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Child Summary Report

Dear Parents of X,
This letter is a developmental report to explain X progress in preschool this semester.
Specifically, his growth in the social and cognitive domains.
X has shown increased excitement in preschool and the provided self-selected activities.
He is usually found in the block area, or science table, usually playing with his friend Simon. He
enjoys stacking blocks high, and racing cars with other children. He has also shown interest in
riding bikes outside, and digging in the sandbox to look for dinosaur fossils. X has opened up
greatly to not only the teachers, but other students as well and can often be found socializing and
playing with other children more frequently these past few weeks in preschool.
Initially, X was quite reserved and was usually found playing exclusively with his friend
Y, without the desire to play with others. On 2/6 X would not want to go outside or any other
stations without Y. Now, X can often be found playing with P, C and other boys in the class in
the block area as they all work together to build structures and talk to each other. On 3/22, X and
Y were digging in the snow and came across a rock that they believed to be a dinosaur fossil. X
then excitedly went to find other children to see the fossil they dug up. Then, on 3/25 X and
other children were working together to dig a deep hole in the sandbox and build a volcano with
the sand.
Initially, X did not express much knowledge or interest in letters, shapes or numbers.
Now, X has become more comfortable and identified a circle, triangle, square and rectangle (and
was able to explain the difference between a square and rectangle). He is also able to write his
name and recognize it on a list. On 3/25 X was able to use blocks to create a letters in his name
to spell out X.
Overall, X has been a wonderful addition to our classroom and has made great progress
both socially and cognitively over these past few weeks. We hope to continue to see these
friendships form, and encourage play dates and other social opportunities to allow these
friendships to grow. As well as, continued practice with numbers and shapes to help prepare X
for kindergarten and future schooling.
Thanks for allowing X to learn with us.
Lab 4 Teachers

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