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Chapter I


A robot is an engine or a machine that can perform and function automatically.

Robotics is a combination of computational intelligence and physical machines.

Computational intelligence includes the programmed order or instructions. The output

suggests robotic vehicle that has an intelligence construct in it such that it manipulates the

robot itself whenever an obstacles come in its path. This robotic vehicle is built using an

Arduino Uno. An ultrasonic sensor is used to notice any obstacle ahead of it and gives an

order to the micro-controller. Depending on the input signal received, the micro-controller

redirects the robot to move in an alternate motion by moving the motors which are interfaced

to it through a motor driver.

From its initiation in the 1950’s, modern robots have come a long way and rooted

itself as an immutable aid in the advancement of human kind. In the course of time, robots

took many forms, based on its application, and its size varied from a giant 51 feet to

microscopic level. In the course of technological development of robots, one aspect remained

instrumental to their function, and that is mobility. The term “obstacle avoidance” is now

used in modern robotics to denote the capability of robot to navigate over an unknown

environment without having any collision with surrounding objects (Duino-Robotics, 2013).

Obstacle avoidance in robots can bring more flexibility in maneuvering in varying

environments and would be much more efficient as continuous human monitoring is not

required.(Global Journal of Researches in Engineering: H Robotics & Nano-tect, 2017).

Background of the Study

According to the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), major
sudden onset natural disasters – such as earthquake, tsunamis, and storms, typically damage
infrastructure, cause injury and sometimes massive loss of life, and trap people in debris. An
immediate and safe life-saving response is needed to minimize the further loss of lives, not
only for the affected people but also for the rescuers. The context may be challenging and
extremely hazardous, as rescuers are exposed to debris and disrupted power lines.

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