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Comparison of Vape and Cigarettes

In our country, the number of active smokers in Indonesia according to Atlas

Tobbaco's research is reached 90 million people, Indonesia is ranked third of the
country with the most smokers in the world. Even as more and more medical studies
prove the negative effects of smoking on health, such as causing cancer and heart
disease, the number of smokers is still high. Then came the electric cigarette or vape,
which slowly but surely, began to shift the popularity of traditional cigarette bars. Many
people switch from regular smoking to vaping for various reasons, such as being more
practical and has a lot of flavor.

The process of how cigarettes and vape work is different. Vape uses an electric
current to convert vape liquid into steam, while cigarettes use fire to burn the cigarette
to produce smoke. Therefore, vape users must always carry a battery and recharge it.
However conventional smokers must always carry a matches.

The flavors produced from vape and cigarette are different. Vape is available in
a variety of flavors ranging from fruits to delicious cakes but cigarettes taste just
tobacco or there is additional menthol. Because vape uses liquid that can be loaded into
the device, we can adjust the amount of vape that will be consumed, while the number
of cigarettes consumed according to the length of the cigarette. The nicotine level of the
vape can be adjusted in liquid concoction, while cigarettes cannot adjust their nicotine

The similarity between vape and cigarette is the same as containing nicotine, but
the levels are different and then vape and cigarette have dangerous effect for users. So
the conclusion is that even though vape and cigarette have many differences, both of
them still contain chemicals even though the levels are different. Nicotine substances
contained in vape and cigarettes can also cause interference with the arteries. This
incident can affect the work of the heart, and increase the risk of heart disease.
Different :

1. Vape uses an electric current to convert vape liquid into steam, while cigarettes
use fire to burn the cigarette to produce smoke.

2. Vape users must always carry a battery and recharge it. However conventional
smokers must always carry a matches.

3. Vape is available in a variety of flavors ranging from fruits to delicious cakes

but cigarettes taste just tobacco or there is additional menthol.

4. The nicotine level of the vape can be adjusted in liquid concoction, while
cigarettes cannot adjust their nicotine levels.

Similarity :

1. Vape and cigarette is the same as containing nicotine

2. Vape and cigarette have dangerous effect for users

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