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ling rules for adding affixes 9 ar cither prefixes or suffixes. 10 some spelling rulos when adding affixes adding -ed, ing, -0r, -est,-ance, -ence, -enor-y, othe final consonant in: = running, fat flatten, mud ~ muddy ftv, xand yare never doubled: flowed, taxing) oftwo or more syllables which end in consonant -consonant when the final syllable is stressed: ~ occurrence, forget - forgetting 1 which end in after one vowel in British English {in jnerican English the may not double} ve - traveller, cancel ~ cancellation double the final consonant when: 12 are two final consonants: respond ~ correspondence re are two vowels before the final consonant: issppear - disappearance stress is not on the final syllable: en - deepening the final -e: there is a consonant before it and the suffix bagins with vowel er, -ed, ing, -ance, ation, etc): sense - nonsensical, amaze ~ amazing, sane ~ sanity fe this exception: adding -able to words ending in -ce ge: noticeable, knowledgeable drop the final -e: en the suffix begins with 2 consonant: fe safety, arrange ~ arrangement, disgrace — aceful fe this exception: argue — argument tok swords which end in -y after a consonant when a suffix ith the exception of -ing) is added py happiness, try tried / tral, study — studious, ily familiar, rely - reliance ote these exceptions: drier /drily but dryness; shy ~ shyness / shyly gee to y: n adding ~ing to words which end in ~ie -Wying, die ~ dying ‘Add -es rather than -s for plural nouns or present simple verbs when the word ends in: ++ -s: bus — buses, miss — misses ch: watch — watches ‘sh: wish —wishes + 2c relax — relaxes Note: For some common nouns ending in -for -fethe plural ending is -ves: leaf— leaves, loaf —loaves, knife - knives Adding prefixes When a prefix is added (before the word), the spelling does not change, e.g. with dls., un- and ir: appoint — disappoint, satisfied dissatisfied, truthful ~ untruthful, necessary — unnecessary relevant — irrelevant

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