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‘Tension between East and West 209 the Holy Spirit from the Son;* as the Manichaeans declare, among other things, that anything fermented is alive; as the Nazarenes maintain the bodily cleanli- ness of the Jews to such a point that they deny baptism to infants who die before the eighth day after birth and [deny] communion to menstruating women or those about to give birth or if they [the women] were pagan they forbid them to be baptized; also, they (the Nazarenes}, preserving their hair and beards, do Not receive into communion those who, according to the custom of the Roman church, cut their hair and shave their beards. Although admonished by our Lord Pope Leo regarding these errors and many other of his deeds, Michael (Cerula- rius] himself has with contempt disregarded these warnings. Moreover, to us his [Leo's] ambassadors who are seeking faithfully to stamp out the cause of such great evils, he denied his presence and any oral communication, and he forbade {us the use of] churches to celebrate Mass in, just as earlier he had closed the Latin churches fin Constantinople}, and, calling the Latins azymites (users of un- leavened bread in communion], he hounded them everywhere in word and deed. Indeed, in the persons of its sons, he cursed the Apostolic See, in opposi- tion to which he signed himself “ecumenical patriarch.” Wherefore, not putting up with this unheard-of slander and insult to the first, holy Apostolic See, and seeing the Catholic faith assaulted in many ways, we, by the authority of the un- divided and Holy Trinity and that of the Apostolic See, whose embassy we consti- tute, and by the authority of all the orthodox fathers of the seven (ecumenical] councils and that of the entire Catholic church, whatever our most reverend lord the pope has denounced in Michael and his followers, unless they repent, we declare to be anathematized: “May Michael, false neophyte patriarch, who only out of human fear assumed the monastic habit, now known notoriously to many because of his extremely wicked crimes, and with him Leo the archdeacon called bishop of Ochrida, and his treasurer [sacellarius] Michael, and Constantine who with profane feet tram- pled upon the Latins’ sacrifice (the Eucharist), and all their followers in the aforesaid errors and presumptions, be anathematized, Maranatha,’ with the Si- moniacs, Valesians, Arians, Donatists, Nicolaites, Severians, Pneumatomachians, Manichaeans, and Nazarenes, and with all heretics, indeed with the devil and his angels, unless by some chance they repent. Amen. Amen. Amen.” B. Mictagt CeruLarius AND THE STANDING SyNOD ANATHEMATIZE THE Paral LEGATION (From Will, Acta et scripia, pp. 155=68.) Decree in response to the bull of excommunication cast before the holy altar by the legates of Rome against the most Holy Patriarch Michacl in the month of July of the 7th indiction [1054]: When Michael, our most holy despot and ecumenical patriarch was presiding [over the Orthodox church] certain impious and disrespectful men (what else, in fact, could a pious man call them?)—men coming out of the darkness (they were begotten of the West)—came to this pious and God-protected city from which the springs of orthodoxy flow as if from on high, disseminating the teachings of piety to the ends of the ecumene. To this city [Constantinople] they came like a 210 The Church thunderbolt, or an earthquake, or a hailstorm, or to put it more directly, like wild wolves trying to defile the Orthodox belief by the difference of dogma. Setting aside the Scriptures, they deposited [an excommunication] on the holy altar ac- cording to which we, and especially the Orthodox church of God, and all those who are not in accord with their impiety (because we Orthodox want to preserve what is Orthodox and pious) are charged with, among other things, the fact that uw them we do not accept the shaving of our beards. Nor did we want to transform what is natural for men into the unnatural (i.¢., we favor marriage for the lower clergy, rather than celibacy]. In addition, we do not prohibit anyone from receiving communion from a married presbyter. In addition to all this, we do not wish to tamper with the sacred and holy creed, which holds its authority inviolate from synodal and ecumenical decrees, by the use of wrongful argu- ments and illegal reasoning and extreme boldness, And unlike them we do not wish to say that the Holy Spirit proceeds from the Father and the Son—O what artifice of the devill—but rather we say that the Holy Spirit proceeds from the Father, But we declare that they do not follow the Scripture which says “Do not shave your beards.” Nor do they want to fully understand that God the Creator in an appropriate way created woman, and he decreed that it was improper for men to be alone. But they dishonor the fourth [canon] of the Synod of Gangra, which says to those who despise marriage: “If one would hesitate to receive com- munion from a married presbyter, let him be anathematized.” In addition, they respect and honor the sixth synod which says. . . that those who are about to become deacons or to be worthy of being ordained presbyters should not have relations with their wives. And we, who continue to observe inviolate the ancient canons of the apostolic perfection and order, wish to affirm that the marriage of ordained men [priests] should not be dissolved and they should not be deprived of having sexual relations with their wives which from time to time is appropri- ate. So if anyone is found to be worthy of the office of deacon or subdeacon, he should not be kept from this office and he should be restored to his lawful wife, in order that what God has himself ordained and blessed should not be dishon- ored by us, especially since the Gospel declares “Those whom God has joined together, let not man put asunder. . ..” If someone then dares against the apos- tolic canons to remove anyone of the clergy, that is presbyter, deacon, or sub- deacon, depriving him of his lawful bond with his wife, let him be excommuni- cated. And likewise if some presbyter or deacon wants to cast aside his wife on the pretext of piety, let him be excommunicated, and if he persists, let him be excommunicated. Moreover, they [Latins] do not wish to comprehend, and insist that the Holy Spirit proceeds not only from the Father but also from the Son, although they have no evidence from the Evangelists (the Gospels) nor from the ecumenical councils for this blasphemy against the holy doctrine. For the Lord Our God speaks of “the spirit of the Truth, [which] proceeds from the Father.” But the fathers of this new impiety speak of “the Spirit which proceeds from the Father and the Son.” But if the Holy Spirit proceeds from the Father, then this property of his is affirmed. And if the Son is generated from the Father, then this property of the Son is likewise affirmed. But if, as they foolishly maintain, the Holy Spirit proceeds from the Son, then the Spirit which proceeds from the Father has more ‘Tension between East and West 2111 properties than even the Son. For the origin from the Father himself is common to both the Spirit and the Son. As to the procession of the Spirit from the Father, this is a property belonging alone to the Spirit, but the Holy Spirit does not also proceed from the Son, But if the Spirit has more properties than the Son, then the Son would be closer to the essence of the Father than the Spirit. And thus there would appear again on the scene the drama of the heresy of Macedonius And apart from what has been said, they do not wish at all to accept that what is not common to the omnipotent and consubstantial triad, belongs to only one of the three.’ But the procession of the Holy Spirit is not common to the three. Thus it is only the property of one of the three. But they come against us and against the Orthodox church of God, not as from the elder Rome but as from some other place, arriving before the most pious emperor. But they intrigued against the faithful and even “counterfeited” their arrival with the pretext that they came from Rome, and pretending that they were sent by the pope, But the truth is that they were sent by the fraudulent Argyrus (the Byzantine commander in Italy] and his numerous admonitions and counsels, and they arrived by their own accord and not at all as messengers of the pope. And they even produced fraudulent leters which allegedly had been given them by him. This fraud was detected, among other things, also from the seals which were clearly tampered with, This document written against us in Ital- ian [Latin] letters was deposited by this impious man [Humbert?] in the presence of the subdeacons who were officiating in the second week on the holy altar of the Great Church of God. Later it was removed from the holy altar by the sub- deacons, and the subdeacons suggested that it be taken back, but as the legates did not accept it, it was thrown on the ground and fell into many hands. And so that the blasphemies con: ‘d in it not be publicized, Our Mediocrity [Cerula- ius] took it. Then, after Our Mediocrity asked certain men, the protaspatha- rios Kosmas, Romanus, Pyrthus, and the monk John the Spaniard to translate from Latin into Greek. After the document had been translated by them, the content of their words was as follows: “Whoever contradicts the faith and the sacrifice of the Roman and Apostolic See, let him be anathema and not accepted as orthodox, but let him be called proazymite and the new Antichrist. Humbert, by the grace of God, bishop of the Holy Roman Chureh, Peter, archbishop of Amalfi, Frederick, deacon and chan- cellor of all the children of the Catholic church - «+ This was in essence the contents of the impious, distasteful document Our Mediocrity. unable to tolerate such audacity and impudence against our piety by remaining silent or to permit it to remain unpunished, communicated this to our powerful and sacred emperor, And he, after it was reported to him (when the legates had been away from the city for only one day), sent messengers to bring them back to the great city, and they returned quickly. But they refused to come before Our Mediocrity or to face the holy and great synod and to give any answer about the impious acts they had committed. But besides delivering the document, they even insisted further that they had even more to say than what had been written (in the document] against our faith and would prefer to die rather than to come to face us and the synod. These things were reported jo us and to the synod by the powerful and sacred emperor through the response 212 The Church of the noble magisier, the master of petitions, and the chariophylax, the most be- loved of God. When the legates did not want to appear before us and the synod, ‘our powerful and sacred emperor would not allow them to be brought by force because they held the office of legates But because it would be improper and completely unworthy for such impiety against our faith to go unpunished, the ‘emperor found a perfect solution for the matter by sending an honorable and respeciful letter to Our Mediocrity through Stephan, the most holy monk and otkonomas (steward) of the Great Church, John the magister and master of peti- tions, and Constans the vestiarius and consul of the philosophers (Hypatas ton philosophon)* which read as follows: “Most holy lord, Our Majesty, after examining what has happened, has found that the root of the evil was committed by the interpreters and by the party of ‘Argyrus (the Latin commander of the Byzantine army in Italy, a political enemy of Cerularius}. And concerning those who are alien and foreign and have been influenced by others we can do nothing. But those responsible we have sent to Your Holiness in order that they might be instructed properly and through their example others may not do such foolishness. Let the document with the anath- ema be burned in the presence of all including those who have counseled, pub- shed, and written it, and even those who have some idea about it. For Our Im- perial Majesty has commanded that the vestarches, the son-in-law of Argyrus, and the vestes his son, be incarcerated in prison, in order that they might be punished there, since they are responsible for the matter. In the month of July, the seventh indictio So read the imperial and sacred decree. And in accordance with the foresight of our most pious emperor, that impious document and those who deposited it or gave an opinion on its composition were placed under anathema in the great Secretum in the presence of the legates sent to the emperor. This was decreed on the fourth day, which is the first of the present week, on the twentieth of the present month of July, and the report of the fifth synod will be read, according to custom, before the people, and this impious document once more will be anathe- matized along with those who edited it, wrote it, or had something to do with it either in will or act, And the original of the impious document deposited by these irreligious and accursed men was not burned, but was placed in the deposi- tory of the chartoplylax in order that it be to the perpetual dishonor of those who have committed such blasphemies against us and as permanent evidence of this condemnation. It should also be known that on the twentieth day of the present month, during which the blasphemies against the Orthodox faith were anathe- matized, there were also present those who convened today with us, the hier- archy and all the metropolitans of the standing synod and the archbishops, namely Archbishop Leo of Athens, the syntellos Michael Sylaios, the synkellos Nicholas Euchaneias, the synkellos Demetrius of Caria, and also Archbishop Paul of Lemnos, Leo Cotradia, and Antonius Ziccia ‘Here the Roman delegation has completely twisted the matter ofthe Agus (see above. selection 148). ‘Perdition at the coming of Chris the | Here ix clearly implied the Greek emphasis on the “threeness” of the Trinity and the Latin sires rather on the

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