthalene
crystals were white in color and have strong

The residue from the evaporating dish

containing sodium chloride and food
color was dissolved in 50 ml water. Later
on, we then transferred it in a beaker. The
mixture appeared to be as black since
we have added in it 2 grams of activated
charcoal which carries an adsorption
property. It was then heated.

After 10 minutes of boiling it, this is now

the resulting product. It can be seen that
the product is starting to decolorized as
the food color has been separated from
sodium chloride through adsorption on
activated color. It is now ready to be


With the support of filter paper, we

filtered the product to separate the
activated carbon from the filtrate. The
filtrate that was obtained from this was
the sodium chloride solution.


We transferred the filtrate to an

evaporating dish and left it to dry. Water
was evaporated. The residue obtained
was the sodium chloride crystals or
commonly known as table salt.
Summary and Conclusion

To be able to analyze mixtures or the two or more substances

that are not chemically combined with each other
and can be separated by physical means, familiarizing the physical
separation methods is necessary. The common physical methods
we have observed in this experiment were sublimation, adsorption,
filtration and evaporation. The first method used was sublimation, a
process in which solid substance turns to a a gaseous form. This was
observed when the naphthalene crystals were vaporized when
heated. This was recovered through deposition, turning the
vaporized naphthalene to a solid naphthalene crystal. Next was
adsorption, process in which there’s an adhesion of atoms,
molecules, or ions from a gas, liquid, or dissolved solid to a surface.
The food color molecules were adsorbed through this process.
Third, is using filtration method, separating solid from liquid
substance by the use of filter paper. A sodium chloride solution was
obtained. Lastly, evaporation is a process of changing a substance
in liquid state to a gaseous state. Water was evaporated and the
residue was the table salt or NaCl crystals. Overall, we learned
that mixtures can usually be separated back to its
original components using these separation methods.
Stoichiometry is the study of the quantitative relationships or ratios between
two or more substances undergoing a physical change or chemical change
(chemical reaction). In this experiment, we are to determine the formula of Lead
(IV) oxide or plumbic oxide and determine its chemical equation.

Methods and Documentation

Using a triple beam balance, we

measured an empty crucible. For this
experiment, a crucible is advisable for use
since test tubes can break easily when
subjected to very high temperatures. All of
our data were written in the table of results.

About 1 gram of PbO2 was placed in the

crucible and was heated using Bunsen
burner with the support of a tripod and clay

This is now the heated PbO2 viewed from

above. We waited until all of the solid parts
of the substance were melted. In getting
the weight of the lead (IV) oxide, we
subtracted the weights of the empty
crucible and with the crucible weighed
with Lead (IV) oxide in it
This is now our resulting product which is
PbO that was weighed again using the
triple beam balance. For the weight of this
residue, we computed it by subtracting the
weight of the empty crucible from the
crucible with the residue (PbO) in it. It is
noted that the oxygen gas has been

The number of atoms of oxygen evolved, number of moles of

Pb, number of moles of Pb and number of atoms of oxygen from
the original sample which is PbO2 were computed. We computed
this using the mass of Pb and O2 which is from our experimental sample
and from the mass based on the sample so as to determine their mole
ratio. This is also done for us to determine if our computed ratio is
accurate and reasonable.


PbO2 Pb + O2↑

Table of results:

A Weight of empty crucible 20.12 g

B Weight of crucible with PbO2 21g
C Weight of lead (IV) oxide 0.88 g
D Weight of crucible with the residue (lead) 20.92 g
E Weight of residue (lead) 0.80 g
F Weight of oxygen lost/evolved 0.08 g
G # of atoms of oxygen evolved 5.0x10-3 atoms
H # of moles Pb 3.865x10-3 moles
I # of atoms Pb from the original sample PbO2 3.68x10-3 atoms
J # of atoms of O from the original sample PbO2 7.36x10-3 atoms
K Simplest formula of lead (IV) oxide PbO
Summary and Conclusion

In chemistry it is very important to understand the

relationship between reactants and products in a
reaction. Stoichiometry is exactly that. It is the quantitative
relation between the number of moles (and therefore mass)
of various products and reactants in a chemical reaction. In
this experiment, we looked closely to the decomposition of
lead dioxide (PbO2) and determined the mole ratio or atom
ratio of the reactant and products side. We did this by
heating a crucible with PbO2, solving mass-mole relationships
and computing for its mole and atom ratios from our
experimental data and from the data based from the exact
mass of our sample (PbO2). The simplest formula of lead
dioxide that we have obtained was lead monoxide (PbO).
Overall, learning stoichiometry is necessary since it helps you
predict how much of a reactant participates in a chemical
reaction, how much product you'll get, and
how much reactant might be left over.
Charles' Law, by Sire Jacques Charles, is a special case of the ideal gas law. It
states that the volume of a fixed mass of a gas is directly proportional to the
temperature. This law applies to ideal gases held at a constant pressure, where
only the volume and temperature are allowed to change. It is extremely
important to remember the temperatures are absolute temperatures measured
in Kelvin, NOT °C or °F. In this experiment, we looked closely on how an actual
sample of gas (air) follows Charles’ law.

Charles' Law is expressed as:

𝑉1 𝑉2
= 𝑇2

Methods and Documentation

We prepared a clean and empty

Erlenmeyer flask sealed with a rubber
stopper and marked the position of the
bottom of the stopper on the flask using a
pentel pen. This would later serve as our
indicator. In this setup, we placed our
clamped flask in a 500ml beaker
containing tap water that is supported by
a wire gauze and tripod. This is now the
correct setup for the said experiment.

It is then heated and boiled using a

Bunsen burner for 6-7 minutes. The air
trapped inside the flask should reach
the same temperature as the boiling
water. We assumed that the boiling
water is 100°C and recorded it as t1 on
our report sheet. We left the setup to
cool down before getting the flask and
prepared for the next procedure.
We carefully unclamped the flask and
held its mouth since it’s the least hot part
of the flask. Right immediately after
getting it, we put finger pressure on the
hole of the rubber stopper and released
it when we have successfully
submerged it in a water bath for 6-7
minutes with a 6°C maintained
temperature. We then took the
temperature of the ice bath and
labeled it as t2.

When the water level inside and

outside of the flask was matched, we
removed it from the ice bath still
maintaining finger pressure. After it, we
measured the volume of the water
inside the flask and recorded it as Vcw.

Tap water was poured into the empty flask up to the mark
earlier and was measured. To get the V2, we subtracted the
value of V1 from the value of Vcw. Our computations were
shown on the manual. Shown below are the data and results
obtained from this experiment.

Data and Results:

Vcw 55 mL
V1 264 mL
V2 209 mL
t1 100°C
t2 6°C
T1 373 K
T2 279 K
𝑉1 𝑉2 264 𝑚𝐿 209 𝑚𝐿
= 𝑇2 =
𝑇1 373 𝐾 279 𝐾
Percent error 5.79%
Summary and Conclusion

Charle's law states that when keeping the pressure

constant, the volume of a gas varies directly with the
temperature. In this experiment we have been tasked to
look closely on how an actual sample of gas (air) follows
Charles’ law. Unfortunately, in our experiment, we
haven’t truly verified this law because after computing
the data, it resulted into a big percentage error which is
5.79% as opposed to the 0-1% must-have percent error.
This indicates that during our experimentation, there must
have been extraneous or unwanted factors included
that affected the result of our experiment. Overall, we
learned about Charles’ law, increasing the temperature
of a volume of gas causes individual gas molecules to
move faster. As the molecules move faster, they
encounter the walls of the container more often and with
more force. Decreasing the temperature does the
opposite. Above all, one remarkable information we’ve
got was to make the Temperature of gases measured in
Kelvin, the absolute* temperature scale, for the
relationship to hold.
Water (H2O, HOH), is a colorless and odorless substance found all over Earth.
Water is made up of billions of molecules. Each molecule is made of one oxygen
and two hydrogen atoms held together by strong covalent bonds. It is commonly
referred to as the universal solvent. Because of this, water in nature and in use is
rarely pure and and may have some properties different from those in the
laboratory. Water is found in three different forms on Earth - gas, solid, and liquid

Methods and Documentation

Efflorescence and Deliquescence

On three separate watch glass,
calcium chloride, potassium oxalate
and copper sulfate pentahydrate
was placed on it. The samples were
left and examined after the end of
the laboratory period. We are tasked
to identify if it underwent processes
of efflorescence or deliquescence.

Purification of water
In two separate glass funnels, a
piece of cotton was loosely placed
into its apex. It was then poured with
sand and activated charcoal
respectively. Then, enough turbid
water was poured on it. Observations
of its filtrate are shown in the table of
Preparation of Distilled water
A distillation setup has been
prepared in order to obtain distilled
water. 100 ml of water added with 3
grams of sodium chloride and 2 ml of
potassium permanganate was mixed
together and was poured in the
distilling flask. It was then boiled. The
first 5 ml distillate was rejected and
the remaining ones were reserved.

Some test for Purity of Water (a)

10 drops of distilled water was
placed on a watch glass. It was put
on tap of the mouth of a 100 ml
beaker containing 75 ml of water. It
was then boiled until the water in the
watch glass has been evaporated.
The procedure was repeated, but
now with 10 drops of tap water.
Results on its residue were recorded
in the report sheet.

Some test for Purity of Water (b)

In three separate test tubes
containing 5 ml of distilled water, it
was mixed with 2 ml of silver nitrate,
potassium oxalate, calcium
hydroxide solutions respectively. The
same procedure was made but now
with the use of 5ml tap water in each
3 test tubes. This picture shows the
turbidity of tap water and its
presence of precipitates. Other
observations were listed on the table
of results.
Data/ Results

A. Efflorescence/Deliquescence

Substance Deliquescence Observations

Substance dissolves in
the absorbed water and
Calcium Chloride turns to a solution by
absorbing moisture from
the atmosphere
Substance remains the
Potassium Oxalate Efflorescence
Copper Sulfate Substance remains the
Pentahydrate same

B. Purification of water

In comparison with Comparison of

Nature of
Sample Turbid (unfiltered) the two filtrate
water obtained
a little The filtrate
Clearer than the
With sand cloudy, not obtained using
turbid water
so clear activated
With Very clear charcoal was
very clear/ clearer than those
activated compared to the
transparent in using sand.
charcoal turbid water

C. Preparation of Distilled water

 Why was the first 5 ml of distilled water rejected?
-it should be rejected because the first 5 ml of distilled
water is still not fully distilled and still has impurities in it
D. Test for Purity of Water (a)

Sample Residue after boiling

Distilled water No presence of residue

Tap water Has a residue (carbonate)

D. Test for Purity of Water (b)

Presence of Ions &

Sample Observation
w/ silver nitrate
w/ potassium The solution is clear
Distilled No presence of
oxalate solution with no presence
water precipitate
w/ calcium of ions
w/ silver nitrate Chloride ions: Silver The solution is
solution chloride turbid and cloudy
w/ potassium Calcium ions: in appearance. It
oxalate solution Calcium oxalate showed presence
w/ calcium Carbon dioxide/ of ions and has a
hydroxide Carbonate: resulting
solution Calcium Carbonate precipitate.
Summary and Conclusion

Water, is a substance composed of the chemical

elements hydrogen and oxygen and existing in gaseous,
liquid, and solid states. It is one of the most plentiful and
essential of compounds. A tasteless and odourless liquid at
room temperature, it has the important ability to dissolve
many other substances. In this experiment, we have defined
that deliquescent substances are solid matter that can get
dissolved by absorbing water vapor. The resulting solution is
an aqueous solution. This process is known as
deliquescence. On the other hand, efflorescent substances
are solids that can undergo spontaneous loss of water from
hydrated salts. This occurs when the aqueous vapor
pressure of the hydrate is greater than the partial pressure of
the water vapor in the air. Calcium Chloride is a
deliquescent substance while copper sulfate pentahydrate
and potassium oxalate are efflorescent substances.
Moreover, we have purified water through filtration using
sand and charcoal. We have also obtained distilled water
and used it for the latter procedure. By now, it is clear to us
how distillation works using the distilling flask, condenser and
its adapter. Lastly, we have observed several properties of
water. It may be soft water (from distilled water) or hard
water (tap water) as it still has minerals dissolved in it.
Indeed, the versatility of water as a solvent is essential to
living organisms.
Carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins and other nutrients provide our body
with energy necessary to carry on life activities. These compounds are present in
plants and animals we use as food. In this experiment, we are tasked to test
specific compounds and determine if those compounds are present in ordinary
foods. In this experiment, we used Mcmush as our sample.

Methods and Documentation

In 5 separate test tubes, we poured

2 ml of gelatin, glucose, starch, salt
solution and vitamin C (powdered vit.
C tablet dissolved in water).

Protein test: Biuret solution

Glucose test: Fehling’s A and B solution

Reagents used Starch test: Lugol’s iodine solution

Vit. C test: Indophenol solution

Chloride test: Silver nitrate solution

Using the multiple reagents, we
poured it to the 5 test tubes
respectively and mixed it together to
know if specific compounds are found
in each tube.

Here are now the results after

multiple reagents were poured to
each test tube. Observations on its
color change and positive results were
shown in the table of results.

For the glucose test, we did a

special procedure in which we boiled
it in the beaker filled with water for 5
minutes. Color changed from blue to
red or brick red.

A Mcmush (blended hamburger)

was prepared. In 5 separate test
tubes, we placed 2 ml of mcmush in it
which will be added next with different
reagents for specific compound
present testings.
Similar to the procedure done
before, we poured the multiple
reagents to the 5 test tubes containing
Mcmush respectively and mixed it
together if specific compounds are
found in each tube.

Here are now the results after

multiple reagents were poured to
each Mcmush inside test tube.
Observations on its color change and
positive results were shown in the table
of results.
Data/ Results

Part 1 – Testing of Known Substances

Food Substance Reagent test Positive Results

Gelatin Biuret solution purple

Fehling’s A and b
Glucose Yellow orange
Lugol’s iodine
Starch Dark blue
Vitamin C colorless
Silver nitrate Cloudy white
Sodium Chloride
solution precipitate

Part II- Testing Mcmush

Write (+) for

Food Observation/ positive result
Prediction Reagent test
Substance results and (-)
negative result
Protein purple purple +
Fehling’s A
Yellow Yellow
Sugar and b +
orange orange
Starch Dark blue iodine Dark blue +
Vitamin C colorless Light violet -
Cloudy Cloudy
Sodium Silver nitrate
white white +
Chloride solution
precipitate precipitate
Summary and Conclusion

Organic compounds, which are molecules comprised of a

carbon structure, make up most of the food we ingest. Lipids
(fats), proteins, and carbohydrates have a carbon skeleton
which makes them organic molecules. In this experiment, we
have tested specific compounds and determine if those
compounds are present in ordinary foods which in turn are the
Mcmush. Before testing the Mcmush, we first tested some known
substances by mixing it with different reagents ideal for indicating
such substances. Their positive results then became our basis if
the Mcmush contains protein, sugar, starch, vitamin c and
sodium chloride. Our results showed that Mcmush has positive
results with protein as it turned purple, sugar (yellow orange),
starch (dark blue) and sodium chloride (cloudy white
precipitate) but found negative on vitamin c as it resulted a light
violet color instead of it being colorless. We have also learned
that the reason why there is color change is because the copper
present in the solution reacts with the peptide bonds of the
protein substance. The same way goes for glucose substances.
These organic compounds are important because all living
organisms contain carbon and they are the basic components
of many of the cycles that drive the earth. Indeed, this
experiment is helpful for us as it paved way for the understanding
of basic organic chemistry that is viewed highly important in our

Submitted by:

Venice Joy B. Celocia

Pamela D. Daño

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