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4 Advanced Python Scripting

Figure 4.2: ComFft calculation object

To execute an FFT in Python, the easiest approach is to manually create the FFT Calculation
object inside the Python command object with the relevant settings pre-defined. The following
steps should then be followed to set up the results files, run the FFT and accessing the results.

4.3.1 Specifying Input and Output Results Files

The FFT calculation object requires a time domain simulation results file (ElmRes) and the FFT
calculation output is stored in another results file. These input and output results files need to
be specified. In the Python script, these can be specified by using the FFT calculation object
variables “pRes in” and “pRes out”.

For example, given the FFT calculation object “FFT Calculation”:

FFT Calculation.pRes in=EMT Calc

FFT Calculation.pRes out=FFT Results

4.3.2 Executing the FFT Calculation

To execute the FFT calculation, simply use the Execute() method of the FFT calculation object:

FFT Calculation.Execute()

Python Tutorial (DIgSILENT Technical Documentation) 28

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