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A love letter for you… Mother Earth

Capraru Alexia
Clasa VII D
Scoala Gimnaziala “Mircea Eliade”
Prof. Adriana Gavrila – Palatul Copiilor Craiova

My dear Earth,
What have they done to you? What have these horrible humans done? They pollute
you…They kill your animals, your trees, your waters, everything and the worst part of it is
that they understand but don’t care. That is why they must stop, because what they don’t
know or realize is that by killing you, they’ll kill everybody.
With no trees, there will be no air, without animals, there will be no food, without
water there will be no life… No matter how much you love us, Mother Earth, your sources
are limited.
It’s true; there are some of us that still fight for you, but just a few. Yeah, we are the
ones who still appreciate what they have… what you offer. Most of the humans say that is
nothing to do, but in reality there is so much to do… love you and care for you, because
you are what we will give to our children. How many more generations will live after us?
Our parents work for money, day after day, thinking that money is enough for us.
Sure, we can buy food or water, but we can’t buy something that, one day, will be no more.
Why can’t we all appreciate what we have? Why are we so selfish? So many “why”
questions, but still no answer. And this letter… Why did I write it to you? It’s not like I’m
going to change something with a letter, but, I guess I needed to make sure that you know
you are still loved and appreciated and that your kindness and your sacrifice to keep us
with you will worth it. Remember to always have hope that your people will change for the
better. And I can promise you that I’ll be you loyal guardian and hero from now on; I’ll
defend and protect you like a knight in shining armor… That’s a promise!
Your guardian, defender, friend,

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