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Solutions to LE. Irodov’s Problems in General Physics Volume I Mechanics e Heat e Electrodynamics SECOND EDITION ABHAY KUMAR SINGH Director Abhay’s |.1,T. Physics Teaching Centre Patna-6 cBs CBS PUBLISHERS & DISTRIBUTORS 4596/1A, 11 DARYAGANJ, NEW DELHI - 110 002 (INDIA) Dedicated to my Teacher Prof. (Dr.) J. Thakur (Department of Physics, Patna University, Patna-4) ISBN : 81-239-0399-5 First Edition : 1995 Reprint : 1997 Second Edition : 1998 Reprint : 2000 Reprint : 2001 Reprint : 2002 Reprint : 2003 Reprint : 2004 Reprint : 2005 Copyright © Author & Publisher All rights reserved. No part of this book may. be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or any information storage and retrieval system without permission, in writing, from the publisher. Published by S.K. Jain for CBS Publishers & Distributors, 4596/1A, 11 Darya Ganj, New Delhi - 110 002 (India) Printed at : : India Binding House, Delhi - 110 032 FOREWORD Science, in general, and physics, in particular, have evolved out of man’s quest to know beyond unknowns. Matter, radiation and their mutual interactions are basically studied in physics. Essentially, this is an experimental science. By observing appropriate phenomena in nature one arrives at a set of rules which goes to establish some basic fundamental concepts. Entire physics rests on them. Mere knowledge of them is however not enough. Ability to apply them to real day-to-day problems is required. Prof. Irodov’s book contains one such set of numerical exercises spread over a wide spectrum of physical disciplines. Some of the problems of the book long appeared to be notorious to pose serious challenges to students as well as to their teachers. This book by Prof. Singh on the solutions of problems of Irodov’s book, at the outset, seems to remove the sense of awe which at one time prevailed. Traditionally a difficult exercise to solve continues to draw the attention of concerned persons over a sufficiently long time. Once a logical solution for it becomes available, the difficulties associated with its solutions are forgotten very soon. This statement is not only valid for the solutions of simple physical problems but also to various physical phenomena. Nevertheless, Prof. Singh’s attempt to write a book of this magnitude deserves an all out praise. His ways of solving problems are elegant, straight forward, simple and direct. By writing this book he has definitely contributed to the cause of physics education. A word of advice to its users is however necessary. The solution to a particular problem as given in this book is never to be consulted unless an all out effort in solving it independently has been already made. Only by such judicious uses of this book one would be able to reap better benefits out of it. As a teacher who has taught physics and who has been in touch with physics curricula at 11.T., Delhi for over thirty years, I earnestly feel that this book will certainly be of benefit to younger students in their formative years. Dr. Dilip Kumar Roy Professor of Physics Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi New Delhi-110016. FOREWORD A. proper understanding of the physical laws and principles that govern nature require solutions of related problems which exemplify the principle in question and leads to a better grasp of the principles involved. It is only through experiments or through solutions of multifarious problem-oriented questions can a student master the intricacies and fall outs of a physical law. According to Ira M. Freeman, professor of physics of the state university of new Jersy at Rutgers and author of “‘physic--principles and Insights’” -- “In certain situations mathematical formulation actually promotes intuitive understand- ing....... Sometimes a mathematical formulation is not feasible, so that ordinary language must take the place of mathematics in both roles. However, Mathematics is far more rigorous and its concepts more precise than those of language. Any science that is able to make extensive use of mathematical symbolism and procedures is justly called an exact science’. I.E, Irodov’s problems in General Physics fulfills such a need. This book originally published in Russia contains about 1900 problems on mechanics, thermody- namics, molecular physics, electrodynamics, waves and oscillations, optics, atomic and nuclear physics. The book has survived the test of class room for many years as is evident from its number of reprint editions, which have appeared since the first English edition of 1981, including an Indian Edition at affordable price for Indian students. Abhay Kumar Singh’s present book containing solutions to Dr. I.E. Irodov’s Problems in General Physics is a welcome attempt to develop a student’s problem solving skills. The book should be very useful for the students studying a general course in physics and also in developing their skills to answer questions normally encountered in national level entrance examinations conducted each year by various bodies for admissions to profes- sional colleges in science and technology. BP. PAL Professor of Physics LLT,, Delhi PREFACE TO THE SECOND EDITION Nothing succeeds like success, they say, Now, consequent upon the warm welcome on the part of students and the teaching fraternity this revised and enlarged edition of this volume is before you. In order to make it more up-to-date and viable, a large number of problems have been streamlined with special focus on the complicated and ticklish ones, to cater to the needs of the aspiring students. I extend my deep sense of gratitude to all those who have directly or indirectly engineered the cause of its existing status in the book world. Patna June 1997 Abhay Kumar Singh PREFACE TO THE FIRST EDITION When you invisage to write a book of solutions to problems, one pertinent question crops up in the mind that—why solution! Is this to prove one’s erudition? My only defence against this is that the solution is a challenge to save the scientific man hours by channelizing thoughts in a right direction. The book entitled “Problems in General Physics” authored by LE. Irodov (a noted Russian physicist and mathematician) contains 1877 intriguing problems divided into six chapters. After the acceptance of my first book “Problems in Physics”, published by Wiley Eastern Limited, I have got the courage to acknowledge the fact that good and honest ultimately win in the market place. This stimulation provided me insight to come up with my second attempt—‘Solutions to I.E. Irodov’s Problems in General Physics.” This first volume encompasses solutions of first three chapters containing 1052 problems. Although a large number of problems can be solved by different methods, I have adopted standard methods and in many of the problems with helping hints for other methods. In the solutions of chapter three, the emf of a cell is represented by & (xi) in contrast to the notation used in figures and in the problem book, due to some printing difficulty. I am thankful to my students Mr. Omprakash, Miss Neera and Miss Punam for their valuable co-operation even in my hard days while authoring the present book. I am also thankful to my younger sister Prof. Ranju Singh, my younger brother Mr. Ratan Kumar Singh, my junior friend Miss Anupama Bharti, other well wishers and friends for their emotional Support. At last and above all I am grateful to my Ma and Pappaji for their blessings and encouragement. ABHAY KUMAR SINGH CONTENTS Foreword Preface to the second edition Preface to the first edition PART ONE PHYSICAL FUNDAMENTALS OF MECHANICS Kinematics The Fundamental Equation of Dynamics Laws of Conservation of Energy, Momemtum, and Angular Momentum Universal Gravitation Dynamics of a Solid Body Elastic Deformations of a Solid Body Hydrodynamics Relativistic Mechanics PART TWO THERMODYNAMICS AND MOLECULAR PHYSICS Equation of the Gas State. Processes The first Law of Thermodynamics. Heat Capacity Kinetic theory of Gases. Boltzmann’s Law and Maxwell’s Distribution The Second Law of Thermodynamics. Entropy Liquids. Capillary Effects Phase Transformations Transport Phenomena PART THREE ELECTRODYNAMICS Constant Electric Field in Vacuum Conductors and Dielectrics in an Electric Field Electric Capacitance. Energy of an Electric Field Electric Current Constant Magnetic Field. Magnetics Electromagnetic Induction. Maxwell’s Equations Motion of Charged Particles in Electric and Magnetic Fields vi 1-34 35-65 66-101 102-117 118-143 144-155 156-167 168-183 184-195 196-212 213-226 227-241 242-247 248-256 257-266 267-288 289-305 306-324 325-353 354-379 380-407 408-424 PART ONE PHYSICAL FUNDAMENTALS OF MECHANICS 11 KINEMATICS 11 Let v, be the stream velocity and v’ the velocity of motorboat with respect to water. The motorboat reached point B while going downstream with velocity (v, + v’) and thea retuned with velocity (v’ - v,) and passed the raft at point C. Let ¢ be the time for the raft (which flows with stream with velocity v,) to move from point A to C, during which the motorboat moves from A to B and then from B to C. Therefore i a dak wenn --(Vot VN ----+ > ee A-——— 7 B 2% On solving we get v, = + ——1—¢ = 1.2 Let s be the total distance traversed by the point and 1, the time taken to cover half the distance. Further let 2¢ be the time to cover the rest half of the distance. s 5 Therefore Zr or @ and Ze, +v)t or =e (2) et Wy +Vy Hence the sought average velocity = % (vy + ¥) s s SP" Fed” 2 PIMs) ++ 2v, 13 As the car starts from rest and finally comes to a stop, and the rate of acceleration and deceleration are equal, the distances as well as the times taken are same in these phases of motion. Let At be the time for which the car moves uniformly. Then the acceleration / deceleration 7 a each. So, time is » 14 y evo t= 24d w EAN |, y EA) a | 2 Gy Are P@-4S2t w Hence Arm vV 1-482 0 55, wr (a) Sought average velocity s_ 200cm a2 ae 20s =10cm/s (b) For the maximum velocity, $ = ; should be maximum. From the figure # is maximum for all points on the line ‘ac, thus the sought maximum velocity becomes average velocity rc] for the line ac and is equal to : 0 10 20%S be | 100 cm 95 cm/s ab 4s (©) Time fy should be such that costing to it the slope 4S ould pass through the point O (origin), to satisfy the relationship Se z From figure the tangent at point d passes through the origin and thus corresponding time t= f) = 16s. 1.5 Let the particles collide at the point A (Fig.), whose position vector is 73 (say). If t be the 16 time taken by each particle to reach at point A, from triangle law of vector addition : Fre tyta t yt Be eth Pot A 8, ~~) @ d vie l-Fl therefore, f= ==, (2) ee => Iy2-vi| % Vat From Eqs. (1) and (2) > oe etal RR 7, $ ee eaeler | 0 z tet Vent 2 oc ee , which is the sought relationship. =m” T= : We have . vet @) From the vector diagram [of Eq, (1)] and using properties of triangle 17 va Vite? 42vgvcosp = 39.7km/br (2) : : a v eu +, p- vei f od Sop me sin ® oe ¥ v or O= sin? fA ~ Using (2) and putting the values of v and d % @=19.1° Let one of the swimmer (say 1) cross the river along AB, which is obviously the shortest path. Time taken to cross the river by the swimmer 1. da he ve For the other swimmer (say 2), which follows the quickest path, the time taken to cross the river. , (where AB = d is the width of the river) 0) In the time £,, drifting of the swimmer 2, becomes y X= Vol = yh (using Eq. 2) @) If f, be the time for swimmer 2 to walk the distance x to come from C toB (Fig.), then x_ vod . = 57 yg (using Ea. 3) 4 u According to the problem f; = f+ f3 & or, On solving we get 4 18 19 Let I be the distance covered by the boat A along the river as well as by the boat B acrc the river. Let vy be the stream velocity and v’ the velocity of cach boat with respect water. Therefore time taken by the boat A in its journey I 4" Jan Von (eee BV Via Vo and for the boat B 4X Vv We Hence, 4. 4. — 1 | wheren = 4 te Vv7-v Vae=-1 ae On substitution ty/ty= 18 Let vp be the stream velocity and v’ the velocity of boat with respect to water. A ¥ or 1 = 2>0, some drifting of boat is inevitable. Let v” make an angle 0 with flow direction. (Fig.), then the time taken to cross the rive d , . t= Tang (where d is the width of the river) In this time intezval, the drifting of the boat x= (v' cos 6+ v9) t = (0/008 04 vq) 4 = (cot +n cosec 8) d | —_— For qj, (minimum drifting) ae d d No _ Fo (cot 0 + n cosec 6) = 0, which yields y ; i , — ooso0 te} 6 n 2 x Hence, = 120° 0 The solution of this problem becomes simple in the frame attached with one of the bodies. Let the body thrown straight up be 1 and the other body be 2, then for the body 1 in the frame of 2 from the kinematic equation for constant acceleration : ls 2 mh" Toa) * Yount + > Mi2t So, Tham Vous (because Wig= 0 and Fo2)= 0) or, Fial= Ioaalt @ But |¥q1= ll % So, from properties of triangle Yoa2) = V vB + v2 -2 v9 v9 cos (/2 - 8) Hence, the sought distance |7yl= vo V2 -sin ®) t= 22m. 1 112 5 Let the velocities of the paricles (say vy and ¥]_) becomes mutually perpendicular after time ¢. Then their velocitis become me ee wet oe Vy = Vj +Bt; vy = v2 tee @ As vy Lip 80, vv) = 0 or, (+84): (+84) = 0 or -yy y+ t= 0 Hence, t= “_ 1 Now form the Eq. Fi = Taz + Youn! + zh ot l7yl= [Vaal (because here Wi, = 0 and 792) 9) Hence the sought distance mi = +2 => ale AEBV i Galtian l= v4 Yd) From the symmetry of the problem all the three points are always located at the vertices of equilateral triangles of varying side length and finally meet at the centriod of the initial equilateral triangle whose side length is a, in the sought time interval (say ¢). > = 120° 3° Let us consider an arbitrary equilateral triangle of edge length / (say). ‘Then the rate by which 1 approaches 2, 2 approches 3, and 3 approches 1, becomes : On integrating : 6 113 1.14 Let us locate the points A and B at an arbitrary instant of time (Fig.). If A and B are separated by the distance s at this moment, then the points converge or point A approaches B with velocity =4. v—ucos a where angle o. varies with time. On intergating, o ae ~fds= fv-ucos a) at, - o (where T is the sought time.) r or I= f(v-ucos.a) dt ) 0 As both A and B cover the same distance in x-direction during the sought time interval, so the other condition which is required, can be obtained by the equation xm fv,at So, 'v cos «1 de 2) 0 Solving (1) and (2), we get T= wo -u One can see that if u= v, or u D, and the time taken to travel the distance CB A in the field a vise ® “A Yr So, the total time elapsed to move the car from point A to B ad 1 AD-x Vex | aa ee gee eee nV v For ¢ to be minimum \ B Ce Oe de vin VP er or Wee Pa or x= 9 1.18 To plot x(#),s(¢) and w, (¢) let us partion the given plot v, (f) into five segments (for detailed analysis) as shown in the figure. For the part oa: w,= 1 and v,= t= v t 2 Thus, Ax, ()= fu,de= far= a 5,0 0 5 Putting t= 1, we get, Ax, = s= 5 unit For the part ab : w,= O and v,= v= constant = 1 ‘ Thus An (= frpdt= fat= ¢-1)= 40 1 Putting t= 3, Ax = s)= 2unit For the part b4: w,= 1 and vy,= 1-(t-3)=4-H)=¥ ‘ 2 ita 15: Thus Oe (0) Putting t= 4, Ax,=x3= unit For the part 4d : v= -Land v= -(1-4)= 4-1 So, ve |yf=t-4 for t>4 ‘ 2 ie Thus CTO ULE 1p Putting t= 6, Ax,=-1 : 2 sauat - Similarly Oa eater Putting t= 6, s,= Qunit For the partd7: w,= 2 and v,= -2+2(t-6)= 2(¢-7) vel ‘ Now, Ax(t)= [2 @-Tdt= 17-144 48 : Putting t= 4, Arye -1 6 Similarly 55()= [2(7-1)de= 144—17~ 48 : Putting t= 7, s5=1 On the basis of these obtained expressions w, (2), x(t) and s(t) plots can be easily plotted as shown in the figure of answershect. 10 119 1.20 (a) Mean velocity Total_distance covered Time elapsed -i- aR. S0cm/s (1) Vo (b) Modulus of mean velocity vector i f : <»,_ |Ar]_2R [= - . 3 “3 « sa o So, from (1) and (3) Yotv aR 2 7% c Now the modulus of the mean vector of total acceleration oe [Avy Il Mote : || Wi : 7 (see Fig.) S Using (4) in (5), we get : : =. R ||- == (a) we have r= at(l-at) So, ve #. aU -2a8 — and we & =-2aa" (b) From the equation 7= 0, at t= O and also at t= At= 2 So, the sought time Ar = i As v= a(1-2as) a(1-2a0) forts x So, v= |vy= ; a(2at-1)] fore> x5 By Hence, the sought distance 1a Va s= fvde= f a(1-2andr+ f aQar-1a 0 va Simplifying, we get, s= aL (a) As the particle leaves the origin at f= 0 So, Arex= qa) ft As ve (1-7), where vo is directed towards the +ve x-axis So, v= V9 (: - ‘} 2) From (1) and (2), vo fn(t-dae roe(t-34} ) 0 Hence x coordinate of the particle at r= 6s. x= 1x6 {1-305 a)" 24em = 024m Similarly at t= 10s 10 x= 10%10(1 3205} 0 and at t= 20s 20 x= 10% 20(1-32%5) -200cm= -2m (b) At the moments the particle is at a distance of 10 cm from the origin, x = + 10cm. Putting x= +10 in Eq. (3) =e) a a 10= 10:(1 75} on, 1?~10t+10= 0, So, te r= 102 Y100= 40 VO 52 Vs Now putting x= -10in Eqn (3) t -10= 10(1-i5} On solving, t-52VB s As t cannot be negative, so, t=(5+V35)s 12 1.22 Hence the particle is at a distance of 10 cm from the origin at three moments of time : t=S2Vi5 s,5+v35 s (c) We have ve voli -= We hi ve [1 -F £ vo(t-3) forts t So, ve |vy= v,(£-1)} fort>t ls So se vo(t-z)a for ts t = vgt(1- 4) «ote ' t t and on foft-s)arefult-s)a for t> 0 t = vt [1+ (1- 44/2 for t>e (A) 4 4 t t on fn(i-ga- frof-ga- 24cm. o 0 And for t= 8s 7 8 t t oo f0(t-Jae frogs} 0 5 On integrating and simplifying, we get s= 34cm. On the basis of Eqs. (3) and (4), x (¢) and s(t) plots can be drawn as shown in the answer sheet. As particle is in unidirectional motion it is directed along the x-axis all the time. As at t=0,x=0 dv So, Av=x= \d = » x= sand 7 Therefore, v= avx = avs dv a_ds a or, we = = oe xe a dv a As, a 2 | a a On integrating, fo- Fa o, ve St (2) 13 (b) Let s be the time to cover first s m of the path. From the Eq. s= fvdt ; oe a? 1? . fe ae SE (using 2) 0 or t= V5 @) The mean velocity of particle 2Vs/a f e tdt froa 7 ava la Ne? 1.23 According to the problem - vd, avy (as v decreases with time) 9. ‘ or, -f Wav= afas Yo 0 : : 2 32 On integrating we get s= —v} 3a Again according to the problem 1.24 (a) As P= atizbey” So, x= at, y=-bt? _ bx? and therefore y= @ 14 1.25 which is Eq. of a parabola, whose graph is shown in the Fig. (b) As Fe atizbr jy” a ve a ait absy So, v= Va7(-2bt) = Va7+4br Diff. Eq. (1) watt. time, we get a dv" o> We Pm - 2] So, [Wl =w=2b Ww (i= 2617) (-26]T ©) cos a= eee aa (Va? +4671?) 2 2bt or, cos @ = Va7+4b7 17 a 50, tana= 557 -if_@ or a= ar*( ) (d) The mean velocity vector fre flarapejsae o> 0 = Ja -—— Hence, [ |= Va7+ (=b1)? = Va74b7 = aizbtj” (a) We have x= atand y= at(l-at) Hence, y (x) becomes, a rrrC—S yn (1 =) x- 2x? (parabola) (b) Ditferentiating Eq. (1) we get v,= a and v,= a(1-2at) q@ @) @ 1.26 127 15 So, v= Wr 4yy =aV14(1-208)7 Diff. Eq. (2) with respect to time w,= O and w= -2a0 So, wa Vat w= 2aa (©) From Eqs. (2) and (3) We have Ve ajta(1-2at)j” and W= 2aaj” yw -a(1-2a%)2 So, cote fa BH (1-244)2a0 4 v2 vw aV1+(1-20%) 2aa On simplifying. 1-2a= 21 i As, n0, hee Differentiating motion law : x= asinwt, y= a(1-cosm@r), with respect to time, V, = @0) COS, v, = a@sinot So, V= awcosot{+ awsinwt i” qa) and v= a@= Const Q) Differentiating Eq. (1) with respect to time > we e. -aw*sinotitaw?coswtj- @) (a) The distance 5 traversed by the point during the time v is given by s=fvde= fawde= aor (using?) 0 0 (b) Taking inner product of v” and = ri ot a : 2 a We get, Vv? W= (a cos wti+asin tj) (aw sin wt (-i) +a w* cos wt -j) So, v" We - a? wo sin wt cos wt + a” w’ sin wt cos wt = 0 Thus, 7°L W, i.e., the angle between velocity vector and acceleration vector equals i Accordiing to the problem we w(-Jd dy, dy, =. tee So, w= Git 0 and w= = -w Q) Differentiating Eq. of trajectory, y= ax—- bx”, with respect to time dy adx_4,, de qe Gp 2bx Fe 2) 16 1.28 dy So, ae at jx=0 Again differentiating with respect to time Pye 1220/2) -26 ax ae de dt ai? dx ' or, yO). 20(G y ~2bx (0) (using 1) dx w - or, EV (using 1) ¢ ae dy) fe Using (3) in (2) ay |... aVvz « Hence, the velocity of the particle at the origin veV ()., (Z we a? (using Eqns (3) and (4)) Hence, ve Vi 1+0) As the body is under gravity of constant accelration °, it’s velocity vector and displacemen vectors are: a ve =% +B Q and Are r= weed gt? (= Oats = 0) (2 So, over the first ¢ seconds > A 7» Be Are Hae @) Hence from Eq. (3), <> over the first t seconds ~ <= ge (4) For evaluating t, take VVE (9) + BH + BD) = VR+2 (Mots et? or, = vet (ipRt+ gt? But we have v= vp at ¢= O and Also at f= + (Fig.) (also from energy conservation) ho 17 Hence using this propety in Eq. (5) vem va+2(vpge+ gr? 20-8 As 120, so, t= -—5 g Putting this value of t in Eq. (4), the average velocity over the time of flight gsinat 2v) 4 2v9 50, I= vpsin a. |—] += sina |— : a) 28 G 4 v2 sin o = —2— (using 2) Hence the sought distance, I= SGg)sne. Shsina (Using Eq. 1) Total time of motion 2 vp sino : ee ee gg ee 2¥% 2x 240 @ and horizontal range Rx vcosat or cosa~ . $100, 85 : vot 240% 41 Q) From Eqs. (1) and (2) (arr? | 5" | (480) (4 2 2 On simplifying v4 — 2400 x? + 1083750 = 0 20 1.33 134 Solving for t” we get : 2 2400 + V 1425000 2400+ 1194 2 Thus = 4239s= 0-71 min and t= 2455s = 0-41 min depending on the angle a. Let the shells collide at the point P (x, y). If the first shell takes f s to collide with second and Af be the time interval between the firings, then X= vy cos 0, t= vy cosO,(t-At) (1) and y= vpsin 04-3 gt? y¥ : . = vosin 8, (¢-A)-Fe- A @) [aR At cos 0, (ay) From Eq.) t= Sa aaeo @) P From Eqs. (2) and (3) RK 4 0 2 vp sin (0, - 0,) x Ate OT as Ate 0 & (cos 0, + 00s ,) According to the problem (a) 2. vp or dy= vpdt y Integrating Jar vof dt or y= vot (ay 0 0 And also we have a. ay or de= aydt=avytdt (using 1) : A 2 So, fae avy feat, or, x= davyr?= 122 using 1) 2 2% oO 0 () According to the problem v= vy and v= ay (2) So, va Vibe Vibe? 2 2 Therefore w= % a SY ey a Vijray dt” Vy + (ayy Diff. Eq. (2) with respect to time. dy dy dv, = w,= 0 and [A= w= a= av So, 135 1.36 “Vwow= V ev .—ri Integrating this equation from vys vs v and Os ss s - s 1 Ves so, fsb few weet i 0 ’ Hence ve we (2) (0) The normal acceleration of the point 2 -2s/R “= Re ace (using 2) And as accordance with the problem |wjl= |w,| and wi, Lw, te, 2 2 Yo -2/R v so, w= V2w,= v2 pe WR 23 1.39 From the equation v= avs As w, is a positive constant, the speed of the particle increases with time, and the tangential acceleration vector and velocity vector coincides in direction. Hence the angle between v°and wis equal to between w,i#, an W, and a. can be found I¥,1_ a?s/R_ 2s means of the formula : tana = = == u Tw" aa 1.40 From the equation I= asinwt a, v= awcoswr at So, w= 4. ~actsinor, and (yy @ w’ cos’ wt Q (a) At the point ]= 0,sin@t= 0 and cosmf= + 1 so, w= 0, 2 etc. 22 @ ow Hence w= w= Similarly at/= + a, sinwr= + 1 and cos@t= 0, so, w,= 0 Hence we |w,|= ao" 1.41 As w,= a and at ¢= 0, the point is at rest So, v(t) and s(t) are, v= at and s= fat? q@ Let R be the curvature radius, then 2 me oe oo RO RR (using 1) But according to the problem w, = bt* 2.2 2 a a asi So, bt*= R Zhe (using 1) (2) Therefore w= Vwe+w? = Va?+(2a5/R) = V a + (4 bs? / a?) (using 2) Hence we aVis (4087/0) 24 1.42 (a) Let us differentiate twice the path equation y (x) with respect to time. at’ gy dt Since the particle moves uniformly, its acceleration at all points of the path is normal and at the point x = 0 it coincides with the direction of derivative d?y/dt?, Keeping in mind 2 2 #. r0H; Ye 24 2|() vel that at the point x= 0, |@ =y oy tate Wp We get we |B z= 0 2 So, wo 2avte td, or Re Note that we can also calculate it from the formula of problem (1.35 b) (b) Differentiating the equation of the trajectory with respect to time we see that Bx a, ay no ey) which implies that the vector (b’xi"+ a”yjJ is normal to the velocity vector v= & i+ 2 which, of course, is along the tangent. Thus the former vactor is along the normal and the normal component of acceleration is clearly dx ody Bx + ay at ae Wa ae (B+ a) on using w,= wen/|n'].Atx= 0, y= = band soatx=0 Differentiating (1) 2 2 Hafolghaah-ath Also from (1) Peonx-0 So (@)- v (since tangential velocity is constant = v ) Thus (2)- * ae wiv = [ml En This gives R = a/b. 143 1.44 25 Let us fix the co-ordinate system at the point O as shown in the figure, such that the radius vector 7 of point A makes an angle @ with x axis at the moment shown. Note that the radius vector of the particle A rotates clockwise and we here take line ox as reference line, so in this case obviously the ' de® e angular velocity o-= on taking anticlockwise sense of angular displacement as positive. Also from the geometry of the triangle OAC Ror sin® sin(a-26) Let us write, or, r= 2R cos 0, 7= rcosOj7%rsin@j= 2Rcos*07+ Rsin20j” naaceea with respect to time. a a0 -> a ve 2R2cos 6(~sino) 22 dt O72 R 052020 or, v= 2n(=$° *) {sin 2077 om 207} ot, V= 2Re(sin20i—cos?0j) So, |v] or v= 2@R=0-4m/s. As @ is constant, v is also constant and w, = 2. 0, 2 2. So, we ee Gory. 407R = 032 m/s? Alternate : From the Fig. the angular velocity of the point A, with respect to centre of the circle C becomes _4(28) | 2{=48 a dt Thus we have the problem of finding the velocity and acceleration of a particle moving along a circle of radius R with constant angular velocity 2 w. )-20 = constant Hence v= 2wR and 2 2oR pooner Differentiating @ (t) with respect to time d an = o,= 2at (1) For fixed axis rotation, the speed of the point A: y veoR= 2a1R or R= > 2) 26 1.45 1.46 Differentiating with respect to time w= #. 2aR~ ©, (using 1) 2 But Wee x ee (using 2) R_ w/2at So, wa Vwlew? =V(v/t)+(2atvy = iVie4a7r The shell acquires a constant angular acceleration at the same time as it accelerates linearly. The two are related by (assuming both are constant) wee 1 2nn Where w= linear acceleration and =_angular acceleration Then, w= V2B2a0= V 24 (2any But v?= 2wi, hence finally - 2unv 7 Let us take the rotation axis as z-axis whose positive direction is associated with the positive direction of the cordinate @, the rotation angle, in accordance with the right-hand screw rule (Fig.) (a) Defferentiating p(t) with respect to time. Z $80 g-3517= 0, (t) and ao do, oo = Gee B= -601 Q) From (1) the solid comes to stop at At= t= ve The angular velocity w= a-3bt?, for 0-= dt 0 Similarly B= |B,|= 6b for all values of £. 1.47 1.48 27 Va/3b 6bt dt So, = = fat 2Vea /k 2Viy |e ep Hence < >= [ove 12 -f¥o 2 [2 - ays 0 We have @ = 0y- a9 = #2 Integratin this Eq. within its limit for (@) t -k [25 sf dt or, in 2m ket oO - @ Hence on Ge") ® (b) From the Eq., @ = wy + k@ and Eq. (1) or by differentiating Eq. (1) ake W= Wye Lt us choose the positive direction of z-axis (stationary rotation axis) along the vector B,, In accordance with the equation do, do, a” he 7d@ z or, do, = B,dp= Boospdg, Integrating this Eq. within its limit for ©, (9) * ° feo.- Bo} cos pap ° 0 ae or, oe Bo sin p Hence o,= + V2Bosing The plot «, (p) is shown in the Fig. It can be seen that as the angle @ grows, the vector @tirst increases, coinciding with the direction of the vector By (w, > 0), reaches the maximum at p= @/2, then starts decreasing and finally turns into zero at p = x. After that the body starts rotating in the opposite direction in a similar fashion (w, < 0). As a result, the body will oscillate about the position p= @/2 with an amplitude equal to 1/2. 29 1.51 Rotating disc moves along the x-axis, in plane motion in x~y plane. Plane motion of a solid can be imagined to be in pure rotation about a point (say /) at a certain instant known as instantaneous centre of rotation. The instantaneous axis whose positive sense is directed along @ of the solid and which passes through the point J, is known as instantaneous axis of rotation. Therefore the velocity vector of an arbitrary point (P) of the solid can be represented as : Sa y= Ox Tp () On the basis of Eq. (1) for the C. M. (C) of the disc ¥ wen Oxy 2 = oe According to the problem ¥;tti and Stt Fie. Gix-y plane, so to satisy the oe Eqn. (2) 7¢; is directed along (-j ). Hence point ~ x Tis at a distance r¢,= y, above the centre of QO the disc along y-axis. Using all these facts in Eq. (2), we get Ve Vom wy Or y= 7 Q) (a) From the angular kinematical equation @,= Og + Bt @ o= Bt On the other hand x= vt, (where x is the x coordinate of the C.M.) x or, t= a (5) From Eqs. (4) and (5), @ = fs Using this value of « in Eq. (3) we get jets = (hyperbola ) = mm = (b) As centre C moves with constant acceleration w, with zero initial velocity So, ede and v,= wt Therefore, y= wy = vixw Ye v2wx Hence oe oo 30 152 1.53 The plane motion of a solid can be imagined as the combination of translation of the C.M. and rotation about C.M. me So, we may write v= Voto = tox (1) and > > Wat Wot Wace a Wetw(-Ko)t(Bxrac) (2) Tac is the position of vector of A with respect to Ce In the problem v, = v= constant, and the rolling is without slipping i.e, vos v= OR, So, Wo = 0 and B= 0. Using these conditions in Eq. (2) 2 => => a v2 Was 07 (-M%c)= OR(-tye)= (ie) Here, age is the unit vector directed along Oe 2 a i and w, is directed along (-t,¢) or directed toward the centre of the Hence w, = wheel. (b) Let the centre of the wheel move toward right (positive x-axis) then for pure tolling on the rigid horizontal surface, wheel will have to rotate in clockwise sense. If w be the v angular velocity of the wheel then o = ee re Let the point A touches the horizontal surface at t= 0, further let us locate the point A att= 4, When it makes 8 = wf at the centre of the wheel. From Eqn. (1) Wyn Ver Ox re = = }+Rsin0(-i)] or, W= vit oR[coswt(-i)+sinotj ] = (v- cos wt) i+ vsinwtj” (as v= wR) So, vy = V (v-veos wt)? + (v sin wr)? = vV 2(1-cos wt) = 2 vsin (wt /2) Hence distance covered by the point A during T= 22x/w 2x/w a= fare ff av sinor2) a= 8R. 0 = vitw(-k)x [R cos 0 ( Let us fix the co-ordinate axis xyz as shown in the fig. As the ball rolls without slipping along the rigid surface so, on the basis of the solution of problem 1.52 : Mom Ve+Ox T= 0 Thus we 7 v,= oR and @tt(-k) as Vtti o 31 @,+Bx7rZ= 0 and y= BR and Btt ce) as Ww, ant7} A VetWR=Vs At the position corresponding to that of Fig., in accordance with the problem, B We= My 60 Vem WE \ oh and o- Rk and B= F (osing 1) Vp (a) Let us fix the co-ordinate system with the oe 7 attached with the rigid surface as shown in the Fig. As point O is the instantaneous centre of rotation of the ball at the moment shown in Fig. so, ¥o= 0, Now, he e+ Ox ige = Veit (HEX RG) = (ve+OR)E So, = 2veim 2wti (using 1) Similalry 7 = 95+ Bx Foo voit o(-F)xRG) 7 oe ry = v7 + OR (-J)= Veit Ve(-J) So, vg=V2 v,=VZ wt and Vp is at an angle 45° from both and j Fig.) (b) Wo Wow (- 73 )+ Bi oc A W #BR = 0? cide (Hoc) (using 1) where Mee is the unit vector along Toc \, 2 A B vj 50, wy Bat (using 2) and W, is 2 directed towards the centre of the ball Yee Now Wi, = Wo +0? (- 740) + Bc be 0 % = witw?R(-j)+B(-k)xXRj Ae 2\2 So, mye V awe = 2w 1+(5e] Similarly Wy = We + 0 (-F3c) + BX Te = wit wR (-1}+BCE)xRO) =\Y-z i+BR(-j) (using 1) 32 : (~ . t| i+ w(-j) (using 2) so, wa V + R 1.54 Let us draw the kinematical diagram of the rolling cylinder on the basis of the solutio: of problem 1.53. A Vaz2Vp Wet Br \ V7 We Br ve=VaVe As, an arbitrary point of the cylinder follows a curve, its normal acceleration and radius of curvature are related by the well known equation Ww, = > so, for point A, or, = 4r (because v.= wr, for pure rolling) Similarly for point B, Wainy ™ B W2v.¥ ‘B wr cos 45° = or, Ry= 2V2 me = 2v2r or 1.55 The angular velocity is a vector as infinitesimal rotation commute. Then the relative angular velocity of the body 1 with respect to the body 2 is clearly. y=, -a, as for relative linear velocity. The relative acceleration of 1 w.t.t. 2 is (#), 1.56 1.57 33 where S' is a frame corotating with the second body and S is a space fixed frame with origin coinciding with the point of intersection of the two axes, : di) (di) ut a le 7 oa ' ' Bs de Since S’ rotates with angular velocity w, . However oan | = 0 as the first body rotates with constant angular velocity in space, thus B= @) xa, Note that for any vector By the relation in space forced frame (k) and a frame (#) rotating with angular velocity @ is an dt Wehave i= atit bij” qd So, w= V (ai? + G2) , thus, ol, 30, = 7.81 rad/s Differentiating Eq. (1) with respect to time B= 18 ariany ) So, B= Var+(2 bie and Blea tos = 13 rad/s” ©) one oF, (ati br?7) (ait 2b) ) V (ay? + (br? V a? + (2b1y Putting the values of (a) and (b) atd'taking ¢= 10s, we get ae 17° (a) Let the axis of the cone (OC) rotates in anticlockwise sense with constant angular velocity &” and the cone itself about it’s own axis (OC) in clockwise sense with angular velocity @ (Fig.). Then the resultant angular velocity of the cone. FT +H a As the rolling is pure the magnitudes of the vectors @ and @, can be easily found from Fig. v * Reota’ @9= W/R 2) As & 1G, from Eq. (1) and (2) 34 o= Vo"+o3 ve 2 v\2 Vv (raz) +] ” Rosa ~ 23 7d/s (b) Vector of angular acceleration dv_4@+,) 7 7 (as @ = constant.) The vector @y which rotates about the OO’ axis with the angular velocity @, retains i magnitude. This increment in the time interval dt is equal to [d@y| = wg w' dt or in vector form d&g = (@ x Gy) dt. Thus B= Wx ay ¢ The magnitude of the vector Bis equal to B= ww (as D 135) v_v Y ana 2310d/s Bm ReotaR™ A The axis AB acquired the angular velocity oO = Bee (1) 0 Using the facts of the solution of 1.57, the SS angular velocity of the body W=BeE w= Var+o” = Vog + B20? = 0-6 rad/s Wo A And the angular acceleration. pe GS, SHH) ad doh Cth eee ye dy dw But Te x @y, and =e Bor So, B= (Bot x @)+ Bo As, BpL@ so, B= V (i Bot) + BS = By V1 + (wp) = 0-2 rad/s? 2 4.59 1.60 161 35 THE FUNDAMENTAL EQUATION OF DYNAMICS Let R be the constant upward thurst on the aerostat of mass m, coming down with a constant acceleration w. Applying Newton’s second law of motion for the aerostat in projection form F,= mw, mg-R= mw dd) Now, if Am be the mass, to be dumped, then using the Eq. F, = mw, R-(m- Am) g= (m-Am)w, Q) 2mw From Eqs. (1) and (2), we get, Am= a0 Let us write the fundamental equation of dynamics for all the three blocks in terms of projections, having taken the positive direction of x and y axes as shown in Fig; and using the fact that kinematical relation between the accelerations is such that the blocks move with same value of acceleration (say w) my &-T,= myw Q) T, - T, - kn, g=m,w (2) and T,-kmg= mw (6) The simultaneous solution of Eqs. (1), (2) and (3) yields, [mg - k (on, +m.) ] | —memem =F (1+k) my ant ng em, +, 28 mop As the block mg moves down with acceleration w, so in vector form pe (mto= kom + ma NE my +m, +m, Let us indicate the positive direction of x-axis along the incline (Fig.). Figures show the force diagram for the blocks. Let, R be the force of interaction between the bars and they are obviously sliding down with the same constant acceleration w. 36 1.62 Newton’s second law of motion in projection form along x-axis for the blocks gives : m, gsina — km, gcosa+R= mw 0) my g sina. -R— ky m,g cosa= mw Q) Solving Eqs. (1) and (2) simultaneously, we get km, + ham, : my +m, my my (k, ~ ke) g cos @ m, +m, (b) when the blocks just slide down the plane, w= 0, so from Eqn. (3) k m, + km, _ m, +m, or, (mm, + mz) sin o.= (ke, m, +k, m,) cos a _ &mtbhm) m,+m, Case 1. When the body is launched up : Let k be the coefficeint of friction, u the velocity of projection and I the distance traversed along the incline. Retarding force on the block = mg sina +kmg cos a and hence the retardation = gsina +kg cos o. Using the equation of particle kinematics along the incline, O= w-2(gsina+kgcosa)! w= gsina-gcos a ind R= @) gsin a - gcos a 0 Hence tana 2 2 1" FGsnaekgona) ® and O= u-(gsina+kgcosa)t or, us (gsin a +kg cos a) ¢ Q Using (2) in (1) [= A gsin +k gcos a)? @) Case (2). When the block comes downward, the net force on the body = mg sino - km g.cos & and hence its acceleration = g sin a ~ kg cos Let, ¢ be the time required then, I= 5 (gsin a - kg cos a)? a From Eggs. (3) and (4) £ | sina - kos a v2? sina+kcosa ButS= : (according to the question), Hence on solving we get 2 ke Gea punae 0-16 ne + 163 1.64 165 37 At the initial moment, obviously the tension in the thread connecting m, and m, equals the weight of m,. (@) For the block m, to come down or the block m, to go up, the conditions is m,g-Tz0 and T-m,gsina-fre0 where T is tension and f, is friction which in the limiting case equals km,g cosa. Then or mg-mysina>km,gcosa or 2, (k cos 0 + sin a) m (b) Similarly in the case m, gsina—m)§> frig or, m, gsin a - mg > km, g cos a or, 7 & (sin o.- kas 0) m™ (©) For this case, neither kind of motion is possible, and fr need not be limiting. Hence, (k eos 0 + sin a) > 2 > (sin a - cos 0) 1 From the conditions, obtained in the previous problem, first we will check whether the mass m, goes up or down. Here, m,/m, = > sin a + kcos a, (substituting the values). Hence the mass m, will come down with an acceleration (say w). From the free body diagram of previous problem, m,-g-T= mw @) and T-m,gsina-km,gcosa= mw (2) Adding (1) and (2), we get, m, gm, g sin a - km, gcos a= (m, +m) w (m,/m, -sina-keosa)g _ (y-sina-kcosa)g (1 + m,/m,) 1+y Substituting all the values, w= 0-048 g ~0-05 ¢ ‘As m, moves down with acceleration of magnitude w= 0.05 g > 0, thus in vector form acceleration of m: w oa M-sina-kes a)” pos ¥, isa 0.05 8° Let us write the Newton’s second law in projection form along positive x-axis for the plank and the bar fr= mw,, fr= mw, qa) 1.66 1.67 At the initial moment, fr represents the static friction, and as the force F grows so does the friction force fr, but up to it’s limiting value ie. fr= frgmaxy= KN = km, g. fr. F Unless this valuc is reached, both bodies moves Fp as a single body with equal acceleration. But as soon as the force fr reaches the limit, the 7. bar starts sliding over the plank i.e. w,2 W,. Substituting here the values of w, and w, taken from Eq, (1) and taking into account that f= km, g,we obtain, (at - kan, g)/m, = , were the sign "=" corresponds to the moment m, t= ty (say) k 1 If tf, then , - lame (constant). and ‘W, = (at - km, g)/m, On this basis w, (t) and w, (#), plots are as shown in the figure of answersheet. Let us designate the x-axis (Fig.) and apply F, = mw, for body A : mgsina-kmgcosa= mw or, w= gsna-kgcosa Now, from kinematical equation : Isec a= 0+ (1/2) wt? or, t= V2Tsec a/(ein a — F008 a) 7 = V21] (sin2 0/2 - keos a) g Ly (using Eq, (1)). (Mp2 tex) for bain» cae: 0 A t—_ ie. 20820 > kcosasina = 0 or, tn2a= -Lora= 49° k and putting the values of a, k and / in Eq. (2) We get fai, = 1s. Let us fix the x-y co-ordinate system to the wedge, taking the x-axis up, along the incline and the y - axis perpendicular to it (Fig.). 39 Now, we draw the free body diagram for the bar. Let us apply Newton’s second law in projection form along x and y axis for the bar : Tcos B-mgsina-fr= 0 (1) Tsin B+N-mgcosa= 0 or, N= mgcosa-TsinB @ But f= kN and using (2) in (1), we get T= mg sina + kmg cos a/(cos B + ksin B) @) For Tru, the value of (cos B + ksin B) should be maximum d(cos B+ksin So, dees Be ksin ) =0 or tnpek Putting this value of B in Eq. (3) we get, _ —meg(sina+kcosa) __ mg (sina +k cos a) n r 1/Viek? +h /Vi+ Viek? mat First of all let us draw the free body diagram for the small body of mass m and indicate x-axis along the horizontal plane and y — axis, perpendicular to it, as shown in the figure. Let the block breaks off the plane at t= % ic. N= 0 So, N= mg-atsina= 0 or, tg= oR Q) From F, = mw,, for the body under investigation : md y/dt = atcos a ; Integrating within the limits for v(t) mf a, acosa fat (using Eq, 1) 0 0 So, ve s. ose? Q) Integrating, Eqn. (2) for s (t) 3 acosat fo amas: @) Using the value of t= fy from Eq. (1), into Eqs. (2) and (3) mg cosa mi g° cosa ve and s= 2asin’a 6a’ sin? a 40 1.69 1.70 L7L Newton’s second law of motion in projection form, along horizontal or x-axis i.e. F,= mw, gives. F cos (as) = my (as a= as) or, Fcos (as) ds = mvdv Integrating, over the limits for v (s) E ¥ se coon de a or ve Vv ma = V2gsina/3a (using F= ™) which is the sought relationship. From the Newton’s second law in projection from : For the bar, T-2kmg = (2m)w @ For the motor, T- kang = mw’ (2) Now, from the equation of kinematics in the frame of bar or motor : l= Sows wys @) From (1), (2) and (3) we get on eliminating T and w t= V2i/(kg+3w) Let us write Newton’s second law in vector from F'= mw, for both the blocks (jin the frame of ground). T+ mg mW @ Ts m3 maw @ These two equations contain three unknown quantities #,, W, and T. The third equation is provided by the kinematic relationship between the accelerations : a ee Wis WotW , Wye WH 3) where Wis th acceleration of the mass m, with respect to the pulley or elevator car. Summing up termwise the left hand and the right-hand sides of these kinematical equations, we get 172 41 Wr i= 2 @ The simultancous solution of Eqs-(1), (2) and (4) yields >, = ae _ (m=) F4 2m, Wy a my, My Using this result in Eq. (3), we get, cy _ My-M, > —», zr 2mm, _, we mam, 27) and Te meme =) m— > —>, Using the results in Eq. (3) we get w" = 2-2 (gift) m,+m, (b) obviously the force exerted by the pulley on the celing of the car > = 4mm. => Fe -2T= 2 gm) at ia: Note : one could also solve this problem in the frame of elevator car. Let us write Newton’s second law for both, bar 1 and body 2 in terms of projection having taken the positive direction of x, and x, as shown in the figure and assuming that body 2 starts sliding, say, upward along the incline T, -m, gsina= m, Q) ig N m,§-T,= m,w Q) tT For the pulley, moving in vertical direction Ti from the equation F, = mw, 2T)-T,= (m,)w,= 0 x mg. bh | (as mass of the pulley m,= 0) 2 ¥%2 or T= 07; @) As the length of the threads are constant, the mg. kinematical relationship of accelerations becomes w= 2m (4) Simultaneous solutions of all these equations yields : m . 2g|2-7-sina : 2g(2 in a) (Ba) a we ‘As > 1, w is directed vertically downward, and hence in vector form —» 22°2y-sina) we S8eN~ sino) 4n+1 42 1.73 1.74 Let us write Newton’s second law for masses m, and m, and moving pully in vertical direction along positive x - axis (Fig.) : m,g-T= mw, qa) i. —x m,g-T= mW, ) T,-2T= 0(asm= 0) or T,-2T @) Again using Newton’s second law in projection form for mass my along positive x, direction (ig.), we get T,= my @ The kinematical relationship between the accelerations of masses gives in terms of projection on the x - axis Wy t Wo, = 2 Wo (5S) Simultaneous solution of the obtained five equations yields : vo, = EAM Ma + my (my ~ my) 18 7 4m, m, + mo (m, +m) In vector form ce, Am rig + 1g (rm, - ) 18” 1 "Aimy mn, + tm (mm, + m3) As the thread is not tied with m, so if there Were no friction between the thread and the ball m, the tension in the thread would be zero and as a result both bodies will have free fall motion. Obviously in the given problem it is the friction force exerted by the ball on the thread, which becomes the tension in the thread. From the condition or language of the problem w,,>w,, and as both are directed downward so, relative acceleration of M = wy,-w,, and is directed downward, Kinematical equation for the ball in the frame of rod in projection form along upward direction gives : PS y= Wy) @ Newton’s second law in projection form along Tz f vertically down direction for both, rod and ball ly gives, Mg -fr= Mwy Q) fr gfe mig @ wy ee Multiplying Eq. (2) by m and Eq. (3) by M ml and then subtracting Eq. (3) from (2) and after ¢ using Eq. (1) we get y 21Mm Orem a "4 LIS 1.76 43 Suppose, the ball goes up with accleration w, and the rod comes down with the acceleration w. As the length of the thread is constant, 2, = w, q@) From Newton’s second law in projection form along vertically upward for the ball and vertically downward for the rod respectively gives, T-mg~ mw Q and Mg-T'= Mw, @) but T=2T (because pulley is massless) (4) From Eqs. (1), (2), (3) and (4) _ OM=m)g_ (=n, ae We STEM acrid (in upward direction) and w)= are (downwards) From kinematical ee in projection form, we get I. Fm +) 1? as, w, and Ww, are in the opposite direction. Putting the values of w, and w,, the sought time becomes = V2I@+ O13 Q-We= 14s Using Newton’s second law in projection form along x - axis for the body 1 and along negative x ~ axis for the body 2 respectively, we get m,g-T,= my @) T,~m,g = mw, Q) For the pulley lowering in downward direction from Newton’s law along x axis, -2T) = 0 (as pulley is mass less) on, eee (@) As the length of the thread is constant so, wpe 2m, ® The simultaneous solution of above equations a nye LRP UO=D ag Th ny ©) Obviously during the time interval in which the ay 1 comes to the horizontal floor covering the distance h, the body 2 moves upward the distance 2h. At the moment when the body 2 is at the height 2h from the floor its velocity is given by the expression : B= 25, (2) = 2[ 20-28), Shn=2) n+4 n+4 After the body m, touches the floor the thread becomes slack or the tension in the thread zero, thus as a result body 2 is only under gravity for it’s subsequent motion. 44 LH 1.78 Owing to the velocity v, at that moment or at the height 2h from the floor, the body 2 further goes up under gravity by the distance, 2g n+4 Thus the sought maximum height attained by the body 2 : He 2heh = 2h 0-2 Snk ™+4) n+4 Let us draw free body diagram of each body, ic. of rod A and of wedge B and also draw the kinemetical diagram for accelerations, after analysing the directions of motion of A and B. Kinematical relationship of accelarations is : Wa taa= a) Let us write Newton’s second law for both bodies in terms of projections having taken positive directions of y and x axes as shown in the figure. m,8-Ncos a= mW, 2) and Nsina= m,w, @) Simultaneous solution of (1), (2) and (3) yields : m,gsina Wy es Band m, Sin & + mg COLaCOSa (1 + Ncot” a) i “tana” (ana+1 cota) Ws — Wap Wy = Wg Note : We may also solve this problem using conservation of mechanical energy instead of Newton’s second law. Let us draw free body diagram of each body and fix the coordinate system, as shown in the figure. After analysing the motion of M and m on the basis of force diagrams, let us draw the kinematical diagram for accelerations (Fig.). As the length of threads are constant so, say = dsy and as Vry and vy, do not change their directions that why [ae | = [Pe |= w (say) and Wr tty and Wh tt Vy 1.79 = Wn rT? ro fe N Nal Ny Wn Tv > Winn T ™ =x Ft 7 Wm AS Why = Wray + Wy so, from the triangle law of vector addition Wy = V2 w q@) From the Eq. F,= mw, , for the wedge and block : T-N= Mw, Q@) and N= mw @) Now, from the Eq. F,= mw,, for the block mg -T-kN= mw (4) Simultaneous solution of Eqs. (2), (3) and (4) yields : we —_—™s __ = coe (en +2m+M)” (k+2+M/m) Hence using Eq. (1) oo eR Vou mm” (24k+M/m) Bodies 1 and 2 will remain at rest with repect to bar A fOr Wig SWS Wyazy WHETE Wyn i the sought minimum acceleration of the bar. Beyond these limits there will be a relative motion between bar and the bodies. For 0 < ws w,,;., the tendency of body 1 in relation to the bar A is to move towards right and is in the opposite sense for W= Wa, On the basis of above argument the static friction on 2 by A is directed upward and on 1 by A is directed towards left for the purpose of calculating W,,. Let us write Newton’s second law for bodies 1 and 2 in terms of projection along positive x-axis (Fig.). T-fry= mw ot, fry= T-mw (1) N,= mw (2) As body 2 has no acceleration in vertical direction, so f= mg-T (3) From (1) and (3) (fr, + fra) = m(g-w) (4) But fr, + fry sk (N, +N) or fry + fry sk (mg + mw) () 46 1.80 1.81 From (4) and (5) m(g-w) k ‘max = Let us write Newton’s second law for both bodies in projection form along positive Yq and x, axes as shown in the Fig. 2G) 22] Gc.) | ale | or, m,g.cos -N= m,w, sino qd) and Nsina = mw, Q) Solving (1) and (2), we get my g sin a. cos & sin a. cos a wy» 2 = aaa m, + m,sin? 0 (m,/m, ) + sin* a Wi 47 1.82 To analyse the kinematic relations between the bodies, sketch the force diagram of each 1.83 body as shown in the figure. On the basis of force diagram, it is obvious that the wedge M will move towards right and the block will move down along the wedge. As the length of the thread is constant, the distance travelled by the block on the wedge must be equal to the distance travelled by the wedge on the floor. Hence d 5,4 = dS AS Vey and Vy, do not change their directions and acceleration that’s why Wy y tt Vey, and Wy tt Vj and Way = Wy = (say) and accordingly the diagram of kinematical dependence is shown in figure. : Wm AS Wy = Wry + Wy, 80 from triangle law of vector addition. Wy Vig + Wey 2 Way Wy 00s 2 = wV2(1 — cos a) (1) From F, = mw, , (for the wedge), T= Tcosa+Nsina= Mw Q) For the bar m let us fix (x -y) coordinate system in the frame of ground Newton’s law in projection form along x and y axes (Fig.) gives mg sina - T= mw, ()= m [ ml (xy uc] =m [Wat 4 008 ( - a] = mw (2 — cosa) @) mgcosa—-N= mWay)= mm Wmaciyy * Macy) | m(O+wsina] (4) Solving the above Eqs. simultaneously, we get o mgsina M+2m(1-cosa) Note : We can study the motion of the block m in the frame of wedge also, alternately we may solve this problem using conservation of mechanical energy. Let us sketch the diagram for the motion of the particle of mass m along the circle of radius R and indicate x and y axis, as shown in the figure. - (a) For the particle, change in momentum A p= my (-i)-mv(j) so, [4 P| |= V2 my and time taken in describing quarter of the circle, 48 1.84 1.85 aR Are 38 a 2 Hence, = LAPL, V2mv _ 2V2 mv? > 4 At mR/2v aR Vp => () In this case VE P= 0 and py= mw,t(-i), so |Ap|=mwt Hence, || = lazl. . While moving in a loop, normal reaction exerted by the flyer on the loop at different points and uncompensated weight if any contribute to the weight of flyer at those points. (a) When the aircraft is at the lowermost point, Newton’s second law of motion in projection form F, = mw, gives my? N-mg= one 2 or, N= mg +2 = 2:09 KN (b) When it is at the upper most point, again from F, = mw, we get emg ” my? N" = Mm g= 0-7KN (c) When the aircraft is at the middle point of the loop, again from F,,= mw, 2 ove N' R 1-4kN The uncompensated weight is mg. Thus effective weight = VN" +m" g” =1-56kN acts obliquely. Let us depict the forces acting on the small sphere m, (at an arbitrary position when the thread makes an angle @ from the vertical) and write equation F. = mwvia Projection on nen the unit vectors i, and u,. From F,= mw,, we have mg sin Om & vay _vdv = mee ds ~ "1(-d0) (as vertical is refrence line of angular position) 49 or vdve —glsind dd Integrating both the sides : v 8 dv= -glf sin0d0 {vw elf sin 2 or, 7 =glcos® y2 Hence “= 2gcos = w, a) ar (Eq. (1) can be easily obtained by the | conservation of mechanical energy). \ From F,= mw, may? i T-mgcoso=™?, A o Using (1) we have mq T= 3 mgcos0 2) Again from the Eq. F,= mw,: mg sinO=mw, or w,= gsin® @) Hence w= Vw2+w? = V(gsin 0)? +(2g cos 0)” (using 1 and 3) = gV1+3 cos? (b) Vertical component of velocity, v, = v sin @ So, v2 = v?sin?@ = 2g 1cos @ sin? (using 1) . 2 d(cos sin? 0) For maximum VOt epee 1 which yields cos O= Therefore from (2) T= 3mg Fe = VE mg (©) We have W= w, ii, +W, ll, thus W, = Way) + Way) But in accordance with the problem w, = 0 Wiyy + Hayy) = 0 or, gsin 0 sin 0 + 2g cos 70 (- cos ®) = 0 1 or, cosO= 7 oF, O= 547° 50 1.86 1.87 The ball bas only normal acceleration at the lowest position and only tangential acceleration at any of the extreme position. Let v be the speed of the ball at its lowest position and / be the length of the thread, then according to the problem - gsina (1) where a is the maximum deflection angle From Newton’s law in projection form : F,= mw, mg sin 0 = mv 140 or, -glsinOd0= vdv On integrating both the sides within their limits. a 0 ~alf sinodo= f vdv 0 ’ or, v? = 2g! (1 - cos a) 2) Note : Eq. (2) can easily be obtained by the conservation of mechanical energy of the ball in the uniform field of gravity. From Eqs. (1) and (2) with @ = 2gl (1 - cos a) = Ig cos a or, cos a= 2 so, a= 53° Let us depict the forces acting on the body A, (which are the force of gravity mg’and the normal reaction N ) and write equation F = mw via projection on the unit vectors u, and 4, (Fig.) From F,= mw, : dv mg sin 0 = ™E oe ee Pia RaO or, gRsin0d0= vdv Integrating both side for obtaining v (0) e v N J gRsinodo~ fray 0 0 R i, or, \\v? = 2.gR (1 - cos 8) R Le & wd From F,= mw, , De mg cos 0- N= me mg, Q) At the moment the body loses contact with the surface, N= 0 and therefore the Eq. (2) becomes v= gRcos@ QB) 1.88 1.90 51 where vand @ correspond to the moment when the body loses contact with the surface. Solving Eqs. (1) and (3) we obtain cos 6 = 2 of, 8= cos”! (2/3) and v= V2gR73. At first draw the free body diagram of the device as, shown. The forces, acting on the sleeve are it’s weight, acting vertically downward, spring force, along the length of the spring and normal reaction by the rod, perpendicular to its length. Let F be the spring force, and Al be the clongation. From, F, = mu, Nsin0+F cos0= mw*r a where rcos 0 = (I, + AD. Similarly from F,= mw, Ncoos@-FsinO= 0 or, N=Fsin0/cos 0 (2) From (1) and (2) F (sin 0/cos 8) -sin@+F cos 0 = mur = mo? ({, + Al)/cos 8 On putting F= x Al, x Asin? 6+ Kk Alcos?0 = mw? (Iy+AD) on solving, we get, a K-mo (K/mw?-1) and it is independent of the direction of rotation. According to the question, the cyclist moves along the circular path and the centripetal force is provided by the frictional force. Thus from the equation F, = mw, Al= mo? 2 or {igen > or = ky(r-P/R)g q) a(r For vagy) We should have 4-0 or, 1-2. 0, so r= R/2 Hence Ygg= $V Fe ah As initial velocity is zero thus v= ws Q@) As w,>0 the speed of the car increases with time or distance. Till the moment, sliding Starts, the static friction provides the required centripetal acceleration to the car. Thus fr= mw, but frs kmg 52 1.91 1,92 So, ws Reg or, Weta? or, vs (Pg -w)R Hence Vaan VE = WR so, from Eqn. (1), the sought distance s = foot = = 6m. Since the car follows a curve, so the maximum velocity at which it can ride without sliding at the point of minimum radius of curvature is the sought velocity and obviously in this case the static friction between the car and the road is limiting. Hence from the equation F, = mw kg = ae or vs VERE so Vasag = VE Rain 8 + (1) ‘We know that, radius of curvature for a curve at any point (x, y) is given as, [1+ Gy/aey 7 Re enlae For the given curve, 8 og (*) and TY m ~8 ein = 7 ae a and ae ne Substituting this value in (2) we get, [1 + (a2/a2) cos? (x/a) 7 nS 2) (a/a’) sin (x/a) For the minimum R, x. = 2 and therefore, corresponding radius of curvature 2 a Rag ® Hence from (1) and (2) Venax = Vg /a The sought tensile stress acts on each clement of the chain. Hence divide the chain into small, similar elements so that each element may be assumed as a particle. We consider one such element of mass dm, which subtends angle dc at the centre. The chain moves along a circle of known radius R with a known angular speed w and certain forces act on it, We have to find one of these forces. From Newton’s second law in projection form, F, = mw, we get 2Tsin (da./2) - dN cos 0 = dmw”R and from F, = mw, we get dNsin® = gdm Then putting dm = mdo/2x and sin (da/2) = da/2 and solving, we get, m (wR +g cot 0) Ta Mo Regt) 2n 53 Ty " dmg : 1,93 Let, us consider a small element of the thread and draw free body diagram for this element. (@) Applying Newton’s second law of motion in projection form, F, = mw, for this element, (T+ dT) sin (d 0/2) + Tsin (d0/2)-dN= dmw’R= 0 or, 27 sin (d 0/2) = AN, [negelecting the term(dT sin d 8/2) ] _d0_ do or, Td0- AN, as sin = 5 0) Also, dfr= kdN= (T+dT)-T= dT T Q) From Eqs. (1) and (2), kTd0= aT or “Fa kao In this case Q= x so, nee 3 or, or, na x @) 7 So, ke Zin em Zinn m. (b) When —>= n, which is greater than my the blocks will move with same value of 1 acceleration. (say w) and clearly m, moves downward. From Newton’s second law in projection form (downward for m, and upward for m,) we get : m,g-T,= m,w (4) and T,-m,g= mw 6) 54 1.94 1.95 1.96 197 t Also 7,7 7 © Simultaneous solution of Eqs. (4), (5) and (6) yields : _ m= Nom )8 _ (=) my (m,+n9m) — (nem) ® (Sm " The force with which the cylinder wall acts on the particle will provide centripetal force necessary for the motion of the particle, and since there is no acceleration acting in the horizontal direction, horizontal component of the velocity will remain constant througout Ve) the motion. So Vg Vp COS 0 Using, F, = mw,, for the particle of mass m, mvz mv,cos"a N= eee re which is the required normal force. Obviously the radius vector describing the position of the particle relative to the origin of coordinate is r= xityj= asinwtit+bcoswtj Differentiating twice with respect the time : ao We © F = ~ 08 (asin w i+ boos wr j3~ -o 7 @) t Thus F= mif= -morr” @) Wehave p= f Fa ' = [mzacm mz a ° > : : : : 2(%8) (b) Using the solution of problem 1.28 (6), the total time of motion, t= - > Hence using t=tin (1) [4p] = mgt nat aes = -2m(vog)/g (19° 8 is -ve) From the equation of the given time dependence force F'= a t(t-1) at t=, the force vanishes, (@) Thus a= p= f Fa o 55 > we or, Pf diene 0 > ae but (b) Again from the equation F= mix" at (x1) =m or, GUtv-t?)dt= md Integrating within the limits for v%), or, Thus Hence distance covered during the time interval t= +, . se fva 198 We have F = Fysin wt or m4¥ 6 F,sin ot or mdv™ F,sin wt de On integrating, = -F . A inly = —* cos wt + C, (where C is integration constant) = Fo When t= 0, v=0, so C= ——~ mo a», ~Fo Ce ae eee nee See mo mo Fo As | cos wt < 1 so, v= —*-(1-cos of) mo 56 1.99 1.100 ' Thus ss fr at 0 Fit Fosinwt 0 mo mo ma (ot - sin wt ) (Figure in the answer sheet). oS According to the problem, the force acting on the particle of mass m is, F = F, cos wt > _ F So, mY. Fcosut or dv 2 cosatdt ad m Integrating, within the limits. Fy + F far 70 f cos art or v= —“sin wt m mo oO oO It is clear from equation (1), that after starting at t= 0, the particle comes to rest fro the first time at r= —. @ Fi 1 - fo fe x ‘rom Eq. (1), v= |v|= mmo SOF for ts (2) Thus during the time interval ¢ = x/w, the sought distance p vo so 22 f sinavare = my mo From Eq. (1) Fo “ex" Go | sin we | <1 > re @) From the problem F= -7 so m= -1v dv =>_ = Thus mae -w [as dvt}v] or, ite vom On integrating Inv=-7 64 But at t= 0, v=v, so, C= Invy or, -2t of, v= _ m Thus for tao, v= 0 dv =r (b) We have m= -rv so dv= —"ds 1.101 87 Integrating within the given limits to obtain v(s): : or, fave -2fas or vevy- (a) % 0 mvo Thus for v= 0, 5 Sia = (© Letwehave py or Mame v vom J : or, +. tf m o 0 So a =m In(1/y) _ ming r r Now, average velocity over this time interval, Man r n - fineka vdt % y(n-1) = —_—-—___ fa Zinn nny r According to the problem dv 2 dv mae -kv* ot, more kde Integrating, withing the limits, . ' ae m (%o-¥) Se fa on 1 BS © i To fine the value of k, rewrite Oo we mas kv* or, Y a ds On integrating ’ So, Q) Putting the value of k from (2) in (1), we get i. A(v-v) vin “2 ey, 58 1.102 1.103 From Newton’s second law for the bar in projection from, F,= mw, along x direction we get mg sin a - kang cos a = mw So or, v Se = gsina-axrgcos.a, (as k= ax), or, vdv= (gsin a -axg cos a) dr or, Jf vdv= af (sina -xc0s a) de 0 0 2 2 - x So, “= g(sinax-*-acosa) 4 778 2 qa) N fr From (1) v= 0 at either x20, orx= 7 tana a As the motion of the bar is unidirectional it stops after going through a distance of % _ < e 2 tana. a From (1), f0F Vass (sin ox - acosa)« 0, which yields x= Fauna Hence, the maximum velocity will be at the distance, x = tan a/a Putting this value of x in (1) the maximum velocity, gsin a tan a Vinax ‘max a Since, the applied force is proportional to the time and the frictional force also exists, the motion does not start just after applying the force. The body starts its motion when F equals the limiting friction. Let the motion start after time f) , then ka F = aty=kmg or, t= a So, for t= s fy, the body remains at rest and for £ > f obviously mdv ane a(t-t) or, mdv= a(t-t)dt Integrating, and noting v = Oat ¢ = fy, we have for t> ty y ‘ a 2 mdv=a | (t-t))dt or v= Im (= fo) 0 in Thus (1-1) dt= Sq lt) 1.104 1.105 While going upward, from Newton’s second law in vertical direction : vdv kv? (+) At the maximum height A, the speed v = 0, so 0 A Scitm S* mB mgs kv?) ot = gs ds Integrating and solving, we get, @ mg When the body falls downward, the net force acting on the body in downward direction equals (mg- kv"), Hence net acceleration, in downward direction, according to second law of motion vdv |? vdv as aE a ee _ = A Thus f4-Je g-kv*/m o 0 Integrating and putting the value of h from (1), we get, vie vo/ vi +kve/mg- Let us fix x - y co-ordinate system to the given plane, taking x-axis in the direction along which the force vector was oriented at the moment f= 0, then the fundamental equation of dynamics expressed via the projection on x and y-axes gives, FP dv, coswt= me (4) d and Fsinot= mot ® dt (a) Using the condition (0) = 0, we obtain v, = = sinwt Q) and EF v= 5 (1- cos wr) (4) Hence, vev ve ty = ( . ) mo “(?)| 60 1.106 1.107 (b) It is seen from this that the velocity v turns into zero after the time interval At, which can be found from the relation, of. x, Consequentely, the sought distance, is ar sa f va a ‘ mo vdt Average velocity, = fae 2Wo So, -f2z sin($*)/ (220) 0 The acceleration of the disc along the plane is determined by the projection of the force of gravity on this plane F,= mg sina and the friction force fr = kmg cos a.. In our case k= tana and therefore amo fr= F,=mg sina Let us find the projection of the acceleration on the derection of the tangent to the trajectory and on the x-axis : mw,= F,cos @ - fr = mg sin a( cos p-1) mw, = F,- frcos p= mg sin 0. (1- cos p) It is seen fromthis that w, = — w,, which means that the velocity v and its projection v, differ only by a constant value C which does not change with time, icc. ve y+, where v,= v.cos p. The constant C is found from the initial condition v= vp, whence C= since p = 7 initially. Finally we obtain v= vy/(1+cos@). In the cource of time p-+ 0 and v—> v9/2. (Motion then is unaccelerated.) Let us consider an element of Jength ds at an angle @ from the vertical diameter. As the speed of this element is zero at initial instant of time, it’s centripetal acceleration is zero, and hence, dN - dds cos p= 0, where 2 is the linear mass density of the chain Let T and T+dT be the tension at the upper and the lower ends of ds. we have from, F, = mw, (T+ dT)+hdsgsing-T= ddsw, or, aT +hRd gg sing = dds, 1.108 61 If we sum the above equation for all elements, the term f dT = 0 because there is no tension at the free ends, so VR rar f singdo= dw, f ds=d1w, 0 Hence w,= S(1-eoo5] As w, =a at initial moment =], |= FE (1 ~ cos So, w=|w,| T [17 8 R In the problem, we require the velocity of the body, realtive to the sphere, which itself moves with an acceleration Wy in horizontal direction (say towards left). Hence it is advisible to solve the problem in the frame of sphere (non-inertial frame). At an arbitary moment, when the body is at an angle @ with the vertical, we sketch the force diagram for the body and write the second law of motion in projection form F,= mw, mv 2 of, mg cos 0 ~ N ~ mvy sin 0 = 7 — 0) At the break off point, N= 0, @= Oy and let v= vqso the Eq, (1) becomes, 2 z 8 COs Oy — Wy Sin O e) From, F,= mw, i6 nipco@ = meee mg sin 0 — mw, cos 0 = m~* a or, vdv= R(gsin 0 + w,cos0)d0 % % Integrating, fv dv =fr (g sind + w, cos0) d 0 0 ° 2 y aR B(1 - cosOy) + wy sin Oy @) Note that the Eq. (3) can also be obtained by the work-energy theorem A= AT (in the frame of sphere) therefore, mgR (1 - cos Op) + mwa R sin y= 3 mvz [here mw, R sin Qq is the work done by the pseudoforce (- mw,)] 2 0 . cn BR™ (1 ~€05 Op) + wo sin Op 62 1.109 1.110 Solving Eqs. (2) and (3) we get, 24+kV5 + 9k? Wo vo = V2gR73 and 0, =cos~!| ———-——— |, where k= — q ‘ 3(1+k?) 8 Hence % lees 17° This is not central force problem unless the path is a circle about the said point. Rather here F, (tangential force) vanishes. Thus equation of motion becomes, ¥,= Vo constant 2 myo A d, —s= fe - and, pe de We can consider the latter equation as the equilibrium under two forces. When the motion is perturbed, we write r= ry +x and the net force acting on the particle is, 2 2 i my -—4—4 On ee (eee (7rg+x)" Mott rg % % To mv =-—z (1-n)x To 2 my; This is opposite to the displacement x, if n<1- ( is an outward directed centrifugul force while aed is thé inward directed external force). r There are two forces on the sleeve, the weight F, and the centrifugal force F,. We resolve both forces into tangential and normal component then the net downward tangential force on the sleeve is, 2 mg sinO 1-*Fesea} This vanishes for 0.= 0 and for 0 @= 0) = cos~!(—£—), which is real if oR 2 2 MW?RSinOCosO wo R>g. If o*Rg, 1- SF coo isnegative forsmall @ near 0 = 0 and 0 = 0 is then unstable. However 0 = , is stable because the force tends to bring the sleeve near the equilibrium position @ = Qy, If wR = g, the two positions coincide and becomes a stable equilibrium point. 1111 1112 1113 63 Define the axes as shown with z along the local vertical, x due east and y due north. (We assume we are in the northern hemisphere). Then the Coriolis force has the components. FE, = -2m@xv)} = 2me | v, cos® - v, sin0) i= v, cos j + v, cos k] = 2m (v, cos0 — v, sind) 7” since v, is small when the direction in which the gun is fired is due north. Thus the equation of motion (neglecting centrifugal forces) are X= 2mo (v, sing - v, cos), y= 0 and Z = -g y-North Integrating we get y= v (constant), z= - gt v z-vertical and X= 2 vsing t+ wg t? cosp East Finally, x= ov? sing + 3 at? cose Now v >> gt in the present case. so, 2 x= ovsing(*) = wsin ci Ply ey ~ 7cm (to the cast). The disc exerts three forces which are mutually perpendicular. They are the reaction of the weight, mg, vertically upward, the Coriolis force 2mv’ w perpendicular to the plane of the vertical and along the diameter, and mor outward along the diameter. The resultant force is, Fa mVe+o'rs (vo The sleeve is free to slide along the rod AB. Thus only the centrifugal force acts on it. The equation is, my = mor where ved. pe yp@e Aly Butve vie $(2”) s0, ive $0? ? + constant or, ve heat? vg being the initial velocity when r= 0. The Coriolis force is then, amo Vigra = 2a? VIE = 2:83 N on putting the values. 64 1.114 1115 The disc OBAC is rotating with angular o! velocity about the axis OO! passing through the edge point O. The equation of motion in w rotating frame is, mitt = Fs mo? R's Ins’ xd FoF, 8 where F,, is the resultant inertial forc. (pseudo force) which is the vector sum of centrifugal 0 A and Coriolis forces. (a) AtA,F,, vanishes. Thus 0 = -2mw?Rn+2mv' on where 7 is the inward drawn unit vector to the centre from the point in question, here A. Thus, v= oR 2 yi? 2 so, Wa eo R. = i at (b) AtB F,,= ma OC +mo* BC its magnitude is mo? VaR? — r , where r= OB. The equation of motion in the rotating coordinate system is, = > mi" = F+ mw? R+ 2m ("x 3) Now, v= RO@+Rsind pe and = W = w'cosOe,-w' sin Oa . oo 6 Fee ® 0 RO Rsindp @cos 8 -wsin® 0 = (oR sin0 @) + wR sin 0 cos 0 @ - WR O cos 02, Now on the sphere, a 2m Ve (-RO-Rsin? 0g?) a + (RO -Rsin 6 cos 0g") e + (Rsin 8p" + 2R cos 6 6) e Thus the equation of motion are, m(-R @-Rsin’ 6 g”) = N- mg cos 0 + mw” R sin’ 6 + 2mw R sin? 0p m(R@ -Rsin @ cos @ g”) = mg sin 0 + mw” R sin 0 cos 8 + 2mw R sin @ cos 0 @ m(Rsin 0p +2R cos 06) = -2mwR Ocos @ From fhe third equation, we get, p= -@ A result that is easy to understant by considering the motion in non-rotating frame. The eliminating 9 we get, i mR 6? = mg cos @-N mRO = mgsin® Integrating the last equation, imR Pm mg (1 - cos 8) 1.116 LUT 65 Hence Nx (3-208 8) mg So the body must fly off for @= 0, = cos~?2, exactly as if the sphere were nonrotating. > Now, at this point F.,= centrifugal force = mc” R sin 0) = v2 mor R Fy = Vo RO cos? 0 + (wR) sin’ @ x 2m = V2 2 R24 = me? aces V2 WRF +0) Rbk x 2m = 5 mos RY s+ (a) When the train is moving along a meridian only the Coriolis force has a lateral component and its magnitude (see the previous problem) is, 2m wv cos 8 = 2m sind (Here we have put R 6 v) 34, 2%, $4000 , v5 So, Figurat ™ 2% 2000 x 10° x SARE x Sx = 3-77KN, (we write 2 for the latitude) (b) The resultant of the inertial forces acting I> 7 on the train is, F=-2moROcos0e CPN Feot + (ma? R sin 0 cos 8 + 2m w R sin 8 cos ©) 2 (>) + (mo? R sin? 0 + 2m w R sin? 09 )e, This vanishes if O= 0, @= -Fo > > 1 A 1 Thus VE Wey: Yo™ -7oRsinO= ->0R cosh (We write X for the latitude here) Thus the train a move from the east to west along the 60" parallel with a speed, 1 -4 6 | SoReosh= 4x22 x10 x 6:37 x 10° = 115-8 m/s = 417 km/hr We go to the equation given in 1.111. Here v,= 0 so we can take y= 0, thus we get for the motion in the xz plane. x = ~2wv,cos 8 and e-g : 1 2 Integrating, z= -58 = wgcos gt? i a So x= 3wgcospt = FORcosp 22h ogg /E 3 SOV There is thus a displacement to the east of 22s v=. 3% 8 64x 500 x 1x 98 26 cm. 8g 66 13 1.118 1119 1.120 1.121 Laws of Conservation of Energy, Momentum and Angular Momentum. As F is constant so the sought work done A= Fart F-@-7) > oo > le > eee or, A= (3i+4j )-[(2i-3j )-(@+2j )]= Gi+4j )-(i-5j )=17F Differentating v (s) with respect to time vs fa ds. ea @ nt ve Ve 2a (As locomotive is in unidrectional motion) 2 Hence force acting on the locomotive F =m w= 2 Let, at v= Oat ¢ = 0 then the — covered during the first ¢ seconds 1? a_i @ 2 2S 2. zz 4 i (a 4?) mat? Hence the sought work, A = Fs= —— yr ‘We have 2 To dma as? of, Fm 22 w Differentating Eq. (1) with respect to time 4as 2as 2vm,= Ayo w= Q Hence net acceleration of the particle = we Vidaw = ) +(222) - 28 Vie oaRye m mR m Hence the sought force, F = mw = 2asVi+ (s/R)° Let Fi makes an angle @ with the horizontal at any instant of time (Fig.). Newton’s second law in projection form along the direction of the force, gives : F = kg cos 6 + mg sin 0 (because there is no acceleration of the body.) eee = As Ft d7"the differential work done by the force F’, dA= F-d7™ Fds, (where ds = | d7"|) N = kong ds (cos @) + mg ds sin 8 = kmg dx + mg dy. 1 h Hence, A = long desme fy 0 0 a = kng1+mgh= mg (kl +h). 67 1122 Let s be the distance covered by the disc along the incline, from the Eq. of increment of ME. of the disc in the field of gravity : AT+ AU = Aj, ry 0+ (- mgs sin a) = — kang cos as - king I kl - 5" Sna-keosa a Hence the sought work Ag, = ~ kg [s cos 0 +1] _ king ‘ Ag ~7 get [Using the Eqn. (1)] On puting the values A, = -0.05 J 1123 Let x be the compression in the spring when the bar m, is about to shift. Therefore at this moment spring force on m, is equal to the limiting friction between the bar m, and horizontal floor. Hence xx= km,g [where « is the spring constant (say)] (1) For the block m, from work-energy theorem : A= AT = 0 for minimum force. (A here indudes the work done in stretching the spring.) so, Fr-hn2—kngx= 0 or k5a F-kmg Q, From (1) and (2), m ro tele’) 1.124 From the initial condition of the problem the limiting fricition between the chain lying on the horizontal table equals the weight of the over hanging part of the chain, i.e. Anlg= kA(1-%) lg (where 4d is the linear N mass density of the chain) — So, ea q@ Fs Let (at an arbitrary moment of time) the length ‘of the chain on the table is x. So the net friction force between the chain and the table, at this Ax moment : 3 Adx) f,= AN= kixg 2) 4 The differential work done by the friction forces : dha Fd ~f,ds~ -kaxg-d)= de( 7h \eae ® (Note that here we have written ds = -dr., because ds is essentially a positive term and as the length of the chain decreases with time, dx is negative) Hence, the sought work done o - a a en; pe A Sf re poee (=n) ne -133 Q-n)! 68 L125 1.126 1.127 The velocity of the body, ¢ seconds after the begining of the motion becomes v= ¥> +g. The power developed by the gravity (m g’) at that moment, is P= mg" v= m(g”- v9 + 8°t) = mg (gt- vy sina) qa) As mg” is a constant force, so the average power A_ mg? ar”

= oe —— tT where Ar” is the net displacement of the body during time of flight. As, mg"L Ar” so

= 0 ‘We have ee at?, ot, v= VaRt, t is defined to start from the begining of motion from rest. So, 0,2 Ba VaR Instantaneous power, PaF y= m (Ww, le, + Wy iy, )- (VaR th, ), (where ii, and i, are unit vectors along the direction of tangent (velocity) and normal respectively) So, P= mw,VaR t= ma Rt Hence the sought average power ' ' f Pdt f ma Rt dt

e SB ' t fe 0 _maRt? | maRt 2t 2 Let the body m acquire the horizontal velocity vy along positive x — axis at the point O. (a) Velocity of the body t seconds after the begining of the motion, ve twee (vy—ket)im q@ Instantaneous power P= Fv (- longi): (vy kgt) i= — kang (vo - ket ) From Eq. (1), the time of motion t= v9/kg Hence sought average power during the time of motion 1 Hence kang vo Jf He 75 — bee ya ee : F 7 ~2W (On substitution) From F,= mw, — kg = mw, = ee or, v,dv,= -kgdx = - agxdx 1128 1.129 1130 To find v (x), let us integrate the above equation v x fu - ag f rae or, P= y-age @ % 0 Now, P- Fv -maxgVve-agx* Q2) For maximum power, fee ) = 0 which yields x= Putting this value of x, in Eq. (2) we get, Prag - im vivag Centrifugal force of inertia is directed outward along radial line, thus the sought work n Yo V2ag Ae J mor dr= § mat G - rn) = 0:20T (On substitution) 4 Since the springs are connected in series, the combination may be treated as a single spring of spring constant. KK Ky +k, From the equation of increment of ME., AT+AU=A., K O+twalt= A, o, A=t *% \ap 2 2 Ky +} First, let us find the total height of ascent. At the beginning and the end of the path of velocity of the body is equal to zero, and therefore the increment of the kinetic energy of the body is also equal to zero. On the other hand, in according with work-energy theorem AT is equal to the algebraic sum of the works A performed by all the forces, i.e. by the force F and gravity, over this path. However, since AT= 0 then A = 0. Taking into account that the upward direction is assumed to coincide with the positive direction of the y-axis, we can write h kh asf ona * Se-mow s - me fa -2ay) dy= mgh(1-ah)= 0. 0 whence h= 1/a. The work performed by the force F over the first half of the ascent is nr nr Ars f Fay amg fay) ay 3 mg/4a. 0 0 The corresponding increment of the potential energy is AU= mgh/2= mg/2a. 70 1.131 1,132 From the equation F, = 2 we get F,= [-3+3] (a) we have at r= ro, the particle is in equilibrium position. ie. F,= 0 80, ro= a To check, whether the position is steady (the position of stable equilibrium), we have to satisfy @u ale @U_ [6a 2b We have a (e-3| Putting the value of r= r= 22, we get daUe (bs ra ‘se’ (as a and b are positive constant) So cule : dr? 8a’ which indicates that the potential energy of the system is minimum, hence this position is steady. : aq _[ 2b (b) We have F--2. 33] For F, to b i #, 0 ‘or F, to be maximum, = "= 3a -3 So, r= PF and then Fig)” 57> As F, is negative, the force is attractive. (a) We have au -aU F,- ~~ -2a0x and B= = -2By So, Fe 2axi-2Byiand, Fe 2Voexrepy () For a central force, 7 F= 0 aa >of Here, rxF= ity] )x(-2oxi-2By)) = -2Bxyk-2axy(k)«0 Hence the force is not a central force. ()) As U= ox? + py? au -au So, Fo Gyn ax and Fy= SO = -2By. So, FeVEsF =V4er+4py According to the problem F=2Va7x'+ py’ = C (constant) 4133 1144 1.135 71 or, esp y= ¢ a. | or, ea" axe” Fey) Q) Therefore the surfaces for which F is constant is an ellipse. For an equipotential surface U is constant. So, ax’+By* = Cy (constant) mye or, VE + Jt - an = Ky (constant) Hence the equipotential surface is also an ellipse. Let us calculate the work performed by the forces of each field over the path from a certain point 1 (x,, y,) to another certain point 2 (x,, y2) 5 @) dA= F- dF ayivd?™ ayde or, A= a fra > =. > a (i) dA= F-d7™ (axi+byi )-d7™= axdx + bydy 4 % Hence An f axdx+| bydy tee nm In the first case, the integral depends on the function of type y (x), ie. on the shape of the path. Consequently, the first field of force is not potential. In the second case, both the integrals do not depend on the shape of the path. They are defined only by the coordinate of the initial and final points of the path, therefore the second field of force is potential. Let s be the sought distance, then from the equation of increment of M.E. AT +AU = Ay, (0-58) + messin - kang cosas % or, s= 5p / (ina + keos a) ~ ke ae 4 2(e+ tana) yp =~ kang cos as = Velocity of the body at height h, v, = V2g (HA), horizontally (from the figure given in the problem). Time taken in falling through the distance h. t= V 2 {as initial vertical component of the velocity is zero.) Now s=v,t= Vig@ith V2 - Vat=F 1.136 1.137 For Spay 4 (Hh - 1?) =0, which yields h= # Putting this value of 4 in the expression obtained for s, we get, Swoax = H To complete a smooth vertical track of radius R, the minimum height at which a particle starts, must be equal to Sr (one can proved it from energy conservation). Thus in our problem body could not reach the upper most point of the vertical track of radius R/2. Let the particle A leave the track at some point O with speed v (Fig.). Now from energy conservation for the body A in the field of gravity : i 7 me[A-3C+sin)]- dm? cere (ty From Newton’s second law for the particle at the point O; F,= mw,, mn Ww But, at the point O the normal reaction N = 0 N+mgsin0= So, ve Bh sin 8 (2) From (3) and (4), sin 0= 2 and v= Y ea After leaving the track at O, the particle A comes in air and further goes up and at maximum height of it’s trajectory in air, it’s velocity (say v’) becomes horizontal (Fig.). Hence, the sought velocity of A at this point. non 2/8 v' = vcos (90 - 6) = vsinO= 3 3 Let, the point of suspension be shifted with velocity v, in the horizontal direction towards left then in the rest frame of point of suspension the ball starts with same velocity horizontally towards right, Let us work in this, frame. From Newton’s second law in projection form towards the point of suspension at the upper most point (say B) : 2 v my; m mg+T= 7" of, T= 7 -mg @) Condition required, to complete the vertical circle is that T= 0. But (2) im} = mg (2) +3 mii So, ve= yi-4gl @) 1.138 1.139 73 From (1), (2) and (3) v2 — 4 gl T= MUA Ae) geo or, v,= V5 gl Thus YA (wisy = V5 gt From the equation F, = mw, at point C oo 7 (4) s Again from energy conservation imi Sw + mg 6) From (4) and (5) T= 3mg Since the tension is always perpendicular to the velocity vector, the work done by the tension force will be zero. Hence, according to the work energy theorem, the kinetic energy or velocity of the disc will remain constant during it’s motion. Hence, the sought time t=, where s is the total distance traversed by the small disc during it’s motion. 0 Now, at an arbitary position (Fig.) ds = (Iy-R0)d®, UR s0, s=f G-R 840 0 2 2 o: 8 See te i 2K? 2R i Hence, the required time, f= IRV It should be clearly understood that the only uncompensated force acting on the disc A in this case is the tension T, of the thread. It is easy to see that there is no point here, relative to which the moment of force T is invarible in the process of motion. Hence conservation of angular momentum is not applicable here. Suppose that Al is the elongation of the rubbler cord. Then from energy conservation, AU,, + AUy= 0 (as AT = 0) = mg (1+ A) + 2x Al? = 0 or, 5x Al? — mg Al~ mg! =0 74 1.140 1.141 mgt Vf (mg) +4xSmgl z r] oe ke Zed or, al = xS= 147 1278 2 Since the value of V1 + a is certainly greater than 1, hence negative sign is avoided. — mel, ./ za | So, ue (1, 14 ng When the thread FA is burnt, obviously the speed of the bars will be equal at any instant of time until it breaks off. Let v be the speed of each block and 8 be the angle, which the elongated spring makes with the vertical at the moment, when the bar A breaks off the plane. At this stage the elongation in the spring. Al= hy sec @ ~ hy = ly (sec 8 ~ 1) Q) Since the problem is concerned with position and there are no forces other than conservative forces, the mechanical energy of the system (both bars + spring) in the field of gravity is conserved, ic. AT+ AU = 0 So, 2 G*) +413 (6ec0-1)?— mgiptan 0 = 0 Q From Newton’s second law in projection form N along vertical direction : 8 mg = N +x Iy (sec @ - 1) cos @ Klo Gxo-t But, at the moment of break off, N = 0. r Hence, x J, (sec 8-1) cos 8 = mg K1y)- mg or, cos 0 = ce @) "™, a 78, simultaneous solution\of (2) and (3) yields : 3 fo ve = 17m/s. Obviously the elongation in the cord, Al= /, (sec 6 - 1), at the moment the sliding first Starts and at the moment horizontal projection of spring force equals the limiting friction. So, x, Alsin 8 = KN qa (where x, is the elastic constant). KAL From Newton’s law in projection form along vertical direction : k, Al cos 0 +N = mg. or, N= mg~x, Alcos® From (1) and (2), (2) x, Alsin @ = k(mg - «x, Al cos @) mg 1.142 1.143 75 or, oc gaa *1™ Aisin @ + k Al cos 0 From the equation of the increment of mechanical energy : AU + AT = Ay, 1 or, (:na")- 4, king Al? 2. Al (sin 8 + & cos 0) dang ly (sec 8 - 1) 2 (sin © — k cos ®) Let the deformation in the spring be Al, when the rod AB has attained the angular velocity «. From the second law of motion in projection form F,= mw, . or, = Ay, Thus Ay, = = 0-093 (on substitution) 2 mor I, KAl= mo? (Ip+Al or, Al= (y+ AD Par 2 From the energy equation, A, = jm + 7 x Al? 13 aol = yma? (Ip + Al? +5 x Al We know that acceleration of centre of mass of the system is given by the expression. — > Mm Witmw, Wom Tay +m, Since Wim - <> __ (my -m,) W Wem @ my +m, Now from Newton’s second law F'= mis, for the bodies m, and m, respectively. T+ m, a= m,¥%, @ and T+ m,g% mwy=— mi, (3) Solving (2) and (3) wn mim : my +m, 4 76 1.144 1.145 1.146 Thus from (1), (2) and (4), a> _ (m-my 3 (m, + my As the closed system consisting two particles m, and of m, is initially at rest the C.M. of the system will remain at rest. Further as m= m,/2, the C.M. of the system divides the line joining m, and mz at all the moments of time in the ratio 1 : 2. In addition to it the total linear momentum of the system at all the times is zero. So, p; = — Dp, and therefore the velocities of m, and m, are also directed in opposite sense. Bearing in mind all these thing, the sought trajectory is as shown in the figure. First of all, it is clear that the chain does not move in the vertical direction during the uniform rotation. This means that the vertical component of the tension T balances gravity. As for the horizontal component of the tension T, it is constant in magnitude and permanently directed toward the rotation axis. It follows from. this that the C.M. of the chain, the point C, travels along horizontal circle of radius p (say). Therefore we have, TcosO= mg and Tsin0 = mo” p Thus p= £228. ag cm w and T= 782 SN cos 6 (a) Let us draw free body diagram and write Newton’s second law in terms of projection along vertical aud horizontal direction respectively. Neos a -mg + frsina= 0 qa froosa-Nsina = mw?! (2) From (1) and (2) rcos = 2S (fr sin a+ mg) = mo?! cos Ot 8 1.147 2 So, fr= me sna ®cosa)= oN @) (b) For rolling, without sliding, frs kN but, N= mg cos a-mw7Isina o71 2 mg | sina +S 00s at | = k (mg cos o- mc? sin ct) [Using (3)] Rearranging, we get, mo? l(cosa+ksina) = (kmg cos a - mg sina) Thus wsVg(k-tana)/(1+ktana)! = 2 rad/s (a) Total kinetic energy in frame K’ is 1 —- > 1 oe T= 5m, (H-V P+ 5m (-V) This is minimum with respect to variation in V, when so 0, ie. m, (4 -VY +m, (1, -V)=0 ytm,V, > my + ve Mut" or i m,+m, Hence, it is the frame of C.M. in which kinetic energy of a system is minimum. (b) Linear momentum of the particle 1 in the K’ or C frame = oy I oe Ble m (~~ AM aw) ee my my or, Pi= #(¥,~-¥2), where, p= +m, reduced mass Similarly, P= w(-%) So, [Pil= [Pol= B= wy where, v,¢= 1¥7-¥%I (3) Now the total kinetic energy of the system in the C frame is eee ee a 2 T-T+h- £-E- a fol Hence Te guvme 5H | A-a| 78 1.148 1.149 1.150 To find the relationship between the values of the mechanical energy of a system in the K and C reference frames, let us begin with the kinetic energy T of the system. The velocity of the i-th particle in the K frame may be represented as ¥;= ¥; + Vo. Now we can write T= Sy Emvt= D $m (F400): O47) ta = yl 2 =D ymBsvey mite yD ome Since in the C frame J) m;¥;= 0, the previous expression takes the form Fri mye Fed mv? (Gince according to the problem v¢= V) Q) Since the internal potential energy U of a system depends only on its configuration, the magnitude U is the same in all refrence frames. Adding U to the left and right hand sides of Eq. (1), we obtain the sought relationship E=E+ im v? As initially U= 0 = 0, so, E= T From the solution of 1.147 (b) Fs ult-H1, As WL z1mim Thus T- Im, +m 01t) Velocity of masses m, and m,, after f seconds are respectively. Wy = Weg and Hy = y+ et Hence the final momentum of the system, — = os ~ Pe mV, +m,Vz = Mm, V, +m, V2 + (mM, +m) gt = potmat, (where, po= mV, +m, ¥; and m= m,+m,) And radius vector, re were hi (my V+ my vg) t else (m, +m) ey | >, 1a» —» MV, +m, Vv. = Wore S et, where ee o 739 1.151 After releasing the bar 2 acquires the velocity v,, obtained by the energy, conservation : 1.152 1,153 1 1 m= aKX oF, y= XV = (a) 2 Thus the sought velocity of C.M. osmzVm Vig m+m,—~ (m+m,) Vom = Let us consider both blocks and spring as the physical system. The centre of mass of the system moves with acceleration a = as towards right. Let us work in the frame of 1 2 centre of mass. As this frame is a non-inertial frame (accelerated with respect to the ground) we have to apply a pseudo force m, a towards left on the block m, and m, a towards left on the block m, As the center of mass is at rest in this frame, the blocks move in opposite directions and come to instantaneous rest at some instant. The Mp a elongation of the spring will be maximum or minimum at this instant. Assume that the block lm Losmoon ‘m, is displaced by the distance x, and the block mz, through a distance x, from the initial positions. From the energy equation in the frame of C.M. AT+U=A,,, (where Aj, also includes the work done by the pseudo forces) Here, AT=0, U=ZkG, +2) and F-m,F m,F m, F (x, +x,) We) ee m, +m, m, +m, m,+m, 1 2m (1 +) F or, 5 ely +2) am . 2m,F 0, Hyty = 0 00 2 + 22 = Fos my 2m, F Hence the maximum separation between the blocks equals : /) + ————~ K(m, +m) Obviously the minimum sepation corresponds to zero elongation and is equal to Jy (a) The initial compression in the spring Al must be such that after burning of the thread, the upper cube rises to a height that produces a tension in the spring that is atleast equal to the weight of the lower cube. Actually, the spring will first go from its compressed 80 1.154 State to its natural length and then get elongated beyond this natural length. Let / be the maximum elongation produced under these circumstances. Then xl = mg () Now, from energy conservation, 1 2 di? Ze A?= mg (Ale D+ 5K! (2) (Because at maximum elongation of the spring, the speed of upper cube becomes zero) From (1) and (2), 2 ay? 2mga Smeg 0 oy b= 2, =H « Therefore, acceptable solution of Al equals oz (b) Let v the velocity of upper cube at the position (say, at C ) when the lower block breaks off the floor, then from energy conservation. iat 22) piv? = 5x (Al? = 1?) mg (1+ Al) (where = mg/x and Al = 78) 2 or, ve 3278 Q) « mv+0 At the position C, the velocity of C.M; vo= "> . 5 ake, the C.M. of the system (spring+ two cubes) further rises up to A yoy Now, from energy conservation, 5m) v= Om) g bres But, uptil position C, the C.M. of the system i has already elevated by, (Al+1m+0 4m Oe eee = Hence, the net displacement of the CM. of the system, in upward direction 8 mg Ayc™ AYa+A¥a= 1 K Due to ejection of mass from a moving system (which moves due to inertia) in a direction perpendicular to it, the velocity of moving system does not change. The momentum change being adjusted by the forces on the rails. Hence in our problem velocities of buggies change only due to the entrance of the man coming from the other buggy. From the 1.155 1.156 1.157 81 Solving (1) and (2), we get mv My Me uta and v, = M-m As Mth vand tty” => -mv = My So, 1" Grom 4 2" Geom From momentum conservation, for the system “rear buggy with man” (M+m)ip= mut ig) + Mig (@) From momentum conservation, for the system (front buggy + man coming from rear buggy) Mip+m (Ut vp) = (M+m) vp Mv = 0 m So, “e" M+m*M+m Putting the value of Vz from (1), we get @+ vg) et Or (M+ my (i) Let v7 be the velocity of the buggy after both man jump off simultaneously. For the closed system (two men + buggy), from the conservation of linear momentum, Mij+2m(i+i7)= 0 os i ip ® (ii) Let 0” be the velocity of buggy with man, when one man jump off the buggy. For the closed system (buggy with one man + other man) from the conservation of linear momentum : O= (M+m)v" +m(uv") (2) Let v3 be the sought velocity of the buggy when the second man jump off the buggy; then from conservation of linear momentum of the system (buggy + one man) : (M+m)v" = Miz +mU+i) @Q) Solving equations (2) and (3) we get or, (2M + 3m) a” (4) “2” (M+ m) (M+ 2m) From (1) and (4) %2 m 4 1 *2@tem >! Hence v,>v, The descending part of the chain is in free fall, it has speed v= V2 gh at the instant, all its points have descended a distance y. The length of the chain which lands on the floor during the differential time interval dt following this instant is vdt. 1.158 1.159 For the incoming chain clement on the floor : From dp, = F,dt (where y-axis is directed down) ' 4 0- (vit) v= F, dt or Fy= -hv= -2dgy Hence, the force exerted on the falling chain equals 2.v* and is directed upward. Therefore from third law the force exerted by the falling { chain on the table at the same instant of ae = pee time becomes 2 v? and is directed downward. v Since a length of chain of weight (yg) already lies on the table the total force on the floor is (2Ayg) + (yg) = (3Ayg) or the weight of a length 3y of chain. Velocity of the ball, with which it hits the slab, v= V2 gh After first impact, v’ = ev (upward) but according to the problem v= WP so e= a q@) and momentum, imparted to the slab, = mv-(- mv’) = mv(1 +e) Similarly, velocity of the ball after second impact, via evm ey And momentum imparted = m(v'.+v’)= m(L+e)ev Again, momentum imparted during third impact, = m(1+e)e*v, and so on, Hence, net momentum, imparted = mv (1 + e) + mve (1 +) + mve” (1 +e) +... = mv(l+e)(ltete+...) (1+e) = ee) , (from summation of GP) (1 += n = v2 gh : = m2 gh / (q+ 1)/(n- 1) (Using Eq. 1) (4) = 0-2kg m/s. (On substitution) (a) Since the resistance of water is negligibly small, the resultant of all external forces acting on the system “a man and a raft” is equal to zero. This means that the position of the C.M. of the given system does not change in the process of motion. ie. 7o= constant or, Are= 0 ie. Sm; Arr= 0 or, m (Ane + Ay, +M bie = 0 Thus, m(T" +1)+Mie 0, or, T=- al” : = m+M (b) As net external force on “man-raft” system is equal to zero, therefore the momentum of this system does not change, So, O= m[” (+H O)]+MA) 1159 1.160 1161 1.162 83 (a) Since the resistance of water is negligibly small, the resultant of all external forces acting on the system “a man and a raft” is equal to aero. This means that the position of the C.M. of the given system does not change in the process of motion. ie. 7¢= constant or, Arc= 0 ie. Sy m,Ar= 0 or, a ed + Aig) + M ry, =0 | ie Thus, m(I"'+1)+MI1= 0, or, 10-7 (b) As net external force on “man-raft” system is equal to zero, therefore the momentum of this system does not change, So, O= m[V" (H+ HO ]+M() or, wy(@)= - mila qa) As ¥” (0) or ¥5(¥) is along horizontal direction, thus the sought force on the raft Madi Mm dv") dt m+M_ dt Note : we may get the result of part (a), if we integrate Eq. (1) over the time of motion of man or raft. In the refrence frame fixed to the pulley axis the location of C.M. of the given system is described by the radius vector ar M Arig + (M =m) Arig my +m Ary ‘= 2M > a But Ary = ~ Ara my and ATE = AFoagm + ATor-m (4-mn) +m mI” Thus Arca ou Note : one may also solve this problem using momentum conservation. Velocity of cannon as well as that of shell equals V2 gi sina down the inclined plane taken as the positive x - axis. From the linear impulse momentum theorem in projection form along x - axis for the system (connon + shell) ic. Ap, = F, At: pcosa-MV2gisina = Mgsina At (as mass of the shell is neligible) poosa-MV 2glsina or, At= = Mgsino. From conservation of momentum, for the system (bullet + body) along the initial direction of bullet mv m+M mvy= (m+M)v, of, v= 84 1.163 1.164 When the disc breaks off the body M, its velocity towards right (along x-axis) equals the velocity of the body M, and let the disc’s velocity’in upward direction (along y-axis) at that moment be v', From conservation of momentum, along x-axis for the system (disc + body) mv my= (m+M)v, ot vgn Se (@) And from energy conservation, for the same system in the field of gravity : re ae ; zm = s(m+M) vz +> mvs + meh , where A’ is the ae of break off point from initial level. So, Lin mv 1 2» , ‘ zm = Some) - an using (1) y2 , or, vee PH ime 7) -2gh' Also, if h” is the height of the disc, from the break-off point, then, vom 2 gh" 2 mv So, 2g (h" +h')= ve oA Hence, the total height, raised from the initial level Me oN th J Mem) (a) When the disc slides and comes to a plank, it has a velocity equal to v= V2 gh. Due to friction between the disc and the plank the disc slows down and after some time the disc moves in one piece with the plank with velocity v’ (say). From the momentum conservation for the system (disc + plank) along horizontal towards right : my m+M Now from the equation of the increment of total mechanical energy of a system : mv= (m+M)v' or v' 1 a_i (M+ m)v? mv = Ay, my? 1 1 or, =(M+m -imv= Ay, x6 Gna Me z " so, Hence, 1.165 1.166 85 (b) We look at the problem from a frame in which the hill is moving (together with the disc on it) to the right with speed u. Then in this frame the speed of the disc when it just gets onto the plank is, by the law of addition of velocities, ¥ = u +V2gh. Similarly the common speed of the plank and the disc when they move together is = m V = us Vig vi 1 ze Then as above A, = yim+M vom a - Mu’ i 2 ums 1 21 = Z(m+M) ferme MU V2Bh + anage 2h} ~ 3 MO 5 m 20 VT ~ mg We see that A, is independent of u and is in fact just - 4 gh as in (a). Thus the result obtained does not depend on the choice of reference frame. Do note however that it will be in correct to apply “conservation of enegy” formula in the frame in which the hill is moving. The energy carried by the hill is not negligible in this frame. See also the next problem. In a frame moving relative to the earth, one has to include the kinetic energy of the earth as well as carth’s acceleration to be able to apply conservation of energy to the problem. In a reference frame falling to the earth with velocity v,, the stone is initially going up with velocity v, and so is the earth. The final velocity of the stone is 0 = v,—gt and that of the earth is v, + Fret (M is the mass of the earth), from Newton's third law, where t = time of fall. From conservation of energy dmg + Sag + mgh = 7M (r0 + i) 1 mi Hence 3% (» + ii) = mgh Negecting 7 in comparison with 1, we get vp = 2gh or v, = V2gh The point is this in earth’s rest frame the effect of earth’s accleration is of order 7 and can be neglected but in a frame moving with respect to the earth the effect of earth’s acceleration must be kept because it is of order one (ie. lange). From conservation of momentum, for the closed system “both colliding particles” myvz + mv, = (m, +m)" ge Mut mah 187227} +24j- 68). 797 ze 3 or, v= my +m, Hence [T= V144+16 m/s= 46m/s 1.167 1.168 For perfectly inelastic collision, in the C.M. frame, final kinetic energy of the colliding system (both spheres) becomes zero. Hence initial kinetic energy of the system in C.M. frame completely tums into the internal energy (Q) of the formed body. Hence ze |a- ay 2 Now from energy conservation AT™= -Q = -hu r- In lab frame the same result is obtained as LL (aie my 1 A 2 sy2 arn 5 mee 5m Lael? +m 15 i =- ely - 4 (a) Let the initial and final velocities of m, and m, are ui, u, and V,, V2 respectively. Then from conservation of momentum along horizontal and vertical directions, we get : mu, = m,v, cos @ 0) and my, = my, sin® Q tv Squaring (1) and (2) and then adding them, ub miy3 = my (ui + vt) ~O> wan nee eee yee. Now, from kinetic energy conservation, 9 \. 1 1 1 . Lin ade Lm, vba dim v2 ®) — mi or, m(-v2)= my= m, a +v2) [Using (3)] 2 m: mM: or, @i1-—]= Bf14+— m, m, Y; . m, - (2) ee @ hed My + So, fraction of kinetic energy lost by the particle 1, tt gman am ve 2 — 21-4 zm ua wy mm, - Mm; 2m, : ~ 1-24 = [sing (4)] 6) m,+m, my +m, (b) When the collision occurs head on, mu, = my, + mV, () and from conservation of kinetic energy, 1.169 87 or, (6) or, uy (f+ m7) Fraction of kinetic energy, lost 2 mn _ 4mm, =1- =" 1- sing (6) Z (Bam ae [Using (6)] (a) When the particles fly apart in opposite direction with equal velocities (say v), then from conservatin of momentum, m,u+0= (m,-m)v () and from conservation of kinetic energy, Lads ban Pod? or, mw = (m,+m,) 7 Q) From £q. (1) and (2), Pu? m mw = (m+ U7, aoe Co or, m,-3m,m,= 0 Hence “tat asm, 00 oo es (>) When they fly apart symmetrically relative to the initial motion direction with the angle of divergence @= 60°, From conservation of momentum, along horizontal and vertical direction, im, uy = m, v, 608 (8/2) + ma v, 008 (0/2) @ and im, v, sin (0/2) = mv, sin (0/2) or, mV, = m2 Vv, (2) Now, from conservation of kinetic energy, 1 az 1 FMM +O= om yt amy @) From (1) and (2), mv amy ty = 05 (8/2) [my » + ma} = 2m, v, cos (8/2) 1.170 So, u, = 2-v, cos (0/2) (4) From (2), (3), and (4) 2% 4m, cos? (8/2) v3 = m, v2 4 727 2 a or, 4cos?(0/2)= 1+— m mM, or, te cos? 2-1 m, 2 m, and putting the value of 8, we get, a 2 If (¥4,,%y) are the instantaneous velocity components of the incident ball and (ve, Vay) are the velocity components of the struck ball at the same moment, then since there are no external impulsive forces (i.e. other than the mutual interaction of the balls) ‘We have Usina= vy , vy=0 MU COSA. = MV, + M Voy The impulsive force of mutual interaction satisfies d F d gwds a> ay ad) (F is along the x axis as the balls are smooth. Thus Y component of momentum is not transferred.) Since loss of KLE. is stored as deformation energy D, we have 1. 1g Ln D zm pm 5mv, 1 = me cos’ — smvyy ~ sv, : x miaPeosta- mv? — (mucosa mv,,)? | -= [ 2mucosar,,~ 2m'v2 ] = m(vigoose~ v,.") 2 _ Weos’a _ ( ucosa : 4 Pe ‘We see that D is maximum when u Sn Ma Zoos mu’cos’a. and Des 4 4 > Then = = deosta = b u 1p 2 4 ym On substiuting a= 45° x 1.171 From the conservation of linear momentum of the shell just before and after its fragmentation 1.172 Were ee @) where ¥;, ¥5 and ¥3 are the velocities of its fragments. From the energy conservation 3nv?=v3 +3403 Q Now Vor Vie = Vi Ve =v @ where 72= "= velocity of the CM. of the fragments the velocity of the shell. Obviously in the C.M. frame the linear momentum of a system is equal to zero, so oe Seo Vy+v,+¥3=0 4) Using (3) and (4) in (2), we get By = VET) + OEP FOL V- VE)? = v4 272 4 292 4 207 or, 252 + 25, F, cosO + 273+3(1-n) =0 () If we have had used ¥)=-¥; ~ Vy, then Eq. 5 were contain 4, instead of ¥, and so on. The problem being symmetrical we can look for the maximum of any one. Obviously it will be the same for each. For 9,10 be real in Eq. (5) 453 cos’ = 8(273 + 3 (1 - 1) v7) or 6(n - 1) & (4 - cos”0)F3 So, Bev YEO? ot Fay V2-0 v Hence 2 (au) |V%* Vala, =¥+V2 (0-1) vev(teV2q@-0 =1km/s Thus owing to the symmetry Y yguax) ¥2 as)" Yanan) 7 ¥ (1 +¥2(n = 1)) = 1 km/s Since, the collision is head on, the particle 1 will continue moving along the same line as before the collision, but there will be a change in the magnitude of it’s velocity vector. Let it starts moving with velocity v, and particle 2 with v, after collision, then from the conservation of momentum mu = mv, + mv, Of, Us Vv, +V2 () And from the condition, given, 1 2 av? +} mv zyme dee vie qe 2+. 1-+2 Smut uw or, vievi= (L-n) i? Q) From (1) and (2), vi+ uv? = -n) or, Vaew-2uv, += (L-n)u? 90 1.173 1.174 or, wi-wutnu= 0 aa So, ve Que eS = 3 [e2ViP-an? l- dua *vI-%m) Positive sign gives the velocity of the 2nd particle which lies ahead. The negative sign is correct for vy. So, ¥, = ju (1-VI=2y ) = 5 m/s will continue moving in the same direction. Note that v,= 0 if n= 0 as it must. Since, no external impulsive force is effective on the system “M + m’”, its total momentum along any direction will remain conserved. So from p, = const. u mu = Mv, cos ®@ or, “ed Q) and from p, = const v= My,sinO ot, v= My, sinO= wtan0, [using (1)] Final kinetic energy of the system 7,= Lmisiod And initial kinetic energy of the system= zoe T, -T; % change = Te 100 So, 2 Mee dm tan? 0 += sue, =F mu M? cos*@ 2 . x 100 7 2 2” u ae 2 im ao 2 tan?044 at see 0 ju i “a 13 2" - S . oa +7 sec" 0 — 1) x 100 and putting the values of @ and a , we get % of change in kinetic energy= - 40 % (a) Let the particles m, and m, move with velocities vy and V3 respectively. On the basis P 1 2 1 Tesp y. of solution of problem 1.147 (b) Bourg oo | H-¥| 1175 1.176 91 As WLI, m So, Bo uVied where y= L™ mm, +m, (©) Again from 1.147 (b) ae Lye xo 2 P= Swe Sut] So, F-Sucieyd From conservation of momentum P=P +P > met? , Ui ' so (-Pr') = Pi-20, py’ e090, + py? = py? From conservation of energy a : py? . Py? Im, ~ Im, * Im, Eliminating p,' we get ry mz ' q my O= py (+ = ~ 2p;' p,cos0, + py (\- | This quadratic equation for p,' has a real solution in terms of p, and cos 0, only if 2 mi tenn -F my i SOY. 2 mi or sin? 0, <> my oo 8 7 . my ‘ my or sin®, v'? + v’ so, 0",-¥°)>0 and therefore angle of divergence < 90°. Suppose that at time 4 the rocket has the mass m and the velocity v”, relative to the reference frame, employed. Now consider the inertial frame moving with the velocity that the rocket has at the given moment. In this reference frame, the momentum increament that the rocket & ejected gas system acquires during time dt is, dp= mais udti= F dt on mite F- wi 1.179 1.180 1.181 93 According to the question, F= Oandp = — dm/dt so the equation for this system becomes, mit, ini» dt” dt As dvt}i” so, mdv= -udm. Integrating within the limits : : s 1fa-- de Ye in ™ u mn 0 mo Thus, v= uin— m mo As dv't{ i so in vector form v= -#In > According to the question, F (external force) = 0 So, nt. he , a a" As at iy so, in scalar form, mdv= -udm wdt dm or, “Ss u m Integrating within the limits for m (1) wt dn v ee ee u m u my my Hence, m= me“) As F= 0, from the equation of dynamics of a body with variable mass; av” adm wi o ma eG dv= iv Now dv"} jii’and since i"L, ¥; we must have | dv"| = a (because vp is constant) where do. is the angle by which the spaceship turns in time df. udm So, -u Meyda o daw -4+™ m Vo m . _ fens (3) % 94 1.182 1.183 1.184 We have —-= -p or, dm= - pdt dt : Integrating fame -u fa of, m= my-pt ™, 0 As u’= 0 so, from the equation of variable mass system : dv > dvi > (mp - vt) G = F or, a7 0s F/m- ws) - : or, famF a. (2g - wt) 0 Hence oe F inf —"o_ Bo [my pe Let the car be moving in a reference frame to which the hopper is fixed and at any instant of time, let its mass be m and velocity v- Then from the general equation, for variable mass system. dv" => —sdm mat Ft dt We write the equation, for our system as, dv" > dm —- = ma FOS as, we 70 qd) So 4 iy =F BR and v= = on integration. But m= m+ pt = > Fr 50, ve m (: *m mo > Thus the sought acceleration, w= 2. SS It milton ) 0 Let the length of the chain inside the smooth horizontal tube at an arbitrary instant is x. From the equation, —» = —»dm mw= F+u dt 1.185 95 as T= 0, F tt @; for the chain inside the tube Axw= T where Met (a) Similarly for the overhanging part, AW Tr w= 0 ooo Thus mw = F T or Ahw= Khg-T (2) h From (1) and (2), hg. dv AQ+A)w= Ahg or, +h)v Tem hg B , dv or, (+iv Capt Bh [As the length of the chain inside the ube decreases with time, ds = - dx.] de or, vdv= -gh5 » ° Integrating, J vdv= -gh f ay 0 (lek) or, ee gh In (i) or v= VY 2h In (i) Force moment relative to point O ; N- an. 2b — Let the angle between M and N, a= 45° att = tye MeN @+b2)- 2b) IMIIN| Vat +0? tf 2bt0 2 43 2 2b" ty bty Vas bt 21, Var+b ty Then Jy So, 2b 4b= a? +bPtg oF, tom Vv £ (as fg cannot be negative) It is also obvious from the figure that the angle a is equal to 45° at the moment fo, when a= bi2, ie. fy = Va7b and N= 25 a 96 1.186 1,187 1.188 M(Q)=7kpe= (renga ‘xm 4 +3) = ma? sin (3+ ack y+ E-mu gt * sin (5 +a)@) 4 ivy gt? cosa (-E): 2 mvy 8 t? cos a Thus M (1) = 20 Thus angular momentum at maximum height : x vosina ie at t= t=———, 2 8g a a) (mi : m5) Fe [ sw acosa 37kg-m'/s Q Alternate : 777 Gee MO)=0 so, Mi= f Nac= f (Femz) o oO 2 <> Looe is J [eee ae maa (*o* me) 7 (a) The disc experiences gravity, the force of reaction of the horizontal surface, and the force R of reaction of the wall at the moment of the impact against it. The first two forces counter-balance each other, leaving only the g force R. It’s moment relative to any point of A the line along which the vector R acts or along normal to the wall is equal to zero and therefore oL > the angular momentum of the disc relative to = any of these points does not change in the given process. (b) During the course of collision with wall the position of disc is same and is equal to FZ, Obviously the increment in linear momentum of the ball Ap™= 2mv cos a.n Here, AM = 72, x Ap™= 2mv cos cn and directed normally emerging from the plane of figure Thus |AM|= 2mvl cosa (a) The ball is under the influence of forces T’ and m "at all the moments of time, while o-.. . - 9 3. moving along a horizontal circle. Obviously the vertical component of T balance m g’and 1.189 1.190 97 So the net moment of these two about any point becoems zero. The horizontal component of T, which provides the centripetal acceleration to ball is already directed toward the centre (C) of the horizontal circle, thus its moment about the point C equals zero at all the moments of time. Hence the net moment of the force acting on the ball about point C equals zero and that’s why the angular mommetum of the ball is conserved about the horizontal circle. (b) Let o be the angle which the thread forms with the vertical. Now from equation of particle dynamics : Tcosa= mg and Tsina = mw’ Isina 1 . or @ As |M | is constant in magnitude so from figure. |AM| = 2M cos a where M~ |M;|= |M,| = |xmv |= my I (as iio LV) Hence on solving cos 0. = Thus|AM| = 2 mv 1cos a= 2 mw I? sin a cos 2mgl /, e = a &] (using 1). , the reference point O moves in hoizontal direction During the free fall time t= t = (say towards right) by the distance V7. In the translating frame as M (0) =0, so o ~> AM= Mi,=F / iW) = (-Vuithj )xm[guj-Vi] o 2 = -mV girs mVh(+é) J (9) 2h) = . : -mve(F|Femvaed) = -mVhk Hence |AM|= mVA The Coriolis force is.(2m 0" x @). Here @ is along the z-axis (vertical). The moving disc is moving with velocity vy which is constant. The motion is along the x-axis say. Then the Coriolis force is along y-axis and has the magnitude 2m vo. At time ¢, the distance of the centre of moving disc from O is vot (along x-axis). Thus the torque N due to the coriolis force is N= 2mvg eve along the z-axis. 1.191 1.192 Hence equating this to a aM GT UMMOt or M= mvj ot? + constant. The constant is irrelevant and may be put equal to zero if the disc is originally set in motion from the point O. This discussion is approximate. The Coriolis force will cause the disc to swerve from straight line motion and thus cause deviation from the above formula which will be substantial for large t If = radial velocity of the particle then the total energy of the particle at any instant is i) Me mira thn E 1 2 oe @) where the second term is the kinetic energy of angular motion about the centre O. Then the extreme values of r are determined by 7 = 0 and solving the resulting quadratic equation pe KP Br + no we get From this we see that E=Kyi +7) Q) where r, is the minimum distance from O and r, is the maximum distance. Then dom} + Dkr} = k (A+) hi 2? fence, m= i) ‘Note : Eq, (1) can be derived from the standard expression for kinetic energy and angular momentum in plane poler coordinates : 1a 7 T=5mr +zmro M = angular momentum = mr” 6 The swinging sphere experiences two forces : The gravitational force and the tension of the thread. Now, it is clear from the condition, given in the problem, that the moment of these forces about the vertical axis, passing through the point of suspension N, = 0. Con- sequently, the angular momentum M, of the sphere relative to the given axis (z) is constant. Thus myg (I sin @) = mv 1 qa where m is the mass of the sphere and v is it s velocity in the position, when the thread x forms an angle 5 with the vertical. Mechanical energy is also conserved, as the sphere is 1193 1.194 1.195 99 under the influence if only one other force, i.e. tension, which does not perform any work, as it is always perpendicular to the velocity. So, imi +mglcos 0= im? (2) From (1) and (2), we get, Vg = V2gI7cos © Forces, acting on the mass m are shown in the figure. As N= mg’ the net torque of these two forces about any fixed point must be equal to zero. Tension T, acting on the mass m is a central force, which is always directed towards the centre O. Hence the moment of force T is also zero about the point O and therefore the angular momentum of the particle m is conserved about O. Let, the angular velocity of the particle be @, when the separation between hole and particle m is r, then from the conservation of momentum about the point O, : m (7p) ro = m(wr)r, or or a r Now, from the second law of motion for m, T= F= mor Hence the sought tension; mogrér moard Foe —_—= ne re F On the given system the weight of the body mis the only force whose moment is effective about the axis of pulley. Let us take the sense of @ of the pulley at an arbitrary instant as the positive sense of axis of rotation (z-axis) As M,(0)= 0, s0, AM, = M, (= f N,de ' So, M,@= f mgRdt= mg Rt Oo Let the point of contact of sphere at initial moment (t= 0) be at O. At an arbitrary moment, the forces acting on the sphere are shown in the figure. We have normal reaction N, = mg sin a. and both pass through same line and the force of static friction passes through the point O, thus the moment about point O becomes zero. Hence mg sin a: is the only force which has effective torque about point O, and is given by |N |= mgRsina normally emerging from the plane of figure. As M(t= 0)= 0, so, A= (= f Nar Hence, M(t)= Nt= mgRsinot 100 1.196 1.197 1.198 Let position vectors of the particles of the system be O and O’ respectively. Then we have, in +7 () nd 7; with respect to the points where 76 is the radius vector of O! with respect to O. Now, the angular momentum of the system relative to the point O can be written as follows; Mm ¥ (xt) - D (7 «Pi)+ > (exz) [using (1)] or, u- ia + (x P), where, BY 7 @ From (2), if the total linear momentum of the system, p’= 0, then its angular momen- tum does not depend on the choice of the point O. Note that in the C.M. frame, the system of particles, as a whole is at rest. On the basis of solution of problem 1.196, we have concluded that; “in the C.M. frame, the angular momentum of system of particles is independent of the choice of the point, relative to which it is determined” and in accordance with the problem, this is denoted by M. We denote the angular momentum of the system of particles, relative to the point O, by M,. Since the internal and proper angular momentum Mf, in the C.M. frame, does not depend on the choice of the point O’, this point may be taken coincident with the point O of the K-frame, at a given moment of time. Then at that moment, the radius vectors of all the particles, in both reference frames, are equal (7° = F;) and the velocities are related by the equation, Wn Viv, a where v7 is the velocity of C.M. frame, relative to the K-frame. Consequently, we may write, Me Sm (Hea e Dm (798) Fm (FH) o, Ms Mam (xi), as J) mrj= m72, where m=) m,. or, Mz f+ (rx mvp) = M+ (xP) From conservation of linear momentum along the direction of incident ball for the system consists with colliding ball and phhere myy= my! + 3 %y (1) where v’ and v, are the velocities of ball and sphere 1 respectively after collision. (Remember that the collision is head on). As the collision is perfectly clastic, from the definition of co-efficeint of restitution, vay 0-% 1= on, v= y= -% Q) 1.199 101 Solving (1) and (2), we get, 4v Vy Y= > directed towards right. @->-- my 4 i In the C.M. frame of spheres 1 and 2 (Fig.) Pi = -Py and |Dil= 173] = wly- HI Also, Fic = ~Tic, thus M = 2[7{-xDz] c Avy a As Fic L Diy so, Bea[} m2 a % (where 1 is the unit vector in the sense of 77x Pt ) mp mol Hence M= In the CM. frame of the system (both the discs + spring), the linear momentum of the discs are related by the relation, p;= —p5 at all the moments of time. where, By By= B= WM pe And the total kinetic ae of the system, T= swe [See solution of 1.147 (b)] Bearing in mind that at the moment of maximum deformation of the spring, the projection of Vy along the length of the spring becomes zero, i.e. Vj21(.)= 0 The conservation of mechanical energy of the considered system in the C.M. frame gives. 1 (m (3) 3 aera (al ra) (a) Now from the conservation of angular momentum of the system about the C.M., 1 (4) +X) m 3(2 G »)- 2a Jaro vol xy? x or, Yel 9) Ts - v(t “7 ~ volt-Z} as x<< ly Q) Using (2) in (1), amils-(-f) Jee? 2 or, ms] +) |-xe 0 mvox : or, i ~ «x, [neglecting x” / 12] mv% As xe 0, thus x= Kh 102 1.4 1.200 1.201 UNIVERSAL GRAVITATION We have Mi yMm tm a ee Thus ¥ v o=t=—"_ 2 7 rym/v? ym, (Here m, is the mass of the Sun.) Qmym, In x 667x107" x 197 x 10% So T= St = XOOe eee y (349 x 107) (The answer is incorrectly written in terms of the planetary mass M) = 194 x 10" sec = 225 days. For any planet MRot= — or w= yf R? So, T= =. 2nR?7/Vym, 372 T, Ry (a) Thus 7m (z) Ry 1s a So Be” Til Te) = (12)? = 5-24. ws ae ym, = {rv ) Viw TE, and Ry (“He ws . v2 (rm, )? 2x)? y, = (220% i T acer 7 where T= 12 years. m,= mass of ths Sun. Putting the values we get V, = 12:97 km/s 2 . vy (2erm, 2x pectin = Za (222%) (ie aa - (7) (ym, )'? = 245x104 km/s” 103 1.202 Semi-major axis= (r + R)/2 r+R 2 It is sufficient to consider the motion be along a circle of semi-major axis for T does not depend on eccentricity. r+R 2n\ 2 ae (again m, is the mass of the Sun) Hence T= y" = nV(r+R)/2ym, 1.203 We can think of the body as moving in a very elongated orbit of maximum distance R and minimum distance 0 so semi major axis = R/2. Hence if t is the time of fall then 2 3 2 R/2 22 7 (3) -(@) « ere or t= T/4V2 = 365 / 4V2 = 64:5 days. 1.204 T= 22R°?/Vym, If the distances are scaled down, R°” decreases by a factor 1°and so does m, . Hence T does not change. mm, 1.205 The double star can be replaced by a single star of mass m,+m, moving about the centre of mass subjected to the force y m, m,/1°. Then 2xF? ie 2nras T= So ( i or, r= 1.206 (a) The gravitational potential due to m, at the point of location of mz : Otek ce Yan f Bare f Uae 1 z ; mm So, Uy, = m,Vy= 17% Similarly ee mm T 104 1.207 cae m me ym, o——_.,—___+ -—----—| }—-> Uy= Uy,= U= im rox Ik xe dx (b) Choose the location of the point mass as the origin. Then the potential erfergy dU of an element of mass amt = Mae of the rod in the field of the point mass is Mod dU =~ ym Fae where x is the distance between the element and the point. (Note that the rod and the point mass are on a straight line.) If then a is the distance of the nearer end of the rod from the point mass. mM{ dx M at bla 4) The force of interaction is ou fe ag 2 iM ee 1 | | alas) 1 z)- ynM 14+-\ * @ Minus sign means attraction. As the planet is under central force (gravitational interaction), its angular momentum is conserved about the Sun (which is situated at one of the focii of the ellipse) an So, MVr,= MVzr, OF, ye a q@) 4 From the conservation of mechanical energy of the system (Sun + planet), ymm 1 ymm 1 2 a7 tymye - tam, or, atm 12 (tm) 1.2 rysing (1)] : 1 2 ?P nae Thus, vy V2ym, 7,1 7,(r, +7) (2) Hence Mx myyry= mV2ym, ry F2/ (r; +7) 1.208 1.209 105 From the previous problem, if r, , r, are the maximum and minimum distances from the sun to the planet and v, , v2 are the corresponding velocities, then, say, E= dmv} - = Vie = TO PUsing Eq. (2) of 1.207] ole et ee ee ntn mm Mh hth 2a where 2d = major axis =r, + r,. The same result can also be obtained directly by writing an equation analogous to Eq (1) of problem 1.191. 1 2, Me ymm, E= gmre+ ar (Here M is angular momentum of the planet and m is its mass). For extreme position r= 0 and we get the quadratic Me Er +ymmy - m7? The sum of the two roots of this equation are ths E724 Thus er 2a From the conservtion of angular momentum about the Sun. MvorySiNA= MV, T= MVZr, Of, VyTL= Vyl,= Vor2 Sina () From conservation of mechanical energy, m m,m sey eee 1my-t = Qe 2 Ty - 1m, vorsivoa ym, | i 20% 2n " 2ym, or, (#- t "Ae 2umn-sirina 0 0 7%) 7m, 2% . @-9) ™) Ym, where 1 = ¥7y/ym,, (1m, is the mass of the Sun). v7 sin” 2 i 2) r[12V¥1-@-mnsina | 106 1.210 1211 At the minimum separation with the Sun, the cosmic body’s velocity is perpendicular to its position vector relative to the Sun. If r,,, be the sought minimum distance, from con- servation of angular momentum about the Sun (C). Vol mvp = Mvraig OF Ve @ ‘min From conservation of mechanical energy of tlie system (sun + cosmic body), mim Forge may? 2 ‘min 2 2 Yo Ym, % 5 So, Zz Tan 22, (using 1) or, Vo rg + 2Y My Fain — Vg? = 0 : = 2y m,2V4y? m? + 4v2 v2 0? -ym,xVy? m2 + ve? 0, Tig ye 2ve ve Hence, taking positive root Tain (Ym, /ve)[ VI (10g/ym,¥ - 1] Suppose that the sphere has a radius equal to a. We may imagine that the sphere is made up of concentric thin spherical shells (layers) with radii ranging from 0 to a; and each spherical layer is made up of elementry bands (rings). Let us first calculate potential due to an elementry band of a spherjcal layer at the point of location of the point mass m (say point P) (Fig.). As all the points of the band are located at the distance / from the point P, so, ape - 1a (where mass of the band) @ 7 | (2x asin 8) (add) am ( na | Ana = ( S*) sino ao (® And 1? = a? +7r?—2arcos® (3) Differentiating Eq. (3), we get Idl = ar sin@ dO @ Hence using above equations aon -(Sar ja ©) 1.212 1.213 107 Now integrating this Eq. over the whole spherical layer au donfoge rat f So dg- at © Equation (6) demonstrates that the potential produced by a thin uniform spherical layer outside the layer is such as if the whole mass of the layer were concentrated at it’s centre; Hence the potential due to the sphere at point P; (M_ = fap~ -tfam--¥ 0) This expression is similar to that of Eq. (6) Hence thte sought potential energy of gravitational interaction of the particle m and the sphere, = mon tli U= mp - (b) Using the Eq,, G,= -42 G,=-YF (wing Ea. 7) So = MF and Fe mont ®) r (The problem has already a clear hint in the answer sheet of the problem book). Here we adopt a different method, Let m be the mass of the spherical layer, wich is imagined to be made up of rings. At a point inside the spherical layer at distance r from the centre, the gravitational potential due to a ring element of radius a equals, age _ dl (see Eq. (5) of solution of 1.211) Hence a or Hence gravitational field strength as well as field force becomes zero, inside a thin sphereical layer. One can imagine that the uniform hemisphere is made up of thin hemispherical layers of radii ranging from 0 to R. Let us consider such a layer (Fig.). Potential at point O, due to this layer is, 108 1.214 2 d= ~ Mt. 3M yar, where dm= —M__| 4" | g, [ R (2/3) aR? \ 2 (This is because all points of each hemispherical shell are equidistant from O.) R 3yM IM. Hence, g= fap~ - "AE frir= -2 0 M Hence, the work done by the gravitational field VN force on the particle of mass m, to remove it to infinity is given by the formula m A= mg, since @ = 0 at infinity. \] Hence the sought work, y)) Ap... 2M. a re (The work done by the external agent is — A.) In the solution of problem 1.211, we have obtained and G due to a uniform shpere, at a distance r from it’s centre outside it. We have from Eqs. (7) and (8) of 1.211, p= ut and G= ur (A) Accordance with the Eq. (1) of the solution of 1.212, potential due to a spherical shell of radius a, at any point, inside it becomes p= @.. const. and G,= -22~ 0 ®) a or For a point (say P) which lies inside the uniform solid sphere, the potential ¢ at that point may be represented as a sum. = Oth, where @, is the potential of a solid sphere having radius r and @, is the potential of the layer of radii r and R. In accordance with equation (A) + Mad *)- Wr =-t sur %1° ~F\Ga73) aR? 3 R The potential @, produced by the layer (thick shell) is the same at all points inside it. The potential @, is easiest to calculate, for the point positioned at the layer’s centre. Using Eq. ®) R =- aM __3 YM p2_,2 = if : 2 ek ry) : where dM = —! gn rtdr= (3M) 2 a (4/3) xR R is the mass of a thin layer betveen the radii + and r+ dr. 2 M Thus oe wens (Se)b-Z) © 1.215 109 From the Eq. G- a2 yMr G,= 3 =~ Mo Anos or G= -ESTS - 15 n0F (here p= AnR3 3 , is the density of the sphere) ©) The plots @ (r) and G (r) for a uniform sphere of radius R are shown in figure of answersheet. Alternate : Like Gauss’s theorem of electrostatics, one can derive Gauss’s theorem for gravitation in the form f G+ dS -4 RY Mciocea » For calculation of G at a point inside the sphere at a distance r from its centre, let us consider a Gaussian surface of radius r, Then, G,4xr= ~4ar(tey or, G= “1, So yMie 4 M Hence, Ge -IMpe -y4npr{as p» —“, R? 73 or c aaa) So, s-Jow-f- ti ras ft Integrating and summing i we get, - oie °""2R ( 2] And from Gauss’s theorem for outside it : G4ur7= -4nyM or G,= pals r Thus ot f Gar -u r Treating the cavity as negative mass of density - p in a uniform sphere density +p and using the superposition principle, the sought field strength is : ee or G= ~ dni + -Frx-p) wr (where 77 and 7~ are the position vectors of an orbitrary point P inside the cavity with respect to centre of sphere and cavity respectively.) Thus Gea -Snyp(7-7)= -4nypl 3 TYP (7-7) = -3%YP 110 1.216 1217 We partition the solid sphere into thin spherical layers and consider a layer of thickness dr lying at a distance r from the centre of the ball. Each spherical layer presses on the layers within it. The considered layer is attracted to the part of the sphere lying within it (the outer part does not act on the layer). Hence for the considered layer dp4nr?=dF 4s v(3*" )axrtars) r (where p is the mean density of sphere) or, dP4nr?= or, dp= fay ptrdr R 2 Thus p= f ap- ye? (R?-1?) 7 (The pressure.must vanish at r = R.) oe pe 200 = (?/R%) 7M] a4, Potting p= M/(4/3) xR? Putting r= 0, we have the pressure at sphere’s centre, and treating it as the Earth where mean density is equal to p= 5-5 x 10° kg/m? and R= 64x 107 km we have, p= 1-73x10"Pa or 1:72 x 10° atms. (a) Since the potential at each point of a spherical surface (shell) is constant and is equal to p= - a [as we have in Eq. (1) of solution of problem 1.212] We obtain in accordance with the equation v= Lange bef m a (- 3) me R 2R (The factor 5 (b) In this case the potential inside the sphere depends only on r (see Eq. (C) of the solution of problem 1.214) is needed otherwise contribution of different mass elements is counted twice.) 2 3ym i= 2R 3R? Here dm is the mass of an elementry spherical layer confined between the radii rand r+dr: g-- 2 3m) 2 dm= (4nr?drp)= (a) dr 1.218 1.219 1.220 Mi Letw= V SE = circular frequency of the satellite in the outer orbit, r coo= WE, = circular frequency of the satellite in the inner orbit. (r-Are So, relative angular velocity = w# cw where — sign is to be taken when the satellites are moving in the same sense and + sign if they are moving in opposite sense. Hence, time between closest approaches -—~2% 2 2x 1 +o 3Ar ®o Vy, [127 +8 where 6 is 0 in the first case and 2 in the second case. { 45 days (6 = 0) 0-80 hour (8 = 2) YM _ 667x107! x 5-96 x 10% oo = 9-8 m/s* eR (637 x10 2 2 ~ otRe (22) pe (—2%22 ' cs 2 @,= wR (F)* (sexssnox7 7) 637%10 0-034 m/s’ M “Ay a ge eee COP nAO X197 X10" gg 1073 m/s? Re (149-50 x 10° x 10°) Then @, : @) 3 @; = 1: 0-0034 : 0-0006 Let h be the sought height in the first case. so ory Me 100 8 (R+hy —M_,. 2, (143) (+3) R R 112 1.221 1.222 1.223 -2 or 1+> 2 i R From the statement of the problem, it is obvious that in this case h< = abk+AB(-k)= (ab-AB)k @) Resultant of the external force ee Fa F,+Fy= Aj+Bi 2) As N-F= 0 (as N1F) so the sought arm / of the force F VA? +B? oe For coplanar forces, about any point in the same plane, 1x Fy=7xF (where _ = > F. = resultant force) or, Nv, =r F. Nye Thus length of the arm, [= =" Frye Here obviously [F,, |= 2F and it is directed toward right along AC. Take the origin at C. Then about C, Ne (VFaF+ yer aF | directed normally into the plane of figure. (Here a = side of the square.) Thus N= F Jy directed into the plane of the figure. F(aN2)_ a cS Hence 1m TUE Se = F sin 4s Thus the point of application of force is at the mid point of the side BC. 1238 1.239 119 (a) Consider a strip of length dx at a perpendicular distance x from the axis about which we have to find the moment of inertia of the rod. The elemental mass of the rod equals m dm= 1 & Moment of inertia of this element about the axis d= dmx? = Fedex? Thus, moment of inertia of the rod, as a whole about the given axis T m2 mi? tof Baten ME ° (b) Let us imagine the plane of plate as xy plane taking the origin at the intersection point of the sides of the plate (Fig.). 0 Obviously I= f amy? Ser : m 2 : f ( ab ee )y oO ee ma = 3 a Similarly I= me Hence from perpendicular axis theorem L=I,tl,= 5 (27+7), which is the sought ,moment of inertia. (a) Consider an elementry disc of thickness dx. Moment of inertia of this element about the z-axis, passing through its C.M. dm) R* R? — dl,= (am) R. pSar & — a where p = density of the material of the plate and S = area of cross section of the plate. Thus the sought moment of inertia b b 2 2 tp 25 face Bose 2 2 0 - FPR‘ (asS= =R?) 120 putting all the vallues we get, J, = 2: gm-m? (b) Consider an element disc of radius r and thickness dx at a distance x from the point O. Then r= x tana and volume of the disc = me? tan? ade Hence, its mass dm= xx” tana. dep (where Moment of inertia of this element, about the axis OA, 3 = density of the cone = m/ExR7h A | a ae us SSS t= dm 2 2 = (mx? tana de) 2 No 7 ape ‘tan ‘ade h Thus the sought moment of inertia J= 2 tanta. f ade Hence 1.240 (a) Let us consider a lamina of an arbitrary shape and indicate by 1,2 and 3, three axes coinciding with x, y and 2- axes and the plane of lamina as x - y plane. Now, moment of inertia of a point mass about x= axis, dl, = dmy? 4430) Thus moment of inertia of the lamina about this axis, I, = f dmy? Similarly, J, = fame? and I, = f dmr? = fidm(x?+y?) as r= Vx74y7 Thus, I= 1,+1, 05, b= 14h, (b) Let us take the plane of the disc as x -y plane and origin to the centre of the disc (Fig.) From the symmetry J, = J,. Let us consider a ring element of radius r and thickness dr, then the moment of inertia of the ring element about the y— axis. 1.241 121 dl, = dmr? = a (Dara)? Thus the moment of inertia of the disc about z— axis R 2m 3 mR? 1 Bf ra ae But we have I= 1,+1,= U, I, mR? Thus i= 27 47 For simplicity let us use a mathematical trick. We consider the portion of the given disc as the superposition of two. complete discs (without holes), one of positive density and radius R and other of negative density but of same magnitude and radius R/2. As (area) a (mass), the respective masses of the considered discs are (4m /3) and (- m/3) respectively, and these masses can be imagined to be situated at their respective centers (C.M). Let us take point O as origin and point x - axis towards right. Obviously the C.M. of the shaded position of given shape lies on the x - axis. Hence the C.M. (C) of the shaded portion is given by (-m/3)(-R/2)+(4m/3)0 p (-m/3)+4m/3 "6 Thus C.M. of the shape is at a distance R/6 from point O toward x - axis Using parallel axis theorem and bearing in mind that the moment of inertia of a complete homogeneous disc of radius mp and radius ry x= equals }-mig1r3. The moment of inetia of the small disc of mass (-m/3) and radius R/2 about the axis passing through point C and perpendicular to the plane of the disc z-4(-™)(R) ,(-™)(2,8 wr 2 2 2 = _. oka Ae 24 2 2 Similarly Le a(S )e+(F)(8) 2 aR? 4 mR? mmr + 27 122 1.242 Moment of inertia of the shaded portion, about the axis passing through it’s certre, Now, if R = r + dr, the shaded portion becomes a shell, which is the required shape to calculate the moment of inertia. Now, I= 2-Snp|(r+dr)5-75} : Boa p(r+5rtdr+ -*) Neglecting higher terms. : 3 (41? drp )r? = Zor? 1.243 (a) Net force which is effective on the system (cylinder M + body m) is the weight of the body m in a uniform gravitational field, which is a constant, Thus the initial acceleration of the body m is also constant. From the conservation of mechanical energy of the said system in the uniform field of gravity at time t= Ar :AT+AU = 0 1a LMR? 2 or zm +z 8 -mgAh=0 or, 4 (2m+M)v?— mg dh= 0 [as v= oR at all times ] But v? = 2w Ah Hence using it in Eq. (1), we get Z eeamgee 4 (2m +M ) 2w Ah — mg Bh= 0 of w (im+M) w 2m; From the kinematical relationship, B = = tener Thus the sought angular velocity of the cylinder See o()= B= GoM)R'” (1sM/im)R (b) Sought kinetic energy. 2 T(t)= dm? AME 2 5 (2m+M)R? 0? 1.244 1.245 1.246 123 For equilibrium of the disc and axle 2T = mg or T= mg/2 As the disc unwinds, it has an angular acceleration B given by B= 21r or B= a mer I The corresponding linear acceleration is 2 rB= w= Me G Since the disc remains stationary under the combined action of this acceleration and the acceleration (-w) of the bar which is transmitted to the axle, we must have mg mgr I Let the rod be deviated through an angle q’ from its initial position at an arbitrary instant of time, measured relative to the initial position in the positive direction. From the equation of the increment of the mechanical energy of the system. we AT= Ang i or, zie = fN,do : 2 or, IMI" 22 [Freospap = Flsing -\ / SF sing Thus, o MI First of all, let us sketch free body diagram of each body. Since the cylinder is rotating and massive, the tension will be different in both the sections of threads. From Newton’s law in projection form for the bodies m, and m, and noting that w, = w,= w= BR, (as no thread slipping), we have (m, > m,) : m,g-T,= m,w= m, BR g and T,-m,g= m,w Qa) @) Now from the equation of rotational dynamics , of a solid about stationary axis of rotation. i.e. qh 2 N,= IB, for the cylinder. or, (T,-T))R= 1B = mR? B/2 @ Tb 12 Similtancous solution of the above equations yields : iy wy wf bmnm)8 yg Hi mms am) . dat i a(meme) 7 (a) mg. mag. 124 1.247 1.248 As the systemt (m +m, +m, ) is under constant forces, the acceleration of body m, an ‘m, is constant. In addition to it the velocities and accelerations of bodies m, and m, at equal in magnitude (say v and w) because the length of the thread is constant. From the equation of increament of mechanical energy i.e. AT + AU = A,,, at time ¢ whe block m, is distance h below from initial position corresponding to t= 0, 1 1 (mR?) v? pm) Omg — km, gh a (as angular velocity = v/R for no slipping of thread.) But v? = 2wh So using it in (1), we get 2 (m, - km, ) 8 Ae er ied 2 m+2(m,+m,) Thus the work done by the friction force on m, 1 Ay, = — kanygh = tm (5 0?) fam, (my ~ kom, ) g? 1? : ” ~n+2.(m, +m) (using 2). In the problem, the rigid body is in translation equlibrium but there is an angular retardation. We first sketch the free body diagram of the cylinder. Obviously the friction forces, acting on the cylinder, are kinetic. From the condition of translational equlibrium for the cylinder, mg= N,+kN,; N= kN, mj mj Hence, N= reac Ny= ee For pure rotation ‘of the cylinder about its rotation axis, N, = JB, mR? or, - kN, R-kN,R= > B, KNg; kingR(1 +k) mR? eee a or, B,= - aan aah R + = KN, Now, from the kinematical equation, 7 = w) +28, AQ we have, wg (1+k?)R HCisEyg eae w= 0 125 Hence, the sought number of turns, So. wg (1 +k? yR In Bxk(1+k)g 1.249 It is the moment of friction force which brings the disc to rest. The force of friction is applied to each section of the disc, and since these sections lie at different distances from the axis, the moments of the forces of friction differ from section to section. To find N,, where z is the axis of rotation of the disc let us partition the disc into thin rings (Fig.). The force of friction acting on the considered element dfr= k(2nrdro)g, (where o is the density of the disc) The moment of this force of friction is dN, = -rdfr= -2nkogr’dr Integrating with respect to r from zero to R, we get n= 2 2 : N,=-2nkog fr dr= -2nkogR®. z oO For the rotation of the disc about the stationary dr axis z, from the equation N, = 1B, Ey Thus from the angular kinematical equation @,= Og, + Bt = __ dk _ FR 0 n+ aR |f orf ake 1.250 According to the question, 122. Wa ot, I= Bm ~ kat Vo. a it Integrating, Vo = -57 + Van 2,2 or, o= ua Oa 4, (Noting that at f= 0, w= W) 2Ve@ k Let the flywheel stops at t= fo then from Eq. (1), f= Hence sought average angular velocity 2VOo k - S(S eH say) a oe 2 VO 3 k fa 126 1.251 1.252 aM, Letus use the equation =" = N,relative to the axis through O 0) For this purpose, let us find the angular momentum of the system M, about the given rotation axis and the corresponding torque N,, The angular momentum is M, = Iw + mvR = (Fema [where J = oR? and v= wR (no cord slipping)] So, i pre zee (Mqoema’), @ The downward pull of gravity on the overhanging part is the only external force, which exerts a torque about the z-axis, passing through O and is given by, m sh . aM, Hence from the equation Ns 2 (‘f oma?) FxgR age Thus, 8." Rar eam)? ® Note : We may solve this problem using conservation of mechanical energy of the system (cylinder + thread) in the uniform field of gravity. (a) Let us indicate the forces acting on the sphere and their points of application. Choose positive direction of x and @ (rotation angle) along the incline in downward direction and in the sense of @ (for undirectional rotation) respectively. Now from equations of dynamics of rigid body i.e. F,= mw,, and N.,= I, B, we get : mg sina- f,= mw qa) and frR= 2 mk 26 2) But firs kag cosa. N fr @) In addition, the absence of slipping provides 9 mA r the kinematical realtionship between the accelerations : £) w= BR o® The simultaneous solution of all the four ‘on equations yields : Lg kcosaz 2 sin a, or kz tuna (b) Solving Eqs. (1) and (2) [of part (a)], we get : 1.253 1.254 127 a wo= 7esina. As the sphere starts at t= 0 along positive x axis, for pure rolling v, (t)= wt Sgsinar () Hence the sought kinetic energy ee eee 2 = Tm pvt 7 mR? w= To mv. (as o= v/R) 15 5 Ply 2 He or 75m (esas) 7a me sin’ at (a) Let us indicate the forces and their points of application for the cylinder. Choosing the positive direction for x and @ as shown in the figure, we write the equation of motion of the cylinder axis and the equation of moments in the C.M. frame relative to that axis ie. from equation F, =, mw, and N,= I, B, 2 mg-2T = mw,; 27R= 7p As there is no slipping of thread on the cylinder w= BR From these three equations = mee 22s. 2 T= Gn 13N, B= 2 5x 10? rad/s (b) we have B= 28 So, w, = 2g>0 or, in vector form W, = ay Pe F-v™ F (61) = mz 6 #1)= mgt Let us depict the forces and their points of application corresponding to the cylinder attached with the elevator. Newton’s second law for solid in vector form in the frame of elevator, gives : 2+ mg’t m(- wh) = mis” Q) The equation of moment in the C.M. frame relative to the cylinder axis i.e. from N,= 1,8, - [as thread does not slip on the cylinder, w= BR ] 128 1.255 1.256 mw or, T-"t As (I) TH? so in vector form 7 mw 7. -% Q) Solving Eqs. (1) and (2), # = 2 @ wh) and sought force oot lk Fa 2T= 5m@ Wi). Let us depict the forces and their points of application for the spool. Choosing the positive direction for x and @ as shown in the fig., we apply F,= mw,, and N.:= I, B, and get 0 mg sina -~T= mw; Tr= IB “Notice that if point of a solid in plane motion is connected with a thread, the projection of velocity vector of the solid’s point of contact along the length of the thread equals the velocity of the other end of the thread (if it is not slacked)” Thus in our problem, v,= vg but vo= 0, hence point P is the instantaneous centre of rotation of zero velocity for the spool. Therefore v, = or and subsequently w,= Br. MW Solving the equations simultaneously, we get = SEAR = 16 m/s? : 1+, ig. mr Let us sketch the force diagram for solid cylinder and apply Newton’s second law in projection form along x and y axes (Fig.) : Jr, + frz= mw, @) and N,+N,-mg-F=0 or N,+N,= mg+F 2) Now choosing positive direction of p as shown. in the figure and using N.,= 1, Bp we get 2 2 FR- (fr, + fr)R= me Be Ree @) [as for pure rolling w, = BR J. In addition to, fry + fry sk (N, + No) (4) 1.257 1.258 129 Solving the Eqs., we get re 2kme yp pn 3kme @-3%) mx 23k kW, +Ny) wn ways et k k 3kmg)_ _2ke 7 pq U8 + Fax] ened 2-3k (a) Let us choose the positive direction of the rotation angle @, such that w,, and B, have identical signs (Fig.). Equation of motion, F, = mw,, and N,, = I. B, gives : F cosa - fr= mw,: frR-Fr= I,B,= ymR?B, In the absence of the slipping of the spool w,,= B,R From the three equations w,,= w,= P1SS2=C/R)I | where cos a> = (a) m(1+y¥) vy R (b) As static friction (fr) does not work on the spool, from the equation of the increment of mechanical energy A, = AT. Aue Smid ym? % tmasne : Fmt +y) 20, xe Fm(L+y2m (im 4 ") 2 Piles 2 fr “2m +9) ™g. Note|that at cos a= r/R, there is no rolling and for cos &<1r/R, Wz,<0, i.e. the spool will move towards negative x-axis and rotate in anticlockwise sense. For the cylinder from the equation N, = IB, about its stationary axis of rotation. 2Tr= Mp eS p- 2 Q) For the rotation of the lower cylinder from the equation N., = I. B, mr oy Dake 2Tr= - o, B= 7 =B Now for the translational motion of lower cylinder from the Eq. F,= mw,. mg -2T= mw, 2) As there is no slipping of threads on the cylinders : w= Bir+ Br= 2Br @ 130 1.259 1.260 Simultaneous solution of (1), (2) and (3) yields me T 10° Let us depict the forces acting on the pulley and weight A, and indicate positive direction for x and @ as shown in the figure. For the cylinder from the equation F,= m wy and N.,= T,B, we get Mg+T,-2T= Mw, Q) Iw, and 27R +T,(2R)= IB= = 2 | For the weight A from the equation F,= mw, mg -T,= mw, Q) As there is no slipping of the threads on the pulleys. = w,+2BR=w,+2w.=3w, (4) Simultaneous solutions of above four equations gives : 3(M+3m) We a (some R (a) For the translational motion of the system (m,+ m,), from the equation : F,= mwa, F= (m+myw, or, w.= F/(m, +m) (ty Now for the rotational motion of cylinder from the equation : N.,= 1, B, Pr Fre 5 ot bra = Q) But w= Ww, + Br, So F_.2F_ F(3m,+2m) +e m, +m, my m (m, +m) (b) From the equation of increment of mechanical energy : AT= A,, Here AT= T(t), so, T= Aggy As force F is constant and is directed along x-axis the sought work done. Aas Fx (where x is the displacement of the point of application of the force F during time interval t) 1,261 1.262 131 1, 2). PE @ms2m) . F( Ze * 2m, (m, +m) (using Eq. G) Alternate : T(t) = Trpansiauon (t) + Trotaugs (2) =T() Ea (Ft 1m? Fe 7 Gm +2m) 20m9m)(jarmy) *2 2 ( ) 2m, (m, m,) mr Choosing the positive direction for x and @ as shown in Fig, let us we write the equation of motion for the sphere F, = mw,, and N,.=1,B, fr=m,w,; frr=aZm,? 6 (wy is the acceleration of the C.M. of sphere.) For the plank from the Eq. F, = mw, F-fp=m,™, In addition, the condition for the absence of slipping of the sphere yields the kinematical relation between the accelerations : w=, +Br Simultaneous solution of the four equations yields : and wom my + 5m, (a) Let us depict the forces acting on the cylinder and their point of applications for the cylinder and indicate positive direction of x and p as shown in the figure. From the equations for the plane motion of a solid F,= mw,, and N,, = I,B,: kmga= mw, or w= kg (a 2 —kng R= ma or B= -248 Q) Let the cylinder starts pure rolling att = fy after releasing on the horizontal floor at ¢ = 0. From the angular kinematical equation or o- ay-2 Me @) Wo From the equation of the linear kinematics, \ WMMTT T177 Vex Voce + Wey t or v= O+kG fy (4) 132 1.263 1.264 But at the moment ¢= f, when pure rolling starts v,= wR so, kgty= (o0-2 E40} R Thus f= aE (b) As the cylinder pick, up speed till it starts rolling, the point of contact has a purely translatory movement equal to hw, in the forward directions but there is also a backward movement of the point of contact of magnitude (19%) - 5 B2)R. Because of slipping the net displacement is backwards. The total work done is then, Ag = mg (>. 8 (ogo+t wap] = kmg [#8 . {-7e) gR- onto] RK [OR o, sigs | 6 3 The same result can also be obtained by the work-energy theorem, Ay = AT. Let us write the equation of motion for the centre of the sphere at the moment of breaking-off: mv?/(R +1) = mg cos 8, where v is the velocity of the centre of the sphere at that moment, and 0 is the corresponding angle (Fig.). The velocity v can be found from the energy conservation law : A 1g? mgh= > mv? + 5 Tor, where J is the moment of inertia of the sphere relative to the axis passing through the sphere’s 2 5 v= or; h= (R+r)(1-cos 8). centre. ie. [= =mr’. In addition, From these four equations we obtain w= V10g(R+n)17P. Since the cylinder moves without sliding, the centre of the cylinder rotates about the point O, while passing through the common edge of the planes. In other words, the point O becomes the foot of the instantaneous axis of rotation of the cylinder. It at any instant during this motion the velocity of the C.M. is v, when the angle (shown in the figure) is B, we have my R = mgcosB-N, 1.265 133 where N is the normal reaction of the edge 2 NR - eee 7 or, vw gRoosp-"R ty From the energy conservation law, 2 4 oe plo z to ze mg R (1 - cos B) 2 But y= ema? = 3 mk’, (from the parallel axis theorem) x Thus, Ya +S gR (1 - cos) 2 From (1) and (2) Rm Zereosp-4) - The angle f in this equation is clearly smaller than or equal to o so putting B = a we get = Rercosa—4) - MR where No is the corresponding reaction. Note that N 2 No. No jumping occurs during this turning if Ny > 0. Hence, vy must be less than Yaar VEE (1 008 4 4) Clearly the tendency of bouncing of the hoop will be maximum when the small body A, will be at the highest point of the hoop during its rolling motion. Let the velocity of C.M. of the hoop equal v at this position. The static friction does no work on the hoop, so from conservation of mechanical energy; E, = Ey 7 2 L 1 iR?(%) —-mgR= Emveet 1 pelY or, O+zmetzmR ( mgR zm (2vy tymvsomR (i) +mgR or, 3v= e-2gR aw From the equation F, = mw, for body A at final position 2 : 2 mer mo? R= m(R] R (2) a 134 1.266 1.267 1.268 As the hoop has no acceleration in vertical direction, so for the hoop, N+N'= mg @) From Egg. (2) and (3), N= 2mg- av 4 As the hoop does not bounce, Nz 0 (5) So from Eqs. (1), (4) and (5), 8gR-v% R20 of 8gR= w Hence vos V8gR Since the lower part of the belt is in contact with the rigid floor, velocity of this part becomes zero. The crawler moves with velocity v, hence the velocity of upper part of the belt becomes 2v by the rolling condition and kinetic energy of upper part 7 ; 7 (2v)’ = mv’, which is also the sought kinetic energy, assuming that the length of the belt is much larger than the radius of the wheels. The sphere has two types of motion, one is the rotation about its own axis and the other is motion in a circle of radius R. Hence the sought kinetic energy 1 2 where J, is the moment of inertia about its own axis, and J, is the moment of inertia about the vertical axis, passing through O, 1 T= Shojtsho} () But, 1,= Zn? and I, = 2 mr? + mR? (using parallel axis theorem.) Q) In addition to o,= . and ©, = z @) Using (2) and (3) in (1), we get T’ = 3S mi? (: | For a point mass of mass dm, looked at from C rotating frame, the equation is —- a — dmv = f+dmo?r” +2dm(v" x) where 7” = radius vector in the rotating frame with respect to rotation axis and ¥” = velocity in the same frame. The total centrifugal force is clearly ~ ~ Fyy- Sdn?” = mo R, R. is the radius vector of the CM. of the body with respect to rotation axis, also ? > F,,,= Wmv. x@ where we have used the definitions - — mR,= > dm” and mv, = > dmv 1.269 1.270 135 Consider a small element of length dx at a distance x from the point C, which is rotating in a circle of radius r= x sin @ Now, mass of the element = 7 a& ! So, centrifugal force acting on this element - 7 dco" xsin 0 and moment of this force about C, |av |= (7]rorssino-xeoso 2 MO sin 2x7 de and hence, total moment 12 2 mo. Jt pei N of By sin 20 Pde = 57 moo" l? sin 20, 0 Let us consider the system in a frame rotating with the rod. In this frame, the rod is at rest and experiences not only the gravitational force m Z’and the reaction force R, but also the centrifugal force F,,. In the considered frame, from the condition of equilibrium i.e. Ny, = 0 ia or, Nig = mg z sin ® where N,; is the moment of centrifugal force about O. To calculate N,, , let us consider an element of length de, situated at a distance x from the point O. This element is subjected to a horizontal pseudo force 7 dew" xsin ®. The moment of this pseudo force about the axis of rotation through the point O is aNy= (7) dx @? x sin 0.xcos 0 2 = TP sin cos @ x? dx 1 2 272 So ng= f 22 sin cos 07dr= 22 sind cos 0 Q) 0 It follows from Eqs. (1) and (2) that, cos 0 = (ch) or os xo""( 3745) () 2071 207 136 1271 1.272 1.273 When the cube is given an initial velocity on the table in some direction (as shown) it acquires an angular momentum about an axis on the table perpendicular to the initial velocity and (say) just below the C.G.. This angular momentum will disappear when the cube stops and this can only by due to a torque. Frictional forces cannot do this by themselves because they act in the plain containing the axis. But if the force of normal reaction act eccentrically (as shown), their torque can bring about the vanishing of the angular momentum. We can calculate the distance Ax between the point of application of the normal reaction and the C.G. of the cube as follows. Take the moment about Initial velocity —— Axis 1 to the C.G. of all the forces. This must vanish because Initial ae the cube does not turn or turnble on the table. angular eon tables Then if the force of friction is fr momentum a fr 37 N Ax But N= mg and fr= kg, so Ax = ka/2 In the process of motion of the given system the kinetic energy and the angular momentum relative to rotation axis do not vary. Hence, it follows that Mig ge te a Mig 5-00 gM o7P +7) 450 (o is the final angular velocity of the rod) Mi? fe 2 and 370 jy orm o From these equations we obtain 3 o- o/ (3 : or) me v= ool / Vi+3m/M Due to hitting of the ball, the angular impulse received by the rod about the C.M. is equal top i If w is the angular velocity acquired by the rod, we have mi? pl oa Deny KOM q@ In the frame of C.M., the rod is rotating about an axis passing through its mid point with the angular velocity w. Hence the force exerted by one half on the other = mass of one half x acceleration of C.M. of that part, in the frame of C.M. 2 2 F(074}- mot. 2 on 2 4 8 ml 1274 1.275 137 (a) In the process of motion of the given system the kinetic energy and the angular momentum relative to rotation axis do not vary. Hence it follows that 1 wv? = dmv? a(t Jo 2 2 3 and mtn ml Me 2 2.35. From these equations we obtain va (24=4M),, and w = — 3m+ 4M |” 1 +4 m/3M) rn (3ma 4M) > > > As ¥ ¢ fv, so in vector form v = Lory (0) Obviously the sought force provides the centripetal acceleration to ‘the C.M. of the rod and is F,= mW, at 8Mv? 2° 1(1+4M/3my (a) About the axis of rotation of the rod, the angular momentum of the system is conserved. Thus if the velocity of the flying bullet is v. 2 mls (w+ Jo = Mw o- em as mc M Oy) mts I Now from the conservation of mechanical energy of-the system (rod with bullet) in the uniform field of gravity a(m+ we Jo = (tem) gh (1 ~ cosa ) 2) : [because C.M. of rod raises by the height £( 1 cose) ] Solving (1) and (2), we get M V2 in® - V% in »= (5) 38! sing and © 7 sing (b) Sought Ap = [mconem (og) |-m where ol is the veloccity of the bullet and w+ equals the velocity of CM. of the rod after the impact. Putting the value of v and w we get Apa mv = M at sin & This is caused by the reaction at the hinge on the upper end. 138 1.276 1.277 (©) Let the rod starts swinging with angular velocity o’, in this case. Then, like part (a) ( ‘) , 1. 3mvx mune | —+ me? | 00! oF oo! = Mi? Final momentum is 1 5 (Mo Me 3 Pym mxo' + fy a! dyn ol lm F mye yreT 2 tee 3x So, dp~ py-nmmv( 37-1) Poe 2 This vanishes for xeGl (@) As force F on the body is radial so its angular momentum about the axis becomes zero and the angular momentum of the system about the given axis is conserved. Thus ‘R? 2m 5 +m wR? = | 1+ 57 (b) From the equation of the increment of the mechanical energy of the system : AT=A,, 1MR? 2 1(MR® 222 2\ 2 2) 2 +mR )od= Aa Putting the value of w from part (a) and solving we get 2p2 ma R 2m Aue SE (1 22) (a) Let z be the rotation axis of disc and 9 be its rotation angle in accordance with right-hand screw rule (Fig.). (p and g’ are to be measured in the same sense algebraically.) As M, of the system (disc + man) is conserved and M ,; iiia'y ™ 0, We have at any instant, R? q 0-= mae. ‘hom (SE) (SE) a] Lr oe P| m+ (m2) |O* On integrating Jere Sasta)e en or, p= - ? Qa) mtz This gives the total angle of rotation of the disc. 1.278 1.279 139 (b) From Eq, (1) dg__(_™_)ag_ m_\v(t ae m,_)idv(t) Thus the sought force moment from the Eq. N,= 1B, 7 2 oa w- ME Cg. mR) me lsd Veg” NETO 2 at 2 m,|R dt = at > m,m,R Hence N,=- ae (a) Frome the law of conservation of angular momentum of the system relative to vertical axis z, it follows that: Noytheo,= (h+h)o, Hence @,= (1,4, + Ip.) / (1, +) qQ Not that for «, > 0, the corresponding vector @ coincides with the poitive direction to the z axis, and vice versa. As both discs rotates about the same vertical axis z, thus in vector form. = 1,8,+18,/(h+h) However, the problem makes sense only if @, tt @, or @, ft} @ (0) From the equation of increment of mechanical energy of a system: A,, = AT. Using Eq. (1) ata 2 A ~ 2+ hy um Ore) For the closed system (disc + rod), the angular momentum is conserved about any axis. Thus from the conservation of angular momentum of the system about the rotation axis of rod passing through its C.M. gives : ame my 5= m5 +o Q@) 140 1.280 (v’ is the final velocity of the disc and w angular velocity of the rod) For the closed system linear momentum is also conserved. Hence my = my’ +n mv, Q) (where v, is the velocity of C.M. of the rod) From Eqs (1) and (2) we get y= 2 and v- v= ny, Applying conservation of kinetic energy, as the collision is elastic i 1 y2,l. 2,1 nm? > xm gv’? + snmv,) += To (3) or v?— y= 4nv? and hence v+v'= 4, i Then h 4-7 oF | v aq oo Geni c Vectorially, noting that we have taken ¥” parallel to v” - (3 jr 4+ So,” = 0 for n= 4 and 2 4 tv for n>4 Ov 'on See the diagram in the book (Fig. 1.72) (a) When the shaft BB’ is turned through 90° the platform must start turning with angular velocity Q so that the angular momentum remains constant. Here (T4Ig)Q= Inv. 01, Qe 2 q ZUth) B= > If the shaft is tumed through 180°, angular velocity of the sphere changes sign. Thus from conservation of angular momentum, TQ-Ihog= Ip (Here -J, wy is the complete angular momentum of the sphere i. e. we assume that the angular velocity of the sphere is just - «). Then ®o Q= > and the work done must be, $19? +2 h03-Shaz= 1.281 1.282 141 (b) In the case (a), first part, the angular momentum vector of the sphere is precessing with angular velocity Q. Thus a torque, 2 2 0 Ttly is needed, 1,02 The centrifugal force can be calculated by, te xde= > i mlyo? / Then equilibrium, 0 I 4y 2 (h-T) 7 mB > 1 2 and, Ty+T,= 5mho Thus T, vanishes, when ot 8, on VE =6 nds 1 % Then T,= mg7 = 25N See the diagram in the book (Fig. 1.71). (a) The angular velocity @ about OO ' can be resolved into a component parallel to the rod and a component « sinO perpendicular to the rod through C. The component parallel to the rod does not contribute so the angular momentum ee M= Iw sinO pm! @ sin® Also, M,= Msin0 = jmPosin?o This can be obtained directly also, (b) The modulus of M does not change but the modulus of the change of M is | AM |. o : Loa. | AM | = 2Msin(90-0)= 55 m1? wsin20 (c) Here M, = Mcos@ = Iw sin® cos® Now | S| = 1 sind coso 24 = £ mi? 0? sin?o at as M precesses with angular velocity «. 142 1.283 1.284 Here M= Iw is along the symmetry axis. It has two components, the part Iw cos0 is constant and the part M, = Jw sin® presesses, then aM = I@sin@ w' = mgl sind _ — mal = 0-71ad/s (©) This force is the centripetal force due to precession. It acts inward and has the magnitude \Fl- |Z moti = mo!? [sind = 12mN. BF is the distance of the ish clement from the axis. This is the force that the table will exert on the top. See the diagram in the answer shect Ms ML MZ \ ™9 Sce the diagram in the book (Fig. 1.73). ‘The moment of inertia of the disc about its symmentry axis is mR? If the angular velocity of the disc is w then the angular momentum is im R? c, The precession frequency being 2x1, dM@|_1 we have oe | = = mR? wx 2a dt 2 This must equal m(g+w)I, the effective gravitational torques (g being replaced by g +w in the elevator). Thus, on 2291. 500 nat aRon 1.285 1.286 1.288 1.289 143 The effective gis Vg” + w” inclined at angle tan! 7 with the vertical. Then with reference to the new * vertical" we proceed as in problem 1-283. Thus mV, 2 2 o!= oa = 08 rad/s. The vector @ forms an angle 0 = tant = 6° with the normal vertical. The moment of inertia of the sphere is 2m ? and hence the value of angular momentum is 2 mk? a. Since it precesses at speed 0’ the torque required is 2 FMR wo! = Fl 2 mk? oo! = 300N (The force F' must be vertical.) So, F The moment of inertia is mr? and angular momentum is mr? on The axle oscillates about a horizontal axis making an instantaneous angle. = 9, sin 2% P= Op, Sin | This means that there is a variable precession with a rate of precession #. The maximum 27m T value, a torque J Q value of this is . When the angle between the axle and the axis is at its maximum 2 1 2x, mmr” op, E qm p= Facts on it, 2 ' TMr’ OP, The corresponding gyroscopic force will be ——=—* = 90 N The revolutions per minute of the flywheel being n, the angular momentum of the flywheel v R Thus N = 2xINV/R = 5-97 kN. m. is 1x 2nn. The rate of precession is As in the previous problem a couple 2xJ/nv/R must come in play. This can be done if a 2nInv RI forces. The force on the outer rail is increased and that on the inner rail decreased. The additional force in this case has the magnitude 1-4 kN. m. force, acts on the rails in opposite directions in addition to the centrifugal and other 144 1.6 1.290 1.291 1.292 ELASTIC DEFORMATIONS OF A SOLID BODY Variation of length with temperature is given by b= A(1+aat) or He aAre e 0 But — 7 Thus o = aAtE, which is the sought stress of pressure. Putting the value of a and E from Appendix and taking Ar = 100°C, we get o= 22x 10° atm. (a) Consider a transverse section of the tube and concentrate on an element which subtends an angle Ag at the centre. The forces acting on a portion of length Al on the element are (1) tensile forces side ways of magnitude oArAl. The resultant of these is 2oArAlsin af = oArAlAp radially towards the cente. (2) The force due to fluid pressure = prApAl Ar Since these balance, we get Pay ™ Ce where o,, is the maximum tensile force. Putting the values we get p,,,, = 19-7 atmos. (b) Consider an element of area dS = x(r AQ/2)* about z axis chosen arbitrarily. There are tangential tensile forces all around the ring of the cap. Their resultant is et)|a4 Hence in the limit 2 rAd re Pn 2 ) = on( 2 )arao 20, Ar OF Pym a = 39-5 atmos. Ao 2 Let us consider an element of rod at a distance x from its rotation axis (Fig.). From Newton’s second law in projection form directed towards the rotation axis -dT= (dm)w?x= Terxde On integrating 2,2 mo" x -Te J 7 +C (constant ) 1.293 1.294 145 But at x= si or free end, T= 0 272 2 mo” mol Thus O= 2 re oe 3 2 2 mo*(l x Hence T= 5 (i-77) mo? l Thus Tax g (at mid point) Condition required for the problem is x2, <— Tax ™ S Om dx a mo ‘l 2 So, = Soq or o- FV Hence the sought number of rps a 1% is = 08 x 102 Ne oes a Yop [using the table = 0°8 x 10°rps ] Let us consider an element of the ring (Fig.). From Newton's law F,= mw, for this element, we get, Td0 = (Zale [see solution of 1.93or 1.92} So, T= mer Condition for the problem is : a \T ZH 2 a ote Tee Se » Om 7 (Onrp) pr? ‘Thus sought number of rps fa mx 1 4/2, nw Ee 2x 9 2m p Using the table of appendices n= 23rps Iso, or, mor <9, grt Om OF gt Let the point O desend by the distance x (Fig,)- From the condition of equilibrium of point oO. ind = = m8 - MB ? 2Tsind= mg or T= 55rg™ pe V (V2) 4% qa) T a Now, —— = om or Tw En : x(d/29 4 ® (o here is stress and € is strain.) 146 e= 1.295 1.296 In addition to it, Viinyex 2 a/ 2 V2 = Vit From Eqs. (1), (2) and (3) ae [Tx Md? 1+(7) So, et mel ° 21? Ed? wB or, *-1( SF = 25cm Let us consider an element of the rod at a distance x from the free end (Fig.). For the considered element ‘T-T” are intemal restoring forces which produce elongation and AT provides the acceleration to the element. For the element from Newton’s law : F, F, m ° o at (im = (Fe) = fae As free end has zero tension, on integrating the above expression, T F, F, fa-* de or Tatx Elongation in the considered element of lenght dx : = F,xdx BB FO) dem sp de= Sey 1 F, F,1 Thus total elengation & oa xdx= TSE : [referrer lh Hence the sought strain a Se F, gs Let us consider an element of the rod at a distance r from it’s rotation axis. As the element rotates in a horizontal circle of radius r, we have from Newton’s second Jaw in projection form directed toward the axis of rotation : T-(T+dT) = (dm) wr or, -dT= (Fa)orr- To? rdr a4 1.297 147 At the free end tension becomes zero. Integrating the above experession we get, thus 1 m fa uF [rdr T r 2/72 a az 2 mo? (P=?) moll, _ = rm (Bae), mati(, 2) Elongation in elemental length dr is given by : 20,02 = are sear (where S is the cross sectional area of the rod and T is the tension in the rod at the considered element moll? o, be Oe ae (-B Thus the sought elongation : at mol F : 3 — << &= = fas- foiset I le ip mol 2 (Slp) «2 2 SsE 37 336° 3 : Loot? (where p is the density of the copper.) Volume of a solid cylinder Vexrl AV x2rArl xPAl_ 2dr. Al So, oe meas tea one oe oe L ° Vvatt tart TT 2 But longitudinal strain Al/I and accompanying lateral strain A r/r are related as Ar Al Ma 2 a RT Q) Using (2) in (1), we get : AV _ Al 7-7 0-20 @) Al -F/nr* But ee (Because the increment in the length of cylinder A/ is negative) AV -F . So, a 1-2 Va are ¢ ») 148 1.298 1.299 Thus, av = i (1-20) Negative sign means that the volume of the cylinder has decreased. (a) As free end has zero tension, thus the tension in the rod’ at a vestical distance y from its lower end m T= 78y @) Let dl be the elongation of the element of length dy, then al = Way = Ly. mae p gydy/E (where p is the density of the copper) Thus the sought elongation ee dy 1 ale f a= psf 2. SeRlVE Q 0 (©) If the longitudinal (tensile) strain is € “Ah the accompanying lateral (compressive) strain is given by re AP ent be @ Then since V = x71 we have AV | 2dr | Al v r T Al : = (1 -2n) 7 Using @)] CF ey : j q where “3s given in part (a), p is the Poisson ratio for copper. Consider a cube of unit length before pressure is applied. The pressure acts on each face. The pressures on the opposite faces constitute a tensile stress producing longitudianl com- pression and lateral extension. The compressions is . and the lateral extension is ue The net result is a compression za - 2p) in each side. AV 3 AV 22 AV Hence VTE (1-24) because from symmetry V 1.300 149 (b) Let us consider a cube under an equal compressive stress 0, acting on all its faces. : AV_o Then, volume strain = “Vik (a) where k is the bulk modulus ‘of elasticity. So $~ 220-20) . E=3k(1-2p)= 20-2p)(as ee 2 : 8 B us 5 if and B ate both to remain postive, A beam clamped at one end and supporting an applied load at the free end is called a cantilever. The theory of cantilevers is discussed in advanced text book on mechanics. The key result is that elastic forces in the beam generate a couple, whose moment, called the moment of resistances, balances the external bending moment due to weight of the beam, load etc. The moment of resistance, also called internal bending moment (1.B.M) is given by LBM. = EUR Here R is the radius of curvature of the beam at the representative point (x, y).J is called the geometrical moment of inertia 1 f 2as of the cross section relative to the axis passing through the netural layer which remains unstretched. (Fig.1.). The section of the beam beyond P exerts the bending moment N(x) and we have, HL. Nw If there is no load other than that due to the weight of the beam, then PLEETT ATI ICT T TIT TITTILIA Zz 1 NG@)= zeg(l-x) bh where p = density of steel. Hence, at x=0 T) _ pgl?bh R}),” 2ET Here b= width of the beam perpendicular to paper. Wr on Also, I= f 2ode rm -h2 2 a sr— Rj, Eh 150 1.301 1.302 1.303 We use the equation given above and use the result that when y is small 1 ldy dy _ NG) R a + Thus, ae” EI (@) Here N (x) = No is a constant. Then integration gives, dy _ Nox ae" ert But (2) = 0 for x= 0, so C, = 0. Integrating again, Nyx? ee where we have used y= 0 for x= 0 to set the constant of integration at zero. This is the equation of a parabola. The sag of the free end is Nyl? 2ET (b) In this case N (x)= F (1-2) because the load F at the extremity is balanced by a similar force at F directed upward and they constitute a couple. Then dy F(l-x) de jo heya D= Integrating, et ic As before C, = 0. Integrating again, using y= 0 for x= 0 (é-4 y= ay here do Sar Here for a square cross section a/2 t= f Pade 4/12, ~a/2 One can think of it as analogous to the previous case but with a beam of length //2 loaded upward by a force F/2. Fe Thus Ae 48ET’ On using the last result of the previous problem. (a) In this case N(x) = See bh(I-x) where b= width of the girder. Also T= bH/12. Then, 1.304 151 3 Lie RoR 2 ar 42), 1 Integrati ay 6g (2, 4X grating, “aeoep ex- a using Bn 0 for x= 0. Again integrating 2s = Spe (ix We x) 2 P2 so that the fluid particles can have required acceleration. If there is no turbulence. the motion can be taken as irrotational. Then by considering § v'dI= 0 along the circuit shown we infer that V>Vy (The portion of the circuit near 1 and 2 are streamlines while the other two arms are at right angle to streamlines) In an incompressible liquid we also have div ¥"= 0 By electrostatic analogy we then find that the density of streamlines is proportional to the velocity at that point. From the conservation of mass 4S; = Sp qa But S, < S, as shown in the figure of the problem, therefore Vp > Vo As every streamline is horizontal between 1 & 2, Bernoull’s theorem becomes pt ; pv = constant, which gives PL Vy As the difference in height of the water column is Af, therefore P2 ~P, = pgAh 2) From Bemoull’s theorem between points 1 and 2 of a streamline 13 iL Pitz PM = Prt x PM 1 or, Pr- Pi =z PM -¥%) or pgbh= 5 e(% - ¥%3) 3) (using Eq. 2) using (1) in (3), we get | 2gAh : : vy = Sy 3 a-s Hence the sought volume of water flowing per see i 2 Q=y,S, = 5,8, 1317 1.318 1.319 157 Applying Bemoulli’s theorem for the point A and B, lio _ A Pam Pat xP as, vy= 0 : iG —=_8 or, ZPY = Pa-Pa= Ah pos 2h So, ve P08 Ah Thus, rate of flow of gas, Q= Sv= S P The gas flows over the tube past it at B. But at A the gas becomes stationary as the gas will move into the tube which already contains gas. In applying Bernoulli’s theorem we should remember that 2 : + ; v? + gz is constant along a streamline. In the present case, we are really applying Bernoulli's theorem somewhat indirectly. The streamline at A is not the streamline at B. Nevertheless the result is correct. To be convinced of this, we need only apply Bernoull’s theorem to the streamline that goes through A by comparing the situation at A with that above B on the same level. In steady conditions, this agrees with the result derived because there cannot be a transverse pressure differential. Since, the density of water is greater than that of kerosene oil, it will collect at the bottom. Now, pressure due to water level equals /, p,g and pressure due to kerosene oil level equals fy pg. So, net pressure becomes h, p; g + hz P28. From Bernoulli’s theorem, this pressure energy will be converted into kinetic energy while flowing through the whole A. ie a ie Meygth pg se Hencev= ‘Vf 2 2{neme tle = sms Let, H be the total height of water column and the hole is made at a height / from the bottom. Then from Bernoulli’s theorem 1 zev= Hh) pg or, v= V(H-h) 2g, which is diregted horizontally. For the horizontal range, /= v = VigGi-h)- = 2VHh- 1) 158 1.320 1.321 2) Now, for maximum 4, 24-1) _ 9 which yields he= a. 25 em. Let the velocity of thie water jet, near the orifice be v’, then applying Bernoullis theorem, ic: 1 Zev = hypetspv or, ve Vi? = 2g hy a Here the pressure term on both sides is the same and equal to atmospheric pressure. (In the problem book Fig. should be more clear.) Now, if it rises upto a height A, then at this height, whole of its kinetic-energy will be converted into potential energy. So, y2 a eva ze pgh or h 2 ¥ 5 = ag ho = 20cm, [using Eq. (1)] Water flows through the small clearance into the orifice. Let d be the clearance. Then from the equation of continuity (2m Rd) v, = (2urd)v= (2nd) vy or vy Ry= vr= vy Ry (1) where v, , vz and v are respectively the inward radial velocities of the fluid at 1, 2 and 3. Now by Bemoulli’s theorem just before 2 and just after it in the clearance 1 Pot hpg= prt 5 Pry @ Applying the same theorem at 3 and 1 we find that this also equals 2 az P+ 5 P= Pot Py e) (since the pressure in the orifice is py ) From Eqs. (2) and (3) we also hence V 2gh @ 2 -() 2 = y° and 7 8 P~ Pot 5% 1 = Po + hog (. 6) [Using (1) and (4)] 7 159 ARR Let the force acting on the piston be F and the length of the cylinder be 1. ‘Then, work done = Fl Q) Applying Bernoulli’s theorem for points A and B,p= Sev where p is the density and v is the velocity at point B. Now, force on the piston, F= pA= $e vA 2 where A is the cross section area of piston. Also, discharge through the orifice during time interval t = Svt and this is equal to the volume of the cylinder, ie., Vv Va Su or ves @G) From Eq. (1), (2) and (3) work done we (se? 1.323 Let at any moment of time, water level in the vessel be H then speed of’ flow of water through the orifice, at that moment will be v= Vigh @) In the time interval df, the volume of water ejected through orifice, dV= svdt (2) On the other hand, the volume of water in the vessel at time t equals V=SH Differentiating (3) with respect to time, Hott @ oe or dV= SdH = dov%armt patGre Levys? (as Al= V) Eqs. (2) and (4) SdH= svdt or a= 8 bil V2gH’ from (2) t o . Ss dh — J = aS vi o h Thus, t= Sy [2 2 6 1.324 In a rotating frame (with constant angular velocity) the Eulerian equation is s -Vp + pa+ 2p" x D+ purrs pe In the frame of rotating tube the liquid in the "column* is practically static because the orifice is sufficiently small. Thus the Eulerian Eq. in projection form along 7” (which is 160 1.325 1.326 the position vector of an arbitrary liquid element of lenth dr relative to the rotation axis) reduces to =4p 2) ar +por=0 or, dp = pa rdr ? r so, i dp = pu” Si rdr Po @-) 2 Thus PO =Pot a [- «-n)] Q) Hence the pressure at the end B just before the orifice i.e. 2 PW = py + 25 Qik - HY @ ‘Then applying Bernoull’s theorem at the orifice for the points just inside and outside of the end B Pot Spat (2Ih-B) = py + Sov? ( where v is the sought velocity) So, v= oh wos st ‘ ‘The Euler's equation is p= f-Vp~ - Vp + pg), where zis vertically upwards. a Ww to Now (RT) FF a) But @V)o v5 ) _ 9% Curl 2) we consider the steady (je. 877at = 0) flow of an incompressible fluid then p = constant. cand as the motion is irrotational Curl = 0 a So from (1) and (2) 0¥(5"]- Ferre or, F[p+pors oe) =o Hence p+ pv +pgz = constant. Let the velocity of water, flowing through Abe v, and that through Bbe vg, then discharging rate through A= Q,= Sv, and similarly through B= S vy. Now, force of reaction at A, Fy= pQara= PSH 1.327 1.328 161 Hence, the net force, F=pSVi-v) a FthF, — () Applying Bernoulli’s theorem to the liquid flowing out of A we get 1 Po + PRL = Py + 5 PMA and similarly at B 1 Po + PE (hi+ Ah) = py + > PVG Hence (3 = v2) 7 = Ahpg Thus F = 2pgSAh = 0-50N Consider an element of height dy at a distance y from the top. The velocity of the fluid coming out of the element is v= V2 gy The force of reaction dF due to this is dF = pdAv’, as in the previous problem, = p(bdy)2 gy i Integrating F= pgb f 2ydy hed = pgb[i? -(h- 1? = pgbl (2h-) (The slit runs from a depth h-/ to a depth h from the top.) Let the velocity of water flowing through the tube at a certain instant of time be u, then ue 2, where Q is the rate of flow of water and 2 7” is the cross section area of the tube. nu From impulse momentum theorem, for the stream of water striking the tube comer, in x-direction in the time interval dt, | F,dt= -pQudt or F,=-pQu and similarly, F,= p Qu Therefore, the force exerted on the water stream. by the tube, 2. > > F=-pQuit+pQuj According to third law, the reaction forcg on the tube’s wall by the stream equals (- F) = pQui-pQuj. Hence, the sought moment of force about 0 becomes AY in = > > > 2 Ne 1(-i)x(p Quiz pQuj)= pQuik= oe ik x 2 and WW 22. 070 Nm xr 162 1.329 Suppose the radius at A is R and it decreases uniformaly to r at B where S = mR? and 5 = 72”. Assume also that the semi vectical angle at 0 is c. Then oy ees R-r 1-1, where y is the radius at the point P distant x from the vertex O. Suppose the velocity with which the liquid flows out is V at A, v at B and u at P. Then by the equation of continuity RRV = xy = yu The velocity v of efflux is given by v= V2gh and Bernoulli’s theorem gives So yers @ - Ly 12 1 Pp +z ow = pot > pv where p, is the pressure at P and py is the atmospheric pressure which is the pressure just outside of B. The force on the nozzle tending to pull it out is then F -f (,-Po) sin® 2nyds ‘We have subtracted py which is the force due to atmosphenic pressure the factor sin 8 gives horizontal component of the force and ds is the length of the clement of nozzle surface, ds = dx sec @ and x oh R-r oes eet; Thus L, 13 R-r F fie Ww) p 2ny L-1,“ L, R rf = mp eft S) rw : wre g [P-F +5 3 22 - oat (ME) = pgh (S-s)°/S = 602N on putting the values. Note : If we try to calculate F from the momentum change of the liquid flowing out w: will be wrong even as regards the sign of the force. There is of course the effect of pressure at S and s but quantitative derivation of F fron Newton’s law is difficult. 163 1.330 The Euler’s equation is of. F-Tp in the space fixed frame where f= -pgk downward. We assume incompressible fluid so p is constant. Then f= - V(pgz) where z is the height vertically upwards from some fixed origin. We go to rotating frame where the equation becomes a ar the additional terms on the right are the well known coriolis and centrifugal forces. In the frame rotating with the liquid 9” = 0 so = - Vp + pgz)+ parr 2p 0" xB) ¥[p+082-5 00%) 0 or p+pgz-sporr= constant On the free surface p = constant, thus ze pe ? + constant If we choose the origin at point r = 0 (i.e. the axis) of the free surface then “cosntant” = 0 and ze ee (The paraboloid of revolution) At the bottom z= constant So p= $ pw’? + constant If p= py on the axis at the bottom, then P= Pot de a? 1.331 When the disc rotates the fuild in contact with, corotates but the fluid in contact with the walls of the cavity does not rotate. A velocity gradient is then set up leading to viscous forces. At a distance r from the axis the linear velocity is wr so there is a velocity gradient or h radial width is dr is both in the upper and lower clearance. The corresponding force on the element whose n2nrdr 2 (Grom the formular F= 1A 2 ) The torque due to this force is 1 2nrdr = r and the net torque considering both the upper and lower clearance is R 2 J naw? ar? = aRion/h So power developed is P= nR‘w'n/h= 9-05 W (on putting the values). (As instructed end effects i.e. rotation of fluid in the clearance r > R has been neglected.) 164 1,332 Let us consider a coaxial cylinder of radius r and thickness dr, then force of friction or 1.333 viscous force on this elemental layer, F= 2nr in &. This force must be constant from layer to layer so that steady motion may be possible. or, —= 2ninav. Integrating, dr rf f= 2m fa % 0 r or, Fis(y)- 2nInv Putting r= R,, we get R, Finge= 2x1% From (2) by (3) we get, Inr/R, Y= Yo in R,/Rp Note : The force F is supplied by the agency which tries to carry the inner cylinder with velocity vg . (a) Let us consider an elemental cylinder of radius rand thickness dr then from Newton’s formula do do Fe 2nrlyrdo= 2xlyP ae and moment of this force acting on the element, No 2nP in re 207 In or, 2alndo= NS 2 As in the previous problem N is constant when conditions are steady a Integrating, 2xIn feo =N a oO Rx or, e) Putting r= Ry, @= @,, We get Nfl 1 2alyno.= >| a-a @) 21R, OR 165 From (3) and (4), oo Sa 2 RoR?) Re > (b) From Eq. (4), : 2 1X eee 1.334 (a) Let dV be the volume flowing per second through the cylindrical shell of thickness dr then, 2 é a= erat) zavo(r- Far and the total volume, R 2 v= me (-Be- 2a i= ER vy (b) Let, dE be the kinetic energy, within the above cylindrical shell. Then de 5 (am) $Qnrldrp) v . 3 r = poxtprani(i-F- a pvolp Bar ga Hence, total energy of the fluid, R 3 5 aR ply, T= nionif (Bae) Beer 0 (©) Here frictional force is the shearing force on the tube, exerted by the fluid, which dv equals - nT. Given, ve (ta dv r So, oa ad 2% And at raR, Ge -R 166 1.335 1.336 1.337 Then, viscous force is given by, F = - 1 (2a) (a) r= R 2y - -2neni(-F)- A4xnvl (d@) Taking a cylindrical shell of thickness dr and radius r viscous force, av Fe -n (nr), Let Ap be the pressure difference, then net force on the element = Apxr’+2xn re But, since the flow is steady, F,.,= 0 r -2amrh ~antnr(-™79| Ir 2 or, ee = 4yv9U/R rr a af The loss of pressure head in travelling a distance / is seen from the middle section to be hy - hy= 10 cm, Since hy - hy = hy in our problem and h,-h,=15cm=5+h,- hy, we see that a pressure head of 5 cm remains incompensated and must be converted into kinetic energy, the liquid flowing out. Thus oe pg Ah where Ah= h;- h, Thus v= ¥ 2gdh «1 m/s We know that, Reynold’s number (R,) is defined as, R, = pvl/n, where v is the velocity is the characteristic length and 1 the coefficient of viscosity. In the case of circular cross section the chracteristic length is the diameter of cross-section d, and v is taken as average velocity of flow of liquid. pd, yy mn Now, R, (Reynold’s number at x, from the pipe end) = where v, is the velocity q at distance x _ PaMe Ry dy and similarh R, o == —— ae a OR by From equation of continuity, Ay v= Ay ¥ or, wrivy= RAV, or dyyyr= dyV2r2 ayy men dy,” 1” meh = et (as x) -x,= Ax) Thus We know that Reynold’s number for turbulent flow is greater than that on laminar flow: pvd 2% 2 Po Vato 1 ™ n Now, (R= and (R,= 1.338 1.339 167 But, (R,), = (R.); vy. so v2, = Putas Ma = 5m/s on putting the values. = P2r2T d We have R= ~°2 and_v is given by 4 6nnrv= F70-pds (p = density of lead, py = density of glycerine.) 2 1 ve gy P- Pde = Tey P- Pose 11 3 Thus 5" Feat O08 0d and = d= [9"/po(p - py) gg] = 5-2mm on putting the values. dv mo = mg-6 xv de dy 6xnr or Goa ye g av 6xnr or G+ kvm gy ken SAE dv ie ie don i or et +ket ve ge™ or Tet vm ge or vet= Bete or v= £ace™ (where C is const.) Since v= 0 for t= 0, 0= Bic oof So cn -# Thus ve fa-e*) The steady state velocity is 7 v differs from 7 by where e"*= n or t= din n 4x sige en 6nnr 18H 18H We have neglected buoyancy in olive oil. Thus 168 1.8 RELATIVISTIC MECHANICS 1.340 From the formula for length contraction v ( : nb 2 So, 1-4= (1-1) or v= cvn@=a) ¢ 1.341 (a) In the frame in which the triangle is at rest the space coordinates of the vertices are (000), (Foe, fe oB, frame the corresponding coordinates at time 1’ are As(of,0,0).8:( $95 VIF tu 39) and e:(ge vi 4 w-$.0) The perimeter P is then 1” Pe a+a(Fa-p+ 3) 7 a(t+V4-36" ) (b) The coordinates in the first frame are shown at time ¢. The coordinates in the moving frame are, -$.0} all measured at the same time ¢. In the moving B 8 (0,0,0) C (@,0,0) A: (f,00,B:(5V4 ~ Pew’, oF .0} c:(aVi-# +w’, 0,0) The perimeter P is then P= aVi-p +Sfi- pea] x 2 a(Vi-B? +V4—pF) bere B= © 1.342 In the rest frame, the coordinates of the ends of the rod in terms of proper length /, A: (0,0,0) B : (Iy €08Qp , fy Sin, , 0) at time ¢. In the laboratory frame the coordinates at time #’ are A: (vf',0,0),B: (« cos0, V1 - B? +t’, Iysin®y, 0) 1.343 1.344 1.345 169 Therefore we can write, 108 y= Ip cos8y V1 -B? and [sin @= Jy sin, 2 2) sin? @ B Hence = (es er: ) sin’ 1- in” 0 : . BF A : In the frame K in which the cone is at rest the coordinates of A are (0,0,0) and of B are (A, A tan @, 0). In the frame K’, which is moving with velocity v along the axis of the cone, the coordinates of A and B at time f’ are Az(-v, 0,0), B: (V1 aoe w, htan 6, 0) Thus the taper angle in the frame K’ is tan 0 Yn-V's 1-8 2's =A and the lateral surface area is, S= mh” sec6' tan’ = xi (1p) V1 BES. svi pcos? e 1-6 Here Sy = xh’ sec® tan6 is the lateral surface area in the rest frame and ‘0 k= hV1-B', B= v/c. Because of time dilation, a moving clock reads less time. We write, t-At= ¢V1-B?, B= = 2 Thus, ae a) ee tan 6’ = t t In the frame K the length / of the rod is related to the time of flight Ar by Tm var In the reference frame fixed to the rod (frame X’)the proper length J, of the rod is given by b= val But oe > B= als i] 170 1.346 1.347 1.348 1,349 Thus, ar = 4 2 So 1-p'= (i) or vec (ey and y= c V(r - (Air = car 1 - (a) The distance travelled in the laboratory frame of reference is vA t where v is the velocity of the particle. But by time dilation As 2 So v= cV1-(Aty/An? 1-7! Thus the distance traversed is cbt V1 — (Aip/At (@) If % is the proper life time of the muon the life time in the moving frame is At= 2 and hence |= Thus m= iM (The words "from the muon’s stand point” are not part of any standard terminology) In the frame K in which the particles are at rest, their positions are A and B whose coordinates may be taken as, A: (0,0,0), B= (Ip ,0,0) In the frame K’ with respect to which K is moving with a velocity v the coordinates of A and B at time ¢ in the moving frame are A= (',0,0)B = (1oVi-B + w, 00) p-2 © Suppose B hits a stationary target in K’ after time t’, while A hits it after time t, + At. Then, [V1 -B? +00 y= v (ig + As) vAt ve So, In the reference frame fixed to the ruler the rod is moving with a velocity v and suffers Lorentz contraction. If {y is the proper length of the rod, its measured length will be Ax, = V1-6", Baz 1.350 1.351 1.352 171 In the reference frame fixed to the rod the ruler suffers Lorentz contraction and we must have Ax, V1-B? = fy thus [= VAx, Ax, Ax a, and 1-p= 5 of ve cY1-— Po Be The coordinates of the ends of the rods in the frame fixed to the left rod are shown. The points B and D coincides when fin I= Cy-Vfy OF fo= The points A and E coincide when C+ V1-B" Om c+ Vi- poy, = STRIP Vea: l Thus Arm iy-f = 3 (1+Vi- FF ) (0,0,0) (ly 100) (C1-vt,02) 2 2 cr (a 7 =1-P=1-5 (Cr tlo V-B?-Vt,00) 0 c oe 2c? At/Iy 2p/ At ee "Te AP/E” T+ (h/e My In Kg the rest frame of the particles, the events corresponding to the decay of the particles are, A:(0,0,0,0) and (0, 0,0)= B In the reference frame K, the corresponding coordintes are by Lorentz, transformation vlp ly 2vi-g 1 Now V1-p? =1 by Lorentz Fitzgerald contraction formula. Thus the time lag of the decay time of B is vly vt vl evi-gp ©a-B) e-¥ B decays later (B is the forward particle in the direction of motion) A: (0,0,0,0), B: 0,0 At= (a) In the reference frame K with respect to which the rod is moving with velocity v, the coordinates of A and B are A:hx,t+v(t-t),0,0 B:t,x,+v(t-t,),0,0 172 1.353 1.384 By Lorentz transformation f’ = => -3) 7 y Thus I= x4-xg-v(t,- ty) = V1 - 6 Xq-X_y-V (ty So () # h-vy-t) = l=hV1-V7e (Since x4 xp can be either +l) or — ly) Thus v(t, -t,)= (« 1 Vi-v7ey)I, ie. noe BW 2) | na (le Vi- v7? ) or At the instant the picture is taken the coordintes of A, B,A’, B’ in the rest frame of AB are A: (0,0, 0,0) Al B’ B: (0, ly, 0, 0) ——>> > B': (0,0,0,0) =—————p, A 8 A’: Q,-[V1 ~v7e ,0,0) In this frame the coordinates of B’ at other times are B’ : (t, vt, 0,0). So B’ is opposite to k B at time ¢(B) = + In the frame in which B’, A’ is at rest the time corresponding this is by Lorentz tranformation. ce 3)- bv; 1-V fh v v 1-4 e Similarly in the rest frame of A, B, te coordinates of A at other times are mee V 1-5 +09 ne : s. 1 _ A’ is opposite tu A at time ¢ (A) = o 1-5 c The corresponding time in the frame in which A’, B’ are at rest is ty HA)= eA) > 2 i 2 1355 1.356 173 a 1 So at time t=0, re Ft evi ve Ifx>01' <0, if x <0, t’>0 and we get the diagram given below "in terms of the K-clock". kK FOOOOSO k DOOOOODD The situation in terms of the K’ clock is reversed. Suppose x (t) is the locus of points in the frame K at which the readings of the clocks of both reference system are permanently identical, then by Lorentz transformation [ol (-“52)-« 1-V77e 2 2 2 So differentiating x (0) = é(-vi-e |. g(i-Vi-B), B= ¢ e Let B= tanhO, 0s O<%, Then c Vicunhie )= ¢£ost8 (,;__ 1 = Gag (1-Vi-tan?0 ) anne (! wai] cahOn1, (ROT uy, © sinh cos hO+1 2 (tan h@ is a monotonically increasing function of @) ‘We can take the coordinates of the two events to be A:(0,0,0,0) B: (At, a, 0,0) For B to be the effect and A to be cause we must have At> lat In the moving frame the coordinates of A and B become A:(0,0,0,0),B: [*(«-} ve-VaH,0,0] where y= ¢ 2 2 a) 1) ale 2 [| [«-3) a vas") (ap ->0 we must have Af’ > el 174 1.357 (a) The four-dimensional interval between A and B (assuming Ay = Az~= 0) is : 5-3? = 16 units Therefore the time interval between these two events in the reference frame in which the events occurred at the same place is c('g-t,)= VI6 = 4m ct t= 4. $x10°%s (b) The four dimensional interval between A and C is (assuming Ay= Az= 0) PS? = -16 So the distance between the two events in the frame in which they are simultaneous is 4 units = 4m. 1.358 By the velocity addition formula vv vy V1 -V7/c7 Men a 9 c Pd and RU -vy +e -V7/c7 ve Wav = wy, vy sul ce) 7 se e 1.359 (a) By definition the velocity of apporach is dx, dx, Veggeach " Ge — gp = UT Cw= ut in the reference frame K . (b) The relative velocity is obtained by the transformation law wry) yt v= ey v4. 1] 1 ( ) 1+ 13 ¢ 1.360 The velocity of one of the rods in the reference frame fixed to the other rod is ye vty. 2 in the laboratory frame. So Vapproach * Vi + V2 1.362 1.364 175 On the other hand, the relative velocity can be obtained by using the velocity addition formula and has the components VY. so V,= Vita 3-2 1 [-1. Wee x The components of the velocity of the unstable particle in the frame K are (ove 1 so the velocity relative to K is % ¥ 12y2 2_vleV Vav?-t The life time in this frame dilates to a wl soa " and the distance traversed is 7 W407 - 0? W)/ 2 Vi Ve? Vi -v?/ In the frame K’ the components of the velocity of the particle are , vcos 0-V ves * Pa) ® ® ¢ vsin 0V1 - V/c? on vv 1-— cos 8 . e v »_ Vy _ _vsin @ 5 Hence, tan @’ = = 88° _Viqy yc’ ( In K’ the coordinates of A and B are A:(¢,0,-v't', 0); B:(¢,1,-v' 1,0) After performing Lorentz transformation to the frame K we get A:teyf ata y(eeG| ¢ ree y\re (40) a z=0 z=0 : vi : By translating ¢’ —> 1’ - —y, we can write e the coordinates of B as B:t= yt’ 176 vu eens 1.365 In K the velocities at time ¢ and 1+ df are respectively v and v + wdt along x - axis which is parallel to the vector V. In the frame K’ moving with velocity V with respect to K, the velocities are respectively, v-V vewdt-V vy and Vv oon 1-(v+wdt) 2 2 The latter velocity is written as v-V [ wdt . Vv Vv l-vz 1-v5 e e Also by Lorentz transformation 1 w/c? ate HZ Var? V1-V/e? Vi-W/e? Thus the acceleration in the K’ frame is (b) In the K frame the velocities of the particle at the time ¢ and 1+ di are repectively (0, v, 0) and (0, v + wat, 0) where V is along x-axis. In the K’ frame the velocities are (-Y%» 1-V 7/2 ,0) (- V, (w+ wd) V1 - V7/e7 , 0) respectively and 1.366 1368 177 Thus the acceleration wat Va - Vc?) v EES w 3] along the y-axis. dt v1-V¥/e In the instantaneous rest frame v= V and w= —*__, (from 1.365) (-E We have used df’ = So, w’ is constant by assumption. Thus integration gives wt 2 7 ¢ wi Integrating once again x= ( 1+ ( © ) - 5 The boost time ty in the reference frame fixed to the rocket is related to the time t elapsed on the earth by Wwe -f tes fyte-se Vis (2 vay Vive © mo ! Jg\2 wry uF] c c ] V1 -B' For 12. ” my“ VEG=B) VEq We define the density p in the frame K in such a way that p de dy dz is the rest mass dm, of the element. That is p dx dy dz= py dty dyy dz) , where Pp is the proper density dxy, dy), dz, are the dimensions of the element in the rest frame Ky Now y= dyy, dem deg, dem dey _¥ ¢ 178 1.370 1371 1.372 if the frame K is moving with velocity, v relative to the frame Ko. Thus Defining y by p= po(1+n) 1 v 1 (2 We get 1+n= a= o, Fa 1- z- 2@+n) (+n (+n) . i. -Vie+n, eVn(2+n) (l+my ot +m We have Mv m 2 — ar or, ‘0 = Vind & V2 ? -4 1 22 2 or [ee oO mc+p pt+me or a : VP eme ‘my c\2 a (eee) P -V2 mM Py ce So f%. 1-(1-(%4 xs00% » 3("2*) x 100 % ¢ P 2\P By definition of y, mv ved =ynmv or 1-3" > 0 2 wv evi The work done is equal to change in kinetic energy which is different in the two cases Classically ie. in nonrelativistic mechanics, the change in kinetic energy is 1 Daal mert\. 2 208s 0: 2 zMc (os) (0-6) ) 3g ¢7 0:28 = 0-14 mc Relativistically it is, . Img moc? myc? mac? 2 = mg c? (1-666 - 1-250) V1-(08). “Vi-6y (06) "06 ~ 08 = 0°416 myc? = 0-42 myc? 1.374 1.375 1376 178 mod o 1-5=H oe 4 7 ee Cc. 2s 2 Relativistically So 2r ry? 2r (is “) 4 Thus By | 5-335 5 myc mo mac my c Hence if the velocity B is given by the classical formula with an error less than &. From the formula 2 a -_—e E »P Vieve =F vig ee 2 we find EB? cp +mict or (myc?+T) = cp +mact or TQme+Te= 2p? ic. p= EVT(Qm2+T) c Let the total force exerted by the beam on the target surface be F and the power liberated there be P. Then, using the result of the previous problem we sce F=Np= AVF (r+ 2m e - Z VI (T+ 2m, c’) since = Ne, N being the number of particles striking the target per second. Also, These will be, respectively, equal to the pressure and power developed per unit area of the target if J is current density. 180 1.377 In the frame fixed to the Sphere :- The momentum transfe1 particle is Tred to the eastically scatterred Vt The density of the moving element is, from 1.369, n 2 io 2 and the momentum — per : time per unit area is In the frame fixed to the = z= When the a hits a stationary particle, the latter recoils with a velocity p= the pressure = vev | 2v v 1+ 1+ ane m2v The momentum transferred is e my y’ 7 zs 2m and the pressure is I oneve v 1- i- 2 2 1.378 The equation of motion is a(t a F eS c Integrating = = BF, sing v= 0 for t= 0 ong = "Vig mas DM Fet es Ee ee Fe (mor ” Vtg c)? + Ft? VF P+ mic + constant Fet dt Sra £ f mis Fr emc FIVE s(mcy F | (=) my 7 [Moca Mocs or using x= 0 at t= 0, we get, x= Vcr F $ 161 1380 F. 4 a Thus z w Fm oq gaye Wa AY 1.381 By definition, E=m ¢ where ds? = c? di? - dx” is the invariant interval (dy = dz= 0) dy (dx - Ve) _ Py - VE/ Thus, pl,= cm, = cmyy a ae # ong\ E= my Fo - Og —z— = 1.382 For a photon moving in the x direction £= CP, Py= Pz= 0, e)_ vf/l-ve 8 -Vilne 1+V/c 1 fee as pp Oo oe ga oe In the moving frame, e' = Note that v= Nie 1.383 As before 3dt da Ex moo 5, pen moc F- 182 Similarly Py me, Pe* Mc g Then Bi clph= Bbc? (pi +p +2) mi ct (Cd? = de — dy? ~ de?) 2 = mic’ is invariant 1.384 (b) & (a) In the CM frame, the total momentum is zero, Thus (eee - YEG + 2m 2) fe ce” Ey+E) T+2myc? where we have used the result of probiem (1.375) Then 1 1 4 [T+2me vi-Vie f . 1 T 2my¢' T+2myc? - Total energy in the CM frame is T+ im : = 2m eV = V 2m (T+ 2m, ce) = T+ 2m c 4/ T Si T= 2 i 0 2m c a 0 Also 2Vc2p 4 mic! = V2myc(F+ 2m, c*) , 4c2p= 2mycT, oF B= V 5m oT 1385 2. VF-op V (Qing c+ TY? — T (21mg c+ T) = V2img c (2g c+ T) = cV 2g (2my c+ T) 2 Also cp= VI(T +2mc) , v= oe. c Tim 1.386 Let 7’ = kinetic energy of a proton striking another stationary particle of the same rest mass. Then, combined kinetic energy in the CM frame 2 ~ me | sa)ean Zea) eae . ( mye mg ¢ 2m, c? T! _,TQmc?+T) : 27 (T+ 2m, c?) Omen nec es ne) 183 1.387 We have E,+E,+E3™ myc’, py +p,+p;~ 0 - 2 Hence (myc? -E,P- 7p? = E+E) - (+75 ) 2 The LHS. = (mic! -E,)°- 2 pt= (me + m2) ct - 2myc7 Ey The RH.S. is an invariant. We can evaluate it in any frame, Choose the CM frame of the particles 2 and 3. In this frame RH.S. = (E’, + E’3)"= (m4 m,°c* Thus —(m}+ m2) c* — 2m, cE, = (m,+m,)*c* ee of mp c®Ey = {G+ m2 —(m,+myi] ct, or Ey < MPM Oats) 2m 1.388 The velocity of ejected gases is u realtive to the rocket. In an earth centred frame it is veu rail i ce in the direction of the rocket. The momentum conservation equation then reads Here - dm is the mass of the ejected gases. so uv? te 2 mdy - ———— dm = 0, or mivu(t— 23) 0 1 e 2 w Hae (neglecting 1-—> since u is non- relativistic.) ¢ u + qinm = constant Thus PART TWO THERMODYNAMICS AND MOLECULAR PHYSICS 2.1 EQUATION OF THE GAS STATE * PROCESSES 21 2.2 Let m, and m, be the masses of the gas in the vessel before and after the gas is released+ Hence mass of the gas released, Am = m,-m, Now from ideal gas equation PiV= mE and p,V= m, ET, as V and T are same before and after the release of the gas. R R So, (Py-P:) V= (my ~ my) FT = Am 55 To (P1-P) VM _ apVM or, Am= sve 1 RT, RT, @ We also know p= ekr 50, —_ £ Q 0 Po (where py= standard atmospheric pressure and Ty = 273 K) From Eqs. (1) and (2) we get m= pv a 13x30x 28. 30g Po 1 Let m, be the mass of the gas enclosed. Then, pV=¥,RT, When heated, some gas, passes into the evacuated vessel till préssure difference becomes Ap. Let p’, and p’, be the pressure on the two sides of the valve. Then p';V= v', RT) and P',V= v',RT,= (vy, -vV) RT; 23 185 T, RT, But, P'-P'2= Ap P,P’, + Ap’ So, f= IT, P2 Gt Ty fr An TP? Ap T, Ae - «| = 0-08 atm az or, Let the mixture contain v, and v, moles of H, and H, respectively. If molecular weights of H, and H, are M, and M,, then respective masses in the mixture are equal to m,= v,M, and m,= v,M3 Therefore, for the total mass of the mixture we get, m= m+m, or m= v,M,+v,M, (1) Also, if v is the total number of moles of the mixture in the vessels, then we know, veV tv, Q) Solving (1) and (2) for v, and v,, we get, (VM, -m) m- TM, “I" M,-M,’ 2" = My, (My -m) (m-vM,) Therefore, we get_m= My 725 and m= M,— eee ee my _ My (WM, ~m) = my My (m-vM,) One can also express the above result in terms of the effective molecular weight M of the mixture, defined as, m_ RT Mn yy a m, M, M)-M 1-M/M, us, m, M, M-M, M/M,-1 Using the data and table, we get : m M~= 30g and, = 050 Le 186 2.4 We know, for the mixture, N and CO, (being regarded as ideal gases, their mixture too 25 behaves like an ideal gas) pV=vRT, so pyV= vRT where, v is the total number of moles of the gases (mixture) present and V is the volume of the vessel. If v, and v, are number of moles of N, and CO, respectively present in the mixture, then vevity, Now number of moles of N, and CO, is, by definition, given by y= i and, v= ie where, my is the mass of Ny (Moleculer weight = M,) in the mixture and m is the mass of CO, (Molecular weight = M,) in the mixture. Therefore density of the mixture is given by m,+m, —m,+m, P= 9" GRIT) o Po ra Po (my + mz) My Mz RT v,+¥, RT(m,M,+m,M,) = 1-5. kg/m? on substitution (a) The mixture contains v, ,'v, and v; moles of O,,N, and CO, respectively. Then the total number of moles of the mixture VeVi ty) tV3 We know, ideal gas equation for the mixture vRT v pV=vRT or p= or, (vy + vp +¥3) RT Ce ey ee 1-968 atm on substitution (b) Mass of oxygen (O,) present in the mixture : m, = v,M, Mass of nitrogen (N,) present in the mixture : m. = v.M, Mass of carbon dioxide (CO,) present in the mixture : m,= v;M; So, mass of the mixture m= m,+m,+m;= v,M, +v.M,+v3M; mass of the mixture Moleculer mass of the mixture : M= ‘otal number of moles v, My + V7 My + 4M = 22S | 36-7 g/mol. on substitution V+ +5 2.6 27 187 Let p, and p, be the pressure in the upper and lower part of the cylinder respectively at temperature Ty, At the equilibrium position for the piston : a a P,S+mg= p,S on p,+ e Pp (mis the mass of the piston.) RY, But p,= ave (where Vg is the initial volume of the lower part) RT, mg RT mg_ RT 1 So, wets Wy OS, (-5) @) Let T be the sought temperature and at this temperature the volume of the lower part becomes V’, then according to the problem the volume of the upper part becomes 1)/ V’ Hence, mg, AT ( - m] Q) Sy n From (1) and (2), As, the total volume must be constant, Vy(i+n)=V(L+n’) oF Putting the value of V’ in Eq. (3), we get _ Ton’- 1a (n'7-1)n = 042kK Let p, be the density after the first stroke. The the mass remains constant fe 1" (V+ AV) Similarly, if p, is the density after second stroke Vp=(V+aV) py, oF, 2 vo vo Vp,= (V+AV)p, of, p= (veav}- (rea) Po In this way after nth stroke. . -(—~) Pam \Veav} Po Since pressure 0. density, 188 28 29 v P= (ra Po (because temperature is constant.) It is required by 2% tobe + Po a : * : Vv V+Al so, ela rere = ee 7 (ra) 7 ( Vv 5 Hence n= — in(t+4¥ Vv From the ideal gas equation p = ae dp, RI dm @ dt MV dt In each stroke, volume v of the gas is ejected, where v is given by ve YL my_y-m ma [Meio In case of continuous ejection, if (my _;) corresponds to mass of gas in the vessel at time t, then my is the mass at time ¢ + At, where At, is the time in which volume v of the gas has come out. The rate of evacuation is therefore 7 ie. ve Vv _m(t+ At) - m(t) At m (t+ At) At In the limit At - 0, we get c Vdm Cm a ®) From (1) and (2) d C mRT (o GPa pe oo Ga - Ge . : : pc f — Integrating, f 7 V dt or In fa yi : ; Thus pene culy Let p be the instantaneous density, then instantaneous mass = V,,. In a short interval dt the volume is increased by Cat. So, ; Vp= (V+Cdt) (p +dp) (because mass remains constant in a short interval dé) 2.10 211 189 de so, oe -pe Since pressure a density ee ao Cat or f-*- c, ay. A Vi te Vigt 1.0 mi or t= Ein = Lind 10min The physical system consists of one mole of gas confined in the smooth vertical tube. Let m, and my be the masses of upper and lower pistons and S, and S, are their respective areas. For the lower piston PS, +m,8= PyS,+T, or, T= py) S,+mg q@) Similarly for the upper piston PoSy+T+mg= pS,, or, T= @-p)S,- m8 Q) From (1) and (2) (P - Po) (Sy - Sz) = (om, +m) & or, P-Po) AS = mg so, p= rd + Py = constant From the gas law, pV= vRT pAV= vRAT (because p is constant) me 7 So, (oo HE) 354 RAT, Hence, AT= py as+mg)i= 09K : ® p= my-aV?= pp-a(i] P (as, V= RT/p for one mole of gas) 1 1 Thus, T= RyaP PoP - Ra VPP -P ( 2 a PoP -P For Tay a (Po ) must be zero dp 190 2.12 2.13 which yields, : xy Q) 12> [2 _ 2 (po\/Po He So ~f£p, = =/-2;Y 2 fence, Tax RYa 370 WPo~ 3 Po 3(R) 3a ©) pm poe PY = poe? BRT Po Py Po so =in =, and T= & in 2 1 P P BR p . For T,,,, the condition is a” which yields Po Fda a Hence using this value of p in Eq. (1), we get Po Tow” SBR 2 2 T=Tt+aV7= Tora (as, V= RT/p for one mole of gas) So, p= Vo RT(T-T,)* (t) For p 2 = 0, which gives T=2T% Q) From (1) and (2), we get, Prrin ™ VOR 2Tp (27, - To)" “? = 2RVAT Consider a thin layer at a height h and thickness dh. Let p and dp +p be the pressure on the two sides of the layer. The mass of the layer is Sdhp. Equating vertical downward force to the upward force acting on the layer. Sdh p g+(p+dp)S= pS But, p= 2 RT, wehave dp = Rar, os, -SRar~'pedh So, q. at. -34K/km That means, temperature of air drops by 34°C_at a height of 1 km above bottom. 214 215 2.16 We have, 2. ~ pg (See 2.13) But, from p= Cp" (where C is, a const) g. Cn ptt We have from gas low p= ext, so using (2) C= ea Tor Te veer? -2 Thus, e Mca. 1)p" aT _ dT dp dp But, ah” dp dp dh aT_M Fo Mea-y gr? So, a7 ROVE — pp) = —Mat-1) Cup ps) ™R We have, dp = - p gdh and from gas law p= He a _Me Thus r art Integrating, we get ? h Mg f pe Me or, fe RT dh or, oa RT A, 2 2 (where po is the pressure at the surface of the Earth.) Pa pye MEAT, [Under standard condition, py= 1atm, T= 273K 7 Pressure at a height of 5 atm = 1 x e~%%981*500314%7273 0.5 atm, = 28 x 981 x (~ 5000/8314 x 273 Pressure in a mine at a depth of 5 km = 1xe = 2atm.] We have dp = - pg dh but from gas law p= £ RT, Thus dp= Ber at const. temperature de aM So, DRT dh Pp A Integrating within limits f . RT dh 0 Po 191 @) 2 @) ) 192 2.18 £2. aM or, inf EE : RT So, p= pye ME”FT and ha —<— In & > MEP (@) Given T= 273°K, *. e a Th «Fel. us he - HT inet = Bim. () T = 273°K and PorP . 0.01 or 2 = 0.99 Po Po Thus a= -22 in & » 0.09 km on substitution fg” by From the Barometric formula, we have P= poe MENT -oM and from gas law = So, at constant temperature from these two Eqs. = Mg W/RT (ty My en. poe’ P= =z Eq. (1) shows that density varies with height in the same manner as pressure. Let us consider the mass element of the gas contained in the coftmn. M; dm = 9 (Sdh) = Fhe MMR sah Hence the sought mass, h Mp5 -MEWRE gy POS ty —o Mewar) & As the gravitational field is constant the centre of gravity and the centre of mass are same. The location of C.M. fran fe pdh 0 .2 fn fom But from Barometric formula and gas law p= py h= -Mg h/RT 219 2.20 193 fren dh 0 RI @ * Mg f c-) dh 0 So, he (a) We know that the variation of pressure with height of a fluid is given by : dp=-pgdh eM But from gas law pe ART or, px oe From these two Eqs. Mi dp= -P ah @ dp _-Mgdh Pp RTy(Q-ah) or, we get . kh : dp _ -Mg f Integrating, J p” RT, aly Po 0 in? = In(1 - ah) M0/*% Po Hence, P= poll ah) MR, Obvionsly h Gar ee If a, b do not vary much with temperature, then the effect at high temperature is clearly determined by b and its effect is repulsive so compressibility is less. 196 2.2. THE FIRST LAW OF THERMODYNAMICS. HEAT CAPACITY 2.26 Intemal energy of air, treating as an ideal gas m Rip pv C7 eager et @ c Using C= since C, ~ Cy = R and oe =Y v y-1? Thus at constant pressure U= constant, because the volume of the room is a constant. Puting the value of p= Pyq and V in Eq, (1), we get U=10MJ. 2.27 From energy conservation U,+ Som) = U, or, AU = dum Q) But from U = v “ AT (trom the previous problem) Q) Hence from Eqs. (1) and (2). 2 ap = Me a-)) 2R 2.28 On opening the valve, the air will flow from the vessel at heigher pressure to the vessel at lower pressure till both vessels have the same air pressure. If this air pressure is p, the total volume of the air in the two vessels will be (V, + V,). Also if v, and v, be the number of moles of air initially in the two vessels, we have P,Vi= v, RT, and p,V,= v, RT; a) After the air is mixed up, the total number of moles are (v, + v2) and the mixture is at temperature 7. Hence p(V, + Vp) = (vy +¥,) RT (2) Let us look at the two portions of air as one single system. Since this system is contained in a thermally insulated vessel, no heat exchange is involved in the process. That is, total heat transfer for the combined system Q = 0 Moreover, this combined system does not perform mechanical work either. The walls of the containers are rigid and there are no pistons etc to be pushed, looking at the total system, we know A = 0. Hence, internal energy of the combined system docs not change in the process. Initially energy of the combined system is equal to the sum of internal energies of the two portions of air : MRT veRTy U.= Uy+,= ah? @) 2.29 2.30 231 2.32 197 Final internal energy of (n, + 72) moles of air at temperature T is given by (yy +¥,)RT Ue eed (4) Therefore, U;= U, implies : Miia ee hee vty, @V,/T) + @2V2/T) 9) PVT +P Va From (2), therefore, final pressure is given by : VitV, e -R_y PiVi+P2V2 PPV, Wav, T,+v2T,)= V,4V; This process in an example of free adiabatic expansion of ideal gas. By the first law of thermodynamics, Q= AU+A Here A = 0, as the volume remains constant, vR So, Q= AU= aT From gas law, PoV= VRTy PoVAT So, = -02510 T)(y-1) Hence amount of heat lost = - AU = 0.25 kJ By the first law of thermodynamics Q = AU+A ~ PAVE A . But AU Fou 721 7 (#5 P is constant) oa eis . Q= yan Pe ga 7 Under isobaric process A = pAV= RAT (as v= 1) = 0-6 KI From the first law of thermodynamics AU= Q-A= Q-RAT=1kK) we cee RAT Again increment in internal energy AU = YI? RAT Q y-1 ™ '" Q-RaT™ forv=1 Thus Q-RAT= 16 Let v = 2 moles of the gas. In the first phase, under isochoric process, A, = 0, therefore from gas law if pressure is reduced n times so that temperature i.c. new temperature becomes Ty/n. Now from first law of thermodynamics vRAT Q,= AU, = -1 198 LOR (E-+)- vRT(1-n) ee During the second phase (under isobaric process), A,= pAV= vRAT Thus from first law of thermodynamics : vRA! y-1 Q,= AU;+A,= YRAT, yRar R(T RT) (n-1)¥ n(y-1) y-1 Hence the total amount of heat absorbed VRT)(1—n) RT) (n-1)y n(y=1) *~ n(y=3) VRTy(n-1)¥ 1 - See var(t-5) 2.33 Total no. of moles of the mixture v = v, + v2 Q= 2,+Q)= At a certain temperature, U= U,+U, or vCy= vy Cy +2 Cy, ‘ ‘a Ma vy cyt Vy Cy any Thus Cy= ae MC, #¥2Cp, Similarly C= = uk Pi Vice ey viv Cy, +¥2¥2 Cv, Yn Ye i. v v 2 an -D+%2 2-1) vie-1)+%2 (4-1) ‘234 From the previous problem = 15-2 J/mole.K NytNy 2.35 2.36 199 y, Ry eR ty,-1° 27y-1 and ea hk = 23-85 J/mole. K ie Vit V2 ps Total_mass 20+ Now molar mass of the mixture (M) = =——— "EEE ——— it 36 2*4 cy , Hence cys 57 042I/g K and cy FF = 066I/gK Let S be the area of the piston and F be the force exerted by the external agent. Then, F +pS= poS (Fig.) at an arbitrary instant of time. Here p is the pressure at the instant the volume is V. (Initially the pressure inside is py) ny, A. (Work done by the agent)= f Fd Y nv avy F =f @-ns-ae= f o-prav Ps % % nv, nv, wv Ps Vv = Po(n-1) Vy J par = pyn-¥9-f ver % %, ’o ‘0 = (1-1) py Vo - nRT In y= (1-1) VRT- vRT Ing = vRT(q-1-Iny) = RT(n-1-1Inn) (For v= 1 mole) Let the agent move the piston to the right by x. In equilibirium position, PiS+Fegeu™ P25, % Fagen ™ (P2-P)S Work done by the agent in an infinitesmal change dx is Fagen B= (P2 ~ P;) Sd = (p2- py) dV By applying pV = constant, for the two parts, Py (Vo + Sx) = Py Vo and pz (Vo - Sx) = py Vo PoVo2Sx _— 2pyoVoV PPL” Va sta” Va When the volume of the left end is 1 times the volume of the right end -1 Mor V= 1Ve-V), 0, V= DTM So, (where Sx= V) 200 2.37 2.38 v 2p VoV A-for-nare fe Po dV = ~PoVo[ In (Wo vy 0 0 = ~PoVo[ In (Vg ~V?)-In VG ] 7 ~Po¥o] in| v3 - (2s) v2 | nv nei 4 (m+ie = = pyVo(in—s | = py Voli ‘Po of a) Povo an In the isothermal process, heat transfer to the gas is given by V2 2. PA Qy= vRTpIn = vRTyInn [Fons ¥ ip In the isochoric process, A= 0 Thus heat transfer to the gas is given by wR R Q2= AU= vCyaT= “ar (ir Cy= 7] = P2_ To PL Pi But = =, of T= Ty—= HT) |for n= — at opie ate (te n= Zt) vR or, AT= 9 T)-T)= (N-1)T> 50, Q.= yar - DT Thus, net heat transfer to the gas Q- WRTyIn n+ “%(m-1) 2. aol 22 wer or, WRT, has 1? % RT, Inn ya1 es -Ing SO x10) 6 VRTy 3x 8314 x 273 (a) From ideal gas law p = (F T= kT (where k= # For isochoric process, obviously k = constant, thus p = kT, represents a straight line passing through the origin and its slope becomes k. For isobaric process p = constant, thus on p - T curve, it is a horizontal straight line parallel to T-axis, if T is along horizontal (or x - axis) For isothermal process, T= constant, thus on p-T curve, it represents a vertical straight line if T is taken along horizontal (or x - axis) For adiabatic process T’p'~" = constant After diffrentiating, we get (1-y) p"'dp-T'+yp!"1-T""! -dT= 0 2.39 2.40 201 a (S)7))- a) The approximate plots of isochoric, isobaric, isothermal, and adiabatic processess are drawn in the answersheet. (b) As p is not considered as variable, we have from ideal gas law ve Kren xe r{wherek = P P On V-T co-ordinate system let us, take T along x — axis. For isochoric process V= constant, thus k’ = constant and V= &’T obviously represents a straight line pasing through the origin of the co-ordinate system and &’ is its slope. For isothermal process T= constant. Thus on the stated co- ordinate system it represents a straight line parallel to the V- axis. For adiabatic process TV'~* = constant After differentiating, we get (y- 1) V""?dV-T+V"'dT= 0 WM (A)y at” ~\y-1) T The approximate plots of isochoric, isobaric, isothermal and adiabatic processes are drawn in the answer sheet. According to Tp relation in adiabatic process, I" = kp’~1 (where k= constant) yl 7) (P2 no P2 and 2] - (2 So, =n" for n= 2 =| é : q% 2 | Pi Hence T= Tn — = 290 x 1074-14 2 0.56 KK (b) Using the solution of part (a), sought work done vRAT | VRTp Az vat F1 G1) = 5:61 kJ (on substitution) Let (Pp, Vo, Ty) be the initial state of the gas. -vRAT y-1 We know Agiig = (work done by the gas dia y But from the equation TV ’~' = constant, we get AT= Ty (nr = 1) ~»at, (1"*~1) Thus Avia ™ I On the other hand, we know A;,.= VRTp In (;) = -vRTy\ny (work done by the gas) Avg y'71-1 5°21 Ao Y-Dinyn” 0-4xinS _ Thus 202 2.41 Since here the piston is conducting and it is moved slowly the temperature on the two sides increases and maintained at the same value. Elementary work done by the agent = Work done in compression - Work done in expansion ic. dA = p, dV-p,dV= (p,-p,) dV where p, and p, are pressures at any instant of the gas on expansion and compression side respectively. From the gas law p, (Vj + Sx) = vRT and p, (Vy - Sx) = vRT, for each section (x is the displacement of the piston towards section 2) 2Sx Vv. So, = py= vRT 2S = vat. as Se ome V-s?2 va-vi! 2 So aA = vaT 2" av Ve-V' Also, from the first law of thermodynamics dA= -dU= - 2 Soar (as dQ = 0) So, work done on the gas = -dA= av Ro ar Thus 2v—8_ are var 2 ‘ae Vo-V or aT yy vay ee ee hay : ee AS When the left end is 1 times the volume of the right end. BS -1 (y+ = n(Vo-W) or V= DTV fagent r v : : aT vay On integrating fz o-vf $5 0 T, 0 or ine y-)| -Lm(v2-v?) yo T Pe) o = - 1 [ in ve -¥?)-n VG V7) 10 V6] 2 - Ba eyed _ Yel, @+iy -S [3 mvg{a (3) i 7 ay uw 2 \ 2 Hence T= Ty (*32*) m 2.42 2.43 2.44 203 From energy conservation as in the derivation of Bernoullis theorem it reads beyy +gz+u+Q, = constant (1) In the Eq. (1) u is the internal energy per unit mass and in this case is the thermal energy per unit mass of the gas. As the gas vessel is thermally insulated Q, = 0, also in our case. c,T Just inside the vessel u =~ = a also ee a + Inside the vessel v= 0 also, Just outside p = 0, and u=0. Ingeneral gz is not very significant for gases. Thus applying Eq. (1) just inside and outside the hole, we get ae 2 Vv p tu Rt aT | Rr M M(y-1)) M(y-1) 2y RT 2y RT Hence ve = I gg ve YA 23,22 kms. M(y-1) M(y-1) Note : The velocity here is the velocity of hydrodynamic flow of the gas into vaccum. This requires that the diameter of the hole is not too small (D > mean free path /). In the opposite case (D << J) the flow is called effusion. Then the above result does not apply and kinetic theory methods are needed. The differential work done by the gas 2 dA = pay = AE (- 7 dT = -vRdT ( pV = vRT and V= 4] rear So, A= -f vRdT = - vRAT T From the first law of thermodynamics Q= AU+A= TA ar-vRar : var Sate Rar-oot (for v= 1 mole) According to the problem : Aa U or dA =aU (where a is proportionality constant) ce pdV = avRaT rat a From ideal gas law, pV= v RT, on differentiating pdV + Vdp = v RAT 2) 204 2.45 2.46 Thus from = and (2) paV = 5 (pa + Vp) wat Sot} vero or, pdV(k-1)+kVdp = 0 (where k= = another constant) or, pav ®=1. 5 vdp = 0 or, pdVn + Vdp = 0 (where = n= ratio) Dividing both the sides by pV n g + 2 =0 On integrating n In V+in p= InC (where C is constant) or, In(pV")= InC ot, pV"= C (const) In the polytropic process work done by the gas an RUE (where T; and T, are initial and final temperature of the gas like in adiabatic process) and AU= Pa -1) By the first law of aa cad ona AU+A ~~ r- n+ a-1 7 ot we a oe oe @-1)G-D = According to definition of molar heat capacity when number of moles v= 1 and AT= 1 then Q = Molar heat capacity. __Rt-y) Here, Cc wep <0 for l -( i i)* PoV y-1 poV (b) Work done is given by : ( a V2 Af (rox G)av- Po(¥,-V,)+aIn v. - 2 Vo ava Vy AU = Cy(T)-T,)= cee? 7 | co one mole) R "Gir 2% a Po(V2- Vi) a7 Fai (or ev) Yor [oo 53) — By the first law of thermodynamics Q= AU+A Ve Po(V2- Vi) = Po(Vo- Vi) + ain 2 OMe Die ava yi yy 2.54 (a) Heat capacity is given by RT dv . C= Cyt Var (see solution of 2.52) We T_T fe have TeT+aV or, Vae—-—- aa i a 1 After differentiating, we get, aa 209 Hence (b) Given T= T,+0V As T= a for one mole of gas R RT Pa 7 (Tytav)= 57 = aR ‘ Ya RT. Now A= | pdV= oat a.R| dV (for one mole) Vy, % 1 Va = RTyin=+a(V,-V,) vy AU = Cy(T)-T)) = Cy[Tp+0V2- Toa Vil = aCy(Vp- V1) By the first law of thermodynamics Q = Cee oR -,- v)+RTpIng? B+ aR (, vy) = aR(V,-V) | 14+] +R, in 2 aed val ony Va = a6, (V,-¥,+RTyin 2 V2 = 06, (Va- Vi) + RTpIn Ge a Heat capacity is given by C= Cy+ a x (a) Given C= Cy+o0T wv So, Cy+aT= cee or, far- a V aT Vi Integrating both sides, we get 27 = InV + In Co = In VCp,Cy is a constant, Or, VeCg= ec or Ves em A= constant 0 (b) C= Cy + pV 210 2.56 RT dv RT dv and C= Cyt Se 80, Cy ay Gam Cyt BV Eh e, HAE g, vt : Rv Integrating both sides, we get ~=—— = InT+InCy= In TC; 8 BRB-1 0 0 “Coe - rcy= BY -wev, 1 So, InT-Co BV T-Coze or, Te a" constant (0) C= Cy+ap and C= ra So, Cyt+ap= cy+8t Vv ray so, ap= ae RT_ RT GV RT or, aT = 7 gp OS P= “y for one mole of gas) dv dv or, Gn 0, Wm adT on, T= S So,T = x. constant or V- a7 = constant (@) By the first law of thermodynamics A = Q - AU or, = CdT-CydT = (C-Cy)dT (for one mole) Given ct nt T, So, ar mire = alny-CyT)(n-1) = alny er 7 (- 1) dQ _ RTav ) Cmte tly i a, ATA a Given. C= 7 Cyt Var" T RijWv_ a or, y-18T* V Ret wv 1 aT ] Vv" Rey T WAY gp or, o-n Ge Se ar-F Integrating both sides, we get 2.57 2.58 2.59 or, (y-1)InV= -20-) a reink RT cn Invi-d Zz Se ouel) RT y-1, wy. =aQ-t nV RK" pv on, we eae pv -0v or, pv'é = RK = constant The work done is % foo fale = RT In mb (a 7 v.76 | (a) The increment in the internal energy is But from second law (QU) _ 7 (8) _ pe 7 (2) — (=r, 7 ir, P (2), P RT _a On the other hand Be yep (ap) | RT aUN a or, (2A, ve and av), z oe So, AU= “(i-¥, (b) From the first law Q=A+AU= RT In (a) From the first law for an adiabatic dQ= dU+pdV=0 From the previous problem d= (irl, ar (FH), am CyaT + av RTdV -b So, Om CyaT + 211 212 2.60 2.61 This equation can be integrated if we assume that Cy and b are constant then Rk WV at R Cv b +7 or, 1c or, T(V-6)*v= constant (b) We use a dU = CydT+ av RT Now, Oona av So along constant p, C,= oe ee (ar, RT (a RT a Thus C,-Cy= v=(ar] , But pe AE ee RT 2a\(av) | R On differentiating, 0 caramel Ga Sep _ (5 RT/V-b_ ____-V-b : aT) RT 2a F iw a 1-2-5) W-by Vv RTV R d C,-Cys ———__ . 20 ee RTV? From the first law Q= U,-U,+A~= 0, as the vessels are themally insulated, As this is free expansion, A= 0, so, U,= U; av But U=voyr- C(T.-7} 4) ye ey So, v(Ty~T) = ( +¥j; “a)" VWi+¥) -a(y-1) Vv o, AT= Ry, V+ V2) Substitution gives AT = -3K Q= U;- U,+A= U,-U;, (as A= 0 in free expansion). So at constant temperature. 2 2 Vy-V, -av’ QVe) 2 a dae rl Q- -(- } Pavavs = 0:33 kJ from the given data. 213 2.3 KINETIC THEORY OF GASES. BOLTZMANN’S LAW AND MAXWELL’S DISTRIBUTION 2.62 From the formula p= nkT -15 Ss P_, Ax107%x 101x107 3 ” KE™ “138 x10- x 300 = 1x10" perm? = 10° per c.c Mean distance between molecules (10~F e.c.)¥9 = 10% x 10-7 em = 0-2 mm. 2.63 After dissociation each N, molecule becomes two N-atoms and so contributes, 2 x 3 degrees of freedom. Thus the number of moles becomes m mRT eden) and p= Fen) Here M is the molecular weight in grams of N. 2.64 Let n,= number density of He atoms, n, = number density of N, molecules Then p= nym, +nym, where m, = mass of He atom, m,= mass of N, molecule also p = (7, + n,) kT From these two equations we get - (&8)/ 0-5) nv x 2 mv cos 8 x dA cos @ 2.65 p= a = 2mnv' cos” 0 2.66 From the formula If i = number of degrees of freedom of the gas then C,= Cy+RT and Cy= gat ¢, ye ented or ine ce v : ee P RT 3kT 3RT 267 Yanna Wig = Wg 2 84 me Vin Vt 214 2.68 2.69 2.70 (a) For monoatomic gases i= 3 sound 3 Se V5 707 rns (b) For rigid diatomic molecules i= 5 sound Ae eee Vas eo Fors gener assets, eoapen ule: mean energy = Se T (translational) + ser (rotational) + (3.N- 6) kT (vibrational) = (N- 3) kT per molecule For linear molecules, mean energy = Sar (translational) +AT (rotational) + (3N - 5) kT (vibrational) - e N- 3) ET per molecule 1 1 : ZWw-) and 5 in the two cases. ww -5 Translational energy is a fraction (a) A diatomic molecule has 2 translational, 2 rotational and one vibrational degrees of freedom. The corresponding energy per mole is 3ar, (for translational) + 2x47, (for rotational) ge Hi +17, (for vibrational) = ZR c Thus, Cy= ZR, and y= a 2 v (b) For jinear N- atomic molecules energy per mole = (w- 3} RT as before 5 6N-3 So, Cy= (3N-35)R and y= Gye (©) For noncollinear N- atomic molecules 3N-2 | N~2/3 3N-3 N-1 Cy= 3(N-1)R as betore (2.68) y= In the isobaric process, work done is A= pdv= RAT per mole. On the other hand heat transferred Q = C,dT Now C, = (3N - 2)R for non-collinear molecules and c, = (ow - 3] R for linear molecules 271 2.72 2.73 2.74 215 non collinear Thus = : 5 For monoatomic gascs, Gn > Given specific heats c, , c, (per unit mass) M(c,~¢,)= R or, M~= Also Cy J 29 (a) C,= 29 *K mole g3ak 20:7 29 7 Cum gg ® Y= apq™ M4" 5 i= 5S (b) In the process pT = const. Te aT av 77 const, So 25 --S = Vv 0 Thus CdT= C,dT+pdV= cars Pav Cd + 2RT ar 29 i243 or Cm Cy+2n~ (55) So Cyn Bake gr Hence i= 3 (monoatomic) Obviously 1,3, ,5 REV Tut Th (Since a monoatomic gas has Cy = 3R and a diatomic gas has Cy = Sr. [The diatomic molecule is rigid so no vibration]) te By, +3 +1 +7, Rove TN zt Ft ¥2 ye Ge SHAT Cy 3nt5% The internal energy of the molecules are 1 2 Hence Us mN<(i-vy>= SmN adv 216 2.75 2.76 2.77 where ¥™= velocity of the vessel, NV = number of molecules, each of mass m. When the vessel is stopped, internal energy becomes dm a> So there is an increase in internal energy of AU = Amn This will give rise to a rise in temperature of mNV ee sR 2 mNv iR there being no flow of heat. This change of temperature will lead to an excess pressure RAT muy Nie Pe eve aay. and finally 2. a = 22% where M = molecular weight of N,, i= number of degrees of freedom of N, (a) From the equipartition theorem = 3 oe 3kT SRT f= SkT = 6 x 107 J; and Vins Yo Vag 7 OAT kin/s (b) In equilibrium the mean kinetic energy of the droplet will be equal to that of a molecule. ix aoe V24t oo: 7G F OMe TET OF Mgy™ 3 ei 0-15 m/s a 5 j akira f 1, /3RT a Vm WV Meal aN a Now in an adiabatic process TV1-+= TV% = constant or VT’? = constant Here i= 5,Cy= ZR, y= Egiven i2 v 7 = VT or Vantin V or Ven'¥ 1 The gas must be expanded 1 times, i.e 7-6 times. -im 2M m= mass of the gas, M= molecular weight. If v,,,, increases 1 times, the temperature will Here Cc, R(i= 5 here) have increased 17times. This will require (neglecting expansion of the vessels) a heat flow of amount Sm =_— 2 = ak i -1)T = 10 Wl. 2.78 2.79 2.80 2.81 217 The root mean square angular velocity is given by 1 2 or o= Vv ae = 63 x 10” rad/s Under compression, the temperature will rise TV’~) = constant, TV = constant or, Tn Vy= TVs! of, T= n° Ty So mean kinetic energy of rotation per molecule in the compressed state = kT = kTy y= 0-72 x 10°F To?= 2x ik T (2 degrees of rotations) No. of collisions = tn =v Now, (When the gas is expanded 1 times, n decreases by a factor 1). Also Tint or Tan”T 20, Yo aut 1 i+) i.e. collisions decrease by a factor 1 , i = 5 here. In a polytropic process pV" = constant., where 7 is called the polytropic index. For this process pV" = constant or TV"~* = constant aT adv Fra-n Gao Then dQ= CdT= dU+pdV= CydT+pdV i RT i 1 fos = gRdT+5-dV= SRAT-——RdT= (s-saa}Rer Now tnt __i or, or n= 5 act ay)? row 1 d 1. times = 755 times 2.82. If a is the polytropic index then pV°= constant, TV°~! = constant. ao Yona Vv Vitawes | vone> V vr“ 1 1 Hence qty tate! K€ Then C= at 2 =3R OT. [RT 283 v= y= = ve . v2 = 0-45 km/s, oe vie = SLkm/s and Yigg VY - = 055 km/s 2.84 (a) The formula is 4 ot v df (u)= we du, where u= — if (u) = % 14am y Now Prob (otcon)- f df (u) . 1-on 4 7 oe . x2dn= Zz bn = 00166 () Pr cin) ma: ~f fvet a a 3 12¥3 an oer 2V=dn= ——e dy = 00185 22 . = 0 by symmetry cluo= f Wem HE a, bap ce dy, fut eur dy, Af et dv, aT 1 OT -VE rey/2()-VE io 292 Pon Be av. Ey oft). 2.93 Here vdA = No. of molecules hitting an area dA of the wall per second J aeyas 0 221 or, Set) wn VE 2 mv JT WT dy, ~ bnew qn, dA 2.94 Let, dn(v,) = "(omz) be the number of molecules per unit volume with x component of velocity in the range v, to v, + dv, Then p= f 2my, + v,dn(v,) 222 3/2 2.96 - m ~ mi eT 2 _ NE aN) ™ (saz) e Anvdve av()= MO ge dN’ m\? 2 dv (@) -miner 4 ody or, 7 - (35a) . 4n¥ 2 1 dy Now, e= zm $0 ew AN) Ly (_) 1 _ de loner m . ve (ene 12 nt ie. aN (@)= NPI 6? ae x The most probable kinetic energy is given from v2 4 xo. 0 of ee ee 0 or e= fits fy The corresponding velocity is v= ‘V a = 2.97 The mean kinetic energy is af e2%—-e 12 Ut gp pp EG) _ 3 > kD) ‘0 223 (e1)-?7Veq Te 2 (In evaluating the integral, we have taken out Ve as Veg since the integral is dominated by the lower limit.) > 2.99 (a) F(v)= Avie ™ OT For the most probable value of the velocity dF (v) 2o-min 4 3 2mV mir ae 0 or 3AVe -Av OT 0 So, This should be compared with the value vp, = ‘V/~2 for the Maxwellian distribution. (b) In terms of energy, e = zm aw = Ape ™ ait F(e)= Ave a =A(22) 2e\"? env 1 Ate ls 2me m From this the probable energy comes out as follows : F’(e) = 0 implies 2A ((-eer_ & ,-ear 2A(_-wer_£ o-T\ 2 0, ot, ¢ = kT rt AT ) (a 2.100 The number of molecules reaching a unit arca of wall at angle between @ and 6 +0 to its normal per unit time is ive ff dn(v) 22 ycos 6 4x veo iy em ur 7 ~fr(ta)« v dvsin 0 cos @d0x2% 0 v2 v2 (A) feta sindcosod0= n( 7) sin 0 cos 0d 0 mn mn 0 2.101 Similarly the number of molecules reaching the wall (per unit area of the wall with velocities in the interval v to v + dv per unit time is Om x/2 ave f dn(v) 2 vcos 0 0-0 224 = K/2 ae 2 -f “(oxu7) en ZIT 3 dy sinO cos dO x 2x e-0 nm, =< m mv /2T BA v= (aia) Pav 2.102 If the force exerted is F then the law of variation of concentration with height reads n(Z )= me" So, n= eh or Fa TEN 9x 10? N x RTin 6RTin 2103 Here F= 2 Apg= “29 or N= SS - 6 a! Nuh ae xd gAph In the problem, 1 = 1:39 here No T= 290K, 1 =2, h=4x 107m, d=4x 1077 m,g=98 m/s”, A p= 0-2 x 10° kg/m? and R= 8-31 J/k 6 x 8-31 x 290 x In2 ve 23 a ee Ce cra ee ee a concetration of H ~My, S/R _ og RP RHEE Sl re Ny iH, 1 Concentration of Ny ~ "0 Q-My,-a¥AT Noe Me % gh/RT 2.104 So more N; at the bottom, (i = 1.39 ben] 0 2105 ny (h)= ne, ny (h) = ne AT n They are equal at a height h where a ebh(m,— maT 2 Inn, - Inn, or h= (cach tbe) oo ei 2.106 At a temperature T the concentration n (2 ) varies with height according to ne )= nye "et This means that the cylinder contains f ne) de 0 ny kT = f mene dz -— mg 0 particles per unit area of the base. Clearly this cannot change. Thus ny kT = py= pressure at the bottom of the cylinder must not change with change of temperature. 2.107 2.108 2.109 2.110 225 Jf meen ae ff xerae 1.—_—_-- ir TQ, AT >= kT ra kT ~meNT gy When there are many kinds of molecules, this formula holds for each kind and the average energy = kT ee > fi where f; @ fractional concentration of each kind at the ground level. The constant acceleration is equivalent to a pseudo force wherein a concentration gradient is set up. Then eT yy of ye Mee aE oe Mt ™M,t Ina centrifuge rotating with angular velocity w aboutan axis, there is a centrifugal acceleration wr where r is the radial distance from the axis. In a fluid if there are suspended colloidal particles they experience an additional force. If m is the mass of each particle then its Aig 5 ae volume is a and the excess force on this particle is ze ~ Po) wr outward corresponding to a potential energy - me - po? This gives rise to a concentration variation n(r= moo(+ pre apor?] n(r.) Thus . e(+ Tero Po) (- ”)) m_M . 5 where T= qe M= Na mis the molecular weight cL ww —22RTIng ( ~ Po) 0 (3 - 7) The potential energy associated with each molecule is : - im wo? and there is a concentration variation mor? (Mw? 7? n(r) = ng exp UT |= "0°? | “oR Thus ne exp (EE) oe we VEE 2RT MI2 226 2.111 2.112 Using M= 12+32= 44gm, I= 100cm, R= 831x 10’ SE T= 300, we get w = 280 radians per second. ar” Here n(r) = ng exp iT (a) The number of molecules located at the distance between r and r+ dr is 4xPdrn(r)= 4 anyesp(-$2) Par () +, ris given by 2? n(r)=0 oF, or 2g or te Va (c) The fraction of molecules lying between r and r + dr is aN 4x7 drngexp (- ar’/kT) rs ee nig exp (~ a°/KT) fexroen(-g (2) eof ares) 3/2 “(3 2°63)" Thus a. ( Vv; V, V4 Finally or ee ee Q (b) Define n by p,= 2 rVp= VY ot Vy= nV, So we get the formulae here by n>’ in the previous case. nt an} mw 048 nei- 2115 Used as a refrigerator, the refrigerating efficiency of a heat engine is given by : i " : & 21 2272, 2 = i-1 =9 here, “TA” Q,-O," OF 2 where 7 is the efficiency of the heat engine. 228 2116 Given V)= nV, Vy= nV, Q,= Heat taken at the upper temperature = RT,Inn+RTyInn= R(T, +T,)Inn Now T,VJ"'= 7, VJ"! or V3= A 1,71 qT, Similarly Vs = 3 Vy, Ve= 1, % Thus Q, = heat ejected at the lower temperature = - RT; Inge a = _ T,\1-1V, 7 T,\-1 RTI Ty vo ~RTIn T, ws; 1 1 rT (ny TT alr = 2RT;Inn rr,in( 2 = -AT Inf Thus n= 1-—— c 2117 Q',= Cy(Tz-T5)= V2 o-Ps) Thus On the other hand, 6p, Vi = P2Vi, P3V3= pyVi also V,= nV, Thus p,= p27", py= pyr" and y= 1-n'', with y= 2 tor N, this is n = 0-602 ¢ ¢ 2118 Q1 = BPs (a- Vi), O'a™ Pa (Vs~ Va) P2 (V3 - V4) Se =1-—-> eo MEV) 1 Now py = "Py Py VJ or V3= ny Vy 1 PoVi= PVE or Vie nt, ae 7 so ma i-FenY= inn? 2.119 2.120 229 Since the absolute temperature of the gas rises n times both in the isochoric heating and in the isobaric expansion P,= np, and V,= nV,. Heat taken is Q1= Qn+Qn where Q,,= C,(n=1)T, and Qy= Cy7, (! 5] Heat rejected is Q',= Q'a; + Q'n where 1 Q'n= CyT,(-1), Q'n= Gni(t-5 i. Cyn-1) +C, Cote 46,(!~ a} 2% em-+e,(1- Gym ee,(t-2) (a) Here pp= "p,, Pi Vi = Po Vo» np, Vim PoVo 7 Vo Q'p= RTpln >, O,= CyTo(n-1) But nVJ~'= Vg-! on, Vi= Von} Inn isothermal ete oRT, Q',= RTyInnv-1 = y-1 Q : . 2 emp) inn ' Thus me 1-7 on using Cy= 95 (>) Here V, = 2V,, pV, = Po Vo and Py (nV,)" = po VE - - ne ie. n'VJ-le Vi) or Vie ny-1Vy Vv Also Q, = C,T(n- 1), Q'= Ringe LeMans Pl or Q'p* RTplnnyt= py Tolan C,Toinn | 7 isothermal PB Vo ‘To Inn Thus nei-4 230 2.121 2.122 Here the isothermal process proceeds at the maximum temperature instead of at the minimum. temperature of the cycle as in 2.120. Po,Vo, f\o% ssothermal (lott) QL RM,,T Q e jisochor isothermal 7 adiabatic : % adiabatie Fy, rap (A,v,,70) (2) V P (8) Here py Vi= Po Vo» P= PoVI= PoVS of Pi VI= po Vd 1 ie. Vivt= avg" or Vy= Vony-1 7 1 V, RT Q'n= CyTo(t— 9} Qi RTalny, = yeritns CvToina- 2’, n-1 Thus 1S on. | nian vy, (b) Here V>= =, PoVo= Pi PoVS= PyVJ= pyntVI = V-tmTVI! or Y= nD Y, " 1 Yu Rk Q= 61-5} Q)= RTginy = yapToinn= C,ToInn Thus yneal- The section from (p,, V,, To) to (Pz, Vz, Tp/n) is a polytropic process of index ot. We shall assume that the corresponding specific heat C is + ve. Here, dQ = CdT = Cy dT + pdV Now pV“= constant or 7V°~! = constant. RT R so pdV = ,-dV = - "aT A,V,To R Poly tropic of Then C= Cy->7=R Qh indent RT, PV, We have p,V,= RTy= pV," "= Pa,42,Tofi PoVo= Py Vi = "P2Vx» PoVo= P2Vis 2.123 2.124 1 PiVe= poVE or Vaal ivy or V,= Vony- eed ir a Verte SVE"! or Y= no a-1Vy= ny a-1Vp : 1 Vy, 1 1 Now Q', = cnt -a} Q,= RTyingt = RR Aya i) inns CTyinn Thus n=i- aot R,Yofo ve ABh Pi,Vo,71 adiabatic = ® : Q2! adiabatic % B,TMoTi q 1 (@) Here Q',= <,(n-7)- eni(t-7} Q- Ci{t0- Along the adiabatic line Ty) Vi-'= T,(2Vy)""* of, Ty= Tin") y@-1) rele T, so Qy=CyPnt— 1). Thus y= 1-H (b) Here Q',= Cy(nT,-T)), Q,= C,*T, (n-1) Along the adiabatic line 7V’~*= constant yl ravs's 1,(7) or Ty= "Ty “| Yo1 Th -1-— me ae yaad) Po,Vo,70 7 "he, Vo To 11o,Vo,Ton & 1 — a =RToinn oYoT2 YQ, $"V2,To a Pa Yo,To (ar (b) 231 232 2.125 2.126 (®) Q,= CT» (! . Q",= RTyInn, Q',= CyTp (: 2-040", 1 ou 2 celta So ne - Se 1-74) 7 Cy{1-=)+RiInn n — y(n-1) Rainn” n-1+(y-1ainn Cyn-1 (b) Q,= C,T)(n-1),0",= CyTy(n-1) OQ", = RTylnn, Q',= Q",+Q", So _n=1+(y-1)Inn y(a-1) We have Q',= tRTyInv, Q"y= Cy T(t -1)0,= Q', +0", and Q"", = RTyInv, Q",= CyT)(t- 1) as well as Q, = Q,'+Q," and Oy! = 0," +0," Q', Cy(e-1)+Rinv S =1-— Aaah dele enseeealle 2 7a" C,@-1)+tRInv tiny ae = (-1)Inv 7 Mme vinve aT y-1 Here Q,” =C,Ty (v- 1), Q'1" = tRTylun and Oy" = CT (x1), Q,'" = RT jinn in addition to we have Q,=Q)' +Q," and Q,'= 2," +0," Q', C,(t-1)+RInn Si ef ee one tO 1G @aieeRinn cote (t- tein rian TED 2.127 2.128 2.129 233 Because of the linearity of the section BC whose equation is C BWV EPoya Et Pe Va (=p= av) Mae, yv We have = y or v= Ve > Q2 Here Q")= CyTy (Vt - 1), |= eq0% - RY, Thus 9',= Q",+0",= Te -1) (: 7 Q""= C,T> (! = Along BC, the specific heat C is given by CdT = C,dT + paV = crated (za ”) . (cv 38) aT Thus Q,= pent Ory Vetr 1 yD We-1) Finally ne doen td (y+1) (Vt +1) We write Claussius inequality in the form fe-fi@eo where dQ is the heat transeferred to the system but dQ is heat rejected by the system, both are +ve and this explains the minus sign before 4, Q, In this inequality T,,.. > 7> Ty, and we can write f $2-f 22 <0 Trax Ton 2 2a oy Tae 02 Thus a <= o Tax Toun “O or wet Bie, Tony Q cr eee We consider an infinitesimal carnot cycle with isothermal process at temperatures T+dT and T. Let dA be the work done in the cycle and 8Q, be the heat received at the higher temperature. Then by Carot’s theorem 234 2.130 2.131 2.132 2.133 dA aT toe Prdp On the other hand 84= dpdV= (#) aTav while 8Q, = dU, +pdV = [(a>] vl a aU) 4. (2 nine (22) sp~ 7(2) { ' = 1 t ' Vv V+dv (a) In an isochoric process the entropy change will be T, aT T, . . ole = Rinn w-f Fo Cy n= Cy Inn= STD 1, For carbon dioxide y= 1:30 so, AS = 19-2 Joule/°K ~ mole (b) For an isobaric process, y = Ee = YRinn aS= C,Inz= C,Inn yo1 = 25 Joule/*K -mole In an isothermal expansion V, = a AS= vRin v. V, so, ft: eS SR 2 2.0 times The entropy change depends on the final & initial states only, so we can calculate it directly along the isotherm, it is AS= 2RInn = 20J/*K (assuming that the final volume is 7 times the inital volume) If the initial temperature is Ty and volume is Vp then in adiabatic expansion. -1 -1 TV = Ty Vt i= vy 80, T= Tyn'"*= T, where n= > Vo V, being the volume at the end of the adiabatic process. There is no entropy change in this process. Next the gas is compressed isobarically and the net entropy change is T, m © TE AS i <,) In T 235 Vy, Vo Vo —= => = —s 7 But TT 8 Tee Nye Ton (m. ed = a hy _ 5 So AS (ee) moon My-1"" 9-73/K 2.134. The entropy change depends on the initial and 2,,Voyo final state only so can be calculated for any process whatsoever. We choose to evaluate the entropy change along the pair of lines shown above. Then 7 er, 8 eo vCy dT AS = t f vc, £ rT aT, 3 a = (-CyInB+C,Ina)v= 7A (rin a - In)» -11 2.135. To calculate the required entropy difference we only have to calculate the entropy difference for a process in which the state of the gas in vessel 1 is changed to that in vessel 2. - as - v (rina 7S pmo) va(ma-78] 3, a= 2 and B= 15,v~ 12, With y Pe fe Nak this gives AS = 0-85 Joule/°K 2.136 For the polytropic process with index n pV" = constant Along this process (See 2.122) cone n- 1 yl “wa)" @-De-n * n- = G-p@a et 236 2.137 The process in question may be written as ed (Tee Po Vo where a is a constant and po, Vp are some reference values. For this process (see 2.127) the specific heat is ele he lye ( a 2) ay Along the line volume increases o times then so does the pressure. The temperature must then increase o”times. Thus a C= Cyt+5R=R oT, as- fc YRY+ 1 te RM in Te yet y-1 if ve 2, y= 5, a= 2,48 = 4641 Joule/*K 2.138 Let (p,, V;) be a reference point on the line P= Pyo- av and let (p, V) be any other point. The entropy difference AS = S(p,V)-S@,V1) Po-OoV Vv P Vv = CyiIn=+C,Inz-= Cyin ryt am For an exetremum of AS oases cee GT av py-aV V or C,(¥-aV)-aVCy= 0 YPo oF Y@p-aV)-aV=O or Vm Vy= SO eAS This gives a maximum of AS because wv? <0 (Note :- a maximum of AS is a maximum of S(p, V)) 2.139 Along the process line : S= aT+CyInT or the specific heat is : C= rhe aT+Cy On the other hand : dQ = CdT = Cy dT + pdV for an ideal gas. Thus, pdVv= tw. aTdT 2.140 2.141 2.142 237 oe Rw av = dT of, Ein V+ constant = 7 Using T= T, when Ve Vo, we get, T= Ty+ = ine 0 For a Vander Waal gas a fos sa}er-0- RT The entropy change along an isotherm can be calculated from ‘ ws-J vi It follows from (2.129) that (aS) = (a (7, (i,- | assuming a, b to be known constants. rnv2z® Thus AS= Ring Yat 7 % vem ase fawn- [| Mot, - Car -b fs fee Cyn 2 Ringe b assuming Cy, a, b to be known constants. ‘We can take S->0 as T->0 Then T T as 2 ape Lar? saficd feta her 0 0 1 t 2.143 as. f 2. f mshD ara mb (T,~T,) + man? e 1 q, 1 238 2.144 Here T= aS" or S= (7) 2.145 2.146 2.147 1 7” 1 tea ini s Then Ca ares Clearly C<0 ifn<0. We know, je know, 7 co assuming C to be a known constant. to S-S, Then T= Tyexp CS) c p'y (From the ideal gas equation pV= RT ) 240 2.151 2.152 2.153 2.154 Let V,= Vy Vz= "Vy Since the temperature is the same, the required entropy change can be calculated by con- sidering isothermal expansion of the gas in either parts into the whole vessel. AAA Vy Vi +V2 Thus AS = AS, + AS, = v,RIn Wt Rn =», Rin(L+n)+v,Rin 2+ = 54 5/K Let ¢ = specie heat of copper specific heat of water = c, ners cm, dT aT Ty Then ofoge 2m So = mea 395 mes In 1428 Ty is found from 280 m, cp + 370 m; c 2 (Ty 280) = my 6 (370-7) or Ty= Tt using c= 039 J/g °K, c= 4:18 J/g °K, Ty~ 300°K and AS = 28-4- 245 = 3-93 /°K For an ideal gas the internal energy depends on temperature only. We can consider the process in question to be one of simultaneous free expansion. Then the total energy U= U,+U,, Since _ U,= CyT, U,= Cy Ty U= 2Cy + and (7, +T,)/2 is the final temperature. The entropy change is obtained by considering isochoric processes because in effect, the gas remains confined to its vessel. (y+ ty2 Cyt f (+t) “fe Cy Fa Cy In oaTTse (14%) Since (7, +7, = (T,-T7,)° +47, 7), AS>0 (@) Each atom has a probability + to be in either campartment. Thus p=2™ (b) Typical atomic velocity at room temperature is~ 10° cm/s so it takes an atom 107 sec to cross the vessel. This is the relevant time scale for our problem. Let T= 107‘ sec, then in time f there will be t/T crossing or arrangements of the atoms. This will be large enough to produce the given arrangement if i vt in 2 oT oe Nee ~75 t 2.155 2.156 2.157 2.158 2.159 241 The statistical weight is N 10x9x8x7x6 No = Cun wae 8x 4x3x2 = 252 The probability distribution is New 27% = 52x27 = 24-6 % The probabilites that the half A contains n molecules is N! niW-n)t The probability of one molecule being confined to the marked volume is No x 27s — az We can choose this molecule in many (N_) ways. The probability that n molecules get confined to the marked volume is cay Nop" (1-pyv-"= a atti?" ap Ina sphere of diameter d there are xd® Nw =e ny molecules where 1) = Loschmidt’s number = No. of molecules per unit volume (1 cc) under NTP. The relative fluctuation in this number is an YN, NN” Ww 1x 6 a or += 20m of d= or d= = 0-41 pm ge” Ty ms } The average number of molecules in this sphere is 2, = 10° n For a monoatomic gas Cy= aR per mole The entropy change in the process is y+ aT as=s-5= f cyt zam(t “T) T Now from the Boltzmann equation S=kinQ al 3x8, 19" QL os-svee (y4 47)? 2 (4,1)? = 103x102 a7? (+7) +599 10° x 10” Thus the statistical weight increases by this factor. 242 2.5 LIQUIDS. CAPILLARY EFFECTS 2.161 2.162 2.163 1) 1 aa @) Ap= “(zat aa)- a = 4490x107? Ns 397 106 N= 13 atmosphere 15x10-° om m (©) The soap bubble has two surfaces i 1) so . ve 2a(Zat a)” d 8x45 3x 107° x107? = 1-2x 107? atomsphere. The pressure just inside the hole will be less than the outside pressure by 4 a/d. This can support a height h of Hg where 4a 4a pghm Foor he OG R40 10 200 136 x 10°x 98x 70x 10-6 13-6 x 70 b-t}re)- Esl] ~ 21m of Hg By Boyle’s law . & or o9(1-2)- FP-1) 1 3) Thus a- goed(t- 2) oF» The pressure has terms due to hydrostatic pressure and capillarity and they add 4a. P= Pot pgh + i (1 5x98x10% | 4x- 73x10" + —— x 1075] atoms = 2-22 atom. 10° 4x10 By Boyle’s law 4a) x lrorheoe F)z #- (ros mene or [re -29(0* - 0] = “So? -1) oo [no-neSter-n]/s0 = 4.98 meter of water 2.165 2.166 2.167 2.168 2.169 Clearly al Ahpg= 4a| cos 0|/—- eg | Ila a 4a cos 0 | (d, - d,) 4, 4, pg 1i mm Ina capillary with diameter d= 0-5 mm water will rise to a height 2a 40, psr ped _ 4% 73x 107? 10° x 9-8 x 0-5 x 107* Since this is greater than the height (= 25 mm) of the tube, a meniscus of radius R will be formed at the top of the tube, where 2a e273 xl0as PBA 10° x 98x 25 x 107% = 596mm R= ~ 06mm Initially the pressure of air in the cppillary is py and it’s length is J. When submerged under water, the pressure of air in the portion above water must be pp +45, since the level of water inside the capillary is the same as the level outside. Thus by Boyle’s law 4 [oo “G)e-9= ro! 4a. 1 or Gna = pox oF xe ind ae We have by Boyle’s law (po - pgh + 422289) 4 Ay = pot : 4acosd. 9, , Pot 5 gia PES tac, Poh) _d ae x (one i aS Suppose the liquid rises to a height A. Then the total energy of the liquid in the capillary is E(iy= 2 G- A) nx pgxt-n(4,-d) ah Minimising E we get 4a. no Og) “6 244 2.170 2171 2.172 Let h be the height of the water level at a distance x from the edge. Then the total energy of water in the wedge above the level outside is. Bef xdq-axn-pgt-2f ae-h-acoso J apr 960 (i -228 500) - fas 3 _2acos0) _ 4a? cos’ 2c xpgd@ xp eb qr 2acos 0 xpgso From the “ of continuity This is minimum when h = qe: ve a) “Voor Ven’. We then apply Bernoulli’s theorem 21246 = constant p*2 The pressure p differs from the atmospheric pressure by capillary effects. At the upper section _ P= Pot neglecting the curvature in the vertical plane. Thus, oe ae eee oe hte ge 4 dat or nad Finally, the liquid coming out per second is, / 4a va tne Af 28!-SGe-D 4 4 n-1 The radius of curvature of the drop is R, at the upper end of the drop and R, at the lower end. Then the pressure inside the drop is pp + 2% at the top end and pg +52 at the bottom 1 2 end. Hence 20 2a(Ry-R,) Pot Ren Pot tsk on RT Pa To a first approximation Ry ~ Ry ~ & so R)-R,= Fe sh 37g, » 0-20 mm if h= 23mm, «= 73N/m 2.173 2.174 2175 2.176 245 ‘We must first calculate the pressure difference inside the film from that outside. This is roe(ted} : Here 2r, cos @|= h and ry ~ —R the radius of the tablet and can be neglected. Thus the total force exerted by mercury drop on the upper glass plate is 2 2nR 7 e059 ypicatly We should put / /n for i because the tablet is compresed n times. Then since Hg is nearly, incompressible, 27 = constants so R -> RV . Thus, 2aR?a|cos0] 2 ae Part of the force is needed to keep the Hg in the shape of a table rather than in the shape of infinitely thin sheet. This part can be calculated being putting n= 1 above. Thus 2x? a|cos 0] _ 2m? a|cos 0 12 h total force = me+ i 2 or ma 22R a }c0s 0 21) 2 0-7kg hg The pressure inside the film is less than that outside by an amount a 4k where i. 2 r, and ry are the principal radii of curvature of the meniscus. One of these is small being given by h= 2r,cos@ while the other is large and will be ignored. Then 2A cos 0 F j,& where A= area of the water film between the plates. Now A= so F=2™2 when 0 (the angle of contact) = 0 ph ph This is analogous to the previous problem except that : A= xR 2 So Fa 22R 4 og The energy of the liquid between the plates is E= ldhpgh-2athe pgldi—2ath 2 2 1 2a) 2071 = 5pgld{h-—S} - oe. ( ai) ped 2a This energy is minimum when, h = and ergy ped 201 the minimum potential energy is then E,,, = ~° The force of attraction between the plates can be obtained from this as 2 = 225 {minus sign means the force is attractive.) eg Thus Fr. -Si4. aN 246 24177 2.178 2.179 2.180 2.181 Suppose the radius of the bubble is x at some instant. Then the pressure inside is Pot . The flow through the caey is by Poiscuille’s equation, A do 2 en fate _ - ‘ Integrating awe x (R* - x!) where we have used the fact that ¢= 0 where x= R. This gives r= 27" 4. she tite time of the bubble corresponding to x= 0 er If the liquid rises to a height A, the energy of the liquid column becomes 2ao? °8 2 E= pexrh-: 4 oarha= Beex(rh- 2) - This is minimum when rh = za and that is relevant height to which water must rise. 2 At this point, a a 2 Since E = 0 in the absence of surface tension a heat Q = 2% must have been liberated. (a) The free energy per unit area being o, Fe nad? = 3p) (b) F=2mad? because the soap bubble has two surfaces. Substitution gives F=10pJ When two mercury drops each of diameter d merge, the resulting drop has diameter d, where Fai = Zaxr or, d= 27d The increase in free energy is AF = 2273 d?0-2nd? a" 2nd?a(2-%-1) = -1-43 pI Work must be done to stretch the soap film and compress the air inside. The former is simply 2ax4xR?= 8xR7a, there being two sides of the film. To get the latter we note that the compression is isothermal and work done is V,-v Gi - So where Vypy= loo |: V,V= ape Vi 4a or Vo= &, p= ptt 0 P= Pot R and minus sign is needed becaue we are calculating work done on the system. Thus since pV remains constants, the work done is Vj Vin = pVinZ pving= pVing- So Al= 8xR?a+pVin& Po 2.182 2.183 2.184 A= [a(T-d0)-a(N ]do= -“areo 247 When heat is given to a soap bubble the temperature of the air inside rises and the bubble expands but unless the bubble bursts, the amount of air inside does not change. Further we shall neglect the variation of the surface tension with temperature. Then from the gas equations. bos IP vRT, v= Constant Differentiating [r+ Sy)anrae= vRdT 3r or WV = 4nr?dr= SR 48% 3r Now trom the first law a@ Q= vCdT= vCydT+ vRaT (+4) 8a a, 4a. Pot or C= Cy+R—— Sa Po3p 4R using Cy= Cyt R, C= 6,4 1+ 8a Consider an infinitesimal Carnot cycle with isotherms at T- dT and T. Let A be the work done during the cycle. Then aT Where do is the change in the area of film (we are considering only one surface). AS die Then n= 2 “7 by Carnot therom. da arts o our or 7. q- -T qso T IT As before we can calculate the heat required. It, is taking into account two sides of the soap film dq= - Th 55x2 = og) ae Thus as= te -2% 50 Now AF = 2050 s0, AU aF + Tas 2(a-7 7) 60 248 2.6 2.185 2.186 2.187 2.188 2.189 PHASE TRANSFORMATIONS The condensation takes place at constant pressure and temperature and the work done is pav where AV is the volume of the condensed vapour in the vapour phase. It is Am PAV = SERT = 12065 where M= 18 gm is the molecular weight of water. The specific volume of water (the liquid) will be written as V',. Since V', >> V', most of the weight is due to water. Thus if m, is mass of the liquid and m, that of the vapour then m= m,+m, Va mV,+m,V, or V-mV,= m,(V,-V') V- mV, So m,= 77—yr= 2gm in the present case. Its volume is m,V1, = 1-01 vo" a The volume of the condensed vapour was originally Vy-V at temperature T= 373K. Its mass will be given by Mp (Yo- P(Wo-V)= SRT or m= wd dd Rr 7 28m where p= atmospheric pressure We let V',= specific volume of liquid. V,= NV',= specific volume of vapour. Let V= Original volume of the vapour. Then _ ee Mapm mt I (m, +Nm,) V', 1\_V mV n-1 So (W-1)m,V,= a aml) or ne pte ag In the case when the final volume of the substance corresponds to the midpoint of a horizontal portion of the isothermal line in the p,v diagram, the final volume must be Vv 1 +.N) =! per unit mass of the substance. Of this the volume of the liquid is V',/2 per unit 2 Ps q 1/4 Pel total mass of the substance. 1 "" TaN From the first law of thermodynamics AU+A=Q=mq where q is the specific latent heat of vaporization Now A= pV,-Vi)m= mat Thus AU = m(a- i) For water this gives # 2-08 x 10° Joules. Thus 2.190 2.191 2.192 2.193 249 Some of the heat used in heating water to the boiling temperature T= 100°C = 373 K. The remaining heat = Q-mcAT (c= specific heat of water, AT= 100 K) is used to create vapour. If the piston rises to a height h then the volume of vapour will be ~ sh(neglecting water). Its mass will be Posh Posh Mq RT xM and heat of vapourization will be Rr To this must be added the work done in creating the saturated vapour ~ py sh. Thus Q-meAr = pySh(t+ Fr] . the omen 20 em pos (1+ Fr c (T - Ty) m A quantity —[—* of saturated vapour must condense to heat the water to boiling point T= 373°K (Here c = specific heat of water, 7, = 295 K = initial water temperature). The work done in lowering the piston will then be me (T-T) RT Tn 7 : : : RT since work done per unit mass of the condensed vapour is p V= 77 “Rr : Py 2a Py da M RT Given AP = wer oa NPrp = 1 Ve = . _ 40M, PRT H For water = 73 dynes/om, M= 18gm, p= gm/cc, T= 300K, and with n= 0-01, we get d= 02um In equilibrium the number of "liquid" molecules evaporoting must equals the number of "vapour" molecules condensing. By kinetic theory, this number is xdnev>= nxinxyst a4 ea xm [aE jams we mxMxmxV am ~ NT one — = 2 = 120 V xaRT 0:35 g/cm” :s. where py is atmospheric pressure and T= 373K and M= molecular weight of water. Its mass is 250 2.194 Here we must assume that p is also the rate at which the tungsten filament loses mass when in an atmosphere of its own vapour at this temperature and that y (of the previous problem) = 1. Then p=nV = 0-9 nPa M from the previous problem where p= pressure of the saturated vapour. 2.195 From the Vander Waals equation — eee P" ¥5-V where V= Volume of one gm mole of the substances. For water V= 18c.c. per mole = 1-8 x 10~“litre per mole litre? a= 5-47 atmos - “<> mole’ If molecular attraction vanished the equation will be RT P@ Vb for the same specific volume. Thus aa v2 18x18 Ap= x 10* atmos = 1-7 x 10‘ atmos 2.196 The internal pressure being -%,, the work done in condensation is y, . a co. a yee Si Ve f This by assumption is Mq, M being the molecular weight and V,, V, being the molar volumes of the liquid and gas. a cA Thu: =>. - is Pr ye Y, Pq where p is the density of the liquid. For water p; = 3-3 x10" atm 2.197 The Vandar Waal’s equation can be written as (for one mole) (V) = ede PO" Woe yt ‘At the critical point (| and (Al vanish. Thus av"), 2 ee RT v-y Vv Ww-y VF 2RT 6a RT = 3a “op Vi * We VF 2.198 2.199 2.200 2.201 251 Solving these simultaneously we get on division 2 V-b= 5 V, V=36b @ Vu This is the critical molar volume. Putting this back Ria ae “4b? 276? c.2 270 RT cy a 4a a Finally pee ©” Vucr~ © Veg, 276? 9b? 276? Por Vcr _ _a/9b RTc, | 8a/27b From these we see that Por | a/27b7 1 RTc, 84/276 8b To, _ 0-082 x 304 Thus b= R=— Po, = aan 0 -043 litre/mol (RTc,)” _ 64a 7 atm litre? a = ot a= (RT o,)/pg, = 3:59 oe 7 64 BT cr) Por (mol)? Specific volume is molar volume divided by molecular weight. Thus vi = Vice 3RTo | 3 x 082 x 562 litte | 44, cc oO" "M " 8Mpo, 8x 78x47 g g fos Fa] Ma = ar a = PTVE Va-b_ 8 T : Pee Vases ate or n+—45)x(v-—2)~ 8 Pe, Ve Vucr} 3° LA where go 2 ee ee Por Vucr To or a ee 8 vi 2 One wv RS = When m= 12 and vel t= 3xraxde 3 2 622 (a) The ciritical Volume Vic, is the maximum volume in the liquid phase and the minimum volume in the gaseous. Thus Vinax m x3 x -030 litre = 5 litre 252 2.202 2.203 2.204 2.205 (b) The critical pressure is the maximum possible pressure in the vapour phase in equilibrium with liquid phase. Thus a 3:47 Pum 3752" 7x 03 x03 ~ atmosphere Baia Be a6? Tor" 37 bR™ 27™ OaB x 082 ~ 304K M 44 Por™ 357 Fy 43 SIV EC. = 034 gm/c.c. The vessel is such that either vapour or liquid of mass m occupies it at critical point. Then its volume will be The corresponding volume in liquid phase at room temperature is ve™ Pp where p = density of liquid ether at room tmeperature. Thus Vv _ 8MPc, 1" Ye." SRT, p” 974 using the given data (and p = 720gm per litre) We apply the relation (J = constant) rh as-§ du+f pav to the cycle 1234531. Here f ds-§ au-0 So f pav=o This implies that the areas I and II are equal. This reasoning is inapplicable to the cycle 1231, for example. This cycle is irreversible because it involves the irreversible transition from a single phase to a two-phase state at the point 3. v When a portion of supercool water tums into ice some heat is liberated, which should heat it upto ice point. Neglecting the variation of specific heat of water, the fraction of water turning inot ice is clearly fe where c= specific heat of water and q ~ latent heat of fusion of ice, Clearly f= late =-80°C = 0-25 q 253 2.206 From the Claussius-Clapeyron (C-C)equations 2.207 2.208 2.209 ar_ 7 (V2~¥) ap 2 Quis the specific latent heat absorbed in 1 > 2 (1 = solid, 2 = liquid) (Vn~ Vee As ap= - 223x091, , atmxem’xK do 333 joule 7 108 Nx 10-6 mi? atm x cm’ == . =-- Joule Joule ee Here 1 = liquid, 2 = Steam ara T=") ap 12 4a AT _ 2250 09 a or Vem PT apap 10 m/e = 17 mir From C-C equations a. =. | a” TV,-V) TV; Assuming the saturated vapour to be ideal gas 1p - Bp Thus Ap= Spar vy Ma , and P* Po lta AT) m 1-04 atmosphere From C-C equation, neglecting the voolume of the liquid dp 42 _ Mq : at "TV," pp @~ 40) a ap, Mg aT p. RTT m - ‘ev Now pV = FPRT or m= “for a perfect gas dm dp ay; © apecl So mn pn TW is Const = specific volume) (Mq _,) a0 _ (18x 2250 Be (a1) T (Gan 1) 35 3 254 2.210 From C-C equation a, Ma aT TV, RIT? Integrating Inp= constant - Mi Mg(i_1 + rate This is reasonable for |T- T)| << Ty, and far below critical temperature. 2.211 As before (2.206) the lowering of melting point is given by TAV’ AT= -———p q The superheated ice will then melt in part. The fraction that will melt is CTAV ns Sp = 43 2.212 (a) The equations of the transition lines are log p = 9:05 - 1. Solid gas 1310 7 At the triple point they intersect. Thus 207 = 2 or 7, = ew 216K T, = 6-78--——: Liquid gas 227 corresponding p,, is 5.14 atmosphere. In the formula log p = a - & we compare b with the corresponding term in the equation in 2.210. Then In p= ax 2303 - 22034 go, 2.303 = 42 T R _ Gustine = 2303 180083) 783 3/gm 2-303 x 1310 x 8-31 igcgr = PHONES = 570 Jem Finally Ya tet” 213 J/gm on subtraction T, 2.213 2 ae AS = fnt-g--(obeg 3 (411m 373. , 2250 = 10 (+1810 383 * 373 )- 72kI/K 2.214 2.215 2.216 255 Im Tt % AS= Tr teln+ rE 333 373 i "oR +418 In 535 = 8565/°K c= specific heat of copper = 039-7 Suppose all ice does not melt, then heat rejected = 90 x 0-39 (90 - 0) = 3159J heat gained by ice = 50 x 2:09 x 3 +x x 333 Thus x= 85 gm The hypothesis is correct and final temperature will be T= 273K. Hence change in entropy of copper piece 273 = me In 363 7 -10J/K. (a) Here t, = 60°C. Suppose the final temperature is °C. Then heat lost by water = myc (t, - t) heat gained by ice = m,q,,+m,¢(t-t,), if all ice melts In this case mq, = mx 4:18 (60-1), for m,= my So the final temperature will be 0°C and only some ice will melt. Then 100 x 4:18 (60) = m', x 333 m', = 75-3 gm = amount of ice that will melt Finally AS = 75:3 «x 3. 100 x 4-18 In zB ms In th +m,cln— qT, 2" Ty (%-T) nh Bm ne AS= = me c|2-1-m2]- say . 2 1-in=2| = 8: = T, T, (b) If m,ct,>m, qq then all ice will melt as one can check and the final temperature can be obtained like this mz ¢ (T,- T) = my dq + mc (T-T;) (rm Tz + my Ty) € — my Gq = (my + 2) CT os m,T,+m,T,- tan or T= ———_—* « 280 K my +m, mq T I; and As= = emia tml 2 = 19/K 256 2.217 2.238 2.219 ma 2 M ice as “zp BR, 7, where M dee" ™ (03+ €Ta-T,)) ek Tt T, = mq,(2--21) 4 me(=2- 1- 2 ir, 7] & qT, = 0-2245 + 0-2564 = 0-48J/K When heat dQ is given to the vapour its temperature will change by dT, pressure by dp and volume by dV, it being assumed that the vapour remains saturated. Then by C-C equation Be LW egou?? Vig 0 dp= Ae ar on the other hand, pv" = 42 So paV + dp= REE, (Rg Hence pay’ (i f\ar finally dQ = CdT = dU+pdv' (T _4\ a= ag = Cvat iG ler C,aT 7 (C,, Cy refer to unit mass here). Thus C= c,-£ For water C,= 2.4 with y= 132 and M= 18 ei M So C, = 1-90J/gm K and C= - 413 J/gm°K = - 743/mole K The required entropy change can be calculated along a process in which the water 1s heated from 7, to 7, and then allowed to evaporate. The entropy change for this is Gc AS= C, net TY, T, where q = specific latent heat of vaporization. 257 2.7 TRANSPORT PHENOMENA 2.220 2.221 2.222 2.223 2.224 2.225 (a) The fraction of gas molecules which traverses distances exceeding the mean free path without collision is just the probability to traverse the distance s = ) without collision. Thus Pa ets 4.037 (b) This probability is From the formula (a) Let P()= probability of no collision in the interval (0, s). Then P(t+dt)= P()(1-adt) or Po -aPW) of Pee where we have used~P (0) = 1 (b) The mean interval between collision is also the mean interval of no collision. Then frervta joo ito. 1 . ror feva 0 kT de ®) Waa Vand p 1:38 x 10-* x 273 -8 = 62 «10 V2x(037x10-°x10 a 62x10~8 eos ease 136ns = 6.2x10'm (b) n= 1:36 x 10*s = 3-8 hours The mean distance between molecules is of the order -3\4 57 ered - F x 107% meters = 3:34 x 107° meters x This is about 18.5 times smaller than the mean free path calculated in 2.223 (a) above. We know that the Vander Waal’s constant b is four times the molecular volume. Thus 3 b= AN Za or an( ee ) 2a, ws KTy \(2"Ny = Sealen 258 2.226 The volocity of sound in N; is SD P M - 1. /vRT . Ro __ v M = V2 xd pyNy or, ve nd PN V ag kT 2.227 (a) A>1 if p< o Fe fi Now for O, of Ois 0-7 Pa. ati Fi : (b) The corresponding 1 is obtained by dividing by kT and is 1-84 x 10” per m? = 1-84per c.c. and the corresponding mean distance is 7. a | 10se (0-184)? x 10° 1,1 > 2.228 @) ve Tene SD = V2 xd’n= -74x 10's”? (see 2.223) (b) Total number of collisions is = 118x107 m ~ 0-18 pm. pw = 10x10" scm7> 1 if oe Note, the factor ae When two molecules collide we must not count it twice. 1 2.229 (a) A= —=—— @ ° Fan dis a constant and 7 is a constant for an isochoric process so ) is constant for an isochoric process. ve Se Ey £2 47 for an isobaric process. “Te a > <> VT 1 scohari v= SE arp = ZF for an isobaric process. 2.230 (a) In an isochoric process 4 is constant and vaVT aVpV aVp avn () A= A must decrease 7 times in an isothermal process and v must increase x Pp Be n times because is constant in an isothermal process. phi a 22381 @) hala Gey 72 Thus Rav and va But in an adiabatic process ( : zh} TV'-! = constant so TV” = constant or TY av-% Thus vay“ i ®) Kat : But Ob = constant or jer or Tap!“ Thus hap Wm p77 1 wt 0 P ntty os on v= —-a-a - - x VE P P P () Aav But TV = constant or VaT~*? Thus rar? 2 val ar? 2.232 In the polytropic process of index n pV" = constant, 7V"~! = constant and p'~"7" = constant @ rAaVv py ice ost Vora Vg Va G eres ie (b) har T"ap or Tap so hap Doe ate eet v= —“at-ap'2*h= pm nor oP P 260 2.233 2.234 2.235 (®) The number of collisions between the molecules in a unit volume is 1 1422 VT Snve nd evra 2 v2 This remains constant in the poly process pV~> = constant Using (2.122) the molar specific heat for the polytropic process pV" = constant, Thus con (yea) 8(5+a)- G8 Se lye ll -1 4 It can also be written as 4 (1 +21) where i= 5 (b) In this case vr. constant and so pV~)= constant en R(ty+a)- a+) 3R y-1 22 : Ry. It can also be written as ZG+) We can assume that all molecules, incident on the hole, leak out. Then, -dN= -d(nV)= inev>Sdt or dn= -n—— 4. -n# a/S <> 7 Integrating n= ne”. Hence = V ae If the temperature of the compartment 2 is n times more than that of compartment 1, it must contain 2 times less number of molecules since pressure must be the same when the big hole is open. If M~= mass of the gas in 1 than the mass of the gas in 2 must be a So immediately after the big hole is closed. ome where m= mass of each molecule and n}, ) are concentrations in 1 and 2. After the big hole is closed the pressures will differ and concentration will become n, and n, where M nth mvyitD On the other hand ny = 12 ie. n= Vann, 2.236 2.237 2.238 2.239 261 Thus m1 +Va)= sim Gem = Gn) jA+n > ae rer ‘We know 1 oo n= yv>hpe 30> gamavT Thus 7 changing o times implies 7 changing ctimes. On the other hand ce D=Fevrr~ 3 eee Thus D changing B times means rm changing 6 times 3 So p must change = times B pat avF, nevT (a) D will increase n times 7 will remain constant if T is constant 3/2, 3/2, () Da o vy” 0 = py? navpV Thus D will increase n°” times, 1 will increase 2” times, if p is constant DavvrT, navT In an adiabatic process TV'~* = constant, or T« V'~* Now V is decreased 4 times. Thus - Dava naofV? = (:) =n So D decreases n‘*times and 1 increase n “times. (a) DaVVT aVpv* Thus D remains constant in the process pV = constant So polytropic index n= 3 ) navT avpV 262 2.240 2.241 2.242 So ny remains constant in the isothermal process pV= constant, n= 1, here (©) Heat conductivity k= n Cy and Cy, is a constant for the ideal gas Thus n= 1 here also, nal (/S ms _.24/e 1 3Vam Vind 3V ie & “ or du (2) (mE. (2 1o8)” (4x 831 273 x 10 3m, x 3x 189 me x 36 x 10 uw uv -10(_2 4 x 83-1 x 273) i 10 (saz) a7 ) ~ 0178 nm xe dosrpcy 3 eC 3Vimx V2nd?n M Cc Cyis the specific heat capacity which «} Now Cy, is the same for all monoatomic gases such as He and A. Thus ka x, VM, 4; a or ee 8:7 = A 4 V0 4 Ks VM, 43 ae 4, 87 ste VS = 1658 17 dy Y vio In this case A-8 N, 353° = 4an0 nn 3 or NPR. ano or N= ABNOR To deerease Nj, times n must be decreased times. Now 1 does not depend on pressure until the pressure is so low that the mean free path equals, say, SAR Then the mean free path is fixed and 7 decreases with pressure. The mean free path equals + AR when 1 Finding” AB (om concentration 2.243 2.244 2.245 2.246 263 V2 kT nd” AR The sought pressure is n times less -23 ABET gq, ons 10-™ x10 The answer is qualitative and depends on the choice 3 AR for the mean free path Corresponding pressure is py = We neglect the moment of inertia of the gas in a shell. Then the moment of friction forces on a unit length of the cylinder must be a constant as a function of M (11 So, 2aPn@-m, or w(r)= amala “7 and aa 4anle A "* Grol? 2 We consider two adjoining layers. The angular velocity gradient is 2. So the moment of the frictional force is a ‘ Ne fr-rerd-nr te SAee 0 In the ultrararefied gas we must determine by taking A= oh Then L L mp. 1 [2M 1° 3 Vin %2"* ar" 3 Virrt ? do atp Vit so, N= 500 pVir Take an infinitesimal section of length dx and apply Poiseuilles equation to this, Then wv _ -xa‘ op dt 8yn ax From the formula pV= RIT RT paV= 5 dm aa na‘ M pdp . de" “By RT de This equation implies that if the flow is isothermal then pf must be a constant and s0 equals Thus, 264 2.247 Let T= temperature of the interface. 2.248 2.249 2.250 Then heat flowing from left = heat flowing into right in equilibrium. a Mit, Me*2 T,-T T-T, iG Thus, x, = K, or T= qh 1 KK a1 XZ) 4k ‘We have a heh or using the previcus result iT Tp piel raed | OE tise Tee K, Ky Leh ele hob or By definition the heat flux (per unit area) is : aT d In T,/T, Q= -K7 = -ag nT = constant = +0 7 Integrati n= Fin Zain grating Tiny tint, where 7, = temperature at the end x= 0 Te aint, So ta 1 \S. and Q = ———— 7, 7 Suppose the chunks have temperatures 7,, 7, at time t and 7,-dT,, T,+dT, at time dt+t. Then C,dT, = Cydty= “S(7,-1,) at «S/1 Thus aaT= -*> (4.44) arde where AT= T,-T, T lc, *G a Hence AT= (AT) e~* wher: 2.251 Q= «2. -avr = pike 69. ar "3 Thus T*4 = constant or using T-7, 12-1344 (137-137) a 2.252 Then from the previous problem (73? 2,h5 *) qT 265 (A = constant ) -1 I ) -7 (8-7) atx=0 T 2iR?? (737-737) | q= aa it 3 here. 9x3? a? VMN, 1 T, + T, 2.253 At this pressure and average temparature = 27°C = 300K = 7. Gt7d T = 2330 x 1075m = 233mm > >5-Omm= 1 eee The gas is ultrathin and we write A= a here T,-T, Then qn Kom oe whee x= Devon ix Mh, Rtn Bary 3 RT y-1°M~ 6T(y-1) and a Fa) T,+T, where = WV 882 We have used Ty—T, <<—2+— here. Mx" 266 2.254 2.255 2.256 2.257 AL 2nx In equilibrium oar Ee -A-= constant. So T= B-=“—Inr But T= 7, when r= R, and F= 7, when r= Ry T, From this we find T= T, + In equilibrium 4m r? x gz. ~A = constant TepeAl Using T= 7, when r= R, and T= T, when r= Ry faa A_ilr & R, Rx, The heat flux vector is - « grad T and its divergence equals w. Thus T= T,+ vre-% « We ; or oe cylindrical coordinates. or T=B+Amr- 7 Since T is finite at r= 0,A= 0. Also T= Ty atr= R Ww p2 so B= T+ ZR w 2 Thus T= Ty+ G(R? =r ) r here is the distance from the axis of wire (axial radius). Here again vr--*% K So in spherical polar coordinates, ba (et) tole tess pear\” ar ar 3K or Te peo 2 7 OK Again A= 0 and Ba T+ R? so finally T= Ty+@-(R?-r?) PART THREE ELECTRODYNAMICS 3.1. CONSTANT ELECTRIC FIELD IN VACUUM 2 3.1 F, (for electorns) = ff, and F,,= a Neor Fy ¢ Thus 5 (for electrons) = Fe ( ) 4nxeym (1-602 x 107? c)? 6 =| x 667x107 m? / (kg -s?) x (91 x 1072 kg)? ¢ F, Similarly = (for proton) = Tmeqat 7° 0 = 4x 107 -v op (1-602 x 1079 Cy Bare 6 a a 107" m3/(kg - s?) x (1-672 x 1077” kg)* For Fy= Fy 2 —¢ it 2. vaxay 4neqr ?P m 3 .2) £67 «107 mK = 8) © 9.86 x 10" C/ig 9x 10 3.2 Total number of atoms in the sphere of mass 1 gm = aa x 6-023 x 10% 6.023 x 107 63-54 Now the charge on the sphere = Total nuclear charge ~ Total electronic charge So the total nuclear charge 4 = x 1:6 x 1079 x 29 268 33 34 6-023 x 107 -199, 29x1 0 sg 161078 x 5 Hence force of interaction between these two spheres, % 2 ae F-;h- aoe 1OT Nm 9x 10° x 10" x 19.348 = 1-74 x 10N 0 Let the balls be deviated by an angle 6, from the vertical when separtion between them equals x. Applying Newton’s second law of motion for any one of the sphere, we get, T cos 0 = mg @) and Tsin = F, Q) From the Eqs. (1) and (2) = 4-298 x 107C tan0= — 3) * img @) But from the figure tun 0= w2asre, I2-Fl I-73 35 3.6 3.7 269 d L or, — +. la-ml? Wy? = o> > 713 M773 because eaa- - ea Ip-7310 lrr-71 or, Van (-7) = Vay (B-7) a VanitVam or, 3- St Van + Van Also for the equilibrium of q,, _— > (73-71) | (72-71) > oat os oa Is-nl° Ia-rl ~h = or, %= een - 751 In- 71 Substituting the value of 73, we get, “Uh 8” a +a When the charge qo is placed at the centre of the ring, the wire get stretched and the extra tension, produced in the wire, will balance the electric force due to the charge q,. Let the tension produced in the wire, after placing the charge q, be T. From Newton’s second law in projection form F, = mw,. Sie aig . Td® Tae (sr"#*) (dm) 0, 94% or, Te 8x er Sought field strength pt 4m e [rr =45kV/m on putting the values. Let us fix the coordinate system by taking the point of intersection of the diagonals as the origin and let k be directed normally, emerging from the plane of figure. Hence the sought field strength : 270 38 3.9 Pe oR ng WT ee Fine (P42? * Ane, ee So enrere ane (242) “ane 429? = —4 2 i- 2777 ane (exert yj] q Thus E= V2 meg (I? 4x2)? From the symmetry of the problem the sought field. Ef ae, where the projection of field strength along x-axis due to an elemental charge is dgcos® _ qRcos0d0 a ©" GmepR? 4x eR? /2 Hence E= ats J cvoae os 4n 2 eyR? w2 From the symmetry of the condition, it is clear that, the field along the normal will be zero ie. E,= 0 and E= E; Now dE, = ——44____ 95.6 4meg(R°+l") But dq= 4 de and cos 0= —y— oe a= SER "Ra Hence anak dx E={ dE,= ——_ f ' rare 4 me (R417)? orE= — ie ame (17 +R7) and for 1>>R, the ring behaves like a point charge, reducing the field to the value, pl ti = 4mey 1? 3.10 3.1 271 For Emax We should have aE. 0 $o,(?+R?)7-31(07 +R?) 21» 0 or 17+R?-317=0 R Thus f= and Egg i v2 max” 6 V3 megR? The electric potential at a distance x from the given ring is given by, e@®= —————— Amex 4ne,(R°+x)? Hence, the field strength along x-axis (which is the net field strength in ‘our case), pu. _4 1 ae de Gxt 4ney(R +r) 2) ‘ e|(-S)" “| 4x8 e (Rav) Neglecting the higher power of R/x, as x>>R. 2 Ee oaks Bmeyx Note : Instead of p(x), we may write E (x) directly using 3.9 From the solution of 3.9, the electric field strength due to ring at a point on its axis (say x-axis) at distance x from the centre of the ring is given by : % E(x)= —_4 gg, é 4me9(R? +x" And from symmetry E at every point on the axis is directed along the x-axis (Fig.). Letus consider an element (dx) on thread which carries the charge (Adx). The electric force experienced by the element in the field of ring. dF = (Ad) E(x) = a 4m (RP +x) Thus the sought interaction — - a x 3 a 4mey(R? +x)? dx i i ae On integrating we get, F Txeok 272 3.12 (a) The given charge distribution is shown in Fig. The symmetry of this distribution implies that vector E at the point O is directed to the right, and its magnitude is equal to the sum of the projection onto the direction of E of vectors dE from elementary charges = = dq. The projection of vector dE onto vector E is 1 dE C08 = Fe R? where dq= ARd@p= dy Reos pdg. Integrating (1) over between 0 and 2x we find the magnitude of the vector E: 2x = ~ 4meoR : 0 cos? pd p= Tek It should be noted that this integral is evaluated in the most simple way if we take into account that = 1/2. Then 2x ff cP edg- 2x= 1 0 (b) Take an clement S at an azimuthal angle @ from the x-axis, the clement subtending an angle dg at the centre. The elementary field at P due to the element is dg cos pd~R 4meg (2 +R?) dg cos pdgR 4mey (0° +R") where cos 0 = way : along SP with components x {cos @ along OP, sin® along OS } 2x The component along OP vanishes on integration as f cospdp=0 0 The component alon OS can be broken into the parts along OX and OY with dg R? cos pdp 4me, (+R?) On integration, the part along OY vanishes. Finally x { cos p along OX, sing along OY } R2 E= E,= eam For x>>R fo +R’) E,= —P—, where p= 4) aR? 7 ANE x pede 273 3.13 (a) It is clear from symmetry considerations that vector E must be directed as shown in the figure. This shows the way of solving this problem : we must find the component dE, of the field created by the element dl of the rod, having the charge dq and then integrate the result over all the elements of the rod. In this case Add osc, 0 8 where) = a is the linear charge density. Let us reduce this equation of the form convenient dE,= dE cosa 7 for integration. Figure shows that dicos a= ryda and ry= a Consequently, 1 Anda dE, 4ne A” 4megr cos ada This expression can be easily integrated : % as af cwadanahs Teg 28 where Gy is the maximum value of the angle a, Sin Op = alVeaP /2a a ee ART Va? AmegrVare? ae og : Note that in this case also E ana Z for r >> a as of the field of a point charge. Thus, E= (b) Let, us consider the element of length di at a distance / from the centre of the rod, as shown in the figure. dl Then field at B due to this element. ——= ral z Pp - d=" _,, + 4nxe(r-I) — - a —I| if the element lies on the side, shown in the diagram, and dE = wap if it lies on 4ney(r+l) other side. : Hence Ef dE~ Sit Adi Satie 4ne(r-D) 4 neq (r+) — og [og 1 On integrating and puting A= 3, we get, E= Gta q For r>>a, Ew 4negr 274 3.14 3.15 The problem is reduced to finding E, and £, viz. the projections of E in Fig, where it is assumed that A > 0. Let us start with E,, The contribution to E, from the charge element of the segment dx is dE, = aaa sina (yy Let us reduce this expression to the form convenient for integration. In our case, dx = rda/cos a, r= y/cosa. Then dE, * - Tay Bade Integrating this expression over a between. © and x/2, we find E,= d/4 nm egy. In order to find the projection E, it is sufficient to recall that dE, differs from dE, in that sina in (1) is simply replaced by cos a. This gives dB, = (Acosada)/4neyy and E,= W/4x ey. We have obtained an interesting result : E, = E, independently of y, ie. E is oriented at the angle of 45° to the rod. The modulus of E is E- Ve2+E2 = AV2 /4meyy. (a) Using the solution of 3.14, the net electric field strength at the point O due to straight parts of the thread equals zero. For the curved part (arc) let us derive a general expression i.e. let us calculate the field strength at the centre of arc of radius R and linear charge density 4 and which subtends angle Oy at the centre. From the symmetry the sought field strength at will be directed along the bisector of the angle 0, and is given by L? lo +0y2 A(R dO) ek }) -oy2 In our problem 0) = 7/2, thus the field strength due to the turned part at the point E 2x dE Fo Faq h Which is also the sought result, (b) Using the solution of 3.14 (a), net field strength at O due to stright parts equals v22 vz (2%). —* — and is directed vertically down. Now using the solution of 3.15 4neyR} 2xe9R 3.16 3.17 275 (a), field strength due to the given curved part (semi-circle) at the point O becomes xt and is directed vertically upward. Hence the sought net field strengh becomes 0 zero. Given charge distribution on the surface g = @” 7” is shown in the figure. Symmetry of this distribution implies that the sought £ at the centre O of the sphere is opposite to a” dq= 6(2nrsin0)rd0= @-7*)2xr'sinOd0= 2xaPrsinOcos.0d0 Again frgm symmetry, field strength due to any ring element dE is also opposite to pie se aie. dE} a: Hence a dqrcos® -a dE = ——— “0 8 * ____ = 4 using the result of 3.9) 4m €9 (7 sin? @ + r* cos” 0)? 4 7 ) _ (2xaP sin 0 cos 0.d 0) rcos 0 (- a) 4neyr a sin 0 cos?0d0 ° Integrating, we get pee ar =- a 20,3 38 We start from two charged spherical balls each of radius R with equal and opposite charge densities +p and -p. The centre of the balls are at + 7 and- 5 tespectively so the . . oe equation of their surfaces are |r" 5 @ to be small. The distance between the two surfaces in the radial direction at angle @ is | acos® | and does not depend on the azimuthal angle. It is seen from the diagram that the surface of the sphere has in effect a surface density @ = oy cos® when = Ror r- SoosOu R and r+ 5eosm R, considering Oy = pa. Inside any uniformly charged spherical ball, the field is radial and has the magnitude given by Gauss’s theorm 4nPE = Bove, pr gE or 3e, In vector notation, using the fact the V must be measured from the centre of the ball, we get, for the present case E- r- 276 3.18 3.19 3.20 >, 90 =-pa73e, = 30 When Fis the unit vector along the polar axis from which @ is measured. Let us consider an elemental spherical shell of thickness dr. Thus surface charge density of the shell o= pdr-= (a" 7°) dr. Thus using the solution of 3.16, field strength due to this sperical shell ar. dE = ae Hence the sought field strength R = 2 a 5 E= -=* | rare -. 36d 6& From the solution of 3.14 field strength ata perpendicular distance r < R from its left end Eo- > oe T+ Trev e) Here é, is a unit vector along radial direction. Let us consider an elemental surface, dS = dy dz= dz(rd0)a figure. Thus flux of E (r) over the element as is given by d= F-d5= [aeer ager] a Br dO as 2 a) R on The sought flux, @= -—* fafao-- a 4x8, 28 ae rat AR If we have taken dS tt (-i ), then ® were ae ‘0 Hence j= AR Let us consider an elemental surface area as shown in the figure. Then flux of the vector E through the elemental area, d®= E-dS= EdS = 2E,cos@d5 (as Ett dS ) ? 24 (rd 0)dr= 2a rar d0 4ne (+r) ery? 4neg(r +l ye 277 where Ey = is magnitude of — 4ne(? +r) field strength due to any point charge at the Point of location of considered elemental area “2a f atin S Ths @- 723 Gaps ® 2qix2n Sth rdr 7 4k ee ‘| Tat | It can also be a by considering a ring element or by using solid angle. 3.21 Let us consider a ring clement of radius x and thickness dx, as shown in the figure. Now, flux over the considered element, — d@= E-dS= E,dS cos® But E,= 2” from Gauss’s theorem, 3e9 To and dS= 2xxdx , cos0= 2 Tr) PM Thus d= Poon rdr = Pane de 3e 7 38 Hence oa flux Veen 0 2npro(R-1) *P% > 2 ae) 3.22 The field at P due to the threads at A and B are both of magnitude — 2 weg (x? +1°/4) and directed along AP and BP. The resultant is along OP with 2dcos 8 - Ax 2ne( m+)? ey? +1774) ne, ae — : 2vx E= 0 aa, 278 3.23 Take a section of the cylinder perpendicular to its axis through the point where the electric 3.25 field is to be calculated. (All points on the axis are equivalent.) Consider an element S with azimuthal angle g. The length of the element is Rd ,R being the radius of cross section of the cylinder. The element itself is a section of an infinite strip. The electric field at O due to this strip is Rdg 0p 008 @ (R dep) 2neyR This can be resolved into 2608 P4H (cos p along OX towards O 2mey sin p along YO along SO On integration the component along YO vanishes, What remains is 2n 2 Gocos pdp : rea f ame Ze, tlong XO ic. along the direction = x. 0 Since the field is axisymmetric (as the field Wa Uiiommby tharped fhament), we condude that the flux through the sphere of radius R is equal to the flux through the lateral surface of a cylinder having the same radius and the height 2R, as arranged in the figure. R Now, onf E-dS= E,S But a a Thus &= RS= Rom 2R=4naR (a) Let us consider a sphere of radius r < R then charge, inclosed by the considered sphere, Guia” J 47° dr p= 4x7 p(t 5] a) o o Now, applying Gauss’ theorem, E,4 mr? x “sslosed (where E, is the projection of electric field along the radial line.) £0 = Po oo . af sz(l ae Pof 2 3P aes caer 3.27 279 And for a point. outside the sphere r > R. R 2 r ‘ : ncoved 7 f 4nrdrpy (: ales there is no charge outside the ball) 0 Again from Gauss’ theorem, Po [RR] _PoR? or, E,= =e |e -2)- rPey|3 4k] 12re, (b) As-magnitude of electric field decreases with increasing r for r>R, field will be maximum for r R, we can write. EAnrn fncomt 1,4 Jf santa f & fod 7 On integrating we get, 2) 2 E4nr= @ 2naR) ,4nar &% 2e The intensity E does not depend on r when the experession in the parentheses is equal to zero. Hence 2 a a= 2maR and E= 3 Let us consider a spherical layer of radius r and thickness dr, having its contre coinciding with the centre of the system. Then using Gauss’ theorem, for this surface, BAnrs a paVv 0 £0 0 : = 1 ff poe *axr ar es, 280 3.28 3.29 After integration 1 ar E,4nPa P42 enor) ins 3 ea Po en i: o, E,-—“f1-e Sear! J \ 1 r Now when ar? <<1, E,~ 20” / 3% And wnen a7? >>1, E,~ —"0, 3ear Using Gauss theorem we can easily show that the electric field strength within a uniformly charged sphere is E= (2-7 Bey The cavity, in our problem, may be considered as the superposition of two balls, one with the charge density p and the other with - p. Let P be a point inside the cavity such that its position vector with respect to the centre of cavity be 7” and with respect to the centre of the ball 7, Then from the principle of superposition, field inside the cavity, at an arbitrary point P, E= E+E. Pee ony eae Oe gt aese Note : Obtained expression for E shows that it is valid regardless of the ratio between the radii of the sphere and the distance between their centres. Let us consider a cylinderical Gaussian surface of radius r and height /t inside an infinitely long charged cylinder with charge density p. Now from Gauss theorem : E,2mrh= ‘eset £9 (where E, is the field inside the cylinder at a distance r from its axis.) 2 purh pr eat o E,= or, E,2arh= £0 0 Now, using the method of 3.28 field at a point P, inside the cavity, is ee BoE +B $M) = fa <_—_— > 281 3.30 The arrangement of the rings are as shown in the figure. Now, potential at the point 1, P, = potential at 1 due to the ring 1 + potential at 1 due to the ring 2. A et ee 4meoR 4meg(R +a) Similarly, the potential at point 2, th = 7 oe q +7 Tp ge 2° 4meoR Amey (R’ +0") . Hence, the sought potential difference, -9, = Ag= 2(—L—+ —_——L__. oe (eer aa] a PmeRT Via ane 3.31 We know from Gauss theorem that the electric field due to an infinietly long straight wire, at a perpendicular distance r from it equals, E, = soe So, the work done is 0 foo. Sets (where x is perpendicular distance from the thread by which point 1 is removed from it.) n Hence Sone selon 3.32 Let us consider a ring clement as shown in the figure. Then the charge, carried by the clement, dq = (2R sin 8)Rd00, Hence, the potential due to the considered element at the centre of the hemisphere, 1_dq_ 2xoRsinOd®_ oR dg= 4. sek .. aa in Od 8 ame, R Ane, Fe, 894 So potential due to the whole hemisphere w2 - Fe f snoao~ $8 Ze 2e, a Now from the symmetry ‘of the problem, net electric field of the hemisphere is directed towards the negative y-axis. We have : dqos0_ 0. dE, fae Ga = F__ sin O cos Odd w2 w2 Ge i oo —— Thus E = Ey = 25 ff snocoseae = & J sn2040 qe’ along YO 0 0 282 3.33 Letus consider an elementary ring of thickness 3.34 dy and radius y as shown in the figure. Then potential at a point P, at distance / from the centre of the disc, is o2nydy do= : 4b (+17) Hence potential due to the whole disc, R -f peta 2 Vian -1) : 4neg (+l?) 2e From symmetry d E=E,= -t Soe > x )- 2 a VR? Vi+(R/y when 1+ 0, o~ gk E= <2 and when I>>R, e” 28 | oR _- oR Fel Gey i? By definition, the potential in the case of a surface charge distribution is defined by integral - * f 26 In order to simplify integration, we shall choose the area element dS 0 in the form of a part of the ring of radius r and width dr in (Fig.). Then dS = 20 rdr, r= 2Rcos@ and dr= -2Rsin dO. After substituting these expressions into integral ‘ af dS: ve obtain the expression for @ at the point O: aneJ 0 -2% f osinoae. *& = 2 We integrate by parts, denoting 0 = u and sinO@dO= dv: Josin0d0= -0c0s0 io +fcos0d0= -8cosO+sin8 which gives -1 after substituting the limits of integration. As a result, we obtain p= OR/K Ep. 3.35 3.36 3.37 283 In accordance with the problem p= a" 7" Thus from the equation: E= -V@ >> mg a ris 7 ~@ ccc > - ROS nis gone] -[a,ita,j+,k ]= -@ (a) Given, p= a(e-y) So, E=-Vp=-2a(xi-yj ) The sought shape of field lines is as shown in the figure (a) of answersheet assuming a>0: (b) Since p= ary | — So, E= -Vo~ -ayi-aj Plot as shown in the figure (b) of answersheet. Given, p= a (? +y) +b So, B= -Vo= -Qaxit2ayj+2bzk] Hence |E|= 2V E+) +P? Shape of the equipotential surface : Put De xityj or pax? Then the equipotential surface has the equation ap°+bz = constant= p Ifa>0, 6>0 then @>0 and the equation of the equipotential surface is 2 @/a’ o/b which is an ellipse in p , z coordinates. In three dimensions the surfacc is an ellipsoid of revolution with semi- axis Vp/a , V@/a , Vp/b. Ifa>0, b<0 then @ can be 20. If @>0 then the equation is eZ e/a o/b This is a single cavity hyperboloid of revolution about z axis. If p = 0 then ap? - |b]? = 0 or ze is the equation of a right circular cone. If p<0 then the equation can be written as bl? - a p= Io 2 lel Ab] lel 72 This is a two cavity hyperboloid of revolution about z-axis. 284 3.38 From Gauss’ theorem intensity at a point, inside the sphere at a distance r from the centre is gi ee ide it, is git . L, is given by, E, 3c and outside it, is given by E, = Tae (a) Potential at the eae of the sphere, jee f ee. oo ok J ae Fo “3c 2 *4ne,R fs oe ape 8xegR *GnegR 8xegR 4nR? {b) Now, potential at any point, inside the sphere, at a distance r from its centre. R . | ee —4 ar oo) Sire ane P r 2 2 On integration : 9()= gag | - ial of Fal 3.39 Let two charges +q and ~q be separated by a distance /. Then electric potential at a point at distance r >>I from this dipole, Sg ee 1 PO" Treor, * anty?. ia F a) But r_-r,= los and r,rw er From Eqs. (1) and (2), qicos®_ pcos® per noe 4ner 4xer ane? 44 where p is magnitude of electric moment vector. Now, E,= -2. yest Regr ap _ psind and Ey= -2 = on 790” Aner So E= VEX+B3 = PV 4cos? 0+ sin?0 4negr 3.40 From the results, obtained in the previous problem, 2pcos® psin® E,= and Ey= 4negr o 4xeyr From the given figure, it is clear that, E, = E,cos 0 - Ey sin 0= —2— (3 cos? 6-1 = E,c0s 0 Fysin Ox Pa ) 285 and E, = E,sin0 +E, cos 0 = 22Sin 6 cos 8 4neyr When Eip’ E|= £, and E,= 0 1 So 3cos?@= 1 and cos@= —= v3 Thus E, Pat the points located on the lateral surface of the cone, having its axis, coinciding with the direction of z-axis and semi vertex angle @ = cos~'1/V3. 3.41 Let us assume that the dipole is at the centre of the one equipotential surface which is spherical (Fig.). On an equipotential surface the net electric field strength along the tangent of it becomes zero. Thus -Eysin@+Eg= 0 or ~Fysino+ PERC. 9 ang? B Hence re (Te Alternate : 3 Potential at the point, near the dipole is given by, ae 7% constant, 4neyr (ear *| cos 0 + Const 4negr For @ to be constant, ee 4xer : Thus re (ae, 3.42 Let P be a point, at distace r >>! and at an angle to @ the vector Tig,). me rl = 2 x Thus Eat Pm aoe, a2 a reif2 ila a) ¥ 2 tes PoE teas = ~ AE UF .4 Tae P jk Hence E= |[E|= —~—s, r>>1 2negr 286 3.43 3.44 Also, p= 2 d = Mo xt tn |r 72] - In [7° 172] ook nD trlcos6+P/4 | dl 00s @ Ane, P-ricosO+l7/4 2xEgr rel The potential can be calculated by superposition. Choose the plane of the upper ring as x= 1/2 and that of the lower ring as x = - 1/2. q q Th 9 —,_1__,_, - —, . 4 me) [R+(x- 1/2} ancy (+ 41/27] . 4 Ee ao Re 4ney(R+x°- be}? 4c) [R47 + by - 4. 1+—*)- 4 1 4meg(R+x)7| 247) ) deg (+x)? | 2K? +2) - qe ane, (Re +x) For [lok g= 2 ™ The electric field is E = - 2& gt 2 qi 7. ae x? - R’) eer ae APO i geass aaa, Ame (Rex) 2 (Rx) ant, 4 xe) (R +2) For |xf>>R, Ew —. The plot is as given in the book. Imex The field of a pair of oppositely charged sheets with holes can by superposition be reduced to that of a pair of unifosm opposite charged sheets and discs with opposite charges. Now the charged sheets do not contribute any field outside them. Thus using the result of the previous problem R _ o)l2nrdrx 4ney(P +x)? 0 Rex _ ox f dy xl /2, i f 2eg VR +r +6 b |i VRee2 (R47)? 29 (Re +x) The plot is as shown in the answersheet. =. oe ck Ee” ax 28 3.45 3.46 3.47 3.48 3.49 287 For x > 0 we can use the result as given above and write ows 21/(, 4 2e( +27)? for the solution that vanishes at a, There is a discontinuity in potential for |x| = 0. The solution for negative x is obtained by o -> - 0. Thus ole iz * constant Pr Fe Rex Hence ignoring the jump - Oe oR Ox ey (R24 °°? for large k| pw ee and E~ —?— (where p= xR’) 0 ane 28 [3] a > Ok Here E,= sory om Ey O and F= pF (@) Palong the thread. E does not change as the point of observation is moved along the thread. Feo (®) p along 7 = Ap ap” Oo F= F@= P52. - On using 227= 0 a ana 7 } (©) Pralong @% ede Fm PTa0 Ime re : Pk oe phe pk 2negr 90 Aner ° Aner Force on a dipole’ of moment p is given by, oE F= a In our problem, field, due to a dipole at a distance J, where a dipole is placed, |Ei- 4, 2negl Hence, the force of interaction, 2 Fe 2221x108 N 2me -do= E-dr= a(yde+xdy)= ad (xy) On integrating, gs -axytC ~dg~ Ed Daxyit2@?-y)j] [aris dy] or, dp= 2axydcr+a(x’-y’)dy= ad (xy) -ay'dy 288 3.50 3.51 3.52 3.53 On integrating, we get, 2 oF o(F-e]+c Given, again -do= E-dr= (ayi + (ax + bz) j + byk)+(dei+dyj+dck) = a(y de + ax dy) +b (zdy + ydz) = ad (xy) + bd (y2) On integrating, p= -(axy+by2)+C Field intensity along x-axis. E,= - 2-300 q@ Then using Gauss’s theorem in differential from aE, fae = so, p(x) = 6a eyx. In the space between the plates we have the Poisson equation Fo. _f ax Fo or, On pe tarse where pp is the constant space charge density between the plates. We can choose 9(0)= 0 so B= 0 2 Pot Ag , Pod Then O05 Ate or, Oo ae Now Ew 28. ey 420 for x= 0 ax && d if Aw AG, P08 9 d *2e, 2eAQ then Por - Z Pod Also E@=— Field intensity is along radial line and is poops BE,» -GPa -2ar a) From the Gauss’ theorem, 4nPE,= f 44 €, where dq is the charge contained between the sphere of radii r and r+ dr. r Hence 4nPE,= 4xr x (-2ar) = S free dr' (2) 00 Differentiating (2) p= -6€9a 289 3.2, CONDUCTORS AND DIELECTRICS IN AN ELECTRIC FIELD 3.54 When the ball is charged, for the equilibrium of ball, electric force on it must counter balance the excess spring force, exerted, on the ball due to the extension in the spring. Thus Fy = Fy, ; +4 2 —r__ t or, = «x, (The force on the charge 4m €9 (21° o . i q might be considered as arised from attraction by the electrical image) ong= 4VmegKx, | Image sought charge on the sphere. e-4q 3.55 By definition, the work of this force done upon an elementry displacement dx (Fig.) is given by dA= F,de= - 3 de, 4m & (2x) where the expression for the force is obtained with the help of the image method. Integrating this equation over x between / and ©, we find 3.56 (a) Using the concept of electrical image, it is clear that the magnitude of the force acting on each charge, ib z Ry > a a i— !9 e [F |= v2 4-1, 4 P a 4meyl? Ane, (V2) i le % a _=—t5ev2-1 I 8regl TTT, he (b) Also, from the figure, magnitude of t ! electrical field strength at P : 54 | SV5 } wel? 3.57. Using the concept of electrical image, itis easily seen that the force on the charge q is, poe Cae 4x) (2I° 4x (2V2 1° v2 -1)¢ = {t is attractive) 32 nel a ) 280 3.58 3.59 3.60 Using the concept of electrical image, force on the dipole py Ze aE F= a” where Ei is field at the location of ie to (-p”) m 2 => or, |F |= | pee P ——|-5 al 32. meq 1* ae 4 as, |E|- —2— 4 me (21) To find the surface charge density, we must know the electric field at the point P (Fig.) which is at a distance r from the point O. Using the image mirror method, the field at P, +4 E= 2Ecosa= 2—4 ql 4ne 2ne (ery Now from Gauss’ theorem the surface charge density on conductor is connected with the electric field near its surface (in vaccum) through the relation o = €,£,, where E, is the projection of E onto the outward normal atovith respect to the conductor). As our field strength Et | #7 so -4 ql o=-e,E=- 60 oR ery (a) The force F, on unit length of the thread is given by ey where E, is the field at the thread due to image charge : mh 1 Dae, (2 = PX Thus Aeda » -A minus singn means that the force is one of attraction. (b) There is an image thread with charge density- A behind the conducting plane. We calculate the electric field on the conductor. Itis uN E()= E,@)= —S—> (= B= ay oa considering the thread and its image. Thus AL G(x) = &9£,= x@+?) 291 3.61 (a) ALO, de 210) af Beak a So o(O)* HE= 55 Ade x xde ®) 100 fae aad Boe ° -af: 4 on poring y= 2247, 4x e fhe "av? Hence o(r)= 9 £, = ————— rave aa ee 3.62 It can be easily seen that in accordance with the image method, a charge -q must be located on a similar ring but on the other side of the conducting plane. (Fig.) at the same perpendicular distance. From the solution of 3.9 net electric field at O, > i - E=2——2___, (-®) where ii ne, Rs 7 ee outward normal with respect to the conducting plane. Now Ewe & Hence where minus sign indicates that the induced carge is opposite in sign to that of charge q>o. 3.63 Potential ¢ is the same for all the points of the sphere. Thus we calculate its value at the centre O of the sphere. Thus we can calculate its value at the centre O of the sphere, because only for this point, it can be calculated in the most simple way. a dxeyit? a 292 3.64 3.65 3.66 where the first term is the potential of the charge q, while the second is the potential due to the charges induced on the surface of the sphere. But since all induced charges are at the same distance equal to the radius of the circle from +4 the point C and the total induced charge is equal to zero, ¢' = 0, as well. Thus equation (1) is reduced to the form, lq 4n€ 1 p= As the sphere has conducting layers, charge ~ is induced on the inner surface of the sphere q and consequently charge + q is induced on the outer layer as the sphere as a whole is uncharged. Hence, the potential at O is given by, | CO 4neyr 4neyR, 4ne)R, It should be noticed that the potential can be found in such a simple way only at O, since all the induced charges are at the same distance from this point, and their distribution, (which is unknown to us), does not play any role. Po Potential at the inside sphere, a . D Pa" Gnega 4neb Obviously = 0 for q= 24, (ay) When rz b, = (1-2) / » sine Ba. 0) “ Ameor 4megr 4m e And when rs b e DN hb Cr (plat roa “Gneyr 4neb 4ney\r a (a) As the metallic plates 1 and 4 are isolated and conncted by means of a conductor, 1 = % Plates 2 and 3 have the same amount of positive and negative charges and due to induction, plates 1 and 4 are respectively negatively and positively charged and in addition to it all the four plates are located a small but at equal distance d relative to each 3.67 293 other, the magnitude of electric field strength between 1 - 2 and 3 - 4 are both equal in magnitude and direction (say E'). Let E" be the field strength between the plates 2 and 3, which is directed form 2 to 3. Hence Et) E (Fig,). According to the problem E'd= bp~= 9-93 @ In addition to P1- G4= O= (G- 2) + (Hy ~- P3) + (3 - Pa) or, O= -Ed+Ap-Ed or, Ape 2Ed or E= Sf EB _ de Hence Ens" a Q) (b) Since Eco, we can state that according to equation (2) for part (a) the charge on the plate 2 is divided into two parts; such that 1/3 rd of it lies on the upper side and 2/3 1d on its lower face. Thus charge density of upper face of plate 2 or of plate 1 or plate 4 and lower face of Eq At a and charge density of lower face of 2 or upper face of 3 30 = e)E = 3eA@ idee Hence the net charge density of plate 2 or 3 becomes o + 0' = which is obvious from the argument. The problem of point charge between two conducting planes is more easily tackled (if we want only the total charge induced on the planes) if we replace the point charge by a uniformly charged plane sheet. Let o be the charge density on this sheet and E,, E, outward electric field on the two sides of this sheet. o Then E,+E,2 = & The conducting planes will be assumed to be grounded, Then E, x= E, (I-x). Hence E,= Tt E,= Tet This means that the induced charge density on the plane conductors are oy = -F(l-2), = - Fx i Hence q,= -4a-», o= 4x 294 3.68 3.69 3.70 Near the conductor E = E, = z This field can be written as the sum of two parts E, and E,. E, is the electric field due to an infinitesimal area dS. : 0 Very near it Ey= 5 = Ze both sides. In calculating the force «on the element dS we drop E, (because it is a self-force.) Thus Ge oe Oe as Jere Jes The total force on the hemisphere is w2 The remaining part contributes E, = on 2 F=f -cos0-25RsinoRdo 2e, 0 oe 4xR?}] 32me€R We know that the force acting on the area element dS of a conductor is, Si dF = 50 ds @) It follows from symmetry considerations that the resultant force F is directed along the z~axis, and hence it can be represented as the sum (integral) of the projection of elementary forces (1) onto the z-axis : dF, = dF cos 0 (2) For simplicity let us consider an element area dS = 2xR sin © Rd O(Fig.). Now considering that E = 0/€p. Equation (2) takes the from no? R® & ‘x 03 R* 0 dF, sin 8 cos 0d Jaw odcns + & Zh» Raise ‘ 3.71 372 3.73 295 Integrating this expression over the half sphere (i.e. with respect to cos 0 between 1 and 0), mogR? 48 we obtain Fa-F= n The total polarization is P = (¢ - 1) e) E. This must equals al where npis the concerntation of water molecules. Thus N= 2? ___ . 2.93 x 10° on putting the values €-Dee fata From the general formula - Lapa 4x P ee 2 2p oe E ae, Be Where r= J and 7 tt p This will cause the induction of a dipole moment. Thus the force, The electric field E at distance x from the centre of the ring is, = # 5 oo 4ne (Re +x) ed The induced dipole moment is p= Beg £= —2P*_ 4x (Rex)? The force on this molecule is Poor. abe a An (R4 4708 (Ry? 16a ey (Rx) This vanishes for x = af (apart from x = 0, x= ©) It is maximum when 8 (R= x2) _ ; a(R +x’) or, (R? = 2.x) (R? +x) - 4x7 (R2 +.) - 8.7 (R?- 2) = 0 2 or, R132 R41024= 0 of, P= F(13 x VID) onx = FeVB + ¥129 (on either side), Plot of F, (x) is as shown in the answersheet. 296 3.74 3.75 3.76 3.77 Inside the ball Also, o'= -P,= This is the surface density of bound charges. From the solution of the previous problem q’,,= charge on the interior surface of the conductor = -(€-1)/e fods= q e Since the dielectric as a whole is neutral there must be a total charge equal to 'uua™ += 1 7 on the outer surface of the dielectric. (a) Positive extraneous charge is distributed uniformly over the internal surface layer. Let Gp be the surface density of the charge. Clearly, E= 0, for r 6, similarly 2 E= a(f) ined 7 ® Now, E= - 2%, or So by integration from infinity where p () = 0, 2 Oya on orb 297 ad 0 oh 2 ep las ~ Abd mod (ade OO)= ~ Foes Hed and p(e)= A-EE, I> dthen g @) = F°(a-s°-1), by continuity. On the basis of obtained expressions E, (x) and @ (x) can be plotted as shown in the figure of answersheet. 3.81 3.82 299 (b) p'= -div P= ~div (@-1)qQE= - 7 o! = P,,~P,,, where n is the normal from 1 to 2. = P,,, P= 0 as 2 is vacuum.) 2 e-1 € = (pd-pd/e)= pd wpe L-22p = divD= 55,7, p a ?D,= p> +A D,= 5 ered, rR A= 0 as D,# @ at r= 0 Thus, E,= = & For r>R, D-5 pre By continuity of D, at r= R; B= & pk so, E,= r>R : a: 3 7 = phe — pee @ Ber? 77k and Gig tcue 2 pR = PR, PR by continuity of c dom eee! yy continuity of p. Sce answer sheet for graphs of E (r) and @ (r) . 3 () p'= div Fe -42 {Fe(-2)}- 22 ar € , 1 1 O'= Py, -P2,= Py 50R ( -7) Because there is a discontinuity in polarization at the boundary of the dielectric disc, a bound surface charge appears, Which is the source of the electric field inside and outside the disc. ‘We have for the electric field at the origin. where 7™ radius vector to the origin from the element dS. 300 o' = P, = Pos 6 on the curved surface (P, = 0 on the flat surface.) Here 6 = angle between 7”and P- By symmetry, E will be parallel to P. Thus ax _ f emensemne., 4neoR 0 where, r= R if d<*= 0 of, D,= Constant But D,= 0 at ©, so, D,= 0, every where. Thus, So, Hence, oa 2P)d 2Pyd 4P,d +d)-9(-d= . ote : 2 yates 3.84 (a) We have D,= D,, of, €£,= E, Also, Eb +k, Se qd oF E,+E, 28 a 2h 2c Zee lence, Ey= ——t and Ey» ——-? and D, = D,= — (b) D,= Dy, of, ©E,= E,= an Fo E, Thus, E,= Ey, Ey= and Dy= Dz= Eo 3.85 3.86 3.87 3.88 301 (a) Constant voltage acros the plates; E,= Ey, Dy= & Ey Dz = &9€ Ey (b) Constant charge across the plates; E,= E,, D,= egEy Dy= & &)E,= eD, 2E, Fa" eal E,(i+e)= 2E, or Ey= At the interface of the dielectric and vacuum, Eye Ex The electric field must be radial and E,= E,= Saeed a Fe F/e and mg—> mg (: os} Since the inclinations do not change 1, P% e ° oe eye p e or, P= Po where py is the density of K-oil and p that of the material of which the balls are made. Within the ball the electric field can be resolved into normal and tangential components. E, = Ecos 0,E,= Esin@ Then, D, = € &)E cos 8 and = P,=(e-1) €)E cos or, o'= (€-1)&)E cos8 80, Ong = (€-1) £9 £, and total charge of one sign, 302 3.89 3.90 1 d= f (e- 0 eg 0050228? d(cos 0) = HR eg (€-1)E 0 (Since we are interested in the total charge of one sign we must intergrate cog 0 from 0 to 1 only). The charge is at A in the medium 1 and has an image point at A’ in the medium 2. The electric field in the medium 1 is due to the actual charge q at A and the image charge q at A’. The electric field in 2 is due to a corrected charge q’ at A. Thus on the boundary between 1 and 2, —1 — cos 0 -—1— cos 0 4negr 4neyr E,= Ex 5 cos 0 dae Reyr E,< —4—ssin0+—4 sind 4nxeyr 4negr E, = —L—sino 2 Aner The boundary conditions are D,,= D,, and Ey,= Ey eq”=q-q T= a+ ee ede) ee a (2) The surface density of the bound charge on the surface of the dielectric O' = P,,= Dy, - to En, = (@- 1) & Ln, e219 e-1 ql eat age “etlonr - e-1 J InQeavype te" cant oO The force on the peint charge q is due to the bound charges. This can be calculated from the field at this charge after extracting out the self field. This image field is fee image e+ 1 4 meq (21° ce (b) Total bound charge is,~ = e-1 ¢ e+ lone!” Thus, Fe- 3.91 E, = 3.92 3.93 303 yr is a ini 4neyn 4nr, te a E,~ 41... P in 2 4negr; 24. where q"= “2, = q"-4 = In the limit 1+ 0 n> ma +q)7 - = , in either part. P Aner ne (l+er Pa Thus, re 4 oO eep(lteyr os 2meg(1+e)r q { 1 in vacuum e in dielectric D= Qne(l+or > qr qm E,= ae ee P in2 Reger, Amery — a "Gea P int Regh; Using the boundary conditions, £,,= cE, Ey Ey This implies q-'qg=q' and qted=eq" ne 2 E=1G aie tate Then, as earlier, oe HL. (e=2) 2 Qnp eri) € To calculate the electric field, first we note that an image charge will be needed to ensure that the electric field on the metal boundary is normal to the surface. 3.94 3.95 3.96 The image charge must have magnitude -2 so that the tangential component of the electric field may vanish. Now, ara (eae —t *” Tralee 2ayer Then P,= D,-t9£,= £4. 2ner This is the density of bound charge on the surface. Since the condenser plates are connected, E,h+E,(d-h)= 0 and P+ e9E,= E> or, E,+ nk, £0 Ph Ph Thus, E,d-= 0, on, y= 2 P h a= -E(.-4) Given P= a7 where 7% distance from the axis. The space density of charges is given by, p'=-div P= -2a = On using. div 7= ; Lain ry=2 In a uniformly charged sphere, Se be ee 3 3e9 The total electric field is i oe B= 35, PoP 3,.(7= 87) Pp 1 P Ben O0tee gare where p37 —P (dipole moment is defined with its direction being from the -ve charge to +ve charge.) The potential outside is °°" aaa (e pita) a ae Daas where Po =- aR 3 ar dr” is the total dipole moment. 3.97 3.99 3.100 305 The electric field Eo i in a spherical cavity in a uniform dielectric of permittivity e is related to the far away field E, in the following manner, Jmagine the cavity to be filled up with the dielectric. Then there will be a uniform field E everywhere and a polarization P, given by, P= (e-1)QE Now take out the sphere making the cavity, the_glectric field inside the sphere will be P ~ 3e9 Pa > By superposition. a =E Bene > 31 > or, Ey= E+ 5 (e-)E= Se+nE By superposition the field E inside the ball, is given by E= Ey- On the other hand, if the sphere is not too "sal, the macroscopic equation P= (-1)e9£ must hold, Thus, pe Be; Elsze-v) =z o, E= Also P= 32k, e+2 ° This is to be handled by the same trick as in 3.96, We have effectively a two dimensional situation, For a uniform cylinder full of charge with charge density p, (charge per unit volume), the electric field E at an inside point is along the (cylindrical) radius vector 7” and equal to, le E= 22°? ivEe £2 £ oe divE= 7 (E)= 2, hence, E,= 3-1 Therefore the polarized cylinder can be thought of as two equal and opposite charge dis- tributions displaced with respect to each other - wot el i: 2 rss Em 3,073, PCF ar} 2° 37™ ~ 3, Since P= - 87° (direction of electric dipole moment vector being from the negative charge to positive charge .) As in 3.98, we write E'= E,- > 2 using here the result of the torsgeing problem, Also = (1) QE 25, Sfe+l) > = 2B oo, ecle So, FI : )-B. or, Ee 2 and Pu 2092215 306 3.3. ELECTRIC CAPACITANCE ENERGY OF AN ELECTRIC FIELD 3.101 Let us mentally impart a charge q on the conductor, then Rx © Fe, 4nege Aner R x P- OE | es 4meje |R, R,| 4xe)R, a Og] 4nee| Ry R Hence the sought capacitance, q4nege 4megeR, c= te te %-% fe=D,1)- R | R; R, Ce 3.102 From the symmetry of the problem, the voltage across each capacitor, Ap = &/2 and charge on each capacitor q= C§/2 in the absence of dielectric. Now when the dielectric is filled up in one of the capacitors, the equivalent capacitance of the system, Ce Ite and the potential difference across the capacitor, which is filled with dielectric, Age Lau OE eC (1+e)Ce (1+e) But gpaE Cos So, as p decreases $a +) times, the field strength also decreases by the same factor and flow of charge,Aq= q'-q Ce (4g 1 Gee 8-287 2°84) 3.103 (a) As it is series combination of two capacitors, fa a £5 = +— of C= > C7 ee S* eS Ge) (a7) (b) Let, o be the initial surface charge density, then density of bound charge on the boundary plane. vrela}e(a) fe) 307 eg CV es ere v, But, oe v : SS" ed,+e,4,8 veo os ee ee) ed, +e, dy 3.104 (a) We point the x-axis lowards right and place the origin on the left hand side plate. The left plate is assumed to be positively charged. Since € varies linearly, we can write, e(x)= atbx where a and b can be determined from the boundary condition. We have e= e, at x= 0 and = €) at xed, Thi ‘ 2° us, ex) = e+ (2 |x Now potential difference between the plates + - od & In (_-e)& & 0 voles + Eq — £1) Eg S Hence, the sought capacitance,C = —9S__ =e tS 9. -@ (Ine,/e,)d (bv) D= Zand p=2- 1. S” Se(x) and the space density of bound charges is 82-8 pee ee Sde* (x) 3.105 Let, us mentally impart a charge q to the conductor. Now potential difference between the plates, x 7 f E-dr" RX ot Sagas -f 4m ea/r 2 @ Mk/R, RX Hence, the sought capacitance, a q4neya 4nxea oo qinR/R, in R,/R, 308 3.106 Let 4 be the linear charge density then, a fie” Taek a, 2 a Pam” THe Rye @) and, The breakdown in either case will occur at the smaller value of r for a simultaneous breakdown of both dielectrics. From (1) and (2) Ei R; €, = Ey Ry€2, which is the sought relationship. 3.107 Let, d be the linear charge density then, the sought potential difference, 3108 Let us suppose that lindar charge density of x xR a x wee f tice J 2megeyr @ a RX a oaa [z In R/R + In a RvR Now, as, E, R, © < ER, £2, 80 Tre,” Rie is the maximum acceptable value, and for values greater than E, R, €, dielectric breakdows will take place, Hence, the maximum pdtential difference between the plates, -9.= ER e qBR/R #7, ta/ha |= E, 1A [ nym a/R the wires be 2 then, the potential difference, ©, -9_= 9-(-9) = 2 —. The intensity of the electric field created by one of the wires at a distance x from its axis can be easily found with the help of the Gauss’s theorem, Em Teak bea : Roba Then, p= f Ede= tna a “Hence, capacitance, per unit length, a Det e.-P * Inb/a 3.109 3.110 3. 309 The field in the region between the conducting plane and the wire can be obtained by using an oppositely charged wire as an image on the other side. Then the potential difference between the wire and the plane, ap= fE-ar b » rn “Sl stramtem < » rn b b “2ney a 2ne " 2b-a a. = les a Hy 2b In —, as b>>a a "Ine, Hence, the sought mutual capacitance of the system per unit length of the wire a 286 “hp” in2b/a When 6 >> a, the charge distribution on each spherical conductor is practically unaffected by the presence of the other conductor. Then, the potential p, ( _) on the positive (respectively negative) charged conductor is + a he 4megea | 4ne,ea a Thus @, — @. = Dreeya and C=—4_ « 2n¢,¢0. 4 P.- PF Note : if we require terms which depend on 7 we have to take account of distribution of charge on the conductors. As in 3.109 we apply the method of image. Then the potentical difference between the : +4 at +vely charged sphere and the conducting plane is one half the nominal potential difference between the sphere and its image and is 1 a E Some. 9) Fred ! 1 Thus Ge Te Ameya. for 1 >> a. 310 3.112 3.13 i 2 Cr _L, aa > AG GG B AQ O Bt G (a) Since = Py and 9; = % The arrangement of capacitors shown in the problem is equivalent to the arrangement shown in the Fig. ZL. : cy E and hence the capacitance between A and B is, C= C,+C,+Cy (B) From the symmetry of the problem, there is no P.d. between D and E.. So, the combination reduces to a simple arrangement shown in the Fig and hence the net capacitance, c.¢ Q=S+5=c 22 (a) In the given arrangement, we have three eS capacitors of equal capacitance C = Ee and the first and third plates are at the same potential. Hence, we can resolve the network into a simple form using series and parallel grouping of capacitors, as shown in the figure. Thus the equivalent capacitance Cy (C+OE)C 2 | (Caorc. 3¢ Ww) c 3.114 3.115 311 (b) Let us mentally impart the charges +q and -g to the plates 1 and 2 and then distribute them to other plates using charge conservation and electric induction. (Fig.). As the potential difference between the plates 1 and 2 is zero, 24 oe Sctc con (user c- >) or, m= 2%, The potential difference between A and B, P= %- P= H/C Hence the sought capacitane, og Gia 3g : Bo. 3 eS @ G/C ~ 24/C™ 2 2d Amount of charge, that the capacitor of capacitance C, can withstand, q,= C,V, and similarly the charge, that the capacitor of capacitance C, can withstand, q, = C, V2. But in series combination, charge on both the capacitors will be same, sO, q,,,,. that the combination can withstand = C,V,, as C, V, &, then using - Ap = 0 in the closed circuit, (Fig.) -g q . fe cto 0 at 2 By -E) C1 Cy = Gs (Ciec,) De ag 3.19 3.120 3.121 3.122 313 Hence the P.D. accross the left and right plates of capacitors, ~ 4, &- WG LD and similarly ope whe SDS 27 Cs Ci +C, Taking benefit of tife foregoing problem, the amount of charge on each capacitor jafe ELEC C,+C, Make the charge distribution, as shown in the figure. In the circuit, 12561. — Ap = 0 yields 4,4 C2 oc BGG g fajtde A —Oy +42 5 ce ce ie cree, and in the circuit 13461, B % EG, 5 —=qlkq— ql 2 BRL ates 1 1 ic + Bae 28 cece C3 o7 2 a Now 4-9" ZZ 6 Cc Cc Cy C3 -C, Cy G+0, +0, |" 5] GaeyGrcy It becomes zero, when Cc ce) 0 to (C,.C3-C,C,) = o cacs Let, the charge q flows through the connecting wires, then at the state of equilibrium, charge distribution will be as shown in the Fig. In the closed circuit 12341, using -Ap=0 nCNeo. cc +4 a HCv-9) z Ce A G % 9 Te F/G, 17C,) ~ POH MC -4)| +4 G Initially, charge on the capacitor C, or Cz, ECC, 4G; q= as they are in series combination (Fig.-a) 314 when the switch is closed, in the circuit CDEFC ‘from - Ag = 0, (Fig. b ) % ace 0 or q=C,§ And in the closed loop BCFAB from - Ap = 0 = Ceca ce oe, =o “t LP 2 @) From (1) and (2) q, = 0 Now, charge flown through section 1 = (q, + q,)-O0= C,& ot BCC) and charge flown through section 2= - q,-q= - 1tCy 3.123. When the switch is open, (Fig-a) 2eCic, 2 cc 7 1 and when the switch is closed, - =§C, and q)= gC, a the flow of charge, due to the shortening of switch, : C.-C, through section 1 = q,- 9 = so ere = -24uC : Cc: through the section 2 = - qy - (qo) = §C, C, =e = -36 pC and through the section 3= q) - (q,- 9;)-0= &(Cy-C,) = -60 uC @ Q) 3.124 3.125 3.126 315 First of all, make the charge distribution, as shown in the figure. In the loop 12341, using - Ap = 0 Begs #2 Rio @ 2 +d, 1 Adnitg, 6 : : : G Co Similarly, in the loop 61456, using - Ap = 0 bh b-4 cto, BO @ G 4-42. From Eqs. (1) and (2) we have : &C,-E:C, 3 : t 2-423 4B. coc &1 62 C3 C3 M~% &C2-B1 Hence, mgr Behe BO In the loop ABDEA, using - Ap = 0 -(41+42) ; uth Ea} tz. p a 1 Bree w E Similarly in the loop ODEF, O “th dD 427 45,-5+2-0 2 KH—— HI c, Th k*e, @) F é 2 aoe ¢ Solving Eqs. (1) and (2), we get, 2 2 i B.Cq- & Cp - 8 C3 + BCs 4 Gc A [——-—F7 4 6 sel & 3 ere GQ +%) Now, 9,-9= (i= -— E> a (P= 0) A _ BC, #63) & Cp ECs Cy + C,+Cy : (C1 + C3) - BC, - Bs Cy And using the symmetry, p, = cae = §3 (C1 + Cy) - 8, C,- Co and a ae The answers have wrong sign in the book. Taking the advantage of symmetry of the problem charge distribution may be made, as shown in the figure. In the loop, 12561, ~ Ap = 0 316 o §=9$2, Bh BL CG C, 2 6 nih 5 -42_4 M1 _ Ci(Cx+ ©) ee ears aaa 1 an” CC, #C,) @ Cr C2 A G42 B Now, capacitance of the network, oe C3 = 4th ath hey 8 A= H/C + 4/C, 1 lq. 2 4)", 3 _ tae) @) @ G % 2 HC, From Eqs. (1) and (2) co 2EAS2 $C) oF crc 2c, 3.127 (a) Interaction energy of any two point charges q, and q, is given by 7 o where r 0 1s the separation between the charges. +4 oe | i t | | | 4 | \ | I ( t | j ! t ! | | | ! q i a oo Meg + q 4 Hence, interaction energy of the system, 2 a U,- 44-42 —¢__ Anta” Amey (V2 a) U,= 4z~4-+2 bo 4mega” “4x8, (V2 a) Pi ry 2 2 deg ie ©" “amega 4xeoa 4xey(V2a) 4 toa and 3.128 3.129 3.130 3.131 317 As the chain is of infinite length any two charge of same sign will occur symmetrically to any other charge of opposite sign. So, interaction energy of each charge with all the others, po ee ee 1 Aneta 2S 4 up toc (1) But In txex-42442 up toe oe 3 4 1a and putting x= lwegetIn2=1-5+3+4.. (2) From Eggs. (1) and (2), yo 22¢n2 4meya Using electrical image method, interaction energy of the charge g with those induced on the plane. ae 4me) (2) 8meql Consider the interaction energy of one of the balls (say 1) and thin spherical shell of the other. This interaction energy can be written as fdeq : _ a P(r) qr" sin 0d 0 dr =| — a) Ce Sata P20) J 2 € (I? +r? + 2lr cos 0)? ler nr - Zit J He - ar : +2 Zag 2 Po) Lh axel Hence finally integrating 4x? dr py (r) 142 here, gy f 4x? p,()dr 0 iat” Gel Charge contained in the capacitor of capacitance C, isq= C,@p and the energy, stored in it” U; - 4 =e 2c. 2s Now, when the capacitors are connected in parallel, equivalent capacitance of the system, C= C,+C, and hence, energy stored in the system : 318 5 oie te (C,+C) . So, increment in the energy, aa 1 *) - Ce sue + (4-4). 25 2 |¢+¢,7 ¢, |" 2,4) as charge remains conserved during the process. = - 0-03 mJ 3.132 The charge on the condensers in position 1 are as shown. Here q_ %_ 1*% C= Cc; Cac, C(CHO)E ~ arw@lees ¢)- Se 4G eae: COs Hence, sae and go= +26 + +4 +4% -4-Go +9440 c c C 4 Go +9+40 |-4-4o 440 @ a (b) After the switch is thrown to position 2, the charges change as shown in (Fig-b). A charge go has flown in the right loop through the two condensers and a charge 4% through the cell, Because of the symmetry of the problem there is no change in the energy stored in the condensers. Thus H (Heat produced) = Energy delivered by the cell : = AqG5= q5= aoe 3.133 Initially, the charge on the right plate ofthe capacitor, q = C (§, - &) and finally, when switched to the position, 2. charge on the same plate of capacitor ; q= ch So, Aq= d= CE, Now, from energy conservation, AU + Heat liberated = A ,., where AU is the electrical energy. 3146 3.135 3.136 319 $cx-LcG,-§)'+ Heat liberated = Ag’, as only the cell with e.m.f. E, is responsible for redistribution of the charge. So, CE, E)-F.CEL+ Heat liberated = CE, E, Hence heat liberated = 5¢ 8 Self energy of each shell is given by where @ is the potential of the shell, created only by the charge q, on it. Hence, self energy of the shells 1 and 2 are : 7 = Wi= LN D 1" BxeRy Be, R, The interaction energy between the charged shells equals charge q of one shell, multiplied by the potential @, created by other shell, at the point of location of charge q. and W, = So, Wy= Hence, total enegy of the system, Us W,+W2+ Wy. fie a. 4g] gre rye 7s Electric fields inside and outside the sphere with the help of Gauss theorem : E,= —P (rs 2) Ey -t 4 r>e) 4x be / 4m eR Sought self energy of the ball U= W,+W, R © oy ee - fe 4x? dr+ Baek (572 0 R 3¢ Wot Hence, U- Tre SR ™ HW," 5 (a) By the exoression f Sage E?dV= f fe £9? 4x7 dr, for a spherical layer. To find the electrostatic energy inside the dielectric layer, we have to integrate the upper expression in the limit [a, 5] ’ U- Loe f Gata) 20. ale 27 mJ 2 4neger Bree 320 3.137 As the field is conservative total work done by the field force, 3.138 1 1 Ayn U,-Us= 949(01- 92) 24me9|R, R,| 8 xe tg fz ae ge # itially, energy of the system, U,= W, + Wy, where, W, is the self energy and W,, is the mutual energy. 1a 2% = Um Dane K, tne k, and on expansion, energy of the system, = Wi+Wy ee 24me,R, 4ne,R; Now, work done by the field force, A equals the decrement in the electrical energy, 9Go+9/2)(1 1 ie. A= (U,-U) = —2—— [> - — f 4ne, |R, Ry Alternate : The work of electric forces is equal to the decrease in electric energy of the system, A= U,-U, In order to find the difference U; ~ Up we note that upon expansion of the shell, the electric field and hence the energy localized in it, changed only in the hatched spherical layer consequently (Fig.). R e U;- y= f Se 2-£)-4nPe Rx where E, and Ey are the field intensities (in the hatched region at a distance r from the centre of the system) before and after the expansion of the shell. By using Gauss’ theorem, we find + 1 4 io and E,= 1 4% 1" tae ane As a result of integration, we obtain ane ;| @ 4xe) (R, Ry) 3.139 3.140 3.141 321 Energy of the charged sphere of radius r, from the equation a 27 axegr” Bueyr If the radius of the shell changes by dr then work done is 4nrPF,dr = -dU = G/8negr Thus sought force per unit area, Se 299 F ¢ (4x70) 2 yy a a er ““Anr(Breyr) 4urx8negr 28 Initially, there will be induced changes of magnitude -q and +q on the inner and outer surface of the spherical layer respectively. Hence, the total electrical energy of the system is the sum of self energies of spherical shells, having radii @ and b, and their mutual energies including the point charge q. ogee gaa 24me,6 24ne,a Aneta 4ne,b 4nd at Finally, charge q is at infinity hence, U,= 0 Now, work done by the agent = increment in the energy = U,- (a) Sought work is equivalent to the work performed against the electric field created by one plate, holding at rest and to bring the other plate away. Therefore the required work, A agen = TE (2-4), where E= 5° is the intensity of the field created by one plate at the location of other. 0 S ages So, Magen = 199 O2-H) = Fog Ma- HD) Alternate : A... = AU (as field is potential) A 2 (b) When voltage is kept const., the force acing on each plate of capacitor will depend on the distance between the plates. So, elementary work done by agent, in its displacement over a distance dx, relative to the other, dA = -F, dx = - (222) ool But, Fie (ee }se9 and of) = — i ve | Hence, an faa f by SPae 5 ae 322 3.142 3.143 Alternate ; From energy Conservation, Uy Uy A cay +A agent s Ss Ss cr $y? Lo” v2, | o> -28 V +A sen % 2x o7y (a8 Agu = (- 9) V = (G- Cc) ) eS V7 1 . ae : So wa 5 z (a) When metal plate of thickness nd is inserted inside the capacitor, capacitance of the . ese system becomes Cy = 7 G- n) e)5V Now, initially, charge on the capacitor, dy= Cy V= FE eS Finally, capacitance of the capacitor, C= a As the source is disconnected, charge on the plates will remain same during the process. Now, from energy conservation, U,- U;= A sec (aS Cell does no work) or, TOT GL A gent 5V - Hence A 2 [[e- oS) LCV ns ms oS [a » 2(-n) (bv) Initially, capacitance of the system is given by, Cm BERT (this is the capacitance of two capacitors in series) So, charge on the plate, gy = Cy V Capacitance of the capacitor, after the glass plate has been removed equals C From energy conservation, Aga = Uj- dof 1 1CV'e en(e-1) =54| 4-5 l"5 08 mJ 28[2 Z| 2 [e-n(e-DP When the capactior which is immersed in water is connected to a constant voltage source, it gets charged. Suppose Gp is the free charge density on the condenser plates. Because water is a dielectric, bound charges also appear in it. Let 0’ be the surface density of bound charges. (Because of homogeneity of the medium and uniformity of the field when we ignore edge effects no volume density of bound charges exists.) The electric field due is : to free charges only zs that due to bound charges is < and the total electric field is 0 0 oO = Recalling that the sign of bound charges is opposite of the free charges, we have 0 3.144 323 Co Oo OF be tat og, o's 0% ye & € Because of the field that exists due to the free charges (not the total field; the field due to the bound charges must be excluded for this purpose as they only give rise to self energy effects), there is a force attracting the bound charges to the near by plates. This force is (e-1) 0° er unit area. re The factor 7 needs an explanation, Normally the force on a test charge is gE in an electric field E. But if the charge itself is produced by the electric filed then the force must be constructed bit by bit and is ref aeyae 0 if q(E') ~, we have =e Re ona In our system, resistance of the medium R = & : where p is the resistivity of the medium The current i fe Reet iee 4nja b 3.157 3.158 329 Also, i= =a. -1€9), : c& , a8 capacitance is constant, Q) So, equating (1) and (2) we get, 4n _f4e._ 4 fa Cofi 4n|ab or inns At4mab : Cp (b-a) Hence, resistivity of the medium, _ _4mAtab °" Cb-a)inn Let us mentally impart the charge +q and -g to the balls respectively. The electric field strength at the surface of a ball will be determined only by its own charge and the charge can be considered to be uniformly distributed over the surface, because the other ball is at infinite distance. Magnitude of the field strength is given by, Eat, 4nega ee Lad. . So, current density j= = and electric current I Bane a Ie f Fas js= —4-and= p4neya Peo But, potential difference between the balls, -g = 2—L 4-9." Tee Hence, the sought resistance, /4 1 & ea cea eG 2 T q/pey | 2na (a) The potential in the unshaded region beyond the conductor as the potential of the given charge and its image and has the form 1 1 = Al —-> : ry where ry, 72 are the distances of the point from the charge and its image. The potential has been taken to be zero on the conducting plane and on the ball ee en a(e-a)o¥ 330 3.159 So A ~ Va. In this calculation the conditions @ <> a) eA 4g? “a 2" a a 3.160 3.161 331 1 or, A= -V/An= a and o-- In ry/ry ee Tin Va ‘We then calculate the field at a point P which is equidistant from 1 & 2 and at a distance r from both : va : Then E= x7 (=) 2sind vi Zina 2 ov and Jokes a ee Vad (b) Near either wire E=a7a4 ov, and J 08-5 iG Vea Vi Then I= R Le = J 2naL Which gives R, = In Va Let us mentally impart the charges +g and -q to the plates of the capacitor. Then capacitance of the network, ee) | E, dS cal tof Ends * q@) ? ? Now, electric current, i= f j"a5" fok,ds asjttE 2) Hence, using (1) in Mee we get, aC oe pA £89 Pee, Let us mentally impart charges +g and -q to the conductors. As the medium is poorly conducting, the surfaces of the conductors are equipotential and the field configuration is same as in the absence of the medium. Let us surround, for example, the positively charged conductor, by a closed surface S, just containing the conductor, then, Rao —P_ 2. 2 as fe frase Soka and cate eof Ey d5 ° ° s R= 2 10, = = Pee 332 3.162 3.163 3.164 The dielectric ends in a conductor. It is given that on one side (the dielectric side) the electric displacement D is as shown. Within the conductor, at any point A, there can be no normal component of electric field. For if there were such a field, a current will flow towards depositing charge there which in turn will set up countering electric field causing the normal component to vanish. Then by Gauss theorem, we easily derive o= D,= Dcosa where a is the surface charge density at A. The tangential component is determined from the circulation theorem f Farz0 It must be continuous across the surface of the conductor. Thus, inside the conductor there is a tangential electric field of magnitude, Dsina Ee at A. This implies a current, by Ohm’s law, of ,, Dsina ee P The resistance of a layer of the medium, of thickness dx and at a distance x from the first plate of the capacitor is given by, 1 & aes 1 o@ S @ Now, since o varies linearly with the distance from the plate. It may be represented as, OG, - 0; o= Oy+ (23%) , at a distance x from any one of the plate. From Eq. (1) dR«= da : rif —#__. 0 Ot x Hence, i= ye By charge conservation, current j, leaving the medium (1) must enter the medium (2). Thus J, C08 4, = jy COS Oy Another relation follows from Ey= Ey, 3.165 3.166 3.167 333 > > which is a consequence of f Ed? 0 Thus +j,sina, = +j, si gy itsin ay = Shp sin oy tan tana, or, 1 2 tana, 9, or, —. 4 tana, 0, The electric field in conductor 1 is and that in 2 is Ey= a Xn Applying Gauss’ theorem to a small a pill-box at the boundary. dS ~jds+ Pal ig, oS mR xR? & Thus, a and charge at the boundary= €(p, - p,) We have,E, d,+E,d,= V and by current conservation 1 oe oe Pit py? av 014; + P24,’ mV P14, + P24, At the boundary between the two dielectrics, O= Dy-D,= &8,E,- 8% E, fV P14, + Pd, By current conservation EQ E@+dEw | Pe) p)+dp() ao This has the solution, EF E@=Cp@= LO Thus, E,= E,= (€ Po - &1 Py) Teas So E+dE Zz 334 3.168 3.169 Hence charge induced in the slice per unit area dom eX [{e@)+de()} (9) +dp@)}-e@)P@]= %Ldle@) pO] Thus, dQ= eld[e(x)p(x)] Hence total charge induced, is by integration, Q= e1 (€) P2-& Py) As in the previous problem E (x)= CpQ)= C(p9+ 9,9) -1 where Pot Pid= Po OF, P= Ee a By integration v= fcoWde= Coyd(te 5) 5Cogdin+1) 0 2v C= ——_ Pod (y + 1) Thus volume density of charge present in the medium Thus dQ = San 7 CoE @)/de one ‘ M=-1) Po _ 2% VM-1) Pod (y +1) d mene (a) Consider a cylinder of unit length and divide it into shells of radius r and thickness dr Different sections are in parallel. For a typical section, ‘tr or, R= Integrating, St, where S= wR? S (b) Suppose the electric filed inside is E, = E, ( Z axis is along the axiz of the conductor). This electric field cannot depend on r in steady conditions when other components of E are absent, otherwise one violates the circulation theorem f F-ar=0 The current through a section between radii (r+ dr, r) is Hence 3.170 3.171 3.172 3.173, 335 The formula is, qz= CV (1-27) -4. en YRO Ve ee or, Va ba vy" on, Ga tne or, Hence, t= RC In Thus ¢ = 0.6 pS. The charge decays according to the foumula q= me Here, RC = mean life = Half-life/In 2 So, half life= T= RC In2 £&)A pd But, C= a R= z _. BS. Hence, O- ind = 14x10" Q-m Suppose q is the charge at time 1. Initially g= CE, at t= 0. Then at time ¢, ep ee i -iR-§= 0 Buti= - 4 ( sign because charge decreases) My RWe So C +R at ‘3 aS a "RO?" R d _oemec, & wre or, i Re or, q= Bracimne As es(t-5} from q= CE at t= 0 1 1) )-nwrc’ Hence, =ce(-+(1--l]e™ cele} i je -297,, 5-1) ,-vrc Finally, in -Ge oie Let r= internal resistance of the battery. We shall take the resistance of the ammeter to be = 0 and that of voltmeter to be G. itiallyV= &-Ir, [= Se InitiallyV = §-Ir, I= 35 336 3.174 3.175 Gc r+G @ After the voltmeter is shunted yr. ae S. (Voltmeter) Q) So, Vas TTREG et ee and RE” 76 (Ammeter) (3) R+G From (2) and (3) we have Vig ae “3-15 R From (1) and (4) fareGamyr or Genr Then (1) gives the required reading a n ntl Assume the current flow, as shown. Then potentials are as shown. Thus, 1 = — AR, +8) - IR, - & AIR p, G-IRtE, - pe BR . R,+R, Rr And = @- IR, +8 1g Gre B-& I RB So, 1-2" Bt RGR : 2 =~ Ry + BR) AR, + Ry) = -4V 2 GIR) +Gy-IRy Let, us consider the current i, flowing through the circuit, as shown in the figure. Applying loop rule for the circuit, - A @= 0 28 +iR, +iR,+iR= 0 é F or, i (R, + R+R) = 2 s ee 3 — cy 25 " RR, +R, or, i Now, if ,-9,=0 -E+iR,= 0 2ER, ° RER +R, or, R= R, - Ry Which is not possible as Ry > Ry Thus, - = -E+iR,= 0 = & and 2R,= R,+R+R, 25R, “7 ReR+R,” & So, R= Ry~R,, which is the required resistance. _ N&_ Nak ' 3176 (a) Cument, i= TE = NER. gas E= aR (given) (0) %- p= NE-niR= naR-naR=0 3.177 As the capacitor is fully charged, no current flows through it. So, current & Ry je Boh (as &)>&,) Ry +R, oe . c And hence, 9, - 9," &-&+iR, iE-& alts : =§-E + 5-8 Y : 1 2 R, +R é v 2, _ GBR a R -05V Ri+R, 3.178 Let us make the current distribution, as shown in the figure. Curent i= ——3 (using toop rule) R R, Ry Ree : : i 22 So, current through the resistor Ry, i 1 R, eee ‘a Re ne Fike RR R,+R, BR, Se RR,+RR,+R,R, 174 and similary, current through the resistor Ry, i= — oe. a RR Ry +R,” RR, +R, RAR, Ri +R, 3.179 Total resistances Vo Ro lox xRRy = Ro TRaR, ee I-x xR | 7 “Rak a 338 3.180 3.181 3.182 xR i eR x Then V= voameen, | (t-Fexagem) MR /feeee(1-7)} For R>>Ro, Va Vor Let us connect a load of resistance K between the points A and B (Fig.) From the loop rule, Ap = 0, we obtain iR = & - iF, (1) 1S, and iR = & - (-i)R, is 2 eco A B or i (R+Ry = & + i Rp (2) Solving Eqs. (1) and (2), we get pe | BR + Re / RR & i i aceon Tens fhe oR, BR, + BR RR, Rk where By = Eg and Ry = Re Thus one can replace the given arrangement of the cells by a single cell having the emf § and internal resistance Ry. Make the current distribution, as shown in the diagram. 6 Re pee Now, in the loop 12341, applying - Ag = 0 t= i. iR+i,R,+8,= 0 Q@) . a pena and in the loop 23562, 1 =f <4 iR-&) +(i-i,)R,= 0 (2) é Solving (1) and (2), we obtain current through : 3 the resistance R, 2 t R (Ri - 1 Ro) i] RRR R Re ee and it is directed from left to the right At first indicate the currents in the branches using charge conservation (which also includes the point rule). In the loops 1 BA 61 and B34AB from the 6 Sed loop rule, - Ap = 0, we get, respectively le -&+ @-iR, +B - AR, = 9 CY ar iR, + & - (i-i) Ry + & = 0 Q) Rp R On solving Eqs (1) and (2), we obtain Ry ipe(3-71) i, SDE E+W _ go64 18 R,R, + RR; + Ry Ry 1 a B : 3 Thus 4 - 9 = &- AR 09V 3.183 3.184 3.185 3.186 339 Indicate the currents in all the branches using charge conservation as shown in the figure. Applying loop rule, - Ag = 0 in the loops 1A781, 1B681 and B4S6B, respectively, we get eG B= lig - i) Ry - w 8 7 oo 8 a. G-WR-8-4R=0 © BS Solving Eqs. (1), (2) and (3), we get the sought current & (Ry + Rs) + ERs eer, A q = 2M ttt 3 Bee ») ~ RR aR) + RR 40 u 3 4=(helg) G- Indicate the currents in all the branches using charge conservation as shown in the figure. Applying the loop rule (- Ag = 0) in the loops 12341 and 15781, we get - & +R, - G-H)R, = 0 @ and (i, -4)R2- & + iR; = 0 @) Solving Eqs. (1) and (2), we get 8 +R) + & Ry RR, + RR, + RR, 4 Hence, the sought p.d. Ga ~ Pe = & - Ry B2Rs (Ri + Ry - &1 Ri (Ro + Rs) R,R, + RR, + RR, a! Let us distribute the currents in the paths as shown in the figure. Now, 91-92 = ER, + i, Ry (@) and gy - @ = ER, + (i-4) Ry oO | Simplifying Eqs. (1) and (2) we get |. Sine Gio) R,R, + RR, + RR, 7°74 Current is as shown. From Kirchhoff’s Second law i OR, » UR,+(-8)R=V, i, f ARs + (yin )RenV % Ry D igtis 340 3.187 3.188 Eliminating i, i, (Ry+R,)- R= V oR : FC Ryt Ry) + Ry=V 3 : RiRy Hence ia] Ry (Ry +R) +22 (Ry Ry) 3 R wV| (Ry +R) FE (Rat Re) 3 , Rs (Ry +Rp)-Ry (Ry + Ry) 3” RAR, (R, + Ry) + RyRy (Ry + Ry) On substitution we get i; = 1-0 A from C to D or, From the symmetry of the problem, current flow is indicated, as shown in the figure. Now, 9 - Gp" r+(i-i)R @) In the loop 12561, from -Ag= 0 (=i) R+G-2i)r-ir= 0 - ie B29; @ Equivalent resistance between the terminals A and B using (1) and (2), Rer 3r+R [ e-a)+R], Rw TAT r@R+r i. i * Sr+R Let, at any moment of time, charge on the plates be +q and -q respectively, then voltage across the capacitor, p= q/C qa) Now, from charge conservation, iS 6 im iy tig where y= ae 4 i 2 In the loop 65146, using - Ap = 0. 4 Lac = b+ [ir G)a-s~o 8) t [using (1) and (2)) apo 5 In the loop 25632, using -Ag= 0 - G+ Ro 0 or, rat (4) 3.189 341 From (1) and (2), aq 24 dq__ at Wee cae: Ch aeo7 sk 6) 5-24 Cc On integrating the expression (5) between suitable limits, 4 : oe S33 -1fa Canc i oaks 2 2 eae qa pn 2URC Thus ov 28(1 e ) (a) As current i is linear function of time, and at f= 0 and Ar, it equals i, and zero respectively, it may be represented as, i= i(t- Th iy At us aor So, Hence, The heat generated. ae fenae f [al &)[ea- ak (b) Obviously the current through the coil is given by ny i= (5 i At Then charge q= = fide fir” V8 dp OE Ind 6x ; In2 So, ge OO And hence, heat generated in the circuit in the time interval ¢[0, ©], In2 Pin 2 trae f qin2 5-v! Rage LZR é At 2At 0 342 4.190 3.191 3.192 The equivalent circuit may be drawn as in the figure. Resistance of the network = Ry + (R/3) R Let, us assume that e.m.f. of the cell is &, then current _ Ry + (R/3) Now, thermal power, generated in the circuit 2 . a 2 (Ry + (R/3) > ae ae For P to be maximum, 22 = 0, which yields R= 3R, &Ro We assume current conservation but not Kirchhoff’s second law. Then thermal power dissipated is R . 22; ea t P(i,) =iR, + (i- i, Ry = i? (R, +R) - 2 Ry + PR, Z 2 eal 2 +2 Se i,20- [ . "| TR, +R, R, +R, 7 The resistances being positive we see that the power dissipated is minimum when G nt R GR, This corresponds to usual distribution of currents over resistance joined is parallel. Let, internal resistance of the cell be r, then V=§-ir @ where i is the current in the circuit. We know that thermal power generated in the battery. Q=ir 2) R Putting r from (1) in (2), we obtain, Q= §-Vji= 06W ; In a battery work is done by electric forces (whose origin lies in the chemical processes going on inside the cell). The work so done ee is stored and used in the electric circuit outside. &r Its magnitude just equals the power used in the electric circuit. We can say that net power developed by the electric forces is P=-IV =-2-:0W Minus sign means that this is generated not consumed. 3.193 3.194 3.195 343 As far as motor is concerned the power delivered is dissipated and represented by a load, Ry . Thus v R T" RR, ee 2 and P= J?Ry= a V Ro (Ro + RY This is maximum when Ry= R and the current —_—_--- Tis then Vv I= oR The maximum power delivered is ye ae Prax 4R 2 2 a % and its value when P is maximum is > The power input is The efficiency then is $e 50% If the wire diameter decreases by 8 then by the information given ee 2 P= Power input = a = heat lost through the surface, H. Now, H « (1~ 8) like the surface area and R«(1-8)? v2 2 2 So, R18 = A=) of, V7(1~d)= constant 0 But Vel+n so (14m) (1-8)= Const= 1 Thus d= 2yn= 2% The equation of heat balance is Ve aT RoKT-TW= ¢ F Put T-T=& Va ko Va So, CE+kE= |B on B+ GE= oR Qe Vee or, ae d= cR® wre VP or, ge = Re CLA where A is a constant. Clearly 2 €=Oatt=0, so A= - Fan hence, vy? : T= Ty+agil-e =o) 344 3.196 3.197 3.198 Let, (%-3= @ Now, thermal power generated in the resistance R,, 2 R, P= i?R,= |—2—_ —2_| rk, “RR, R+R, ao R *R+R, oo! For P to be independent of R, i dP R Ry Gi,” & which yilds Ri Ro. B Rew RRL” 22 Indicate the currents in the circuit as shown in the figure. Appying loop rule in the closed loop 12561, - Ap = 0 we get iR-5, +iR,= 0 @ and in the loop 23452, G-i)R.+h- Ra 0 2 Solving (1) and (2), we get, SR. + ER 4” RR +RR,+ RR, So, thermal power, generated in the resistance R, 2 P=i2R= 5,2. +8.R 1 RR, +R, R,+RR, For P to be maximum, ® = 0, which fields RR, Ri +R, G,R,+ BR . Pour” 4 R, Ro (Ry +R) Let, there are x number of cells, connected in series in each of the » parallel groups R= then, nx= N or, x= x Q) Now, for any one of the loop, consisting of x cells and the resistor R, from loop rule ed R+txr-x&=0 iR+har-x8 N =e Soin 5-2, using (1) R+= Ref n n 3.199 345 Heat generated in the resistor R, [2 (Nae . (Facen) ® @) and for Q tobe maximum 22 = 0, which yields iar R ‘When switch 1 is closed, maximum charge accumulated on the capacitor, Guax ©, Q@) and when switch 2 is closed, at any arbitrary c instant of time, (+R) (- 3 = aC, Re 3 R because capacitor is discharging. Sup q 1 - on f hare gots fa ee q memes a. Integrating, we get aE . eRe Ing - mae 0, 9 ™ nae BF Q) Differentiating with respect to time, i= De doan € or, i@= WH +R)C Negative sign is ignored, as we are not interested in the direction of the current. 1 i 5 (R,+R)C oS 3) thus, iO +R ° +8) (3) When the switch (Sw) is at the position 1, the charge (maximum) accumalated on the capacitor is, q-cs& When the Sw is thrown to position 2, the capacitor starts discharging and as a result the electric energy stored in the capacitor totally turns into heat energy tho’ the resistors Ry and Ry (during a very long interval of time). Thus from the energy conservation, the total heat liberated tho’ the resistors. He-u,- Lele ‘2¢ 2 346 3.200 3.201 During the process of discharging of the capacitor, the current tho’ the resistors R, and R, is the same at all the moments of time, thus Hy, & R, and Hy & Ry S X, aes H =H, +H, 0, 1" +R) (as H = H, + H,) 1 CR, Hence RE When the plate is absent the capacity of the condenser is £5 "a When it is present, the capacity is pa eda ca “d@-n) 1-7 (a) The energy increment is clearly. cu 20-n) 1 oy2_lLey2 2 ae ae zev" Vv (b) The charge on the plate is ve. Top initially and gy= CV Sinally 2 A charge ro has flown through the battery charging it and withdrawing ie units of energy from the system into the battery. The energy of the capacitor has decreased by 2 just half of this. The remaining half i.e. co must be the work done by the external agent in withdrawing the plate. This ensures conservation of energy. Initially, capacitance of the system = Ce. So, initial energy of the system : U; = ZC e)V? and finally, energy of the capacitor : U,= ge v? Hence capacitance energy increment, s au= tcv?-L(cev2= -1 c¥ ¢€ - 1)= -05 mI 2 2 2 From energy conservation AU = Aggy + Argent (as there is no heat liberation) But A.y = (C,-C)V= (C-Ce)V* 3.202 3.203 347 Hence Ayeg = AU- Aga = $0 -9 = 05mI If Cy is the initial capacitance of the condenser before water rises in it then &y UR da (R is the mean radius and / is the length of the capacitor plates.) U,= Zev » where Cy = Suppose the ani rises to a height h in it. Then the capacitance of the condenser is co + bak abi) and energy of the capacitor and the liquid (including both gravitational and electrosatic contributions) is 1 &2mR 2 If the capacitor were not connected to a battery this energy would have to be minimized. But the capacitor is connected to the battery and, in effect, the potential energy of the whole system has to be minimized. Suppose we increase h by 5h. Then the energy of the capacitor and the liquid increases by (+ (e- Dm + pg xR nd) * bh ae (e-1)¥ + pg(2nRdyh and that of the cell diminishes by the quantity A... which is the product of charge flown and V €9 (2aR ae ) @-1)¥ In equilibrium, the two must balance; so eo(e-1)V* ed 7 n-% (e-1)V lence = 2ped (a) Let us mentally islolate a thin spherical layer with inner and outer radii r and r+ dr respectively. Lines of current at all the points of this layer are perpendicular to it and therefore such a layer can be treated as a spherical conductor of thickness dr and cross sectional area 47°, Now, we know that resistance, dr dr dR= p= 1 ° say" ane qa) Integrating expression (1) between the limits, 348 3.204 ’ R fore fogs om Re &[5- i] @ ° 2 : Anege Capacitance of the network,C = woh @) Fi = where q is the charge and a eel. any arbitrary mee 4) also, Q= =H R, as capacitor is discharging. () From Eqs. (2), (3), (4) and © we get, tenet Ale Hence q= Here (b) From energy conservation heat generated, during the spreading of the charge, H= U,- U, [because A, = 0] 14% [1 3] 9_ 40 b-a 24neg\a 6 Bxege ab (a) Let, at any moment of time, charge on the plates be (qq - q) then current through d - the resistor, i= — ao- 9), because the capacitor is discharging. i. . at -Go- 4) (40-4) Now, applying loop rule in the circuit, %-4 c in-2*-0 dap. 0-4 R or, 4p. B- oe fe isd = a ok at 3.206 349 At t= 0, q= 0 and att= 4, q=q M-F_ -t Se “_——-.— 0, In % RC Thus q= % (1-e-“R°) = 018mc (b) Amount of heat generated = decrement in capacitance energy a1 ee) Cc =i%_1 a 7 fg 2 2u 1% iad) 2c [ e = 82mJ Let, at any moment of time, charge flown be g then current i= eA Applying loop rule in the circuit, - Ag = 0, we get : (CVo-49) Cc oe ae 2 7 ~(CYo-q) CVy-24 : a Son Gy = 29g for Ostet “aS ng 44 R_ qs alk +c 0 cy, — 2d m a= Gt[t-08) es . dqg_CVo 2 -wRC Vy ape Hence, is" aRe? “z° Now, heat liberaled, ° : S 2 oO =] ¢Rdt= or Q J ad In a rotating frame, to first order in w, the main effect is a coriolis force 2m xe — Re a= Love > This unbalanced force will cause electrons to react by setting up a magnetic field B so that the magnetic force eV’ B balances the coriolis force. Thus - 3g Be T on, B- -o The flux associated with this is O= NxrB= var Zo 350 3.207 3.208 3.209 where N = sh is the number of turns of the ring. If w changes (and there is time for the electron to rearrange) then B also changes and so does ®. An emf will be induced and a current will flow. This is I= Nx? a o/R The total charge flowing through the ballastic galvanometer, as the ring is stopped, is a= Nar] oR 2_ 2Nxre _ lor m QR aR Let, 7p be the total number of electors then, total momentum of electorns, So, P= NM, vg (ly e Now, I= pS,vj= Oe sy uy Q) Here S, = Cross sectional area, p = electron charge density, V = volume of sample From (1) and (2) me Pa {l= 0-40 uNs By definition nev,= j (where v, is the drift velocity, m is number density of electrons.) Then ve t,t va J So distance actually travelled nel S=t= ——— ( = mean velocity of thermal motion of an electron) Let, n be the volume density of electrons, then from I= p S, vg I= neS,||= nes, So, t- (b) Sum of electric forces = | (wv) eE|= |nSle pj}, where p is resistivity of the material. = nSlepi= nelpI= 10pN 3.210 From Gauss theorem field strength at a surface of a cylindrical shape equals, , where ) is the linear charge density. 2negr’ Now, v= im.v on v= Q) Also, dq= Nd 50, a or, T=hv otf he ta —L— 2eV Vin, Hence E=—!_ 32.V/m 2mey \ 2eV (©) For the point, inside the solid charged cylinder, applying Gauss’ theorem, QarhE= xP h—L fyX RI or, E= a rs ST 2neyR 2xeR So, from. Ex 2 % R or, Hence, 3.211 Between the plates p= ax”? 2 Bo a4” & <3 = tax = -p/e we i" 4eya or, p=- z x Let the charge on the electron be - ¢, 352 3.212 3.213 3.214 then 5 mv? eq Const. = 0, as the electron is initially emitted with neligible energy. ve 2ep ce 2e@p m’ m : 4e4, [29 23 So, jn -pv= Ve (j is measued from the anode to cathode, so the - ve sign.) v ad So by the definition of the mobility woe Vv lV ve uty gM On| and J nus tn ug) (The negative ions move towards the anode and the positive ion towards the cathode and the total current is the sum of the currents due to them.) On the other hand, in equilibrium n, = _ I eV So, nen S/W tu) Id “eVS(us+us) Velocity = mobility x field = 23x 108 em~* Vo 7 So, maximum displacement in one direction is or, v= u—sin w t, which is positive for 0< wts x ve 2uVy Faux = JT sinwtdt = Tas 0 2uVy To At @= @, Xmax= 4 80, o? Thus “Oe When the current is saturated, all the ions, produced, reach the plate. ott oo Then, ayn Fy 7 6 x 10! om” s (Both positive ions and negative ions are counted here) 2 m The equation of balance is, $= i 3.215 3.216 3.217 3.218 353 The first term on the right is the production rate and the second term is the recombination rate which by the usual statistical arguments is proportional to n” (= no of positive ions x no. of ~ve ion). In equilibrium, so, n, Initially n = n= Vi, /r Since we can assume that the long exposure to the ionizer has caused equilibrium to be set up. Afer the ionizer is switched off, ae or rdt= = or, rt= 1 constant n n But n= Ny at t= 0, so, rt= TT ah The concentration will decrease by a factor n when 1 1. yn-l Tis ——-—= + oT n/t MH Mo acl or, = = = 13 ms : vrn; Tons produced will cause charge to decay. Clearly, & 1CV-= decrease of charge = 1,eA dt= ten 4 or, t- *0 ul = 4-6 days ne Note, that ,, here, is the number of ion pairs produced. If v= number of electrons moving to the anode at distance x, then av == av or v= ve" dk Assuming saturation, I= e vy e" Since the electrons are produced uniformly through the volume, the total current attaining saturation is clearly, a a «fetta I= feGaayer*s ei = } 0 ad Thus, joie i 1) 354 3.5 CONSTANT MAGNETIC FIELD. MAGNETICS 3.219 3.220 (a) From the Biot - Savart law, dB= Ri ir a) r He RIDR aB= ai R? (as dl Lr} From the symmetry ax ig. Wi B- faa J a Rte- FR- OMT (b) From Biot-Savart’s law : Be 1 f BE (here 7= R455 So, B= nf aR eG ax Since X'is a constant vector and | R'| is also constant So, f dixz= f a) xz 0 (occamse f d= 0) and § dixR= § Rave RG d= 22R? Here 7” is a unit vector perpendicular to the plane containing the current loop (Fig.) and in the direction of x” - Thus we get Be ‘x As LAOB= 2, OC or perpendicular distance of any segment from centre equals R cos 7 . Now magnetic induction at O, due to the right current carrying element AB 2sin2 * Roos ” n (From Biot—Savart’s law, the magnetic field at O due to any section such as AB is perpendicular to the plane of the figure and has the magnitude.) "an 355, aie i = c0s8 = — 088 = a ) an xa cos= seca Reos® a anf mie tpi Roos see 00 a * As there are n number of sides and magnetic induction vectors, due to each side at O, are equal in magnitude and direction. So, [ 2sin>- n Yo By= + 4 Ros = Homie 7 2 oe Ren and for n> © : tan = ACD By= ee Ls —t|. 0” TR La |" OR 3.221 We know that magnetic induction due to a straight current carrying wire at any point, at a perpendicular distance from it is given by : Hotes is B~ Fo + (sind, + sine), where r is the perpendicular distance of the wire from the point, considered, and 0, is the angle between the line, joining the upper point of straight wire to the considered point and the perpendicular drawn to the wire and @, that from the lower point of the straight wire. Here, By = Bye Fe { em $v cos | (a/2) sin $ and Bye Ben Ge (sin $+ in) | 4* (arjeaZ\ 2? Hence, the magnitude of total magnetic induction at O, By= B,+B,+B,+B, 358 3.222 Magnetic induction duc to the arc segment at O, Buc™ Gq ien- -29) and magnetic induction due to the line segment at O, Ho Bice” Gx Roos @ 25 So, total magnetic induction at O, Hoi InR [x-p+tan g] = 28uT By. + Bing = 3.223 (a) From the Biot-Savart law, So, magnetic field induction due to the segment 1 at O, Ho i Bye yng 2D 4 also B,= 0, as ditt?” i and B; anb? 1 Hence, By= B, +B, +B; +B, and B= 0 So, = By +B, +B; +B,+Bs Ho i3n Ho i = ane an 3.224 3.226 3.227 By= 357 The thin walled tube with a longitudinal slit can be considered equivalent to a full tube and a strip carrying the same current density in the opposite direction. Inside the tube, the former does not contribute so the total magnetic field is simply that due to the strip. It is pu Ho U2aR)h Holi 2n r 40Rr where r is the distance of the field point from the strip. First of all Jet us find out the direction of vector B at point O. For this purpose, we divide the entire conductor into elementary fragments with current di. It is obvious that the sum of any two symmetric fragments gives a resultant along B’ shown in the figure and con- sequently, vector B will also be directed as shown So, [Bi= f aBsing Q) Ma - faye sing : - J sBgismos («= dia x49) Hence B= pig i/nR (a) From symmetry By= B,+B,+B; voi on ~O+ TR n+0= aR 0 (b) From symmetry 1 Bo= B, +B, +B; aie Ig nN » WN (c) From symmetry Bo= B, +B, +B Be or, [Bol= 325 Poiva = 20nT, (using 3.221) - 3.228 (a) By= B, +B, +B; CO ee aR OK) tga tH R OK) ~-LpoeiaTh 4nR So, [Bole Pe ive 44 = 030nT 4nR Cl (0) By= By +B, +B; Mo egy Oe eo ee anR OH) tat tag ROE) Moi, is - i iaevii So, B= PL vis ee? = 034uT o'” 4nR (©) Here using the law of parallel resistances i i +i,= i and z _ ith 4 So, a 3 Hence = Thus By= Thus, 3.229 (a) We apply circulation theorem as shown. The current is vertically upwards in the plane and the magnetic field is horizontal and parallel to the plane. — . Moi § B-di= 2B1= pyil or, Be > (b) Each plane contributes Hoe be planes and outside the plane that cancel. Thus Hoi between the plane P O outside. 3.230 3.231 3.232 3.233 359 to the plane of the paper, by circulation theorem, We assume that the current flows perpendicular x=0 ! 2B dl = ig (2x dl) j or, Be wx), [xsd Yih Outside, 2B dl = pp (2d dl) j 1 or, Be ugdj |x]2 4. | It is easy to convince oneself that both in the regions. 1 and 2, there can only be a circuital magnetic field (i.e. the component B,). Any radial field in region 1 or any By away from the current plane will imply a violation of Gauss’ law of magnetostatics, B, must obviously be symmetrical about the straight wire. Then in 1, By2nr= Uyl Hot IT Bo" nr 1 In 2, By:2xr=0, or By=0 2 9 Oe nm the axis,B = = alon; \¢ axis. DR eye Ne => | de Thus, fi of b,a0- oJ aa w/2 TR? 2 nt J F842, on puting x= Rian sec w/2 = Holh f 0s0d0= tgl on The physical interpretation of this result is that f B, dx can be thought of as the circulation of B over a closed loop by imaging that the two ends of the axis are connected, by a line at infinity (e.g. a semicircle of infinite radius). By circulation theorem inside the conductor By2nr= poi-e7 oF, By toj,7/2 : eo ee ie, Be hol x7 Similarly outside the conductor, 360 2.234 3.235 3.236 A . R? By2nr= woj,mR? of, By= Suis o R? So, B= pH dxrd ae We can think of the given current which will be assumed uniform, as arising due toa negative current, flowing in the cavity, superimposed P on the true current, everywhere including the B cavity. Then from the previous problem, by $ superposition. B= 1yyjx(AP-BP)~ 4p jx 2 2 Tf T Vanishes so that the cavity is concentric with the conductor, there is no magnetic field in the cavity. By Circulation theorem, By Darn woh jx dF or using B, = br“inside the stream, brtte vof i@)r dr 0 So by differentiation, (a+1)br*= wir Hence, j= Pet) at Ho On the surface of the solenoid there is a surface current density 7 jen nie, i. an Then, Be - Peat f raga 22 "0 where 7 is the vector from the current element to the field point, which is the centre of the solenoid, Now, ~e,x7o= Re, rom (2 +R?) “2 bond “f da Thus, Bm B= Ox 2KR ) wa 361 tan Oe = Sugar ff ewada (on putting z= R tan a) “ad ~an OR A 1/2 2R = WynTsina= ty nf 2 HonT (7 *) V(/2) +R? [Ni 3.237 We proceed exactly as in the previous problem. Then (a) the magnetic induction on the axis at a distance x from one end is clearly, baal ‘f & “f a 2nR opera canal IR a aw 7 an eee = Ftp Gary? x2 1 1 ae =suynt f cosodo= tyynr(1- : J : Vi +R ton 1k Be x>0 menas that the field point is outside the solenoid. B then falls with x.x <0 means that the field point gets more and more inside the solenoid, B then increases with (x) and eventually becomes constant, equal to Hy "J. The B-.x graph is as given in the answer script. (b) We have, CC VR?+ oe *o or, =1-2n 7 VR? 4x," Since 1 is small (~ 1%), xy must be negative. Thus x)= - |x] and il VR? + [x9 [xpP= 444m) R?+| x97) O= (1-29) R?- 4 (1-m) [x07 or, | al 1-2n)R *O” ova -n) 3.238 If the strip is tightly wound, it must have a pitch of A. This means that the current will flow obliquely, partly along e, and partly along e,, Obviously, the surface current density is, T= 1 Vi- Gary e+ sch Tar} 362 3.239 3.240 By comparision with the case of a solenoid and a hollow straight conductor, we see that field inside the coil = Ho EVI /2nRP (Cf B= pnt). Outside, only the other term conuutes so Byx2ar= Ho xk x 2aR Ho 2r or, Ber any: Note - Surface current density is defined as current flowing normally across a unit length over a surface. Suppose a is the radius of cross section of the core. The winding has a pitch 2nR/N, so the surface current density is Ka ae te 4 ORR/N 1 xa where @; is a unit vector along the cross section of the core and @ is a unit vector along its length. The magnetic field inside the cross section of the core is due to first term above, and is given by By2aR = Uy NI (NT is total current due to the above surface current (first term.)) Thus, By = Ho NI/2nR. The magnetic field at the pow of the core can be obtained from the basic formula. — Ix = a 70 as and is due to the second term. my ae s_ oto 1 So, Bm Be 2% Sng J yh RAD 2m Hol or, B= aR The ratio of the two magnetic field, is = x ‘We need the flux through the shaded area. Now by Ampere’s theorem; di 2 B, 2ar = Wy —z° 0 _ 2 mR Mo pr or, Bow yl ae The flux through the shaded region is, 3.241 3.242 3.243, 3.244 363 R an f tars, 0 R Yor _ Ho -Sasne- ant 0 Using 3.237, the magnetic field is given by, 1 x B= Ayya(1-—=— 2 ( Vi +R? ) At the end,B = ity ni= 4B, where By = py 7, is the field deep inside the solenoid. Thus, @= dygnlS = @/2, where D= yy nls is the flux of the vector B through the cross section deep inside the solenid. By 2nr= UyNI p,~ toe = e. Onr > Then, = ff ByAdras rs b= SP 2NIh Inn, where = b/a : Magnetic moment of a current loop is given by p,,= "iS (where 7m is the number of turns and S, the cross sectionil area.) In our problem, n= 1, S= 1R? and B= me 3 o paw 2BR pra BR Ho Ho Take an clement of length rd 0 containing © rd0 tums. Its magnetic moment is Nag. @? Nao-%a*1 normal to the plane of cross section. We resolve it along OA and OB. The moment along OA integrates to x fe2120080-0 Alo 0 0 while that along OB gives B x Na7 1 0 raf 4 sin Od0= >Nd7I 0 364 3.245 (a) From Biot-Savart’s law, the magnetic induction due to a circular current carrying wire loop at its centre is given by, Ho, 2r! The plane spiral is made up of concentric circular loops, having different radii, varying from a to b. Therefore, the total magnetic induction at the centre, B,= B= | Saw @ where Bi is the contribution of one turn of radius r and dN is the number of turns in the interval (r, r + dr) N Bea dr Substituting in equation (1) and integrating the result over r between a and b, we obtain, > ie. aN= Bee ee ° 2r (b-a) 2(b-a) a (b) The magnetic moment of a turn of radius r is p,, = ixr” and of all turns, b : ~ fine gpa HIN - 07) p= Sf p,aN fiw peat. aaeea) (a) Let us take a ring clement of radius r and thickness dr, then charge on the ring element., dq= o2nrdr and current, due to this element, di = fearm@e, owrd So, magnetic induction at the centre, due to this element : dB = wa R Yo 2 cor and hence, from symmetry : B= f dB = f wocera 0 (b) Magnetic moment of the element, considered, dp, = di) nr’ = cwdrnr= onwr dr Hence, the sought magnetic moment, R 4 7 R Pat f P= f oxor dr= oon 0 3.247 3.248 3.249 365 As only the outer surface of the sphere is charged, consider the element as a ring, as shown in the figure. The equivalent current due to the ring element, di= 2 (2m sin Ord 0)0 Q x rd and magnetic induction due to this loop element 4 oO at the centre of the sphere, O, 0h h on Mo ,2mrsinOrsin® Ho ,.sin?@ E) ap ai 7 - Bast 2 [Using 3.219 (6) ] Hence, the total magnetic induction due to the sphere at the centre, O, 2 : in? a-fas- f 2 2x7? sin 0d 6 sin 99 fusing (1)] 0 Ww Moar . 2 Hence, af an sin 6d0 3 Moo or 29 pT ° The magnetic mament must clearly be along the axis of rotation. Consider a volume element dV, It contains a charge dV. The rotation of the sphere causes this charge a 4n/3R* to revolve around the axis and constitute a current. ay. 2 nk?” * 2x Its magnetic moment will be Stow. 3 x7" sin? O 4nR So the total anagnetic moment is Rox 2 : o@r‘sin’ 6 pan ff 27 sn oso 278008 ‘oo The mechanical moment is 2 aR? eat as M- 5mk , So, M7 Om Because of polarization a space charge is present within the cylinder. It’s density is p,= -div P= -2a Since the cylinder as a whole is neutral a surface charge density 0, must be present on the surface of the cylinder also. This has the magnitude (algebraically) 366 3.250 2 o,x2aR= 2amR* or, o,= aR ‘When the cylinder rotates, currents are set up which give rise to magnetic fields. The contribution of p, and @, can be calculated separately and then added. For the surface charge the current is (for a particular element) OR x 2nR de x 5° = AR? @ de Its contribution to the magnetic field at the centre is Hy R? (aR? w dx) 207 +R?) and the total magnetic field is -0 © 2 2 4 4 a,-f ere. make f de___ Wy AR'@ | Soe . 207 +R)? 2 (+R)? 2 Re As for the volume charge density consider a circle of radius r, radial thickness dr and length dx. The current is- 2a x 2a0r dr dex P= -2ordrwde The ae field due to the volume hae ee is af fers en Mos - Sonora fase - Pfarem xz -WyaoR? so, B= B,+B,= 0 0 Force of magnetic interaction, Fagg = ¢ (VB) Wee Fe Meek} 4an s Fug= 2S ORF : mas an Be LOFT PIF - BE = g > al er And Fun Bo ea Top 2 = Hence, te Vly eg = () = 1001076 3.251 3.252 3.253 367 (a) The magnetic field at O is only due to the curved path, as for the line element, d/ }4 7 a Mol oe Myo y Hence, B anR™ Ck)" aR —k) t 2 Thus F= Bj} BEF) 4 o| _ x So, F, = ane 0-20 N/m | | q %c (b) In this part, magnetic induction B at O Z will be effective only due to the two semi infinite segments of wire. Hence yu sin 7 CK an(L > () 3 = B 0 ae) Thus force per unit length, ij P Ho ci F, “d Each element of length di experiences a force BI dl. This causes a tension T in the wire. For equilibrium, Tda-= Bldl, where da. is the angle subtended by the element at the centre. BIdl Then, T= ate BIR The wire experiences a stress BIR nd*/4 This must equals the breaking stress o,, for rupture. Thus, nd? On Box “GIR The Ampere forces on the sides OP and O’ P’ are directed along the same line, in opposite directions and have equal values, hence the net force as well as the net torque of these forces about the axis OO' is zero. The Ampere-force on the segment PP’ and the cor- responding moment of this force about the axis OO’ is effective and is deflecting in nature. 368 3.254 3.255 In equilibrium (in the dotted position) the deflecting torque must be equal to the restoring torque, developed due to the weight of the shape. Let, the length of each side be J and p be the density of the material then, iB (1cos 0) = Sip)gFsinO+ (Sip) ghsino +(SIp)gisinO or, il? BcosO= 2S pgl*sin® Hence, a= BPE ano ‘We know that the torque acting on a magnetic dipole. >. o> N= pixB But, p= iSn, where 7 is the normal on the plane of the loop and is directed in the direction of advancement of a right handed screw, if we rotate the screw in the sense of current in the loop. On passing a current through the coil, this torque acting on the magnetic dipol, is counterbalanced N by the moment of additional weight, about O. Hence, the direction of current in the loop must Pr be in the direction, shown in the figure. Fs] 1 Dix B= -1x amg” or, NiSB= Amgl Amgl : So, Be is © = 0-4 T on putting the values. (a) As is clear from the condition, Ampere’s forces on the sides (2) and (4) are equal in magnitude but opposite in direction. Hence the net effective force on the frame is the resultant of the forces, experienced by the sides (1) and (3). Now, the Ampere force on (1), tig F,./ 1 na— a1 y2 (r-3) . and that on (3), : Z 3 F.~ Hobo! to tae a ; i Lr So, the resultant force on the frame | ay =F, - F;, (as they are opposite in nature.) 3.256 369 (©) Work done in turning the frame through some angle, A= [id@ = i(®, -®), where ©, is the flux through the frame in final position, and &, that in the the initial position. Here, |S] = |O)= & and = -6, 0, A@= 26 and A= i26 Hence, A=2i fas +) aon Hood, Holigd (2n +1 =2 Fo arn tO (Sy) “b-3) There are excess surface charges on each wire (irrespective of whether the current is flowing through them or not). Hence in addition to the magnetic force F, we must take into account the electric force F, Suppose that an excess charge 2 corresponds to a unit length of the wire, then electric force exerted per unit length of the wire by other wire can be found with the help of Gauss’s theorem. 12h 2 Ing 1” due)’ a Fon Mah where / is the distance between the axes of the wires. The magnetic force acting per unit length of the wire can be found with the help of the theorem on circulation of vector je Pett tttettete where i is the current in the wire. (2) FE Now, from the relation, X= Cg, where C is the capacitance of the wires per unit lengths and is given in problem 3.108 and p = iR (2 2 in he ik om 5 a (3) Dividing (2) by (1) and then substuting the value of : from (3), we get, Fn _ Ho (nny? Fl” & wR? The resultant force of interaction vanishes when this ratio equals unity. This is possible when R= Ry where 370 3.257 3.258 3.259 Rye V ma. 0:36 kQ £0 Use 3.225 The magnetic field due to the conductor with semicircular cross section is Hol oe a aR aF Hol? Then —-= Bl= ee wR We know that Ampere’s force per unit length on a wire element in a magnetic field is given by. dF, = i(mxB) where 7 is the unit vector along the direction of current. qa Now, let us take an element of the conductor iy, as shown in the figure. This wire element is in the magnetic field, produced by the current i,, which is directed normally into the sheet of the paper and its magnitude is given by, i o> Bol [Bi= $4 @) From Eqs. (1) and (2) 0 ao» £ A I, AF, = 2dr (ixB), (because the current through the element equals 7dr > Molde ae - be itkar B). So, aF, Dy? towards left (as 1B) Hence the magnetic force on the conductor : a+b > toe fd Yoh a+b Fi= an B 5 (towards left) = n— (towards left). Then according to the Newton’s third law the magnitude of sought magnetic interaction force 2 Holi ta inath 2nb a By the circulation theorem B= igi, where i= current per unit length flowing along the plane perpendicular to the paper. Currents flow in the opposite sense in the two planes and produce the given field B by superposition. The field due to one of the plates is just iB. The force on the plate is, 2 3B x ix Length x Breadth = & per unit area. (Recall the formula F = Bil on a straight wire) 3.260 3.261 371 B, +B, (a) The external field must be —>—*, which when superposed with the internal field B,-B, (of opposite sign on the two sides of the plate) must give actual field. Now B,-B, 1 i 2 20 B,-B. or, j- 22 Ho B2_B?2 to ee Bi B2 2 1 upward (b) Here, the external field must be upward with an internal field, on the left and downward on the right. Thus, B, +B, ? _ B? eleee ee (©) Our boundary condition following from Gauss’ law is, B, cos 8, = B, cos 0. and F = | Also,(B, sin 0, + B, sin @,) = [iyi where i= current per unit length. Bi By sin 0, - B, sin 0, 2 2 The external field parallel to the plate must be (The perpendicular component B, cos @,, does not matter since the corresponding force is tangential) B,’ sin? 8, - B,’ sin” 0, 2Ho o 62 Thus, F = per unit area 2_ 3? : = —>—— per unit area. 2H The direction of the current in the plane B= conductor is perpendicular to the paper and 8: beyond the drawing. ‘The Current density is, where L is the length c of the section. The difference in pressure IZ produced must be, 1 IB Ap = ap x Bx (abL)/ab = 7 372 3.262 3.263 Let t= thickness of the wall of the cylinder. Then, J=1/2nRt along z axis. The magnetic field due to this at a distance r t t (R-p y : Y = Electric field component causing this drift aE On other hand, Pe ee pe 0 1 8) : n* 1B. A VT Due to the straight conductor, B, = oe We use the formula, Fe @-V)E (a) The vector p;, is parallel to the straight conductor. Pnzy Be 0, because neither the direction nor the magnitude of B depends on z (b) The vector p> is oriented along the radius vector 7" F=p,23 = Pm ap The direction of B at r+dr is parallel to the direction at r. Thus only the @ component of F will survive. re eee © Pm ap Oar ~ Or? (c) The vector p> coincides in direction with the magnetic field, produced by the conductor carrying current I Fe patted ge. Yl Pn 3% ™ rap 2n 2nr a9 ip fa So, Fe- ae @ As, oo e ¢ 375 wt f Ral Hy AR? But, B,= an (2+R2? 22 +R? Ho F2nR? 3 So Fo ae RAPED Pm xe ™m Hy 6"R7 Ip, x "kk (eR 3.271 : Ho 3 Pin FF Pind” ie Pan 5 al| 4x P Ho Pim} _ = 3 HoPimPam nF 2n 13 ‘s- es a 3.272 From 3.270, for x >> R, Hol’ R? Pia ra 2B, x* > on, fe ee 2x3 x 10° x (10! me es BoR? 1:26 x 10~® x (107? m)* — - 3.273 B B= a B —Bsina, >, LS 4 H’ n =pBsina so, Yaccum Ww? sin? c+ cos? a. = 3274 @) Pf Has § (5-7) 5 -f§ Fa5> since § F-aS= 0 Now J’ is nonvanishing only in the bottom half of the sphere. 376 3.275 3.276 Here, B', = Bcos 0, H',= +Bsin0, B',= wBsin 6, H’,= cos 0 Ho Hh Jy~ F828 8(1 1) and y= HL Bsino . Ho u Hp Only J, contributes the surface integral and ~§ Tad -§ Fad. § sas- 2 Bse0 (1) ) f Bar @-B,)l= 1-wBisind Inside the cylindrical wire there is an external current of density —/. This gives a magnetic aR field H, with 2 Ir H,2nr= I, on Hy Vo a yy I : From this By = aa and Jy= wee 24 = Magnetization. x Hence total volume molecular current is, 7 I § Tare f Hoa wy rar The surface current is obtained by using the equivalence of the surface current density to Tx 7 this gives rise to a surface current density in the z-direction of — x The total molecular surface current is, U T= - 2% ak) = - yl. Ss — Dag 2aR) = -% The two currents have opposite signs. We can obtain the form of the curves, required here, by qualitative arguments. From § Hediz= PA we get H(x>>0)= A(x <<0)= al Then B(x>>0)= ppp nl B(x .<0)= gal Also, B(x<0)= tH (x <0) J(e<0)=0 Bis continuous at x= 0, His not. These give the required curves as shown in the answer- sheet. 377 3.277 The lines of the B as well as H field are circles around the wire. Thus 3.278 Hyxr+H,mr=T ot, H,+H)= £ Also HoH, Hy = WH, Uo= By = B,= B Thus poe Hy + Hy ar EB ioe a Ay, wy + Hy ar and B= wet Wy + iy ar The medium I is vacuum and contains a circular current carrying coil with current I. The medium II is a magnetic with permeability 4. The boundary is the plane z= 0 and the coil is in the plane z= /. To find the magnetic induction, we note that the effect of the magnetic medium can be written as due to an image coil in II as far as the medium I is concerned. On the other hand, the induction in II can be written as due to the coil in I, carrying a different current. It is sufficient to consider the far away fields and ensure that the boundary conditions are satisfied there. Now for actual coil in medium J, Bx yx K\o c fy 2Pmo0s 8" (Ho) 9 _ Pmsin 8’ (Ho) 4np “8 Pp \4n robe ee Maem (2 cos? @'- sin? 0’) and B, = 2" (_3 sin 0! cos 0’) where Pm = I(xa"), a= radius of the coil. Similarly due to the image coil, Yom eee B,= (2 cos? 0’ - sin’ 0"), B, @ sin 8' cos 0’), p’, = I (na”) As fara as the medium II is concerned, we write similarly B,= na Hoh (2 cos? 0’ - sin? 6"), B, = HoPn 3 sin 0! cos 0"), p", = 1" (na?) 378 3.279 3.280 3.281 3.282 3.283, The boundary conditions are, p, +P’ = P'", (from B,,= By,) , 1, Pmt P'm= — 4 P''m (from Hy, = Hy) Thus, = pa Bal; pei pel In the limit, when the coil is on the boundary, the magnetic field enverywhere can be obtained by taking the current to be #1. Thus, B= —2#- 5 wel pei We use the fact that within an isolated uniformly magnetized ball, > HT > Ha -373, Be en , where J's the magnetization vector. Then in a uniform magnetic field with induction By, we have by superposition, oi 8 By, = B+) H, = 2-373 : : 3 Hy or, By, +2 tH, = 3B, also, 5, = WB Hi i, Th Hi 20 na Bi he = med em WD The coercive force H, is just the magnetic field within the cylinder. This is by circulation theorem, H,, = aM = 6 kA/m (trom Hd F™ 1, total current, considering a rectangular contour.) _ H We use, f Hai= 0 “E Neglecting the fringing of the lines of force, we write this as B \3 H(nd-b)+>b=0 Ho Bb oy Hw 27 = 101 Am The sense of H is opposite to B NI Wy~ Bb Here, f Hdi=NnI os, H(2nR)+22= NI, so, H= Wo DR iy B 2nRB - 4. 428 _- 310 Hence, u up” uyNI-Bb One has to draw the graph of = a versus H from the given graph. The u— A graph starts out horizontally, and then rises steeply at about H = 0-04 k A/m before falling agian. It is easy to check that pt,,4,* 10,000. 3.284 3.285 3.286 3.287 379 From the theorem on circulation of vector H . NI d Hnd+P2enr o, Be fore Ho b where B is in Tesla and H in kA/m. Besides, B and H are interrelated as in the Fig. 3.76 of the text. Thus we have to solve for B, H graphically by simultancously drawing the two curves (the hysterisis curve and the straight line, given above) and find the point of intersection. It is at 0 H = (1-51 - 0-987) H, Hm» 0:26kA/m, B= 125T Then, pe aH” 4000. From the formula, Loo > a > XBV GB Fe -V\pet2 2 (Pa ¥) By de since B is essentiatlly in the x-direction. B2 xv ae xB V a eval - 2a? X70 So, F,# 2 oe Zip Syren ) 4axe Ty This is maximum when its derivative vanishes ie. 16a°x*-4a= 0, or, x,= ™ Vaa The maximum force is, on kBeV xs zy Fug = 4a = evi — Vaan 2 Ho So, x" (usa VE i, VB, = 36 x 10 2 (pt Fyp - LBV, nV a F,= (Py V)B, ly de” 2uy de This force is attractive and an equal force must be applied for balance. The work done by applied forces is, af or dee ew KE anf Fyde= FCB ho 2 tp 380 3.6 3.288 3.289 3.290 ELECTROMAGNETIC INDUCTION. MAXWELL’S EQUATIONS Obviously, from Lenz’s law, the induced current and hence the induced e.m.f. in the loop is anticlockwise. From Faraday’s law of electromagnetic indcution, de 5,7 dt Here, d@®= B-dS5'= -2Bxdy, and from y= av’jx= vi . yd Hence, §,= 282 @ = BV, using Be Voy 0 Let us assume, B is directed into the plane of the loop. Then the motional e.m.f. &- If - 35-077 = vBl g and directed in the same of (0% B) (Fig.) aL RRo 8 &, _ Bul in RrtR2 z 7 RR, R+R, Rt + RR, As Ry and R, are in parallel connections. () As the metal disc rotates, any free electron also rotates with it with same angular velocity w, and that’s why an electron must have an acceleration «wr directed towards the disc’s centre, where ¢ is separation of the clectron from the centre of the disc. We know from Newton’s second law that if a particle has some acceleration then there must be a net effecetive force on it in the direction of acceleration. We also know that a charged particle can be influenced by two fields electric and magnetic. In our problem magnetic field is absent hence we reach at the conslusion that there is an electric field near any electron and is directed opposite to the acceleration of the electron. If E be the electric field strength at a distance r from the centre of the disc, we have from Newton’s second law. F,= mw, 2 eE= mro*, of, E= oe and the potential difference, > > ; 2 > Geen Prin f Evarm f 22 lar, as Etydr 0 0 e 3.291 3.292 381 2 Thus Veen ~ Prin = AQ= mond sonv (b) When field Bis present, by definition, of motional e.m.f. : 2 ae 1 Hence the sought potential difference, cen — Prim ™ -vBdr= f wrBdr, (as v= wr) Thus sim ~ Veen = O* fos = 20mV (In general w < 2 so we can neglect the effect discussed in (1) here). By definition, — B= -(0%B) c c d So, f Fare f (KB) a7 f -yBar ” ‘4 0 But, v= wr, where r is the perpendicular distance of the point from A. c 4 os 1 a Hence, f Bar f -oBrare -F0Bd?= -10mv A 0 This result can be generalized to a wire AC of arbitary planar shape. We have fo c d being AC and r being measured from A. Flux at any moment of time, > ot |@,|= |B ds|= a(5R% where @ is the sector angle, enclosed by the field. Now, magnitude of induced e.m.f. is given by, 382 3.293 3.294 @, where @ is the angular velocity of the disc. But as it starts rotating from rest at t= O with an angular acceleration B its angular velocity « (t) = Br. So, BR ier) Be. According to Lenz law the first half cycle current in the loop is in anticlockwise sense, and in subsequent half cycle it is in clockwise sense. Thus in general, &,,= (-1 yee R? Bt, where n in number of half revolutions. The plot &,, (t), where t,= V227/B is shown in the answer sheet. Field, due to the current carrying wire in the region, right to it, is directed into the plane of the paper and its magnitude is given by, Ae B= oe e where r is the perpendicular distance from the wire. As B is same along the length of the rod thus motional e.m.f. and it is directed in the sense of (0% So, current (induced) in the loop, Field, due to the current carrying wire, at a perpendicular distance x from it is given by, Bory= Be Motional e.m.f is given by | -(% B)-ai"| There will be no induced e.m.f. in the segments (2) and (4) as, 7} dl and magnitude of e.m.f. induced in 1 and 3, will be Mo i Mo i soften eo Bect respectively, and their sense will be in the direction of (7 B). So, e.m.f., induced in the network = &, ~&) [as §, > &)] _4vboift 1 ]_ va toi “On |x axl 2nx(a+x) 3.295 3.296 3.297 383 As the rod rotates, an emf. 41 26.3218 a2? O-B 74 Bo E()- saB © is induced in it. The net current in the conductor is then — A magnetic force will then act on the conductor of magnitude BJ per unit length. Its direction will be normal to B and the rod and its torque will be EO-F2°Bo —i— |acax o Obviously both magnetic and mechanical torque acting on the C.M. of the rod must be equal but opposite in sense. Then for equilibrium at constant 80-50Bo Ba” ‘ = Som pga sin or of, EQM= $e Bo+ MER sina t= ig @ Bw 42mg Risin wt) (The answer given in the book is incorrect dimensionally.) From Lenz’s law, the current through the connector is directed form A to B. Here &,,= vB! between Aand B . where vis the velocity of the rod atany moment. For the rod, from F, = mw, or, — mgsina-ilB= mw For steady state, acceleration of the rod must be equal to zero. Hence, mgsina= ilB qd) ._ 5in_ VBI But, inte y mgsinaR Fi 1) and (2) v= ‘rom (1) and (2) v B27 From Lenz’s law, the current through the copper bar is directed from 1 to 2 or in other words, the induced crrrent in the circuit is in clockwise sense. Potential difference across the capacitor plates, bbe on g= CE, 384 5.298 Hence, the induced current in the loop, is ._ dq_ 45n de Oat But the variation of magnetic flux through the loop is caused by the movement of the bar. So, the induced emf. &,,=B Iv bn dv id, —e —= and, Gta BIE = Bw Hence, i- c43~caiw Now, the forces acting on the bars are the weight and the Ampere’s force, where Fayp = i1B (CB Iw) B= C1? Bw. From Newton’s second law, for the rod, F, = mw, or, mg sin 0 - C1? B’ w= mw Hence we —mgsina | __gsina__ CPB +m PBC 1+ Flux of B, at an arbitrary moment of time ¢ : > S n a 0,- B-S~ BE css, ae From Faraday’s law, induced em.f,, &,,= -T 2 (Ps 77 COs we Buao., ee a = 2 and induced current, i, = Sa. — Now thermal power, generated in the circuit, at the moment t= ¢ : 2 2 PQ) = 84% ig = Ga) Fein? on and mean thermal power generated, rel. - Bua] 1 f a | 2 zJ snot dt

= ——___,° ___ =. —_+__, 2 moa B fa ar) 0 Note : The claculation of §, which can also be checked by using motional emf is correct even though the conductor is not a closed semicircle , for the flux linked to the rectangular part containing the resistance R is not changing. The answer given in the book is off by a factor 1/4, 3.299 3.300 385 The flux through the coil changes sign. Initially it is BS per turn. Finally it is - BS per turn. Now if flux is ® at an intermediate state then the current at that moment will be d® . dt R So charge that flows during a sudden turning of the coil is is am fide -X[@--a)]- 2NBS/R Hence, Be pak = 0:5 T on putting the values. According to Ohm’s law and Faraday’s law of induction, the current iy appearing in the frame, during its rotation, is determined by the formula, : d® Ldiy leer ganar Hence, the required amount of electricity (charge) is, : 1 i: a: : az f gare -7 Jf Grr diy) = ZAP +L Aig) Since the frame has been stopped after rotation, the current in it vanishes, and hence A iy = 0. It remains for us to find the increment of the flux A ® through the frame (A ® = , - &,). Let us choose the normal 7to the plane of the i frame, for instance, so that in the final position, n’ is directed behind the plane of the figure (along B ). Cl —. i t t t Se * Then it can be easily seen that in the final position, &, > 0, while in the initial position, 3.301 ©, <0 (the normal is opposite to B )s and A@ turns out to be simply equal to the fulx through the surface bounded by the final and initial positions of the frame : bea Ada 44/0 f Badr, bea where B is a function of r, whose form can be easily found with the help of the theorem of circulation. Finally omitting the minus sign, we obtain, Ad Hod bea I" R~ 2nRb-a As B, due to the straight current carrying wire, varies along the rod (connector) and enters linerarly so, to make the calculations simple, B is made constant by taking its average value in the range [a, b]. 386 3.302 Joe [ete =* fa 7 fe ip |b Ho = In @-a™ or, (a) The flux of B changes through the loop due to the movement of the connector. According to Lenz’s law, the current in the loop will be anticlockwise. The magnitude of motional em.£, £,= v(b-a) Bo s 4 = Ixb-a" 26- ae Teiols v So, induced current jw Bin, Moo 2. oe (b) The force required to maintain the constant velocity of the connector must be the magnitude equal to that of Ampere’s acting on the connector, but in opposite direction. "] : Ho ob ig So, Feg= ig h= (= RPS Z\e- (te a 2 v (Ho: 2 i i i i -; ( © ip n= ) , and will be directed as shown in the (Fig.) (a) The flux through the loop changes due to the movement of the rod AB. According to Lenz’s law current should be anticlockwise in sense as we have assumed B is directed into the plane of the loop. The motion e.m.f ,,(0) = Blv and induced current i;, wat A From Newton’s law in projection form F,= mw, Vp vdv -2 Fang” Se R3. Fam B@ . vB? But Fay ™ ig! B= Ee B rs vB? 1? myt : R de 3.303 3.304 387 x mR mR vo on fae- Bh om 2 Ee (b) From equation of energy conservation; E, - E; + Heat liberated = A. +Aca [o -}m “| + Heat liberated = 0 +0 So, heat liberated = im a With the help of the calculation, done in the previous problem, Ampere’s force on the connector, = 2)2 Fin ™ directed towards left. Now from Newton’s second law, A dv FF agg =m vB? dv So, Fo +mG ' » dy or, dt= mf —_—ST J 4 Pua B for or, Thus According to Lenz, the sense of induced e.m.f. is such that it opposes the cause of change of flux. In our problem, magnetic field is directed away from the reader and is diminishing. (a) (6) (c) (d) So, in figure (a), in the round conductor, it is clockwise and there is no current in the connector In figure (b) in the outside conductor, clockwise. 388 3.305 3.306 3.307 In figure (c) in both the conductor, clockwise; and there is no current in the connector to obey the charge conservation. In figure (d) in the left side of the figure, clockwise. The loops are connected in such a way that if the current is clockwise in one, itis anticlockwise in the other. Hence the e.m.f. in loop b opposes the e.m.f. in loop a. eam in loop a= 4 (028) = a? 4 sin ot) Similarly, e.m.f. in loop b= b” By w cos wf. Hence, net e.m.f. in the circuit = (a? - b) By © cos wt, as both the e.m.f’s are in opposite sense, and resistance of the circuit = 4 (a+) p Therefore, the amplitude of the current @- 8) Byw - Tee 7 OM The flat shape is made up of concentric loops, having different radii, varying from 0 to a. Let us consider an elementary loop of radius 7, then e.m.f. induced due to this loop -d(B-S) 2 = 1r° By ® cos wt. dt - and the total induced e.m.f., Sam f (7? By w cos wt) dN, (1) O where 27? w cos wt is the contribution of one tum of radius r and dN is the number of turns in the interval [r, r + dr]. So, dN- (") a Q) 1B, @ cos w tN a” From (1) and (2), §= f ~ (1? By w cos on Nar ; 0 Maximum value of amplitude &,., = inB, oN@ The flux through the loop changes due to the variation in B with time and also due to the movement of the cortnector. — 4055) @s)| > dt as S and B are colliniear But, B, after ¢ sec. of beginning of motion = Bt, and S becomes = dw, as connector starts moving from rest with a constant acceleration w. So, Bat 3B lwt? 3.308 3.309 3.310 3.311 389 We use B= pynl Then, from the law of electromagnetic induction > > do f Bare -F So, for ra E,2nr= -na? pnt or, E,= ~pynta?/2r The meaning of minus sign can be deduced from Lenz’s law. 2 The e.m.f. induced in the turn is ponin The resistance is Hay, wyntSd So, the current is 4p = 2mA, where p is the resistivity of copper. The changing magnetic field will induce an e.m.f. in the ring, which is obviously equal, in the two parts by symmetry (the e.m.f. induced by electromagnetic induction does not depend on resistance). The current, that will flow due to this, will be different in the two parts. This will cause an acceleration of charge, leading to the setting up of an electric field E which has opposite sign in the two parts. Thus, 5 nak= rT and, Synaks ard, where & is the total induced e.m.f. From this, §= (q+1)r1, ois Sele nel “ Be ga Us aay But by Faraday’s law,§ = ab 1a so, Ena Go to the rotating frame with an instantaneous angular vélocity @(¢). In this frame, a Coriolis force, 2mv” x @(t) _ acts which must be balanced by the magnetic force, e Vx B (1) Thus, w= - oe . (it is assumed that @”is small and varies slowly, so @” and & can be neglected.) 390 3.312 3.313 3.314 The solenoid has an inductance, L=pyn'ab7s, where n = number of turns of the solenoid per unit length. When the solenoid is connected to the source an e.m.f. is set up, which, because of the inductance and resistance, rises slowly, according to the equation, RIi+LI= V This has the well known solution, = ta ea): Corresponding to this current, an e.m.f. is induced in the ring. Its magnetic field B= ign in the solenoid, produces a force per unit length, ¢ = Biz wan’ na’ i/r 2, py? _ Homa V" x? | eR eR) r (RL g acting on each segment of the ring. This force is zero initially and zero for large ¢. Its maximum value is for some finite t. The maximum value of 2 tw) i -(feemy et. dFay vama’V? 42 pga’ V? ae Tee aR gen be eM (ye UE So The amount of heat generated in the loop during a small time interval dt, dQ-= &/Rdt, but, §= -2. 2at-at, 2 So, dQ- Canam and hence, the amount of heat, generated in the loop during the time interval 0 to t. Qat-ay? , 1a? 2 f Ree see 0 Take an elementary ring of radius r and width dr. dr The e.m.f. induced in this elementary ring is x7” B. Now the conductance of this ring is. ES 1 hdr hrdr (Qs mer Sy)’ Integrating we get the total current, ’ / hrdr, _ hB(b-a’) = ae 2p 4p 3.315 3.316 3.317 3.318 391 Given L= pig” V= uyn7 ly xR”, where R is the radius of the solenoid. 5‘ Thus, n= . Hox So, length of the wire required is, a/4nLhy l= nh2aR= V—— = 0:10km. Ho From the previous problem, we know that, I’ = length of the wire needed= WV a , Where I= length of solenoid here. 0 r Now, R= Po, (where $= area of crossection of the wire. Also m= pS’) RS_ Rm =—=——, ol PoP Po!’ Po where py = resistivity of copper and p = its density. Thus, a: Equating, = Z PPy Hy/4% Hy mR _ 1” Gn ppol The current at time ¢ is given by, 1(0)= Fa-e™) The steady state value is, [y= x 0 R at or, om RT 7 149s L TR Pos where, pg = resistivity, /y= length of the winding wire, S= cross section of the wire. But m= 1p,5S L mL So eliminating S,x = a Polo Poly m/ply 392 From problem 3.315 1, = V (note the interchange of ! and {, because of difference in notation here.) Thus, t —_- Hyd = 07 ms, ppg LI ie Ho 3.319 Between the cables, where a : BH 2 a Finally, L= 37 Nain (+3) 3.321 Neglecting end effects the magnetic field B, between the plates, which is mainly parallel to the plates, is B= woe (For a derivation see 3.229 b) Thus, the associated flux per unit length of the plates is, = pydxhxt= (wo5} So,L, = inductance per unit length = Hor = 25 nH/m. 3.322 3.323 3.324 3.325 393 I For a single current carrying wire,B, = ee (r > a). For the double line cable, with current, ar flowing in opposite directions, in the two conductors, I B,~ “2, between the cables, by superposition. The associated flux is, mr d-a I I oe f tel det tliy 2 Moig ocr, per unit eng Hence, L,~ Inn x is the inductance per unit length. In a superconductor there is no resistance, Hence, dI_d® ane ar : . A®_ xa°B So integrating, an because. A@ = 0,-&, @,= xa"B,O;= 0 Also, the work done is A= ferare fra 22- 1p pligae : : dt 2 2-1 N’s In a solenoid, the inductance L= jitgn”V= W up 7" where S = area of cross section of the solenoid, / = itslength,V= S/, N = nl = total number of turns. When the length of the solenoid is increased, for example, by pulling it, its inductance will decrease. If the current remains unchanged, the flux, linked to the solenoid, will also decrease. An induced e.m.f. will then come’ into play, which by Lenz’s law will try to oppose the decrease of flux, for example, by increasing the current. In the superconducting state the flux will not change and so, T 77 constant =e ty The flux linked to the ring can not change on transition to the superconduction state, for reasons, similar to that given above. Thus a current J must be induced in the ring, where, xa’B naB j= 2. —17° _. L 8a 8a Hoo fin -2) Hon 2) sIN S Hence, co ie nie (+n) ‘0 394 3.326 3.327 3.328 3.329 We write the equation of the circuit as, oa a Rie GS for t= 0, The current at f= 0 just after inductance is changed, is isn a » so that the flux through the inductance is unchanged. We look for a solution of the above equation in the form i= A+Be~” oe § Substituting C aR ,B=n-1LA R Thus, 7. B(emn- tem) Clearly, LE = R(Ul-i)= &-RI So, at. E-Ri This equation has the solution (as in 3.312) -- 54 _ 97 tR2L isk (l-e ) The a me, 4 a Hh 1, Be g- Ra) Then, 7 fii-hiy=0 or, L,i,-L, i, = constant But initially at ¢= 0, i,= i= 0 so constant must be zero and at all times, Li= ly In the final steady atate, current must obviously be i, + i) = 5 . Thus in steady state, A Ea BL, He RUE) eee Rh) fi Here, B= $2 at a distance r from the wire. The flux through the frame is obuained as, a+l I yb San f Be oe rls i] t 395 Hol I fi 3.330 Here also, B= 5 and @= yous J Ay. Thus, Ly= 3.331 The direct calculation of the flux ®, is a rather complicated problem, since the configuration of the field itself is complicated. However, the application of the reciprocity theorem simplifies the solution of the problem. Indeed, let the same current i flow through loop 2. Then the magnetic flux created by this current through loop 1 can be easily found. Magnetic induction at the centre of the loop, : B= Hoé So, flux throug loop 1, : ®,) = xa? i and from reciprocity theorem, re P12= P21, Pa = —_ 2 So, Ly= t= Sty a/b 3.332 Let Da be the magnetic moment of the magnet M. Then the magnetic field due to this magnet is, The flux associated with this, when the magnet is along the axis at a distance x from the centre, is 3G, AF Py =~ S -dS= %,-%, 396 3.333 3.334 3.335, ‘When the flux changes, an e.m.f. -N a is induced and a current — ude flows. The total charge q, flowing, as the magnet is removed to infinity from x = 0 is, N N YoPm q= ROKR | oF . at If a current J flows in one of the coils, the magnetic field at the centre of the other coil is, = Hoal Ho ita) 2 Aloe The flux associated with the second coil is then approximately gx a* 1/2 1° as [>>a. Hy a* 2 Hence, Ly= dl, When the current in one of the loop is /;= af, an emf. Ly —*= Ly), is induced in dt the other loop. Then if the current in the other loop is /, we must have, Tee rr fa Ri, Lyo This familiar equation has the solution, Lye ay : I= “A (1-e % | which is the required current Initially, after a steady current is set up, the current is flowing as shown. In steady condition iy = 3, ig= ie cE R When the switch is disconnected, the current through Ro changes from ijg to the right, to ing to the left. (The current in the inductance cannot change suddenly.). We then have the equation, L BR R)ig= 0. This equation has the solution i, = in) e7'®**”4 The heat dissipated in the coil is, o- fizra- arf oO =U RERVE yy a Le : te _. Rin *7RsR)” TRRR” 3! 397 3.336 To find the magnetic field energy we recall that the flux varies linearly with current. Thus, 3.337 3.338 when the flux is © for current i, we can write @ = Ai. The total energy inclosed in the field, when the current is J, is we See fag @2 iat Ld 21 ~ fvasie fvasae iwars iver The characteristic factor 3 appears in this way. We apply circulation theorem, H2nb=NI, of, H= NI/2xb. Thus the total energy, We SB 2nb na? = a" b BH. Given N, J, b we know H, and can find out B from the B-H curve. Then W can be calculated. From) H-a7= M1, H-nd+2 bm NI(d>>>) 0 NI md+ pb Since B is continuous across the gap, B is given by, Also, B= pyyH. Thus, H= B= ose: both in the magnetic and the gap. La: @ ee 2h a - Weagreic _B 2 Hy ue xSxad 2 (b) The fux is wf Bas" Ny gS A, b+— So, Le Energy wise; total energy B? (nd eee Fe 2°)* 2 Pe SLI 398 3.339 3.340 3.341 The L, found in the one way, agrees with that, found in the other way. Note that, in calculating the flux, we do not consider the field in the gap, since it is not linked to the winding. But the total energy includes that of the gap. When the cylinder with a linear charge density A rotates with a circular frequency «, a surface current density (charge / length x time) of jm is set y 2n : The direction of the surface current is normal to the plane of paper at Q and the contribution of this current to the magnetic field at P is dB- "2 1@7) gs were 2 isthe 4x direction of the current. In magnitude, |@&7T= r, since 27is normal to 7*and the direction of dB is as shown. It’s component, d By cancels out by cylindrical symmetry. The component that survives is, wy). to f ids Hot IBl= ge J reose= 3 dS cos 8 ' where we have used S°" = dQ and { dQ-= 4, the total solid angle around any r point. The magnetic field vanishes outside the cylinder by similar argument. The total energy per unit length of the cylinder is, 2 1 2fkw 2_ Yo 252,2 We= 5a (az xndm Po Wee degE, for the electric field, W,= =1-B? for the magnetic field. 2 ue 2k 2 Thus, yg Ze, when E=~ B23 x 10° V/m Veg Ho The electric field at P is, ql Ee ee P Ame, (a +I") 3.342, 3.343 3.344 3.345 399 To get the magnetic field, note that the rotating ring constitutes a current i= qw/2 x, and the corresponding magnetic field at P is, . Hy a7 2G) 2 2 a We | tobok x2 Thus, = = 2 7 —EX2__! Wu B tots Faeone i (iy Z P Fg Hy (a? wo SS ee We The total energy of the magnetic field is, = por 1p ye (2 5s) @-Hyav-5{ B-(=-F\av aS oes [ee af FP av-Z frau. The second term can be interpreted as the energy of magnetization, and has the density loo -50B. (a) In series, the current I flows through both coils, and the total e.m.f. induced. when the current changes is, ar al a aw or, or (b) In parallel, the current flowing through cither coil is, Zand the e.m.f. induced is 1 df 2 a} Equating this. to -v, we find L'= £1. We use Ly = Hy mV, Ly = Wg my’ V So, Lyg™ Wom mV = Vij Ly The interaction — is el eR aS Lae Ble 1 fie Here, if B, is the magnetic field produced by the first of the current carrying loops, and By, that of the second one, then the magnetic field due to both the loops will be B, + By. 400 3.346 3.347 3.348 3.349 We can think of the smaller coil as constituting a magnet of dipole moment, Pa= aT, Is direction is normal to the loop and makes an angle 0 with the direction of the magnetic field, due to the bigger loop. This magnetic field is, Bola Ba= The interaction energy has the a |Wl= pel + Fag cos 0 Its sign depends on the sense of te « currents. (a) There is a radial outward conduction current. Let Q be the instantaneous charge on. the inner sphere, then, .-2 ix4nr a - pee aD G(R QEs Fe On the other hand jj = 0 dt —_ ed (b) At the given moment, E= —%— 7 4neer and by Ohm’s lawj= £={—2—} P 4negepr Then, j< -—t—? 2 Ja A mege pe dScos®_ gq and § ie ja Sauce P ee P The surface integral must be -ve because j,, being opposite of j, is inward. Here also we see that neglecting edge effects, j,= -j. Thus Maxwell’s equations reduce todiv B= 0, Curl H= 0, B= pH ‘A’general solution of this equation is B= constant = By By can be thought of as an extraneous magnetic field. If it is zero, B= 0. Given I= J, sin wt. We see that j= tm sin ex = 2 ins ies pein 7 1, or, D= “5 cos wt, $0, E,= 7V/cem is the amplitude of the electric field and is 3.350 3.351 3.352 401 The electric field between the plates can be written as, Ve Vy, Ex Re-Fei®!, instead of Fcos ot. This gives rise to a conduction current, j.= OE= Re 5 V,e'™ and a displacement current, A fe 2. Reegeia—te! or The total current is, y, int FVo? + (e920) cos (w f+ a) a ew where, tana = on taking the real part of the resultant. The corresponding magnetic field is obtained by using circulation theorem, H2nre xP jp ry, Od ‘o+ (Ee @) or, H= H,, cos (wt +a), where, H,,= Inside the solenoid, there is a magnetic field, B= pon! sin wt. Since this varies in time there is an associated electric field. This is obtained by using, f Far -4 f war c s For r REx - The associated displacement current density is, aE [eB 1/2 Ao ae ae The answer, given in the book, is dimensionally incorrect without the factor e. In the non-relativistic limit. E- aoe mer (a) Ona straight line coi oF q [=¥_ 377] (ing @7_ ge oe 4a ea eee ee ding with the charge path, Sam &% 3.353 3.354 Tee ve But in this » P= -vand v—= vy so, j= ut in this case, = —v and vE= 77 50, jy= <2 (b) In this case,r= 0, as, 7107 Thus, jam ee 4xr We have, E, = 2 ane +x) oe ag then Uo on ante Bue 2x*) This is maximum, when x= x,,= 0, and minimum at some other value. The maximum displacement current density is (ida @s a To check this we calculate oda, a pa Lica @+2)-5@-27)] This vanishes for x= 0 and for x= V 3% The latter is easily shown to be a smaller Jocal minimum (negative maximum). We use Maxwell’s equations in the form, | fF Fare ud f Fas, when the conduction current vanishes at the site. We know that, ds"r a se ced ? 243 joo = ” Ameo: Tae 2™ cos 6), where, 27 (1 - cos @) is the solid angle, formed by the disc like surface, at the charge. a 1 A Thus, § Bar 2m 0B Stgg-sind-O On the other hand,x = acot@ differentiating and using 2. -% v= acosec’ 06 th pe toavrsin® us, = 4xP 3.355 3.356 3.357 3.358 403 Bod V7) 4xP ~o v% (The sense has to be checked independently.) This can be written as, B= 7.4 and Ht ax p (@) If B= B(, then, > - oR Cul B= => x 0. So, E cannot vanish. (b) Here also, curl E » 0, so E cannot be uniform. (©) Suppose for instance, E'= a°f (0) where @” is spatially and temporally fixed vector. Then -#. curl E= 0. Generally a rr—..—i—CrsCSC 2 = 0 for in this case the left hand side is time independent but RHS. depends on time. The only exception is when f (0 is linear function. Then a uniform field E can be time dependent. : = oD > From the equation Curl H- 2? = j We get on taking divergence of both sides a 7 div D= divj es 7 Op But div D= p and hence div j+2= 0 From VxE= - 2 or we get on taking divergence o= -2 ave 5 or This is compatible with div B= 0 A rotating magnetic field can be represented by, B,= Bycoswt;B,= Bysinwt and B,= B,, = Then curl, pe or = So, = (Curl E), = - @ By sin ot= - 0B, = (Curl E}), = @ By cos wt= wB, and - (Curl E), = 0 Dl Hence, Curl E= - 3B, — where, @= 6,0. 404 3.359 3.360 3.361 Consider a particle with charge e, moving with velocity ¥; in frame K. It experiences a force F= ev B” In the frame K’, moving with velocity ¥; relative to K, the particle is at rest. This means that there must be an electric field E in K’, so that the particle experinces a force, Peek = F=evxB Thus, Pas Within the plate, there will appear a Ww B) ) force, which will cause charges inside the plate to drift, until a countervailing electric field is set up. This electric field is related to B, by E= eB, since v & B are mutually perpendicular, and £ is perpendicular to both. The charge density + o, on the force of the plate, producing this electric field, is given by E= © ot om egvB = 0-40 pC/m? 0 Choose @tt B along the z-axis, and choose 77as the cylindrical polar radius vector of a reference point (perpendicular distance from the axis). This point has the velocity, ees ve Oxr and experiences a (vB) force, which must be counterbalanced by an electric field, B= -@x7}xB= -@-B)r There must appear a space charge density, p= egdiv E= -2eja-B = -8pC/m? Since the cylinder, as a whole is electrically neutral, the surface of the cylinder must acquire a positive charge of surface density, 2 (OB) na” oe ore ae 2 Dna €94@°B = +-2 pC/m’ o= In the reference frame K’, moving with the particle, Bea EsvxB=e 4negr Bow Be-vxE/2 Bi a B-VaxE/c*= 0. Here, v= velocity of K’, relative to the K frame, in which the particle has velocity v7 Clearly, vg = v: From the second equation, var ad a UKE q vx Bw = ey ttyx > ee ‘0 Bo 4xey P = “e 0g (vx 4x 3.363 3.364 3.365 3.367 405 Suppose, there is only electric field E, in K. Then in K’, considering nonrelativistic velocity eB. E, DE, c ~= So, EB. 0 In the relativistic case, Bye By 5-0 ee ee Set 29 9 : : Vi-v/e| * Vi-vye Now, EB By By+E, Bi, = 0, since BBY = -E, GREW -v/e)= -E,- Ee, )/ [:-3}- 0 an InK, B= De b= constant. x+y In K, B= BB wy Uy E The electric field is radial = xi+yj ). InKE= Er wity}) —- a KB -E oe The magnetic lines are circular. In the non relativistic limit, we neglect v?/c? and write, — — aay | ed E, mE, + vB Bi, By -VKE/c These two equations can be combined to give, es E'= E+v%B, B= B-vxE/e Choose E in the direction of the z-axis, E’= (0, 0, E). The frame K’ is moving with velocity v= (vsin a, 0, vcos a), in the x -z plane. Then in the frame K’, a Ey= Ey B 0 * 2. fg. oe E i 1s vi-v/e Vi-v/e The vector along vis @= (sin a, 0, cos a.) and the perpendicular vector in the x - z plane is, : f= (-cos a, 0, sin a), (a) Thus using E'= Ecosa 2%Esinaf. Esina E')= Ecosa and E') = ———— _, Ve Toot So pe EVIE SES and tana’ = {ano vive > veE/? (b) BY)= 0, BY = SS ; Vi-v/e pi. BEsinga 3.368 Choose B in the z direction, and the velocity 7% (vsin c, 0, v cos a) in the x-z plane, then in the K’ frame, () E2-P B= 2 P Be + Et— PB? 407 => Py2 = PRs 1, [ema ofa % + el zy x Ay wv a) ¢ - ORs [st-eat OREL- =H B+ ys tet-eat (1 -5|- BAO B, since, (0% . yevar 3.370 In this case, E- B= 0, as the fields are mutually perpendicular. Also, 2 B-B = -20x10° (3) is — ve. Thus, we can find a frame, in which E’ = 0, and 2 ive = BV1-+ cB B' = 0-15 mT 4 = on 1-( 4x 10° 3x 10°x2x 10~* 3.371 Suppose the charge g moves in the positive direction of the x-axis of the frame K. Let us go over to the moving frame K’, at whose origin the charge is at rest. We take the x and x’ axes of the two frames to be coincident, and the y & y’ axes, to be parallel. > 1 qr In the K’ frame, E = ar, 4ney 3’ and this has the following components, pte oe =” Gey 2? 9” Amey Now let us go back to the frame K. At the moment, when the origins of the two frames coincide, we take t= 0. Then, re reo 0= 2 V1 y= rsinO= y c Also, E,= Ej, £,= & /Vi-v/2 2 pein? From these equations, r?= 7-B sin’ 0) 1-6 poe _ 9232 (yr? ven . aFGF |“ BY (ie) gru-B) ~ GmegP ( — Br sin? 0)” 408 3.7 3.372 3.373 MOTION OF CHARGED PARTICLES IN ELECTRIC AND MAGNETIC FIELDS Let the electron leave the negative plate of the capacitor at time t= 0 ooo Qa As, E,= -BbnFe4, and, therefore, the acceleration of the electron, po Ce ek ave eat mm de al ’ ‘ e lea. or, £2 fiat, on, v= +e, Q eat 6ml Putting the value of ¢ in (1), lea (cz) y= Lea (6 mi” > 1 3 : () = 16 km/s. a 2ml\ ea 2 The electric field inside the capacitor varies with time as, E= at. Hence, electric force on the proton, F = eat and subsequently, acceleration of the proton, eat we m Now, if t is the time elapsed during the motion of the proton between the plates, then t= + as no acceleration is effective in this direction. (Here v, is velocity along the length y of the plate.) dv, From kinematics, —*= w dt Le ' 50, f a, = f wat, 0 0 (as initially, the component of velocity in the direction, .L to plates, was zero.) 409 or ye fee. ? a m2m- 2m 0 fl 7 2 Now, tangs be La 2my i i 2 eal? : 2ev\? < = a= 2) tom ny omeratin 2m Fey m 4 3.374 The equation of motion is, dvi od @ a Cae m 0-9) Integrating 1yi4a 1 = 2 (E,x- 3 ax’) = constant. But initially v= 0 when x= 0, so “constant” = 0 Thus, ve Alto 30"] m 2 2Ey Thusy= 0, again for x= x= —* The corresponding acceleration is, (av) @ Go (ai), ~ LG, -28)~ - 3.375 From the law of relativistic conservation cf energy myc . 7 So Ex = me. Vi-(/c) : as the electron is at rest (v= 0 for x= 0) initially. Thus clearly T= eEx. 2 myc On the other hand,V1 - (v7/¢") = —>— myc +eEx or vy Vimy c? +e Ex) - mact : ¢ mg c? + eEx 2 (my c + eEx) dc or, crm f care f ect eoe Vim c? + eEx) - mic! 410 3.376 3.377 1 dy 1 2 acreage ——— = AV c? + ex)? - m2 c* + constant 2e y= ma ct eE The “constant” = 0, at t= 0, for x= 0, 1yV amet ed So, ct ZV (omge? + ex)? ~ mp c*. Finally, using T= eE x, VI (T+2myc?) ceE = VI(T+2me) o m= et2me) eEc As before, T= eEx Now in linear motion, d my mw mw 2 ee avy ye Vive A-V 72? _m _ Fame? oe ave mac : s. eEme _eE(,, T)- 0, we ~ Ely (T+mey =f ee The equations are, f/m |e 0 ond 2/20) ek at \V1- (77) ayy P72 H es tant Mi) ence, = —— = constant = Vine Vi 07 Also, by energy conservation, me me? a - ety Vi-W/e2) Vi - (We) 2 Dividing errs = eyt+eky’ © Vi-07e) my mg eyteEy s0, oe V1-W7e) co Thus, (eg + e Ey) v,= ce Et + constant. “constant” = 0 as v,= 0 at t= 0. Integrating again, eqytheE y= $e? £7 + constant. 3.378 3.379 “constant” = 0, as y= 0, at f= 0. Thus,(ce Et)’ = (eyE)’+2eyeEy+es—e2 or, ceEt = V(t + eBy)’ - 8 or, eg t+ Ey= Veo+c eB? 1? vy, 2 Vedec?e Er? Ved + ce? Bs? %) _ _eEt and tanO= =! Vy G22. Vy Mo Vo From the figure, sinan 20 298 R mv As radius of the arc R = ae — > where v is the velocity of the particle, when it enteres into the field. From initial condition of the problem, i Vv qv = 5m? ot, v = Hence, sin a= 1 _. wey t 2mV 2qV ™ and a= sin~! ( V a )- 30°, on putting the values. (a) For motion along a circle, the magnetic force acted on the particle, will provide the centripetal force, necessary for its circular motion. : my x ie. “= evB or, v= — R ee axm o v eB dp > (©) Generally, P= F oe ae mg7 gv mo ator) oa Fe) “M-771A -wiay @ For transverse motion, v= 0 so, mV my 2 a Vi-Wic)) V1i-W7 7c) 7 412 3.380 3.381 3.382 Tous, 2 Bey op, = Bet ' rV1- 07/2) Vi 7e) ME v Ber or, 2, 44, © VB P+ mc? 2ar 2am Finally, T= —“= = = Be? + mac? eo eeNi we Ge (@) As before = Bar. 0) T- Ve pame -VER Graeme Co r rf + {mi¢/ Bar) | using the result for v from the previous problem. From (3.279), 2m mc r= 282 (relativistic), Ty= = (nonrelativistic), CB eB Here, me/Vi-v/e = E Thus, bT= ant (T- K.E) eB Now, vr. == ma oe To 12 T= eV= 5 my (The given potential difference is not large enough to cause significant deviations from the nonrelativistic formula). Thus, ve Vt m So, y= YX cosa, y= YW sina ” i ™ oe m 2 mv, mv, Now, 7 = Bev, of, r= ae, and Pitch 3.383 3.384 413 The charged particles will traverse a helical trajectory and will be focussed on the axis after traversing a number of turms. Thus be 2 (ne 2 % B, B, n_ n+l 1 = B, B, B, -B, ! 2am Hence, VY 49 (B,-B,) i. P (2x)? ee : 2qVim~ B,- By (qimy q 8x°V or, 2.575, m 7 @,-B) Let us take the point A as the origin O and the axis of the solenoid as z-axis. At an arbitrary moment of time let us resolve the velocity of electron into its two rectangular components, ¥j along the axis and ¥; to the axis of solenoid. We know the magnetic force does no work, so the kinetic energy as well as the speed of the electron [vy | will remain constant in the x-y plane, Thus ¥; can change only its direction as shown in the Fig... ¥j will remain constant as it is parallel to B Thus att = ¢ V, COS Wt = Vsin COS wr, vy = vy sinwt = vsinasinwt eB and v, = vCosa, where @ = 7 As att = 0, wehave x = y = z = 0, so the motion law of the electron is. z= voosat vsin a sinw ft vsin a y= “55% (cos we -1) (The equation of the helix) On the screen, z=I1, sot= : VCOs O a) Then, Pa taste BERS (cn oa ) o Vcos pe 2ysing | i. ol 2” sina. | sin 1B o 2vcosa eB 2 mv cos a 414 3.385, 3.386 Choose the wire along the z-axis, and the initial direction of the electron, along the x-axis. Then the magnetic field in'the x -z plane is along the y-axis and outside the wire it is, B= 5,- , B,= 0, if y= 0) The motion must be confined to the xz plane. Then the equations of motion are, d aims -ev,B, d(mv,) a B, Oy Multiplying the first equation by v, and the second by v, and then adding, nai Then, y, ws _ Hole de or, = “Vine “2am x Te 7 2 Ho x Integrating, Viv = Iams on using,v, = vy, if x= a (ie. initially). Now, v,= 0, when x= x,, Uple so, x, = ae%”, where b= 2. 20m Inside the capacitor, the electric field follows a Shaw, and so the potential can be written as | Vince val Inb/a ’ Inb/ar Here r is the distance from the axis of the capacitor. Also, me ee r Inb/arr Inb/a On the other hand, my = qBr in the magnetic field. v v v = ——— and 22 Y= — Thus, arr ee i Br in(b/a) 415 3.387 The equations of motion are, 3.388 dy, dv, a, — -qBv,, mae qE and ma qv,B These equations can be solved easily. i = GE 2 First, ye Hs y= Fe Then, v2 +v2 = constant = vgas before. In fact, v, = vg cos wt and v,= vp sin wt as one can check. Integrating again and using x= z= 0, at t= 0 ¥ % x= —sinwt, z= — (1 -cos of) o @ Thus, xa 7=0 fortet= 1% o : _ 9h, 20 Qn _ 2x’ mEW At that instant, y, on Bim" * an ee Also, tana, = “ (@,= 0 at this moment) Yy mvp _ 7% QB 1 Bvy ~ GEt, gE . £. B (1 - cos ot) 3 When a current J flows along the axis, a magnetic field By = I Ho 5 8 Set up where p*= x’+y” In terms of components, Jj Ix B,= rene B= nem B,=0 Suppose a p.d. V is set up between the inner cathode and the outer anode. This means a potential function of the form =v Inp/b Ina/b’ as one can check by solving Laplace equation. The electric field corresponding to this is, Vx. ~ptina/b’ a>p>b, ye 0. % p*Ina/b? 7 The equations of motion are, i Le : Je Vz lel Tel Hot a P a/b 2np e ae. elie Meltel ay" pina/b 2x0 and 4 my,= —le] Mol (wxt yu pep ted tin dt aap ee 2nd" (-Je|) is the charge on the electron. Integrating the last equation, mv,» -[e| vena p fax mi. 3.394 419 since v,= 0 where p= a. We now substitute this z in the other two equations to get 2 el (Hod) ink rac blab Integrating and using v= 0, at p= b, we get, ng 1 le ae 2 bo) imeem = aa n2 fel? in (»5) é The RHS must be postive, for all a> p>b, The condition fr thi is alel Holy a YS Ge oe ; This differs from the previous problem in (a +*b) and the magnetic field is along the z-direction. Thus B, = B,= 0, B,= B Assuming as usual the charge of the electron to be - |e], we write the equation of motion a lel Vy : lel¥, ‘ a" £_Je|B), Lm,» : p tlelBx — oa a a and SZ mv,=0'=> z= 0 The motion is confined to the plane z= 0. Eliminating B from the first two equations, a (em _ lel¥ xttyy a\2 inb/a pe 13 In p/a or, m= [el Vinee 50, as expected, since magnetic forces do not work, 420 3.395 On the other hand, eliminating V, we also get, ad cae aim Gry -yy,) = [e]B Gx + yy) ie. @,-y,) = eld 2 + constant The constant is easily evaluated, since v is zero at p= a. Thus, ,-m)= lEl2(p?- <)> 0 At p= b, Gv, -yw,) « vb Thus, vbz “ee or, Bs ome flel¥ Pa le] or, Bs . 2mB lel The equations are as in 3.392. av, av, a B av, By, Ww En = = elt Fae Pe cos wt v, and dt with on 2, &= v, + ivy we get, He _ En ai a iZ cos wt -ia@ke or multiplying by e'™, or integrating, En ioe : ioe io or, e= wpe +2iotre'™)+Ce since =O atr=0,C= aa Em. Fa pie Thus, e- ing sinor+ isp ore Be : " Eo ee or, a 2p OF sin wr an Le 2p Sin wf + Fp Wt cos wt Integrating again, - . (sin wt - wt cos wr), “tsin ot. 20" + 20 : 3.396 3.397 3.398 421 where a= #e, and we have used x= y= 0, at t= 0. The trajectory is an unwinding spiral. We know that for a charged particle (proton) in a magnetic field, ms Bey or mv = Ber But, o- B m 1 41 Thus Em 5 mv mor. So, AE = moy’r Ar = 430 v" mr Ar On the other hand AE = 2 eV, where V is the effective acceleration voltage, across the Dees, there being two crossings per revolution. So, Ve 20° v mr Ar/e (@) From ~ Bev, or, mv= Ber 2 = Gee ms? = 12MeV and T 2n_ 2nr (0) From ae we get, (a) The total time of acceleration is, oo “2y™ where n is the number of passages of the Dees. But, or, So, * = 30s () The distance covered is, s= Dy, But, eV 2 an So, 422 3.399 3.400 Per _2vmvP ae 2eVm ev 49° v? me Thus, sw Aen = 124k 2x7, In the nth orbit, ——"= n T)= "+ We ignore the rest mass of the electron and write : v,= ¢. Also We cp= cBery. Thus, 2n Ww ee Bec’ v Bec’ The basic condition is the relativistic equation, m? my —= Bqvy, or, mv= ———=—= Bar. : vi-v/ce Or calling, O= ay m ® we get, o= 8 @ = 74 _ 0 is the radius of the instantaneous orbit. The time of ened is, Se ds ee N is the number of a of either Dee. But, W, = mpc? +24™ there being two crossings of the Dees per revolution. 2 semge” nAW, So, t= z+ 3 qBec 2g Bc’ = NWs2AW, yo 2AW oy * 4 Be 4qBc* —— a W>>1) - woe a AW a T= Woy” a ON” 2gBe N 423 Hence finally, oo “0 1422, AW y? me 4q° Bc . So of jl (aw? 4 Be? Vi +at 4mct TAW au (BAW mma c* 3.401 When the magnetic field is being set up in the solenoid, and electric field will be induced in it, this will accelerate the charged particle. If B is the rate, at which the magnetic field is increasing, then. nPB=2nrE ot ExirB 2 wil Br Thus, man 774, ve oA After the field is set up, the particle will execute a circular motion of radius p, where mv= Bqp, or p= $r 3.402 The increment in energy per revolution is e@, so the number of revolutions is, WwW N" 26 The distance traversed is, 5 = 27rN 3.403 On the one hand, Do wt Mle d , Ba ck £4 foe !B(r')dr’ di 2nr 0 On the other , p= B(ryer, r= constant. dp a s s0, an Gy BOs eB) Hence, erB(y)= nr cB> So, Bwy= ideas This equations is most easily satisfied by taking B (r9) = te B>. " 3.404 The condition, B (ro) = f= 3 ff 8 2nr dr/w 0 424 3.405 3.406 3.407 " 1 or, B(r)= = { Brar ad This gives ry. In the present case, " By-art= 5 J @- a7? rar = 3[Fo- 309) 00 341 v= or, qu 730 of % 30 The induced electric field (or eddy current field) is given by, r EQ 4 frm ware o Hence, : ae id Bn) a ag af BOY 14 .5,,80 =_- a? + dt This vanishes for r = ry by the betatron condition, where ry is the radius of the equilibrium orbit. From the betatron condition, 1d dB B 24
_ 2xrB and ee xP ae ah So, energy increment per revolution is, ed®_ 2nd dt At (a) Even in the relativistic case, we know that : p= Ber Thus, We= Ve*p*+mic* - mgc? = myc? (Vi+ Ber 7mgeY -1) (b) The distance traversed is, w w Wat 2m eo” ea a Ber’ on using the result of the previous problem.

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