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Gerard O.



Human interaction to the natural environment is really complicated, many correlation and factors
could benefit both mankind and nature or be the demise for the both of them.
Mankind is interrelated to the environment since the moment there born. They make use of what
the nature provides. In the movie Baraka they show how indigenous people with different races which
different belief and custom interacted with the natural nature. They believe it is holy and sacred,
therefore must be appreciated and protected.
Throughout the whole course of mankind history, man takes advantage of nature’s provisions to
its own benefit. They drastically changed the world as we know it. They reach success by simply seizing
lands and expanding throughout an entire continent. Humans depend on their environment therefore they
need to adapt on different environments on different parts of the world. We also find ways to modify the
environment both positively and negatively. People uses different kinds of natural reserves like oil, fresh
water, lumber, rare metals, and food resources which result to deforestation for lumber and also for
agricultural purposes. We despoil the land by using tons of chain explosive to make a deep mine pits
which mostly end up destroying our environment. They also make use of land as dumping site in which
some poor people scavenge. We build factories, for food production, consumer product like tobacco and
computer hardwires etc. Which is convenient but also have drawbacks like greenhouse effect. We also
take advantage of land by building huge highways, train or subway stations, buildings and sky scrapers.
For me it is mind blowing and beautiful in a way that its show what is the essence of our natural
nature and different aspects of lives who benefit from them. It also portrays the misuse and the arrogance
of us also the reality in which we don’t see the true value of our nature. It’s finite so we must conserve
and make a good use of what nature provides because the day will come when it would run out.

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