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Isabella Neurock

Creative Writing
3rd Hour

An Ode to My Cell Phone

Oh the little world on that phone

My parents hate you and that’s okay
When your lost in my bed I feel alone
I promise I will never leave you a stray
You’ve seen me at times when life gets hard
Your beauty makes me wish I had two
You play all genres of muic from pop to blues
Your sold in sizes from small to large
Oh Iphone, how I love you
And I will never forget to put you on charge

The frustration you’ve caused me is unforgiveable

Always taking up everyones time
Although the world inside you is irrisitable
Some things you cause should be a crime
But I have to admit you really are a dime at times
Phones like you can really be addicting
With a touch of a screen I can be left on seen
But I guess I can be forgiving
With a touch of a screen I can be left on seen
But I love you and there’s no in between

With a click of one button

I am connected to another world
My life can chnage all of the sudden
The happiness you bring me makes me twirl
You give me connections to people for away
Always bringing me closer to those far gone
Oh cell phone, you will always be mine
Nothing you do could ever be wrong.
How can I forget how you play my favorite song
You never fail to make me shine

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