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Indian tea is quite a popular gift across the world.
Travelers from all corners of the world love to carry Indian
brews as gift souvenir from India. Why this is so? Indian
tea is an aromatic delicious beverage enriched with
vitamins and antioxidants. It is a perfect treat for healthy
drinkers! Do you know that black blends of India have
great craze in European countries? Not only this, they also
have high demand in Asian countries that specializes in
green tea production.

In this country, there are around 10 regions known for their

finest tea plantation. Indian beverage market offers wide
varieties of blends from different regions. Tea from every
region has a distinct color, aroma and fragrance as they
are processed in different methods. Diverse varieties of
tea available in Indian market are –

 Darjeeling Tea from West Bengal

 Assam Tea from Assam
 Nilgiri Tea
 Annamalai Tea from Tamil Nadu
 Kangra Tea from Himachal Pradesh
 Terai Tea from Dooars

Assam and Darjeeling blends are the most celebrated

teas of India.

 Assam tea is mostly known for its black blends. These

teas are highly oxidized which gives the brew a malty
flavor and dark robust color. Since Assam brews have a
strong flavor, it is also popular as “breakfast tea”. Do
you know that Assam is the largest tea producing
region across the globe? The typical tropical climate of
the place caters to the malty taste of Assam brews.
This taste is unique to Assam blends only. Due to this
distinct malty flavor people prefer this brew in the
breakfast. Assam blends rejuvenate mind and body in a
wonderful way and kick start a day in a refreshing way.
 Darjeeling blends have a specialty. They have a
muscatel fruity flavor for which Darjeeling teas are
known as “Champagne of Teas”. The black tea this hilly
region produces is less oxidized than Assam blends.
The aromatic delicate taste of this beverage entices
both novice and tea connoisseurs. Darjeeling brews are
also known for their immense health benefit, especially
green tea which is a specialty of this region. Darjeeling
produces a wide range beverages for all kinds of
drinkers – black, green, white and oolong.

The artistic packaging of Indian teas in wooden boxes

skillfully handcrafted by artisans is another reason why
they are perfect as gift souvenir. The packaging portrays
rich culture and expert craftsmanship of Indian regions.
A wooden box with quality Indian blends makes an
exquisite gift in any occasion.

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