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Comic Books in Nigeria is better than

Normal Books
Comic books in Nigeria are an indivisible piece of pop culture.
Film lovers and comic books fans like comics stories in light of
their exceptional style and dynamism. Readers of various ages
pick African comic rather than books because of their visual
attractiveness. Let us discuss why comics are better than
normal books.

A few people prefer classic books while numerous others like

comics(African comics in Nigeria). Here are a few reasons to
prove this statement::

Comic books are a blend of two expressions.

Comics are a curious blend of graphic art and literature. They

have a place more with the visual craftsmanship, however, they
likewise depend on compact content. These books are adored
by youthful readers so much since they can help envision the
accounts better while simultaneously creating proficiency

Comics can be read quicker.

The main thing about comic books is their small size. Indeed,
even a short book is typically longer than the longest comic
book; that is the reason a normal user invests less time reading
comics. Children like this more because they don’t get bored
while reading.

Comics may have several creators.

It is exceptionally hard to discover exemplary books made by at

least two writers. Comic books are usually created by at least 2
authors. An author makes a story with a spellbinding plot, while
an artist attracts the pictures to make the story additionally
engaging. Such a coordinated effort is profitable because
specialists can share thoughts and rouse one another.

The main characters of comic books are undying.

Even though exemplary writing has various classifications

including dreams, a large portion of the books is given to
normal, mortal individuals. Comics, in any case, is devoted to
various superheroes, robots, or freaks that contrast
impressively from people. Perusers like submerging into this
powerful and energizing world and meet drawing in characters.

comics are less expensive than books.

It is additionally important to recall about cash. Paper books,

even the briefest ones, are generally very costly, contrasted
with comic books that cost close to diaries. Consequently, they
can be purchased and gathered effectively even by little kids.

However, one can't deny the way that they are viewed as a
necessary piece of the advanced culture and can carry
numerous positive feelings to readers.
(Headquarters) Mulliner Towers.
39 Alfred Rewane Road, Ikoyi,
Lagos, Nigeria
+234 708 985 0720

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