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Mini mental state examination

Which day of the week is it? What is the date? The
Month? The season? The year?

(One point for each correct response)

What is the name of this building? What floor are we

On? What town are we in? What county are we in? What
Country is we in?

(One point for each correct response)

Maximum 10 points

I am going to give you a list of 3 objects to remember.
I want you to repeat them back to me and I will ask you
To repeat them again later. [Say apple, ̃penny, and table.] Repeat
the list until the patient has learned all 3 words, up to a maximum
of 3
(Score 1 point for each word learned after first repetition) ̃Spell
the word WORLD backwards. (D L R OW)

(Score 1 point for each letter in the correct place)

What were the 3 objects I asked you to remember a
few moments ago?
(Score 1 point for each object recalled)

Maximum 11 points

I am going to show you an instruction. I want you to read it and
do what it says. [Show card with CLOSE YOUR EYES written on

(Score 1 point if the instruction is

Carried out. If the patient reads the sentence aloud, prompt: ̃now
do what it says.)

Write a complete sentence on this piece of paper.

[Offer pen and piece of paper.]

(Score 1 point if the patient

Writes a meaningful sentence with a verb. Incorrect spelling and

grammar do not matter.)
̃Please make a copy of this drawing. [Show
figure/drawing from pg. 67]

(Score 1 point if the patient

draws two five-sided figures intersecting at a four-sided figure)
I am going to give you a sentence and I want you to
repeat it back to me: No ifs ands or buts.
(Score 1 point if repeated correctly)

What are the names of these objects? [Show a pen

and a wristwatch].
(Score 1 point for each object correctly named)

I am going to give you a piece of paper. When I do,

take the paper in your right hand; fold the paper in half
with both hands; and put the paper on your lap. [Offer
piece of paper.]

(Score 1 point for each of the 3 actions

Maximum 9 points


The test is scored out of a maximum of 30 points

A score of >27 is normal. A score of <25 is suggestive of a
diagnosis of dementia. Scoring may also be lowered by
depressive illness or acute confusional state.

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